So I Tried Enshrouded..

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so we're going to go ahead and play this game uh I I got a lot of people talking about this game I feel like this game kind of has like a you know it's it's like an uphill battle right because like it's kind of a same game in a way as po world it's obviously a lot different but it has some of the same similarities and so I'm like ah you know it kind of sucks you know whenever you bring out a game and you know there's another really big game it's kind of what happened with like Dragons Dogma Dragons Dogma 1 whenever Skyrim came out cuz it came out like r at the same time so I want to play this game and like really kind of uh give it a little a little bit of a of a try and see see what it's like create character okay uh preset so we got standard white guy white girl black guy black girl Asian guy Asian girl okay I I think I'll probably be a white guy I'm going to really kind of try to change things up today okay and uh hair let's see what hair we've got scroll down uh I don't think there is a scroll oh there [Music] is okay so you got old white guy oh okay okay all right why' she lose her hair oh damn I feel like neither of these really matter we're just going to stick with this and move forward okay yeah this is decent right maybe he's too pale no I think I like this one better okay and for hair we've got obviously bald tied back killmonger um almost kind of like wake but not really um Samurai what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this well that's almost cool all right the traditional oh wow it looks like [ __ ] garbage okay no I don't have that oh that one's okay we might go with this that's for girls no no nope bro it looks like a [ __ ] like a a like a like a Wall Street Banker from the 8S uh no I don't like that one this one's okay no Hedgehog yeah no n no no no I I don't think so okay Jesus what the the hell is this all right so let's go ahead and we're going to go with I'm thinking we just go with something pretty simple I think we just go with like this no no I don't like this what about this uh I kind of had hair like this when I was like 20 I had a lot more hair then right when I was 20 versus [ __ ] 33 um so yeah I think we're just going to stick with this this seems fine with me no we're not doing bald next hair color okay I really got a lot of decisions here okay that's I guess good enough beard okay all right here we go this is important okay I'm probably just going to go with that to be honest I mean this this looks pretty accurate right okay Amish schlatt divorce dad lead singer of disturbed Civil War General uh Satanist Temple preacher confederate Civil War Lieutenant escanor Colonel Sanders the devil homeless man homeless man after 2 weeks okay we're going to go with this one all right what's the color for the beard I think this is actually pretty accurate yeah this is good cuz I have kind of a uh a lighter beard yeah this is good enough that's how it's going to be next year if I keep getting Twitter threads about myself actually probably more like this name uh character one I think we're just call him Asma gold all righty and let's create our character in the world of enshrouded oh long ago a wonderer brought an enthralling gift to the people of Ember Veil what was it the Elixir it was a cure a blessing a weapon okay once concealed by the Ancients its might had been set free with it came power mistrust and a longing for more like Dark Souls Humanity dug The Elixir Wells ripping apart the land and each other to quench their thirst so it's like oil Elixir and blood a drop for a drop they just kill each other over oil bro like where's the bombs from the depths of the wells an unforeseen curse crept into Ember Veil global warming the shroud a ruinous fog which sought only to spread and devour damn facing their downfall ancients and humans United to forge The Flame born is that me now your time has come awake I'm The Flame born cool oh [ __ ] I'm in the game Okay so we've got our traditional stamina bar right here space bar is Jump we have roll as control and we have shift as a go fast thing and we have our basic attacks our attacks actually don't consume stamina okay Cinder Vault commune with the flame you've slumbered for too long Flint born the realm of Ember Vil has fallen consumed by the Shroud now the urning flame calls for you find a place in the ruined world and construct a flame altar to create Shelter From the dark okay oh oh oh wow oh wow oh wow look at this damn this is really cool I like that a vast New World awaits oh okay this a big ass [ __ ] map holy [ __ ] it's still going Jesus okay and navigate your map okay wow what's this Reed Bal is that's a dread [Music] Lord okay so what if I run not of stamina do I just are there two stamina bars how does this work let me just see what this is and then I'm fully out of stamina and then it has to recharge can I climb it looks like I can't a chest oh oh wow this is a chest holy [ __ ] torch and bandage oh [ __ ] yeah I didn't even see that can I dual wield torches probably not right oh wow that's cool it lights everything up oh let's go in the way that they don't want us to go in using a terraforming tool or explosives to forge a pat through Rubble explosive powder balls can be thrown explosive barrels are detonated at range okay four throw boom [ __ ] okay so I can