Hiring Managers, What Is Your "What Is Wrong With This Person" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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hiring managers of Reddit what was your most WTF is wrong with this person moment you've had during an interview I once had a candidate for an intermediate level analyst brag during an interview that they used to work other jobs and play poker while working his primary office job for example for about two weeks before he was caught and got fired from both jobs he would take long lunches no one new way he went between 10:30 and 1:30 turns out he had gotten a job making pizzas at the next door pizza restaurant and worked the lunch rush he also bragged about playing poker at work constantly this was in the late 2000s while online poker was still in its boon he bragged these things to me as if I a relatively young professional at a time would think he was cool or maybe he thought had demonstrated his ability to multitask and still get his job done I have no idea either way we did not extend him an offer had a candidate who came in and said how hot my admin wasn't asked if she was single or open to freaky Fridays me I see you managed a vegetarian restaurant interviewee what M it says here you manage a vegetarian restaurant I oh I guess I did write that not really though my girlfriend had an art exhibition and I organized the sandwiches for the opening they were vegetarian this was a candidate that was otherwise pretty impressive seeming and had been among the favorites for a quite sought-after position the interview had even gone quite well up until this point to met him later at a party he had no memory of me this kid probably 18-20 started picking his nose like knuckle deep and digging for gold in the middle of his food service job interview wrapped that up real quick and didn't hire him fine too viewed a gal once and while we were talking I was looking over her resume please note that English is her first language or else this wouldn't have humored me so much her mission statement on her resume was as follows along with my detail-oriented and organizational skills I will bring encourage team to work cooperatively and creativity to provide and understand the visual aspects of our work this was for an admin position at a law firm not sure what the visual aspects of our work entailed in this position honestly I read that over about five or six times worried that I was having a stroke so I didn't really hear much of anything she said during the interview I haven't been able to make sense of it no matter how many times I read it I actually cut it out of her resume and have it sitting on my desk some 15 years later interviewing mid-level devs for basic server-side role it's the first of April dude walks in wearing an obviously dirty t-shirt and chewing an enormous wad of pink gum I can see folks smiling as they pass by the office so I'm sure some things up start running the standard batch of questions every answer he gives includes multiple f-bombs and other strong language he's slumped in his seat chewing loudly slurping the coffee we provided I can't bail on the interview but I'm pretty convinced my co-workers have set me up I end with the usual do you have any questions for me to which he replies with seems like there's some decent pea hair is caught him to the front desk can see him off returning I found out that he was interviewing only because in order to continue receiving his trust fund payouts he had to prove to his parents that he was actively trying to get a job this was the third time he'd been interviewed by us interviewing him was seen as a rite of passage I guess that's hilarious the last line he said would just sink every chance possible my old job it was reverse we had one or two clients that were batch it crazy when a new guy got hired we just shut up and push him out to the counter it was a rite of passage to see how long they could deal with a particular known customer before losing it TL DR she was a lazy liar hiring a business intelligence analyst there are a variety of ways to get into this profession I'm open to many of them frankly if you have a good head on your shoulders and know even basic SQL I can probably work with you though lately I've had to get more picky as our projects have become more complex this woman is mid-40s boisterous personality and seems like she'd be a good organized they'll fit the problem is she keeps lying but only halfway do you know SQL oh yes I have years of experience with it great so take a look at this code this is the sort of thing we do what's this dot for some reason though the most egregious lie that stands out in my head with her was when she commented when I suggested she not take a particular route to the train station because it was dark and potentially and safe also I was headed to the same station and did not wish to commute with her that she had a black board and had practiced martial arts singers oh cool what discipline I don't remember ffs pathological liars are a trip she's long since gone but we had one where I work she had stories about how she was dating in a pro sports player had dated some pop music star had a massive cattle ranch had a six-figure second job etc she'd get P a few expressed any kind of disbelief hiring for a senior dev position had a telephone interview when she seemed confident and competent so I flew her down for an on-site interview she calls not me but the front desk reception and says she can't drive in a big city and leaves a car to pick her up and she refuses to get the rental car we reserved before you believed a call is transferred to me and I tell her to take the train Atlanta martyr no she says too scary I tell her to go to the taxi stand and take that nope afraid off taxes she wants a quart limo to pick her up and nothing else will do she is adamant I put her on hold have a chat with my boss who says just send her home she's too much work if she can't even handle this I tell her thank you for taking the time to fly down but not even our own VP's get that treatment and to go ahead and change your ticket to fly home now she then starts telling me she will take a taxi etc I said please don't bother it will be a waste of everyone's time thank you good bye not once when setting up her travel plans did she say she needed assistance getting from the airport it was explained to her she would pick up a rental car at the airport what she was fine with it no idea WTF she was thinking but ain't nobody got time for dat nonsense we had a shortlisted candidate come for a campus interview this usually includes meeting with the Dean a long interview with the full hiring committee a formal meeting with the department chair dinner with the hiring committee a formal job talk one-hour academic lecture teaching a sample undergrad course and meeting some students as well as a campus tour during the job talk he kept flashing the pink satin liner of his suit jacket in the direction of one of our openly gay grad students everyone noticed later he proceeded to get trash during the meet greet with the students at a local bar and