Enshrouded - Ultimate Beginners Guide

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enshrouded is finally here and that means a brand new world to explore and plenty of new challenges to overcome over the next few minutes our goal is to take you from fledgling Survivor to confident Adventurer and that means understanding the basics of the game my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today I'm excited to share our ultimate beginners guide for enshrouded we all know what enshrouded is an open world Co-op survival and Adventure game but what is the actual goal what are you out there trying to accomplish like most survival games there's no right answer you're free to do what you want when you want but one thing that certainly changes the dynamic of the game are quests your Journal is a handy companion as you explore the world throughout your adventure you'll rescue a few key NPCs that provide more Quests for you to tackle in shrouded features three types of quests gold blue and gray and they're each tied to different parts of the gameplay experience gold quests revolve around activ ities within the Shroud as well as ancient spires blue quests are all tied into the various NPCs and are required to completing their crafting progression and great quests are all lore related and will bring you to various points of interest there's no one saying you have to do any of these quests again it's a survival game and the sandbox is yours to explore as you'd like but there are certainly benefits to completing quests some of those quests like we just talked about will take you to ancient spires which when complete Grant you new fast travel points within the World these are important Vantage points that give you access to most areas of the map via your glider likewise NPC quests are some of the most involved and challenging in the game but they reward you with items that expand the crafting menu of each NPC what I've come to find with our well over 30 hours with the game ahead of launch is that your experience most likely will EB and flow I was hellbent on completing Quests for a time but I eventually ran into a small progression wall at that point I took a step back did a bit of exploration Gathering upgraded my gear and spent some time leveling up I think that's the dynamic the developers are going for but keep in mind that enshrouded is a co-op game and you can group up with a total of 16 players that means 16 different ideas of what the goal of the game should be so keep an open mind go with the flow and in my opinion don't neglect those quests one of the very first things you'll be required to do in in shrouded is place down a flame alter this item gives you the ability to set down routes and build your first base in enshrouded you're bound to the flame alter's boundaries which start out relatively small but the flame alter can be upgraded and it's those upgrades that are important once you have the required materials you can expand the building zone of the flame alter this gives you more freedom to expand your base as you progress further into the game and your needs change you can also upgrade the alter's flame level this is a vital upgrade because it allows you to explore different types of shroud giving you access to new parts of the world it also slightly increases the amount of time that you can stay in the Shroud the flame alter also gives you the ability to reset your skill points there is a small cost associated with respecing but it's nothing to worry about and the flexibility to Respec is well worth it finally if you want to destroy your base you can extinguish the flame which destroys the flame alter after a short cooldown the tool tip does warn that you will lose placed items once you extinguish your flame but your entire base doesn't simply just disappear still better safe than sorry what's great about flame Alters is that they also act as fast travel points so you or your Co-op companions can establish a pretty robust Fast Travel network if you plan out your base locations no matter where you go in the world you'll no doubt have to venture into the Shroud sooner rather than later get comfortable exploring these areas early because you'll need to learn to navigate it well if you hope to take advantage of everything enshrouded has to offer the Shroud covers various parts of the game world and as soon as you enter the fog a timer will appear at the the top of your screen this alerts you to how long you can stay in the Shroud before dying if that timer hits zero you die simple as that one of the most important things you can do when exploring the Shroud is to locate the Shroud route a twisting amalgamation of the Shroud Itself by taking a felling axe to the root you can Purge the corruption at least temporarily removing the Shroud and making it easier to explore each new shroud rout that you chop down will reward you with a skill point so it's also a great way to progress your character within the shroud are also small patches of deadly shroud which if stepped on will almost instantly kill you truthfully I think this is a bit overtuned but it's something you absolutely have to watch out for depending on your flame alter's level you'll also be able to explore further into Ember Vil at some point you might run into the Shroud only to find that it's actually deadly shroud and that's because your alter isn't leveled up enough it's a simple way to force players to upgrade themselves and their base before exploring content that's higher level now when it comes to moving around Ember Vil you do have a few options for the most part you're going to be running from point A to point B that's just what it is but you do have a few handy tools as well the grappling hook can be crafted at your workbench relatively early on in the game it's required to getting out of the starting zone but depending on how long you get sucked into the early gameplay Loop that could happen within 30 minutes or 3 hours sadly the grappling hook can't be used free form it has to be fired at a grappling hook anchor which either pulls you quickly to the destination or let you swing across a gap once you've unlocked the carpenter NPC you will be able to upgrade your grappling hook as well making it more efficient the second and easily more valuable tool is the glider as the name suggests this allows you to Glide from a high elevation to a lower one and shrouded World takes full advantage of vertical design and whether it's a fast travel Tower or just a cliff you'll find yourself using a glider a lot this can also be crafted at your workbench early on in the game but you will will need shroud wood to create it simply head into the Shroud near the starting zone and chop down a few of those dead trees and you'll have all you need once equipped your glider