Justin Wilson Lookin' Back Episode 18: Crock Pot!

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[Music] southern wine that needs just a little bit of salt you guys didn't hit that critter yet oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yes looking good define one cool boy [Music] hello there I'm Justin Wilson one of the things that has changed over 25 years that I've been doing cooking shows on television is the way people have come to accept such delicacies as alligator meat I can remember when people thought that was strange cooking alligator can you believe that and this show that I made for Mississippi educational TV I mentioned that it was illegal to hunt alligators conservationists say that all alligators were becoming endangered species fortunately that has changed now though there are still a lot of restrictions on taking alligators for the skins and meat the meat is very good I cook it all the time and in different ways I use the tail meat the shoulders the ham the ribs the main thing about cooking alligator is you've got to take all the fat off alligator meat can be bought in most any good butcher shop all over the country after all that this show isn't about cooking alligator no it's about corned beef and cabbage oh man and red beans and rice over I hope you get your enjoys out of wasn't it a guarantee I uh I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee we're gonna have some fun today we're gonna show you with a main ingredient in Cajun cooking and that is imagination if you don't got some imagines they ain't no use in trying to cook Cajun style believe me we like to improvise we like to measure things exactly then put a few more - make it taste a little more better and we cook all kind of things we cook chicken hog cochon de lait you know pork beef lamb rabbits squirrels venison and food from the river and the sea like how you call shrimps catfish oyster crab turtle alligator tail all that's good right now it's kind of illegal to get them alligator but it's still good and the funny thing about it will you - caught a lot of this stuff ourselves you know my imagination is the one important ingredient the right attitude is another you got you got to like to cook you know the Cajun look some cooking is just as fun and it is fun oh boy in case you don't believe me how about cooking when you don't even have to be in the kitchen you know us Cajuns are pretty conservative people's yeah we don't like to waste nothing with good traders and all that kind of stuff in it it took some doing before we finally say it's okay give our frugal to some new you know newfangled idea but this crock pot is one new idea what's good actually I think of Cajun must've invented this McCoy saw this crock-pot does what we've been doing for years without the crock-pot but it took a lot more work than it does right now there's a lot of advantages to this crock-pot well you said to keep the fire up and all that stuff but now this when you cook in each crock pot you don't lost you vitamin and you save money electrically because it's it's automatic it took care of itself and adjust its own heat and it'll s less shrinkage of you meet you don't waste is much and we like that too and like I'm told you there's a lot less work we don't have to worry about stirring don't have to do nothing like let it cook all night long or three days it don't made some difference in order to tell you something ma that food it's got a good flavor on it who would it save you know the thing about these crock pot you see that I'd put my hand on that it will not scorch you don't hot from the bottom dog more sighs that's why it does each everything from the saw you can't mean to ruin that the cars you can't put your flower on the side to stir it you know you got to now on top of that it the heat stays in and keep you kitchen a little bit more kudo there wrap now I'm gonna show you something about corned beef and cabbage we go show you now in order to did this thing exactly right I naturally had to do a little beforehand stuff know what that pretty Wow I cooked my corned beef I cheated on you corned beef and cabbage Oh vine that's what this is the old man already in here what we did now what we did we took corned beef about a three pound piece of corned beef it's in there and i'ma show you in just a second and that's wrong it's hot Wow and we put that in there last night and we let this cook all night all we did was we put some so turn wine about folk up folk up us or turn an incident for you people don't drink the alcohol gone in about ten seconds at did boiled then we put about two tablespoons full of lean piranha Lea & Perrins you may call it not knowing no better you know and then we if we got a cayenne pepper did we rage at home we chunk it on that but if we don't got that chunka chunka to the Louisiana Hot Sauce about 3 or 2 dash of that and if necessary if you take the corned beef heart you add salt but I don't think we're gonna have to add so but right now I'm gonna take this corned beef heart don't that pretty if I just get it out of there without it falling on me got it got that one see it just cooks so tender you know corned beef not any good if it didn't end I it really didn't and I'm gonna get that on that plateau somehow yeah you take this out and set it aside because there's no way in the world to slice corned beef when it's that hot there's no way in the world to do it so what we do we set it aside let it cool down a little bit and then we slice it in it you know oh my goodness that now I got this cabbage that needs just a little bit of salt I can tell it's really done I'm gonna just put just a little bit of salt on that about a teaspoon full that's about a teaspoon full had one here to show you I'll show you that's what it is then we've got everything else in there all we're gonna do don't do a great thing about a crock pot I'll get all this all all I got to did you sit around and do whatever one now some people may want to get crushed with a crock pot cooking but not mean and why of that good Cajun food is just cooking up a storm you know you can watch the football game and football season whoo man when football season brought itself around I'll get a crock pot do all my cooking like that while I'm at the game or even at the heart that makes him different I got to tell you all the story before I put them cabbage on the anymore on y'all a couple of years back when the Saints said they were gonna have a good ball club a couple of my opinion friend been following the game all along big Saint fan Winterlude they died don't made some difference they're good at in the game all the time in fact down in Santa Ana they had to change the plane of the high school