Easy Cookin EP#1 Chicken à la Creole

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I grew up watching this man—a lot us do, and he is an EXCELLENT cook!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrRichBOB 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee come up aces jumble a please just go ahead and cook given all the shaking in our life turtle stew for me boss this is going to be - I'll talk to it like a know what I'm talking now I like this good I believe in easy [Music] I all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee and the smaller and we gonna cook some of my favorite dishes that I invented myself because I didn't have anything else to cook so I had to cook it like chili rice they shaking a lot Creole I didn't invent that but I did chili rice and I think that you'll like it in fact I'll guarantee you will now I've got some stories to tell you but first of all I got to get this chili rice old so I can get it deep quick enough for us to eat this is a small pot and what I got right here is two cups of rice this is easy cooking see that it's got a lot of help somebody cut the rice up humming that's good into this rice I'm gonna haul off and put a tablespoon full of onion powder they have the tablespoon full onion powder I hope it is that's what it is I think in tear and also 2 teaspoon full of garlic powder the ranch is what it is and I've got 2 teaspoons full of salt and I generally made it old myself but people don't believe or know house and we'll put 2 teaspoons full of salt then I guarantee that the teaspoon full I take it at for true 1 do in just a little move then we put a tablespoon full of chili powder and this is chili rice this is chili powder it surely make you sneeze easily and then of course I've got to stir it up so it all together but everything and I'm supposed to have except olive oil I put that in it I've got the water in there and then I put the water in our stirred some more than out for da olive oil and then I've taught cooking you let me put the water in red now let me a picture that pictures not don't have a hole to hold it you know that and I'll cook my rice cook this rice just like I do any otherwise I made it very carefully where I'll have the right in back on we had just enough in there you see you see what I did what I did there now I just put to that first jar and everybody's first you own the finger just to like check your neighbour there Stephen that's in your index finger I think the phone I'm gonna got this little dish towel and then I put I got the salt I put olive oil and I'm supposed to measure that very carefully but I don't do that it's got two tables will not make it to table but looking at that two tablespoons put that thing out of my way and stir this small and will move my pot over to this other side no I'm not I'll move this pot over make the chicken ala Creole in that oh man that's gonna be good yeah narrowing team search get everything off the bottom and we put this pot and bring this to a quick boil I think this is the right one yeah that's it I got it on high let's stay there for a little bit in cook that's hot if you think high in hard while guarantee and I've got everything in there and all I'm doing now I want you to know that this is easy to think this is easy cooking I put all ingredients except olive oil in there you notice that onion powder garlic powder long grain rice salt and chili powder and olive oil and that's easy cooking it really is I think you're gonna enjoy that then I've got this little clock after I bought a little water out of them I in fact it just see a little bubbling a hold in the rise like that he little bubbling he got enough water out you put a heat defuse 100 that's what I have to put her there this is a heat diffusion but it won't tell what's forcing him right I know I just caused him rice nope nothing beat he don't taste good when scores like that and then then I put the lid on it you know I clocked at 25 minutes and if anybody comes and raising the lid on their chopped their home off when I'm cooking in my kitchen I tell you but don't go messing around in my kitchen but I stir this rice several times to be sure I've got everything just right it looks just right to me right now he's gonna be a new beautiful brown when I get it cooked and your sample a little bit of it I hope in fact I will make you do that ahold of God always it got to taste this you know but I like it it's good now what I'm gonna do is just leave it here out of the way then change my recipe because I'd like to start on this stuff chicken I love Creole dive take a little ol any trouble nice I'm gonna need that only shaking all okra for every year like this now I want to told your story I am totally stirring a long long time it has nothing to do with this it's a story I want to tell I've got a friend but hunted up all the time during the duck seed and all the time not in season he goes and host the duck he don't never took anybody with him when they say we're gonna take you with no he can't go get on took anybody with me he say you got you know well shall we take Fido with me and he spelled it be hid you expired he shall always take him to retrieve dodoka those undershot oh please take no pain do it but one day a man will known him someone in a built a beautiful house what he got he said I would like to go with you to hunt some ducky I don't took somebody would me to hunt from dog no he said how you like this house what I long to the money for or love this house he said how about W the hunting duck and well you don't got to hit that kid in the face with a wet mop he knows something going on he's he I'll cave and it was cold what he said pick me up tomorrow morning at 4 a.m. o'clock in the morning