Easy Cookin EP#8 Eggs With Mushrooms and Onion

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee come with pieces jambalaya just go ahead on and cook get the part of chicken in our life turtle stew come aboard good this is going to be true of Gerald T talk to it like you know what I'm talking about I like it just good I believe in easy cooking believe me I do [Music] I all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and I've got some goodies for you yeah I really do have I'm gonna cook some eggs and I'll talk about that but I get to do it but right now I want to start another dish right in there I've got water 16 cups of water in there that's what's in there we'll put some cabbage this makes about 8 to 10 serving depending on who's hungry that's what we've got and then I'm gonna put two couples will brew sales we all call it brought the Brussels sprout in four cups of one inch pieces of Peel sweet potato I love sweet potato in 12 cups of one inch cubes of cabbage he had cooled there but I scratch through that I like that core to shucks that's good one and a half cups of dry white wine right down salt and cayenne pepper to taste taste hope you're like it and I put everything in there but first of all I'm gonna turn the fire on that the best thing to do I think if I'd remember which one I did remember which one I can't get over there but they don't meet him and get that water to hot enough and then to that I'm gonna put the cabbage my hands are clean or wash them yesterday I just we'll get you started I have a friend that doesn't like cabbage but he loved rough Brussels sprout and he's one person my beautiful shitake mushrooms and I love to cook with because they have such a wonderful distinct flavor you don't recognize what it is unless you know what you eat I was on a TV show years ago in California then I got to an omelet with shiitake mustard mushroom dinner you know when that show and had folklore there's all these people on in know and I cook every show you do all them in one day five different shows and this smart aleck emcee said to me do you know what shiitake is I said yes sir it's a wonderful mushroom he's got so mad he's anything I knew it from the Kota goodness in there and I'm gonna stir it the more to lose any of that that's good stuff now stir that up mm-hmm just get the cookies I'm gonna put that on high so I'll get it going the best thing to do put it on high and there it is now I'm gonna put this I could eat that just like it is I like I'm wrong baked boiled in a way you were cook them like I'm in cabbage and they cabbage taste good people who don't like cabbage they eat it in here we put here to make them taste good put that in there like that then I'm gonna start soon as I get it all in there let's go girls I'm going to roll that together not a brutal trot that got to go in there ain't no no a little bit of cab you didn't grow up that's already sorry man now you're gonna put the seed into it and get going good oh boy make your cooking and now let's get to cooking into this now I got to put some dry white wine mmm a cup and a half 16 cups of water that's a good ratio if I was on salt believe it or not look at that red pepper trying to get on me and it'll make me sneeze salt unless he got quite a few cabbage and I got some Brussels sprout there's no meat in this you know this is a vegetarian and that's that's a teaspoon full of salt whether you know it or not people don't believe me so how does it made this and a spoon to show you I know what I'm talking about tea spoon area and I bet that the tea spoon I put you in then I will put tree that one quite a teaspoons would work all right just like that no I got the stove so they got to put I am purple in there to taste Marty and I don't like too much that the contrary to what people try to make other people believe that Cajun people like real hot food that's not true they're like food is really well seasoned and that's all you don't want too hot you don't want it too cold now yeah I could put all of this in there and some people would eat I couldn't I don't want to try it was going one two or three four five yeah let's get the shape in there then you get this shaking baby now actually I'm not getting much out of there if I want chill I would take the top off a chunk something but that's a mess in there right now I'm gonna let this cook hit the ball and baby if you don't are you gonna cook that I don't know I'll have to put a lid on that and look at it every now and then to be sure to cooking jasmine mm-hmm now I'm going to scramble some eggs which you talking about removing an onion in it and if I put rice in it it would be an egg jump a lot that's one one one of the things that would do it would be now here ya got that now I got to put I got to move this recipe and be sure mrs. arbuthnot all agree that dr. brussel sprout the cabbage the sweet potatoes dry white wine I didn't forget that and never do and now I've got egg and mushroom and onion this what disease the first thing I got to do is turn my fire on without what olive although it says this recipe says two tablespoons I may put a little bit more than that because I'm gonna use more than the eggs that call for this recipe because I want everybody get a little taste of it's very good Ted two teeth but two tablespoons I tried it's just about two tablespoons yep you know I got to get that fire going underneath that so it'll be able to cook up a stone come on here boy wrong one just figured it was wrong and no it didn't right but that old medium and it'll hot up a real fire you know I run around to be sure got all all on the bottom now I got the whip though there you just whip the daylights out of them while that's heating up a little bit there's seven egg in here large egg and we're gonna do a render later and as I say if we're to put right in make an egg jump a lot that's good to uh I love it I like a bigger bowl and this one's over little beaten he say that I'm beat hell out of money alrighty let's do that point let's get beaten together it says so in garlic powder then we put the garlic powder in here just a little not much like our oh I see I don't think I'll put much garlic powder in here yet just a half a teaspoon luck the doctor DDT now garlic powder you stay right there don't you come falling out of there like this I didn't make a half a teaspoon without getting in any trouble my dear I knew that was gonna fall half a teaspoon then I got to put some little hot sauce in now with y'all like it or not just gonna go in it yeah let's go because God thought of beating that he's a real good now if I could just get you to stay there like you spoke to everything will be alright and I think I can do it what I'll see what you sleeping over huh I've got to put these on yo in here you cook them till their clap clap onions for usually don't onion and then I'll put a little these beautiful shiitake mushrooms which the mute impetuous mushroom me the friend of mine raison D and send them to me and then wonderful right know the expansion a lot of stores or may not happen but great minutes though we do have hey go by the little boy Cajun boy nice family good church members trick every son did all that what do and he would get