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Not really an exploit, just normal religion victory, played quite badly aside from understanding what is good to spread your religion fast. Meeting Yerevan that early and with only 6 players, he could have won way, way earlier.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/leandrombraz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think there's a direct correlation between how heavily you lean on your nationality (and its almost always english) in your Youtube account branding, and how disinclined I am to enjoy your videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thirdtotheleft πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is exactly what I needed in life. A spiffing Brit video that I want to watch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cbargnes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Having a Pepe meme on the screenshot gets a NOPE from me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/psuchagogos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The video is prety good (just cause the spiffing brit is good) although unlike the first civ 6 vid he made it’s not really an exploit but just a general strategy for a religious victory, which isn’t even super good on higher difficuties. Super entertaining tho!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlexCdro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britain today you'll join me once more in the fantastic Sid Meier's Civilization six oh what an absolutely fantastic game this game is so fantastic the game that is quite often referred to as the Netflix anime adaptation of civilization 5 because my goodness they look like two completely and utterly different games but nothing will compare to the beautiful graphics that our civilization free wow what a gorgeous cave believe you me for its era that was actually incredible but nonetheless here we are in Civilization six with a brand-new Gathering Storm expansion this is the expansion that actually got me into Civ six and the sole reason why is because they finally added tea into the game as a luxury resource my goodness for some reason this game had England it had the British Empire yet they just never had it tea I mean how can you have a British Empire without tea that's like saying you can have a steam summer sale and yet not end up bankrupt at the end of it those two things just can't happen my friend so here we are playing the game once again unlike the last episode no no no no we're not doing an unlimited gold exploit we know how to do those now there was actually a recent one in the game as well where if you just offered the AI and negative quantity of resources like you can actually type in minus 200 cold they'd give you so much money for it that was wrong where you get him from the gold in this game for some reason yeah I think it might be recently fixed I don't know if it's fixed if I'm honest you want to go give me a try feel free to but today when I westering around with gold we are instead messing around with people's beliefs and feelings that's right they say never to play with someone's feelings over here today we're going to be playing with the feelings of the entire world as today I demonstrate to you ladies and gentlemen how do you guarantee and cheese the religious victory in Civilization six now whilst not necessarily in exploit in terms of a glitch and to break the game systems this is simply an exploit in the way that it is an uncountable cheese strategy which is almost guaranteed to have all other players in a eyes pulling their hair out just in absolute stress and agony and today of course it's all fueled by tea as today I will take you down the path of creating a religious victory so stupid so powerful and so broken you are guaranteed to just stop having fun in the game or together yep you just won't enjoy statistics anymore you'll probably go back to sieve to maybe civilization colonization the ultimate sieve game nonetheless here we are on this fantastic game Nord we're gonna dive right in when I start a brand new single-player game let's create a game using the advanced setup we want to have some players or what players would be like well personally I want to play as the greatest leader of the entirety of the civilization 6 catalog we're not playing is the ultimate me Lord and exploit Lord that is Mansa Musa no no no no no instead we're playing as a much more powerful character the legendary the Victorian that's right Queen Victoria of the British Empire what an absolutely incredible character she is Queen Victoria's access to some fantastic Mimi upgrades like for example whenever she settles a city on a brand new continent she gets a free trade route and a free melee unit and also she has access to the red coats which are just completely over-the-top and fantastic much better than any of a single piece of infantry out there for its era and the Royal Navy dot card now let me be honest this exploit can be done with anyone if you wanted to be smart you'd probably choose to play an actual civilization like Spain but I mean come on like do you really wanna play as Philippe Philippe ii no no no no no you don't want any of that instead it's Victoria all the way Victoria the single greatest and who do we want Victoria playing with well you know what let's row Victoria against the Swedes you know that's a classic pairing England and Sweden England and France and never classic combo also whack in some Hungarians now also play with Canada the most loyal of all colonies not Australia I haven't even downloaded the Australian expansion for why would anyone pay like seven pounds for an expansion for a game just to play as Australia why is that a feature devs and Ben Willis read in the Congo lovely there we go of course standard game difficulty starts in ancient era go for this faster speed would sound like a good bit of speed we'll crank up those city-state numbers and of course for victory conditions we're going to allow all kinds of victory however realistically speaking we're probably going to pull off a religious victory within the first returns you know what this seems perfect let's dive right into this game also ladies and gentlemen we recently hit the 500 thousand mark I was wondering what we could do to celebrate and Yorkshire seek only reached out and said they'd