Has Someone Ever Tried To Kill You? (r/AskReddit)

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has someone ever tried to kill you Babis it had tried to drown me in my own bathtub when I was four I caught her taking money out of my parents bedroom kicked her in the face and hid in a locked room to this day my parents don't believe me they even deny that ever happened for a while I thought I was nuts until a relative told me you haven't been right since that Babbitt had tried to drown you I'm terrified of water because of this I avoid pools bathtubs filled with water as opposed to a shower Lakes oceans my mother sat on my chest and choked me until I passed out when I was in grade school she was a real Beach once in middle school I was playing basketball with my friends from town and the nearby Indian Reservation now most of the kids from out there were cool nice kids but some took it as a badge of toughness living on the rezoned all so I'm really good at defense and I steal the bull from this huge native kid one of the tough ones in retaliation he grabs me by the throat lifts me off of the ground and doesn't let up until a teacher this was at school and my buddies come and pry him off a good one later he was laughing the whole time squeezing harder and harder I'm sure he would have killed me a few years later he murdered several people and went to jail where he killed a gang so this dude grabbed you by the neck and picked you up with one hand Jesus Christ Native American Hulk child the guy above us in my apartment building poured a great big puddle of bleach and ammonia next to our door so that it would leak in the fumes made my cat sick but thankfully not permanently harmed he was evicted pretty quickly after that for even more crazy fun times I went to the swimming pool with my brother and his friend I was about nine and they were around 11 I can't remember how but I upset my brother's friend and then he held me under the water I remember the blue I remember the feeling of trying to hold my breath as hard as I could and then the water went up my nose and I started to cough luckily the lifeguard spotted us and stopped him but I will always run that horrible feeling of knowing that someone was actually trying to hurt me for a tiny petty reason and stable X picked up what she thought was a loaded gun put it to my head and pulled the trigger she was shocked when I backhanded her backstory right the Frick now a lot of dudes in Iraq didn't seem to care for me being alive couldn't blame them though same here it was a horrible experience what pains me to this day is that so many Iraqi citizens who meant no harm perished in our effort there they were some of the nicest people I've met given the circumstance about ten years ago around 2:00 in the morning I heard something outside near my porch I grabbed my gun and opened my front door four men had pulled up behind my neighbor's as they returned home for the night they had my friends on the ground and had guns aimed at their heads I yelled hey all four of the lowlifes start shooting at me one with a shotgun I returned fire just one shot when I realized my friends were running towards me in my line of fire cops said these scumbags had robbed 10 to 15 people that weekend the same way the morons were willing to murder for maybe a $150 - $200 payout and had never learned how to shoot properly there were bullet holes and shotgun blasts or was surrounding where I had been standing so yes I think they were trying to kill me nah dude they were just asking for directions everyone here should go to our let's not meet our let's not meet it's the whole subreddit devoted to stuff like this I wish I could have find this whole subreddit for bedtime reading material tonight subbed yup crazy ex started strangling me after a big big argument about something mundane we were probes 18 at a time but she was unstable as she started strangling me I thought for a minute um I wonder how far she would actually go with this then I realized oh crap she's getting the whole way I could feel myself starting to black out luckily she was skinny and weak as heck had an eating disorder so it wasn't really a problem to kick her off me but had I not been able to I honestly think she would have killed me there des close call I hope you called the cops my ex-husband through a butcher knife at my head I divorced him shortly after that unfortunately multiple times when I was living in Colombia I became good friends W a creative accountant for some Colombian organizations the short of it is I organized an after-party for the Latin MTV Video Awards during the party my friend was the target oven successful assassination I was approaching my friend when it happened after first shooting the bodyguard then my friend the assassin turned around saw me leveled his gun at my head smiled held it there forever then lowered his hand and walked out to hop on a scooter and rode off my friend died his bodyguard survived assassin was never caught also while in Colombia I escaped a kidnapping attempt and was chased across the old city of Cartagena by a gang of no less than 50 Street kids high on glue Colombia loved it in New York a crazy person loudly proclaimed me to be the Antichrist while on a packed rush-hour subway car pulled a knife and proceeded to chase me across several cars and a station until I could find a cop I was chased for what seemed like a really long time and the whole time I didn't hear a single person say anything about helping the boy being chased by the guy w a knife new york greatest city on earth being shot at numerous times oh yeah and a shootout happened in my house I defended from my bedroom while my poor run mate got hogtied in the living room splinters from doorframe scarred my face and I shot a guy they escaped I also had some close ones during my time in the Middle East unfortunately I was really quite the rascal and adventurous in my youth so I have plenty more anecdotes one day walking home from school first day of high school in fact it was freshman orientation