Employees, What's The Worst Thing You've Caught Your Boss Doing?

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employees offered it what's the most freaked up thing you've caught your boss doing at work NSW a co-worker put up a webcam pointing toward our executive managers office because he kept his door closed when he didn't want to be interrupted and a lot of us got tired of walking one ride down to the other end of the floor to see if he was in and available or not the camera was camouflaged because well there was camo netting above the cube where it resided it also saved the stream to a connected server something like a week's worth that was just how the co-worker set it up the executive clearly did not know about the camera as it caught him banging a mid-level manager on his desk one night door open lights on and all news and screen caps of this got around of course and quickly when the executive found out there was a webcam he went over and ripped it out for several weeks you could point your browser to the cam and see the last captured image the red enraged bulging eyed face of this guy right before the camera was ripped out I work at a company that develops racing engines once I was in a technical meeting with my boss company owner and another colleague my boss behind his desk suddenly stands up and begins trying to take something from his back pocket that seems stuck while doing that he kept explaining some technical subject about the process of using liquid nitrogen to assemble valve seats to approach airs engine head's what I began realizing after a few milliseconds is that he was trying to get something from inside his pants he takes out a piece of folded toilet paper with a big crap stain on it analyses it before throwing it out in the bin me and my colleagues start Lauren beyond the ability to make laugh sounds while he says man I really needed to send some emails and make some phone calls I didn't have time to wipe my butt as it was taking forever so I made myself a [ __ ] pod to get back to work the meeting was over we just couldn't concentrate any more you just can't find that kind of dedication anymore a friend called my boss late at night just standing in front of a fan poking it with a pencil not exactly messed up that it was pretty hilarious my former boss watched a ton of pee on the computer that I had to use every day for work he has almost no clue how to use a computer and never cleared the history a few times he even left a couple of P sites open I was constantly cleaning the keyboard mouse and desk after I found out when he was away from the store Mike co-workers and I would go through the history and read the titles of what he had been watching that was quite amusing also the boss was having an affair he has been married to the same woman for like 20-something years with a lady I actually knew was a regular customer coworker and I caught them going at it in the back room after closing time and the boss didn't deny anything and said it has been going on for years after I heard this I realized that she never really bought anything and he was always giving her stuff every time I see his wife I feel bad and wonder if she has any clue that he is freaking someone else oh and until I work there I was a somewhat sheltered homeschooled girl that had just graduated from high school so that was a very eye-opening experience for me I once walked into my boss office and saw his wife on top of his desk doing what was basically a striptease it's probably worth mentioning that I work for my dad thanks more you I was working for a retail company that was going out of business I was driving past my work after dinner late one night I saw lights on in the receiving area so I slowed down and drove into the parking lot I witnessed our store manager my boss and my assistant sales manager my assistant loading TVs laptops and boxes into a u-haul the next day I went to HR and gave my notice a few months later I talked at our former operations manager and she explained to me we would all receive a bonus check for being rated in the top ten stores in shrink prevention during the closure of the store which makes me wonder how much theft was going on in the company this sounds like Circuit City I worked at a burrito place in college for a while a buddy worked there as a shift manager I loved it we actually prepared everything nothing was from a bag ready to go anyway I got into a car accident I had insurance I had a spare car from my parents to drive I needed nothing other than my paycheck for working I lived at home while I went to school I get called in on my day off for a meeting right after the accident store manager tells me she knows I am stealing from the register and it is because I need money to fix my wrecked car I am 18 at the eldest 19 and I do not even have the word to stick up for myself I am a hard worker and don't buck the system often I don't even remember leaving I was crushed a few weeks later I honor to get together and my buddy that I worked with shows up he tells me the store manager was fired for stealing from the register owners installed cameras and did not tell anyone wonder how many she fired to cover it up that is probably the most flicked