That's Some Next Level Bad Parenting...

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what's the worst example of bad parenting you've ever witnessed a mother let her kid play in the stream of woodships coming out of a wood chipper and yelled at the guy who was cutting down trees because he told the kid to get away from it she was on her phone the whole time there could have been nails and stones in that wood that could have hit the kid but nope it was the bloke's fault for chipping wood and not letting the kid play in it i went to breakfast with a good friend and a friend of a friend we pick up the friend of a friend who brings her three-year-old son along the kid is crying and making all kinds of noise the mother responds by telling the kid that i have a gun and if he doesn't calm down i was going to shoot the kid first hand account my mom would let me work during the summer from 7-7 and when i came back to the hotel room she'd pay for another night get me a rmc chicken and then shoot up h while i watch tv this really reminds me of awful points in my childhood as well i am so sorry hopefully your way and better this happened many years ago when i was about 10 or so my mom's ex-friend will call her patty for the sake of this story well one day there's a knock at the door and mom goes and opens it to find pat his son john also not his real name who was only about five years old at the time his mom is sitting in the car in our driveway and he's just standing there by himself my mom says hey there john what brings you guys here today little john then replies mom said to ask if you have a can mom says they can like a soda can john says i don't know she said she needs a ken so she can smoke her crack my mom who was most certainly not any sort of angel herself fumes with anger over this he says jon go inside and play with me close the door and don't look outside so jon comes in and i put some cartoons on for him to watch i then peek out the window whilst he is occupied with the show my mom is screaming at patty through her open car window i couldn't hear what was being said but they were both screaming at each other and then my mom punches patty in the face through the open window pulls open her door drags her out of the car onto the driveway pavement by her hair and beats the ever living sin out of the woman after she finally lets patty go patty gets up gets into her car and drives away with her son still in our house luckily my mom was friends with pat his brother-in-law which is how we knew her in the first place and she called him who in turn called the kids grandpa since he himself was at work to come and pick him up grandpa apologized profusely for pat his behavior and took jon home with him your mom is a badass i work in foster care i can tell you roughly 14 up to 28 horrible stories of parents the ones that get me the worst are the parents who sell their beautiful 13-year-old daughter for em or the mom who laughed at her eight-year-old when he told her that his dad and step-dad were sexually abusing him and all of his sibilings he begs to go home now and all i can say is you know better than me why you live here bud frick everyone i'm a medical student and i just got off of my pediatrics rotation the most haunting thing about child abuse is how when you separate a child from their abuser the child still begs to go home and begs to see the parent that hurt them they are much too young to understand that what they're missing is the parent they deserve not the parent they have i've seen parents lock their two children in their bedroom so they could play wow anytime the kids came out and did anything kids normally do they were immediately sent to their room the lock was changed so it was on the outside the most disturbing thing i saw firsthand was unlocking the door and nearly puking from a foul smell they crap themselves and threw it into the ceiling fan crap was everywhere child services was contacted not long after in a grocery store and i see a probably five-year-old walk across the apple display taking a bite out each apple on the bottom row look around then place the apple back with the bite out of you i stood there with my jaw dropped waiting for her parents to do something finally the woman saw me looked at the kid and said gasp media no one promptly turned around and continued to let her do it my sister was worried that her seven-year-old son wasn't at the level as the other kids and considered holding him back a year she didn't end up going through with it but my brother in law found this development super funny and kept openly mocking his own son until his own son starting crying his eyes out and needing a hug i was absolutely horrified that his own father was acting like a schoolyard bully i'm a prosecutor so i've seen a lot of really terrible parenting once we were investigating a man for sexually assaulting his girlfriend's fourteen-year-old daughter the girl was interviewed and disclosed that he had in fact been having sex with her the detective went and told her mother when she had disclosed and mom's response was so you're telling me she's gone from being my daughter to being my competition we had a girl in our foster care program whose father used to get mad because she would throw up when he would rape her he fixed this problem by handcuffing her to the toilet when he did it we had another kid that was incredibly good at making paper airplanes like he could make one and tell you how far it would go which way would turn how many flips it would make etc before he ever threw it i asked him one day how he learned and he said whenever my parents abused me i would just go to my room and make paper airplanes the kid made a lot of freaking airplanes turns out he was one of the worst abuse cases our dhs had ever encountered in the county he was from i could go on for quite a while hard to pick just one to the second one you have to admire him for finding some coping mechanism that's some resilience i was driving along my street when this 46 years old kid rolls out of a driveway on a tricycle i come to a stop and wait for him to get out of my way as he seemed to be doing his mother runs down the driveway and just starts screaming at me rather than get her kid out of the road another car comes up behind and without