Empire Earth Is A Perfectly Balanced RTS Game With No Exploits - Excluding Convert Only Challenge

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britain today you join me in Empire fo the word Empire just reminds me of something so glorious well anyway today we're playing Empire of a game very similar to Age of Empires 2 and rise of nations it took parts of those games and decided you know what everyone loves going through the ages of Age of Empires you start out with just sticks and stones and then you go up to have guns Empire said how about we go all the way up to Mars and the game was actually just not the best so the developers of Empire off effectively spent all of their time creating a massive game that spent a huge amount of time and as a result finished with the game which functions almost barely now I have massive nostalgia of this game from playing it many years ago back in 2001 when it first released however going back to play it I realized that the unit par finding is about as effective as rolling an egg down a very bumpy hill this game really is something majestic and many of its features are perfectly balanced and have 100% no exploits anyway let's see how well the multiplayer community of this games going now Age of Empires 2 multiplayer community was mental now if any of you have played Empire Earth in the last I don't know two years give me a shout in the comment section because I humbly believe that I might have been the only one to play this game in at least the last six months and yeah apparently the servers are down sort of please check your internet connection I don't know I can see the ethernet cable coming out the back of the computer I'm pretty sure my servers are down maybe it's the game servers that are down oh what a shame welcome to Sierra comm if you want to play on the LAN or connect directly hit the other multiplayer options that's cool oh my goodness this is incredible you can do your own land game with 56 point six kilobits per second a signal am I getting an advert why the heck is there an advert in your multiplayer launcher does this actually load up a website come on clickin no the links not working Sierra come on surely y'all you're still running nope Sierra's closed oh no that the website is loading up what do we got here Sierra dot-com is apparently no longer hosting service for this game it is instead a outdoor sports shop where you could buy things like canoes oh that's great thanks game so here we are back in the wonderful game empire Rafa as you can see the multiplayer sadly is not working if there is a hidden multiplayer community around this game that's still active give me a shout because by god this game's multiplayer is just about as Mimi as you can get the amount of completely broken and hilarious strategies in this game there's just too many to count I mean personally in this game alone I think I will list about 14 active and working exploits which all have absolutely no counter and can guarantee a victory so what are we gonna do today ladies and gentlemen well I can't show off all of the exploits I have for this game because we'd be here for about four hours and I'd eventually run out of tea and my god you do not want to see me when I run out of tea ladies you gentlemen yes right so ladies and gentlemen I feel like it's time we dive right into this wonderful single-player game so further ado sit back relax make sure you have your cup of tea if you don't have a cup of tea go get your cup of tea because trust me these videos are best watch with a nice warm beverage you know today today is a special day I'm going to say very well you can also have a hot chocolate okay you have two choices a cup of tea or hot chocolate this is the only time I'm ever going to give it to you so you best use it wisely anyway hope you're all sitting comfortably and if you are one of those absolutely majestic people who you know like to do good deeds like allowing old people to cross the road or giving a tea bag to a friend who's run out than hey maybe you're the incredible and exceptional god tier of human that does like this video oh my goodness anyway let's dive into this game so it's single player time player name oh yeah that's right I haven't actually decided a player name yet because only recently bought the game on GOG so technically I'm a noob with only about ten minutes in the game player name oh I think we're gonna go for okay so for our game today we're going to be playing as the legendary Big Dave destroyer of reality he's effectively famous but his name's Dave he's just a normal bloke you'll find down the pub but he does have the ability to bend reality to his will and also win almost every single game of em so that's who we're gonna be playing us today and also Empire offers a fundable system where you could create your own civilizations I know it's wonderful we have our civilization builder here and you can correct anything you like a few my favorite special powers that you can have your civilization include camouflage and cloaking which if you get both of them at the same time there is a exploit where if you build a unit and cloak your entire capital at the same time the units will be spawned cloaked aka completely invisible to the AI and they can never be d cloaked this makes them completely and utterly invincible there's also fun overpowers like the Crusaders and cyber ninjas yet this game has cyber ninjas ladies and gentlemen but fanaticism as well as Crusaders is a incredibly perfectly balanced over-the-top bonus however there is one civilization folders which has no counter is completely and utterly broken and will destroy each and every single game and that is of course the priest tower the priest tower is literally a tiny flimsy construction imagine a treehouse