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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brits the most British of them all and today here we are playing Age of Empires free that's right I bet half of you didn't even know this game existed I imagine all of you have heard of Age of Empires 2 but age of empire is free well there's a reason no one plays it anymore I mean if you genuinely take a look at the active players in Age of Empires 2 and then the active players of Age of Empires free you just have to ask yourself where did it all go wrong I mean surely it can't be these beautiful 3d graphics that you're witnessing here I mean just look at that working flag physics mmm it's working so well but no today ladies and gentlemen we will be playing Age of Empires free as I will as always demonstrate to you some absolutely fantastic exploits and to destroy this game and probably greatly imbalance the multiplayer if anyone's still playing it so ladies and gentlemen before we dive into this video you're going to need a few things to start off with firstly you're going to need a working copy of Age of Empires free secondly euros are going to need to know how to navigate files on your computer and finally you're also going to need to have the ability to sacrifice your firstborn son to our Lord and Savior the Queen oh wait what do you mean that's for a different video oh okay right just remove that one ok what do you mean you can't remove it it's ready edited in the video fine right to move on distract them [Music] so yes ladies and gentlemen what you're going to need to do is start a brand new single-player game in aged vampires free and if you haven't played the game before then you're going to want to do a quick skirmish load up the game and immediately leave but when you do this skirmish make sure to select the French I know ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be playing the French who could have believed it but nonetheless we need to play some Age of Empires for you today as the French and you might be wondering why well it's because ladies and gentlemen the French are completely utterly broken you see the game developers they sat down and they fought well I mean come on historically speaking we're making a game about colonization and empire building there was one nation who kind of had a bit of a distinct advantage over the others when it came to colony building and so for that reason it would seem they've made the French overpowered I know but nonetheless we are sadly going to have to place the French today and ladies and gentlemen this game it's an absolute mash of loads of other games for some reason unlike previous Age of Empires games upq nation but also you have to build a deck that's right they made it a deck built in cavers world up so so when you're in the game you can for example under activate a card here that gives you a free set of 300 food rather nice and useful indeed ladies and gentlemen but it gets even more wacky er because you could also say press this and suddenly you have four caresses who are some late-game cavalry just randomly spawning in but of course you're limited to only bring in twenty cards and you don't actually start out with that many cards no no no you need to level up your town and city to unlock more cards now ladies and gentlemen I'm guessing that you like almost everyone else who played this game don't have the time to level up or even have the functional willpower to play this game so for that reason ladies and gentlemen don't worry we won't actually be leveling up our account by playing the game instead you're going to want to open up your windows file explorer so what you want to do ladies and gentlemen is go all the way up to your mike games folder and then locate Age of Empires free and in the save game section you will be able to find the SP underscore Paris underscore home city that's right ladies and gentlemen is our home city oh my goodness don't load up internet explorer what is going on here why would you open a file in Internet Explorer it does matter anyway so you want to do open the file in something like notepad or just text works anything literally as long as it's not Internet Explorer and what you want to start doing is start editing this file now ladies and gentlemen there are a few important sections of these files for example as you can see this if we're playing as is the French and all our name oh you know apparently we want to be called Paris we don't want to be called Paris instead we're gonna call it London the kind of unexpected relatively unwanted cousin of London oh we need a hero name a hero ladies and gentlemen a hero to go into the game and fight for us oh my goodness look at our legendary hero be today you have to be a French hero of sorts let's get a nice heroic French name going well I mean there's a lot of classical French names and generally they all begin with P like I don't know Pierre or Philippe but you're not Philippe that's that's too French you know we're gonna dial it back a bit we're going to go for fill yes a nice classic British name like fill and then a last name oh my goodness well of course it's got to be something sounding relatively French like me honest yes fill me honest what a fantastic name anyway this is where things are going to get wacky ladies and gentlemen because instead of actually playing the game to level up our city we're instead just going to put in loads of numbers here and just cheese the entire system instead of having five thousand one hundred seventy six experience we're now going to have fifty one thousand experience and how many skill points we're just gonna have a hundred skill