[Final Episode] Justin Wilson's Easy Cookin' Episode 26: Fried Oysters!

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee i'ma pieces jambalaya just go ahead and cook get the part of shaking it our life turtle stew for me boss [Music] this is going to be true our charity talk to it like it knows what I'm talking about I like it it's good I believe in easy cooking believe me I do [Music] [Applause] hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me again our auntie let me take the temperature on this right here which says I got to turn the fire up just a little bit they won't take but a second middle did that now what we gonna have today is sweet potatoes bought sweet potatoes then boil them right in here and fried oysters and tartar sauce I make the tartar sauce too I love to make tartar sauce put in a year I've got to put those potatoes and get them going so I move some of this stuff out of my way and get some else going you know how that is and I got a couple of storage maybe three or two - told you before the show's over today now I'm first gonna put some little water India this ought to be enough I'm not from shore so we'll see I got to put a fire on her to get the right one I did it got the right one and nice let's see come on now let me see where I got it hold still there right in the right Millie in the right place there dear they don't put a little more water because there doesn't look like quite enough water to cover these sweet potatoes properly you know uncovered sweet potato ain't nice at all so we gonna put some more water than that we'll put it all like the world ain't gonna hurt put that there and we'll put this over here out of my way to go to water spill it now into that water I'm gonna put 4 cups of sweet potatoes that appealed and then kind of chopped in chunks I'll put a teaspoon full of ground Sam I'm sent them with the fat that left our sentiment and that's about all it takes insult the good full of so believe it or not you have to put salt when you cook sweet potato it brings out the flavour there and I could put any hot pepper in your tall I'm gonna put about that's not a teaspoon full but it's close and then put the cinnamon in here this is a teaspoon full of ground cinnamon and it smells good enough just easy right now I roll out of that I'm gonna get and I got to stir that you know Cajuns an agent cook there tell you when you add anything you always got to stir I forgot to stir the salt but it'll mix up with that cinnamon real good I bet and now I'm gonna put those potato in them put the potatoes in there with my back hand to the clean I wash them day before yesterday and the juice is cleaning deadbeat you go get me clean them they'll go mm-hmm and I'm just gonna let this just cook up a storm it'll be all for the good I didn't tell you that I love sweet potatoes I eat them raw like I'm in the side of the road and they good the good you're going getting they're just enough water and just enough of every team now what I'm gonna do I'm the Lord that fire a little bit then put a lid on there for him to cook just cook up a storm that'll be mighty good and they'll come out good believe me they will and next I'm gonna make a tartar sauce I love to make taught us all I made so much for thought he says ìiím eat that on cereal man it tastes so good you and I got a story I'm gonna tell you soon as I get this pot out of my way get over there oh my judge will put you in the pot the salt I'm gonna need no telling wouldn't need it but I'm needed but no now to make tartar sauce first of all you have to remember that more going to tartar sauce than just a millionaire he's a minor I see I got to take a little stir but not this minimal get his tartar sauce boy I don't want to fry some oysters to go with the tartar sauce I put in here a cup and a half of minions my mine in whatever way you want to call it it's all right with me just so you called it going on in there nice going and I need every bit of you get in there [Music] we take another if you don't love you crazy girl I'm gonna get all of your honor there you got to add I don't think I'm gonna need you in there but I'm gonna leave you around right now I got to get this man is right now get over there I'll get you sure did and I'm just gonna beat hell out of this mine is right now so they made me man into that man is I want to put two teaspoons of sweet onion radish that's wrong it's all doctors is right you sweet onion relish come on so we don't you ready you didn't tell him don't act like that come on mmm-hmm I don't want to leave as much anymore and then I took out God beat that in there too and then I put two sweet tea spoon full of sweet radish this is sweet relish two teaspoons we'll beat it in there all right stir it in there do a thing you want to do just to get it in there cause you've got to get all that around him you don't wanna get a mouthful of sweet reddit we're gonna get a mouthful the next one is dill relish two teaspoons little deal raised we kind of keep that like that sweet and have a hard time remember two two two and this is my tartar sauce number two I make another tartar sauce we call the number one it tastes a little bit different now into this I'm going to put two teaspoons full of horseradish sauce and I'm not hot radish you know horseradish sauce we'll get this out of here oh and just a little thing didn't know they're gonna have in this this enhances the flavor there's real good people wonder what the hell is that I taste so good and this has to do with it right you get out of there tell them now you go put that there just like that put that down I may need you again so that didn't hear real good you got to get it all in there good looking better all the time if you think I'm gonna taste this pretty soon you know I'm gonna do it now I got to put a teaspoon full of dill weed this is the weed of the deal tree that has something to do with the flavor and it tastes good that's the main this thing I wouldn't be up here struggling to make your sing get together for little things gonna taste good you know that hmm all right now into that I'm gonna put a quarter of a teaspoon full of garlic powder and 1/4 of a teaspoon full of cayenne pepper gonna put the garlic powder in there for it got it all oh and there good boy don't we just getting in one spot so much garlic it not gonna be then just barely taste it there's so many things in here gonna take the way to taste the garlic if you just barely taste today I'm call it in two but it's now into that I put a quarter of a teaspoon full of cayenne pepper and I kind of spread it when I put it in their budget I can't come on out of that got you quarter a teaspoon strong but that's not too hot I'm not gonna be hot to take a taste and I'm gonna taste it just one damn minute to let you know they're not too hot but I'm gonna mix it in there good now you want how I'm gonna chase that don't you I got of tastings oh right yeah this is see how you taste they're almost got to put some salt in there maybe maybe I don't know that is good enough just like your now over here I got a few orders on my fried that tastes good you know I've got this oil it's a little too hot right now so I'm going to turn this fire way down and it just don't know how far down underwater turn it off you got someone that hot pepper in my throat and that's how come a keeper than a