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This is well known to Attila players. On the higher difficulty levels, it's actually the main strategy for ERE to just destroy your expensive buildings for cash and immediately generate huge revenue. Hold on for a few turns to fill your coffers and then rebuild.

The mechanic makes ERE an absolute powerhouse late-game, but I wouldn't necessarily call that broken. Kind of makes sense for ERE to be very rich, and it's the only faction that has this mechanic.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Turicus 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

You know, every game got this little mechanics that completely broke the system, i was shocked when i saw his CIV6 vid where he purchased Armies for 0 gold.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CATAlyst5321 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
you know some people would say that making 300,000 gold per turn out of thin air might break the game but ladies and gentlemen today I'm gonna prove the opposite hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the splitting britain today you join me in total war tiller that's right we're playing yet another total war game because I absolutely love these bad boys total war games they are my bread and butter trust me these are some of the greatest strategy games in existence so today naturally we're going to be breaking Total War Attila but how much you ask well there's a few ways to break total war Attila you could I don't know for example players a hun and just spam out a ton of cavalry units and take over the world it's surprisingly easy over no I'm not interested in any of that instead we're going to start a brand new grand campaign as you can see in the grand campaigns we could be a nomadic tribe part of the Roman Empire maybe one of the eastern empires a great migrator a barbarian Kingdom or a desert Kingdom however today we will instead be playing as the eastern Roman Empire led by Flavius Arcade Azure Gustus now these guys technically have an initial challenge of very hard which is why we'll be playing at normal difficulty but so they have a very very special trait which is going to allow us to completely and utterly shatter the game we go down here and see faction traits we can see that they are an economic powerhouse which means that they receive a +5 % on whatever they have in their treasury at the end of the turn so this is rather interesting because that means if you have a hundred gold in your Treasury in you and the turn you start the next turn with five extra gold that's not too much but it's there a cap on that surely there's a cap on this game developpers you wouldn't let me have something like a million and generate something ridiculous like 50,000 a turn would you oh you would right well ladies and gentlemen welcome to the game where today we will be destroying the eastern Roman Empire so sit back relax ready your warm cups of tea from the greatest empire known to man the British Empire and get excited for some more glorious spiffing brutes and hey you know if you're feeling saucy already you can give the video a like and that would be very generous of you mwah lovely bugger right time for us to dive right on in there and here we are in the game ladies and gentlemen our first mission is quite simply ready for war and all we have to do to get 2,000 is to survive five years that doesn't seem too bad well that's where you're wrong kiddo welcome to total war a tiller where this game is literally all about slamming the Roman Empire's with completely Meany armies they have no way of countering against so let's take a look at our Empire whereabouts do we stand well we have all of these settlements here in Greece and then we stretch all the way through modern-day Turkey and we can slide all the way down through here into roughly Israel and we can go all the way up to Egypt now all of these settlements are brilliant well I say brilliant they're actually a tad trash they're severely underdeveloped and almost all of them are going to be facing massive issues regarding squalor squalor is this games way of stopping cities from growing their ridiculous speeds and not actually maintaining proper sanitation for this reason we're going to have to build something in most of our settlements to actually protect us from all of this ridiculous squalor this is especially important in some of our larger cities where if we get hit by squalor our earnings are going to go through the floor so Constantinople in their local city over here mark oh no police we're going to be building a lovely fountain and that's going to provide +2 sanitation and hopefully save us before we sort out all of that let us first settle some of our diplomatic issues if we're going to diplomacy we can see that we the eastern roman empire are at war with four major factions now all of the people are war with our hordes so they technically hold no land but they do feel ridiculously powerful armies now in the north we are technically at war with the Visigoths the Alan's and the Huns who were all tribes and in the southward war with the tanukis yes these are some very strange-looking funky chaps I'm going to be fair when it comes to funky chaps we have Mr play-doh face over here who's actually the leader of the enticed and Roman Empire that's right the leader of the Eastern Roman Empire is a 17 year old play-doh man why is this empire even functioning oh well I have no idea but nonetheless those lovely factions down to the south they're willing to peace out they fear us for some reason so naturally yes will peace out with them so in the south we've managed to deal with Warren horde which is actually really useful because we now have that all dealt with we can divide some of our armies which is sat down here