but at the top of the treehouse you have this bloke over here and he's just shouting a ton of stuff about worshiping the tea gods and everyone walking past turns the head and goes you know what I quite like tea I like what this priest is saying yes the priest is telling me to like and subscribe oh yes I'll be doing that priests see what I did there ladies and gentlemen it's all subliminal but yes the civilization builder is pretty wacky and if you build your civilization correctly you can basically cheese literally everything for example we're going to create a civilization now which has absolutely no counter so we're going to go for a priest hull which costs us 30 points given our 70 points left now for the rest of this we basically want to have the cost reduction of towers the range of towers and the hit points of towers yes you can see where we're going we have the priests how who is now a increased range hit points and cost reduction you know boss ratted let's also add an attack and built up reduction so we have the most powerful towers anyone could ever want so go we have our brand-new civilization it's completely and utterly powerful and 100% balanced so we will name it perfectly balanced sieve there we go now it's time we jump into the game so we go single-player play around a map as Big Dave the destroyer of reality against a computer you know what we're gonna say large map we're gonna make it plains we're gonna say we start with quite a high amount of resources I like starting the Copper Age because the prehistoric age is really boring and the Stone Age is just literally prehistoric age but you've moved up an age and absolutely nothing changes and will end in the Space Age now I like starting with the entire map reveals it means foe for myself and the AI the map is revealed so it's basically balanced also the AI cheats anyway so there's no need it's basically if you were to build say a large amount of archers the AI will always immediately start amassing a perfect counter to whatever you've built that's why my strategy is going to be so effective so there we go medium difficulty let's go and destroy the AI and here we are in the game ladies and gentlemen our lovely civilization over here and they are down to the south now one of my favorite exploits that you can immediately do the start of the game is you just place down a ton of wooden Palisades around the enemy town center and that means that the enemy can no longer build any units now I don't actually need to go and build that because yeah the AI card counter it in anyway it's perfectly fine just leave it as it is all right anyway we need to get to work building up our civilization how that works is just a quite simple setting up all of our lovely little workers to start chopping down trees and harvesting all of these various resources not what's ratted let's build another settlement over here near these deposits perfect now we want more citizens citizens however cost food as you can see they cost 80 food so to build one citizen that's gonna set us back eighty food we're now down 750 food but you know ladies of judgement I don't like that I want to not have to pay for any of my units so I'm just gonna hold down shift and use the hotkey to build a citizen which is C so shift C and then I'm gonna go over to here and give all of my food to the AI and I'm going to hit cancel and then I'm going to not build these citizens and suddenly we've gone from having 800 food to having 1080 food despite the fact we haven't harvested any food say you go ladies and gentlemen that's how to get any unit for free in this cave oh it's perfectly balanced so yes we'll do it again and we once again give all of our food to the air I hit cancel and then just undo this and lo and behold went out to 1,200 food but we do actually want it soon so I'm going to start producing the mother now the AI in this game can be cheesed in many ways as you've seen you can build these incredibly shoddy wooden Palisades around their town centers and as a result they're not able to actually deploy any units but don't worry the AI cheats anyway so they're able to build buildings no matter what they'll just abandon this town centre and build a few more over here it's a shame but sadly that's how the AI works there's a way to cheat they're always going to do it now in this game when you start out you don't actually have a civilization selected and you need to pick a civilization now personally I'd like to load a civilization so we're going to be loading the perfectly balanced Civ there we go we hit load and as you can see we have the civilization we just created at WA BAM now we can build is fantastic perfectly balanced Towers and they only cost 50 1 : 85 word books of the decreased costs we're going to build one of these towers and send a sieve off literally just straight down here in towards the AI now we you don't need to actually accompany him because as soon as he gets his tower down he physically can't be killed so just send that little AI off on his adventure now the moment I'm currently placing loads of my little citizens into this lovely little settlement we had and now it's suddenly become a town centre town centres are much better because they allow you to do research take up to the next stage as well as absolutely cheese these citizens stay we go and that we donate all our food away we hit cancel and there we go free food free citizens everything I wanted and more oh my goodness his settlements going to be crazy it's just at between two incredible gold mines oh now that's very tasty ah here we go our lovely little female citizen has got to work building our first ever perfectly balanced priest eat our are similar to a tree empires to that game had priests now priests had a very special