day and as me and my friend Byrne had walked down a street a group of black teenagers I'm not being sectarian I am just being detailed and kind of surrounded us there was about 11:00 and I just ignored him as I normally did I live in a bad neighbor and I am used to being threatened behind me out of my right eye watered up to the Pointer I couldn't see through it I remember saying what the heck man as they kind of started pinballing us around in a mob my friend Bernhard hits one of them in the head with his skateboard and we ran they chased after us on foot and eventually caught us they had us both on the ground most of them were around me kicking me and hitting me the worst of the blows to me were getting kicked in the eye and being hit in the face with my skateboard it seemed to go on forever but then a cop came and started shouting they all ran off in different directions and I had to go to the hospital spent a day there got six staples in my head had a broken arm and both I whites were bruised which with our skin pigment is red and looked kind of cool with my blue eyes I dealt with a lot of anxiety about that day even today other than in Quartus is the first time I've ever talked about it my dad was is an alcoholic and would drink and drive literally every day one day one my mother had left for the weekend he tried to get into his car while glitzed as always I stopped him at the door screaming pushing shoving okay the normal to try to keep him off the roads however my dad was a gun owner he whipped out his 0.38 0 Walther PPK and pointed it right at me I told him he was the god Enki that he wouldn't shoot me bla bla he puts the gun down we tussle again and I grabbed the keys to his car and hid them with his spare set we have since forced him to leave because he was too dangerous to live with 3-4 months later after failing for the umpteenth time to stay sober while living with his sister he hit and killed somebody while DUI he is now in prison TLDR my dad was career alcoholic pointed a gun at my while fighting over his keys later was DUI and killed somebody so sorry to read this comma however glad you are safe and managed to extricate yourself from that living situation ever tried to kill me heck I could write a book the big instance that jumps out in my mind was when we were doing a raid in Iraq looking for weapons and Intel we hit a house and I was a dumb boss that didn't have his m4 up in time I've done it perfectly a million times and the only time I flicked up almost killed me this dude on the other side lock the door grabbed the barrel of my m4 and slammed a knife into my arm of course I was a huge P and the only thing going through my mind was oh crap I'm going to die he tried to stab me in the throat and I brought my left arm up and he stabbed my arm again in the same spot there I was trying to hold on to my weapon and trying to stop this guy from stabbing me in the throat all while having a knife in my arm and thinking this is how I died luckily one of my buddies came over and shot the guy there were a few other times but that one really freaked me out because I had a chance to contemplate my own mortality during the fight dude I'm glad you're okay and all and your buddy is a freaking hero did I just read this and thought to myself this guy's are bad but I wonder what his username is then I looked up and nearly pee my pants laughing not that I know of but if they did they were pretty unsuccessful bullet whizzed by noise I was in Russia and my family and I are on a big bus ship I wander off and I go look through one of the windows I was like 10 at a time so I had to stand on my tippy-toes to see out of it as I am looking out I hear some shouting in Russian and then a big Russia dude starts choking me my family eventually shows up and shoes him off I have no freaking clue why that happened to me that happened to me too when I was a kid in Russia must be a cultural thing strangle kids that look through windows for good luck yes several times a long-term ex-boyfriend took out all the bolts but for one on each on the brakes on my car do I have any actual evidence linking him to the crime number but I knew it was him because he took bolt from a car that we had once owned jointly different car make entirely and those were the belts holding the brakes in place belly the mechanic who showed me all this was freaked out in said it was a deliberate murder attempt the other ones were pretty violent and would take too long to go into let's just say I'm very careful about who my date or allowing to my life there's a very good reason why I'm a foreveralone person if it makes you feel any better had he been successful odds are you'd get into a nasty car wreck but not necessarily die from it cars are in general very good at keeping the passengers alive during wrecks also a police report should have been filed with your mechanic as a witness as it could have resulted in an attempted murder charge I got my head slammed into the ground so hard that he thought he killed me I was in the hospital for three days this guy once gave me a paper cut on the back of my neck intentionally I would have lost my sheet I once was lounging in my living room at night in burlington NJ when all of a sudden I heard someone pounding on the side of the house it wasn't a row home so someone went outside and started really pounding on it I go to the door and open it and someone is kneeling on one knee about 20 feet in front of me pointing a rifle at me I stared at him with a WTF look and after about 30 seconds he takes off and runs no clue to this day what the heck that was all about perhaps they got the wrong address holy crap dude I am from Mount Holly and Jay I used to go to the Burlington County mall all the time to hit up the mess start crazy story though I wonder if anyone is gonna post crazier stories from Camden NJ law about four years ago I went to a party that some of my pals were at just to partake in some trees with said pals and then head home as I had work in the morning so I am walking down the