Easy Cookin EP#2 Roux Rabbit Gumbo

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee from what aces jungle I just go ahead on and cook get the part of shakin in our life turns to coming boys [Music] this is going to be to talk to it like an old war I'm talking now I like this good I believe in easy cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee I'm gonna make you a rule we'll talk about it I've got it most made then we'll make a rabbit gumbo who in isn't that good mm-hmm let me turn this power on right now while I'm thinking about it hey going I've got fire now also I'm gonna have to turn this by O'Neal and stir this rubric or I started out a little early because I didn't have anything else to do so I just sat down in mater damn room it looks good it does and I got a bunch of stuff got to go in it they've got to turn the fire on on the roof - yeah we've got it go to low that's medium medium low but that room is just exactly the right color like good chocolate there's no chocolate no and I got to tell you all one story before I get started the true story that happened to me and my papa using years ago when we were in Lafayette Louisiana now I like laughing it but the one thing I can tell you about it it's the only town ever been in my life but you can get in one one Street and you can get lost and we were lost Papa and I were lost and bad and he said look we're not going anywhere would you mind stats every young boys over there stop let us ask him where we gonna go huh how's it okay papa so we stopped in he can't come here so I want to ask you something the boss came over and he said son can you throw what it ruled over the right hand would take me if I got on that huh there boss he missed I hate you so they just put me I don't know Papa say well how am I the only ruler left hand they can you told that that rule would go but their own that huh you see again I hate to tell you this mr. but me I don't know Papa say look Shawn like I'm looking straight ahead then you tore that load would go we got on that huh little boys hey mister it broke my heart told you this but me I don't know that - no Papa says now son we're not gonna do it but suppose we turn around and go dear life will come from can you tow that Roberto people do that hat there boss hey mister on the ground you're my heart broken 1 million peace it broke so bad but me I don't know that - no Papa says son you don't know a damn thing reported at red but I ain't lost [Applause] now in this room that I made here I want to tell you what I put it up put about a cup of olive oil or if I if I'd had good bacon drippings able to use that tastes more better then also I put two and a half cups of flour you know started stirring the minute I put it in there now that is looking good into this room I'm going to put some on y'all gonna put me move this this roof thing that I know by heart anybody won't ask a question about reenacts moving the shoulders over I'll be glad to Tory I got right here two cups are chopped onion and we're gonna put them in here right now in this we because it just brown enough you just want to get it to the brown I got it there right now and you can see on the tumbler that is just right put this in here and stir a little bit at a time you had the thing when you cook continue style you got the story every time you add something if you do that you're gonna get it right if you don't do that they may come on right but most property at ain't no stir that in the animal I'm gonna Brown this and cook these on y'all want to see him down now in this pot right here I got some water I think I got about eight cup of water in there in the Internet water if they'll get the rest of the stuff in you didn't it this is a bad couple it so let's see that's a half a cup of bell pepper chopped and clean more community don't after into this good yeah oh there you go right yeah I got to put some cereal I just want a few things are you serious or rabbit gumbo oh I usually just use partner but I got cereal there now and I'd like to get me some water if you miss it I'm not gonna pour my wine and I'm gonna pour wine in here mm-hmm looking good come on Chevy let's go in here right now doing good and while as soon as I get you stirred a little bit I'm gonna put some partner that's about a half a cup of celery I put in there there's a half a cup of chopped fresh parsley it's all fresh vegetable we got on here today we just stuff I make things like this sometimes with dried vegetables no don't do it like this no come on partially in while this to do it I'm gonna go give me about a cup of water I'm gonna pull you in just a few minutes there and before I put it in with the rest of it the while I'm thinking about it I'm gonna put that two cups of dry white wine this is Chablis good the drink with the porn gobo domain order so whatever cook what a wine that you won't drink when you back what cooking wine there's no telling what all's in if it'll change the taste of everything that you got and you know pages people are funny about that they like to do their own arranging any like that in sauces and stuff I know I do and I'm half page and inhale to feel full bleed when they no telling what do you do now there's some more than there already now I got to get me a little water