Easy Cookin EP#10 Corned Beef & Cabbage

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee from location jungle a place just go ahead and cook get the partner shaken in our life turtle stew for me boss this is going to be to our charity talk to it like a know what I'm talking now I like this good I believe in easy cooking [Music] [Applause] I all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee in today we're gonna cook corned beef and cabbage and some anise ASSA bean did we get out of Colorado in there very good and I've got to turn the fire on under the juice we've got to put on it I think that's the one yeah all mediums who will get the hot and will put the bean right in there in there cook before the show's over guarantee first of all all we're gonna cook cabbage I love cabbage I love corned beef I love food in or two ways about that and you look at me and tell I've lost one hundred and seventy five hundred eighty-five thousand pounds in my lifetime going up and down it's been a lot of fun to do it but I still like all good food is cooked well I'm gonna turn this fire on - that's right one I'm so proud of me for doing that you'd be surprised in here I have corned beef stock I cooked corned beef I'm gonna put in his cabbage over the copy the corned beef is already cooked in his cabbage but let it cooked until I like the well like it I don't like I don't like cabbage it's just half cooked you don't like that the Chinese you do just stir it around a little bit I like it like those Cajun cooking cooking the hell out of it that's my eyes and it tastes better than me like that I got I have more flavor in it then the stir this around to be sure if we have more salt I'll put it in there you don't need it right now I smell enough salt in there and this is cabbage b cubed and we cube his cabbage and I cooked this up when I cooked the corned beef what I did I put four cups of white wine good Chablis suitable to drink it well it cooked but never cook with a wine that you won't drink I put five pounder of corned beef four cups of dry white wine to stay spoonful of soy sauce two teaspoons full of Louisiana Hot Sauce or a quarter of teaspoon full of cayenne pepper and I have two heads of cabbage you not logg heads not like one I cooked on children in the in Alaska the cabbage weighed 65 pounds man I couldn't believe but it was one cavity and I got two large onions it up when we quoted that in to cut that into quarters the cabbage has been cut into quarters and then put upon in bite-sized pieces and the salt of course when you cooking corned beef you got the what you mean I need an assault assault and you may need something and I'm gonna put this teaspoon down and see if it needs any good if it does I'm gonna put it in there I think a teaspoon full of salt wouldn't hurt at all before I got a lot of cabbage there and I think I measure teaspoon in my hand like my mother showed me how to do when I was eight years old and that's a teaspoon full of song I get two more greens that I got it put that teaspoon full of salt in there to be sure god yes don't know so look at it now how did I do that practice though and you can do it anybody can have confidence in yourself I'm gonna put this cabbage in there because the water is getting warm my hand to clean I washed them yesterday I'll dump that in there when I get enough to where it won't splash that kind of love Kamy got he's raw you cook and I will eat it half cooked if somebody didn't know coming up and I love corned beef and I love corned beef sandwiches I love corned beef just by itself in cabbage I've cooked with beans in anything I have to cook it in I love it I'm corned beef good play they tell me I found that out after I've been eating it all my life I believed in I swear I do now let's get in there Carrie and I've got to stir you down this is going into corned beef stock that I cook that cold beef it and I thought it totally what I put in a put that wine and take all the business out of anything that you have is built just take that out of it and it'll do it put it out of my way and turn this into this stuff if I need any more water put it in here may need a little more water now can't tell come on y'all they put those on you in there these are good on your the goods we I love to make onion sandwich you know ever you know onion sandwich with mine is good for you too they tell me Jim I listening today about garlic on the television Michelle should be the healthiest man in the world I love it well my father said to read me what invented twin beds with garlic I can believe that got to put a little more water in this no two ways about that Museum look at that that's for the beans we're gonna put them in there in a few minutes you got the cover this would walk there's no wanting to go undercover exactly right you can get one of these potholders there in case I want to hold a little pot still while I still need to show hand a little deal they'll keep you from burning yourself and I don't like to burn myself in I'm going to put that corned beef in there a little bit but not quite yet I got to get this all down in here like it's supposed to be stirred up get somebody on your on the bottom in the middle and leave some on the top I love Boyd on you I really do and more than your and that's healthy food you know my healthy may and thank goodness no piece of cabbage there wrong you love it you know I kind of just get to cooking mm-hmm tell me echoing beef then we sliced this it makes it easier to serve people that eat all these you to cook to cook better with a slice like this and I like what to cook well I feel the story coming on I'll have to tell a few minutes but I want to get this on first so I started messing around and lose my train of thought ain't got a one-credit on this track you know guarantee that's true know you've