How to find live bait(mullet) and what setup to use for Garrick and kob // Just a normal day!

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just want to keep talking to you guys all right i love coffee so much bronzer just in review the wind is pumping by him it's not so bad yeah i don't think it's that bad um i'm gonna make this thing full of coffee this proper winter fishing and i'm also lazy for 70 days i've been able to not get cold have coffee when i want it's been it's been chilled i just love coffee so much [Music] [Applause] oh all right so we've got enough money for our first few throws yeah uh we stopped at a place that's not the perfect uh structure but it's fine for first turn because it's the right window now the sun is about to rise behind me as you can see stunning stunning sunrise but there's enough water to hold a fish or so so we're quickly going to put a weight out organize our stuff leave it in for about 45 minutes or so and then we'll start moving and look for another spot [Music] yep that'll be much better i'm not saying that i don't want to stay i know what you eat go let's go let's go let's go i need my bucket can i show you guys what i'm throwing towards just now look at that beautiful sunrise there is no better day to do this come on hey little fella please go get me a mr cobby please mr mully my boy oh boy so always when you start if you're gonna start sliding a mullet i like to keep him on me so after i've thrown he's in the water right next to me i don't need to peg my rod i don't need to go make sure this tight line again everything is perfect for when i'm about to slide because they get wrapped up quite easily so make sure you look after your line make it nice and tight after you've thrown once it's settled make it nice and tight keep it tight take the molly off you and then you can slide them straight away that's what i've done here today always start a small fast church just like that just like that then once uh you can't see the slide once the slide is submerged in the water you start slowing it down okay i'm quickly gonna make two throws of the paddle tail i have a six inch mccarthy okay yeah as you can see um again not fishing the most ideal formation but i can reach the back bank so and there is a trough in the front it's got an exit on the on the left so it's it's all right it's actually better for perot than i would say i'm just going to make like three or four throws uh while i'd live but you're sitting there waiting for a nice cob and then we'll set up everything and then we'll try to find a new spot if we don't get a bite but i think we might get that one fishy that's staying behind here i really hope so the water's colder than it is outside come on cobby come on fishies i have no water left so we're gonna fish for a little we're gonna make like five throws over the slip yeah you can just see it's flat no it's not throwing towards a bank or anything so i've gone for a buck though fishing for a larry and then we're gonna carry on walking up uh waiting for the time to push we're just gonna make two or three throws here often a nice thing to do when you're doing live bait fishing and you're walking for formation you stop the places like this just to make a couple of throws or whatever on the spot it's spring low so it's definitely a little bit too low now but it's gonna look nice i reckon what do you say bro within an hour yeah our jaws are pushed so an hour or two hours of push it's gonna look nice it's it's nine now it's low at ten it's gonna look nice then the right it's not the perfect timing for a car but there might be a car because there's a bit of color in the water but in the meantime we're going to throw a bait we're going to leave it on the bank see if there's a lost kobe or something coming over and then we're going to walk to the left so it's like basically open sea which is but it's winter time so we're going to fish for garrick you know garrick don't mind eating straight over her lip we're just going to throw short just just over the lip and we're going to work some bucktails and maybe some plug and stuff over the lip see if we can't get a chase or something something to it there's a lot of mullet a lot of bait fish sea's nice dolphins so i'm sure there might be some activities stay tuned trying to get a couple of mallets now just on the beginning of the first just so we have weight and usually what's lacking to look for is you'll find them on the edges of the banks you'll find them it's also we see a bit of brown foam but it's always like to lay in the brown coat so check for brown foam or look along the edges of the banks or usually follow me [Music] i get asked so much about setups and things so this is my go to cobb setup honestly probably my favorite rod evo gold medium heavy very very nice lovely for throwing baits with the smaller fibo throwing onto onto far banks it's also i enjoy it for a lot of it as well some people think it's a bit light but i'm not someone that throws my library for i like walking to where i want my live bed to be and then lobbing at 30 to 60 meters so this is this is my setup but a 10 000 saragosa it's either medium heavy 30 pound jdb ultra tough nothing better fishing at 80 pound rated leader and then turns my hook trace which i get asked tons about it's about 1.3 meters in length i've got about a meter of running sinker and then i've got to stop here and then i've got about 65 to 80 centimeters of actual trace this is this is what's going to be moving the mullet's going to be working with this bit and then when that crop feeds you've got this this movement happening all along to this swivel so you've got all about a meter of movement and that just helps when when you're fishing a strong sea especially and you're throwing a stronger sinker a heavier sinker with bigger wires and you get the bite you don't