game he's played a high school game on Sunday because they always the kid had to go see Tulane play on Saturday afternoon and they saw Southeastern Louisiana University play on Friday night and held us play on no Saturday night so they had to fix the stuff around Thorogood see the Saint on Sunday they changed the game on wind in a high school game but these two Cajuns been fans who died in world safe and he went to the game Saints lost again where I want them say I know what's wrong with them saying I would say you do you better tell coach nor could he don't know you don't know to say oh yeah I know what's wrong with them saying knock guarantee he said what do you mean say you mean to told me you don't notice him say he's giving away the signals on offense hi he said you crazy or no I'm not crazy you mean Tony you don't notice when the saints come out of the huddle own office tree meaning that backfield a laughing like Herod a fort we'll just pay it as a goal talk guarantee let me put this on yeah you know that this cabbage is wedged cut in wedges of about eight I mean I take some of them juice out I don't know yeah boy put this cabbage I got some ball on you now oh I'm gonna put form in there I think I'm gonna be able to make this yeah if you can't minute you can take some juice out or not put as much cabbage in that's the smart thing to do so what we do right there we put that on now put the lid on put this on about the tree hunter to get it started cooking whoo I'll tell you that juice I got to taste that to see if it's any good I guarantee that fine get this out of my way right now if there's one thing can you like most is good it's football boy that's red beans and rice good old red beans and rice I'll tell you right now I've got to put this over here out of my way so doc a little cool right here with my hand yo red beans and rice is a favorite not only in Louisiana but all over the country so many people up north we have known around Jackson and you know three-point they love it now I've got some red beans yeah and what I'm gonna did you want to wash them you got the boys red bean because if you don't wash red bean oh boy we liable have some rock on that get one in the wild you'll find a rock or two in it that'll grow four to two but they're like that I like to watch them about three is two times to be sure don't got nothing left on there except beans oh that's getting clear mama let them drain in that corner because they clean the waters clear I'm talking about the one to watch the beans in it now I got my beans ready they got a few of the little things I got to put up here to get into my crop pot to get these beans going now you know what we do a great deal of time in we haul all down then we get these beans like this and we put them in our Bowl and we mind ate them all night long didn't we put them in the crock pot but you don't got to did that with a crock pot all you got to did it get yourself ready that's good old soul meat I got a pile of kidney bean there red bean good old sold me to put that in there turn my crock-pot up now I'm gonna put what called twin beds to be invented urn yo that's too large on yinz we put on there chopped up real good and then what called separate bedrooms garlic chopped up 2 clove of garlic that's it 2 clove of garlic that's all that is nothing else oh boy I tell you what that open my science is about guarantee who put a lot of oil in there you know what I mean I use olive oil I like it that it all it tastes good too it ain't got a lot of them cholesterol on it thought it Terry I don't know but it also keep the meat from burning on the bottom I got used to that when it didn't have to worry about when you just have to worry about the more stuff on the bottom you don't do that with this crock pot it's just hot on the side now I'm gonna put my bean on down just pour them on down you think that a pudding now I'm in red bean if you want to you can use Clara dwande oh you used Sauternes I use Sauternes most everything so I just went ahead and got 2 cups altar and measured up here to put on that and then I'm gonna put full cup of water Oh cup of water right now but I want to tell you something when you cook them into a crock pot you put more than full couple you look at them red being worn before you go to bed and if they looking like they ain't cover about 2-inch put some more water on that could if you don't gonna be too bad I don't got a hot pebble to put her in so what I'm gonna did is just put a 1/2 a teaspoon think I got a 1/2 over here yeah a 1/2 a teaspoon of Louisiana Hot Sauce on that a little bit more doesn't hurt doesn't hurt at all now we've got to put some little lean pair no we don't do it okay what we got here is a secret I've been keeping for years and years my friend and I'm gonna give it away and I'm gonna tell you I measured this very careful this is pesos middle PE ych AUD apostrophe s peso bitter now with this you got to use it very sparingly I use it in all my gravies all of my gumballs and all my beans that I cook and it's a wonderful thing to know that this little bit of aromatic thing here can give so much flavor now I'm putting a quarter of a teaspoon full in there and when I say a quarter of a teaspoon full that one time you ain't gonna see old you stand chuck something else in there but that's all you need now another thing I'm gonna did if I put the top on this piece you're bitter I'll tell you something about the bitters you can also get you may not like patient but you may not like the flavor them so much of what you want to do you get the kind you like orange bitters if you like orange I don't like orange so I'll use patient or Angostura bitters all of them but I prefer patient if you can't get that to triangle store now this right chair is nothing in the world but a bay leaf and I'm gonna put that in there I don't put salt meat in there everything's in there put that bay leaf in there and this actually needs some more water before I go to bed tonight which I will put there not cover that turn my crock pot and dad is right there and I want to tell you something it's fine you can just keep cooking and cooking and cooking all night long if you got enough water in there but you want to be sure you put enough water now after you that cooked say you check the water when you get up in the morning oh you're not gonna eat it to lose somebody I eat beans for breakfast but a lot of people don't you want to check your water there and see if it got enough you take that Bailey pop and chunk it away don't eat that throw it away because it's already got its flavor in there now we are done a few of the little things while y'all weren't looking I've got some garlic bread that I prepared putting