loot all those five oh that's that's really cool I like that hatchet oh that's a good one okay so what happens if I do four okay damn bro he's [ __ ] mad wait I got a shield oh I got wood logs that's cool so can I break this okay oh it's so it's damaging the uh you see it's damaging the the axe no surprise there ooh this place is like enshrouded or something it's like Elden ring with the guy with the Archer flame allows you to resist the shroud but if you linger you'll poish escape the Shroud to replenish your maximum time okay in shrouded press tab to Lo onto your foes dumb [ __ ] Q is the targeting button that's just the way it is okay good give me that loot [ __ ] okay and now I'm no longer in the Shroud that makes sense because the shroud's no longer around me that Mak yeah makes a lot of sense okay and uh jump is going to be control and roll is going to be space where's space uh it's because I do that in Dark Souls so I have every game the same that way like I I just muscle memory always always roll with space if you fall you will rise at your last return bacon I got bacon today it was good okay this is nice this looks really nice reach the plains long keep level up oh wow so this game has levels I got skill point wait this game has skill points okay how do I activate SK skill points Journal character [Music] skills [Music] okay all right Barbarian Beast Master what do you guys think a jump attack oh I know about this and I can get double jump that looks really cool this is for tanking H shell coock I I think I probably should go with like archery is probably better but we're not going to do that we're going to go for jump attacks okay so we already put our point in uh there it is 10 x damage that's insane I should get that what the [ __ ] 10x what if this this is like a 10 oh he knows it's me okay okay so the goat is dead and now I have two animal fur Okay let's cut down a tree okay so what happens if I use a a sword four okay so the hatchet should be used for a tree I think that makes sense okay um this is a big log situation look at all those logs I'm getting okay what's over here oh it's my house okay [ __ ] bright uh can I loot this stuff I guess not okay I can't use anything over here just bust that [ __ ] the [ __ ] up bro like you think I give a [ __ ] all righty and let's go over to where this shrouded area is what's over here is a quest water is a great source of Vitality not as good as Dr Pepper but yeah sure okay so now I'm in shrouded again this seems like a stupid mechanic ooh ooh bro what is this a spawner no it wasn't okay um torn cloth and runes okay awesome healing potion well I want that what about this rabbit can I kill it that's what you get [ __ ] so there's not an animation for skinning you just [ __ ] scan them what about the B Nest okay you can get wax from bees oh let's go over this way there's like some red [ __ ] over here plant fiber roof what's that dog running around for it's about to get [ __ ] up or wait wait what so it looks like you have like a triple combo type thing um okay let's get some more wax from the bees I really like the mechanic in valheim where you can loot the beess and then make them yourselves with the beehives I find that to be way cooler than uh than this just getting wax but that's okay what's blueberries purple berries they're not blue they're purple berries they're like blueberries but they're purple okay so what's over here what do you want [ __ ] so yeah your your last attack in a combo does make you do more damage I think it's also dumb that like the take all button isn't the same as the loot button oh wow oh this is really cool and change it can I I'll change it in a minute I didn't know that thanks okay what a [ __ ] sucker man oh so it ticks you down faster see that's cool I got some I got a bundle of sticks okay uh let's go out of here and we'll look around I can shove them up your ass is that it is that what I do okay let's see what we got up here oh yeah the take all let me see if I can rebind that like you said so it should be F right it looks like there's no way to do that so I guess I'm going to change my contextual action button to F instead and and that way it it'll function the same way read man balazar is really writing up a whole [ __ ] book huh damn I'm just glad they they made that covid vaccine or this this would have been us man we're so lucky that's covid 20 down there okay more bandages can I climb what happens if I just throw a bomb at a wall what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I can make a [ __ ] cave oh that's [ __ ] bad ass holy [ __ ] oh wow dude I've always wanted the game like this that you you could do terraforming in people said you were able to do it and I thought it's like yeah yeah sure right you can just like do terraform in like where you know like special places you do wherever the [ __ ] you want that's nuts okay so I guess what we're going to do we need yeah we need more bombs exactly okay so right now we're not going to build a base there because uh we're not and we are going to build a base however over in this open area the area that literally has an icon that probably says build the [ __ ] base idiot okay so B for build no it's B for backpack okay um I'm not going to read that anyway uh Stone okay so I need to get stone this is probably not the best way to do stone but you know it is what it is we'll make