Easy Cookin EP#6 Lost Bread Cheesburger Grits

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee I'm with pieces jambalaya they just go here on and cook you haven't thought of shaking at our life turtle stew come here boy this is going to be true I've talked to it like you know what I'm talking now I like it was good I believe in easy cooking believe me I do [Music] [Applause] hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee I'm gonna fix cheeseburger grits and lost bread and I think you'll like it I did so I'm just got an ordinary but that's all eat anything and I have to start with getting my month which ready put that on there that turn that fire on a minute I got a cup of grits that I'm not gonna put in there first time I put my hamburger meat in there first crop it around with this little fork and spoon I got hand to clean and just was talking all around there like that's what makes it rich in there with it when you cook you got every time you add some you got to stir a little good I taste it so it's good one cup of grit now that's either a pound of ground beef is what we put in in beef chocolate what I have in there then I'm gonna put this is regular is not quick grits I can't cook quick grits it get done too quick okay stood there that's a cup of quick but not quickly regular grit at the ankle test but err did you like would you like some grits easy give me one great it's all about you know nothing about good food like rich and I make this real good best I can till I put some water and some cheese in that to make a cheeseburger grit it works and I love it who do I love it anything good can't get by me I'll tell you that no see waiter body doing good doing all right dad you tell us just get that rid off the bottom ninety of course but that's gonna be a mix up real good if you don't mix it good it just it takes you longer to cook or something just doesn't taste you know no let me see what else I got to put in there and we got five cup of water I got to put in there and I got some salt like a two and a half teaspoons I'll get there baby right now I'm gonna put five cup of water and I'm not gonna put this this cheating me yet no put it in there they got the water and he'll win his five cup of water and like you cook regular grid couple grid five cup the wall wouldn't do it with salt but I like to put a different thing in my grits stir this in there good get off the bottom of the pot and cook it until it's the way I like grits never water water deep-fry to grip the next morning on a deep fry fry grits for breakfast I cook the grits to this really fun that's what I want to do here today too good I mean want to cook this in the morning for my breakfast not a bit of thinning tell you that man that's gonna be good they turn that fire on yet even now I'm gonna put some salt in there where the salt here this all did it says one of the half teaspoon of salt you know I'm gonna measure teaspoon in my hand and then sure it after teaspoon full of salt and then I will put those there's other half of teaspoon that somewhere me now that's a teaspoon they say and we'll put that salt in there to show you that that's a teaspoon full of salt there it is and here to have but I'm gonna put this limo the worst thing in the world is grits it hasn't got enough salt in it now of course I had to think about the meat it had to have salt too that's why I put that in there later so they always taste deuterium now now I've got some oyster sauce I'm gonna put in there right Chia put in any amount I want to you're not gonna be much always got to shake what you saw so remember that I'm gonna put about well I'd say that's two teaspoons full then I'd bet money on that and I got to put some glue down a hot sauce in there too you know got all we shook them all up stir that in there first do what you tell the people to do to go get some more there that goes and looking good already it said it but this is all to taste to see and that's what we're gonna do this is to my taste and then not hot this is not real hot sausage made with cayenne pepper and it's not real hot I'll guarantee you that love it now I'm gonna stir that in there and I'm gonna start my fire - going underneath this if I could get the right plug and I think I can but on one I didn't think I did that right and we put this on medium and I'm gonna put the cheese in there and stir it in real good and I'm gonna check and see if I left out anything oh man it's gonna be good now this is a cup and a half of all old to be a cup and a half that's what it says cup and a half start in there real good good yes I'm gonna do that my hot pan time I had to go get him mm-hmm oh we have looking good already I'll guarantee now I got to let this cook a while without any lead on anything like that I think I'll start eating it right now hey mr. tasting spoon no I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna make a lot of bread but before I do that I got to put a fire under this water that was in the bottom part of a double boiler and you got to you got to have a double boiler to cook grits right I think you know unless it's quick grits I don't know how to cook good good I'll keep telling that in this truth but they don't meet him and let that come to a bar and