Easy Cookin Ep#7 Seven Steak Etoufee Wild Rice

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee I'm gonna taste this jambalaya just go ahead on and cook get the part of shakin in our life Turtles - come here boy you look good this is going to be true I'll County talk to it like it knows what I'm talking now I like it it's good I believe in easy cooking believe me I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I all are I'm glad for you to see me out guarantee and I'm gonna cook something that you will like the day I'll guarantee you that to some wild rice I'm gonna make a seven steak etouffee after that and that sells take it to Faye it's so good I think I'll eat all of it myself - right now I'm gonna cook some wild rice most people don't know how to fix my wild rice and I didn't I took several experiment for me to realize I cooked it like the other rice only a little longer because it's a little tougher got a different flavor thank goodness I'll put all this stuff in there - got a spoon is turned around now in this wild rice I've got two cups of uncooked wild rice this makes Oh or a recipe since Porter sixer little make more than that actually I take two teaspoons full of salt put that in there and I'm gonna do this and this is how I made your teaspoon full actually now that's a teaspoon full Joe don't believe it but I'm gonna get this teaspoon and prove it through your apps I pour this next T spoonful in my hand yeah about a teaspoon boom come here boom over the right let's be sure we put it in the spoon you see there nothing to it like even let it see but all we like to put in the legs and make it taste more better then I'm gonna put some about a teaspoon a quarter teaspoon full of cayenne pepper it is right here then it's about quarter teaspoon full of my pudding it's quarter to my bet what a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper 1/2 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder home up there 1 how you that Bakura I ought to be sure I don't miss it that's a quarter I don't mind having a little bit too much cayenne pepper one too much garlic wouldn't be good it's a half a teaspoon full of garlic powder we're gonna put it on man maybe a little bit more no it over there now man this guy had a little bit more peaceful healthy food won't hurt I like garlic put that back over here onion powder got to put that on there I put about a 1 and 1/2 teaspoon full of onion powder and we'll marry that care for them there's one happy food guarantee is right now a teaspoon of dried mint now used MIT I don't you'd believe to cook with heart at all happening I love Bailey but it's tough I'm gonna put a whole teaspoon full of a try admit in there because it's got a good flavor but doesn't kill the flavor the other thing that I put in it that's the meanest thing now I'm going to stir that up the animal put some some water on it in some olive oil now use olive oil to keep it from boiling all the way to do it too I'm putting the fire under the they didn't need 500 now we put a little water see the way I cook this is the way I cook my regular rice now if I had a pot this big you're not feeling nearly full of rice I wouldn't be able to measure the water until I had it in that pot and that's the way it is with this - I don't know this is 4 cups of water but I don't think they think all of that they take a little more let's see yeah that's not going to do it you know my hands are clean I wash them then what I'm doing that's mine with my mother's leave the lowdown fingers the index finger the way you can touch the rice and everybody is their normal everybody's when index fingers place joint is the same length check with your neighbor then see if I'm going to tell you the truth I think that'll be enough when you didn't even take the whole moving level and I start now I stir and I'm gonna check and see you doing right which I think it will mmm exactly right now into this I'm gonna put some olive oil see like a couple of tablespoons full that's the key keep it from born low and it helps to flavor them it helps the flavor let's go at to tablespoonful that's what it says not that that took teaspoonful I get ready to take from full olive oil put it down right there waiting below now don't stir that now I'm gonna start in a few minutes but right now I'm gonna turn it on then I'm gonna put it on a medium but it's hard to start with because I wanted to cook fast then you'll see that when I get it away most all the waters gone and we'll put this lid on it and put it on simmer and let it simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer and that's the way it works in this pot I'm gonna make a seven state a to feign I hate to Fay means mother when I get all of the stuff in there but it has to be I'll put that lid on and it's got a little rims that way I can smother it mother down now into this I've got to put I got to move this wildlife recipe I would look at my recipe because anybody to create a cook can't remember the recipes they got to have it where they see them them and then I'm a creative cooking love doing what I do into this I'm gonna put 2 tbsp tablespoons full olive oil maybe a little more maybe just a little more than 2 tbsp it for no question about that but I'll got to put the seven states in here that's about two things before not nowadays