confided all of the dirt about his current department and over shared the status of his rocky relationship with a grad student back at his home University a big no-no even though it happens sometimes but the next morning sealed the big fat no a grad student usually volunteers and is compensated to drive the candidate back to the airport this person kept trying to persuade the openly gay grad student to drive him instead even though another student female already had the task assigned to her but he didn't get an offer no no noooooo I cringe the whole time writing that I have heard similar horror stories from tenured professors at my university candidates must be on their best behavior for the entire 48 hours because employees are determining if they are a good fit for the department when she listed all of her ex boyfriends that currently worked there and said she couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when she showed up to work this was in the first three minutes of the interview so I wasn't even close to offering the job yet I cut the interview right there and sent her on her way this was about three weeks ago we had a woman who works at ver generic retail big-box store across town wanting to transfer to our store of the same name because it's closer to her house she showed up for the interview wearing a faded shirt from a local redneck bar complete with rebel flag cutoff jeans and flip-flops during the interview she proceeded to talk crap about six different managers associate spine from her current store she cussed during the interview and kept telling us more and more about the people she didn't like do people not realize that if we hear them talking crap about them that we know she'll do it to us too and at least dress for an interview nope they don't realize it because their brains can't think more than zero steps ahead I set up an interview for an acquaintances nephew with a company looking to hire 30 college students for summer work the nephews major and the line of work this company performed seemed to mesh perfectly and I knew the hiring manager personally so it seemed like a great fit a couple weeks later the acquaintance emails asking about the job so I hit up my hiring manager friend and the conversation went something like this me he held the round of hiring go HR great needed to fill 30 spaces and only had to do 31 interviews to fill them me oh cool so was Paul X one of them HR Oh him yeah well euhh he was naked during the interview so we declined me what are you serious I find it hard to believe he would show up to an interview nude HR well it was a Skype interview and when we brought up his video feed he was laying in bed nude me oh well maybe he thought you couldn't see him maybe he thought it was just an audio meeting HR we told him we could see him and he said sorry then covered up with a sheet we asked if he wanted to reschedule and he said no he was good so yeah we decided to pass sorry Paul sorry nothing for Frick sake Paul I've had two separate cases where people were so confident that they had a job that they botched the interview on one of these I wanted to tell the candidate to go out and come back in again because he was one of two very good choices and his arrogance put my team off they thought the other candidate would be a better fit I was performing a video interview with a candidate they were clearly in a large room bedroom with most of it visible in the background but it was clean so I didn't mind in the back right corner was a closed door about seven minutes into the interview I see the door opens slightly and some dude poked his head in see that his roommate girlfriend was in an interview then close the door not a big deal it happens I asked my next question and led the candidate respond but then about 30 seconds later I see the door slowly open again only this time the dude comes crawling out the bottom he continues to crawl across the floor making his way to the opposite side of the room I assumed he thought he was out of the cameras fault but he was clearly visible he gets to the far end of the room and turns to fiddle with something but in the air facing the camera but finally he finishes up with whatever he was doing and makes his way back and out the door I know I should have stopped the candidate and had her deal with the dude but it was so funny to watch I had to let it play out I could barely contain my laughter and after the interview finished I lost it she got a job though and from what I remember was a great employee the strangest ever was a man telling us all about his mom's out timers talking crap about our company and getting upset we didn't offer him the position on the spot it was a wild ride beginning to end row I could potentially see the out timers talk taking over a bit if it is something all-consuming because that crap is hard still not the time or place but I could get it the other stuff yo hiring for a customer support role explained to candidate on pre-interview email how she would need to sign in at our reception kiosk and register her self get nametag sorted then the hiring manager me would be informed and would come out to the lobby to get her 15 minutes before interview time I hear a God Almighty jangly noise and see a woman repeatedly trying to open the locked door and at one point uses her hands to beat the door and wave at people inside I opened the office door asked her how we can help find out she's the candidate when meant to interview and she never real instructions she lost out on the role there and then but we still met with her for about 10 minutes we interviewed three other people at then none have problems with interview etiquette I had someone show up in daisy dukes and cowboy boots for an office job at a four-star hotel to start the interview I asked him to tell us three people a little bit about himself 35 minutes later he stopped talking usually people aren't so this question in one five minutes it was incredibly awkward and I was tempted to interrupt him but then truly wanted to see how long he would go okay great now tell us a lot about yourself we have a very simple pre-employment test if you have been in our industry for more than a year you should get 100% sometimes we even give it as an at-home test we had one guy that took his test home had it for over a week he brought it to the formal interview and got 90% of the questions wrong even though according to his resume he was an all-star and knew everything he had an excuse for every wrong answer to even the most widely-known questions in our industry it would be the equivalent of saying you have been laying sod for 20 years and then put the green side down he didn't get the job I did a phone interview with a guy and he seemed really excited and very friendly he seemed to be relatively new to the field but we were willing to give him a chance I invited him to come and foreign in person interview my manager and I were doing this second interview and when I called him in he gave me a huge hug and proceeded to talk to me like I was his best friend as a 27 year old woman I was incredibly uncomfortable and froze up at