points ladies and gentlemen fantastic and which is going to save that bad boy and now as you can see our lovely home city has changed despite the fact that we're still flowing the French flag we are now level ten and we have our legendary hero here fill me honest but most importantly if we now have a slightly more modified deck as you can see we apparently have one hundred new cards available yeah that's that's perfectly fine anyway we need to actually build our deck that's right ladies and gentlemen heed to sit down and build a deck together now we need to build a certain special kind of deck because we are looking to create a fantastic unity called the career cease these are the strongest cavalry unit in the game they can basically take out literally everything buildings cannons infantry you name it they will smash it provided it isn't a ridiculous late-game anti cavalry infantry but even then we've enough of them you can so we are going to be making these bad boys because thanks to France being so broken you are able to spawn a literally unlimited quantity of them so what you want to do is just start clearing up your deck because let's be honest it's not really that fantastic now there are a couple of very important cards for us to pick up we want to grab this one here the riding school this means all cavalry train faster a lovely lovely little bonus I realize actually needs a city level of 25 to unlock some of these later one so be right back I need to edit that text file again there we go we're now suddenly level 420 with a spare 200 million experience remaining anyway we've managed to build a fantastic and lovely deck that's right our deck consists of basically giving us some food and some free units in the early game but then in age 2 things start getting a bit wacky because we suddenly have access to improved cavalry but most importantly a riding school this riding school allows all cavalry to train faster I was just going to be magical ladies and gentlemen just you watch so ladies and gentlemen let us begin and here we are ladies and gentlemen playing as the French with our level 420 London my goodness we're going to absolutely destroy everyone we come up against who should we play with you know let's actually play with Queen Elizabeth herself on our side that's right Queen Elizabeth join my team yes the French and the British working together to colonize a new world well suddenly something new and magical is happening here today ladies and gentlemen so we have everything set up we are absolutely perfect and all that's left is for us to dive into this video so ladies and gentlemen but actually know before we do that let's just quickly see what the multiplayer seems like let's check Age of Empires online testing network connectivity cool ok connecting right let's login invalid username or password great I might need to make a new account here so let's make a new account yes nickname let's go fulfil me honest fantastic select secret quest oh my goodness this is a good idea I have to go for something that no one will be able to remember so let's go for the name of my youtube channel yes no one's good to be able to get that fantastic oh let's go for an email address oh well of course it's got to be filled at they go fill it please do enjoy receiving emails from es online and the age of empires free community multiplayer team we did it we're actually an online with filled me honest us is seven hundred and seven people are online genuinely oh my goodness that's actually not a bad amount of games being played considering it is a ridiculously warm day coming in the UK and everyone is melting to death but well people actually playing this game hats off to you if you were still playing age vampires freak genuinely I did not expect that but hey enjoy but alas all of that is unimportant we must play against the AI as is the classic fashion for myself the spiffing predict is to decimate the AI and to make it just very very upset but without further ado let's dive into this video so ladies and gentlemen I hope your satellites you have a nice warm cup of tea in front of you although considering it is something ridiculous like thirty degrees outside I would save for today and today only a cold iced tea is also accepted yes you're only getting this opportunity wants so enjoy it ladies and gentlemen now could this please query don't don't get rid of me home I tried to get onto the New Year's Honours List you see in apparently drinking iced tea is one of the fastest ways to get removed from the honors list and also before we start make sure to a lovely salute to the flag that you have flying above your computer I'm sure you do in order as a special offer to you ladies and gentlemen the most fantastic of you who find yourselves here early I will say that for the first 15,000 of you our lovely friend filling me honest will go to your house tomorrow and he will colonize it for you on behalf of the Queen herself and trust me fill me honest can do some deep colonization anyway let's dive into the game and here we are ladies and gentlemen we are in the game itself lovely stuff as you can see it's um it's unique to say the least as you can see where Peter Vlada didn't what is in excruciating ly cold and her climate but don't worry we have our hero here fill me honest who's going to go on adventures and help us take out the entirety of the world and what we need to do is get our economy up and running as soon as possible and that means having a nice tasty source of food as well as also activating some of our fantastic cuts what you need to do is basically gain experience via outdoing the game doing stuff and then the more experience