guarantee there no and we'll turn the fire on I got to put the fire on medium heat medium hot he lets go he'll fire that's all medium and what they get first you put the seven stake did we got chopped up a little bit then I put all the rest of this stuff in there then I'm gonna show you all something while I'm thinking about it well I feel hot enough I've got some shiitake mushroom just gonna go in there and I'm gonna take one of these and take this Olu knife and chop it up see how cool knife is used and also how easy they are to use it we've got to go all the way over here to did a little bow and chop this up you see nothing to it you know chop with this I've seen the Indians in in Alaska well got this knife skinned a whole deal I'll feel their fish you see how easy that was nothing to it and clean it off a little bit and put the ruler knife back cuz its sharp I guarantee you that for true that's for true it is Shaw go down there now you cooking good and how I can put that somewhere there were seven stake in there Brown them all gonna Brown them all at all come on here now anymore do you think I knew that was hard being sure that said mistake there's a shoulder stick and this has had the bone take it out the reason they call it a seven think we have a perfect seven Bolton it and it tastes good it's a good piece of meat there are a few people realize they want a good piece of meat again now I know I've got to put all this in there which I'm gonna do putting that in there I can't help but think of it occasion stories and this is B beat me and think about that occasionally the policewoman but only stop let's cut this fire download it again we will medium he stopped him he woke up good call you could smell it from here to ten feet away he said don't know you drop off I don't know I'm not throwing me he said man don't tell me off it's worse y'all yeah how you smelled it you see that fence over there yeah this y'all guarantee I can jump that's it you see you jumped at me oh hey y'all can you see all right get out of the car and jump that's it he jumped out of that fence and there was a big bull in there and that bull ran him down and really worked him over he came back though and he jumped the fence back and the policeman saw that it went on in there and he said then you jump the fence alright wooden world happened in age he's some damn fool in a bicycle tried to run over me all this in there they will wipe my end home at night and gonna carry them that's handy there's a pocket on the shirt and I'm gonna move this out of my way just put a right over here input I got a lot of stuff I got to put in there but I'd like to stuff that stuff you see it can't brown on there like that but it can Brown the way I'll do it oh that is four three two get up off the bottom turn it over you can I tell you right now that is that is good meat and they eat some of it I'll tell you that's for true a two-phase I hate to faint most everything I hate to say crabmeat etouffee craw fish etouffee all kind of stuff you know because it's easy to cook and this is easy cooking ball there right got to cut you down a little bit - yeah that's gonna cook just right get right you see I'm Bradley Brown and all that me ha didn't think I could do it from the can don't have to be cooked because it has to cook all about three hours you got to simmer for about three hours now into this I'm gonna put a lot of good things including shiitake mushrooms but I just could have one of them show me what it was and they were dead to me or the best mushroom and I love them and I'm lucky I got a friend named jr. money Leon and it raises him for me and gives them to boy I'm glad to have a friend like that so it seems expansion know I miss turnover then Brown little bit now into this you did need to save I've got to put a lot of stuff like I'm gonna put that there's four pounds of meat in here seven state and they got the salt to taste we'll put some salt in here right now but this must meet I gotta put two cups on you a cup of chopped bell pepper 2 cup of chopped mushroom then I got chopped right there I'm gonna put this salt in here though in and I put this stuff over there that's a teaspoon and after teaspoon and a quarter and this is about another half a teaspoon and it'll come out alright now I'm going to put 2 cup of chopped onion and I'm gonna start anytime you add anything you got to start you always got to stir there Tommy anything any good Cajun cook will take of that and I'm just gonna near the truth that's all now bell pepper about 1/2 a cup of bell pepper that not a full cup it's about a half a cup what I'm gonna put in there right now you've got to get it all and I did mix it around in there and stuff oh the onion just dropped on the phone we'll leave it down there oh yeah I'm gonna put it in here I'll tell you that boy come on here now let's get together then done it now I'm gonna put into this to cup to cup of shiitake mushrooms chopped up myself I'll chop them up my hands are clean or to me yesterday can I start smelling better all the time now I've got to put some oats up in there though I've got Harley a minister father then I got white wine I see it and I'm gonna put it in there right now that's all the juice I'm gonna put in there put that in there I got some Sarah powder he did right here I got to stir I