drive towards this house when this guy comes striding down the drive towards me I know the guy he's a proper freakin egg lanky as heck some weird as behavioral issues unbeknownst to me this guy's new girlfriend is and equally as freaked individual she'd stolen from me and flicked around a few of my buddies and to cut a long story short I changed her bebo profile picture to a chick frickin a dog so this guy is striding towards me hollering about how shouldn't have messed with his girl and other such bollocks I'm not really taking it all seriously at this point I knew this guy wasn't a threat to me so I was walking towards him as well laughing at his threats and getting ready for a bit of a fisticuffs so he charges towards me and swings this big old right hook and I throw my hands up to block the punch I don't remember much from there but I felt this massive popping sensation on my arm turns out the prick had a stanley knife in his hand which I failed to see in the dark my left hand was dangling by a bit of skin and a few ligaments and sim bone the slash severed all the flesh tendons and cut through a significant amount of bone as well the guy ran off pretty much straightaway I think the whole thing's real hazy scariest part of it was that if I hadn't thrown my hands up to block a punch it would not be in my face or neck telling stories isn't my strong suit but if you want me to elaborate on anything just ask TLDR changed some s profile picture to a chick frickin a dog boyfriend cuts my hand off yet about 23 times that I can remember in Baghdad when my older brother was a freshman in high school 20 years ago he got into building pipe bombs one day I was walking up the driveway and he was outside with his friends he told me to walk over to the corner of the yard that there was something that he wanted me to see a bit reluctantly I walked over I was about 12 feet away from the spot when a bomb went off I grew up in Oakland every morning before school my dad would say with luck we might just see another sunrise out of all of these yours is my favorite when I was nine I was playing with this girl in my class she was kinda weird but she always had candy and she had the Sims planned to a nine-year-old kid that was awesome then one day she told me she had dreamed that I had been chasing her with the devil she brought a huge steak knife and told me she was going to kill me I was really scared and told her to calm down and that her mother was on her way home and luckily that turned out to be true and her mum came home I went home my mum phoned hers and she said it was only a bread knife and she had been joking needless to say friendship over in Iraq but I feel like this might be the exception I was wondering the same thing it wasn't really personal woke up to my stepmom holding a pillow over my face after I fought her off she called me a bee and went to her room my dad didn't believe me even though my younger stepsister was in the bed next to me and saw the whole thing I would have woke everyone up like WTF was working at Denny's as a waiter during the graveyard shift put in an order and at the same time the kitchen was changing the printer paper that the orders came out on thirty minutes go by and no food I go back to find out what the problem was cook told me he was changing the printer paper so I asked if he could just start cooking the food he gets pee and says put the order back through I told him to quit being a dong and just start cooking the meals I'll go put the orders in he grabbed a knife and literally started chasing me I ran out the door and luckily there were some people outside he didn't pursue any further and headed back in I ended up going home as opposed to going back inside I'm guessing he had a bad day and my comment was enough to push him over the edge you should have called the cops fifteen years old working at an amusement park selling optional crappy and pretty fake 3d glasses on a ride I was about five feet three and freaking adorable at the time ride breaks down I'm not allowed to give the $1 refund supervisor is MIA crowd starts together crowd starts to get angry security guard I'm friends with sees the situation unfolding and books it over to me gets between me and the mob and tells me to get my money belt locked up in the ride operating booth the crowd is literally grabbing at me now run my frickin little hynny off crowd calms down while I'm gone mostly at the threat of being frickin removed from the park supervisor finally shows up commends me for not giving the refund I hated that job in mind that I had already been doing martial arts ears at that point despite my size I can normally take care of myself but I honestly felt it if that crowd had gotten their hands on me I would have had to die fighting a bunch of sweaty middle-aged tourists TL DR nearly get lynched at 15 years old over crappy $1 3d glasses only ended up okay because security guy and I were gross when I was fighting a fire in northern Idaho we were all camped out in the bottom of a valley and built a fire to eat dinner around now in this area of Idaho there is a strong presence of white supremacists and they don't like the governor at the time I was working for the Forest Service on a fire use module basically the job is to go out for several days or weeks be self-sufficient and monitor the fire behavior and report it back to the controlling agency we had been in this area for about four days and were unable to take enough food with us so we had it flown in with a helicopter keep in mind this is almost 12 miles form the nearest dirt road when I look down at my food I noticed a small laser dot on my stomach I looked around to see if anybody had a pointer and no one did then I looked up and I could see the line the laser was making through the camp fire smoke it was coming from the trees about three strokes for the way up the mountain so I carefully stood up and very quietly told the only guy I was positive would not freak out the pointer was scanning everyone in different parts of the camp we gathered