you have the more shipments you can summon in that's right we can summon in say seven sheep I know fantastic have a we're actually just going to summon in some free colonists yes that should make our job much easier now this game is really surprisingly different to Age of Empires 2 it flips a lot of the stuff that we've learned on its head and instead we have things like natives who you can do trading with and whose roads will actually help prosper you and then of course with the natives you can just mandatorily force them into service and fighting for you I know fantastic isn't it but that's not what we're going to be doing today instead in this cold harsh northern climate we are instead going to be using cavalry that's right we're going to be using elite French cavalry to try and I don't know win the game we'll see how well it goes oh my goodness this is fantastic is this this a native town this is a trading post site lovely Wow yes we could set up a trading post of the natives yes the last time colonists tried to do that it went perfectly fine oh my goodness yes the Sheep we invested in early have turned into a massive chunky boys look at them they're huge my goodness one of my favorite exploits which used to be in this game in fact it still is but it takes a lot to pull off is to basically destroy anyone you're playing against economy by just simply spamming out only sheep you see you could build a deck which comprises of only spawning in sheep so what you do is use warden a ridiculous amount of sheep and you just march them into the enemy's bases now this works especially well against the AI plug the enemy won't ever attack their own sheep so it kind of puts you in a bit of a wacky situation where the AI is basis is just flooded with sheep that they refuse to kill but the Sheep block of everything meaning the AI can't spawn in any infantry because the sheep are just standing in the way of all of the buildings and sheep do not move in any way we've managed to reach the colonial age which is a good sign ladies and gentlemen the colonial age allows us to pick our next set of cards to be sent for us and of course we could just summon more resources but the much better option is to simply summon cavalry and of course upgrade the cavalry so they train faster and they fight better there we go perfect so now our upgraded Cavalry's on the way and of course with the probably do of a cavalry stables of sorts oh my goodness look the Germans are attacking who would have expected the Germans to invade Canada with horses well here they are nonetheless ladies and gentlemen and we need to technically deal with them although we don't really have to I mean they are just going to run around and burn down our buildings but it's honestly not that much of a faff really I mean our infantry can actually kind of fend for itself and wait from tree I mean peasant workers yeah for some reason our peasant workers are pretty decent of fighting now some would say the situation hasn't really developed to the best of our situations I mean at the moment I've run out of tea and it's too warm to really make anymore and you know what that makes me excruciating me upset also we are getting decimated by the Germans but I'd like to focus on the tea as that's what really makes me upset anyway you know I think we can't defeat the Germans good yes there we go and the Germans have been defeated fantastic now get back to working in the fields here we go fantastic we've got the church underway which means it at age four we are able to Train cavalry faster lovely and also here we have the Arsenal which allows us to improve all of our various units so and cavalry hit points can increase and we can also make it so they do more damage to buildings which trust me is going to be quite important we're also going to upgrade ourselves to the Third Age now what should we do we could go for the Excel Prince the mohawk statesman the marksman or maybe just the Scout because he comes with some free arse arse you not go for the exiled Prince because that allows us to age up even faster and good come on my exiled Prince give us your lovely cavalry bonuses we need them so how this exploit basically works is normally you will spend quite a long time in these kinds of games actually training units and one of the best ways to trick a player is to suddenly rush them with a large amount of units or even better it is to build a building very very close to the enemy and have that spare unit so the strategy we're going to be going for here today will involve rushing down a cavalry building as close to the enemy as we can get it and then spamming out some units of mind would appear when a pair of red friend is getting attacked so I'm going to send in some assistance go my friends go Megan I've called a support army to come and assist and they will hopefully fight off the pikemen using their superior ranged advantage and of course they can yes as you can see at the moment we're getting attacked so I need to bring out some cavalry but the cavalry itself is rather expensive owner so we're going to level up to the next era of course we are we'll get the cavalry Marshal for the for extra cavalry units but yes as you can see training out these cover units it's taking a fair amount of time yeah we haven't even trained our first one yet oh no what a shame but here we go here's our first chorus here he's out and lo and behold he's able to do a large area of effect attack which is why people love him so much you can just literally dive a load of these into a swarm and whilst it might not look like they do a large amount of damage in one hit if you get them into a swarm my goodness they will