send me a large quantity of tea even more tea in fact I mean I have an endless supply of Yorkshire tea now heck I've even got about three cups of it in front of me to get me through this video production hmm oh it is lovely isn't it mmm that's with gistic and I was thinking the best way to actually celebrate it is to hand out some tea now I'm not really a big fan of handing out tea it really pains me just a part way with any cups of tea but to celebrate and also to prove a big turning milestone for the community I think I will give what is the largest quantity of your QT bags you can actually send someone quick Google yeah you know this this works okay if you manage to be under the first 40,000 people who like this video and you send a screenshot of you liking this video I don't know majestic comment telling me about your latest cup of tea and how fantastic it was or maybe just your favorite moment in all of the spiffing Brits creation maybe your favorite video your favorite section of a video your favorite interaction in the community if you leave that and send me a screenshot of it to my Twitter DMS at the spoofing Brit then you will be in the position to win 40,000 teabags ok that is 40,000 teabags it is a lot of teabags you can choose to give it to some of your friends you can choose to probably crush someone to death with it by accident so be careful handle with care and make sure to apologise the delivery man by giving him a cup of tea because moving 40 kilograms of teabag that's gonna be a lot but there you go ladies and gentlemen as a massive celebration of 500,000 subscribers I'd love to give back to the community and I feel like that is the best way to do so so pop down to the comment section enter on Twitter and I'll be out with a mood to see some of the things I receive oh god I'm just realizing my Twitter DM z-- are gonna be an absolute mess anyway onwards we were the exploits and here we are in the game and this is the first foundings of the British Empire as you can see quite famously it was all started with club men and happened around 4000 BC that was on Queen Victoria was first created she was born fully grown and never aged a single day as you can see absolute fine and then using the powers of T she managed to extend her life force from 4000 BC right up to the present day now there are a lot of people who think Queen Victoria died of old age quite a while ago but actually they're wrong she simply went into hiding her fears of scaring the rest of the people of the world with her incredibly young good looks thanks to the natural healing properties of T anyway nonetheless here we are on this fantastic game and we've got one of the best starts we could possibly imagine we have literally spawned in next to a natural wander and that immediately means that our astrology research has been boosted astrology is the first thing you want to research for the sole reason that it is going to give you Stonehenge if you don't get Stonehenge don't worry but if you grab Stonehenge force will BAM you've practically won the game and stone henges rules are pretty simple it must simply be on flat land adjacent to stone well lo and behold here's a stone deposit and here's some flat land so uh this is looking good right we're just going to move our settler one region to the left and then our single warrior can go on his lovely mary expeditions elsewhere and now let us continue so turn two and we want to found our first city which apparently wants to be called London that's an interesting choice no no no that simply won't do and go perfect name for our first territory instead of London no no no no we want the T rights induction territory or twit for short a perfect base for the start of the British Empire and you simply want to kick start yourself off we've having a scout and now it's just a long waiting game as we slowly research how to look at the stars oh and this is a glorious success we've discovered our first native tribes now native tribes are fabulous pubs they'll give you free things native tribes what do you give us today forty gold that they just graciously handed over to us oh how kind of them let us make sure to remove from the history books any mention of distress or upset when it came to the removing of the forty gold pieces oh my goodness and we've discovered our first friend to be so nearby city in sample our hospitality that would be lovely so he's somewhere over there and apparently by discovering him bad writing has been improved nice lovely now having friends in this game is great we basically want to be friends of everyone as you know having enemies who wants enemies instead you just want friends who think they're your friends but realist you going behind their back and just slowly converting them to a much better religion but many of you said at home might be thinking what if you've talked about gaining a religious victory but can't really do so without an actual religion so what kind of religion are we going for well ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be founding the Church of T that's right an entire church and religion dedicated just sitting down relaxing a nice warm cup of tea and then going not be trying to coffee drinkers now know what BAM there we go we've finally learnt all about astrology a fantastical thing that allows us to basically just cheese our way through all of religion because astrology gives you access to holy sites that most importantly Stonehenge Stonehenge you get a free great profit great profits they're used to found religions it's fantastic Oh and we discovered yet another group of natives fantastic my goodness everything's coming up absolutely spectacularly at the moment oh and there must be the lands of our friends from the Congo lovely and now that we finally built our worker we can set about constructing Stonehenge the most important site ever . it's just fantastic so there we go slab BAM Stonehenge is going down there beautiful and when it comes to government policies slots make sure to basically grab a discipline so you fight barbarians better and you also want God King because you know your ruler well our queen not a king is going to effectively become the god of all of our own citizens we discovered another friendly tribal village this is going great when it comes to tribal villages let's go grab them what do they got 75 gold to give to us as