back up to a more northern front where they can hopefully deal with some of the hordes which going to start ravaging our northern lands so we're going to take this Legion over here put them to a forced march and run them all the way towards Constantinople so I have two armies moving over from the Middle East to help out in northern Greece and the term is that I have appear are going to be getting developed so that hopefully we can deal with the two hordes which are currently marching around our lands because these guys are just gonna run around tearing up our settlements for quite a while you know it was her running around our lands it's time we make sure we get those public fountains sorted because otherwise squalor will genuinely get completely and utterly out of control there we go just run around our lands making sure that we've got a load of fountains getting built so that not only will we be generating money from our lovely culture because guess what fountains make money apparently will also be solving this ridiculous scholar issue now sadly we are ending the turn of only 125 gold in our treasury meaning we won't be making much from our lovely interest but nonetheless we'll just sort out our research and we'll move into the next turn as much I would love to rush down getting rid of all of this corruption and also generating wealth from cultural buildings it really is in our best interest to rush the research of hereditary service this not only unlocks better units it will also allow us to keep up keep costs down for our armies and trust me the eastern Roman Empire we have some of the largest armies this game has to offer anyway nonetheless it's time for us to move into the next season and so a first tone comes to an end - we'll have to see what the air will do probably the hordes are naturally going to start sucking all of our settlements lo and behold that's exactly what they're doing classic hordes now these hordes are naturally attacking our tiny little gold mining province that really can't defend itself so we're just going to auto resolve this bad boy and lose the fight but hey you know what as long as they've done a bit of damage I don't mind speaking of damage they killed 92 men okay that was quite prophetic so the hoard is likely to go on in there and sack it as soon as possible and there we go they plundered it for 749 that's gonna hurt now my lovely general has run all the way from Rome to hopefully try and fight off the Visigoths who have rocked up over here now we could fight this on a battle map but come on ladies and gentlemen do you know me I'm British if I can make someone else fight for me I'm going to make them so we're going to send in our army with an aggressive battle stance mostly due to the fact that ridiculous amount of long-range units so it's time to go aggressive and it was a decisive victory most of their force has been wiped out as you can see because I've built all of these fountains suddenly all of these lovely settlements have increased public order and happiness sanitation is finally sorted you know what things are going rather well only thing that's not going well is I've ran out of food but eventually when we get some new farms up and running it should all be fine anyway let us March our armies towards safety so we're currently an autumn of our first year and so far we've managed to damage some of the horse and trap them in effectively a siege of tzedakah which is going to flank in from behind with two armies and we should be able to take them out soon to our north though as you can see the hordes are making their advances on the western roman empire now the western roman empire are technically our valued friends and allies realistically speaking I don't mind because I can't just sweep into their lands and steal them once they've all collapsed now as you can see we have of course the Alan's in our land this is quite a risky thing indeed it's hard to lightly to tear up most of our cities and cause an absolute mess don't worry because the Western Roman Empire can levy troops meaning we can literally buy from the army that's invading us now the army that's invading us had two units of Germanic band so I've just recruited both of them and the joy of having them is that the Horde attacking us doesn't have them meaning that the Horde attacking us has just been reduced to cavalry and some war dogs and there we go we've grabbed hereditary service meaning that our upkeep for all melee units is down by 10% this is going to be huge at saving us money but as you can see our predicted income is now at 7,000 which is certainly a vast improvement over where we started in this game also I've decided to upgrade my gold mine to a gold sniffs this is only possible by using gemstones which guess what we also start out with in this Empire by building all of that we're able to get up to the next level which now grants us 1200 from Commerce now that we've settled all of the issues in our north it can finally set off all of our costly mercenaries because come on we don't need to be spending all of that money on terrible units and we're now in a good position the Huns are actually just on our border really really close by in fact and surprise surprise were at war of the Huns and even though he dislikes Western Romans we can actually go over here peace treaties that we have a moderate chance of success actually peace out of war with the Huns that's right the Huns oh and classically the viscose who we managed to piece out with earlier have now decided to declare war on us patchy this is good things it will strengthen our relationship with our allies so naturally they're just going to attack my settlements how very kind of you now for some reason the Huns actually have an ever increasing opinion of us starting to like us more and more so we're going