What's The Most Disturbing Thing You Saw At Someones House?

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what's the most horrifying disturbing thing you've come across at someone else's house for me it was my friend's computer room wall I had some good friends geeks who lived in the bad part of town their apartment was fully infested with roaches but there had forged a sawed off Jones apartment relationship with them they loved to paint miniatures and when a roach got too close they'd go BLAP and smack em with a paintbrush so they had all these braveheart roaches running around with bodies half colored in bright paint anyways they're playing this long drawn-out game one day I don't remember what it was but think risk with one of my friends who is just this endless hard luck case great guy great attitude but life finds him and shoots on him whenever it can after hours of play he wins and exultant Lee jumps up and cheers the only problem is that he leaps out of his chair like Super Mario fist bumps a styrofoam ceiling tile dislodging it and causing a rain of multicolored roaches to come cascading onto him I hear he just stood there and screamed for a while I was about 12 my neighbor about 15 and his little brother was about 9 the Sid neighbor and I are sitting in his room playing the original Medal of Honor back in the late 1990s his little brother came running in waving a big floppy purple corn cob that he found in his mom's room his older brother then grabs it from him slaps him in the face with it and tells him to put it back I never laughed so hard in my life I find this story oddly refreshing compared to others here more humorous than disgusting to be honest a friend of mine is a house appraiser in New Jersey he walks into the living room at one particular client's house and there is a glass coffin in the living room with the body of a woman preserved inside Ayla Lennon the guy says it's his mother my friend said it was the fastest he ever appraised a house in his entire career drunken one-night stand midway through lights get turned on and bam huge Nazi flag over the bed doesn't matter had freaked while in college I visited another friend's apartment it was summertime in Maine a West summer with much rain the basement was warm and dark I had to go downstairs to find a hammer or something and when I clicked on the light the entire ugh small area rug at the bottom of the stairs which apparently collected moisture runoff from the basement stairs walls seeping water was completely covered with mushrooms fungus at least five inches high therefore if I stepped on the rug my feet would have sunk about five inches into mushrooms what was the creepiest thing about it was that the mushrooms would lean towards you when you got close and would shoot spores into the air when the warm air brushed by them so it was as if they were watching you they could sense you close and trying to spoil you if you disturb the air enough I had never seen mushrooms reactor warmth or something close let alone try to fire spores into the air to get you I was equally fascinated terrified that I might get spores all through my lungs or whatnot so I bolted trust the fungus finding my ex's sisters giant black backdoor birds in the room with said ex sister and her boyfriend being a bit younger I picked them up like what the heck are these then I realized and put them down quickly everyone had seen this you can only wash away the clue never the shame not my sister's backdoor Birds my xgf sister at first I read it as your ex sister sorry sis after finding your anal beads we are through a university friend of mine lived with some FBF they used to let their dog crap all over the place and eat all over the place they would just pull left oh the drinks and food on the floor and dog would walk around the house dragging its tongue on the ground surely also licking up its own faeces at the time a tile was missing in their shower so water leaked into the wall and on the other side of the wall was a bedroom with a damn corner where mushrooms grew their coffee table was a sheet of plywood on posts and they had coasters that were drawn on with a jiffy marker one of them ate nothing but pizza for three years and came down with scurvy I was at this guy's house he was pretty weird to begin with but we had been friends for so long I didn't seem to notice anymore until this one day I'm in his room watching TV with him his walls are covered in pictures of old movie stars from the 20s 40s I was sitting on his thrall when I feel something scratching my leg a bit I look down and it's a toenail clipping whatever I think he probably forgot to throw it away nope once I saw the first toenail clipping I couldn't stop seeing them literally there were hundreds of toenail clippings all over the floor he saw me looking at the floor somewhat horrified he chuckled and pulled them his friends vacuuming would be so satisfying , when I was a kid and the nez came out there was this poor kid at school that was rejected by everyone his name was Patrick there was horrible stories about his parents small town his father was called Big Joe and I remember seeing him peeing in the middle of the malls parking lot on a hot summer day in front of everybody but they were a very very dirty family comma so one day Patrick told me his uncle a wealthy man sent him a nez for his birthday and that he would love if someone came to play with him I was reluctant at first