a pickaxe whenever we can all right so uh V for crafting and then a flame alter uh space Oh okay so I craft it and then I put it down five okay so oh oh oh I see I see okay so we're going to put it right down here all right commun with the flame you're not alone there are other survivors dowsing in ancient vaults find them so they may Aid your journey go gently one beckons nearby just outside of the shroud's grasp okay extend its building range I need a shroud core strengthen the flame I'm not going to read that reset skill points I don't want to do that remove your flame alter okay so this is like basically a protected building spot so now we want to make a construction Hammer let's craft that right now and then we'll also make a campfire and then we'll make a um okay so I'm not ready for that yet uh how do I make a workbench again let me go ahead and double check uh workbench uh string okay so how do I make string I need plant fiber three out of three does this create one this creates one okay so I need more plant fiber I wonder where you get plant fiber from my hypothesis was correct you in fact get plant fiber from Plants okay so we'll go ahead and make two more of these wait oh I didn't get enough game looks pretty nice at night I I actually really kind of like this the colors are uh they create like a mysterious Vibe this is nice and there's like different colors for different areas I'm going to move forward towards the edge hopefully not falling off on the way over um oh wow okay we're good I was worried for a second there yeah I really like the the world design here I think this looks really amazing like obviously this looks like an advertisement for an MMO that comes out in 2001 but um I I actually don't really care about that because it has like a really good vibe to it and I think that a game that kind of this is the same as I mean I think like breath of the wild kind of really was like one of the main games that people credit with starting this kind of but um you know like whenever you first come into the game like you can see a lot of the like objectives that you have in front of you right so like you see uh you know this like Tower it's like oh what's in there like what's in that big castle whenever I came out from the first area uh like yeah new world did this a little bit sponsored no this isn't sponsored uh they can pay me retroactively though that would be nice I mean I just got canceled on Twitter so you know I'm going to need the money right okay so we got all this done and now we'll make a little bit more string craft craft okay a workbench there we go and now how do we actually apply this no okay I delete maybe I put it right here okay so five oh that's kind of weird Okay um can I put it on top of this no I can't I'm just going to put it right here okay so craft and repair oh pickup is the same as craft okay give me a second let me go ahead and rebind that um where's f cycle loed on target just click don't hold I I understand I understand thank you okay uh rough Stone block essential construction Hammer survival storage tiny chest we're going to need one of those a glider okay and a grappling hook and a firefly lamp okay and so these are all the things that I can make I've already made a construction Hammer okay so what's what happens if I if I equip the construction Hammer okay five tab enter building mode select the shape oh my God look at all this stuff okay um to okay so that's like a wall or some [ __ ] alt is more shapes holy [ __ ] okay so and then can I go down how does this work change oh it's scoll okay so this is a bigger foundation and why can't I do this missing materials craft blocks okay so I need blocks all right let's go ahead and do that all right rough wood block rough Stone block okay I guess we should do stone okay and then if I go back to this okay I see so if it's if it's 128 cuz 256 is half of 128 so I can actually build halves and it costs half the resources that's pretty nice okay um well I guess let's get more rocks I feel like that's the next thing that we should really focus on right guys uh let's get a pickaxe Okay so we've got that and let me go ahead and equip that right okay um pickaxe I'll actually put this here for one axes is two this is three and I'll do this okay that should be fine for now and what's Crouch is it C okay what oh my God this is [ __ ] crazy so I can just build how deep does this go to China huh wait am I oh my God I'm actually making a house in the ground what the [ __ ] that's crazy is this a fire tree or is this just an efflorescence from yeah okay never mind that's CRA dude that's awesome I love that oops okay um let me go back to building mode oh yeah yeah yeah that's right um all right stone blocks I'm going to build an area up here for now and then I'll build the larger scale uh lower area later I'm not going to worry about it right now okay so I'll actually build it one more around okay yeah I think that's a pretty nice area what do you guys think and then we'll also let's get some wood and we'll make wood walls it's hard to see exactly like where where these things are so far um the idea of being able to terraform in the game that seems to be kind of like I feel like it seems pretty expansive I I really kind of like that I think that's really cool that's probably the coolest thing that I've seen so far just bust the [ __ ] out that [ __ ] it's