is always with you and you can deploy it by pressing space bar again after jumping just so you're aware there's a handy little skill called updraft that even gives your glider a bit of extra utility allowing you to propel it upwards one time during flight it gives you a nice little bump to your maximum altitude allowing you to reach slightly more Out Of Reach areas I mentioned the Fast Travel system a couple times now and I do want to point those out again because they's something I think everyone should prioritize unlocking across the world you'll notice these large towers they are called ancient spires and once complete they'll allow you to fast travel back to them so long as you're not in the Shroud in order to complete an ancient Spire you need to solve the puzzles on each floor and reach the teleporter on the top you'll learn the basics of puzzles within the first Spire but essentially each floor is a combination of platforming and finding switches once you reach the top the Tower is is unlocked and you can fast travel there from that point on now that's three ways to get around the world but I did want to explain what you can expect to find out in the world Ember Vil is filled with points of interest there are tons of places to explore and part of the fun is stumbling upon them yourself but for the most part those points of interest break down into either Adventure areas or resource areas Adventure areas are places like towns mines CPS really anywhere you'll run into groups of enemies these are some of the best places to gain XP as they're crawling with bad guys and they also usually have a few treasure chests hidden throughout on the other hand you'll find resource areas where you can Farm a specific resource these do regenerate over time so you can continue to come back on a regular basis and stock up I should note that ember Vil is entirely handcrafted and the developers don't always add markers to your map when there's something interesting to explore so be sure to add your own markers so you remember where certain things are located for example I use these red bag icons to indicate a place where I can Farm resources like clay or copper I also want to point out lore items in the world they often call out treasures and hidden secrets but the map doesn't update to reflect those discoveries you actually have to put the clues together and explore for yourself no handholding here now speaking of gathering let's get into that a bit because it's a huge part of enshrouded for starters you need some tools crafting a fing axe allows you to quick chop down trees while a pickaxe allows you to mine for metals and other resources enshrouded takes full advantage of the custom holistic engine which Powers the voxal world of Ember veil with your pickaxe equipped you'll notice a targeting Circle and this is how you'll mine and manipulate the world while using the pickaxe you'll need to move the cursor over the areas you wish to mine the process is fluid and if you're someone like me that can get lost for hours Gathering and crafting then this will be your speed the rest of the Gathering is part for the course as far as Survival game are concerned you'll chop down trees using your fing Axe and pick up logs that drop on the ground while exploring you'll also want to break apart boxes and barrels which will net you some valuable materials of course you can't forget about Organics like plants while running through the world you simply need to interact with these to add them to your inventory not everything is obvious either once you reach the second Zone be on the lookout for things like strawberries and indigo which blend in almost too well with the surroundings needless to say there's almost always something to be gathered or extracted within eyesight once you have all of those items gathered it's time to put them to good use there are multiple ways to craft an in shrouded and each gives you access to different items first is field crafting most survival games have this where you can craft from anywhere in the world this is mostly to help you through the early game challenges but some items will prove to be essential long term things like lockpicks and even campfires will be with you throughout the entire game and you can craft those on the Fly once you build a workbench that that will be another way to craft as you can imagine this will give you access to an expanded list of things to craft that are all A Step Above field crafted items then there are NPCs each one has to be unlocked via a quest but each one also gives you access to an entirely new set of craftables the blacksmith lets you craft essential building items and melee focused gear the hunter lets you craft fur related items and armor as well as ranged items The Alchemist gives you the ability to craft potions and all manner of magic related items the carpenter gives you access to loads of new building options and the farmer gives you the ability to start your own Farm back at your base as you complete NPC quests you'll also have access to new workstations which usually give you the ability to refine and create new items for example the fur racks unlocked through the Hunter Quest allow you to create dried Furs which can be used for more advanced crafting recipes at the end of the day you'll need a combination of all crafting methods if you want to survive the Shroud and progress deeper into the game crafting is a means to an end and a huge part of the in shrouded experience is making sure you have the right gear to plunge deeper into the unknown of Ember Veil the game starts off relatively easy and you'll question if keeping your gear upgraded is really worth it but as you venture into the further reaches of the world that balance shifts and you'll want to make sure you have a complete set of gear and a full set of Buffs before adventuring as far as weapons are concerned at the time of making this video there are a few different types melee weapons like swords Shields axes hatchets and maces offer players a few variations on hand-to-hand combat each has a different set of simple animations that can be enhanced with a few different skills range weapons like short and long bows give players a way of dealing damage to enemies from afar again there are entire skill trees dedicated to enhancing ranged combat then there's magic weapons like wands and stabs wands Auto Target enemies and have unlimited ammunition stabs require a spell to use which comes comes in a few different varieties such as Fireballs ice bolts and healing spells the number of casts for a spell are tied to the reagent in your bag and using any kind of magic also requires Mana which can be enhanced with food Buffs potions and skills weapons are only one aspect of a complete character build and you'll want to find