a special gift of discovery I guess yep maybe we could double a discovery tax yes let's call it the discovery tax that way it's merely taxation and everyone's find of that daylight robbery people aren't okay with but taxation everybody loves taxation would get more lovely tribal friends hello there they've taught us how to sail um how I'm saying this single tribal village in the middle of a desert taught us how to sail on the Seas right okay that's fine thank you civilization developers apparently they had sand boats maybe it was camels because camels quite famously these ships of the desert aren't there go we mind to settle our second city apparently wants to be called Leeds no no no no no let us rename this one there we go our next city is formed in true city assuring people it's just a nice introductory city designed for assuring people in or ICU P for short the perfect acronym for a brand new city my goodness what have I done and in 19 henge this is going absolutely great I'm loving this Oh ladies and gentlemen we did it a world wonders being created it's Stonehenge it's fantastic and his wife no because you know it's majestic but because it's just completely naturally broken now admittedly we have upset the Empire of the Congo by building it evidently they were trying to build it too but hey you know what it's given us a great profit and what we're here will also build a lovely holy site next to this fantastic world wander giving us extra holy power and here we have it we can finally choose a pantheon lovely so which Pantheon to choose well generally there aren't really any ones which massively matter but monument to the Gods is a fantastic Pantheon the increase towards building wanders is brilliant especially considering the early part of the strategy is mostly just about wander rushing but then eventually it's just completely broken if someone else does take for some reason monument of the Gods then just anything else is fine doesn't really matter yes anyway we're going to pick naturally the incredible monument to the gods and found this lovely pantheon there we go pantheon found it and then on the same turn we might as well form our religion a great person is activated our religion will now be chosen oh and what logo are we going for well naturally I mean you can go for say the cross this little sword thing alternatively you can go for the crab and what name of the religion should we go for and as much as I want to have a religion called crap rave probably best we don't instead we are going for the religion of tea and so in 2400 BC the first religion of the entire world is formed the Church of T now what religious beliefs do we want to grab you are limited by the amount of religious beliefs you can pick up early on here but later on into the game there's a ton for our first belief we're going to have divine inspiration however it generally doesn't particularly so divine inspiration is great however because the +4 faith from all wanders is going to stack up a lot for us bugs we're gonna be building quite a few wonders and then for the next belief you're going to want a mosque the main reason why is because a mosque gives you plus free faith you can build one all the holy sites but most importantly missionaries and apostles have one extra spread meaning if you go to a city you can spread your faith one extra time which is brilliant that's exactly what you want and there we go the Church of T is formed with its founding beliefs of divine inspiration and mosques let us build whoa BAM oh look at it there it is in its little book we got a little crab and I guess the crab uses its little pincers to hold up a cup of tea oh it's adorable honestly the crabs I'm kind of imagining that maybe our God is you know the crabs with monocles mod for skyrim that's the crap I know at the moment we only have two followers but don't worry it's gonna take a long time to start but as soon as it gets going it's gonna be fabulous now when it comes to technology at this point it doesn't matter you can do whatever you like I mean you're generally best off researching some military technology or growth technology cities cities build a bit faster but generally this no longer matters what does matter however is your culture as your culture of research or Civic researchers this game like school it is very important you want to probably grab mysticism so that you can build the Oracle the Oracle is brilliant as it has some fantastic lovely bonuses but then after that the things you want to pick up are mostly just temples and also political philosophy is a great one but fee ology is the one you want to rush up this so we're gonna go mysticism drama and poetry and then theology the reason why is because theology if we get that ahead of everyone else we can build them Maha body temple this is a phenomenal temple which gives you two apostles immediately apostles are used to enhance your religion they're brilliant they won't cost us anything and it's just gorgeous we want it all it needs to be is to be built next to a holy site which has a temple built on it brilliant that is lovely and easy for us there we have it we've managed to build the first holy site in the entirety of the world fantastic and that's now boost our faith pattern up to 11 and that's just from one city which is really suspiciously quite good and we're going to follow up that fantastic holy site with lovely settlers yes we're going to get one more settler probably gonna try and place him down right about here this is a brilliant spot we can seal a ton of resources hopefully from the Congo push up nice and close their borders just to annoy them a lot it it's gonna be absolutely fantastic on fantastic we've discovered the city state that I've wanted Yerevan it's located up over here but Yerevan is the city state for us it's the one we want to plow all of our envoys into for one fantastic reason if you manage to become the suzerain of this city state okay you have the most envoy's in here then you gain its unique bonus which is that your apostle units can choose through any possible promotion instead of receiving a random promotion you see our apostles which we send out into the world to convert other cities can gain levels and improve themselves now these upgrades are absolutely fantastic but being able to choose which upgrades you receive is even better as some of these