waiting just goes around clipping the kid's tricycle knocking him on the ground and the lady just screams at me even more she wouldn't stop or get out of the way i finally just held my horn down till she gathered her kid up and got out of the way i work at a fast food restaurant and while what i see probably isn't what most people would consider the worst i still see quite a bit of bad crap going on a lot of loud emotionally abusive parents yelling at kids kids that look dirty kids without proper clothing and bad weather just everything was a truck driver once in my life saw two parents on the road with a crying child may be eight years old in the back they each took turns shooting up h apparently it's common practice to drop your kids at chuck e cheese with or without tokens and shoot h in the bathroom i'm a teacher the examples of bad parenting i could give are staggering the worst examples end up with me calling child protective services like the child who talked about naked family time or the 14 year old who left school to play designated driver for drunk parent or any number of other things day-to-day normal bad though is any parent who talks crap in front of their child i don't care who you're bad-mouthing don't do it in front of your child all that comes to school all of it not necessarily the worst but depressing in some ways overheard a woman tell her child in a condescending manner don't be stupid lizards don't lay eggs whilst in the reptile house at london zoo during a zookeeper talk an irate mother of a girl in a private school's music program made a big scene in front of the faculty and students because her daughter had not been selected to sing a solo in a school concert the student had been very clear to the faculty that she didn't want the part nor was her voice suited for it still her overbearing mother insisted that she audition against her will as a result the girl was yanked out of the school she loved by her parents and embarrassed all because the mother's ego required that her daughter be the shining star in front of others i know someone who was raised this way by a single mother the girl is now 35 and still acts like the world owes her something it's a sad way to raise a child a little while ago in a supermarket in london a young girl was screaming at the cashier for asking for it for the large bottle of vodka she was buying as the cashier continued to ask for it the girl opened her coat to reveal a large swollen belly and shouted of course i'm old enough to drink vodka i'm freaking pregnant bloody heck this is exactly like something you'd read in a joke book my mother's mother was a pretty crappy one she wouldn't let her go to school because she wanted her to become a housewife she let her boyfriend sexually abuse my mother when she was little and seduced my mother's boyfriends everything about that is freaking awful and bizarre lived under some horrible people for eight months they would have parties in the middle of the week till two or three a.m regularly but one particular disturbing story their girl around 10 12 was having regular night terrors she would wake up screaming we lived in the basement their bedrooms were on the second floor so a whole story between us and we could hear the dad stomping down the hallway and slam open the door and start screaming at the top of his lungs you better freaking knock that crap off stop crying you crap head they're nothing but freaking dreams you hear me dreams it's nothing worth crying over worst neighbors ever we never felt sorry that our dog barked all day he hated them when their kids started crying our dog started to cry and whine and howl in sympathy but the adults he would bark and snarl at loved people of all ages that dog i could trust his instincts of a good human i know downright tragic examples of horrifying parenting but they're such downers i'll go with a story which is more of a slightly humorous element to it i'm at a red light in the right hand lane right hand turns on radar legal where i am there's a car coming but it's a ways away i turned right and cross into the left hand lane as the incoming car was driving in the right hand lane and i didn't want to have to accelerate too fast the upcoming car slows down to my speed woman hangs out of the driver's side window with a beer in one hand that's on the wheel and a cigarette in the other as she's flipping me off and says be careful mother i've got kids in the back then she sped off well above the speed limit hey i have children in the trunk of this car a woman on the bus told her approximately six-year-old son to tell an approximately 11 year old school girl to move out the way but referred to the girl as that fat cow i lost my crap probably displaying pretty bad parenting skills myself as i was taking my son to school but i couldn't let it pass i don't think what you did is that bad i mean losing your cool is not ideal but you showed your son that you are willing to stand up for a total stranger when they are being mistreated i frick here we go not my story but my mom since she's a schoolteacher kid came in with a huge butt rash in my mother's class she thought it was herpes asked if he felt fine and he replied that he had a really painful throat oozing rash all over the kid's face my mother rushed him to the nurse and the nurse freaked out turns out the kid had such a severe case of strep throat he had infection oozing from his skin they called his parents and all the parent had to say was we already took him to the doctor and we don't want to drive him back he'll be fine my mom reported it to child services and tried giving the kid some salt water she feels so bad but legally she can't do much other than that my mom felt horrible for him that could be fatal good on your mom for trying to do what she could she must have been so worried i met a girl in college who had lived with her aunt for a few years after her parents had died and the aunt literally tortured her she told me about how she would be kept chained to the ac unit and starved she still had trouble gaining weight and growing hair when i met her because the malnutrition had gotten so bad over time that people do crap like this to each other pisses me off to no end i was traveling through india i don't speak hindi so i didn't understand