What's The Worst Thing You've Had To Do At Work? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most flicked up thing that your job required you to do worked at an airline they wanted me to pass the passengers live animals through a 20 plus year old x-ray machine to look for drugs without even letting the passenger know what was going on the animal would die from radiation months after so blood wouldn't be on the airline's hands so I quit that crap and called their central HQ got my bosses fired and the procedure eliminated it was awesome heck yet you are a hero when I worked at gamma stop take trade-ins from junkies who snatched them out of the hands of their crying children ever watch a little boy cry over losing his entire GBS collection because his mom wanted him I have I remember doing this as well I also can say was the worst company I have ever worked for but mostly due to the fact our regional manager was a douche I worked at a vet and a really big dog had just died in order to put it in the body bag I had to break its legs because the body had stiffened Jesus as a psychiatric aide in a mental hospital I had to change diapers of geriatric patients on my second day I was changing the diaper of one particularly spry woman she was standing for the diaper change and as I made a half-hearted tower wipe through her crotch she pressed her crotch against my hand and told me to rub harder oh god oh god oh god hose out a pool full of crap quite literally the pool holds approximately ters the big god drain for over winter as it's an outdoor public pool and there were other pools indoor so the one day the pool got drained off the water but someone forgot to shut the drainage pipe back off after it was done about a week later the local council decides to back flush the sewer lines and what do you know there's now trapped bath in the pool about 200,000 litres worth and no one was actually witnessed to the crap bath as it happened overnight and by the next day had drained back away but this created a new problem this next day happened to be a hot sunny day which baked the crap residue onto the bottom and sides of the pool as well as a ten-thousand liter festering pond crap still at the bottom of the pool now that morning you could smell a slight end of busts in the air inside the building but it was not until you went outside that you really got the full pooh bat in the face and saw the monstrosity that lay in the pool it looked like a thousand Godzilla's got hammered the night before and thought it would be a good idea to get a vindaloo curry only to have the combination explode out their asses into the pool the next morning being the lucky person I am I got to stand above the crap sauna for the rest of the day and hose it all back through the 4-inch pipe back to where it came from best TLDR ever back when I was the sports editor in town I did a story on a young man who was really into rebuilding antique tractors I'd met him when he was the hotspur on the football team and a state ranked wrestler I spent the Friday with him and his family at the local fair I like the boy and admired his work ethic attention to detail knowledge of his craft and articulate way of explaining everything he was patient and considerate and just a good kid I wrote the story over the weekend and was going to have it published the following Tuesday on Monday as I was walking out of the house the police scanner went off sending units to an accident scene since I was probably closest reporter to the scene and had my photographic equipment with me I went as it was just a few miles away I got to the accident and immediately recognized the boy's car the emergency responders were just cracking the driver's door I stood well out of the way but knew it was bad with the door open I saw the steering wheel on the older car had imploded the boys chest three of his ribs could be seen under the wife-beater he was wearing blood drained to the ground from his mouth as his body fell over he still had on his lap belt and that's the only thing that held his body in the car the responders knew the boy was dead and began recovering the body rather than rescuing an accident victim they got him out and into the ambulance just as the ambulance was leaving his parents drove up they had heard that there was an accident on their Road then they noticed the car they asked if I knew anything I told them I got there just moments before them and said I knew nothing except the ambulance just left I kept a perfect poker face and ignorance in my voice they left I went home and cried I got a letter from them a few weeks later thanking me for being there photo shop someone with Down syndrome out of a peer shot I used to teach the dropout prevention students most of whom were in gangs one day there was a rumor that a rival gang member also a student at my school was going to shoot one of my students I was required to keep the boy next to me in my classroom all day long while the gang unit searched for the weapon this was because the school chose not to lock down because then it would have received bad press anyway the boy was scared to death all day and I was nervous as well as it turns out they found the gun after school in the bushes about 100 yards from my classroom freak that I would walk the freak out if I was at risk of being shot I used to clean operating rooms one time I had to clean up after a caesarean section the woman must have exploded the operating table was dripping in gore in the floor was one big pool of blood when I reached down with a cloth to start cleaning up the mess the whole floor moved as one big clot this other time I was cleaning the pathology room the place where autopsies are performed I was cleaning the stainless steel table when I noticed a big green garbage can under it I pulled it out looking for a bag to change when I took off the lid how nice a bucket of human lungs that was a hell of a job the whole floor moved as one big clot great imagery my story does not set all compared to yours but my last position was assistant director of IT at some point the higher-ups get it in their head to fire a bunch of people and the night before I was given a list the next day I was made to escort people out of the building giving them 15 minutes to pack up all the things they had collected over several decades of employment some of these people I had worked with for quite a while and in one case I had also worked with one of their sons for a while it was awkward and there was a