like Minecraft yeah yeah I I like that about game right because it's just like it's a cool idea and I wish more games used it you played V Rising yeah I did I didn't like the camera I'm not saying it's like a bad game I I think it's a great game I think V Rising is amazing but um to be honest I I like valheim more I like the aesthetic of alheim more and I don't like isometric games like that like it's not like I won't play a game because of it and like that's why I played V Rising but just in a general sense I do prefer games that don't have that okay so we have our area here and we'll go ahead and go back to oh right um oops I hit the wrong button okay cool and so let's go ahead and look and see what I need to make now more shapes okay so we need walls and then okay so two okay oh I need to build the wood wood blocks okay and then I can change with control whe whether it's going to be wood or stone okay well let's go ahead and build this wall then this seems pretty intuitive so far I like this how do I rotate it r where the doors at all this the roofs why oh cuz I I don't got no materials okay craft roof block wait I got roof blocks a roof block a plant fiber Roof oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] we don't have a roof okay so next thing we need to figure out is how to make a bed right do we make a bed here we do okay so bed we need plant fibers and strings okay let's go get that um what's the best way to even get that okay so I don't even have to destroy it I just click on it the bushes yeah this looks like a bad version of Po World um I think a lot of people are going to think that about a lot of survival games since power worlds come out uh I don't think it's a bad game though uh so far it's been pretty good I wonder what this is what happens if I mine this is this oil Flint stone okay does this work like valheim I think it does yeah okay I love the building you can open so many ideas yeah yeah I really think that's cool too my stamina is uh my stamina consumption is kind of it's kind of annoying to deal with stamina I feel like games that uh that require you to use stamina to gather I've never found that that improved my experience in the game like what do you guys think drink water good joke oops wait why is three make me do that okay uh craft all right so let's make our bed okay so strings we need three [Music] strings where's strings again there it is okay where the beds at oh workbench okay that's done crude mattress oh I have one of those so do I put this all right okay good and next thing I want to make is oh I have a door I can make a door okay um wooden double door wooden door crude wooden door oh metal scraps I don't have that yet okay so I guess what I need to do is I need to get more of the plant fiber looks like I need a lot of plant fiber dble door no no we just need a single door is this really where I think it is damn bro like this these bees don't [ __ ] around holy [ __ ] all right bro like we're not going to [ __ ] with these bees nest like I feel like there's too many bees in the bees nest is messing it's messing my [ __ ] up I wonder how I get my health back so is this more Flintstone yeah is Rubble okay okay so I can mine a tree that's good I was hoping I'd be able to do that okay game seemed Garbo to me you think so wood logs how do I make a log okay let's make three more string okay so now we have a chest piece how do I equip this is it c i for inventory character chest piece equipped okay good and all attributes oh my God what's all this is you said this game is better than wow really okay um it's 900% sweet sneak attack yeah it's a lot of damage right I'm just trying to look around and see what else we have here tables fire places chairs com plus one Comfort does comfort work the same way it does in valheim wood logs yes okay um how do I create a wood log oh oh so I I okay so they're not like refined okay it's also weird that mining requires stamina but logging doesn't it does make an axe Oh I thought a hatchet was functioning as an axe okay never mind it it looks like I'm wrong okay let me go make that right now okay so manual crafting axxe okay so I need one string axe is crafted okay good all right let's go try this axe out right there it is okay let's try it out 18 oh wow bro this guy's a [ __ ] machine holy go what's this resin oh wow nice well I don't understand I only got one set of wood logs out of that but whenever I killed the other one I got three sets of wood logs you got six yeah but let's go back to this one here this seems like a larger tree so this is hard to really say okay so I got six logs six logs and six logs right okay let's use this against the really big tree I'm a [ __ ] machine okay we got one 2 3 okay great so maybe it was just the size of the tree this faster bro this guy's a [ __ ] machine oh my God yeah yeah that's that's the reason I thought that okay I understand now drink water for more stamina uh okay where 8 oh right okay maximum 110% so that that's the most it goes okay food type already active and so you see there's one thing there so it functions like food and valheim is that right yes okay I feel like a lot of these things need string okay let's craft this door okay all right that worked pretty well okay nice alt for hot bars yeah okay so I'm rested stamina regeneration and the next thing I really need to do I feel like I just need to get more