because I wasn't sure my parents would approve but I went anyways because I felt bad for him being rejected and alone comma so we go at his place and as soon as we open the door there is the worst smell I have ever encountered in my whole life it was like a wall you could actually feel it on your skin I think just writing these words makes me gag I was trying to breathe form the mouth but I was tasting it Khammam I had never seen anything like it there was dirty dishes cigarettes butts and dog crap all over the place there was a sofa in the kitchen with a small TV to which the nez was hooked up his mother was playing it and didn't even notice we were there there was empty bottles of soda and bags of chips all around her Patrick asked her if she played married all night and all day with our sleeping but he had a hard time getting her attention after a couple of tries she finally noticed we were there and said oh sorry you brought a friend to play Mario I'll let you play that game is so much fun I crap my pants kamar at first I thought she was joking but when she stood up it was obvious that the woman literally crap her pants and pee all over the couch the ho pants and the couch were all wet and there was crap stains in her butt and the smell comic I went to what seemed like a sink covered with dirty bushes and puked in a bowl containing an unknown substance in a late-stage of putrefaction comas I told Patrick that I had to leave and ran out the door comet I never told my parents about this story because I fynd their reaction but I should tell them next time I see them kind of feel bad for Patrick not his fault his parents are fricked up when I was a teenager I had a hard time finding anyone who I could play Dungeons & Dragons with I eventually discovered that there was a gaming club at a library over on the seedy part of town so I rode my bike over every Saturday morning and joined in whatever was being played eventually I met some guys in their late 20s who wanted to start up a D&D game it turned out that they were basically a bunch of welfare bums but I didn't care because I was getting my game on finally I went over to their nasty houses and played D&D with them fortunately the DM had a job and a family and we usually played in his finished basement but sometimes we would play at the other houses one of the players was also in the Amiga Club and he always had new games that I didn't have so I would go over to his place with blank floppies and come back with a bunch of DIY pirated stuff but his place was the worst basement bachelor unit in a seedy building it smelled like meld everywhere but his room which smelled off dirty laundry and used tissues he had a massive pre-internet pee collection and I would usually leaf through them while I was waiting for the discs to copy it was kind of disgusting but hey when your pre-internet teenager getting access to unlimited pee will make you put up with a lot so one day I was there with my best friend who I had gotten into the D&D game a few weeks earlier he and I was sitting on this dudes bed when he gets up to go to the washroom down the hall I will never know what possessed my buddy to do it but he reached over and pulled open the guy's dresser drawer it was full of clipped out magazine pictures it took us a few seconds that we realized that they were all clippings from the Sears catalog cut from the children's underwear section thousands of pictures of kids boys and girls in crisp white cotton we closed the drawer and never spoke of it again TL DR in the dresser of the grossest bachelor frog I've ever met we found cut out pictures of kids in their underwear but you met 4chan that day this was not my experience but my aunts it was back in the 50s when my aunt was a teenager she was hired by a couple to Babis it she never babysat for this couple before but she was impressed because they were fairly wealthy and lived in a big house the two small children around five and six years old were well-dressed and well-behaved Myon spent the day with them fed them played with them etc that evening she got them ready for bed the parents would you back later that night my aunt heard some sounds coming from an upstairs closet the children were in bed asleep she opened the closet and found a crib and in the crib was a baby both the crib and the baby you were filthy I think my aunt woke up the children and asked them about the baby but their answers were vague I don't recall my aren't having any luck getting information about the baby from the two older children my aunt cleaned the baby up she washed the bedding I remember her telling me that the baby didn't really make much sound other than the little grunts that had drawn her attention to it in the closet she probably tried to feed the baby but I don't remember that part of the story according to my aunt the parents came home paid her thanked her took the baby and the dad drove her home she never babysat for then again and she has no idea what happened to the baby I remember when she told me this story she said that as an adult she realized that she should have called the police she was really upset that she hadn't thought as a naive teenager to do something to help what was obviously an abused child that is truly horrifying one of my mom's friends has a house that isn't a horrible assim things mentioned but it's pretty awful they have a little dog who they have never given any training so the dog pees and shoots