up thing to happen to me as an employee dude I work at McDonald's and I have seen my boss snort enough coke to fill a small cup I see not little Coca Cola hum I prefer a small cup of sprite I didn't catch him the FBI did but hey whatever when I was a 16 year old pimply-faced computer sales rep I had a sales manager whose favorite tactic for closing big sales was letting customers steal stuff he would tell them and he'd throw in the product then write it off as stolen at any rate he found out that he was under investigation by the company waited until Black Friday then skipped the state with around $50 K from the safe comp you sir was such a freaked up company from the top down in ways I miss it it all the bulls and flicked up culture they had not so much caught him I guess Christmas dinner party with the company ends with a trip through the town's bars boss ends up super drunk tell him he needs to go home but he doesn't want to so a couple of us dragged him out and start walking him over to a cab on the way he spits on backs off so many people I can't believe no one noticed and started a fight just when we're about to get a cab he starts P on a police car we drag him over to a wall where he continues and as two girls walk past him he turns around with this huge grin and pisses on them so I guess you could say it was a great Christmas party I saw my boss actually working once blowing coke off the counter where we made sandwiches at the pizza place I worked at my boss was surprised to see me at first but then asked if I wanted a line it wasn't so much flicked up as it was hilarious I used to work at a Ford dealership and we had a really big snowstorm one weekend so the whole staff was helping clear the snow our manager was a complete douche and didn't trust anyone but himself to operate the plow truck after plowing into two new focuses in an f-150 caching holes of the aluminum and ripping off a bumper he finally let one of the mechanics drive his eyes were covered by his ego I used to work retail and my manager loved to disappear and leave me in the store by myself while she took care of personal business one day she goes to take her break and says she's going to pop eyes across the hall I ring about three customers up and my store empties so I turn around to face outside I see my manager sneaking outside I see her eight hours later three hours after I was supposed to get off she went to pick up her daughter from school drop her off at her mother house go to the bank and stop to get more food later that night while I was closing the store she tried to steal the bank deposit while I was right there beside her didn't actually catch him in the act thank God but my morbidly obese manager at a well-known thrift store chain used to wipe his butt with towels he'd take off the rack and bring into the bathroom with him I guess he couldn't reach back there so he'd hold it like a jump rope and go to town on himself then leave the poor beshitted second hand towel in the trashcan beshitted har classic used to be a preschool teacher now I work in counseling special ed one day as my old school the entire staff was called to an emergency meeting where we were informed that a male TA had been physically shaming little girls for the past few months the director of the school apparently knew for some time and did not report him because she did not want to go to court and potentially damage her reputation by employing a diddler instead she just made sure he was never alone with kids and kept him employed until one brave girl came forward he is in prison for four counts of child physical shaming and 17 counts of child endangerment for exposing the rest of the class to his evil he will be in prison for the majority of his remaining life director resigned managed to play stupid and avoided jail time but as a result her reputation was ruined and is still out of work Karma's are being so was she I once wondered what would happen if a child came forward with something like that while still at school I'd like to imagine a lynching I would see red if someone did that to one of my students a few of us noticed that one of our managers at a fast-food restaurant was leaving early quite a lot this was strange because she usually would stay late or work double shifts to help pay for her exuberant nightlife we checked the time clock punch corrections and sure enough she was correcting her punches so that she was working until five oh three or four fifty seven instead of 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. like she actually was we went to the owner and she wasn't fired but she was demoted to a minimum-wage position so she quit sitting on the back table grabbing her tea and telling me to play with her boobs while I was trying to cook the chicken before we opened cook the chicken so that's what the kids are calling it these days we have a bunch of mannequins spread throughout our shop with lingerie on them and work not in the back thrown almost haphazardly all around other spare parts legs thrown on the left head stacked on tables and crap like that well once I crap you not I went to the back to act like I was looking at our non-existent stockroom for a seller that a customer just had to