we were going to blonde and hunt the dummy shall be here at 4:00 there's more than four o'clock he is rat down the mayor come out then get in he said where's Fido he said we don't need him he's he looking or we rounded motion hood them dope he's too damn cold call the dog and let's go I'm fired old Fido brought himself got in the back of the truck no one's any gotten that pirogue boat now anybody has never been an appeal of no appeal made him safe for one people let alone two people in a big dog like Fido easier let's go and get in the bronze on the wind got in the blind bottle said justice car nice as he possibly could and my friend is and I look like we're gonna see some duck today I'll guarantee the banking people say I hope so when he got in the brown walls hitting everything and Here Come some duck even that feed call set him right down in front if that banking people raised up with his shoot going but to duck out there bill blue got both off at the same time he said the dog for the duck he said him talking going no way he said that dog put a dump I don't go get deep duck trip is about on top of the water you walk out there pick up him duck tryptophan I packed up and put him down that Bank of people didn't said a word a few but here come two more duck big my lord and a boy child body shell and he called given that feed calling his cell right now he raised up with his twice barrel car being blue blue killed him doc did the bank people say sent the dog for the dog he sees all about them dove I know they're gonna know where they did did he say said the dog has not come over let them cut some of your body that he said Fido go get them doe part of the petrified on top of the wall victim talk of typically by by going to offer a multitude of them let banking people insert word he said I didn't said somebody first because I believe my are playing a trick on me but if you see that dog walk out downtown or more pickup them to walk back on top of the mold and put them dog down he says yeah and that environment I never told you I never could thought that dumb dog out of swim [Applause] and you know that I got a good high ball on this and what I got to do is kind of cut it down a little bit so it'll put it on a medium but still cook and cook all the water out of there they turn the color turned a nice brown and now ain't that 900 guarantee now over here I've got another pot then I'm going to change place with that but that there cuz they've got to go on that and then here I'm gonna make a chicken a la criolla then we got all kind of stuff got to go in there put this stuff and I'm gonna put it in there let me kind of clean up this a little bit and get it out of my way so I get this other stuff a little closer to me yeah now what I've done to show the how easy cooking is I've used dried vegetables and everything except I've got though this is wet hot sauce this is good wet steak sauce and all of these are customer Tomatoes we will tell you about them and we put them in there but this is all this makes about six seven million you know who's hungry but it comes out real good I've got a 1/4 cup of dried onion right you wouldn't do it every death I know I'm not eating them yeah I'm gonna put it in this pot right there just like that don't drop it in these at total work I'm going through you did a little spoon there oh if they don't took up all the water that's good stuff we're in there and get it all out of that too don't be messing around and leave another and goes right on they teach you it like regular you never know the difference when you taste it I may have to use you again on until then I put in there con this recipe about here but a roomful or dried green onion you see then we drive greener you put them in there too you know what I've got in the fire over there I don't have a look water that have five years then we'll put some chicken stock and then when I'm putting some bone dry partially just with dry partner get water on that make it your bird your boat and all the Hindus like and get all that part of that book was partly help flavor thing I don't use a lot of celery to cook because all you taste is selling a lot of time so I don't use a lot of it now and then under this thing here put of teeth a teaspoon full of garlic powder that's one key please will of God if I will put that on down we didn't put water over that we didn't happen and then I put in here dried mint more wait a little bit to put that dried me what I'm gonna do is put the who I'm startup in more than one put in there right now it's a rope down no one inaudible put white wine first just a little wine not to take the bitterness out of tomatoes tomatoes haven't bitterness in them on y'all have businesses and put it in water get a couple night white Chablis you want it's good enough to drink if it ain't good enough to drink don't cook with it you know remember that we in coupe de Bourgh don't have to curb my rights is one more woods going good yeah take it off the bottom floor that's five or more while I'm thinking about it for the file a little bit more then I'll put it on simmer when I put this heat diffuser on today that is the medium this is a low medium low fire you're still cooking go ahead and fix this keep it out of fuel now what I'm gonna put on that is some chicken stock when we boil chicken and I'm going to turn that power to threaten this minute go here boy you can find the right thing got it highlights right away don't hide and stir stir it a little bit [Applause] and you're looking good there now I'm gonna put some Rotel ain't nothing in the world but seed and spice tomatoes I told y'all but be good I like very much Rodell it only like that and then I put some he can hold tomato but always pushed him up