upgrades are absolutely broken I mean one of them improves conversion in foreign cities by 75% which literally allows you to waltz into the foreign city go right okay here's a cup of tea drink it they will drink it and go by god this is amazing and lo and behold the entirety of the empire is now drinking just cups of tea you know what that's that kind of sounds like exactly would happen to the British Empire and lovely the game is decide to give us a governor now governors are fantastic little guys they all have their little bonuses but we are going to go for of course the Cardinal here because they allow us to increase the religious pressure of all of our fantastic lovely religious people and most importantly some of their bonuses are absolutely just broken like for example paintin st. which is the Apostles and monks trained in the city received one extra promotion when receiving their first promotions basically if an apostle or a monk who is in the city just kind of increases in level either naturally means or maybe they spawn in with a level they instantly gain a second level which as you might guess can be exploited so yes we're going to grab our cardinal and place them down in our lovely capital city and even though we haven't actually got any monks running around in the world spreading our religion as you can see in 13 turns we're going to naturally convert a map Indo to our glorious tea drinking ways yes success the tea Empire is going to grow mighty and strong until we go fantastic wing settle our next city offered the beautiful city now this is going to be a lovely city because it's mostly designed to simply stop condom from accessing half of their resources that really their city should be entitled to so yeah we're just gonna grab up that one and next turn will be Baghdad love a little stone mine there that'll be glorious for us to own so we need a name befitting of this city's importance so naturally we'll have to name the city the city underlined Congo because it is just south of where the Congo is or cuk fish okay I see what I've done here classic spiff oh hello there ladies and gentlemen and for that jumping to the midpoint of the video when you least expected me I'm here to remind you to go grab yourself a cup of tea because trust me you've made it through this segment of the video and you know what really you deserve you deserve another tasty glorious relaxing and refreshing cup of Yorkshire tea honestly I'm kind of surprised that we've gotten this far into a video where there's a lot of talk about religious tea cults and we haven't actually seen people down in the comment section renaming themselves to say things like the Pope of the Church of T or I T taster of the Church of the T in the comment section although I'm sure there will be a large amount of people doing that any moment now it generally happens whenever I make one of these videos but you know it is probably an easy way to get you comment at the top of all of the other comments so hey easy little exploit for the youtube comment section today ladies and gentlemen also I just wanted to mention that hey we actually have some merchandise now finally that's right technically we had some previously on the yogscast or but i wanted to wait until about now to actually promote it because we've had it in a fantastic new item i mean look at this glorious mug we have just having one sip of tea from this mug instantly increases your charisma stats by at least 100 it's phenomenal and when paired with the phenomenal taste of Yorkshire tea my goodness who knows what stats you might be increasing oh but what else is happening well at the moment we have a fan mail competition going on if you want to win yourselves the only signed version of all of my merchandise and all you have to do is simply send something into the PIO box and a lot of people are using the nice and easy route of just going on to Amazon co-taught UK and sending it into the peer box which you can see on screen now we've had some interesting rivals including an entire Morphy Richards coffee maker and the single strongest coffee someone in America could find now I know there are of heretical people out there in the comments-section sending things in and you know what I say send me your worst all right nonetheless you have until probably the midpoint of August to get your stuff sent through and then I'll have to pick a winner but nonetheless I just want to also say thank you because it feels great that we're in this wacky position where I'm in the Yogscast are having fun having a lovely time in my community and it's just absolutely fantastic anyway you know something else I want to do was vote on the next video we're going to be having the choices are Skyrim fallout 4 or Heroes of Might and Magic free and absolutely me me game a game so exploiting that the multiplayer community of it is just warm person trying to out exploit another person so yes see which of those free games you'd like to see anyway I've been this before Britt and I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now now go enjoy this video and now we finally moved into the next era of the game we're able to choose a kind of brand new era and an era bonus that comes alongside is our and we get to make a dedication lovely and that means our nation is going to enter into a golden era of lovely so what are we going to choose well we have a few different options we could go for free inquiry to just get some better sciency stuff going as always pen brush and voice for some culture we don't really need that monumentality is nice that's for extra builders and allows us to purchase builders and settlers using faith which is quite useful if I'm honest but alternatively with this vastly better option which is the exodus of the evangelists which is plus 2 movement for all missionaries apostles and inquisitors additionally newly trained ones get +2 charges and we gain +4 crit profit points per turn yep it's just brilliant basically it means all of our religious people are going to move faster to war and just generally be over the top what is this rumor has it the France has founded a new religion Catholicism Francis decided to set up a rival religion to make right will have to try and remove Catholicism from Paris that's no problem we should be able to do that quite quickly in fact oh my goodness and apparently Yerevan has