good deal of crying the last person is courted out was an elderly secretary who took the bus to work because she had boxes of her staff she called for a ride rather than trying to bring the stuff on the bus but I was told to make sure she waited outside in the heat she was not allowed to wait in the lobby of the building did some of these people deserve to get canned because of poor performance sure but they could have been treated a bit more humanely and seeing as how I was an IT and not security I feel like I should not have been put in that position I was a reporter for a weekly paper in a small town a kid just round in a dugout and I knew that if I showed a bit of sensitivity I could get all the family comments and info I needed for the next paper a week away however the daily paper of the neighboring city which was owned by the same chain was pushing me to get everything that night so they could beat their competitor they wanted me to harass a family at the hospital read the envelopes in their mailbox to get names etc I gave them a decent story without harrassing the family by talking to locals emergency crews etc but it wasn't enough they had one of their reports Harris a family and get yelled at meanwhile the family happy with my tax gave me a long exclusive heartfelt interview a few days later seeing that dead child helicoptered out of the dugout after a massive search still haunts me used to work for RBS UK bank in the lending centre one evening a guy called up asking for a couple grand loan to pay for his father's funeral he had a terrible credit rating as his parents had done frickle planning for the future and ended up living with him costing him a fortune as they had negligible pension he couldn't afford even a basic funeral and I had to sit and say computer says no like a dog tried taking it to the boss even though he clearly couldn't afford his current debt let alone another loan repayment felt so sorry for the guy having a grown man cried on the phone at you out of desperation is a horrible thing I worked at Abercrombie and jeans oversize six will purposely placed on ceiling high shelves so that if someone wanted it they would have to ask an associate to get it for them because I worked as an in-store model I wasn't allowed to leave the front but I would page another store worker to come help the client but at that point my associate would come ask me what was going on I would explain the client needed a size ten or whatever and then my associate would go to the back room and lug out a huge ladder to reach the ceiling shelf for the size 10 games needless to say this was humiliating to girls and so most girls would try on the pants and if they didn't fit they wouldn't ask for another pair I think Abercrombie did this on purpose so no one over a size six could wear their pants without enduring embarrassment in the store so I made the mistake of telling my husband about this thread he says put mine on there comb the area around the highway looking for a foot that had been detached from a homeless man who had been hit by a truck your husband is always asking me to do crazy stuff as well throw away perfectly edible pastries rather than hand them out to the homeless people on the corner way back in the day I managed a bagel shop and we would always have lots of bagels unsold at the end of the day we gave them to a homeless shelter for a week then the shelter called and told us to stop because they were too hard and most of the people had no teeth watch the CEO and upper management completely freaked the company and still go out and give those morale-boosting All Hands events while they are freaking the company scumbag CEO we couldn't have done it without you lays off 30 percent of staff we had a leak in our welding gas storage tank at the factory this is not a wheel around tank for one guy this is a 4,000 gallon pressurized mofos one of two in the tank farm our sniffer told us that we had gas leaking we could hear it coming around a gauge stem but I could not get a clear reading on how much of the stuff there was so I had to evacuate the plant get people out of an adjacent building notify the fire department and call the tank company once everyone got to safety and everyone I mean not me because I had to go out to the potentially explosive tank and monitor the guy doing the repair for the next hour just weld the hole shut shouldn't be a problem working at McDonald's I had to clean a 15 feet crap streak all the way down the Playland slide I work as a docent we're not supposed to mention the Armenian Genocide because Turkish people have been complaining I'm Armenian I can tell you that nothing upsets me more than hearing this I can also imagine how frustrating it could be for you to have to withhold historic events you have my respect for having to do that I had to do CPR on an ventilator one month old infant that's a crappy way to start your day my job as a son required me to help birth my mother as she filled up with tumors towards the end of her life her belly was so full of cancerous masses that she couldn't reach around to wipe herself it was fricked up to be sure but in a different way than these other tasks there was no indignation only honor but man was it a total mind Frick you sir a hero and a God among men I worked at as a behavioral paraprofessional fancy term for special education teachers aid but since I was hired through a company rather than the school system I couldn't legally do much like defending myself or restraining violent kids I was basically a glorified test grade a babysitter for a bunch of special-needs kids I primarily worked with kids that had oppositional defiant disorder conduct disorder and there was a lot of bull involved I had second and third graders that were completely illiterate and couldn't spell their own names it really wasn't their fault they came from broken homes parents that were neglectful or abusive and often came home to an empty house they acted out to get attention and they would often get upset for very little reason one kid dropped his pencil and made a noise so the others would start doing the same thing right until one kid gets the idea to throw his desk at some kid that started it and then they are all throwing chairs desks and trying to attack each other there wasn't really much time to learn anything since they were all so emotionally crippled and had no respect for adults anything could set them off anyway I dealt with that and got hit desks thrown at me for no benefits and $13 HR my co-workers teachers would often belittle me in front of the kids which would cause them to lose respect for me as an adult with authority which made the problem worse one threw a chair at me and hit me square in the stomach nearly missing a pregnant teacher and another time a nine-year-old boy got physically violent and started punching biting kicking me we had no other means to deal with these kids than to call the guidance office and do the paperwork in a rush to get then shipped off on a bus to a special school almost like a juvenile detention center for the rest of the day after that I stayed the rest of the year and quit when the summer started the kids actually really loved me and I got a lot of respect in my neighborhood for dealing with it but since I didn't have any health insurance and I was at the age where starting a family was on my mind I didn't want to make a career of it's knowing that I could get seriously injured so easily be the most freaked up thing my job required me to do the guidance office therapist locked me in a room with a very angry nine-year-old who was throwing chairs desks and trying to attack me she needed somebody to watch him knowing I wasn't allowed to physically stop him while she did the paperwork to send him away to the special school for the rest of the day our walkie-talkies didn't work so I couldn't radio for help when he ran around the room trying to look for weapons to cut me with hurt himself with eventually she came out and saw what he was doing tackled the kid and just sat on him until help arrived as a mom of a fifth grader with odd your frickin son I would not survive parenthood without our private therapy group that provides in-school support for our three kids ours are a little better off though because they're only there for our kids in the one-on-one support keeps them in a regular classroom the behavioral disability classrooms are heck I worked for t-mobile as a customer service representative and I got two calls from an unauthorized person trying to access an account of his wife he had all of the required personal information but since he wasn't listed on the account I couldn't let him have access to the information he told me his wife had been murdered and he needed some sort of information I don't remember specifically what it was but I remember it wasn't really sensitive information as I was talking to him I was googling his wife and found that he was telling the truth her body had been found just a couple hours prior to him calling us anyway by law I wasn't allowed to give him any information I discussed it with my boss who basically said it was my call but if that call was picked for evaluation I could be fired if I gave out any information the guy was crying so hard and was so frantic I gave him the information he needed once when I was an EMT we got called to a cardiac arrest when we got there the victim had a Grinnell respirations and a family member was in the room after only checking her pulse the medic called it I know that we weren't going to get them back but it felt all wrong I tried to do CPR without the medic but he told me to stop and it wasn't worth it this was about five years ago and I still feel awful I just keep thinking about the family member calling 9-1-1 only to have us do next to nothing my husband has a heart condition and will probably not make it past 40 here's hoping though and this is my eternal nightmare that I'll be the one making that call you shouldn't feel guilty you did something wonderful just by caring thank you it's been another hard day in the ice cream factory tasting ice cream literally cut the leg and arm bones out of two different deceased human bodies of people I personally knew my supervisor required me to cut on these two people because he didn't like me I did my job like a boss just to spite the prick I once had to clean out the bins at the back of the cinema it was summer and we had had a lot of customer over the past few days so a lot of rubbish had collected being a cinema meant that there is a lot on coke thrown away these are usually collected in black bags and chucked into the bins along with the rest of the rubbish we'd been having trouble with a new supply of black bags in that they weren't as strong as the old ones and had a tendency to break quite easily as it turned out a few bags had broken in the bin and spilled coke everywhere it had been raining quite heavily for the last two days and these beams were situated outside I can only guess at the scenario here as I didn't witness it what I imagined happened was that hundreds of wasps firstly drawn in by the sweet smell of Cola got trapped in the bin there was a slight hole in the top of the bin and rainwater had filled up to a quarter of the bin drowning the wasps it was my job to clean the bins and as I always had I tipped the bin on its side to empty the smaller bags that were stuck to the base upon tilting it on its side hundreds and hundreds of dead wasps covered the floor it was then my job to dispose of these wasps it was the weirdest thing I ever had to do in that cinema minimum wage five pounds an hour was not enough for the stuff we had to put up with their dress up in women's clothing shaved clean wear a wig while serving alcohol I'm 6 feet 2 190 pounds bearded usually I was once at the age of sixteen the only employee at a crappy sketch in a store for a week everyone had quit one by one until there was only me left I literally had to skip school for a full week to hoopin runnin clothes until my DM deemed it inappropriate to have me sleeping in the back room during the night instead of going home she didn't think the whole skipping school thing was a problem because I lived on my own therefore must be some sort of future dropout when she finally led me higher on some work hungry potheads not only did she refused to make me assistant manager I had to train my new boss how to work a freaking cash register make sick money that paycheck though when I worked at Nordstrom my boss asked me to skip class to work a sale I told her I wasn't going to end up like her doing this in 10 years and never went to work again not me but this has happened to a number of my friends so on a sub you have pressurized tanks for all the wastewater and it is simply pumped overboard so waste gets flushed into the tank it accumulates it's pumped into the ocean normally however on occasion people will decide to flush things that aren't waste when someone does decide to flush a toothbrush