have and when I got back there I saw my den manager now ex manager using a spare mannequin arm to finger her self we had a quick laugh and then I went out and told the woman we were out on that specific vibe but we do have a few alternatives that could tickle your fancy my manager will swear by them when I used to work out in Albertsons grocery store I saw my manager freaking his girlfriend in the back office he always used to say he was in bus man which was weird because I wasn't asking but he was freaking her in the butt cool I had an Albanian boss who would drink and smoke while making pizza in the dining room of the restaurant was legal little time he would stand there with a soda cup full of vodka and a cigarette burning in the ashtray and make pizza non-stop never heard a customer say a word also we smoked weed cigs in the kitchen non-stop no one was paid on the books he didn't pay taxes on anything and had a deal worked out with the liquor store down the street that a 16 year old delivery drivers could go by his and our booze it was my first day at work at my first job ever my boss was a quiet voice body builder who came up to me and said hey hold down the fort my friend and I have to go kick somebody's butt be back in 20 minutes pizza is here with you Peter roughly fifteen seconds later was explained what was going on and screamed Frick that I'm going with you and jumped over the counter and I was on my first day of work left in charge for three hours and the dude had the nerve to try and fire me for the things I flicked up that got sorted very quickly this manager will call him Jason because that was his name was notorious for being a stickler for the rules five minutes late logging in more than once it's write-up time seven minutes late getting back from lunch because traffic in Mason Ohio any time between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. can suck a fat dong its write-up time baby anyway after I left the department a temp who had worked there on and off for like 20 years was having some health issues she apparently had a mini-stroke out her Cuba and hit the ground I hear that as she was being wheeled out by paramedics the manager chased after her telling her she was going to be written up for leaving work early can confirm traffic in Mason is terrible sounds like my old crappy boss - boss asked me to clean up his computer he sucks at organization came across a file of some hardcore P like some Sarah Sally's sick crap moved into a file called personal and tried to forget about it the next day was my 21st day and he knew I was going to Vegas he gave me $100 bill and said thanks for not saying anything to anyone have fun in Vegas you owe him that $100 back now years ago in the pet store I work the manager that since has been made unemployed cut the leg off a bungee because it had trapped it in some wire mesh she could have just cut through the mesh right I walked into his office and he was busy on his computer I saw him playing free saw through the window before I walked and so when I entered his office he quickly closed it revealing some piece site I told him I'll come back later had a one time my boss walked in while I was on espn.com I minimized it so fast I am pretty sure he thought it was pee I should have left it up I even knew he wouldn't care I once caught my boss McDonald's manager make a burger proceeded to take it into his office and ten minutes later when I needed to confirm a 100 dollar bill with him I walked in on him freaking it I quit a week later he sure was loving it when I was an assistant manager for a particular video store Jane we had an employee who regularly still was belligerent never did his work and a myriad other the general shat things to do I kept writing him up for his behavior and finally he'd done enough to merit a termination I was filling out the paperwork prior to doing so as it had to be reviewed he went through the managers drawers in the back and found the form and in front of a customer started screaming and swearing at me about it and making personal comments about me in front of the customer before storming out I hadn't been aware but my boss had become friends with him of work she took the termination form and his entire employee filed home for safekeeping and then lost it a month later she fired me for being out of uniform on Thanksgiving urgh it's incredible after all this time there is still so many well idiots douches and complete buttholes around you'll think evolution would give a better average intelligence wellokay society plays a big part I know I used to work at a wedding event place a co-worker told me that one night she forgot her purse and walked back into the supposedly empty main banquet hall after a wedding to the sounds of loud angry frickin when she turned the corner a boss the owner was sitting in the middle of a completely empty room pants at his ankles jerking it to pee that was being displayed on the projector the one that is normally used to show the wedding picture montage for just married couples at the reception also he was 350 plus lbs and had a plate of that night so Deb's sitting next to him bacon-wrapped sausages crab cakes and cheese and crackers he saw her and she just