When Has Your Bad GutFeeling Been Right About a Person? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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have you ever correctly had a gut feeling to dislike someone who on the surface was a cool person that everybody else liked what's that story well in the army we moved into a new house in upstate New York we were being neighborly and talked to a guy across the street he had five kids no wife he also had multiple neighborhood kids playing in the yard he told us we can always send ours over he gave us both this horrible feeling so we smiled and could foe about a year later my wife told me I was in Kandahar that his kids were taken from him he had been molesting them at least ever since his wife died the amount of pedophile stories in this thread is freaking me out ex-wife's second husband took 10 years but I was right he is currently on year 1 over 32 year sentence for repeated abuse of his daughter yes but I suppressed it so quickly and fast because I felt like it was horribly ungracious since she was being so friendly over the next couple years she became my closest friend in the new town I had moved to then the following couple years it vacillated between being close but just feeling like she really didn't want me around or was messing with me a little bit turns out she was having an affair with my husband and was literally intentionally driving me crazy interviewing a guy for a job something doesn't feel right but my interviewing partner really seemed to like him we get to his portfolio at work and I see my side project that I worked on alone as one of his websites so I start asking him questions about it what challenges he had how the client was etc I let him go on and don't then I say I have to level with you this is my work you are showing me my own work look at the source near footer it has my website and the comments he went ghost white and I just sat there after that I coached him a little on how not to suck and he left we called the contract agency that sent him and let them know oh my god that's amazing what a total tool you were super nice to him man that would burn me up so bad it would be hard for me to even finish the interview my childhood best friend's mother's boyfriend he creeped me out and I hated being over her house when he was there her family went on a ski trip with mine and my parents both thought he was great funny charming etc they didn't understand why I didn't like him years later my best friend told me that he sexually abused her starting when she was about nine I probably was picking up on her fear of him I had good friend when I was in primary school who had a stepdad I really couldn't stand he was quite a bit older than her mom and very strict I even avoided to go to her place when he was there later she told me that he beat her and her brother quite regularly sometimes our gut instincts are only sawed up right when I was in seventh grade there was this girl who was really quiet and sort of creepy and she smelled like crap literally she wore these odd dresses that looked like pioneer dresses homemade and she was just well creepy no one talked to her people tried to avoid sitting next to her we all gossiped about her as being the epitome of creepiness then one day she was gone didn't come to class the next day it was all over the news the police had arrested these horrific ly abusive parents who were neglecting and abusing their daughter and who had kept their younger son locked in a cage his entire life and never fed him the younger boy was kept alive by you guessed it his older sister the police were led to the house by neighbors complaints about the stench so this poor smelly girl was suffering abuse from her parents and all the while sneaking food and water to her little brother who was literally locked in a cage for years upon us keeping him alive and then coming to school where she would be avoided and mocked behind her back and sometimes humiliated she was a weirdo and our guts all told us there was something wrong there but she was a freakin hero never heard what happened to her after the parents were arrested hope she recovered my snake did I had the sweetest cellist bald Python who never nipped or historian up or anything and she'd just curl up with you and hang out one day a friend brought over some of his friends and all of a sudden my snake went notes standing straight up in her tank and hissing at one of the guys a couple of weeks later that dude robbed my house while I was out of town r.i.p Guinevere a good snake what a good noodle three it was a co-worker of mine call her n em was friendly and everyone liked her something was up with her though and I had a bad vibe she was always complaining about money issues but then would go out for meals or come into work with new clothes that were not indicative of someone with severe money problems she allegedly complained of such severe financial problems that she was telling people she was having trouble putting food on the table for her kids it was that level of desperation everyone really liked her I didn't I had a really odd feeling about her like she was being constantly deceptive people would always help her out either by giving her gift cards to target extra clothes or canned food she also complained of car issues for a period of several months this wonderfully kind lady at work see let him borrow her car during the work day but this was so that M could use whatever money she said she had to go to the store and buy food for her family additionally she used C's car to take a nap from time to time she claimed to work another evening job and she was often very tired every year our company sponsored a local family that needed a lot of help we were a small business at the time 50 employees and we'd all donate something to the family at Christmas it was usually toys clothes gift cards and so forth this year we decided as a group to my silent opposition that M would be our family this particular year we amassed close to 1100 dollars worth of food toys and clothes and presented it to him before Christmas that year she cried and said thank you three months later C's car was stolen right out of the employee parking lot coincidentally M didn't report back to work day after lunch long story short M had made a copy of C's car key at some point and stole the car and drove out of state with the intent to flee and not return we had come to learn that M had a long history of criminal charges and M was eventually arrested in a traffic stop after C reported the car stolen as it turned out M was a financial criminal specializing in identity theft she had swindled many people and had a long criminal history including multiple felonies but right from the beginning I knew something was up with her that I didn't like but I couldn't put a real finger on it I don't know why I saw it and no one else did I actually began to question my morals asking myself why do I dislike him when everyone else does not I wrestled with it personally for some time but in a weird way felt vindicated when the truth revealed itself that vindication was not weird at all about 15 years ago I worked in a small office mostly men all who I really liked a new guy started one day and instantly I had a bad feeling about him I don't even know exactly why I felt that way and all the other people seemed fine with him so I did my best to be polite and find things to talk to him about I was in my mid 30s he was about the same or a little older and we both had young sons so I was able to find some common ground apparently he and his wife didn't live together she might have been back in his home country but I could never shake that bad feeling a year or so later I had left the company to have my second son and a friend who had taken my place they called me one morning and said did you read the paper today that man had been arrested in another state apparently having