to peace out with them and there we go we have peace with the Huns and apparently next turn our relationship is going to improve from minus 14 to plus 59 that seems fine to me remember this is the leader of the Huns who is meant to absolutely hate the Romans he seems actually kind of like us for some reason now the reason why it's great being the eastern Roman Empire is because Western Roman Empire's a ton of money and they have basically no way of spending it which is wonderful for us because it means they're just going to be selling us tons of trash and buy trash I mean wars against factions like for example whoever these people are the kwaity ins I'm never gonna meet them in my life but you'll give me two grand to be at war them so why not Frank's Western Roman Empire I promised our head on over there as soon as possible to fight them oh my good lord and in the North it would appear that the Saxons have set holy fire to somewhere in France good thing we don't have to face any of those hordes any time soon wait what do you mean we technically - Oh God and an interesting development for our game sadly Attila that's right Attila the Hun has finally been born it's 400 AD and he has finally arrived in this world this is going to completely and utterly destroy us if we're not too careful eventually we're gonna have so much money on our back we don't actually need cities in fact if we get reduced down to just Constantinople we'll be fine because if we have just Constantinople but say I don't know a hundred thousand lying around will still be generating a comfortable 5 grand per turn only from our interest which is not bad at all we're now ending this turn with a comfortable gain of 15,000 for the next turn reason why it seems to be going up so fast as as you can see our income from other slowly keeps increasing this does of course factor in income from you guessed it interest I can't wait to see how high we can get it and also every single turn I've been making my faction embezzle funds which is gaining us a nice comfortable 540 on the side you know this is just one of those classic battles that always happens for the Roman Empire of my greatest are we up here of 2,000 proud Romans facing off against a single Germanic levy this seems perfectly balanced how on earth we lost 24 men I will have no idea as you can see your income is now up to an almost amazing twenty thousand per turn how on earth have we done it well if we go into the economy settings we can see that our army upkeep is down to twelve thousand the main reason why is because we've decided to get a ton of Master of soldiers this allows - free upkeep so we're now facing a minus six percent upkeep which is not bad at all how much money you per turn are we making from interest a good question Xzibit we're currently generating 1807 and next turn will be generating two thousand six hundred and sixty-three you know this games actually going quite well I match to pick up a good few group of characters mostly priests because priests are effectively the brilliant or grounders in this game they keep unrest low and they also have some crazy wacky benefits this gentlemen provides plus twenty percent wealth from Commerce when he gets deployed in a province absolutely crazy so naturally I'm going to sell him down to here where our commerce income is at its highest now we have managed to cross over into the hundred thousand mark on our treasury so if we check our finances and go all the way over to the summary we can see that on our interest we are gaining five thousand seven hundred turn and on this turn we're going to be making five thousand nine hundred ninety two and so on and so forth so basically each turn even though we have all of our lovely buildings we're going to be creating six thousand just from the interest of our existing wealth hello there ladies and gentlemen you join me back the following day after I've started recording this although for you there's no change at all for me it just means that I've had about 40 cups of tea in between recording sessions equally I expect you to have consumed at least four cups of tea in the time that this video has been on for also what are you drinking I kind of want to know I know a lot of people stick to English breakfast but sometimes you can get a bit spicy I'd go for something wild or you could just drink coffee and make me exceedingly disappoint it anyway let's dive back into the game it's turned 42 and sat on a nice pile of 180,000 gold and we pull in about 33,000 per turn now if we check our economy we can go over to our summary and see that last term we generated 8,500 just from our interest and next turn we're going to be generating nine thousand four hundred especially due to the amount of income we're generating and also the amount we're generating from interest we currently get an extra thousand income from interest per turn meaning at the end of this turn we get nine thousand the next turn 10,000 11,000 12,000 now this is a lot of money if we take a look at our provinces over here and sort by wealth we can see that our highest earning province is insular Orientalists generating 8,000 but most of our entire regions only generate between 3000 and 1000 and yet we're generating more than that just from interest alone ah now this was relatively unexpected honestly I was not particularly prepared for this one but it would appear the Sassanid Empire has decided to declare war on me and wasn't particularly kind of them considering you know we had a non-aggression pact and we were actually relatively friendly but nonetheless it looks like we have to go to war now I've decided that we might as well pull our way out of Africa it's not really worth our time so I'm going to peace out with the gore main Chien's and they're going to give me 8,000 now that's a bit of easy