want the fish to be put off if it's a flat seat you fish a light sinker it doesn't really matter but if you're fishing a stronger sea or areas like in the eastern gate come to us and you're fishing at heavyweights you want it to be running because if you get that bike and your sink is stuck especially with carrick they they get spooked and once he's spooked he doesn't come back so that's just my my trace and what i've got here is a 180 punch adb leader so yeah i'm going to hook it catch our molly the hook that i've got is a 7-0 bkk offset uh very similar to the fusion and then sinker i'm using a 6o after 6 ounce and all you do is you hook that you hook that little braided leader over one of those wires push it through the top of the eye like so take your hook hook it on this side just through the loop this side through the loop twist until you get just enough space to put it underneath again twist it again and then go this side now some people don't actually look through the braid but i hook it through the braid because then i know it's not going to untangle and there we go now that mullet's going to take almost no pressure while you're casting the hook is nice and proud and it will stay alive for long let's go see if we can get again your live is over the lip and two on the bank on the side now it's just a matter of waiting games throw a little bit of lure while we wait oh having coffee there eventually we got ah but it still feels after some weight time oh um shakes or anything maybe maybe it's just the sandy that childhood maybe this thing just dragging maybe blind or something but i can't believe we haven't had a bucket barometer is nice laughing he looks nice a couple of guys that fish this morning when he walked onto the beach and i think it's a matter of finding him as soon as you find him maybe you get him oh my goodness oh my goodness what prize catch is that good so yeah and if you will not be fat either this is called a biscuit right they like fighting nothing else is bad don't worry guys if you're watching this video let me put another fish because i won't publish it this is the only fish look at him guys it's called the biscuit right got like a see-through nose got a thorny tail pretty good bait for big shots there aren't enough teeth like they thought in the spear nose yeah it's actually kind of pretty everyone's kind pretty no not really gonna put it back well that divine well done whoa yeah [Music] all right round three let's go mr mully freaky was a bad name so let's try oh come on mr o please give me a kobe or garrick she's pushing a bit so finally something to work with here [Music] like all right so the thigh pushed and eventually produced the bite i mean you've been waiting hour long for a decent bite and i was just saying to bronze yeah yeah okay so eventually it feels like an edible risk a bit slow shaking head not a big fish but we've been waiting for this because the tide's finally pushing it i was telling bronze now i feel demotivated because it feels like i made the wrong call because my gut and everything's starting to the fish should be biting now i'm just not getting a bite now eventually it's pushing up here so hopefully hopefully we can land this one [Music] when you're fighting animal fish especially with braid you keep that stuff up you don't drop the rod all the way down you just stick to the work i'm gonna go i'm gonna go grab it yeah okay so it was a garrick it came up in the shallows i couldn't take it but probably about a four kilo garrick what do you call that uh quick release quick release i'm fishing two weeks for a garrick still camera four kilos fabulous you know me and brian have just decided that that was very very unnecessary that was no fair at all not fair bastard i was like here's some hope for you guys show you fishy laughter a little five kilo garrick and then it just gave us the finger just gave us the finger [Applause] what a crappy first few days of fishing i'm sorry guys we caught nothing i don't even know if i'm going to make this video but if i do let's laugh hey we all fish if you've watched this far in this video then you're clearly bored yeah then you're bored guys i'm sorry if you boy if you were born during lockdown it's fine but anyway if you did watch this vlog thanks for supporting um yeah that's what fishing's all about eh and um i actually put on the camera to show you this i mean it's such a beautiful day we had such a beautiful day on the beach just it's good to see friends again are you even allowed to legally gather now i don't think you can even go over brian a friend's house legally so in a way this is this is kind of your legal gathering in essence so good to see you see how bronze again always is tomorrow we are going deep-sea fishing maybe i'll make a two-part series okay don't watch the first part of the two-part series sorry to ruin this start off with the show and then deep sea okay hopefully tomorrow's deep seas more successful today stay tuned for the next video and thanks for watching sorry for you guys no fish but hopefully you learned something let me know in the comments if you did cheers oh that for a setup huh that's how you should love your first day off
Channel: Duvan van Breda
Views: 18,559
Rating: 4.7635469 out of 5
Keywords: how to throw a cast net easy, how to cast a cast net, cast net fishing, how to catch live bait, how to catch live bait with a net, how to net mullets, surf netting, best fishing videos South Africa, fishing South, fishing videos, fishing tutorials, how to videos, Duvanfish, how to use live bait, how to find live bait, how to rig live bait, surf fishing for garrick, live bait fishing in the surf, fishing south africa, fishing jeffreysbay, how to catch fish, fishing setups
Id: sEJ6yYJ8TSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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