of this like fiber I feel like fiber is a very big uh limiting factor here damn a roof yeah yeah well I need fiber uh to make the roof because I think you're right shoot down beehives I'm not sure if I really should go after those two much more I don't know how to get health back yet either what happens if I eat a red mushroom uh inventory okay four okay so I just gained food buff and then if I eat honey I have three Buffs [Music] now I'm not seeing any health regen berries give you health regen okay oh ho up ho up ho up we on that Thug [ __ ] bro you think I'm going to [ __ ] around with a dog okay let's loot the rest of these Harvest berries replenish your health over time yes sure okay pet the dog I petted him with my sword can you shoot with a bow in this game yeah I'll make a bow and arrow in a minute okay [ __ ] okay so now what do I need to [Music] do Shield so oh yeah bow okay so how how do I make do I have to make arrows oh wooden Arrow yeah okay we've got enough of those and then we need ru roof blocks okay well let's go ahead and see if we can make a roof now [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] this looks Fu this is already looking really good this is looking really good guys yep fck at Scrolls 2x yeah yeah it's fine um okay so I guess what I need is I just need more plant fiber okay well let's just go and get plant fiber more of it I thought I had enough I was wrong good for farm animals yeah I don't know how to get more plant fiber but I feel like it's going to be a pretty actually it probably won't be a limiting variable oh let's try out the bow [ __ ] wait I missed 78 holy [ __ ] damn bro this oh [ __ ] is good where's the slaves at yeah I know but bro that game's got me uh it it it's got me spoiled okay right watch watch watch watch watch Chris Carl what's up [ __ ] oh I missed damn why are they so [ __ ] fast [ __ ] the [ __ ] the dick sucker come on [ __ ] come on man got him I knew I'd get him okay um brailin bridge I guess I don't want to go down there it's probably a really bad time 20 arrows later it's okay it's just the game it's the game's fault okay it's about hitting those sneak attacks man so why does it have a circle over him why did I hit a sneak attack on the first one but now I haven't hit any other sneak attacks even though that animal seems like it didn't notice me I'm not sure if I understand that yet I have to crouch in order to do a sneak attack never played Elder Scrolls no it's stupid logic you can only be sneaking if you're crouching what if you're standing but you're not moving okay um so now oh I see look my health is going up Okay cool so we've got that sheltered sitting and sleeping okay so we made a lot of this roof [ __ ] this is a big roof situation okay so um got you [ __ ] uh uh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh seven there two oh I am the Roof Master how do I get rid of this [ __ ] thing that was pretty painless actually I mean mean all things considered okay oh I'm resting okay well let's go this way then let's see what this objective is I have to crouch in order to do a sneak attack but I don't feel like I was crouching the first time well let's just go over there anyway isn't this game like worse valheim I don't know yet that's why I want to try it out and figure it out for myself okay um I'm going to go this way then the map looks huge yeah is this on Game Pass I really couldn't tell you uh I just saw it was on Steam and I bought it it's not I mean the game just came out and it doesn't really have like much of an audience yet and so if the game is going to go on Game Pass it'll probably take some time realistically you know so what happens if I want to terraform like right here like let's say like I don't like the fact that I have to go all the way around can I literally just dig no way right I can actually just dig my way up is this just going to work I'm going to come in it's going to be China up here watch a whole different area oh [ __ ] we're breaking through oh wow the light I See the Light yeah true what the [ __ ] oh my God I actually did it that's so cool what three level three holy [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is that who the [ __ ] just shot me riveting gaml needs more cowbell okay um so my inventory is seemingly full and we're going to throw away Rubble delete oh that's annoying I have to type move over there okay um loot lock dick is this an exploding Barrel whenever I think back like I should have just shot it with a bow and arrow like it's kind of crazy because I literally could have just shot it with a bow and arrow would have been fine okay so let me go back and get my rested bonus and so now I lost some items in my inventory but not all items in my inventory make a chest oh yeah true oh I see so this isn't that type of building thing storage okay I don't have that oh cuz I lost the other resources okay let's go this way then we'll get our stuff back that's a lot of damage 200 plus can use this Tech in the future yeah yeah no doubt avoid barrels yeah big surprise a red Barrel in a video game blows up this is my first video game guys okay uh five I guess no want to that four three what does this do oh it's probably for a o Oops I did not mean to do that oh I have food poisoning oh that's bad um well this is really cool though I like this okay so and now I go back here and I just take all okay great