everyone up and moved away from the fire and told them what was going on we let the fire die down and went to bear taking turns staying awake the rest of the night no one slept early the next day we called in what happened and they sent the entire world Homeland Security FBI the works we were demobilized that day and went home the following I still check in to see what what was going on but nothing has come of it yet don't know if this really counts but I was just starting to become friends with a native guy from my school we previously used to hate each other anyway one night we'll hanging out at a friend's house drinking and him trying to be a funny stereotypical native guy grabs a huge knife he then turns to me and says I'm gonna scalp you again being drunk and trying to be funny native guy he puts the knife to my head and I grab it and hold his hand over my head he starts using more strength and I have to use more power to hold back the knife also he's a pretty BG strong guy as opposed to me being a scrawny Frick so his hand is getting closer to my head and I am using all of my strength to hold his hand there finally the knife touches my forehead super lightly and then he stops even though I know he was joking if I had stopped holding his hand there and just gave up that knife would have gone straight into my head that's pretty messed up although it doesn't quite meet the criteria of someone trying to kill you I'm 95% certain that an old roommate of mine loosened the lug nuts on one of the tires of my truck my girlfriend now wife and I took the truck out to my parents house one weekend and I noticed it was riding a little rougher than usual I chalked it up to the general old and beat up state of the truck eventually on the highway at 70 miles per hour I figured something was really up and attempt to pull over that's when the front driver's side tire came off and went bouncing past us into traffic the truck kind of lurched forward and came to rest on that front brake rotor now will less I could still kinda sorta steer but braking made controlling the vehicle dang near impossible luckily I was in the left lane and I managed to steer myself off the shoulder of the road without flipping and put the driver side into some nice soft gravel and mud we came to a stop about 1,000 feet from where the wheel came off not a single car around us stopped to see if we were okay and the tire didn't hit anyone I got out to inspect the damage and found that all of the wheel studs we're still there and undamaged the brake rotor was ground flat on the bottom where it had been on the pavement the tire wheel was missing obviously and the 4wd hub spacer that goes behind the rim was gone I couldn't find the tire or hub and didn't have a spare I was way too broke to call for a tow so I called my parents who luckily had a spare that would fit I wound up stealing one lug nut from each of my other tires and using some washer an old nut and a battery terminal to make up the space behind the remand limp the truck 35 miles to my parents house where I finished the repairs brake rotor wheel bearing new 4wd hub when the girl and I got back to the apartment the next day my roommate and his girlfriend looked very surprised to see us I said yeah man so my tire came off on the highway yesterday he said wow that's weird and left I probably should have reported it to the police or something but I didn't really have any proof Purple Heart nuff said yeh about who I don't know 20-21 ago I was walking home now it was pretty dark but I thought nothing of it went out of an alley a bump pulled a knife on me now I seen den movies where the hero fights the mugger but no way was I gonna risk it so I stood there barely able to talk the mugger puts the knife really close to my face I'm talking less than an inch at this point I'm scared boy was I scared I almost peed my pants so the mugger goes give me your money and no one gets hurt alright how much do you want I said well I need about tree fiddy at which point I noticed this was no usual mugger this was the goddamn Loch Ness monster so I said damnit Loch Ness monster you ain't getting my tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree for tree you are a god I believed it the entire time up to tree fitty I miss chef law I am aware this quote is from chefs dad when I was 16 an overly intoxicated boy of a similar age chased me with what can only be described as a paving slab my flight mode kicked in and I ran like Frick when he realized he couldn't catch me he broke it on the floor and tried to throw the pieces at me at scariest moment of my life once in elementary school I was friends with this bad kid named Devin we were in second grade also at the time and lived in a pretty poor area anyways Devin and I had gotten in an argument about something earlier in the day he came up to my outside of my apartment and pulled out a pocketknife we started scuffling as I tried to get the knife away from him a I ended up falling to the ground he stood over me and stabbed the knife down at my stomach I rolled away and the knife went into the ground then I ran inside and told my mom who called the cops when they asked him where he got the knife he said from hack I am not sure what happened to him after that did I know that he had came from a troubled home we moved shortly after when I stop and think about it I feel really lucky that I wasn't injured or killed TLDR second grade friend tries to stab me with a pocketknife Indiana Jones rolled to dodge ran inside and called the cops when I was in the ninth grade I knew a kid named Ryan that no one liked because he was hideous and very mean weird he had gone through some abuse both physically and mentally possibly sensually as well his mom was in jail for getting heavily involved with drugs and he was beginning to go down the same road I was a nice kid so I tried to be friends with him he was always mean to me saying terrible things about my mother who had passed away or anything that he could think up in his disturbed mind one day I saw