everywhere I remember when they first moved in there was a white carpet it's nowhere near white anymore the whole house smells like trash and poop because they used giant trash cans so they have to take the trash out less and then stack the bags in the corner of the kitchen like five or six bags at a time stains all over the rug from the dog and they got a crack in the foundation so when it rained mud came up into the carpet upstairs was worse the kids had pretty much run of the upstairs nothing was ever cleaned there was dog poop dragged all over the floor some smeared across it in the cat speed on everything - they had a landing area where there was a pool table and some games even the pool table smelled like pee the daughter's room had clothes and empty soda cans everywhere movies on the floor necklaces hanging from things basically she never put away anything I found a half-eaten pizza under her bed once that was growing something her bathroom had dirty towel everywhere and makeup smeared across the walls and the tub hadn't been cleaned in ages but the boys room oh God he kept his door closed all them time because just opening the door made you feel like you were going to die but so many towels and clothes you couldn't see the floor ships bags and pizza boxes everywhere the boy is 15 now but he is essentially a child he couldn't wipe his own butt no joking here absolutely serious until he was 9 he still isn't good at it by the smell in his room and the fact that there are stains all over boxes and towels and his bed just wanted to add that he has no mental issues he is fully mentally capable and is actually very smart just an absolute chart not me but a friend of mine he was in an acquaintance's house to pick up something for work and stayed a bit to shoot the crap they go down to the basement which I guess like a games room but in the corner is this huge shrine in honor of this girl that they both knew it was this altar covered in pictures dolls with her face freaking hair even the dude was kind of him barest about it it's in the way that you'd be a little embarrassed if you forgot to put away the lube where you just laugh it off he explained it to my friend who left everyone at work found out about it including the girl but from what he tell me the guy never really understood just how freaked up that was they're married now number not really a married couple I know used to be stalker and stalky true story when I was younger my parents decided to build a new house however the buyer for the old one needed the house before the new one was done building so we rented a house in the meantime one day while sitting on the toilet in the basement I saw one of those flat crawling gray blocks that tend to appear when there's high humidity no idea what you call them why squished it but saw another one that was crawling out off a small hole in the wall I extended my leg still on the toilet crapping and pressed right above the hole the wool felt mushy from the humidity like damp cardboard I pushed it gained with my toe when suddenly dozens and dozens of those bugs crawled out of the hole and other similar holes in the wall I was on the toilet crapping at that moment running away was not an option they could very well be silverfish thinking back to how killing one led to a bunch coming out of nowhere I now understand the behavior of the silverfish mob in Minecraft worst [ __ ] ever I had a friend in grade school whose parents were borderline hoarders not bad enough to go on the show but it was difficult to get around the house well turns out that while it was difficult for people to get around it was like a centipede amusement park there were everywhere said big ones that looked like they got hit by a stray dose of radiation I would spend the night and I swear I could hear them scuttling across the floor my uncle was a hoarder but instead of rotting food he collected lots of antiques and just bought stuff at the dollar store or Kmart and left it around his house when he died we had to clean out all this stuff we found Polaroids of stuff mostly his beloved cats one featured a little shrine with candles and flowers around a wood casket with his beloved cat scooter who lived to be 21 years old so when we found a similar box in the barn I told my dad not to open it acquaintance of mine and his wife had moved into a newly built townhouse rented with two large dogs labs they'd been living there for a few months and I went in to sell him some computer stuff there was dog crap and fur everywhere lots of dried full-sized piles some stamped down and stained into the living room carpet which I don't think they used at all they were both computer junkies so they spent all their time in their computer room upstairs going up the stairs enough shedded fur to make at least three or four more dogs noticed some crap upstairs on the landing but their computer room was mostly clean they didn't have much in the house as far as furniture or anything at all really it's not like they were orders just lazy and nasty I just don't get how people can get to a point in their life where they think y'all know I'm totally a-okay with just leaving this dog crap here on the floor I dated a girl in high school who was bulimic though I didn't know it at the time we were outside one night at her place and she was cold and asked me to go grab her a sweatshirt for her closet which I did there was dozens of jars of vomit on the floor of her