money but that's going straight into our lovely fund of infinite wealth as you can see we're up to 250,000 already and we're gaining 42,000 a turn hang on a second this seems to be getting pretty high now for some strange reason the Roman separatists who look suspiciously very similar to me are willing to offer a military alliance and in fact they're even going to pay me for it you know what you're in because as you can see I put with a lot more people than you are so that's fine with me as you can see in the top left our Treasuries kind of gone a bit strange and the number is actually shrunk because we're now about to move into the 300 thousand mark generating 40 thousand per turn now that's not bad at all right I've decided we should also do some naming for some of our units so we have the army up here in the North the northern speed bumps these guys are designed to be the speed bump whenever the Huns or another random horde decides to attack us we then have our next army which is Sir Nigel the magnificent comprised of a general unit and a ton of common to tenses then we have our two armies which are about to invade hopefully the Sassanid Empire we have the big boys and l-bayt down in Alexandria we have the big boys another incredibly large army our Destructo force nine thousand and Stephen the lads these are the legendary Roman armies which will make Rome proud and also defended was we accrue ridiculous amounts of money by interest so a few turns later it's four oh seven eighteen as you can see with that at 300 thousand in our bank however predicted income of around about fifty thousand per turn now of course if we go up to our economy our interest luster generated a sixteen thousand and this turn it's going to generate us eighteen thousand not bad at all we have effectively reached a point where we could get rid of taxes entirely and we can almost pay for everything off of the interest twenty thousand per turn from interest alone basically makes interest our highest earner and is paying for all of our armies simultaneously Oh No it's happened ladies and gentlemen the Western Roman Empire has finally called me in to defend against the Huns now this is an issue we can decline and break our alliance which is going to make the Western Roman Empire very upset but realistically we are not in a state to fight the Hun so I'm afraid western roman empire he had gone oh actually now that i've noticed it yes the wonderful western roman city which was nearby and protecting my cities has just been burnt to the ground probably not the best sign of things to come for the eastern roman empire but I'm sure we'll be fine it's currently turned 50 free and I'm about to go on the offensive we have the big boys over here our bait and libbing boys and with this combined force we're going to take out the enemy first we're going to march the big boys into sassanid territory ah we've discovered something rather interesting a ridiculous amount of men let's see if it's actually even possible for us to take them out this is one of the largest fights I've ever seen and for some reason we can make it a night attack which I'm pretty sure means the reinforcements aren't going to be coming ah this is going to be good or daughter resort right here there we go we managed to get rid of a single army of assassin at Empire but at what cost yes I think the Western Roman Empire is done for most of their cities have been taken and they are but a fragment of what they used to be and for some reason the Arabian separatists bearing in mind this is a faction that starts out right here have managed to lose their homelands yet simultaneously migrate across the Mediterranean and sniped the city of Palmer over here just off of the coast of Spain the Arabian separatists are at home in Spain okay that's fine you know game you you work in your mysterious ways keep your secrets and we've begun our first assault into enemy territory surprise surprise the sassanids have actually pulled back which should allow me to just waltz into their city perhaps we burn it down perhaps we take it who knows and the Huns are marching through my lands okay that's a bit warring now to our north the Huns are very close to our border so I'm going to try and see if we can negotiate some kind of non-aggression pact now it is quite a low chance that they'll actually accept so we're going to have to fur in a fair bit of money the game automatically wants me to offer a payment of 46,000 mostly due to the fact that we have so much money lying around but no I will instead offer them 10,000 which is a ridiculous amount of money oh and they're really lucky to accept that well that's fine we can drop it down a bit how about 5,000 that's suddenly low okay 8,000 that's moderate and they've accepted there we go the Huns will now no longer attack us oh and also I've been using the funds embezzlement system this game has to offer I'm not too sure roughly how it judges embezzlement but I've managed to gain it for 2000 just from having my Emperor embezzle a bit of money around and then when one of my heirs does it I also get another 1800 effectively I could have all of my family members embezzle funds and we could probably gain about 10,000 a turn just from fund embezzlement you know in one turn I've managed to pick off two sassanid armies and in fact I think I'm about to make it to first oh my goodness yes it's a third I've managed to wipe free sassanid armies all in one go good lord this is incredible so now if we check our diplomacy and go to the sassanids I wonder if you guys would like peace right about now no you still don't want peace that's fine I'll make you one peace as you can see we've now hit the 500 thousand mark when it comes to our money not bad at all oh no oh good lord the homes have declared war on us well this is a bit of an issue