a mission for me convert the city state to your religion and they'll give you an end void what a fantastic mission for me to have that means I can just literally buy a single missionary of the lovely Church of T does cost 150 faith which at this moment is quite a lot remember that ladies and gentlemen 150 faith that's a lot of faith but luckily because we have all of our bonuses our missionaries can move six tiles that's right and they also have five spreads of their religion so it's going to take us only free turns to get over to Yerevan no problem whatsoever let us scoot over there so hello there Yerevan allow me to teach you all about this wonderful beverage called tea whoa BAM now we haven't quite converted them but we have at least convinced two of their citizens that tea is the correct beverage to drink well and our lovely friends in the Congo have apparently said that they welcome the words of our God and they'd love to see more of our lovely religion that's brilliant well I suddenly don't mind frying a good bit of crab religion their direction in fact they've already converted one of their cities isn't that just fantastic and there we go we will finally spread the religion once more this extra spread is going to be the conversion we're BAM they're Yerevan now follows the Church of T and as we've completed their quest we get the end boy they're beautiful so we have it we've converted Yerevan but what's next I mean there's other cities inside the Congo that we might as well convert including their capital yes you know let's go convert that parent would convert by itself in 111 turns tired but you know what we're going to boost of that process just a little bit by teaching them about tea you know the friends in the Congo they actually for some reason really like what we're doing so we're gonna declare a friendship with them there we go let's be good friends and oh go we finally researched fee ology which gives us access to the mahabodhi temple which of course we're going to be building if you don't manage to build it ladies and gentlemen I'm afraid you need to start over as this thing is absolutely mental and now we're starting to see where our religion is coming into a bit of a conflict with some other religions is he over here the strength of the French religion Catholicism is sleeping into some of the local city-states and we just can't really stand for that so we're going to send 1 missionary from the Church of tea over here to Vilnius and we're going to start converting them into the glorious ways of tea drinking because we can't having them fall into something that just isn't really good enough you want only the best for our lovely city-state friends there we go we end up next to Vilnius let us convert them to the Church of T yeah try and beat dad Catholicism and WebM yes another successful conversion and Catholicism has been removed you know what we might as well send our incredibly speedy monk all the way over to some of the other cities and start converting them how about converting the Canadians yes how about we just go convert them to a fantastic religion that seems like a brilliant idea and we can finally pick up first government so we're gonna go for classical republic and then eventually hopefully be able to move on to theocracy which gives us some fantastical bonuses for a religious victory there we go we've also built the fantastic Oracle in one of our lovely cities for the apparently Kongo is not too happy with the fact that I'm building so many wonders so quickly I do believe alas it does not matter but one thing we do want to build is our fantastic holy site and now to speed up the finishing process of this fantastic wander I have a slightly cheesy process of doing so and that is just basically tearing down all of the forests around the intro city of ushering people yes so there we go we've built that now we just want to build a quick shrine and yes things are going to go well and there we go now that we have finally built our holy site we can get the mahabodhi temple down we're just gonna build it here it seems like a lovely location for it and perfect once that's finished we can finally top off our religion and then it will just be done for good it's perfect there's no way you can improve it it's broken it's overpowered and we've won the game oh there we go we've finally done it we've built the mahadevi temple after many setbacks involving just lots of barbarians getting in the way we finally managed to build this temple honestly we probably could have got this finished about 50 turns ago if I didn't forget where to actually place our original holy site but hey you know you make these mistakes anyway what we want to do is we want to activate these apostles and tell them to evangelize the belief and then on this apostle over here you want to evangelize the belief once again and here's why because by evangelizing the belief you're allowed to add one additional bonus to your belief now what additional bonuses do we want well naturally we want to try and grab pilgrimage there it is plus two faiths for every city following this religion in another city glorious lovely bonus and then finally you want holy order missionaries and apostles are he percent cheaper to purchase this is completely and utterly overpowered it's brilliant I love it so a BAM job done now our religion is basically peaked that is the best we can get and we can now start beginning operation destroy the entire universe using a good bit of Jesus and so what you want to is you want to purchase an item using faith now if you remember previously missionaries cost us about 160 or 150 faith points to buy we don't want to buy missionaries we want to buy apostles they are fantastic but where do we want to buy them well we want to buy them in the lovely governor Mosca's established cities so we purchase an item with faith with them an apostle he's born and next turn he should be ready to level up so ago I've just bought two lovely apostles and we're gonna use these guys to spread our religion around the world there we go they are ready to level up so you want to give them a promotion but of course remember thanks to our lovely relation with Yerevan over there were able to pick their promotion so which promotion do we want well naturally we could do quite well with pilgrimage because that's gain free extra spreads we're moving