so now what happens if I shoot this oh wow the might of minil that's [ __ ] cool look at that oh [ __ ] bro I'm about to [ __ ] some people up with this damn I can loot all these logs bro like it's just you needan to just oh oh oh are these bombs oh these are bombs so there I want to get rid of so what happens if I just use the campfire right here what happens if I hold in there too long oh oh you already learned that yeah with the with the [ __ ] Barrel right that's cool all right what about a mushroom grilled red mush why the [ __ ] you trying to grill a mushroom that's kind of cool I like that that's nice that's real nice okay so let me try and and and look at this whole uh sneak attack situation so that did 80 80 damage 25 damage what about down here 25 critical effective okay so it's looking like you you do so look at this right oh it's a guy from Elden ring [ __ ] I no scoped him okay what about that guy up there so I don't understand the way sneak attacks work I'mma beat the [ __ ] at him with this Hammer actually might just hit him with this Crouch for melee only I guess lock on okay yeah let me see if I can lock on and shoot okay so what if I aim myself it does the same amount of damage but I can also get head shot so you're trading off basically the ability to get head shot for the fact that you're going to hit a that you're going to hit the hit the NPC okay that's that's a decent trade-off I guess okay what happens if I just go up and hit this guy with the hammer damn bro like he's getting [ __ ] bro he's getting Omega [ __ ] I'm going to zoom my character out a bit that makes it a little bit better hold Z and scroll wow wow wow wow wow wowe okay this is like a whole new game this is really nice I want to go down in there I want to see what happens if I go down oh look at this place fall damage yes Dam damn so they just straight stole this [ __ ] from valheim okay great that means I already know how it works what's in here bro wasn't here oh is this what I think it is bunch of [ __ ] Flintstone I thought I thought this was like iron or some [ __ ] requires a lock pick all right let's use the Lockpick this is [ __ ] bro this a bomb good idea where's the bombs you didn't loot him [ __ ] okay we got to think about how we're going to get inside this house okay we can dig underneath it but like if we do that then we have to deal with the uh with the stone uh the stone ground let me try and hit this for like one like 30 I'm going try and hit this 30 seconds like am I anywhere a the door oh yeah it's Goa ooh you're not hitting the door I'm hitting something what if I hit the door itself n no no it turns it jump on the roof that's a good idea won't I be locked inside the house cuz I don't have the lockpick though I guess let's find out ooh ouch crack wand okay all right dismantle okay so let's throw some stuff away I wonder if I can get a bigger inventory hopefully I can I'm just going to come back and sickness and I give a [ __ ] so I would have been locked out okay but there's a lockpick right here I'm pretty sure it's a lockpick I don't need two torches okay good I guess that's wood that's cool no mini game this D's really [ __ ] this guy is really [ __ ] me man DN I don't think he's going to go that fast Jesus he's going to kill me bro where's the uh where's the berries I kind of choke there to be honest explosive Pokeball okay um I guess I'm going to eat number two here oh yeah that's right they're pal spheres now you're right hello are we good bro so I can't I can't stagger him okay damn I didn't realize he was so close certain backs are drops when you Parish return here to retrieve them okay okay so how do I make a uh oh I need to figure out how to make the that that building there storage I need twigs and string oh [ __ ] that's those the items that I had sleep to skip night yeah I I mean I don't really know what I'm doing right I mean I'm just just playing the game and trying to learn it okay let's go back over there and uh we'll go kill that guy the wand you got's really good I'm not a wizard I don't understand how sneak attacks in this game work it doesn't make sense to me Crouch that's not the way I think it works Crouch and shoot I don't I I don't think so because the first attack I did was a sneak attack because it did 78 damage and I didn't Crouch with that attack but now people are saying I do need to crouch which which doesn't that doesn't make sense to me oh what's in here oh it's a big logs all right good careful with the shipment ooh now we can go get those bombs too there a big berry situation let's go what [ __ ] can I outrun this these are annoying so if I press eight okay so it works the same way that valheim works generally that meat gives you more health and other things give you more things besides Health whether it's stamina or Mana or something like that o let me figure out what I'm going to do with these uh cuz I want to make sure I get the metal [Music] scraps I'm going to throw this away I don't really need two torches so people say this magic wand is good scuffed Nas gou defeated okay well I feel like this is just better because like this is no stamina I feel like this is just straight up better than the bow Magic's broken in this game so far yeah I feel like that's way better let me try the bow since I can try to get head shot oh I could have I could have done the thing I guess so bows can