one that I'm not particularly prepared for but provided they don't attack any of our settlements this turn hopefully we can survive this one against the Huns no because they are right in my lands of course well hopefully if I just knock out a few of their armies they'll get bored and run away but hey the good news is I'm able to peace out with all of the barbarian factions to the north because they also hate the Huns I'd much rather be will with just the Huns than literally everyone and the Huns well we've actually managed to take the capital of the sassanids it was a very difficult fight we're going to need two massive replenishment after this but that was a decisive victory and we have taken the capital of the Sassanid Empire this land is now Roman now can we please peace out of this place and finally they've decided to accept the peace out oh goodness that means we're finally now at peace over here and we can work on rebuilding our settlements and also improving everything we've just inherited from the sassanid empire we're going to be able to eventually make a bit of money out of this but for the moment it's just going to be a sinkhole for cash and I can now finally start sending some good old armies back up north to hopefully defeat the Huns because yes they're coming and the Huns wait for nope now we have one Hannam in our lands already and they're doing a very bit of aggressive reading which is actually rather annoying so I'm just going to hire some mercenaries a man attacked the Huns who are currently making a mess in my land so we're going to be fighting off against Mughal the Hun whoever this lovely sausages and apparently we can completely decimate his army because he decided to march into Rome with an army comprised of slingers really really light cavalry and for mercenary on ogres I'd like to point out mercenary on ogres costs 1000 gold per turn just to look after and he is four of them this army is costing four grand on some units that he can't even defend honestly if I had any sense of strategy I'd keep this army alive as it will be hammer during income for the Huns nonetheless we're just gonna get rid of it there we go their army is now gone you know what we're going to kill some captives because everyone likes it when you kill captives of the Huns now to get rid of all of those mercenaries that I hired because guess what surprise surprise I don't want to spend 262 gold per turn maintaining some mercenary Germanic war bands there we go we have peace in the east peace towards the west and towards the north we are basically only to all of the Huns which makes things very simple for me so yes this term we've managed to kill a rank five general of the Huns which is actually an incredible achievement and we are generating around about fifty five thousand a tonne just from our general income and we have a ton of money lying around honestly things are getting even better Oh excluding the fact that the Huns have just decided to invade and they're going to be able to take this city oh please do not raise it Huns I swear if you dare raise this and yes they've just raised the entire city oh that's just the Huns doing hunt things again classic Huns I think I'm going to try and take out the hogs in the north because they just keep on bringing ball forces here's another huge army from the Huns there's a very small army here in the south and of course the massive army in the middle so we need to focus on destroying them one at a time us we're going to be caught out and sadly this means we're going to need a lot of mercenaries luckily for me we have a lot of money some mercenaries they're actually not too bad and sadly that fight was a valiant defeat but honestly not too bad for us havin a lot of losses around the board we massively hurt the hunt forces as well the only issue I have is that my armies have technically retreated into the path of the Huns again but hopefully they won't be attacking us emphasis on the hopefully and it is exactly as I feared the Huns have attacked from the north we're not really in a position to actually survive this one so we're going to have to play on the defensive and hopefully our army did not get killed oh my goodness our generals still alive the reinforcing army is completely dead though but you know you've got to take your victories from somewhere oh no they killed him anyway well that's the Emperor dead ladies and gentlemen oh and we're getting attacked once again and yes the Emperor is dead so brand new emperor stepped up into the fold rest in peace our ward Emperor out apparently that's brought a good omen surplus to public order for everyone but you know you got to take your small victories in life the Army is marched up north and sadly even though we have a really really good army here to help out they're going to get caught up as cannon fodder and well of course the Huns decided to burn down that settlement as well well it's not like I'd needed it thank you very much Huns that's the second time you've done that and that's another one of my armies absolutely completely utterly defeated by the Huns well we've just got to recruit more men then we're free armies down and the Huns just keep on wandering I'm wondering if we could just cash pay them to go away so I can focus on my exploits you know what let's give it a try so mr. Han I would like a peace treaty you're not very happy about that so instead I'm going to offer a payment of 20,000 to just bugger off oh and of course you'll accept that can I reduce that to I don't know ten thousand and you'll go away no that one's not acceptable what about 15,000 and there we go we've 17,000 we now have peace with the Huns and they can go away ergo hopefully the Huns will now start to leave us alone but just in case if they don't we're going to spam out quite a few more units as