putting this right here to bring this rule back like I wanted I'll just take this little dealer walk over you can get a little bored if you're mine fact I'm I walk over and do it whether you mind or not but just a little not mine now it's cold water you put in the rule you don't put hot water in a rule so get me a box I'll get anybody cook up and a half water put in there then I'll bring that rule back to like I want it and have to look good and be smooth it's got to be smooth you know for a smooth it ain't no good no that's why you use cold water by the way come on now get together now I can put the garlic chopped garlic in it I will put garlic in if you put garlic in it too quick it doesn't get any flavor it don't you just close it up just put in grease or some hot this present got water so this is a bottling Mishi a tablespoon 1 tablespoonful a chopped garlic they look like a lot but it's not not much at all use my tasting spoon to get that out of there just need every drop and we stir it all together now what this says to do you know sometime do it like that and some time ago wouldn't that rube I got to put it in here you know two ways about that and I must put it in action and we're turn the fire off out of this and I let it cook just a little bit boho didn't read that going didn't go anywhere I stayed right now I'll tell you all the story in a minute but I've got to finish this right now either way I like it with it looking good yeah into this water I'm gonna take this thing off the way it won't burn I don't want to put it on the spoon no yeah you go over here yeah into this I've got some sausage they've got a pond just about a pound of smoked sausage smoked sausage they all do it will you don't do it but I couldn't get in it when I was out looking for some shopping stuff it just tore my hand to clean like a tool I'll put this one pound of smoked sausage they ain't gonna put the rabbit meat in there you had water pot I'll guarantee thought just filled it a little bit now you go let's put some salt on that uh no let me see how much salt I'm supposed to put on that salt it says salt to taste with my taste for salt and not like your buddy else's and I got to put some steak sauce in there come here to me I don't let put but just a couple of tablespoon full of things there - table full of steak sauce you know let's go we'll just put that in the water what I'm thinking about it one do that spoon would wasn't measured right anyhow like that fish now I'm gonna put a little lures out of hot sauces and it says to taste and I'm gonna put salt in there - tasty of salt coming let me see what about put in there I see there's money in this okay I'm gonna hold off down and put about three Table three teaspoon this is a teaspoon food you don't believe me I'll make that tree to show you I know what I'm talking about come here to meet teaspoons oh you didn't believe that'll be a teaspoon and stir I'm in rabbit a lot you did will not mister boland wave so much put this rabbit in there real good you chop it big but we've got a long time just took apart they just bite side when you get ready to eat it yeah but you wrap it on there like this when I get all this in then we'll put the rule in there and stir it real good any gonna smell guarantee already this was so he's won the Eastern Avenue come to my house on Easter time he's had it on now little around a hot sauce doesn't hurt anything let me drive my hand on my dish towel that I got right here he worked with wet hands you know and making it burned easy I'm not gonna put much and it said to taste this is to my taste one - believe it or not that's not a whole teaspoon full of hot sauce and this is mild hot sauce it's not real hot the car not like so that the kind of you you moved it's hard to wait get up putting the motor Salter there nor didn't know that well I'd put a little more yeah you thought I forgot damn what it didn't that's three teaspoons full of salt which is enough throw that in there alright now get the cookie now what I'm going to do it put this in that and I think I'd make it got to make it right here and we'll gradually stir that in there too and if I see I need more water I'll go get more water they don't need water both that's what buting with rule you know that I'm telling you the truth to make a room like that you know when you're buying a roux because you got start over told it to it then you can do about it Peppa thought over more that's coming out there Jesse's clean and nice despite you know I like to cook with gas cause I can control my fire much more better I'm gonna cook with gas then when I pick what I likes treated as I possibly can get it all Matlock now you might make it a room let's go back to making a room hear me try to practice make it a room by how it looks to you one of the things we say frequently don't where I used to live we say well it's going good and look at the look you get over you you ruin look at and if you can see yourself in there knock on mirror your rule done don't you may want to brown a little bit more you can do that too only rule is getting mixed up right let me get just something the need to hold that pot with I ain't gonna hold it with my batter I'll tell you that now let's get the stuff so that study is really pretty good Oh you