I mean let me find mom no I'm gonna need these shortly but when I move that thing there is hot you put this out of the way I have to take that lid over there to put that on I thought I'm going to do and I want to be sure got everything in there y'all don't mind if I piggies I'm read I'm gonna do it anyhow in my dish but not mine not on the ground beef you cover a regular grid 5 cup of water 2 and 1/2 teaspoon full of salt exactly Louisiana Hot Sauce tooties Worcestershire sauce to taste 1/2 cup of grated cheese garlic powder potato or nearly left McCulloch good knows the taste it says get the air there's enough to taste start in there good you know hold this thing went won't be running around the stove volume mm-hmm somebody don't like this I'm a suspected him of something he you know I got to tell you all the story it's a true story and I'm not gonna use the nine name because you get mad at me if I did if I told on her what he did in the Astrodome in Houston Texas and that were forgotten holds any Houston Texas took this friend with me because you've been a good friend down in south Louisiana for years and we lit up there's your best ballgame we watched a baseball game then we went to a restaurant telling the Husker dome to eat we would not have not put a little girl waited owners waiting single female girl lady women waiting on us down and we ain't up a storm in mind I just got through it and I stopped after and let her give me the check and she did in the left my friend still eating there he was just the PRG hog he wanted more than I did and he was just eating up a storm there and I left and I wanna live I said wait a minute hey leave something on the table for that little waitress here okay you still okay so we won't we watch the baseball game in the middle of the game I said look by the way did you leave something on the table for that little waitress he's the oh yeah I left him damn old carrots I never didn't like now I've got to make I'm gonna have to cook lost bread diaper dude Oh some people call it french toast ain't nothing frank about it to me it's just a mystery but not nothing Frank and it tastes good and it tastes good that's the meanest thing I got to walk the legs to and it will shut off the song and I got another recipe here I want to be sure I don't let anything out of this they won't put it all in there when I'm walking on those eggs right now come here and talk to me I got five egg because it won't be it says for large a petite we're not big enough so I put five and whoop them up a little bit right now and just get the motion right I'm gonna do it right that's a time yeah come on they just beat up they're not evil an entity and that I got this bit a little bit more got to put a little bit more than this then stir it in stir it good now introduce I'm gonna put 1/2 a cup of dry white wine wine that you can drink if you would like to don't ever cook with a wine that you wouldn't drink I ain't about to do it now I got to beat you some o these ones dip that thread in and just fry the daylights out of it oh and let me see something while I'm digging about it I'll better put this in my in my frying skillet way I'm gonna fry it in my loft bread it be the sound didn't really care even with this towel now I've got it we'll put these eggs the more they need women luck get that line in there good I got to put a little salt in here not much get the little salt in so he's all baby come here and I'm told by the little to come on here don't mess around mr. little salt that's too little that's enough if you want that for the age not benefit you something we don't have to put much then I got 12 slices of bread over there I'm gonna reach and get down and we're gonna start prime soon and I'll get the fire under that skillet when I got to start him grit to every now and then or the water for goddamn yes I mean there's grits coming fine looking ass that taste good right now guarantees and remember I put that meat in there Rob of course this is gonna cook a long time real long time mm-hmm don't burn that thing boy it wouldn't be nice no like that stirred this whoops just a little bit more no got to put a hot tub in there no no hot stuff no Worcester sauce let me turn my fire on here and we can get this going and turn that part down back down yeah I'll turn that down to the low turn this follow-up period you turn it on that's high that's too high medium low boy we're gonna put that in milder and we're sort of grits um oh you don't hurt to start you don't want you want to cook it away if not watering and you take it out of that pot to eat and it's hot I don't think anything getting hotter than hot Griffin will tell you oh boy now if I forget this pattern the bottles I'm going to dig like this the daughter spit it on the floor Lou now this is steel bread that's why they call it lost bread bread is loss loss of everything that way except to make pan perdu lost bread when your fried it tastes so good - I'm gonna put this and put this right here because I still got to start everything on me you're not in recent get that over that mmm-hmm go ahead on their grip hold your grip I got everything supposed to be in there I want you to know you want to dip each slice of bread in the liquid it says so people