stopped and left no purse for that night to be honest that sounds like an amazing way to jack off my boss mother she was pretty much the boss really worked for him doing front desk work and they had this weird relationship she is the helicopter parent that never quit anyway the list of things that she did during my short time there were when hearing I was a vegetarian checking my food in the fridge my coworker caught her picking through my chili with a fork and once when I walked in eating a burrito she shrieked I see chicken haha once when the trains were down my dad gave me a lift to work I walked in and she said oh I didn't know you were half Muslim then all day told all customers bTW I worked in a very very small town until I finally asked her where she got that idea from she said she saw my dad dropping me often and he was an Arab I told her he was about as white as paper but she insisted telling me the next day that she saw him down the street wearing a turban every male customer that came in she insisted was my boyfriend in that was just trying to get out of doing work by chatting to the latest on the list apparently here I will help you carry that to a bloke in a wheelchair was considered licensed and inappropriate she also thought I was an alcoholic because I bought beer once and my favorite when she broke the watercooler thing blamed it on me even though I was on the opposite side of the room got her son involved demanding I pay for it and when I finally said that I am going to get WorkSafe involved snuck into the back room and attempted to steal my purse a co-worker had to get involved with that so not really freaked up just the freakin weirdest place if you ask me her trying to steal your purse is pretty messed up I was a cook in a middle school my first day on the job I spilled about 40 meatballs on the floor mind you I had to make about 8,000 this is not an exaggeration my boss sees me throwing them out and yells what are you doing you can't throw all those out II then proceeded to pick them up off the floor put them back onto the sheet pan and cook them he served them to children after that vomit-inducing first day his behavior continued with bread products cooked meatballs chicken nuggets and most vegetables I have never seen him wear gloves in the kitchen a health and sanitation requirement even with foods like mashed potatoes and tuna which pick up flavors from everything they touch I am eternally grateful that I am now cook in a high school not that middle school I was working for a software company many years ago 2001 my boss had a software company that was bought by our company he was retained as a VP of who knows wort once he made his money he really didn't give a crap for some reason he got into PE and no not watching producing anyways for months he used to come to work sit at his desk and edit the videos but this was an open office environment so we could all see I thought it was funny others not so much and now we can lay to rest the whole peon the office computer category you win I worked for a start-up a few years ago the owners were brothers-in-law who were former real estate assessment specialists they were rolling in the cash come Christmas time they organized the company Christmas party they have everyone in the company about 20 employees drive to a place that is around an hour away from where our actual office building is places a complete fricking dive the food is grab Christmas toast I'm one of the [ __ ] stands up quite inebriated well it's Christmas time other owner and I were gonna give in your $500 bucks but decided not to seeing his stupid freaking face after hearing him say that with his drunk crap Lille accent he thought he was so clever here we are two hours worth of gas out a six dollar meal that tasted like crap and a joke about how they were going to give us a $500 bonus but decided on nothing instead okay I was working at Starbucks the assistant manager was being berated about the quality of a drink by some old rich B he happily says that he will remain it heats up the milk till around 95 degrees pours it in the cup about to stroke three of the way takes it in the backroom and dips his dong in it then he finishes heating it up adds espresso and handed it to her with a smile I was equally horrified and liberated TL DR apparently my assistant manager was Tyler Durden I was thinking in Celsius and this post terrified me I worked for a real piece of crap that once tried to get me to be his wingman so he could hit on girls half his age at a college bar he was married and had two daughters which made it extra creepy he was cheating on his wife anyway one day at work we found nudes of him in a chef's folder on the company Network honorable mention former boss who got me laid off was later caught embezzling everyone's bonus money when they searched his computer they found chili pee worked at a sports bar for a pakistani dude who Forex strippers and prostitutes in his office connected to the kitchen at least once or twice a day also worked at a pizza place where women could show that t4 pizza and had my boss come in on his day off to get pizza and smoked DMT in the freezer a freezer is a terrible place to do DMT like almost as bad in