closet I've never seen your after school specials but common sense would say four they made in after-school special about it perhaps it was common they hide it in jars no one knows they are running to the bathroom to puke after eating all the time as a father of four girls believe me you watch for crap like that I talked to her about it she was ashamed but didn't lie she had a ton of issues beyond that and we weren't together very long anyway I was called to the home of a mentally ill person where I saw he had saved every urine stream and bowel movement he had made for probably the last year hundreds upon hundreds of jars stacked up on shelves and he was running out of room talk about the worst place to be during an earthquake I was house-sitting for a woman I worked for and found a naked picture of her boyfriend with a boner they are 60 it was just out in the open this isn't so bad with a friend whose house I'm staying at has a rivet see yellow lettered mellow policy in her bathrooms and her kids can't seem to remember the second part of the rhyme if it's brown flush it down I've seen and smelt terrible things they won't be eating any Taco Bell when I'm in town I tell you what back in 1990-91 when I was 10 or 11 I was at a kid's slumber party about two years earlier a serial killer had been caught and sent to prison in our area and this kid's parents moved in from out of town into his old house I'm not sure if they knew ahead of time but if they did I'm sure they got a great deal on it maybe the reason they bought it anyway this house was outside of town in the country surrounded by cornfields and was a nice house but creepy is frake that night this kid took us upstairs to the Attic to show us something he had found the day before when he was exploring the house he hadn't told his parents about it for some reason we all got up there and he lifted a loose piece of plywood and cold put a large piece of construction paper that had photos of people out in public glued to it it was obvious that most of them had no idea that they were being photographed except for one that was a blurred shot of a guy up close who looked scared as Frick also scattered around among the photos of a weird but handwritten poems that at the time didn't seem to make any sense to me needless to say creeped the Frick out of most of us afterwards this kid decided we should watch the movie children of the corn combining those two things together pretty much ruled out any sleeping for me that night he slept like a log freaking friend of yours was being possessed by the house or maybe I watched too many horror movies we went to this guy's house from my high school to work on an extra-credit movie James Bond but about ionic bonding ionic bond we were checking out the scenes we had filmed by uploading the data to his computer so the video is playing and it gets to the end of the final scene we shot when suddenly it cuts to a video of what was obviously the guy's dong we only saw a split second but I'm pretty sure he was cooling or something anyway we all jump back in terror we were in ninth grade and the guy stammers euhh my stupid brother and runs out of his room and beats the crap out of his five-year-old brother ha ha ha oh my god the kid was an idiot stupid little brother always filming me masturbating I had a friend who owned three dogs they will crap inside the house and she wouldn't clean it up for weeks their floor was like a hideous stinky minefield they also had a large compost heap in their back room and a hole in their floorboards where they would toss rubbish this is the kind of crap you call animal cruelty for dunno if you can call anyone about the compost trash hole a friend of my mom's was having computer trouble so I got recruited into going over to fix it up but I ended up driving out to the middle of nowhere and met with her to be led further into the nothing finally getting there the house looked a bit beat up on the outside but looked fine as soon as I step in it was like getting hit by a Mack truck of horrible the place was littered with trash everything was everywhere pill bottles were stacked up next to a nasty-looking recliner and I'm not 100% sure but I think there was poop on the floor I'm a nice guy though sorta so I told her nice place she smiled and led me back to her computer room which was worse but there were trash bags full of MIS garbage and not in the sense that there were heaps of garbage it was literally trash bags stacked up in a fort like manner and she was walking on them I felt so sick almost at the point of passing out she started talking about what was wrong with the computer but all I could focus on was the best way to heal aus myself when I left I told her the HDD was busted and told her to get a new one from computer than made a beeline to the door I never told my mom how terrible this person's place was to each his own but that was the worst place I've ever been on I had fleas when I left TL DR person's home is filled with trash bags of garbage and doesn't seem to care notice the thing that immediately came to mind for me was when I used to be friends with this girl when I was in elementary school and when I went to her house for the first time her dad had a dogskin drug he apparently he wanted to cherished his deceased companion in the most morbid way ever hahahahahahahaha I need to get some Chihuahuas and get some placemats made when my wife and I were house shopping the house we