adjacent to a natural wander for the first time or they spawn adjacent to a natural wander so uh that's quite useful we'll make sure to grab that other than that you want to make sure to grab polarizer which is religious spread eliminates 75% of existing pressures or translator religious spread is triple-strength in cities of over civilizations so we'll grab that and because we've done that they'll take up to the next one again now these are all the Apostles we want to buy for the first few turns as trust me you don't want this going to out of control but as you can see our religion is spread quite well we have contained the entirety of the Congo Empire we've also managed to basically steal villainous from the Catholics the Catholics do still however maintain me interative this region however we do have our slight crabby influences over to the north in Canada so who do we want to convert next what we want to make sure we grab your event and the remnants of the Hungarian Empire there's not many cities left in fact I think they only have one city left yes apparently the conga knees have basically forced them right the way out just over here to acre so we're going to send up some parcels over here to basically steal that city and there we go we've made us way into Yerevan so what we're going to do is use our apostle to spread religion now our apostles are very powerful in fact so powerful they're going to convert to people on the spot following our religion Alabama that's an entire city converted well done and now we just want to move over to the rest of Hungary and we'll steal them away as well and also going to research the Boutrous over here as that allows us to build the Hagia Sophia which means the missionaries and apostles can spread their religion one extra time which is you know a nice little bonus to have I mean hello there occur the lovely bastion of Hungarian religion well I'm afraid not much longer we just pop this lovely little parcel of no Mathias says you're Pro Elite Isis are not welcome among my people I think I'm kind of okay with just spreading my religion in your land and just driving you insane because there's nothing you can do to counter it yes there we go we've converted one of your cities as long as we convert the last one that's a success for my religion and finally we can promote our governor who is Mushka here perfect we can promote him too there it is patron saint which is that apostles more amongst trained in the city receive one extra promotion upon their first promotion glorious that means that basically if we purchase a apostle right now what they're going to have happen and this is quite interesting and quite broken' in fact is next turn because they spawned in and we have our civilization upgrades they're going to immediately level up but upon leveling up they're going to immediately level up again so we're going to grab a translator on this lovely guy and as you can see he immediately levels up once more so there you go he's leveled up once again and so we're going to grab proselytizer I think it is which is the religious spread basically eliminates 75% of the existing religion in the city that you spread it to this is great for basically conversions rather than just brute force running in and stealing basically means if we've run up to this city we can eliminate the previous existing religion and flip it to us at the same time which is fantastic and because our religious spread is just so powerful even Montreal a city we haven't even touched yet it's going to convert itself in eight turns time this is going absolutely swimmingly basically over the four other AI players in the game we've managed to fully convert the congo fully convert hungry all that's left is to convert Canada and France but anyway are absolutely overpowered apostles are now ready these are the mega upgraded ones these can just run to a territory steal it of all religion and job done there we go we've also now just gone unconverted babylon to the superior religion of tea there we go but we could do with more apostles so how much they cost well they've really cheap they are just free eight five you can spam these outs there we go we'll buy another buy another and what it comes to our apostles you want to move them off of their starting area then you promote them otherwise they clog up the space and of course once again you want to do translator so move off the starting area and then once again buy translator perfect and now that we've got those two apostles down we might as well grab a few more bearing in mind every time you do this the cost of an apostle increases so they're not four to five over a period of turns they do go down in price but as long as we're not at war with anyone we can just spam these out everywhere on here we go we have our lovely converted by hair over in vilnius ready to convert it as you can see it even split free followers of Christianity to for the Church of T however we pop this bad boy down and suddenly people stop leaving Catholicism yeah it's quite an interesting little shenanigans we have going on here we basically just want to slowly start moving into the French territory and basically the more cities we take the larger our pressure is and the more we can slowly force them to start thinking about our fantastic cult of T's I'm going to send one of our apostles north to start converting Montreal in Canada and one of them will start heading right so that we can start converting most of France there we go and then finally I guess we'll send one off somewhere up north us actually properly finish off Hungary but for the time being this is going very well you see France was the only other nation that really got very active of its religion but we should be able to defeat it nonetheless quite easily in fact at and there we go one of our lovely preachy boys has arrived in the Nantes as you can see five citizens all of them believing in Catholicism is a lot of pressure that 970 to pressure whereas only eighty free pressure for the Church of T so we want to do our conversion wha-bam we convert four people over the top and basically instead of agreeing to not convert the French is land we are going to say that actually we're going to convert everyone this is going to upset her a little bit but it means we won't have a stacking massive negative breaking of trust so that's going well there we