get head shot but this one can't maybe that's like the uh that's the difference Hunter's bow okay yeah and also this bow the bow I have could just be garbage let's go ahead and throw this one away okay let's delete the bow okay the true oh maybe they're going to burn a witch that makes sense okay so the magic wand is just better in every single way unless you're trying to get like an initiation attack oh oh I accidentally disarmed a trap because I was running around spamming F what okay so it seems like they can't really change their attack trajectory once they begin the combo okay what you're a wizard Harry okay raw meat where did I get the meat from what kind of meat is that provisional scy okay um well I guess I could probably take that hatchet I mean this is [ __ ] garbage so we're going to get rid of the hatchet and we're going to get this one too okay there's another one right here right another one's coming after me ooh you guys ready I'm going to drop bombs on them okay so can they blow up on me no it seems like they can't let me double check no okay oops I have wrong button does this game have boss battles Etc uh this seems like the kind of game that would have boss battles yeah I think it probably does I don't really like that I I don't like this uh NPC I feel like he doesn't really have much of an animation for whenever he's going to shoot the arrows okay um anything good in here is this map procedurally ooh ooh wait wait can I oh [Music] wow [ __ ] maybe it doesn't work that way so I can just repair all of my equipment so item durability doesn't really matter in this game not in like a functional way unless maybe you have to expect to repair during combat like in Monster Runner [Music] okay oh wow it goes out to here I would have never known that okay so I guess we'll go over to this side let me get out my robe and wizard hat oh yeah let me do this too oh I did two of those what's this backpack is full I guess this is maybe something for Mana I don't know maybe I should do spellcasting in this game I feel like spell casting is the strongest thing so far what do you guys think the roof yeah I really don't need the roof right now is this like the Mana potion mysterious flask oh even better um damn bro these people love bombs okay let's go this way uh maybe it's on top travel through the Shroud ooh ooh oh that's really cool it tells you where it's going to be okay so it says it's above me that's nice of them to [Music] do same M say trying to go down there find a blacksmith yeah yeah know I mean of course right that's the easiest thing to do I can probably go up this way yeah try cutting trees inside the Shroud well that's a good idea I probably should do that ooh o what's this are these good guys or bad guys they're bad guys how many do I have left okay so now I've got scrap arrows oh what the hell why am I not able to roll oh my stamina problem okay so scrap arrows should wait H okay okay read true um let's go inside of here why did Combat music start who is it who is it oh it's the bees ooh ancient Vault blacksmith you [ __ ] just kill him just going to kill him Venture forth ooh awaken a Survivor oh [ __ ] okay Oswald on oh it's Andre the blacksmith I understand okay Journal Quest done Craftsman there's five Craftsmen place them in your home oh okay more slaves all right let's go back over to my base we need to rest open up map wait I can go back to my map right [Music] now okay so where's the staff um Journal backpack oh I can I craft the staff okay Place character oh oh I see hey watch out watch out okay craft Forge okay Nails fur armor set enhance equipment [Music] okay two magic fire [Music] damage [Music] okay it's 3:30 so I'm going to get ready and sleep pretty soon um I want to talk about my first impressions with this game man I really think this game's real I think this game's really good this is this is really good this is good game like I I I really think this is well put together like I I'm going to be real like I I I genuinely think so um like I I'll make a couple of little chests here and just [ __ ] around with this while I'm talking about it a little bit but uh yeah I I really think that this is this is promising and uh uh how does this work um shift click okay um yeah I I I really think this is this is a really promising game and uh it's well thought out has solid future yeah I mean I I'm trying to think a little bit more of like kind of like I want to say something more about it besides just like it's good but um okay I need to get more plant fiber oh um I guess one type of like criticism I would have is that I wish I could just craft from the items that are inside of my uh like my base right basically like so if I have it something in my box I just want to be able to craft it you can later yeah but like why can't I just do it right now it just seems like kind of an annoying thing to gatekeep am I crazy I don't think so but that's just the way I think about it in general I think gatekeeping quality of life can be really annoying and so uh I mean like again this this like something that would make me not want to play the game no uh it's just my opinion right and uh make sure I have everything else moved around here probably bring the health potion with me I need an axxe and a pickaxe yeah I do okay people in beta didn't want it so they added it as an item uh I'm not sure um yeah I I it's crazy because