all got to stir y'all down in there don't you yeah let's go ahead stir it down in there separate it the best you can that looks good enough to eat right there you know it it's done enough that's for true let's do that a little bit down into that sort of cook you know this believe it or not that this just water just covers just and by the time this is cooked water will be about a half an inch deep on top of it when the weight comes from but it does it now we're getting right now I want y'all to cook real nice then I'm gonna put that out with smelly I'm gonna put the lid on that T to me I got to wipe that every now and then because I don't want it to boil over now hear those cups of beans we get those out of California I just barely soak those in water for just a little bit because they cook real quiet but I said I felt a story coming on and I do the in these beans I'm not gonna sort of thing it was something maybe a little little of salt I thought they're going into corn beef stock is what they're going into in the beans I put other things into the corn beef stock is what we did we took off five pounds from some corn beef take your spoon full of onion powder two teaspoons full of garlic powder to taste in fallujah sauce and cayenne pepper to taste my taste I don't like food it's too hot though put that over there out of my way this calling be stopped we've got rights here and I got some beans hat and put the roll one over there what I've got to do is put someone there was stuffing that corned beef stock I got cooking in there getting hot nice and hot now what I'm gonna put in a tongue be stopped is a little how's it going be stopping tablespoonful onion powder that is not acting simple you watch I've made you that Devil tablespoon for tablespoon 9m over at the table thing for then we're gonna put 2 teaspoons full of garlic powder and I'm not gonna make that my end I'm just gonna put it in there can I tell you what that teaches food yeah go I better make it that and I'd mess around with two teaspoons of garlic powder we've got to cut that fire now into one teaspoon that's a little bit over teaching but it's not fast enough over to making a difference it'll taste good that I know and that's the main idea when you're cooking to be sure it'll taste good and I got to turn this power down to low they're going and I'm gonna stir it do you got enough stuff to put in hand at home don't worry I'm gonna put two teaspoons full of Worcester sauce - Table two - that's right - yeah it puts a little bit doughy egg but that two teaspoon full and some cayenne pepper to taste now I'm gonna use a little hot sauce made from cayenne peppers and it's not too hot it's very very good it really is you know I can't keep doing that really hot hot hot sauce I like the flavor how much she says to my taste to my taste it'll be just about right that teaspoonful not already is now I've got these beans they got tell that story folks huh I knew an old man in Lafayette had a big bakery over there you know a lot of year and they had the Boustany built the store right across the road from him and I said he's a road with a straight road laughs it's a hard to find and his name was Eve all and mister you've all own the bakery over there fine Cajun gentleman and then never will forget I was standing there and they they had a policeman named named Adrian doing real well in the they put up a traffic light of death mister you've all backed out of his bakery the cataract all be you ingest ran a red light like like didn't even know it will down and of course did we blew the whistle and stopped him and he knew and he walked up says mr. u-haul did not you see that red light up there he said yeah but I did not see you know now this this is a 2 cups of these wonderful building house Cascio being and there is nothing but call any cook a little bit quicker than him and most beings outside don't be messing around to him kind of dodged the draft God we stir now to put them in there I got to bring him to a boy because I want the ball real good and cook cook quick I'll check that for salt later I will probably have to put a little salt in those being you know my beans off you got the wiggly getting moved on before he's putting salt in there no cabbage let's do some cooking up a little bit - lets get rid of here now yep that's just hot water - that's good enough taste this was solved now but I'm not gonna put in it right now this is my tasting spoon oh you did already can use it again that's bad huh I'm gonna go ahead and do it they're not gonna need any song just right with everything cooked boys that mr. CooCoo she would have gotten you oh I know right now I feel like I would have told you another story I'm gonna tell you this story it happened down in Kaplan Louisiana at a meeting that they were having some kid on having a meeting there put it in I sided meeting and and we're doing World War twice and she got hay fever at the meeting somebody said you know them German don't hope around happy pill one of them jumped up Sarah oh no not Abbeville Louisiana no I build France they don't overrun it took it he just fallen to the Germans and that is a shame 504 mostly I feel so bad about that what I'm saying not me I'll come you don't feel bad about that he said I don't care about them print went over there he never should have left Louisiana and going over that in the first now beans are cooking I'm fixing to go sit down and eat very shortened it to our hope and I've got one story I want to tell you I've already tell the story was told to me when I was in the hospital the cash from my head down and I didn't feel like laughing but I laughed so much they had to give me an extra shot of dope that's how much I thought about it's about a little boy who'd watch seven a six year old and he'd been to school he had to walk to school