glass of water right here you see that one I me a baby I told he needed less than a swallow let's since we'll have a swim up this oil peanut all I have in here peanut oil and I got some oysters that are shocked and very good shuck right and slip this over he'll not only still it ain't good if three I'm on I'm on shuck three dozen oysters like peanut all's enough to cover it and that temperatures going down like it's supposed to and right here I got to mix this corn flour this is what I'm gonna run these oysters through before I cook I got two cups of corn flour I got to put two teaspoons full of salt I measured in my hand and you better believe it's teaspoon for because I'm not gonna try to prove it to you that's one teaspoon for you know think that the teaspoon full out here a doubting Thomas out there around there yet giggling community I bet you that to teaspoonful they showed it that just exactly a teaspoonful judge me here you know that in there to just throw it in there good corn flour you buy this called a fish fry there's none in the world but corn flour batter look and into that I'm gonna put two teaspoons father got that one teaspoon full of onion powder onion powder 1/2 one teaspoonful of onion powder got it stir that in there you said it'll be blessing room if they I put that on your body in there I've got to put a 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder and that really insulting the garlic but we don't need any moon that in this garlic powder sturdy oh boy that look good with these by itself I'm subject to doing that too now into that I'm gonna put a teaspoon full of celery powder Sarah deep over Sarah powder started good get it all mixed up good I'm on the wrong some oysters right through there real fast and dropping in it hot oil I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna take that thing out and hold it up there well and put the motion in without dropping them in there but when they float they usually burn and that's about it right there now I'd like to get this pot holder to take that the mama go over there called his heart a guarantee it's hot come here baby let's get that thing over that we're gonna put it right here where the oysters are don't touch daughters all right no that's hot too so I'm gonna take this up and we'll put some oysters in it like this 1 2 3 4 5 oh you got to go through this first 5 wait he's going that man just get that out of there all right never do that with this boom that ain't going back to put it through the damn corn flour you know that bad that ain't the first time I've done that either I'm gonna put another nets on cloud where they will never know the difference put that all over the hot tub we're not thinking about hey he'll be hot from alright let's get a knife like the poem - I'll do that night-night nice and naughty boy we got down in there and it'll cook quick here stay on that coneflower nobody's telling me that song clouds just angry and then all is angry because I am put them in there - it didn't leave them in there like a fool - maybe but it didn't I fried them without anything they made good AAII now fry baby fries hey boy next three other than 50 degree maybe a little bit more of a 315 about one of these in the canoe and their corn flour right now 585 and a point they usually gun nothing good now what I got to do I got to swap places here inside to get this to put the cook one on put this over here to last a while how long is a half the while occasion as rewards I didn't know what to tell you ain't even oysters they're beautiful and they've done the trail there goes my boy I guarantee they're doing how do you ever want to look you don't believe me gotta go today by the pit tell you above the way this wreath makes all that noise get in there oh boy I didn't take it at storage dude I'll get Dido anything I got a I've started right now before we even put them down in there one two three four five six seven eight I've got two daughters no pseudo noise I got out there's a couple that I've known for many years and this happened years and years ago and it's a true story they had two children when this until it happens one was can the boy it was eight for another boat and I wanted Kaizen anything has happened bad in the neighborhood they did they will it couldn't help but do bad thing I know how that is outgoing Ward to myself and the they took away their allowance they punish them and it all kind of thing but it didn't stop him from doing anything over babe so one day the lady went to a hardwood say you know I saw a young creep they built a nice little chapel across the road from the house and this young Queen come on over at to the tops out boys and sis they all know maybe we can kill them who here nicely if you won't over the head she felt physically and pass them to pretty stuffy old boys you shall be glad to cinema heal one at a time and I'm okay then so good the young horn first we reach the field is bold night Lewis well a noodle walking increases sit down this another okay a lot of course the best to me for assault with you this is son where is God for the boy didn't fit over it and they'll turn around over the death of a suitable try you just not like the question was asked me where is God you didn't talk with a label he said didn't you hear me a cue when dog little boy jumped up from there ran out of that ran across the road went up to bedroom where brother were waiting for him and he bowed and went to big walking products with it at all it's locked in planning will well you just a few minutes boys little boy he says rot abroad yourself here he said what to probably say we got trouble he say you know we all got Shaw always got from people we got deep trouble yeah I know we always got deep trouble he came abroad yourself any but I got something to told you so he went in Manson what's the trouble he say love brother this would be trouble he said what you mean deeper legit look brother you gods missing anything we got something to do with we'll put this in there you know these fries in less than a minute and get with the program that case suppose to if it reaches hot enough and you keep it hot enough and it doesn't get too cold it's good enough it's all go back down in there see that grease is kind of getting chilly you'll know it the truth so what I'll do is raise the part up a little bit now I got to go over here I'm gonna take another one for me and one sit down and try some of that there's someone a good tolerated sauce I got there and I guarantee is good mmm just hold still fry baby fry he's frying okay I'm gonna have to just be very polite with this unusual fingers to dip it in this tartar sauce oh yeah that is good on general Peter oh we came I'm gonna try you two before the howl of something cook sweet potatoes fry baby cries nutty pieces we've got a better put my napkin over be a gentleman about all of this now tell me uh potato and I can walk and chew gum at the same time that's good I left rattle or one more little otter with some tartar sauce get the feel of Georgia style for fact you notice that and they're done and they taste good and they're not green not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 12,116
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Id: ombVyPwcX_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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