I feel like this game probably isn't going to get like a lot of um a lot of awareness because of how much awareness people are putting into po world right now because po world is such a great game but honestly I just think it's a great time to be a fan of games like this I I think that the the game play seems like surprisingly fluid uh it's pretty responsive the fact that you can dig big caves and like tunnels is like really cool I I like the idea of that a lot it's because this game isn't as good well so what right I mean like maybe Dragon's Dogma wasn't as good as Skyrim but Dragon's Dogma is still an amazing game like I I I I don't want to argue about like you know oh this game is like slightly better like I mean I don't know I'm I'm going to play both of them right and so the game still had 70k players today that's that's incredible I I think that I think this is a pretty pretty well put together game I like it big de caves Dragon St tomorrow no I think I might play more of this probably probably play more of power I want to play more of this actually that way I feel like I'm like I might kind of giving it like a fair Shake in a way right I I don't know if I really want to just play it for like one day you know what I mean but uh yeah I'll probably play that game more this game is more immersive yeah it is and um uh you tell us what the game's about it's about killing stuff man like that's really about it making stuff killing stuff you're some kind of [ __ ] guy and so how it's fun and Goofy this is my much more chill as better RPG in combat I think that's a really great way to put it yeah I I agree with that and so yeah anyway uh I think this is a really good game the game is uh it's called enshrouded and uh again like these are my first impressions this isn't like a you know a review of the game or anything like that but like my first impressions with the game are very positive uh I I really like it a lot and to be honest with you like if power world wasn't out this would be probably the game that I would play nonstop for the next week or so apparently there's going to be bosses in this game as well um I remember like seeing Quinn playing it and I I thought the graphics weren't really that good and so I kind of wrote the game off whenever I saw it originally but I'm glad that I gave it a try and I'm I'm playing it there's bosses yeah there's bosses in this game I mean really valheim set a serious standard I mean this game lifted a lot from valheim right and uh you know that's a good thing like I I I mean [ __ ] if a game does it the right way then just take it from that game and do it the same way breath of wild stamina gauge yeah stamina like as I said I feel like stamina with Gathering I don't like it um it feels like I maybe it's weird to me but like I like I mean again you know Dark Souls and the here I like the idea that attacks cost stamina and rolling cost stamina like it feels weird to me that attacking with a weapon doesn't cost you stamina but rolling uh but like cutting down a tree does it doesn't make sense to me like I don't think there's like like the game logic isn't there the first person Sur uh survival shooter game um well we have uh I mean like once's human is third person right so like I know that's not the same thing but it's kind of close right hey hey nighting Gale yeah so yeah anyway I think this game's got a really bright future if they keep making content like this uh you know I I think this is this is great and so yeah again the game is in shrouded and uh [ __ ] there it is you needs more walls yeah I know oh worth the money I don't remember how much money it was I think that you should watch a video and then maybe watch some more people's playthroughs that are more in-depth than mine and then make that decision for yourself like do I think that I will get my money's worth out of this game from what I've seen so far I think the answer to that is yes I think I will get my money's worth out of this game but I mean I don't really know that yet if you're on defense watch this Force's video yeah I saw he made it I was going to look at that myself I just haven't really had time still playing Monster Hunter this weekend yeah I said I would you're playing Yakuza at any time no I don't have a lot of interest in that game to be honest with you how do I repair my hammer will fix it is there a place I can repair my weapon manual crafting maybe workbench just click it wait oh oh oh oh wow okay cuz in valheim you have to click the hammer on each item okay just you know interacting with it uh only thing I'm seeing problems with Co-op online Quest progression yeah keep in mind this is an early access game so any Early Access games uh you know you can expect to see some bugs and everything in them and you know it's just the way it is but yeah workbench auto repairs and this um it auto saves right right yes I certainly hope so looks pretty polished yeah it looks pretty good are you sponsored to play this no I'm not uh I'm not sponsored uh I I have no vested interest in the company um I wish I did I think it's a great game
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 686,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: j3aG3G0KRK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 41sec (6341 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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