back there in those days when he got home his my mom was not out in the backyard she was a little black on wash pots that we had back then over days so he went into the house and he my mom called her mama all the time oh my mom way you at mama gg all reason it was all ready Henry brought yourself in you gee mom are you in the bed you see oh no only I just had a fine baby baby boy and he's gonna be a fine young man like you come look at him and he walked over there and she turned a couple back so you see that's that's your little brother ory ooh where'd you get him mom all hi oh she said I found him out in the woods in a hollow stump in the woods and a hollow stump mama that's right in the woods in the heart of stone my MA I reckon if I went out and him would have looked around a little bit I might find me a baby in one day Mahalo stump she she's yeah I reckon you would go ahead and only she want to get rid of me now so Aden in would he went he looked in every all the stuff that he came to he looked in this and now all him but it didn't find no baby you just about to give up me so one more hollers don't you know wood over there look and there was a great big fat white albino possible he said I done found me a baby I guarantee he reached down got dead possum put it up to his chest he started to run back home and loving in there possibly baby he's got you fine baby everybody gonna be jealous to me to have a baby like this I guarantee oh mama my baby is you oh man when she sees you she gonna be mad yeah but they got home and did not get home yet he was just running alone he met a mine and just he met that man that possum grab hold of it in his chest and I mean that possible held on to his chest and he would cry or real what you got he said you know you don't need you don't need a half hour to do what I got I got a baby are you like my baby know what to find baby you see that's a baby that's my baby I'll guarantee what are you gonna do anymore you see I'm going weaning maybe ever turn lose now you see that water coming in like that good bean to make cooking good they don't need a thing cook it and I'm gonna eat I'll tell you that but I love you know my man sent me some of the old gestures a gift once and we've been ordering member since we like him very much like I'm very very much and I'll eat them every chance I get now see what decision here never let you see the bunny feet bunny feet a guaranteed [Music] then look over here sit down and if I think of another story I may tell you that I'm gonna pull a little wide on that glass that's what's at fault I don't wanna make anybody mad you put it there told me a little bit in there now I love a good red wine now with this what I'm eating here they said practic don't milk vegetarians didn't you use any kind of wine white or red purple blue don't mater do the chicken and then fish supposed to use white I just don't like white wine and what should I do red wine well pour just a little swirl oh that's a half a swallow oh that's a swallow got it yeah but just that's to keep the airs out of there now I'll tell you this story I haven't told a long time but I love this story because I know it didn't happen they've not a cruise to her like I usually tell this story is about a rebel soldier in the war between the states and he was in prison and he was a top of the man he couldn't help but talk what do you think they'd do but he just had to talk about something all the time so you know all over and he talking talking talking and every time he got a chance he telling me a keyguard a rebel to beat the hell out of you Yankee to check on with Chickamauga I'll guarantee he didn't tell him that once a day he told him that at least a hundred time today man Oh to rebel beat the hell out of Yankee hit Chickamauga guarantee and they they got the way they'd they put him in solitary so he came out he said I guarantee those rebels beat the hell out of you hate you did Chickamauga oh boy and finally just it was making the morale in the whole camp go down so they called them into the accommodate office they see look we'll give you $5,000 if you quit talking about the rebels beating the Yankees the Chickamauga not order $5,000 in fact we'll give you 10,000 I don't wanna know 10,000 won will make your sergeant - you make me a song I always wanted to be a song because he was a private book oh he wanted to be a song you have guarantee but we'll make you saw you and give you $10,000 if you quit talking about the rebels beating me I get a Chickamauga I'll take the job and the money but he said I'll tell you right now we appreciate that she went out and he did real good for most a week in sum what happened I don't know what caused him to do that he was standing around then all of a sudden he say you know some didn't rebel show didn't beat the hell out of us Yankees at Chickamauga any cover money mm-hmm that's good Betty good old bean hmm beans good cooked that cooked in it good stock made from corn beef take a little sip of that wine helping to go down there everybody there was a Sulha campers follow come in cabbie he'll be trying to get away from me you're not gonna do yeah I got you mm-hmm [Music] [Music] I tell you right now I don't know how to do it I know my mama taught me yes you appreciate that bad [Applause] may share for more information in a complete line of buying justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine misha bested justin wilson find products justin wilson calm that is good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 44,991
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Keywords: Beans, corned beef, Cabbage, creole, cajun, cooking, beef stock, Justin, Wilson, Justin Wilson, Easy Cookin
Id: 2a9VnSI4FbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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