the end of the interview we told him we would reach out to him within the next couple of weeks to let him know the outcome after the interview my manager asked if I knew him and I said I definitely did not his interview was not great either and he was not a good fit for the job my manager was the one who had to call him to let him know he didn't get the job however he proceeded to call my phone every day that week and left me long voicemails most of the times he'd asked about his interview but sometimes he'd say things like hey girl how are things going I was thinking if I get hired we should hang out it freaked me out and I had my manager call him early to give him the news that he did not get the job and the calls did not stop and I just kept deleting his voicemails without listening my manager and I was so disturbed by his persistence that we went to HR for help and they must have done something because the calls stopped after that oh my god that is legit disturbing you must have a great HR department they can be like wizards getting people to chew out not a manager but I was the interviewee I wasn't feeling well that morning but I had an interview with a super cool science museum as a promotions event coordinator it would have been the perfect job I decided to go anyways as I drove to the interview I felt horrible when I went inside I was feeling worse I was asked to sit and wait for the hiring manager to come get me when she finally did I knew I had made a mistake in coming I got up and followed her across the whole museum and up two flights of stairs it felt like it was 120 degrees in there and finally as we were walking toward her office and she reached for the door handle my stomach let go I barely made it to the trashcan right next to me and proceeded to vomit for a good two minutes even dry heaving a few times when I was finished I looked up and she had her back to me with her head in her hands like she was trying to hold it together I said I was sorry and I hope she had a better day than me and I turned around and left man that would have been a fun job probably could have just told them when you first arrived it shows that you are super serious and I would have just rescheduled with you are made it more convenient hiring for an apartment building doorman he kept telling me that he was just on the phone with Hong Kong putting together a currency exchange transaction and that he was working in another big thing in China he asked me to wait a few minutes while he finished typing an email told me that he's always on the phone was not hired I have two stories the first is back in college days we were interviewing for a new college newspaper reporter the question was this position requires an energetic inquisitive and outgoing person who can chase a story and get the facts with that in mind how would you describe yourself the answer was up care to elaborate on that number they did not get the position the second one was for an IT position in my later career an individual that had been fired from one branch of a government agency decided to apply for another branch a few years later but his resume read very much differently than the reality instead of him being fired for essentially not knowing how to do his primary job function he was now let go when the project closed three years after he was fired also all his resume achievements listed for that time were things either myself or one of my co-workers had accomplished things that he didn't even have any involvement with I guess he didn't realize we were on the hiring panel because we had merged with another region I honestly don't fathom how he thought that was going to work out because it was the same agency and it's not like we wouldn't have noticed I was on the interview board for a forensic technician position aka CSI the interview process was a series of questions and though we give the applicants a photograph from a crime scene and asked them to write down everything they observe and what they believe is important we always informed the applicants of the process before we begin in case there are any questions issues we would also go over the Job Description again just in case there are any questions about the duties of the position we had a qualified applicant and her application clearly suggested she understood what being a forensic technician involved we did our standard review before beginning the interview and she said she understood and was eager to begin we got to the part where we present the photograph and she freaked out it was photograph of a deceased male from a heroin overdose so there was no blood but a bit of vomit you could not fully see his face in the photograph nothing too graphic she freaked out and asked if the photograph was real we told her yes this was a photograph from a scene within our jurisdiction that our team had responded to she dropped the photograph on the table and said it's too disgusting and how could we show her something like that we reminded her of the duties of the position and she said well I didn't think I would actually have to see something like that it's not like that on TV all of us on the interview board nodded at each other and I advised her the interview was over and thank you for coming in I put out my and to shake hers and she grabbed my hand with both on hers begging me to let her continue because she really needs a job I reminded her of the duties of a forensic technician and that if she could no do this most simple of tasks there was no way we could consider offering her repetition she left about two weeks later she had received the thank you but no thank you letter from our HR department but she called gets transferred to me and asks why we didn't hire her I reminded her that she herself stated in the interview she couldn't perform the duties of the job and she tells me she's changed can I give her a chance she told me she binge watched Forensic Files and she was ready now not a hiring manager but interviewed an older guide to replace our SAS admin he had to fax me his resume because he couldn't figure out how to attach it in an email that kind of stuff is unfortunate he was probably making Bank handling antiquated systems likely at a bank until they finally upgraded and kicked him to the curb with the ancient machinery I was interviewing a CDL driver candidate and this is how he explained his arrest for domestic violence you know how Cherokee Indians get I once received a resume that was just a list of around 20 places someone had worked with the reason they had been fired next to each one they assume all regimes are like that and are confident their lack of physical violence related dismissals will make them competitive you have been visited by the romantic dog a comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 76,700
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Keywords: hiring, jobs, job interview, job interview tips, job interview outfit, job interview makeup, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: ehr1ynECOYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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