what was being said or happening but some old lady turned round to a very passive little five or maybe six years old and then slapped her across the face with all her force it was heartbreaking the kid just sobbed she didn't even scream i think she must have been used to it when i was traveling through india we went to the taj majol and for some reason hired a guy to show us around whenever anyone was in our way he would take a bamboo club and whack them with it meanwhile oleg the mad russian joined in with the beating and they were not happy so indians can beat other indians giant pasty white guys cannot beat indians this like five-year-old kid emptied a four pint bottle of milk all over flored supermarket where i worked and her mum just stood there and watched to add to that the child managed to place the empty bottle in the center of this now two meters wide puddle and the mum just looked at me and said you've got some cleaning up to do unbelievably rude i welder handed her the mop and bucket here in belgium new parents receive money from the government at the birth of each kid to help with the initial costs like diapers baby bottles strollers etc it's about two thousand dollar sign kid if i'm not mistaken well i knew a guy who decided to have a kid because he needed the money to buy a new computer to play games the whole day obviously like wow two grand after 9 months when you could just earn it it's not like 2k is a yearly wage in belgium at a movie theater sitting in the fourth or fifth row with friends this was a rated r movie two kids maybe four and seven year old are in the audience they start playing and running back and forth at the front of the theater the four-year-old falls and starts to cry the parent doesn't bother to get up my friend finally went to console the child after a few minutes the mother never bothered to get up as a former theatre worker i can't tell you the rage i feel over this young me saw a mom on the train smack her kid for not sitting down then smack him again for crying then smack him again these weren't light pads either what young me saw next still gives me a justice boner a fairly grizzled noncom opposite the woman put his book aside stood up and yanked her out of her seat by the front of her shirt he held her there legs dangling and said rough translation if you do that again i'll show you how it feels to be slapped around by someone much stronger and a lot meaner than you sit down he then tossed her back in her seat picked up his book and kept on reading stories like these really enforce that sometimes a little violence really is necessary that guy's a hero when i was a cashier this mom came in with her son's piggy bank the kid was with her and must have only been about six years old he wanted to buy a candy bar with his money but the mom told him no that his money was going to help support the family she then proceeded to buy a six-pack of beer and some cigarettes with the money while the kid watched the poor boy had tears in his eyes the whole time i refused service to her and the manager ended up ringing her up she was paying with mostly pennies and nickels and while she was distracted i saw the boy walk over to the candy rack and wipe the tears from his eyes i asked him what was wrong and he told me it had taken him three years to save that money but his mom didn't have a job so she took it from him i bought him the candy bar he wanted and gave him a bunch of quarters for the gumball toy machines his mom saw him trying to get one of those sticky hands from the machine and then took all the quarters he had from him frick that lady i worked in retail for many years i've seen a lot of stupid stuff and even more related to kids parenting but there were two that came to mind first was a girl and her dad coming in to return a cd she purchased at the time not sure if it's still the same the policy with cds dvds as well could only be exchanged for the same title when defective due to copyright and the ease of pirating it the gaia customer service explained the policy apologized etc dad turns to the girl who is 9 10 and josh gets in her face in a complete jail telling her she should off-read the policy before opening it and needed to know what the frick she was buying and just screaming nearly incoherently until this girl was immediately in tears the guyad customer service told the guy to shoot up and stop yelling at her the guy turned to him and started to yell at him he later said he figured a guy with that temper would turn it on him and at least he spared the girl more verbal abuse in the end due to all the yelling and the fact it was a cd our manager made an exception let them exchange it etc the second one is quite a bit worse we were remodeling the store moving the car audio department to a new location which meant after the store closed a bunch of us would stay overnight move shelves product etc the third night we were doing this around 11 30 or so a little kid no more than seven eight walks out rubbing his eyes like he just woke up sees us starts screaming then another kid 11 12 maybe comes running out from behind a box in appliances at first we just thought they fell asleep so we called the police when the two kids saw the police they started crying and explaining how their mom and her boyfriend had hid them there and they were supposed to open the side door when the clock shows 12 they bring out a wristwatch with the alarm set for midnight the cops had us all move our cars to the side of the building so they were not visible from the street and well when the parents knocked it wasn't their kids that opened the door standing outside a supermarket a couple of years back a woman walks out toddler in a push chair a kid who might have been about seven or eight walking maybe five feet behind her the older kid had a small rubber ball and was bouncing it on the ground and catching it he seemed perfectly happy it wasn't making any noise or bouncing around or anything it wasn't bothering anyone he was just bouncing and catching his bull as he walked the woman i assume it was his mom noticed this after a minute spun around and grabbed him hard by the upper arm and then shouted right into his face if you keep bouncing that freaking ball i'm going to smash your freaking face in shook him hard once