public when I worked for mailboxes et Cie now the UPS Store back in the day my boss was this huge stinky bee who complained constantly about her allergies yet wreaked off mothballs and mold anyway we used to package and ship crazy stuff all of the time like telescopes and vacuum machinery and she was so cheap she skimped on the bubble wrap p notes etc one time a customer came in with the hood to some old car he had been trying to restore forever apparently it was near impossible to find an original in good condition so when he finally found one he paid through the nose for it and obviously needed it to get safely home my boss charged him a ridiculous amount of money to pack and send the thing back to this dudes home shop or whatever but she didn't want to spend the money on putting it in a crate so she wrapped it in bubble wrap and cardboard and called it a day and the hood got all dented up in transit and she tried to blame it on UPS they said they weren't liable since it was packed poorly so she tried to blame my coworker for it obviously neither office had wanted to mess with the thing and let our boss do it since she was an expert so my coworker was extra P when this bee started yelling at her she quit not long after in high school I worked in store in the mall we had a small office stockroom in the back with our own bathroom after closing my boss was doing paperwork or whatever in the back and I guess he assumed everyone left he went to take a dump and didn't bother closing either the stockroom door or the bathroom door that was when I learned my boss is one of those guys who craps completely naked but his shoes I worked at a restaurant and my boss actually head-butted a customer who was being very very roots of the kitchen staff of this restaurant it happened in the manager's office he brought him back there off the customer clearly couldn't control his anger although I didn't see it I was at the front of the restaurant and it happened in the back I had to stay late to detail what I saw experienced in a police report what a fun day the guy actually kept his job believe it or not this is the first Frick tap thing I feel conflicted about he was wrong legally but I can't help but feel okay with this my boss is kind of the backwoods lady from Kentucky one time we had a lesbian customer when the lady left my boss said did you all see the Dyke yeah it's out back holding all the water back I found out my boss had a separate email account for soliciting escorts he still used AOL at the time and I easily gained access to his account info I would routinely check his H mail to find out when he'd be out of the office so I could get real work done I wonder if he ever noticed the smirk on my face well he'd tell me he was off to a doctor's appointment I love that who used your secret knowledge to be more productive he was on the phone he opened a drawer on his desk taking out a small bottle with white powder in it then he snorted at 2 inches why not see while he was still on the phone and it was not during the eighties and I was not working in a bank well he came out front to make a sandwich without wearing gloves it's not unlikely that moments before he was masturbating to Korean soap operas he does that pretty often not my boss but caught my English teacher watching hardcore pee in high school he pretty much gave me a get-out-of-jail-free card for the rest of the year um five found my English teacher doing this I would just say look I don't do crap and a pass then nobody ever finds out his reaction was weird way back in the day boss got a piece spam in his email HTML content big pics of a naked woman not a big deal right just delete and move on with your life he's a fundamentalist Christians and pretty much a poster child for prude he yells out from his office whoa one starts to laugh nervously three of us run in there thinking something's wrong instead he's trying to cover the screen with his hands while trying to click the delete button wave well his elbow I guess since his hands were occupied instead of spending a half second deleting it he spent at least ten seconds trying not to see it including the three to five seconds it took us to get from our desks to his office we got there and he was still trying to delete it while laughing and turning bright red eventually he got it deleted but not before all of us saw some naked breasts on his screen we left just shaking our heads at him once walked in on my supervisor receiving a bj from one of the waitresses worth mentioning I worked in a family-friendly kid orientated restaurant the worst thing is that she had been obsessing over him for months and months but she was very young and he was elder and engaged so we all brushed it off as her reading more into the situation than was really there he let everyone think of her as a delusional little girl for months to save his own reputation if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 72,727
Rating: 4.856586 out of 5
Keywords: worst boss ever, worst bosses, work stories, on the job, caught in the middle, boss, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: _ZV8UijszVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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