and slightly cheesy ability where they could convert units however in age vampires to that system was very balanced and the actual conversion of units was quite difficult to pull off this game however conversion works a little bit differently so we've placed down this lovely into a perfectly balanced Civ priests tower which has a range of seven which is about the same as a catapult in this game basically meaning any AI that wanders in past this line is immediately picked up and converted a conversion costs fifty power but as you can see power regen very quickly this tower is also not easy to kill at all at 1785 hit points so basically this tower is impossible to defeat because if the AI were to ever send say I don't know if you can support its direction it simply converts the catapults and the cat spots then start fighting each other oh here we have it we've discovered our first AI what's this tiny little settlement now the AI settlements they can't attack you like in aged vampires - but that massive tower there could so that tower sadly heated my poor little citizen but now that we know where the AI is an excitement is located that does give us quite a nice little advantage oh and also you might be wondering who this guy is because I didn't build him we only had that one female settler down here but that's where you're wrong because uh this lovely little citizen was an AI citizen that must have wandered in from this direction either looking to build oh no here comes another so yes these lovely little citizens just wandering from the countryside they get this little glowing orb someone shouts hey you should drink tea they take a sip of tea and now look at them they're one of us now we can do whatever we like with these guys we could put them to work in a mine or much better we're going to use them to build yet another one of these towers but this time over here because we know there's a settlement nearby yes you can see what's happening now so immediately we've got a way of getting free citizens even though we technically already had a way of getting free citizens so yes you know just more balanced but what's this is that another citizen that's just wandered past yes it is okay maybe we should have set up a town over here because we're gonna be converting a lot of people so we're going to come down here and just build yet another Tower basically the more towers you have the more impossible it is to counter own for example now our range stems over to this settlement so if say a citizen is just wandering down and dropping off a resource it can then immediately be converted so what we've done is we basically turned one citizen into free citizens by just running down here and setting up all of these lovely little towers as you can see the strategy is going quite well or what's this it's a wall oh that's nice so we've spotted that the enemy has walls oh and also here comes another citizen I'm terribly sorry mr. citizen oh look at him he's trying to haul gold back to his lovely little settlement over here and this one as well he's just he's just wandering around he's just gone to his little home no we've stolen him thank you for joining us this is going great for a nice first start so now we have the barracks set up barracks are very similar to the wonderful stone towers except the barracks have one unit which I absolutely love so this here is the Samson it cost 65 gold and 65 wood now we don't have much golden wood so we're going to build these Samson's for the sole reason of building one clicking this and then trading away our golden wood and then we hit cancel we cancel the construction and then we've doubled our golden wood and you just want to do the same until eventually we have infinite gold and infinite would say we go in up to 348 gold make that now 600 gold and we haven't even built a single samson and of course the samson can literally directly be converted into a brand-new priests tower so that's exactly what we're gonna do you want more priests house and we want them literally everywhere there we go we're now two 1433 gold and we have a fair few more towers to build I think you know we should get one built over here and then was rat it after you built that one I just want basically a wall of converging towers meaning if the AI ever decides to venture up north there just immediately going to be converted oh my goodness look at this great migration of my eyes I think we need even more conversion towers in this area because it looks like the AIS are trying to use it to run for our lands you know I'm going to use the AI citizens to defeat the existing citizens where are they going them us they must have built a settlement somewhere around here okay you know we can need a few more conversion towers then ah yes I see they're trying to build a wall that makes sense right build a conversion tower next to the wall oh yes this is going very well yep as you can see we found lines of a is venturing north meaning we need to get more conversion towers up and running yeah certainly this one conversion tower is just not enough we need multiple there's just simply too many oh I could've fit we need about four towers here oh and yes the amount of converted citizens is starting to increase this is going very well and that towers built so let's go find where all of these red eyes is running off to and while Stratton is trying a few more free units going oh my goodness yes this is going great this is going very well are the mass conversion they set the citizens cargo defector coucher I see they're trying to bring resources along to build this great big wall but the great big wall is just getting um just getting kinda countered by all these conversion towels because they're converting all of the words oh goodness oh right yeah