go in one turn we've converted the entirety of this settlement into the fantastic Church of tea and were BAM we've got more priests following him up this is just going great so what next well I guess we make the logical step of moving our lovely priestly boy over to say Ambrose yes that seems like a decent idea and there we go I finally met the last player in this game it really took this long it was Sweden where are they Dale all the way over here my goodness this so far ok further I've got to find a way to convert them out of their Protestantism yeah we've got to teach them all about this fantastic cup of tea stuff we've discovered anyway you know what Ambrose what a nice little city what would be a shame if someone happened to convert it wouldn't it and so we're not you're just going to annoy the French by converting all of their cities there we go that's another conversion down with them and pressure for Catholicism has been eliminated it is all about the fantastic beautiful religion of T yes ma'am there we go Montreal is now also following the Church of T because so many places are now following the Church of T we're gaining constant error score now era schools basically allow your nation to enter into a golden age and if we enter into a golden age we get tons of bonuses but we are effectively forcing our way into a golden age due to the fact that every time we convert a city we gain era score how much I think it's something like 1.5 now this is continuously stacking and basically means even if we did nothing us we didn't research or anything like that we would still propel ourselves into somewhat of a golden era just thanks to all of these fantastical conversions that are happening well you know what his Paris Paris is doing great apparently four people live in Paris the capital Bronx for some reason and you know we can spread our religion and immediately converted on the spot so there you go Paris was once the cradle of Catholicism but now faithfully flock to the temples of Church of tea there we go fantastic the Clara score now 94 Caesar go quite well to say the least and also we must venture deeper into Hungary there we go another city discovered which allows us to convert my goodness this conversion is going to convert six citizens in one go wha-bam Oh glorious no will convert here again that's another successful conversion apparently France has had to denounce me they're just really not happy with what I've done oh what a shame France however they won't really attack me if I pull off one magical move and that's to convince my friend here and the Congo to ally with me Oh bill petrol there we go you know let's also use our apostle to start attacking their missionaries it's a holy person fights they can't shout at each other and let's do another conversion well BAM there we go miss coke was once the cradle of Hinduism now everyone flocks to the Church of T have a successful conversion but we should probably get the Empire of Kongo on our site now how about a military alliance there we go I have to pay him but lo and behold we have our military alight it's gonna be fantastic it's great we've got gold you've got success and most importantly none of the other AIS in the world are going to attack us now because they're just simply too scared you know we should probably send out another wave of apostles soon so let's get recruiting we they're not that expensive and we gain about a hundred and twenty-four faith for turn so we can really turn these guys out oh my goodness and apparently there's an emergency special world session religious emergency Victoria has converted Paris the Church of tea you must eradicate this new faith so apparently they will eradicate my faith well I'm afraid I'm gonna have to vote against that Megan oh I want to continue this glorious faith although I get the feeling it's not gonna be successful for us but we have along the world yet we did along the world sadly oh what a shame apparently Christina and Elinor weren't happy so basically 29 turns the AR going to try and remove the Church of the tea from Paris oh I just can't allow that to happen I'm afraid no problem whatsoever oh my goodness and if they fail to do so my religion will release a burst of pressure on all nearby cities and gain 200 diplomatic favor this is fantastic right we are not letting them convert Paris it will remain mighty glorious and tea fueled so we're going to need to send over a lot of good vertibirds so recruit those missionaries lots of missionaries lots of apostles and apparently Sweden isn't happy they've just announced me something to do with all of the religious conversions I'm doing around the world but don't worry we're backed up by the military bite of Congo we'll be fine apparently we can move missionaries over to Paris within about five turns which is quite impressive to say the least yes we're going to be receiving reinforcements very soon this is great on the world has entered the Renaissance era perfectly and it's a golden era for us of course and did we do it I think we did it turns remaining six but there's only Sweden and the French Empire involved but I think might have actually completed it unless they've accidentally managed to convert Paris now Paris is still very much a crab central hold at the dominance of the crab around here this is going great anyway worlds into the Renaissance era let us choose our dedication oh my goodness this is incredible exodus of the evangelists so basically plus two movement for missionaries apostles and inquisitors additionally newly trained ones have plus two charges plus four great profit points per ton that is fantastic oh my goodness oh we can pick three dedications what will also grab monumentality and you know we might as well also grab reformed the coinage yes fantastic so we can now use faith to buy settlers and builders for a hundred and twenty only okay right that's perfectly fine so we can buy a builder per tonne from faith nice good I like this there we go we also finished the Hagia Sophia which is yet another fantastic completely over-the-top monument for us to add to our collection look at this our missionaries can now move at six towers per second we can literally teleport into the walls of Paris oh it's fantastic and lets us finally convert Buddha there we go it's all of our brand new apostles here have seven spreads of their religion and