ended up buying was a piece of work the people who lived there were hoarders they had cleaned up and sold almost everything just before we came to look at the house which ended up meaning there was a path a foot wide down the length of the hall huge piles of boxes on both sides they ran some kind of edible underwear sales business out of one room and the infantry overflowed into their bedroom and had a teenage son with a room that couldn't be entered also they didn't leave when we got there spoke loudly in German and heavily accented English walked around with some pretty nasty unclean bare feet and stayed uncomfortable close to us like the man of the house followed me into the half bath when I was looking at it all of that said the house was well he wanted it in the size we wanted and with the allowances and low price we paid we completely refurbished the entire house also we came back a game later with the specific request to view the house without the homeowners present apparently you have to spell it out for some people , ran some kind of edible underwear sales business out of one room truly the American Dream not at home but disturbing still guy I was in same school with had photos of girls above his desk he gave the impression he had a relationship with them this guy was a socially desperate kind of guy frustrated passive-aggressive whining about people not wanting to be friends talking about how much he likes big boobs and asses and trying to be the funny little weird guy from some TV show or good reason to not want to be more than acquaintances anyway the pictures of girls he'd gone over their faces with pain and anger very much anger to the point of the photo paper being torn but still having the photos stuck on his wall you could almost tell when people had seen them changing their attitudes toward him he's a future sVU's story waiting to happen I got to know this one dude in junior high through a mutual friend and he seemed like a pretty cool guy so I went to his house a couple of times to play video games ride bikes etc I met his parents who seemed kind of different I couldn't put my finger on it until we were playing games one day and his dad stepped in front of the TV and said well this is weekly family P night we always let one of the kids pick out a video from the store and we watch it together wanna stay longer even though I was a young boy that was just too much for me the thought of him his sister and parents all watching pee together freaked me out I didn't stay I really hope this was just his way of getting you to leave guy in my college dorms had lots of carpet stains and crunchy spots he explained to everyone like it was perfectly normal that he just came on the floor and carpeting it carpeting meant that he just rubbed it into the carpet with his foot after telling the group this he realized that it was not as common a practice as he once thought we moved to a different room spent a week with my aunt and uncle once when my parents we're out of town I was probably 12 he has an awesome basement den type area pool table TV bar I'm looking for the bathroom down there turn on a light switch in a side room there's a round bed whips on the walls and a bondage swing hanging in the middle pretty freaky crap to see when you're 12 it's at least now you know your aunt and uncle had a very young healthy private life my roommate was a fan of pizza and coke coca-cola that is all that he consumed that in SpaghettiOs I came back from a break to find two stacks of pizza boxes and copious amounts of coke bottles next to his bed now this was not out of the ordinary but there were about 30 boxes next to his bed of which he was going through then looking for leftover pieces of pizza to consume I can't help but think that he must take some of the wickedest juices ever come to think of it we did call him stinky I wouldn't be surprised if he bit the dust because of a diet like that not someone else's house my then house there was a first-floor bathroom that was just tiny there was hardly any room for the sink and toilet it was like a dollhouse bathroom there was definitely no room for a trash can we lived there for three years when we were packing up to move I was emptying out the little cupboard under the sink when in the very back I found a landfill of used tampons some were wrapped in toilet paper most weren't horrifying nightmare fodder infinite tampons when you didn't give lady visitors a place to throw that crap away I guess they get inventive I still have no idea if this was the work of one person or minute the smell when I broke the mountain of tampons apart so upsetting friend of my had this super creepy cousin that we always claimed was going to be on the news Foreign Office rampage or something along those line anyway he got arrested for trying to molest a neighbor kid and while we were helping my friends aren't move his stuff out I found his computer chair he had stabbed a screwdriver through the middle and would apparently sit on it while playing games anyway next to the chair was this land that was just a horrendous shade of green that lamb sounds awful across the street from my parents house there used to be this old crazy lady that lived there for as long as I have been alive when I lived there my parents told me not to talk to her as she was clinically insane well anyway one day she killed herself by hanging herself in her garage the rope was tied to beams up in an attic above the