been set up by an FBI sting online where he had been chatting with who he thought was a 13 year old girl and was meeting up with her in the trunk of his car they found a video camera and rope whoa I never trusted my xbf single I just knew he was trouble and had issues with him visiting or my ex visiting him he was arrested in Florida last year for production and selling meth and hosting a prostitution ring out of his home later learned the ex part took in all the active at his uncle's home apparently my gut was right about the uncle but not about my ex blinded by love I guess I worked as a CNA in a nursing home during right after high school we got a new guy that made a lot of mistakes and obviously had some cognitive impairments I am not sure what was wrong exactly but it was obvious that he was mentally slow some of his mistakes were dangerous leaving a patient with a feeding tube laying flat increasing their chance of aspirating food into their lungs for example on several occasions I complained about him to our supervisor and also vented to my co-workers that I just did not feel right about him everyone accused me of not having any compassion they said he was slow but that he would get it and I should be more understanding they all thought that I was being judgmental because of his disability but it felt like more than that to me one night another CNA went to answer a call light and walked in on him abusing an elderly better than women he didn't even stop just held eye contact with the co-worker until he was finished this all happens over 15 years ago he went to jail obviously if I saw him in Walmart last summer so he is out now I sure hope he is never able to work in a position to take advantage of vulnerable people ever again my mom brought her new boyfriend over the house one time for me to meet him he weirded me out I can't tell you why but I didn't like him maybe it's because he was a 35 year old man who wore visors friendly and funny guy who my family liked a year into their relationship he beat the heck out of my mom and stole her dog probably the closest I've come to an assassination attempt maybe it's because he was a 35 year old man who wore visors funniest thing I've read this year sir my husband has this cousin Jason and he frickin loathes him always has since he was a small child there are stories about my husband trying to be Jason's ask 20 they were five it was so bad that as an adult my husband refused to attended any family gatherings that Jason would be at out of the fear that he would beat the living crap out of him nobody could ever figure why my husband hated his cousin so much he had never done anything to him and my husband is the most laid-back and friendly person I have ever met he genuinely likes everyone except for this Mathur trucker I never understood it myself never having met Jason and anytime I would ask my husband about it he would always says I fricking hate that kid he's not right Jason was pretty well-liked throughout the family so my husband's position caused him to catch a lot of crap from other family members I finally got to meet Jason a few years ago if my brother-in-law's wedding and I saw right freaking off what my husband was talking about to the casual observer there was nothing tangible that Jason did that you could put your finger on but something was off he would laugh and smile but the smile didn't go all the way to his eyes his eyes were just flat and empty unless he was looking at the girls at the wedding and when I say girls I mean children under 10 when he looked at those girls his eyes lit up with a sick little light you know how someone who hasn't eaten in a long time looks when to finally get a meal they love sat in front of them that's how Jason's eyes looked when he looked at those little girls like he was hungry and they were his meal about two years ago Jason's dad married a woman with two young daughters Jason would often volunteer to Babis it about a year ago Jason was arrested and convicted of abusing both those little girls multiple times a trick who Jason I wish my husband had beat your ass you creepy freak it must have been frickin horrible to see that in him and not be able to do anything about it my older mother got this boyfriend mom was in her 60s and the boyfriend was probably mid 60s also one day she brought him over to my house where I was a single mom to a three-year-old boy I'm usually friendly or at the least polite but I looked at that guy and said no don't come in my house my mom was shocked she said Wang dipthong this is blahblah my boyfriend I told her I was sorry I shut the door about six months later he went to jail for abusing boys I like to think she actually said Wang dipthong my sister's first husband I was five when they got married and I only actually met him a few times in person because they lived on the other side of the country my family really loved him he was charming athletic smart handsome financially secure and seemed like a great dad when they had kids plus he was never anything but nice to me but I always sensed something shady about the guy when I was in the fifth grade I remember getting in huge trouble for a class assignment an essay describing our families in which I described him as a bad person pretty much word-for-word there's something I just don't like about him it was one of the only times I got spanked as a child well fast forward a couple years and my parents discovered that he'd been abusive to my sister and the kids almost the whole time they ended up divorcing and he has proven to be a complete sociopath ever since he hadn't paid a dime in child support despite being well-off enough to buy a new luxury sports car every few years and uses their two kids who are now teenagers who know he's full of crap to play mind games with my sister bringing her to course for full custody knowing he won't win due to his past just to cause her inconvenience and rack up legal fees for her just as an example he also has refused to let the kids fly out to visit our side of the family a few times for no reason whatsoever he's in butt hole a narcissist a complete fricking sociopath and somehow 10-year old me was able to sense it before anyone else in my family my ex-wife's childhood friend married a man I hated just didn't feel right about him she had two kids the same age as ours and we were asked multiple times about sleepovers and I always said no looked mean but didn't care then a year or so later a friend wakes up one night to find him assaulting her daughter he freaks out beats her and runs when I played high school football we had an equipment manager who had been doing the job for decades and was absolutely adored by the community guy was in his 70s 80s one day I'm ready for a game early so I head up to the bus that's taking us I see him loading stuff on so I offer to help him load a few things once we're all loaded on the bus he walks to me in the back cuz I was a cool kid and hands me a hostess cupcake in front of everyone as a thank-you he handed me the cupcake looked me in the eye and this sense of dread just falls on me I have no idea why and everyone's looking at me so I act normal I'd the cupcake because I was and still am a fat arse and will eat any cupcake you hand me and just kinda write off the feeling that summer he was arrested for sexually assaulting some 15 year old girl I'm pretty sure they thought he did more but couldn't prove it or something you have been visited by a normal duck he doesn't do much but he'd like you to like the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 593,087
Rating: 4.9278603 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, karma, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, chill, toadfilms, gut feeling, hunch, intuition, trustworth, updoot everything, updoot reddit
Id: gfel7oFW6sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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