and then just turned around and walked on with the push chair the poor kid just looked so emptied like he wasn't even allowed this one small pleasure it doesn't matter how annoying you find it when your kid bounces a ball that's just never an okay thing to say to your child witness something similar my boyfriend and i were enjoying dinner on the porch one warm night some little kids were playing nearby suddenly an adult woman shrieks do that again and i will bust your head open and spill your brains on the street the little girl just looked mortified not sure what exactly the child did but the reaction was so threatening we were stunned a couple years ago i was on a shuttle in yosemite a little girl approximately age 10 had this nasty tight cough being in the medical field i was concerned and asked if she had asthma the father answered in a curt and rather annoy tone that she was fine they were doing controlled burns in the park which was causing my own asthma to act up the girl was not fine as she clearly was struggling to breathe i bit my tongue but to this day wish i had somehow persuaded the father to get her help when i was around that age i had a night where i felt like i couldn't breath enough just couldn't catch my breath my mom had me stand outside and then had my dad drive me to a lake so i could catch my breath i guess he kept complaining to me that if i couldn't breath i should go to the hospital i was a like i don't really have a choice in this and i am scared that i can't breath i used to work on a pediatric cancer floor we had a little girl who was dying make a wish gave her a disney cruise she was so excited to go she talked about it for weeks the week she was supposed to be on the cruise she was admitted to the unit with a fever we were all like what happened to the crews it took a while but we eventually learned the truth when her grandmother told us what happened her parents took the spending money they got and went on all night partying binge the night before and were wasted and passed out when it came time to drive to the cruise ship we could not even look at them ever again when they were there and yes we got dcf involved i was waiting in the vehicle while my wife ran into a grocery store to grab a few things a woman comes out with three young kids under the age of eight we're both parked right next to a place to put your shopping cart but she leaves it between the noses of our vehicles none of the kids are old big enough to sit up front but one does without a seat belt another kid in back doesn't appear to be wearing a seat belt and the third kid is just standing and holding on to the front two seats while the woman drives off my wife comes out and starts telling me about a woman with three kids who were acting unruly and cursing a bunch then i tell her my story it was the same woman i have a friend of a friend who has a couple kids one having cerebral palsy anyways we were all at my cousins one night drinking and playing rock band while the kids danced around and did kids stuff some way or another the mother of the kids saw a car drive by slow and thought she recognized them as someone who owed her money or whatever and decided to tear off after them i come out of the bathroom having heard all the commotion and all the adults were gone chasing after whoever it was so now i am stuck with like five kids i am drunk and tired as heck i threw rockman back on and gave all the kids instruments had to unplug a couple but we still managed to make it through the next 20 minutes or so the cp kid ended up being pretty good at drums though i was at a family reunion a few years back me and my friend who we brought along decided to go swimming in the hotel pool we were swimming and this little girl tried playing with us so we played with her after a while my friend told me i don't t think anyone is watching her so we asked her and she said no this girl said she was five and she was with her brothers i went to the front desk and told them there is a little girl unsupervised in the pool and told them her name and they called the family we waited with the girl for a few hours and even fed her finally someone did come and get her i remember this exactly are you paul's kids the man said and they responded with a yes and they left the sad part is the dad couldn't be bothered to watch or come get his five-year-old kid and her like eight-year-old brothers my cousin used to be on h and her husband is an ex-con he has four other children and is only allowed by the state to see one of them they had a son together and were doing okay for a while now he's almost three and barely responds to his own name doesn't say more than a few words and refuses eye contact he lives in his own little bubble he very much needs early intervention and professional help however they refuse to do a single thing about it because that would mean getting the state involved and they don't want that considering three of his other children have already gotten taken away it's pitiful and very very sad this is a hard one but you should call the saddest outcome would be if no one cared enough to give the kid a real chance at a life a few weeks ago i was in an ice cream shop in la it was more of a high-end gourmet place with nice decor ice cream was phenomenal btw salt and straw in venice someone comes in with three young boys probably all between eight and ten the boys are kind of loud and rowdy at first but then they literally start wrestling on the floor of this crowded shop rolling around screaming fighting each other mind you this is a small shop their parents couldn't have been more than 10 feet away but they did nothing acted as though the kids weren't there the poor girl behind the counter had to kindly ask them to get off the floor and of course they didn't listen to her i had to literally step over them to get to the bathroom there was a dog in the shop at the same time again la and it was way better behaved than those little brats parenting is a verb you have to do it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 37,124
Rating: 4.9493179 out of 5
Keywords: worst example, bad parenting, parenting, parenting fails, worst parents, parents stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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