do a turn anyway the AI has been defeated and our horses will live to fight another day and now that we are in the fourth age we can finally invest into mass cavalry which means cavalry trains even faster lovely stuff it's gonna cost a 750 Gold though which is something we don't have although we do have a ton of gold just lying around outside of our little house come why haven't we collected the gold yet my friend will you had 500 gold lying around on the floor come on that would have done it let me go we can now have the mass cavalry for the decreased cavalry training time lovely stuff no no the French are attacking again classic not lucky for me we can just summon them very quickly as you see when it comes to someone in cavalry you can summon them in blocks of five so as you can see we suddenly need five cavalry so we'll summon forth and they will train in a roundabout was that five seconds and will BAM suddenly four cavalry units out on the field able to shred up the enemy good stuff indeed and there we go on Calvary win the day once again oh great the Germans are attacking yet again with their veteran cavalry but I mean their cover doesn't actually really hold up that will against ours and also even though they might win this one don't worry we can just spam out another five cover units and it costs about five hundred and something but nope nope not really necessary we won anyway fantastic oh my comes this cavalry can spawn very quickly I mean this is just one stable and we are able to defeat multiple stables worth of an infantry push with ultimate ease I mean it's just so easy now we're reaching a point where basically we're getting held by our distinct lack of population I mean we don't actually have that many workers we only have one mill up and running of one little plantation bringing coin we could do with so much more so I've sent out filmy honest to set up a brand new city over here a new town center oh it will be glorious the yellows attacking again please ya know who's as well come on guys or don't worry we've got the massive area of effect so we should be fine well they really are attacking right okay fine spawn out the cavalry one more set of cavalry picking on us were at it we might as well have spawned some more oh it is ridiculously cheap oh and here comes the Germans as well more Germans more Germans you know that means that means more cavalry only we had spare Goldline ground there we go we've managed to fight off this next French wave my goodness they've really sent quite a lot away this time it's really taught me about the value of having a lot of spare gold lying around good this one absolute mess this is you know I give up my AI friend here has been absolutely useless I'm gonna come back a bit and try it another time because I've really beans this one absolutely note this one was a test run but have learnt a lot when it comes to spamming out cavalry so I'll be right back and we're back in a new improved situation where Smith has finally learned the actual controls of the game right ladies and gentlemen we're back The Lost game it didn't go so well the AI kept attacking and I forgot that I might actually need to build up a military to stop the AI from doing such a thing but nonetheless apparently my turtle strategies aren't always that welcome anyway I also discovered that I accidentally put myself on the wrong map basically there are a couple of regions which have some added bonuses which decrease the training time of horses even further which is why we're going to be playing a brand new game today ladies and gentlemen so let us play right so here we have it ladies in general we're in our brand new game and fantastic look we've landed in our new world we got our scouts we even have the legendary film the artists here supporting us today ladies and gentlemen my goodness it's so fantastic to have him with us now what should we get all our lovely citizens ooh more probably cut down some trees or something like that yes meanwhile fill me honest over here he's going to try and discover some grand new native tribes for us to become friends with that's right there are natives out here somewhere and we're going to make friends with them and by friends I mean we literally run in there and steal most of their properties here we have it it's the Incan settlement lovely this is exactly what we want to go grab we want our Explorer headed right over here to grab this in Caen settlement yes perfect now the Incan settlement can basically be upgraded it can be defended but by investing in the Incan settlement we can get upgrades which last forever for us and one of those upgrades decreases the cavalry training time by 25% yes ladies and gentlemen and when paired with our existing decrease of 50% you can see that things get slightly out of hand and there we have it we've managed to get us the lovely little Lincoln settlement up and this means we can discover Incan road building techniques but most importantly the Incan shall scream messengers which means fast Incan communications that lets you train soldiers faster echo that's all it costs we've got it and now we can train all units 25% faster and research is now underway in our capital town centre as we tack up from the discovery age to the next fantastical age Oh some idle workers idle workers come on you need to be harvesting all of those trees yes and fantastic as we're now in the next stage we can finally start investing in our lovely upgrades like the decreased cavalry training time the unique French upgrades and a improved blacksmith as well as just better horses there we go you know we should probably also get off first stables down you know just in