we can upgrade them and if we want we can also grab the bonus which gives them plus free spreads if they're next way natural wonder which we are so that ten spreads at an increased strength with no counter whatsoever yeah this game is really quite something isn't it I know Canada for some reason you've recently decided to expand and settle Saint John which is of course instantly going to be converted within four turns I'm also going to steal your capital now so I'm thank you very much au Inc that will be mine them I swear is now ours now we just need to pick up Vancouver and then Oh actually Victoria is flip to Protestantism are what we'll have to deal with that that should be no problem however that is simply someone or we can buy traders using faith that seems like a good idea let's buy another apostle now five hundred and thirty faith but I mean when you're pulling in a hundred and fifty faith for turn not really that much of a big deal there we go if we look at this lovely map as you can see the entirety of Canada excluding one city now follows the Church of T all we need to do now is actually convert sweden yes sweden is the only Empire and civilization that we haven't converted a majority of the cities over to our religion honestly if we just channel all of our efforts in the general direction of Sweden job done we want the game oh there we go we've managed to successfully fight off the defence against us oh we did it oh we actually did it we managed to convince the people of Paris that they should stay following our religions there we go were BAM we've very much upset the French but that's fine that's just the classic British way also the Swedes don't like us because they wanted to a bit of a religious victory but it doesn't matter we completely Trump's them Oh Paris is ours and then religious strength is just can be billowing out of Paris a glorious conversion I say there we go job done now all of our lovely apostles around there we can just wander off and start converting elsewhere perfect so let us start our long Exodus into wards wonderful nations of Sweden here we have it we've discovered our first few Swedish cities this is good we're starting to actually spot where they're coming from now pow yes the conversions are soon to begin oh this is going to end very nicely for us so sorry Sweden there is nothing you can do to stop it there is no counter there is absolutely nothing I'm afraid Oh a glorious easy game of civilization six I do love it now look at you trying to fight yourself there we go look at them they've tried to fight us off using one of their more powerful apostles sorry but I'm just gonna water over to all borough there and a bush Oh what's this you don't like me converting I'm sorry but it's God's will so we're just gonna go do it Church of T demands it yes less as the conversions begin got a Borg is ass yep the entirety of France is now converted to the ways of T oh I wouldn't have it any other way fantastic oh this beautiful orange map of Church of T it is glorious nothing can stand in its way oh there we go we've discovered Stockholm itself yes not even you will be safe from our converting abilities oh yes oh yes oh yes hello the Swedish capital what do we have here Stockholm yes I'm going to convert three of your citizens to my religion yes now I have removed your own majority in your own City and next turn it will be ours oh yes it will be us and then I think we might actually have our victory only to hundred turns into the game go let's get our conversion eight majora tree is now the Church of T and now everyone's celebrating because we're BAM we managed to convert Stockholm the cradle of Protestantism it's now ours I will choose the research oh no astronomy how close we 12 victory are five of six sips converted I see it's my last one is Sweden yes I guess one more City is necessary and then we've done it Sweden is ours here we go we're next or bow pretty sure this will be the one next turn Oh No they're trying to religiously fight us it's not gonna help Sweden I'm afraid oh come on religious victory on turn 200 let us do it oh I must say yes if you min/max this much more effectively you could have done this probably by about 10 150 but not for me anyway or bow you're now ours and let us convert no cooking there we go oh we did it oh we did it the religious victory Oh finally oh we did it there were those lovely Sabu's give us the crab Sean Bean fantastic the English Empire the glorious English Empire oh not bad at all so yes that was absolutely fantastic ladies and gentlemen that is how to pull off a very easy victory in civilization 6 almost no counter to it there's not really much you can do you can just get this massive swarm of very high level apostles that will just defeat everything they come into if you grab those early wanders without anyone else looking GG you've won the game anyway ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed this video make sure to like if you'd like to see more than hey give me a shout go down to the comment section say hello if you're new here say hi hello it'd been lovely to have you subscribe and don't forget to enter into the competition or be lovely to have you I can't wait to see what kind of wacky things we pull off hey Frank you as always to my majestic patrons who make all of these fantastic videos possible each and every one of you are fantastic you smell of teas you embody the Queen and each and every single one of you is amazing thank you so much if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now I've hand-picked it for you you're gonna love it trust me it's fantastic anyway I'll see all of you in the next one I don't have seen lovely day goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,391,663
Rating: 4.9067731 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, civilization 6, civ 6, religion only challenge, civ 6 religion challenge, civ 6 challenge, civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, funny montage, civ 6 funny, civlization 6 funny, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, civ 6 gathering storm, civ 6 overpowered, civ 6 relgion only challenge, civ 6 is broken, civilization 6 is broken, civ 6 but, perfectly balanced strategy game, strategy game exploit
Id: JyRa3B5N5zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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