him outside of school he approached me and started pushing me and acting like he was about to hit me so I figured that I was going to get beat up I took the first swing and nearly knocked him unconscious it took him a second to get off of the ground I didn't proceed to beat him because I thought he would leave me alone after that some people had seen the incident and started laughing at him that set him into an all out rage while I was trying to walk away he ran up behind me and started choking me out I could hear him screaming so loud that his voice was cracking and screeching he was screaming I'm going to freakin kill you over and over again slowly I started to lose control of my limbs and I couldn't fight him off anymore I knew he wasn't going to let go it was a strange feeling thinking that I was going to die I remember thinking to myself well I guess this is it I passed out luckily for me the people who saw it intervened one of them being a gang member they pulled him off and I awoke to him begging them not to hurt him the next day Ryan invited me to his house to play video games obviously I declined the invitation law I still see him riding his bike around town he can't get a job because he has since stabbed a few ppl and been convicted of multiple felonies sometimes I wish he would die because I don't believe he has anything good to offer the world had a guide try to gouge out my eyeballs with his thumbs I tried to rip his testicles to get him off fought me I still have scars down my forearm from that night and a bite mark on my hand good times back story please in third grade some kid tried to strangle me with the jump rope two or three years ago I had a best friend that was a six ADA masochist we used to hang out a lot so I was constantly over her house when I had the pleasure of being there she would pop pills harm herself despite me pleading her not to and trying to take her toys away etc one time I was there she seemed a bit off-kilter she acted more destructively than usual lying in the street hanging from one leg of father tree all the fun stuff I managed to get her to calm inside when we went back into her apartment she sat me down at the table told me to wait then came back out with a freshly sharpened knife and held to my throat she leaned down and smiled right at me she asked if she could cut my throat open and said it had be beautiful and that the blood would be warm or some junk like that she said it was art and she wanted to turn me into her greatest masterpiece quite the discomforting scenario it was like something out of a movie thought I dreamed it for a while but I couldn't make up the look that was on her face when she called killing her best friend art TL DR psycho best friend says cutting your throat would be beautiful and she wants to make you a work of art just visualizing their face is freaking me out mine is simple I was younger at a club hitting on this girl going well she just gave me her number than my side lights up like fire her boyfriend had just stabbed me and before I realized it had stabbed me again one of my friends hit him in the back of the neck and the guy went out cold wish I could say I paid him back but I just sat down and stared into space my friend did have the best line while at the hospital though why did he stab you it was his B who was cheating I wasn't about to get murdered but the kids that mugged me had a knife I got mugged by three Mexican kids in high school when walking to my car they were like give us all your money and weed I fought them off but there is only so long you can fight off three other people bigger than yourself I ended up getting rescued by the big black football star Terrell that sat next to me in our graphics class I saved the life once my younger brother was a really angry child yeah my parents did treat him kinda crappy but nothing like physical abuse or stuff like that my mom is very controlling and he and my mom had several verbal bouts he was the rebel among us kids saying and doing things we other kids only dreamed of and he usually got the punishment for said dumb things so one day he is pushed to his limits we were younger I was maybe 14 15 my mom does her crappy parenting on him which basically consisted of yelling and punishments and he's had it as soon as she leaves the room I'm watching him he has the look in his eye I'm pretty sure he was holding something sharp in his hands a knife perhaps he had a ton of them his fist tightens on his knife and he starts forward after her I react I step in front of him and stop talking to him telling him to cool down I think I told him she wasn't worth it he calms down enough to not go through with what I'm sure he was about to then my parents somehow catch wind of it and come back in and raise a storm again they never understood him and while I'm sure he does have anger issues I think they just pushed him and pushed him instead of actually trying to be understanding they did the same to me but didn't realize what they were doing to us but whatever I was scared to step between my brother and mom because knowing what he was considering doing I wasn't sure if I'd get the knife but out of everyone in my family I was closest to him and really cared for him and I know that he cared for me it's so looking back on it now he wouldn't have done anything to me he just needed some anger management and understanding and love me number but I've got some really graphic pictures of my friend's house after someone broke in and tried to kill him with the kitchen knife it would make you a hero to share them I guarantee this will be buried but my break lines were cut twice I never found out who did it could have ended badly if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 42,983
Rating: 4.8137083 out of 5
Keywords: murder attempt, tried to kill me, tried to kill me for a dollar, tried to kill, murder, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: oxz4FKV6Nno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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