they would go the Huns have now gone as you can see we have six hundred thousand lying around in our bank can we generate 60,000 turn so just how much we generating from interest well we can see that we are currently generating 30,000 from interest alone meaning interest covers all of our expenses that's all of our armies up keeps all of the maintenance of our buildings and our Navy of which for some reason we have a very small one so effectively the interest is fueling now the bulk of our income and the Saxons are wanting to peace out and they're willing to offer us 1,000 you know what Saxons I'll take it that's one less person I'm at war with I think over the last ten turns we've managed a half the amount of factions were at war with which is quite a good turnover rate if I'm being honest and we're pulling ever so closer towards that 1 million mark remember when we hit 1 million that's 50,000 per turn gained on interest 50 thousand but that's gonna be game breaking and this is going to be the turn ladies and gentlemen the turn where we finally move into 1 million gold we currently have nine hundred and seventy thousand we're so close and as soon as we manage that for ladies and gentlemen I'm not too sure what happens but we will most certainly be making a lot of money who go to our trade and finance screen we can see that last turn we generated forty five thousand alone just for my interest in next turn it's looking to be forty eight thousand we generate more from interest than we do from taxes and trade combined ladies and gentlemen it's become our top earner ladies and gentlemen it's time total war Attila I don't forget anyone's ever hit 1 million before but you know what someone had to and of course was going to be me and there we have it ladies and gentlemen 1 million as you can see the number has kind of gone little skew with but good lord if I could be sideways of a tea bag that is a ridiculous quantity of money who even at war with anyone I suppose we're at war with the picked [ __ ] I don't suppose you guys want peace yes right that's one easy peace out how about Aaron would you guys like some peace yep that's peace with Aaron as well so who are we now at war with we're at war with the Vandals and the Frank's right Frank's what will it take to peace you guys out oh absolutely nothing and I'm out of war with you and who's left just the Vandals down here in half freaka and they're going to peace out of their own accord as well so there we go the eastern Roman Empire is at war with absolutely no one alright and now that I've pieced out of everyone everyone likes me which means I can just set up some trade agreements so I've organized some trade and we will now be making twelve thousand a turn from trade alone and that's to add on top of our wonderful interest that we're generating oh my goodness this game what have I done to you eighty-five thousand to turn oh my goodness we're not even on turn a hundred yet what is going on I'm so sorry creative assembly for breaking your game but hey you know you give me enough cups of tea and anything's possible but I'm not done yet and if you've enjoyed what you've seen so far hey maybe you've finally decided that this far into the video is the point where you're willing to give it to like you know what mwah I respect you for that suddenly it would be rather useful considering I think I've spent probably about three days recording and editing this bad boy oh but of course you know we did finish all of those wars and the sassanids have decided bugger it I'm going to declare war on you two so it's war even sassanids and all of their crappy little friends and of course they're going to put my settlements under siege of course they are honestly I'm wondering if we just pay them off for 50 grand and get them to go away we are currently on turn 68 and you know what I must say things are taking an interesting turn we have 1 million in gold and we make about 90,000 per turn not bad at all our interest is basically just snowballing and snowballing to the point where we are gaining over 4,000 per turn in increase on how much we're getting from our interest oh my goodness this is perfectly balanced ladies and gentlemen I don't think any you know very cheeky Brit could exploit this for profit oh and it would appear the game was actually just crashed well game I'm not letting you get away from me that easily I've still got work to do now this is the turn ladies and gentlemen a turn where we finally cross into making a hundred thousand to turn and we're doing so was technically losing a war at the same time we are generating over sixty thousand just from our interest alone which is absolutely phenomenal I can't wait to see where it's going and now these situation is finally developed to a point where the sassanids are willing to peace out we managed to take their capital in to other cities and now they are willing to peace out provided we give them 50 thousand you know what we've reduced you to strength Frank five I don't think you're gonna be coming back I'm gonna be taking this piece I just want peace from my empire where I don't have to deal with pesky armies popping up all the time now we've had some good progress as of late we've managed to effectively peace out completely from our war of the sassanids and we are currently bringing our armies home and other than that we've mostly just been putting down rebellions because trust me there's been a lot of rebellions as you can see our money's assets are very comfortable 1.7 million this could be the most money anyone's ever had in a total war game and some of you might be wondering what just how much you making from the interest well we go trade and finance we can see that we're making eighty nine thousand just to our interest alone and we are profiting it around about a hundred