I think we've we've done a good wall of conversion towers on this side let's start advancing north we basically just want to paint the map really you know let's go down south and start aggressively placing these towers yes this seems like a good idea oh my goodness we just have so many citizens now what I like to do with them all can I just I guess I could set them on building houses okay just build houses oh no we under attack what have they built over here oh nothing nothing we just built this tower I see we built a conversion tower next to a barracks car yes okay right we need more this is brilliant okay so this means whenever they deploy something from the barracks we can immediately convert it if we have enough towers here okay I want more suicide citizens coming all of you come over down here and help build this tower I'm going to steal your entire army eh I have so sorry as you can see this lovely little Bowman they have which is going to convert him there we go we do a little prayer on his head drink York should see it's the best tea and there we go now he's ours although he is attacking his own barracks maybe we want them to move away from the barracks there we go that's a good good good positioning how is the AI even meant to counter that there's just no way you just spawned in a unit and they're just nabbed by the enemy oh that's great I love that yeah we could probably do a van a chiral tower somewhere around here to actually scare off the enemy from advancing too quickly oh and we actually did accidentally build a sampson ok substance are very cheesy or housing do they spawn another unit yes they spawned a cavalry we got a free horseman where do they make that oh they've got an archery range here as well there's an archery range okay we need another one more towers oh please more towers as long as we just don't build them too close to this enemy tower over here we've won there's no way they can counter it oh yes so the samson is brilliant because every unit in this game has a counter basically and against the counter the unit can do nothing so this tower would normally absolutely rinse every single unit i sent its way exclusion to this is the samson which it does about 1% damage again oh well they have an entire farm system set up over here oh this is brilliant this is gonna be so many nice freakin virgin setup around here right we needed more towers than converting they had to be I love the aggressive convergence trap because there is um no counter no counter whatsoever and you do need to bear in mind that other than these very bad Samson's that we've just sent it against the enemy tower we have not built a single offensive enemy unit we only have citizens and they're the only things we've built just citizens I've jumped into the midpoint of the video when you're at least expecting me and that's right I'm here to remind you to go refill your cup of tea get another one if you haven't got wand and also hey maybe stay hydrated because hydration is important what should you hydrate yourself with tea of course and if you have any coffee nearby if you're to lob it into the nearest sea and make the Queen proud today and have you feel extra special and saucy why not give the video a like mmm if you haven't already because you know what no judgment although if you don't feel like it hey give the video dislike it's up to you the choice is yours yeah something I want to check up on is to see if they've managed to free their capital building because they will have certainly built a new settlement but oh yes it would appear they they did manage to free up the capital building oh no no they didn't they never managed to free it up but instead they're just walking through the ropes so basically the AI for some reason in this game is never coded to destroy a unfinished building that it doesn't deem a threat like a wooden palisade so it's never going to destroy these unbuilt buildings but what it does mean is that the capital of this civilization can't actually produce any units instead the building their units elsewhere oh and the a I made a spearmint which is now mine thank you very much AI but also like this beerman here can we have that of course we can thank you for the free units can get another tower I'd like one here right I'm sure the AI has other settlements set up around here somewhere so we don't have to start advancing the massive conversion ward but see they're gonna be somewhere around here so if we just set up a few walls we'll be good or what's this they've got a massive gatehouse built here okay that leads me to believe that something magicals around here oh let's go see no we're under attack ah they killed my little AI is the wandering through their lands oh well that's fine they've got a lot of towers built up around here now oh and we've managed to convert all of their local farmers into ours oh and the here the lowest citizens I'm converting we're actually going and building the Palisades around their capital now oh that's very nice of us oh now what's ratchet how about we build a um how about we build a tower necks their capital as well that seems like a nice gift oh so this game has some unique graphics to say the least you can go in right the way down to the map and take a look at what is apparently a human this is a human look at those graphics those are some beautiful mm and what graphics I'd like to say I mean for its time this game was actually incredible to look at now however a little bit questionable I mean just look at these people these are human people apparently oh they're beautiful why not let's advance the next stage what do we need 660 on we've got it's the food we're lacking okay time to cheat in some food and go that's enough food to advance the next stage show we're going up to