garage and apparently she killed herself by climbing up into the Attic attaching the rope and then jumping apparently a caregiver stopped by saw her hanging undid the rope and called the cops my dad was home at the time and saw the emergency personnel inside the garage for some weird reason he even took a few pictures of the scene well anyway the house remained empty for another year until his family from Mexico moved in if the parents had just become citizens and this was their starter home after a few weeks I saw them attempting to put up a tire swing on the tree in their front yard I went over to help and as we were the father noted that apparently nobody ever cleaned up the garage attic before they moved in he said he found a bunch of a love garden tools random junk an old set of four tires and this long rope attached to the beams right over the attic door he kept the tools throughout the junk and decided a tire swing would be a fun thing to have for his kids I froze as the huge knot began to form in my stomach I quickly ended the conversation and went back home there was no way that they left the rope attached to the beams right well I found my dad's pictures of that day and luckily you could see the rope in one of the pictures same freakin rope old thick frame and painted greenland's and parts but mostly tan the father obviously didn't know what happened to the previous tenant and I could never tell him from that day on I always shuddered when I saw those kids swinging from the same clang rope that the crazy old lady hung herself from this can't be real - epic regardless this is now a campfire story for me to tell ever seen a stuffed hamster a couple of friends and I stopped at this guy's house before a night out he's got three when I was younger I went over this guy's house to buy his lawn mower he kept it in the basement as living in a bad neighborhood it would get stolen outside the minute I went inside I noticed something was off the front room the door opened up into wasn't used at all ever he brought me into the second room holy heck on a mountaintop the trash was piled so high I could barely see the walls some trash bags contained nothing but food there was food and there I hadn't seen since I was a kid in the corner was a couch with a baby on it this guy is single he doesn't have kids I hear people apparently had been living with a large portion of his entire family mother aunt uncle cousin s sister etc I decide let's go ASAP I go down to his basement crap literally crap they kept all their dozen or so animals down here and never cleaned there was crap everywhere agile as I was I couldn't avoid stepping in something he walked over it barefoot and didn't seem to care or notice he got my my lawnmower and I paid him he opened up the ramp onto the backyard and I brought it out I put it in a mutual friends truck he decided to stay in the truck lucky guy and drove off I'm sorry lawn mower guy but that craps not right I don't feel bad for completely ignoring your existence from then on I went to a friend's house to help him move out of his apartment during his divorce I knew he and his soon-to-be ex-wife had cats but never knew the extent of it when I arrived the smell was the first thing to hit me then the filth there was cat urine and cat crap everywhere I wanted to get out of that house as fast as possible there were cats in the furniture under the coffee table in the cabinets in the walls like a horror movie what got me though was seeing cat crap on their infant daughters highchair I was horrified went out with a buddy who introduced me to his friend who is a girl we were drinking fairly heavily and she suggested that we all go back to her place my buddy and I went to the liquor store and grabbed some beer and then headed over to the address she gave us in the middle of crap town San Fernando Valley okay my buddy and I are both hammered give me less so and I think I am going to get lucky with this girl if my buddy doesn't c-block me we get to her place and I go to put the beer in the refrigerator and when I open it I see a footlong corn cob covered in cat litter and cat hair sitting on one of the shelves of the fridge all by itself most men would run if I wasn't daunted I thought I was going to get laid I used a six-pack to move over the corn cob and grabbed beers out and closed the door at this point we all go into the bedroom and are sitting on the bed I have to take a pee and go into the bathroom and close the door upon closing the door I see the cat litter box in front of the toilet is filled four inches high with cat crap and the entire bathroom floor is covered in kicked out kitty litter in the corner is a trash can that has overflowed with used tissue to the point back there is it looks like a toilet paper pyramid still undaunted because I think I am going to get laid finally what did it for me was when I walked back out into the room and the girl had grabbed a corn cob out of the fridge and was sucking on the tip and it was still dirty and covered in cat hair and kitty litter I wished them both a good night and left TL DR corncob covered in cat hair litter being sucked on once I was looking for aspirin at a friend's house and instead I found her grandmother's butt plug during my friend's graduation party I noticed what looked like an old ticket framed on the wall I strolled up to find it was not a ticket with a receipt a receipt for the ownership of another human being my