or craft some armor and accessories if you hope to survive the Shroud to craft armor you'll first need to unlock the various NPCs we've talked about before the blacksmith gives you options to craft durable armor that Buffs your melee capabilities the hunter gives you the option to craft stealthy armor that Buffs your range capabilities and The Alchemist gives you options to craft Enchanted armor that Buffs your magic abilities once you're pass the first set of armor each piece of new gear comes with a bonus that enhances some aspect of your combat for example the rising fighter set that you can craft at the blacksmith gives you an increase to melee damage crit chance health and health regen by comparison The Alchemist Mage set increases your magical crit chance damage multiply mana and Mana regen there's a set of armor for almost every play style and you'll need to complete those NPC quests I mentioned before if you want to expand their offering and have access to the perfect set to fit your build while you're adventuring you'll also want to keep an eye out for Rings these drop off of enemies or can be found in treasure chests and they provide a substantial bonus on top of your armor you can have two rings equip at any one time Buffs are another essential system within the game in fact in treats the survival mechanics of hunger and thirst differently than most other survival games out there food provides various Buffs that last over an extended period of time cooking your food over a campfire not only increases the Buff's Effectiveness but also its duration some food like raw meat has to be cooked over a fire first or you'll end up getting debuffed what three food items you choose to eat really depends on your play style for example eating hazelnuts which increases your strength by three makes no sense if you're primarily an AR arure likewise you'll want to make sure you always have a rested buff which lasts for around 10 minutes so long as you're sheltered warm and comfortable something achieved by adding Furniture to your base you will get the full rested buff which increases your maximum stamina and stamina regeneration I can't tell you how important this is especially in the early game stamina will be your greatest Nemesis in enshrouded and you should do everything you can to buff it finally there are potions which are consumables that either restore Health Mana or provide you with a temporary buff these can be found out in the world or created at The Alchemist once he's unlocked potions like the Shroud survival flask give you an additional 2 minutes in the Shroud and last for 45 minutes other potions like wisp of the light provides you with a temporary light source that floats around you for 5 minutes truthfully this is one of my favorite potions as ens shrouded at night is dark like rust level dark when everything works together and you're walking out the door to go Adventure you'll have a full set of armor and accessories a combination of weapons three food Buffs a rested buff and some potions that help you adjust to whatever the world throws your away to round out our ultimate beginner guide let's talk about combat in shrouded systems are all relatively simple but it's critical you get a grasp on them early on so you know how to counter the onslaught of enemies you'll no doubt face with a melee weapon equipped you can attack with your left Mouse button or block by holding right Mouse button if you block right as an attack is coming in you'll Parry the blow and deal stun damage to the enemy which you'll see under the enemy's health bar if you fill up the stun bar either by parrying or attacking the enemy while they're blocking they'll become overpowered and stunned for a few seconds there are skills like merciless attack that allow you to take full advantage of these systems but it all depends on how you build out your character ranged combat is likewise straightforward by choosing either a bow or staff and assigning it to your range slot you can have access to that that weapon with just one button press while your melee weapon is equipped you can hold q and this will quickly pull out your ranged weapon giving you instant access to its functionality you can also swap to the weapon like you would any other Survival Game by using your toolbar bows require ammunition which can be found or crafted and can be fired with or without aiming down the site depending on your preference there's even a talent called Eagle ey that further increases your Zoom distance when aiming down the site bows are also a weapon that can crit based on where you attack an enemy so if you're accurate and prone to land headshot after headshot this might be a good weapon for you stabs are the other equipped range weapon and they require a magical spell to use you can craft these or find them in treasure chests but you can also unlock Eternal spells from completing quests that give you access to the ability without requiring a reagent however all spells do require Mana to use finally there are wands which are standard weapons much like that of a sword or axe they don't require any ammun amunition spells or mana and they Auto Target enemies which makes them relatively easy to wield the only drawback to wands is that they don't deal as much damage as other weapons but they do allow you to easily kite enemies around truthfully you're going to want a combination of weapons either melee and range or melee in Magic depending on if you're playing Solo or with a group is also going to influence your combat preference all things to consider when you're checking out the game for the very first time now whatever you do make sure you get these next things right and to make sure you do that we made this video outlining a bunch more essential tips and tricks for your adventure at this point you are ready to go and you know everything about enshrouded at a base level to be dangerous if you found these tips helpful make sure to hit that like And subscribe Button as it really does go a long way to helping out the channel my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play on [Music] I
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 125,804
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, enshrouded, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded guide 2024, enshrouded early access, enshrouded early access guide, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded game 2024, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay tips, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded pc, enshrouded building, enshrouded gameplay guide, enshrouded game guide, enshrouded release date, enshrouded guide, enshrouded trailer
Id: I59erLvrPNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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