the Bronze Age now we under Tecna we're not under attack we're just stealing the AI there's nothing under attack down here we have how many towers one we have one two three four five six seven eight nine towers down here meaning as soon as the enemy spawns in anything it's immediately converted ah right maybe we should build our own Town Center down here what are we meant to do of all of these citizens actually I've got an idea so one thing you do in this game is you advance settlements by plowing citizens into them so this tiny little settlement here needs five citizens and then it upgrades to a capital so we're going to plow five citizens into it and it's going to upgrade itself at least these towers over here got built there must be an AI settlement somewhere around this point not in the mini-map that it has to exist or in the Bronze Age now nice that means we can upgrade walls and towers across 100 stones we'll do that and also our barracks now produces sadly different units that cost less I know it's annoying as a result that means we're going to need to start building better buildings like build more expensive units so good to have you construct a siege factory right here little citizen and then after you do that let's also build a archery range next to it what the heck is going on here I've currency a massive Samson just smashing up a ton of buildings and there's just a hippo here okay right little citizens what can we have you guys do is there anything for you to do I mean there's some resources here we could try and steal there's an a high building over here okay right more towers more towers convert these horsemen this Horseman is now ours I don't know let's use him to go attack some peasants there we go we've upgraded this building to being a capital meaning we now plow it in and let's see what we get I never upgraded past the capital before because I haven't played this game in a very very long time so I can't remember what it is oh wow yes that really is something going on over here they built granaries and they're trying to build farms and we've just converted everything so let's build another one now what the ars built here is a temple now a temple should technically stop us from being able to convert in this area but for some reason someone slipped up in the coating and these massive towers are able to convert in this area which is fine thank you temple at this game it is a unique specimen fact I'm pretty sure we can just finish the game by having all these citizens that we've stolen just having them attack the shrine now this game was quite revolutionary for its time because it actually had a morale system as you can see there the morale of that unit was really low having low morale basically meant that you weren't really able to do as much damage as you of why should have which was actually really interesting and fun feature quite advanced for its time if I'm honest all right I'm just gonna demolish this wall here and set my citizens to attack now sadly this game isn't quite Age of Empires 2 and it's very much not rise of nations to defeat the AI in this game you need to destroy everything absolutely everything you need to destroy that stables you need to destroy the houses you need to store all of their units because the game just didn't have a way of conceding it just felt that wasn't necessary anyway we're just going to use all of the citizens we've gained and use it to destroy the enemy Capitol building it's gonna take us a while because they only do one damage a hit but we have stolen a lot of them look at all these towers over here what it's just citizens everywhere oh this is brilliant you see it takes the AI ages to realize hang on a second this error isn't safe oh that Nathan isn't safe right but the tower over here instead apparently takes a while to destroy the Capitol building I really really do want to just build some Trevor Shay's but sadly we're in the pesky bronze era so we can only build the vastly inferior catapults I'm just going to fill up the rest of the map with a few of these towers so that we are 100% certain the AI hasn't run off anywhere oh yeah the air is now trying to send phalanxes against us these are quite high level filings as they've been upgraded with master weapons but um they're just getting converted which is a real shame sorry phalanxes but we know where they're coming from they're coming from this direction so logically we should build a converging tower over here Oh No the enemy is using an earthquake against me very powerful however we should be fine I mean worst thing happens they destroy a converging tower yeah looks like they're gonna destroy one converging tower ladies and gentlemen F in chat for converging tower number 75 or whatever absolutely devastating no it's fine honestly it brilliant made no difference of them make my screen shake horribly now can we please destroy that Capitol building of this we're about halfway there they got another one over here by the way that's six thousand hit points that we need to destroy using peasants oh great this game all the size heroes which I have not even touched upon and I have another exploit where you can build multiple of them because the game normally restricts you to one hero because guess what they're completely and utterly overpowered who would have guessed the Gilgamesh himself in the game is relatively broken but yes what's even more broken is having to gilgamesh's which as you can guess is probably not allowed by the game however there are of course ways but once again too little time too many exploits I probably should make a second video on this and I guess if this video if if this video does well I guess I could make a second video but sure why not I'll look into it yes I'm very interested to see