Gameplay UPDATES and NERFS in Enshrouded

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Welcome back to another Enshrouded video. We've  got the first big patch release for Enshrouded   that brings you a long list of fixes, gameplay  changes and performance improvements, not to   mention the rake is now finally craftable, respawn  timers have been cut by 75%, but did they touch the   godly acid bite? Today we are taking a look at all  of these changes in Enshrouded's first big patch. Up until   now they put out a number of hot fixes to resolve  multiple important issues but in terms of gameplay   changes this is where it all starts to happen.  Do note though this patch isn't introducing new   content yet but that is still yet to come and  they are planning on putting out a roadmap for   Enshrouded at some point in the next few weeks.  So let's take a look at what's changed. As always   Flameborn make sure to subscribe to keep up with  all the latest Enshrouded news. So the developers   actually highlighted some of the items that they  feel are particularly important for players so I'm   going to cover those first before looking at what  else has changed. First up is the respawn timer for   content in the game world which has been lowered  to 30 minutes. This was previously set to 2 hours   this is a pretty big change in the game. This is  mainly going to benefit Co-op players on servers   rather than single player, the reason this was  reduced was because when playing with a group of   friends looting chests, beating bosses Etc. the  rewards are taken by one player and if they can   they might share the loot, but when it comes to  weapons or anything where you only get one as a   reward it's one item for the whole group, meaning  players would have to wait 2 hours for them to   respawn or go through the lengths of restarting  the server to get the rewards themselves. But the   reset still only occurs while no player is in  the direct vicinity of the part of the world that   needs resetting, this means you need to stay away  from that part of the map for those 30 minutes.   I believe if you go back there within 30 minutes  then that timer restarts to 30 minutes again. The   recipe for the rake is now finally fixed, anyone  that experienced their recipe disappear from the   workbench should now find it listed in there again.  A very important fix meaning players can now craft   the scrappy rake as well and go about flattening  their land in their building adventures. It does   mean that the server that was set up dedicated  for freely handing out rakes is likely to be   of no more use. They've lowered the cost for tin  bars to align them better with similar recipes   like iron and copper. It now cost you 15 tin ore to  get three tin bars as before it would take 20 tin   ore to get one measly bar. So they've decreased  the number of tin ore required but also   increase the bars gained. This means you now just  need 15 tin ore to make enough bars to make 10   bronze bars, definitely a big Improvement on before.  There's been some performance improvements some   of these relating specifically to AMD GPUs and  some crashes have been resolved. Of course how   improved these actually are will be a matter  of playing and seeing how much it's improved   but the instances where a too low resolution  of texture was used on objects in the world   should be pretty noticeable hopefully. I've often  found some strange coloring and blackness appear   on certain structures particularly as they come  into focus when I'm gliding, I'm not sure if this   is touching upon that but there's only one way  to find out, but every little bit of improvement   does help. So the game world changes and fixes  include the Cinder Vault door entry blocking players   is now resolved, this was an issue right  at the start of a new game which impacted some   players, not all, being able to get through the door.  They've improved the visibility of amber nodes and   added a few new locations in the game where amber  can be found, you can see here this is what they   look like now after the Patch they are much more  prominent on the side of the rock sticking right   out in front of you much better than it was and  easier to spot than it was before. I don't know   yet where the new locations are but I'm sure  there will be videos pop up on YouTube showing   you the new locations, but this specific location  is just east of Revelwood Spire you can see it   right now on the map that's where it's located.  Some points of interests and areas of the map   have been polished and fixed, now what this means  for any areas where people have built structures   I guess there's always a possibility things might  change but hopefully if it does it's not too much   and structures should remain anyway, considering  you can make floating structures. Also I can   confirm that although ground fog visuals have  supposedly been improved you're still probably   going to be getting fog inside your base like I  have, although it's more of an aesthetic issue it   is pretty annoying. Gameplay changes, there's  a few here that may not please some players   and there's also some that aren't here that might  surprise you. Firstly acid bite does not appear to   have been nerfed at all, no matter what you say it  genuinely is overpowered considering you can use   eternal acid bite to one hit the Wisp Wyvern boss or  use the regular acid bite to two hit him, surely a   boss isn't meant to be defeated as simply as that.  And although I've seen a lot of people comment on   it in the Enshrouded Discord the developers  don't appear to have touched on it and I'm   pretty surprised that they haven't considering so  many people have referred to it. They did however   say they've reduced the damage from some poison  attacks especially the poison attack from the   scavenger matron that causes too much damage. From  what I've heard and seen this isn't replicated   with the acid bite it's more of a enemy nerf than  a player one even though the poison is basically   acid bite itself. They've brought forward the  second tier advanced glider so it can be crafted   earlier in the game, I'm not sure at what stage  this is now available. Upgrading equipment will   now take runes from magical storage chests, I  don't know about you but my storage boxes are a   complete mess I haven't organized them at all so I  don't know what's in what box and the thing about   magical storage boxes is only the NPCs will detect  what is in them. If you use the individual crafting   station such as the smelter or the kiln you still  need to have the ingredients in your inventory   but this is likely due to the fact that a lot of  those sort of structures are autocrafting as soon   as you put the ingredients into the structure. Now  there's been a bug fix or nerf, whichever way you   want to look at it, in regards to sprint jumping  and chain long sprint jumps. This is something   that I actually didn't really know much about  myself but some people are a little disappointed   that it's been nerfed but I guess it wasn't meant  to be, and that is that players could seamlessly   chain long sprint jumps and therefore traverse  the map faster than intended. Now it is required   to take a short run up for every long sprint jump.  So I don't know how players feel about that but   there has been a bit of a mix on people's thoughts  around that. I don't know about you but have you   ever been in a position where you've got a hook  anchor behind you without knowing and pressing   E pulling you towards it? Well that's being fixed,  no longer will you suddenly and unexpectedly get   pulled backwards. They've made changes to some  skills notably the water aura skill which has   been reduced I believe by 50%. It's still pretty  effective but no longer as much as before. Previously   it was so overpowered that you ended up getting  healed quicker than you got damaged, a lot of   people have been talking about this particular  change since the patch came out some were hoping   that it wouldn't get touched like the acid bite  didn't, but it's still a pretty effective skill   to have. Then there's some more random gameplay  fixes in the list just a few things here and   there I won't go through every single one because  it would just literally be me just reading out   the lines. And lastly there were some building,  terraforming and UI fixes but nothing really   big to report on just some little things again  here and there, but overall a pretty big patch for   Enshrouded and its first big patch outside of hot  fixes. But now I've got to get back to renovating   the Rattlebleak town where I'm setting up my  base and restoring all of the structures that   are there, it's a huge project something that's  going to keep me busy for a long time. Thanks for   watching Flameborn and don't forget to subscribe  to keep up with all the latest Enshrouded news.
Channel: GP
Views: 68,436
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Keywords: Enshrouded, enshrouded update, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded wispwyvern, enshrouded wisp wyvern, enshrouded matron, enshrouded acid bite, enshrouded mage, mage, archer, melee, warrior, enshrouded, enshrouded roadmap, enshrouded review, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips, enshrouded multiplayer, enshrouded ps5, enshrouded xbox, PS5, Xbox series s, xbox series x, gp ark, enshrouded boss fight, terraforming, enshrouded terraforming, enshrouded rake, palworld, ark
Id: zq46g8ZfZ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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