real good see so that we wouldn't do nobody put him in there it would it would be easy to eat really like that I'm gonna put that in there this is uh just good old whole tomatoes you could use fresh tomatoes you won't want to put them in a blender something like that but that that's too hard this is easy cooking and trying my best to do today and I'm gonna do it damn good now I'm gonna put all three tablespoonfuls of steak sauce we all catch up with you just to be called but it's not steak so whenever you put anything in there always done just a little bit I'm gonna table go to table food they've got my recipe called I can't remember three tablespoons full of a little yeah one two three one a beautiful wood quite fools a little bit more - got it going high and then it says in the recipe to put some hot sauce glue it down a hot sauce or some cayenne pepper which you ever wanted to the - I'm gonna put about less you know less than a teaspoon full and because I know that then we wrote Taylor's in there so I'm gonna do put about that's a half a teaspoon I'd bet money not guarantee you know I got to stir the rest boom gets hot I'm guaranteed yes ma'am semi cakes I'm not an alien gentlemen this is going to be good up your own teeth I got the cup and tomatoes in there every day only thing I don't have in there two things I haven't got to drive me in there and I don't got this chicken in there but I'm gonna put it in there don't worry Don I'll guarantee I'm gonna do that better green on your own good parsley in the garlic bottom with the two couples oh she could stuff that's what it is plus the water that you use to get the dried vegetables to not be try some more you know now they got all that right there and what I'm gonna did is put that chicken with that right this minute if I didn't get to it you know the movie and give me that dish towel that's the hand this thing is the world a dish towel there I couldn't cook what I want Oh chicken now what we did we boil this chicken these are nothing but second joints they called it to the tie and all these big shoe places and we cook table put a lid on that just say this chicken may be cooked and seasoned water there's good to even eat another thing don't put that in there and put the dried mint now you notice I'm using dried mint I used to use they leave all the time I love feeling but believe is a unknown taste killer you put too much believed ain't nothing you can do about it cuz state has only good taste is Bailey do I don't use it in oh you've met and it's easier to handle and it doesn't kill them doesn't take over the flavor and people wonder what that tasting is man that's what they taste it well not to tell them that but that's what it is and I got to bring this to a ball and you're gonna come to a ball under man now put the into it Joplin that look like white meat he's died come on for white shaking this is a full cup of there's four cups of a white time I'm just tired tired I never forget I was in using in 3po Texas worked with a man we went to a chicken place and had some chicken he was from Mark V Louisiana in the warpath purely DubLi cage in the little waitress came over just do anything please yes ma'am yeah he she I would like to have two ties in a way she looked at me kind of folded she said what do you say you see I would like to have two ties in the wing and she looked at me and said what did she I said he said he wanted to tie than a wing I thought she's oh here this boat maybe she should have now just I got to put a lid on it right here's some chili rice you can see all of this chief you two down first put the lid and turn the fire down to a simmer then you let that simmer and he'd understand we haven't got to get on there now there I'm gonna let that simmer for 25 minutes just wasn't gonna did know what I got to did get my food over down where I can taste this to be sure it's worth eating I'm gonna put a lid on this pot too but I got to turn that fire down after I put their little I want to get a little of this Rice's got it right you come here right that's not too hot for me to handle what hold is getting a clean bring it over here there'd be a lot easier but I may spill that I don't want to do that and give my chicken ala Creole I fixed up when nobody would listen it still tastes the same door guarantee and go over here and put this on my plate mmm mm-hmm first I'm gonna put a label on that kiddie rides in there just hot yeah come here feel it right got you I'm gonna use this spoon to get some chili rice on that yesterday well I wanted a little in the same spoon I'll go get somebody's killing somebody is seeking out like Creole just put it on mom no rice and I didn't cook in a white rice I had all right that's good enough yeah since you sit down and taste that you step and we're gonna do just exactly that in for myself just a little taste of wine you know how did his little taste of one now he's brought to you that white wine butter chicken but I like the full red wine so that's what I'm doing right now you let it go got to teach that see if it ain't good no nothing but I got my detail in a no taste of wine is to you bless you [Applause] didn't eat any breakfast I need it right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] may share for more information in a complete line of buying justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine misha bested justin wilson find products justin wilson calm that is good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 43,469
Rating: 4.9214287 out of 5
Keywords: JustinWilson, Justin, Wilson, Igarontee, cajun, cooking, chicken, easycooking, southern
Id: 2QWh7sBZ0vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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