friend's ancestors were slave owners and horrifyingly proud of it I used to hang out with this one dude all the time when I was 15 strokes sixteen years old he happened to be gay anyway we're chilling in his room one day and he's like wanna see something he pulls a butt hole version of the fleshlight and tells me all about it he even takes it out of the canister so I can see how he cleans his cm out of it I was a pervert already but never saw this kind of thing before and was freaked out because he was showing me his weird masturbation tool this was long before flashlights became pretty norm we had a weird relationship anyway I totally spent the night over there all the time and would masturbate on his bed occasionally while taking dirty on phone with my boyfriend oh wow my best friend and I knew this guy who wanted to start an underground newspaper and wanted us to write for it he also wanted to start a pirate radio station had bought an antenna kit and asked me to assemble it I went to visit him to pick up the kit he lived in the basement of his mother's apartment when I arrived his mother opened the door and the most overpowering penetrating stink washed over me the stink was almost viscous and it felt like it was clogging my pores I tried breathing through my mouth but I could taste it I gutted it out and entered the apartment there was little light because the every available space was crammed full of stuff I don't know what the stuff was because there was too little light in the place and I had to go into the basement whatever you're picturing in your mind's eye right now does not even come close to the horror I've done deliveries for a pharmacy I took medicine to people who were so sick disabled that some of them hadn't left the house bed in years whatever it was I've seen it mine wasn't at home but is in the same spirit my wife and I were at Walmart buying some groceries as we were standing and check out this horrible smell kind of like Bo Bill you could was from the nether regions starts to build up at first I think it's me and I'm doing sniff checks I think I might have stepped in something or whatever and I'm only noticing because I'm standing still as we move closer to the checkout counter the smell builds up more and more and we finally realize it's coming from the middle-aged women behind the counter obviously we just wanted to get the heck out of there as fast as possible so we get checked out and we're happy to finally be leaving but as we're walking to the car we realize the smell isn't going away we smell the bags and every bag the woman touch now had her scent so we get home throw out all of the bags and then find that some groceries were also casualties and either had to the throw out the packaging it came in or throw it out completely whatever was left we washed like crazy and then even we had to shower because our clothes skin had a hint of it too looking back I should have gone to management and complained or asked for free crap I was a poor student at the time but didn't want to risk running into her again TL DR I met the Johnny Appleseed of nasty see as she fulfilled her quest to fertilize the land with the smell of her decaying snatch this TL DR made it worth scrolling this far down the thread an ex of mine used to keep cuts off black spit after he used dip in his room lots of cups BC he was too lazy to go take it to the kitchen and wash it he apparently once peed in a bottle in his room that sat there for a while bc he was too lazy to go to the bathroom he had a comforter that he hadn't washed since he bought it over a year that was no longer white but Tim's yellow so disgusting and he wondered why I never wanted to stay at his house ever a girl down the hall from my friend in college this was an all-girls dorm was incredibly shy he they check rooms when people leave for extended breaks like Thanksgiving and Christmas this girl had over 30 1/4 bottles of pee in her room from when she was feeling too shy to leave and go to the bathroom was helping a buddy's girlfriend move while he was out of town we get all the boxes loaded up into the truck then start with furniture finally we get to the bedroom and while she's out taking something to the truck I start pulling drawers from the dresser to make it easier to carry it started from the bottom and made the way up putting them on the floor I get to the top drawer and start pulling it out and as soon as I get it out she walks in and her eyes got huge and her face immediately turned bright red I look down and see a drawer full of adult toys beads Celebi Baria sized corn cobs butt plugs whips ball gags and random other stuff I looked up and just started laughing a few minutes later and the rest of the day we were making jokes about it after about a 12 PK of beer later we started discussing it while still moving you actually like this in your butt do certain ones do different things is he into this or is this just for when your loan was a really funny and educational day I'll still crack a joke at them now about it even though there have been married for three years now this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 401,181
Rating: 4.888917 out of 5
Keywords: disturbing things, disturbing, someones house, worst houses, worst house ever, worst house, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: w6He7Ih6BpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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