case the enemy does attacks of the you know we're nice ready and prepared for them and also thanks to my lovely upgrade we can get the Arsenal down early and that allows us to get some early improvements done over here what we should be focusing on is just simply moving to the next age let's go for the Excel Prince once again as he ages up from much faster than the others and this allows us to slightly rush aspects of the game lovely stuff indeed so there we go we are now in age free the fortress agent we're sadly not able to quite get our lovely mass cavalry for the decreased cavalry training time but we're almost there we are so close ladies and gentlemen we are getting very close there we go we're finally going to be able to advance the Industrial Age lovely stuff luckily I decided to get an ally in the Ottomans and they've done a fantastic job of just dealing with anyone who comes direct been absolute watts in the parking comparison to the last game who would appear the Russians actually came in for an attack but our Kaveri naturally does the classic cavalry thing I'm just absolutely smashing everything because it's so overpowered yes there really is something very much broken about the French cavalry there is almost no counter to them you know typing we're actually ready to do operation super mega sneaky boy so how this operation is going to work is what you're going to need is a couple of generic French peasant workers yes they're absolutely fantastic and you're going to want to send your generic French peasant workers straight into the enemy lines now normally this kind of attack would be seen as a bit strange and surely not going to actually give you anything over than just a large amount of very dead French peasants which to be fair is quite a fun sight nonetheless but what we're actually doing ladies and gentlemen is we are deliberately marching towards the enemy so that we can place down the stables so when we close by which i think is probably about here yes this seems like a good spot we're going to build our lovely brand-new stables yes are fantastic cavalry building and by doing so you know what which is going to deploy it and tell it to spawn units in that general direction and to simply attack the various Russian peasants that we see in front of us so let us spawn in some cavalry oh my they just spawn in instantly what's going on here it isn't gentlemen oh no surely that can't be a gameplay feature oh but it is and this is some of the most effective cavalry you will ever see oh my goodness I'm so sorry Oh Russian army haven't even taken any losses yet anyway let's just burn down this building here it's an actual barracks this is their main barracks that we are just tearing down with horses you wouldn't think the horses would be able to do this that's where you're wrong ladies and gentlemen horses are broken what's this we might want reinforcements very well then which is quickly upgrade of all of our cavalry to give them extra 50% hit points and then will spawn in some more what's going on here what are you building you're building a block house no you don't want one of those no allow me to burn that down for you oh wow they really can't do anything oh look they've got one Grenadier he's gone I'm sorry really shouldn't really shouldn't have tried that one oh no you attacking my little stables over here very well spawn a couple of these bad boys except we've run out of pop housing I suppose we probably could a few more houses couldn't wait right there we go spawn out a couple of cavalry to defend us fantastic yes so our cavalry is broken in this game as you can see this is the town centre gone oh they're all the peasants hiding inside the town centre no please peasants flee so the reason why you want to do this is the French because once you can do this as any major European nation like the British the British cavalry for some reason in this game is not as overpowered as the French one so you see this French cavalry can have its hit points increased by I think about 70% overall if you really want to get it going but equally this French cavalry has an air of effect attack it is perfect at dealing with any infantry and it's only counter is probably the Germans and even then because we have so many great numbers and can spend them out at such great speed there is no counters of them if you try and amass a large amount of space to take out these cavalry it doesn't make a difference because this cavalry can just do a massive aerial effect attack to wipe out all spears and won't go say go ladies and gentlemen Ivan the Russian is being defeated it really is as easy as that and what to do with our 22 stack of horsey boys well we might as well just send them into the enemy base I do believe we've absolutely smashed this game now ladies and gentlemen I don't think there's a single way the AI can come back from this or anyway we now have Imperial Guard mane and even more improved version of the horsey boys they now do even more damage they are fantastic just look at these statistics we have here he points 11,000 so their base hit points was 500 we've now increased it by 600 ever speed of six point two five Oh Ivan the Terrible my towns of burning growing is hopeless I must offer my surrender no no surrender Russians yes this lovely Atal horsemen he resists 20% of range damage he has a 60 free siege attack bonus that's how much time she does 60 free siege attack and in that's with a range of six in an area of two with an improved modifier against buildings and he has a hand attack of 63 but a damaged air of two so he can hit two units in front of it and look at how many we have so many they are fantastic they just