to know what to do you been beaten up I said I stay down and what I'm gonna do you run this around a little bit to be sure we got enough butter in there and if I got to put more got some more right over there and go where I'm like that no that's doing good medium hot stir the grip mm-hmm cheeseburger great I'll bet you're never here I've got turn that fire down because that's flashing on me put it on simmer coming down there now we got away I would mm-hmm no I had no now by the way I would and what I'm gonna do you'd make some lost bread right quick laughs you've got to do it and it's old medium-high that's it hot I'm gonna put gonna meet him a little I'll put it on yeah put it on medium no we got it just right we don't hold off and melt it practically all that butter it's only old really and what I'm gonna do I like to get this over here we're gonna get at it right here in the middle in the way of everything else and I'm gonna dip this in there like that turn it over like that and put it in here and just fry the daylights out mm-hmm I'd put least for all of me me our team I'm gonna do it now you got it boy he's doing nothing for frying bread we're getting there like that let my hand on my dish towel get my spatula I'm turning that rascal only just a minute boy that Jackie's kind of crispy later let's do it let's turn this over real fast like it like this come on boy cook a little more than that I like for it to be more Brown than that more than brown you said roll now you're going mmm create the vacuum that I come it's hard to turn it tip over like that you know you know what make me mad I won't mess with you homo I hate a high wall together when I need a little that's doing real good down that's whole slice going you cook real good let me stir this while I'm thinking about it yeah I'm gonna put that in the devil boy verses and cook for now on that silver boy if they'll get down just the least bit more than I'm going to town y'all look good will do Lord bread just a little fried stealing bread that's all y'all I know that's one more one good mmm got to to over put it damn good that they got them ideas I was mad had him in I was just right come on pamper dude quit acting like a Cajun and I'm going now you're going boy I love this kind of bread I really do like everything I like both anything deep alligator I don't like the rattlesnake too much door good to think about that rubs me I'm gonna take this out of here just thinking I'm gonna eat happen right there oh boy you know good boy [Music] turn this fire down and with it first of all I won't get this way I can get it to eat then you lied about what I'm gonna do that is right put it on my plate mmm-hmm then I'm gonna turn knees and turn the fire down come on that ain't moving boy getting better with this Fatima you know that boy you still want to steal the letter with another legend oh that's gonna be good that is good do put some powdered sugar on this and right now I'm going to turn that fire off because I've got to put that I got to move that dough that grit like that turn it off they just let off of here who are you here do you think y'all thought I'm gonna leave it on there didn't you who'd you put this on down and let it cook for one hour you notice how I remember to use that thing you burn yourself one time you'll remember I guarantee I'll go myself way to sit down and just see how this tastes in life here's me some grit let me sprinkle just at least a little bit of powder powdered sugar powdered sugar that's enough that's me then we'll cook some more that after check it out I always like to check out what I'm cooking good nobody just put a little mind everything will be alright I'm sure God I like this I like this I might just we'll put them all the way okay let me sit down here and give this to once around and over they sit on that chair oh boy I got to taste this grits I hadn't put me so near that I picked up a little to be sure I had something doing you know I mean that is good I guarantee that means he put his napkin on me like a nice little gentleman took it into a water losses and don't forget the wine Justin not about to Paula now I I have white mine up here in red wine I like red wine that why I drink it and I drink a little every night one nice a cup bigger than that no you're not and I like it and my doctor told me that's the thing to do to keep you help that's one thing I want to keep and I'm going to accept it once he was in a good yo you all let me take this right Jim mm-hmm i'ma cut my lord Braille I go to stick steak knife and all OH oh boy I'm gonna eat the whole damn thing you learn about oh boy a little wine make this wall mo easy mm yeah a little more this this burger cheese burger grid on one grid that's good stuff believe me and I'm not even hungry I'm not even hungry I'll guarantee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine Mischa beste justin wilson find products justin wilson calm that is good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 32,821
Rating: 4.8522725 out of 5
Keywords: cheeseburger, justin wilosn, grits, cajun, lost bread, bread, breakfast, southern cooking
Id: oeYxRH8-16I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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