if people did actually play empire of because it was a very big hit upon release averages never really held up to the same degree that Age of Empires did the game developers definitely wanted this game to be the brand-new Age of Empires they had the graphics they were like hey you know people like graphics we got graphics look at look at our graphics why aren't you loving our graphics and for its time these graphics were incredible but um what are they they're very own they're very unique oh goodness oh wow there must be some AI is over in this direction birds we're getting some spontaneous conversions coming from here very nice oh no we're under attack they are ascending Bowman against us but no no it's fine it is completely utterly fine yes so there must be another kind of camp over here somewhere because we're building a M yeah we're gonna be able to build this conversion tower oh this would be good so even though we're getting shot up because I suspect in two faster conversion tower and cheaper conversion tower we can build this thing faster it has more hit points and it's much cheaper so there we go it's built before they can even kill all of our workmen and we'll just run them away and now we can start converting lovely if you look down here on the bottom right we have about 150 for Todd Howard's out of 500 but good as these these towers down here have been very effective you can just see where they've spontaneously picked up a ton of random ai's oh this is great oh and here they come this is the first battering ram they've sent against us see it's a battering ram logically the perfect counter to this strategy however no you'd be wrong the battering ram is no ours so thank you AI for that oh it's perfectly balances all things should be honestly the power of T sometimes it goes too far but today this is great this is everything you could wish for wall there's some kind of camp over here what do we got we've got a couple of AI workmen running around here it is what is it it's a natural town center right destroy the tower I guess mr. battering ram and we'll build a conversion boy here we go convert them oh and yes battering ram versus tower battering ram probably won't quite win but it'll get very far owned also um because I know that the AI is around here using this resource here and that this tower work covered to this resource one thing we can do is just run around the side and build a tower here because the arrow effect can reach over the trees so nothing is safe you build walls nope we can convert palace walls quite happily what is going on over here we're under attack they've got chariots and battery grouse so it's fine it doesn't matter we can encounter that no problem oh my goodness the battering ram is actually going to do it and also yes this visually is a battering ram do not question its design it's beautiful and also doe question of a fact that moves at two frames per second oh no it was defeated what a shame oh don't worry we got a new one thanks hey I will be borrowing him he'll trust me we'll use him there we go back from graft come on around destroy your own Tower please beautiful oh we stole a chariot over here very nice there's a siege factory so that's where they were all coming from well obviously the counter to that is to build behind the trees and steal everything that spawns in at the siege factory oh my goodness this is the peasant army I've managed to form down here in the south we're just going to plow it into this building here what are you cannot garrison anymore oh so we maxed out this capital building okay that's fine I guess I could send the peasants into the enemy armies and use it as a weapon right peasant forces to victory in this direction roughly maybe I should give you a hospital to heal up at first yeah okay bro dude yourselves a hospital so you heal I'll go now they all get healed wonderful all right our citizens charge towards the enemy we know they're roughly around here somewhere so lay your life down on the line for me and have a good time you know yes we could send actual trained professional soldiers to support you but um you know them I think they're busy probably look at them that busy sat on their horses oh and there's another Capitol building destroyed by a battering ram you know these battering rams maybe we should put them to work and actually start wiping out the AI we have an absolute ton of towers down here that could certainly use a good few battering rams let's go use the battering rams the AO I decided to give us you guys got an adventure for you you see they were sent to attack our towers but no we need them to destroy your the AIS towers all six of you battering rams come down here and go to town on these towers well the heck is they are doing here what is this it's just tons of farmland but with no farm buildings look I think they worked out okay no the AR has to be broken this isn't what what is this it's fixed Oh sense oh my goodness okay yeah yeah this is fine this is fine Oh what did you give me a free horseman okay let's use it against this elephant I'd like torso steel I know this tower looks like it's gonna be a little bit busy so let's just build another conversion to our next to it yeah these elephants are the most expensive units we can build at the moment term how much are they let's check the barracks 120 food and 80 gold so yes rather costly however there we go we converted one of them I'd like to convert this one over here actually exists as full health so let's take this brand-new full health actually upgraded elephant as well look at that it's got increased range and let's just steal him thank you for that ai I like the elephants yes so I'm apparently the AI is just filled this bottom half of the map with fields and nothing else it's