can't be defeated - anyway now instead look at all regular peasant infantry here ever chopped attack of eight and a ranged attack of eight so these guys are just so much better in every regard this is these horses of vet but hey what if you want more of them that's okay you just spam click out more horses and they go wham we have suddenly double the horses we have 48 horses okay right horsies let's go let us just finally win this game let's get rid of the Germans the Germans were meant to be the one thing that we wouldn't be able to defeat but no with 40 horses you can kind of defeat anything oh here we go we got a couple of German peasants right let us instantly want hit them couple of settlers wagons no no no no no oh and here we go the German army is now rolling out to greet us but I'm afraid they are getting absolutely decimated as they march out one by one into us right horsies just generically attack moved in this direction there we go so now they're going to just generally charge in any direction but attack everything they see go my horsies go I'd also like to point out that I've managed to do everything you've seen here in the game I managed to completely forget to build a market building which would have given us some fantastic bonuses that I just completely forgot about Oh are you doing okay horsies you look like you need a bit of micromanagement if I'm honest you look like you're struggling anyway let us burn down the town centre sorry town centre but I love the little graphics they have and the town centers gone okay it's all gone our friendly with the great my Empire has been defeated off my surrender Oh Fred there is no surrender Freddy boy yeah I mean if you encounter this kind of strategy in multiplayer I'm sure there are players who would be able to counter it I suppose with a couple of world Time cannon bolts you could probably shred fruit but but generally the best strategy to counter this would be to just rush the enemy player early on if you think they're going for this just rush them lovely stuff I think we've completely defeated the Germans now as well and we actually haven't lost a single cavalry by the way we have 47 cavalry and we also have one little horsey boy over here being a pain so we did that entire attack to take out the entirety of the German Empire and we lost nothing absolutely nothing ladies and gentlemen let's put her by the way we are playing on moderate difficulty here today ladies and gentlemen but this strategy works on all difficulties against all players it is just fantastic if only we had actually more capacity for units we could just burn out even more but sadly we've absolutely kept the unit population cap oh well it was such a shame of you to install such a thing here we go I think this is the last random German set that just wondered around now he watches he gets charged by 47 heavy cavalry success and there we go Frederick the Great it does not take a genius to recognize I am defeated quest to resign well of course you're defeated Fred you'll play it against the mighty hand of the spiff and the Empire you see you simply cannot defeat someone fueled by Yorkshire tea especially someone who is literally melting in 40 degrees as the UK turns in just a pile of mush in this heat wave and yet I still sit is sipping York City at boiling temperature knowing that my power cannot be diminished by such a thing known as Sun the victory is ours ladies and gentlemen we've done it so there we have it ladies and gentlemen you have just witnessed a fantastic game of Age of Empires free such a fantastic game it really is if you'd like to see more heck you might even want to see another Age of Empires 2 video then do give me a shout actually there is one thing I'd be interested to know what's Age of Empires your favorite Age of Empires game or was it Age of Empires 2 because I honestly feel like in almost every regard Age of Empires 2 was a better game as fun as Age of Empires 3 was the unit pathing was just so much more clunkier a lot of the game mechanics just felt very strange the whole error in timing that this game is built around just felt a bit odd but nonetheless ladies and gentlemen I'm afraid we're going to have to say goodbye to Age of Empires free here today if you've enjoyed what you've seen today then feel free to give the video a like it means the world to me thank you very much and as always a huge thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make the silly videos like this all the more possible and also Bancroft things like the community minecraft server I know we have one of those now heck I mean we even have merchandise what's happening in this world god bless the yogscast for making some fantastic designs i must say they are beautiful stuff and if you're wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now trust me it is absolutely right up your alley you're going to love it anyway later chetana I've been this flipping bridge I'll see all of you in the next one and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,076,298
Rating: 4.7717443 out of 5
Keywords: spiffing brit, age of empires, age of empires 3, aoe2, aoe, age of empires 3 is a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, aoe exploits, aoe 3 exploits, cavalry only, cavalry only challenge, aoe cavalry, aoe3 best calvary, aoe3 funny, age of empires funny, funny exploit, funny exploit age of empires, age of empires montage, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, the spiffing brit, funny clips, aoe france, french cavalry, rts exploit, aoe rts, aoe3
Id: wGvT18n0AY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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