got just whoo-hoo-hoo now this is gonna be so good I don't believe I understood it a two feet I don't know what Kenyan invented that but he was smart this is this is Sarah powder we didn't chopping herself and putting there we use the powder and it's good I like to use dried dried the vegetable I really do you're good and they have the same flavor if you do what it says so all the direction would read on the box that you get in here or if you drive yourself you teach yourself what window put the water and all that stuff now into this that the mushroom dry white wine no stuffed familiar Oh oh boy just get the rest of that in there got any more stars boom boom Oh a left on if I'll just eat that to him mm-hmm that's good and it is I got to put some dried part for him and this is dried part they're not fresh part of it there's 1/2 a cup of dried parsley and when it swelled up it'll be better than a cup fill it up his junk damn that wild rice is acting just about right now I got chilled some dried mint as I say I cook with it rather than cook with them you know all that water on it mmm garlic now this is a tablespoon full of chopped garlic you have a bit of it in there become garlic's good for you these good called people to invent twin beds I admit that but it's awful good I love it oh you kid I'm looking better all the time now I've got to put a little steak sauce in that and a little go down a hot song shake it up I'd like to put a tablespoon full of two table full of steak sauce and I love good steak sauce and this is good steak sauce up just a tablespoon for Jack you have two tablespoon full right has one tablespoon for two two and a little bit more and don't hurt a thing I got to put a little bit down a hot sauce in that it says two teaspoons alright I'll put two teaspoons hello we have two million I know two teaspoons from the bottom see that 2 teaspoon exactly two teaspoon and I stir this sit down there were like you know what you're doing start good get everything started up good because we want all this season to get mixed up into the whole thing I'm gonna put a lid it tight and we'll let that simmer this is gonna simmer about three hours two to three hours for three hours is just about what I'm talking about put that on there like that oh man that tastes good it smells it's gonna be awful good let me get let y'all smell a little more than one then we'll put the lid on this I've got everything you know I would like to check that hot sauce steak sauce cried me savory Potter grad party chopped garlic put me the stuff doubt it a cup of dry white wine 1 cup of bell pepper 2 cup of mushroom salt to taste 2 cup of chopped on you four pound of meat let's just put this on we gonna lure this fire to a simmer mr. general a little simmer where you at - there you are right you then you know they put it on that symbol and it'll go good they're guaranteed come on down come on down fire that's what I like about gas cooking you can see what you're doing with your heat got that now write some I have to stir you whether you want to be stirred or not because you're getting close to the point where most of the warnings go but not quite gone you're doing good do it now I got a friend Cajun who was a zoologist in one of the University and he was in the zoology class one time and he had a fleet that he would work at home he got that flee with the microscope and all that stuff so he could see he got that look - there he reaching got that flee with a little pair tweezers he lit up and pull one leg off of that know what I got to do with you pull one leg when you look at this - head micromort net free we can got it put another leg and put him down in the Phillies jump put him back over there and pull another Lego take the sleigh out put him down plead yo look at Mike some more we got this bleep pull off one more leg put the flea down people in the fleet job he had one leg left the routine got that one leg put it flee after picking him up pull it off put it down the flea didn't do anything when you wrote in his report he was writing all the time you see when you pull all the leg from a bleed he can't jump and that's cool just games on I've got to put this on simmer simmer put the lid put that right there that's a heat diffuser and I couldn't cook without it I really couldn't the few that he got them no now I've got to get me some of that done a to faith and I snuck up on people and prepared earlier you know over there yeah yeah stark just I don't know much yet it's a little steak or something like that but I'm gonna put some of that juice all some wild rice oh you hid you know wild rice that I had cooked earlier put it right here mmm-hmm put that lid back on down go sit myself down pull myself a little while and show you exactly how this tastes I want you to know I guarantee it's got to be good I've got a little juice right here mm-hmm then you get a piece of that eight to play meat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine Mischa beste justin wilson find products justin wilson calm that is good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 52,335
Rating: 4.8920636 out of 5
Keywords: rice, etoufee, steak, justin, wilson, justin wilson, dinner, wild rice
Id: Uqz7E0C3Cic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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