not even using the fields oh I just have questions I've so many questions also by the way I'd like to point out that I've been in this game for what feels like several hours and we've advanced one age so the AO is now actually tried to send an army towards me the only issue is they're sending it to me in the form of one by one so I now have quite a few of these elephants and swordsman alright you know let's let's go on the offensive I guess if we got an army sat down here as well yes we actually do have quite sizeable armed force set up here as well right well let's send them north as well yeah let's go on a minor offensive against the AI well a lot of elephant warfare is happening right now let's buy parcel from warfare and just try and work out where the AIS are okay so we know there's a barracks here okay this is interesting I think we need to start building few more towers in advance this looks like a good position yes if we've got a barracks at here oh yes right this seems good we push up on the AI build these towers add their job done oh no there's an elephant attacking us Wow at the moment we're just watching modern elephant based warfare now these aren't just regular elephants either elephants which have massive cardboard boxes strapped to the top of them and these cardboard boxes shoot deadly bolts yeah thanks for the person who decided upon this game design I love the battle elephants they are beautiful and of course very easy to be converted as well as well as all of the horses here they can be converted quite nicely there we go job done we've managed to defeat the AI Oh right you know I think we should probably conclude the video because there is absolutely nothing there I can do to win at this point we have too many towers no matter what kind of technology they have I think the only thing in this game which can logically counter these conversion towers is a large amount of universities but even then they can't be used offensively or a large amount of airplanes but against they are that's just not gonna happen so ladies and gentlemen I think this is all of the Empire if I'm going to show you today if you haven't you've seen hey feel free to give a little like no so seriously if you have played this game before give me a shout because I'm interested to see how active the community around this game still is because I somehow imagine it's probably nowhere near as lively as the Age of Empires 2 community because by god they're even hosting their own tournament still I think that is phenomenal hats off to all of you in Age of Empires to your community for keeping our RTS genre alive also I have quite a few plans for the next video and I think the best way to do it is to put it to a vote for you guys because honestly at this point we could make literally everything I'd be more than happy to do another video on this lovely game Empire if is there a few more experts I'd like to show off such as the infinite range long-range missile which is the ability to destroy a player in about 5 seconds there's also things like the destruction of wall in about 5 seconds where if the AI builds up a huge wall like this which technically would take time to get into you have a way of just literally teleporting and phasing through it there's the infinite fanatic mode there's the unlimited camouflage there's just so many things I'd love to cover in this game I see if you guys want to see more of this then good under the comments section and I guess vote a and then vote B can probably be for Skyrim books there's a sky mechs world I'd like to test out does look very cheesy and very entertaining alternatively many people have asked for kimchi I have effectively an a4 document spreadsheet of Quechua exports which do need to be tested or alternatively vote D for something else so but a you got this game but B you've got sky seek ng D anything else actually no I'm gonna for an e Age of Empires 2 there's another age vampires too cheesy strategy slash exploit that I'd like to try out for a video which I think could be good fun say go ladies and gentlemen it's up to you go down to the comment section and I think it will be quite nice to see what you guys come up with anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing Brit if you like what you've seen and you want to see some more feel free to subscribe as it's the best way to know when I upload my videos although logically I should upload every other day at around about 6:30 UK time then again YouTube might decide not to show it into your sub boxes so uh yeah it's best to stay active and as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic and jazzy beautiful and fantabulous patrons who make this absolutely silly video as possible thank you to each and every one of you you are all majestic and if you're wondering what video you should watch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me you're gonna love it it's right up your alley if you enjoyed this one and of course it starts me and it's and stuff has even more tea in it who wouldn't want that anyway I've been the spiffy Brits and I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,597,981
Rating: 4.9260221 out of 5
Keywords: Brit, Spiffing, empire earth, empire earth 1, classic rts, rts game, rts exploit, age of empire 2, aoe2, empire earth funny, empire earth exploit, funny moments, funny, montage, perfectly balanced game, the spiffing brit, Excluding Convert Only Challenge, convert challenge, convert only challenge, aoe2 conversion, aoe2 conversion only, conversion only, empire earth strat, stratergy game exploit, stratergy game funny, empire earth montage, rt game, rts funny moments, RON rts
Id: uNpyI1Grzm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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