them in the oven there it on the table I got a little little thing a mustard that I made myself and it's a very simple thing I want to tell you how to made it what you did with that mustard you get dry mustard you know the English much they're called English mustard and you get dry horseradish powdered horseradish you get that in u-haul all day and you mix them again I'm gonna go over to the table and get this bring it back here to show you now this is something that you use very sparingly you talk about open you scientist up that does all the way from here now you mix that with wine vinegar some people make this and they don't though did you get a good you see that pretty good that's fine but they don't tell you wine vinegar I use wine vinegar just plain wine vinegar no no garlic or garlic or anything like that it's plain wine vinegar and you mix it to it it's nearly watering and then you put it in your refrigerator covers you got to keep it covered or lose it's hot but it really will so you put that in your refrigerator and then when you want it you come out and when I told you to use it a little bit I ain't kidding none now it's delicious on corned beef that's what I'm gonna put it on in a little bit or on roast beef roast pork anything like that this musters good on that so what you did you just get that and put real spiring labor car if you don't moreover you scientists it'll guarantee it will he put that there the mortar broke some bread you know what now where we live it's hot yeah we broke bread and this is garlic bread now I want to tell you how I made that I might just as well while I'm broken it ha but you know you mess around with the fire cooking a little bit in you and you'd be surprised how you get used to hot now I'm not going to cut this bread no I'm gonna broke what I did with this bread that you see there's an old saying broke bread with me put it in here real nice like I know what I'm doing now this garlic bread this is how we make that I don't use black pepper at all except on garlic bread we mix some audio our butter depend on what you like with some garlic powder to your smell you smell it to at least enough garlic in it and then you put a little black pepper in there I'm gonna put this back in the oven because I want to keep it hot put it spring a little black pepper on that and you get that really you don't don't melt your butter you just beat it up real good to go you got all your garlic in there and your black pepper you got that going real good and you spread it evenly on both sides you see here both side and then when nobody's looking you go get some Parmesan cheese or romano cheese they don't make some different what kind you get in both side of that too then put your bread back together wrap it up and forth like this and put it in your oven about 350 degrees for about 15 or 20 minutes to where it's gonna cook itself real good and I want to tell you right now it's fine right now this time I'm gonna haul off here and putting this stuff over here we're out and get at it to serve myself boy this is where I sneaked up on everybody I hauled off their cookies last night and this - this is red bean and rice oh man I love you Stan this is corned beef and cabbage oh man allows you Stan now what we did what we did with this we took this cabbage and let it cook in the juice that we cooked the corned beef in there we had taken the corned beef out and we sliced it when it was cold and after the cabbage wood was nearly done and the only one what's in there we took them sliced corned beef and put them back in there now I'll tell you something else you can go to some of these high-class restaurant and you get vegetable juice pot liquor that's all it is pot liquor of course I've got some wine I'm gonna drink over there but I got to have a little vegetable you charge your dollar a cup two dollars a cup they nut in the world but good old pot nickel in it really good garlic bread goes good with it corn Brad goes good with it hush puppies anything goes good with that I guarantee now let me get my plate because I'm gonna serve this thing why y'all weren't looking to a halt off and cooked a little rice nothing to it just like eating let us cook that right away every green stands apart you know what it man I just well give myself enough now yeah fine yeah and I got a spoon here withholding because I don't want to get all juice I want to get a little juice but look at that I guarantee and them on your own cook good in there and that good salt meat oh you stand you're gonna get fat again I don't is read now now I got to get a little I told you about putting a corned beef in there that is right there corned beef put on the side like that get myself a little that cabbage move that corned beef to the side got to get an onion out of that yeah give it a little cabbage love it ain't no way not to love this stuff I guarantee hoo boy alright let's go down and sit myself down cover that thing here we go take my corned beef the cabbage haha let me tell you right now I got a couple of friends they win the golden peacock peasant bar that regulars in the one time and they were so drunk they couldn't climb down off the stool somebody had to help him down they just crawl right out of that place on the hand in need and he crawl across the highway knight of the old spaniel trail got upon the railroad track Southern Pacific Knievel crawling up the railroad track going to talk it's why I want I'm saying mr. long stairway step I never climbed before again in my life I don't say I don't mind that long stairway step but that low handrail is give me a hair log there on the key man oh I want to show you I want to show you about this something it mustard when I say you you dis bang me I'm not lying one little bit you see that that more than enough don't put it directly on the side cuz you may not be able to eat all of that and it put the lid back on good you got to keep it tight you got to keep that thing tight and I just want to taste it to see if it came out alright you know this is here red bean and rice the national food of south Louisiana red bean and rice I guarantee it's got to be good hmmm oh man a little bit of garlic bread she always known about garlic bread to you dunk it down your wine and it tastes so good mm-hmm that's fine that is absolutely fine anybody doesn't like that did something wrong with am I going to eat I want to tell you this is great oh boy just money [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 16,003
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: yM-fZkA-grU
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Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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