thousand per turn this is whilst we are spending thirty thousand on our army honestly you know what we're going to lower the tax a bit right to speed up this process I'm going to basically skip forward a tonne of turns and get back to you once I'm going to say we cross the free million mark see how much we have now at the moment we're about to cross into the two million mark which means our income from interest will rise to a hundred thousand so yes we have all of those lovely things to look forward to right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we now have three million gold no Treasury the Roman Empire has never been this wealthy in fact the Roman Empire is just outright phenomenal at the moment anyway now that we're at three million just how much we make Inc will be generating a hundred and fifty thousand per turn just an interest that is more than I think any empire in this game can generate even if they took over the entirety of the world you just physically can't generate this much money but of course life finds a way and so we're now making almost 200,000 per turn in profit with our tax rates at the lowest possible so I'll jump back to when we reach five million well we knew wouldn't be as easy as just waiting until I hit five million we of course the nation of Aaron has now decided they'd like to go to war against me why I've no idea absolutely no idea but hey what it does mean is that we are now at war the sassanid empire again so ladies and gentlemen its back to round 3 of the Sassanid wars alright welcome back ladies and gentlemen we're currently probably on our best turn yet it's 4 1980 and we now have 5 million in our treasury if we check our finances we can see we're generating well over 250,000 just from interest alone but of course we are still at war the sassanids and it would be very nice to try and get rid of them so we're going to use a few little cheesy things to try and get them out of our way now as you can see there's three armies marching around here which is technically quite a lot to deal with but don't worry we can technically take them on one by one so you want to do this is March 1 army around right about here March a never reinforcements army right next to it let's Hatcher for farming for good measure and you know what I'm feeling lucky let's whack it on a 5th meanwhile we'll keep one army back to defend and now that we're here it's time we find our best general to attack with would happen to be this lovely man right here and hit the attack person now naturally he's a smart person he's going to retreat but this creates an issue for the AI he still owes us to move in and take on the next force now this army isn't a sense woman is wanting to fight Serb you know it will give them an auto resolve that's to sassanid armies destroyed but of course I think we have three more to go but don't worry with all of our armies positioned in one massive turtle blob there is physically no way they can defeat us anyway that's basically the sassanids dealt with I think now we're going to actually try and wipe them out once and fraud and burn down all of their settlements and then once that's sorted we should be able to sit back relax and just turtle on our 250,000 to turn income honestly I have no feasible way of actually spending all of this money in one turn if I were to upgrade every single building in the Empire I'd still have way too much money floating around heck I could probably do spend all my armies and retrain them all in one go and still be able to turn a profit on that turn my oh my oh my if you don't deal with the eastern empire early trust me this is one ridiculous snowball anyway know what I think I have basically done everything I can in this game I've pushed the Sassanid Empire all the way back to this single province over here in Saudi Arabia and yes Attila the Hun has now taken control of his faction in 420 ad Oh No good timing Attila but we have reached a point of six million wealth the truth of the matter is that even if Attila behind were to attack us and defeat one of our armies we can simply bring up another army the next turn and recruit infinite mercenaries into the army at basically no expense as you can see we're now making 300,000 per turn on interest which as you can guess is completely a nicely broken so there we have it ladies and gentlemen today either spiffing brit using wonderful warm cups of tea managed to break total war attila i know after you really enjoy this game it's not as popular as - at war rome or to draw broom - but it is still quite a fun little game that runs suspiciously better than total war if you've enjoyed what you've seen today then hey feel free to give the video like it really does help me out and as always a huge thank you to you lovely chaps in the community who leave comments and also those of you who decide to become patrons thank you very much these videos would not be possible without you you are all majestic and lovely sausages slash tea drinkers / this majestic gentleman indeed and if you're looking for a video to watch next and I strongly recommend the one on screen now if you enjoyed this one anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day farewell [Music] you
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,192,375
Rating: 4.9405565 out of 5
Keywords: total war, total war attila, TOTAL WAR ATTILA IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, UNLIMITED GOLD, unlimited gold exploit, total war: attila, total war: rome 2, the spiffing brit, total war funny, funny video, montage, video game exploit, rt game, funny moments, lets play, spiffing brit, funny clips, video game glitch, video game glitch funny, funny glitch, attila funny
Id: oqEpm8y4znw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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