the little fella well I'll get about them six or five-year-old they think about to do it over not me and you but then that would let him order went out one night and puppeteer in the old believers in your where Sonya be some benches would loser literally go ahead and order to make sure what do you want mister you see I want some egg how would you like you in eating on the rock [Music] boy [Music] I love to cook I love to eat and I bet I've lost more than 85,000 pounds in my life now see the more weight right for the good just bet five pounds it'll be alone you know I'm glad it does that Robert oh it is far' when I get these funny older where their class when I put the egg on there I want to cook too fast for the wanting to cook good I love scramble eating you know to read about that love hello big anyway hard-boiled one day I'll take 39 different ways in which muffin tins and build again you want to move wine one contribute more in well maybe they tasted good brandy and water for now mushrooms and cook you are you doing good but the Lord at power a little bit because I think ah yeah I smell good oh yeah come on y'all a little bit better than that you do better necklace you know no in carriage you know when I would about eight years old my mama blessing a wonderful heart and God rest her soul taught me to cook we lived on a farm and one day mama said to pop up on said they're having I need someone to help me to give us a moment he'll hockey upon him he's was in that field any of mine he said all right come on in there and you can help in without realizing that I was getting an education without worried about being educated you know she was the most creative cook I've ever known and I'm scared her creativity I'm very proud in proper shape I want you to feel the eggshell helping mama huh what you doing it and what if she tells me do I do an idea too but that's how all my cooking started and I'm so glad it started like they didn't have to go to school for that the greatest teacher in the world and you know what I'm going through still hate school so these on your just about clear and I'm picture to scramble eggs some eggs and I'm gonna eat some of them to or want you know know that later to it don't be too hot I sound got to lady no coming eggs that you and I get with the program oh yeah that but salt in the me that's what I got to do get took a little salt I didn't put in anything I know that got to put a little over let me move over there less salt this thing don't say so here do salt to taste you know go that's seven eight then I take three quarters of a teaspoon full of salt maybe a little more into little more cuz but no put it over their eyes and wait and but that's all in the exit and I like a little bit around a hot sauce in mine and I haven't have some handy right here and if I can get this damn I wish this whole still good so minute I want it there well don't I'll put you over here you won't hold still anyway your dog that's cooking good you let's go get the little and that's less than a half a teaspoonful now this is not real hot stuff is made with cayenne pepper which is good for you and I'm gonna whip this a little bit and just scramble the hell out disease right now yeah I come ready or not eggs go any way you want yeah gonna be good that's your last dollar on that it'll be real good in fact and I'm gonna eat some of this - oh man take it go ahead and cook gets right it's on a little fire I'm gonna have to raise it just to these a little bit cuz I'm not satisfied with where's cooking Oh mother do it hook up there you know I love shaking I love it I love food question about that message do I love food more than I'll tell you anything come on there you're doing pretty good let's get to going to get fried I like my egg I don't like I don't like my scrambled eggs runny you know I like I'm kind of firm the seed will be small spatula that's good you don't want a great big one it gets in the way is you're doing good but I want you to kind of hurry and they're doing it from it so sighs all right oh no you're going really good with a little more fire now hurry hurry anybody anything yeah I got to watch TV I don't want them to burn on the know that start all over that would be bad yeah like making a roof you bring your Roux you start all over you're going in getting better all the time you need mm-hmm you know if the bottom there because the bottom cook cooking in the top that I know anybody knows dead okay fine it out a long time ago in the hard way oh man it smells good too alright a given nearly to the point where I will turn the fire off and knit it to the port then I'm gonna sit down and eat some eggs and some cabbage which sweet tater and don't go on right now that's cooked enough put your own this platter like I'm supposed to in make your cooperate with me then obviously she will not admit that pretty mushrooms shiitake mushrooms I know I love on your to I make on your sandwich ribbon on ears I know I'm not going away and we'll have to breathe or anybody teach me a little bit of that for me mm-hmm yes totally I like eggs like I told you I don't want to take that much so just want a balloon like that maybe my kids will take what I have good now I'm gonna get me some kibosh that I cooked earlier to be sure I had it here now then I got to check that cabbage right dad - I can tell cabbage and sweet potato and what kind of look good it is let me turn this while I'm thinking about it yes we have to put that on similar Elmo exactly right that's all set now as you stand taste this and tell the people how good is he I'll be glad to did that I'll guarantee oh come here to me I doubt a napkin isn't that no all right sit yourself down pour yourself just a little bit of wine and a red wine goes with anything is it that's the best part chicken is egg but I like red wine I like a merlot or Pinot Noir that sounded like I know a lot about wine I just know the wine I like that's all and this is a merlot right here and I pour just a sliver to that in there to be sure got enough toward egg that's enough that's enough thank you know that this and I'm gonna taste this and let you know how good it is just as soon as I can [Music] hmm I guarantee that do it ho ho boy and Duloc guaranteed come here you little clothes I've been acting on now I got to try that cabbage now battier delicious cabbage was sweet potato and I'll tell you for truth let me taste of sweet potato to see how it does and that is good a little cabbage flavor I didn't know Bruce he'll sprout flavor but i'ma have to go back to the agency how they doing mmm I tell you right now I ain't no king but this is fit for one I'll tell you that anytime hmm a blue sales proud and with rich inhale got you hot with fire oh boy that had no taste like cavity like brought around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine Mischa beste justin wilson fine products justin wilson calm it good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 33,707
Rating: 4.9077811 out of 5
Keywords: Potatoes, Sweet Cabbage, Eggs, Mushroom, Cajun, Southern Cooking, Justin Wilson, Onions, Creole, EToufee
Id: AHxhDhrH-Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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