or a disposable razor down it can clog the filter to the pump inside that tank and nothing can be pumped out so how do you clear it you have someone suit up and get inside that tank a few years back my buddy had to be the guy who cleared the pump and seeing as the powers-that-be on our boat wanted to keep all the hazmat gear ready in the event that we had a coolant leak he was given a small gas mask and that was it so he had to climb into a tank filled to about his shoulders with a slurry of water pee and crap oh and there aren't any lights I think my favorite photo we took was him climbing out of the tank with the toothbrush in his hand crap from the tank and his own vomit filling half his mask and his little Tyvek suit torn open I always used to complain to VA Ganga's about them venting the sand station when I was trying to sleep my rack was right next to the sanitary blow station I then stopped complaining after I saw one of them after they dived a sand tank I work iku and routine when we lose our patience we have to take them to the morgue also imagine spending seven hours working on someone dealing with multiple Doc's wanting multiple thing drawing blood assisting putting in lines only to have the patient die then you have to put them in the ice box I always thought that was pretty flicked up try oncology you deal with seven year olds who have no idea why they have cancer you work with them for months get to know them their lies they have their whole lives ahead of them administer horriffic chemotherapy and then in a week's time they go from recovering to dead how the Frick my mother could do this I will never know when I used to work as a security guard not being able to physically help people in dire need you had to call the cops otherwise you are liable for lawsuits being fired et Cie etc I quickly learned that only working as a lone Nightwatchman at an empty building property was the best position I could get so i woldn't be put in a horrible situation I could go on and on about how crappy it was to be an observant report type of security guard the lowliest type of security guard working for a national security guard agency that didn't care whether you live or died but only cared about how you stayed out of trouble and how much money you made them and didn't cause a lawsuit when I was in the Coast Guard a third class Yemen freaked out that the toner wasn't still in the cartridge he told me to vacuum it out of the hopper inside the copier while still plugged in I refused he told the second class that a toner was supposed to still be in the cartridge and that he'd told me to vacuum it out and that I'd refused the second class then asked me why I had refused and I told her not only was the toner supposed to be in the hopper not the cartridge be by outranked the other third class thus didn't have to take orders from him at all much less orders to do something stupid expensive and counterproductive she ordered me to vacuum the toner out of the hopper I refused again explaining how the toner got there in the first place she went and told the ensign that I was disobeying orders ensign who didn't like me stomped out and asked why I was disobeying a direct order I explained that I was not required to obey an order that was not valid and then explained why the order was not valid she then ordered me to vacuum the toner out of the hopper I replied that I would do so but under duress I went and got the Electrolux and began vacuuming the toner out of the hopper 10 up being the fine stuff that it is went right through the filter got all over the carpet coated pretty much everything in the office then fried the electronics and wiring in the Electrolux then popped the breaker right then the master-at-arms walked in' flipped his crap over 110 dollars worth of toner being wasted then started yelling at me for wasting it he started explaining how the toner works how it gets from the cartridge into the hopper and how stupid I was for doing something that's stupid wasteful and counterproductive then he asked me why I did it I explained the whole thing from the third class to the second class to the end sign I reiterated that I had agreed to vacuum the toner up only under duress because the N sign was threatening to write me up for captain's mast from not obeying a direct order he then flipped crap all over the rest of the admin office starting with his protege the third class then chewing out the N sign once done he stormed back out and ordered me to clean up the carpet when I explained about the vacuum cleaner he bout had a stroke he was about to write me up if I reminded him that I'd only been following orders and that under duress so he chew me out from not taking responsibility for my actions i frickin hated the military unload a trailer truck that had crates of busted bleach bottles in it in the middle of summer when I was in high school I worked at a Fred's dollar store is a stocker every Thursday we got new inventory and it was us youngin that got the duty of unloading it into the store we would set up these rollers from inside the store and link them into the trailer from there we'd grab it box by box and shove it down the rollers to someone waiting inside the store on one occasion how shipment of bleach was all flicked up they came in big boxes six gallons to a box and whole pallet was busted and most of the bottles were leaking all over the trailer but one of the assistant managers demanded we still had to unload the truck even though it was full of bleach fumes and around 120 F inside we tried to fight back that it was neither go home or get to work kind of thing I attempted to unload the thing for about ten minutes before it was just unbearable and I had to get out of the trailer or pass out the assistant manager was furious he jumped into the truck and started doing it himself after about 15 minutes the boxes stopped rolling down the line to us and we see him crawling out of the trailer he stood outside for a few mins then collapsed we called 9-1-1 he went to the hospital and we never saw him again he didn't die according to the head manager but he never came back to that store if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 85,433
Rating: 4.9070907 out of 5
Keywords: work stories, job stories, worst jobs in history, worst jobs, worst job ever, workplace, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: TSlXL7wSyr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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