see he's act him alright he's right you can see that did you oh boy I love to do I'd like to tell you another story I'm doing this middle of my move Stuart it happened actually happened in Terrebonne Parish and Houma and they will get the sheriff down there with preshow nice man doing real well the Brio you see how that ruthless halt all booting them he does it real good we're gonna turn that fire down a little little bit just cook but I tell you one thing all praise y'all was in his office one day and one of them Cajun coming in sick sure we would like to ask you to do a favor you got about three or two people with him oh hey Josie oh you want me to do a family for you huh he said yeah they say yeah you see if I possible can I'll be glad to do it would you like what you want me to do for me she said chef what we want you to do is get us one more month to hunt it up she afraid oh say what you said you said what I want you to do to get one with the hood duck one more month to hunt duck you see that's right he's your you hunt him 12 month a year now you get a new months you got to get a new name for it right [Music] I got distilled it's quite a bit because sometimes the root rot act smart and old it's all good but this is darker there's all been real good I gather and eat tell that duck story remind me of another mom another duck story I've got to tell you and I'm gonna put this fire down a little bit because I don't want to burn something not me then working all that hard alright where's the fire there the fire it's old medium and put it on medium low down to low yeah that looks good that's just read I never will forgotten usually go on pulse rhythm there's two kids you went down there to hunt duck you went down there because they were looking out there one day later on it is beautiful lady got down there and uh still that in the morning and it bore the link was black with the all kind of duck out there so they said well we've got to go to the house and come back give him all the names and hunt some duck so they went back to the house and he got all the stuff they need the shooting the 20-hour Caribbean in the Caribbean and all that stuff in jail and a little drinking whiskey they went by a ball and had a good time tonight and went back to fault remember he went back into the room had a little motel with a ring the room went in down and went the bed next morning they got up looked not there and it was black wood duck some more oh boy so they get out and we'll get there twice a barrel Caribbean and the automatic shoes on you go I didn't get on the belly just like a snake and crawled this little patch of grasses and that little patch of grasses and that little touch of grasses and they get close close on them done and it raised up wouldn't do that to sky get black bird dog not a dog not even pull loose only dizzy that's bad so he went back to town wouldn't say I know just what we gonna do going back to town we're going to the abattoir and we're gonna get a one-day Macau hard because I saw them without green out there in them docked in that club because it in Kerala we're gonna go get a card we're gonna come back here and go to bed tomorrow morning we can put them cowhide over us we're gonna be a cow we can go out there and get them done he said let's go he went about the route to the abattoir 450 70 got a nice beautiful cowhide they went back to the little Motel Creek a little more have a good time and he went to bed naked wanting to get up just as daylight we're getting the flicker at least a little bit you know you go out there and they put that cowhide on one of them in the front and they were the one in the back behind here let's go and go to this little patch of grass and make like the eat that little patch of grass make like the in this little patch of grass and make like de man they had really eaten would eat tail with them dog and they get out they're just closing up I'm when I'm reading up not on beat him on the back he said what you been before ray you're gonna shoot do not you see all the duck out there he's able get about them dog you go to the bull [Applause] this is coming real good you know what I'm gonna do over here I got some of this how fix when you're overlooking and put a little rice in the bowl see it down there and look at you and tell a story maybe and maybe not and then I got a little rice that I cooked I'm gonna put that in my bowl and that's just cooling up to your right don't have to be real hot if you've got a good hot gumbo oh let me get us when we use some more rice get these rice and put it on there drink it up a little bit this rice is cold I don't care I love cool right but it's hot enough so why this gumbo when it hits on it it'll heat it up I'll get her on TV all right now let me tell you stuff most people don't know this is feeling a gumbo feel either this is made from the leaf of the sassafras tree and it's pounded it's not ground up it's pounded it makes it there it's like a medium see you put just a little bit of that on you right see just a little bit not too much it's kind of Faliro its own and it thickens up this help thicken up get the gumbo a little bit you could go vote on got 10 over you know so what do you get hauled off there moved is put get over there out of my way put the top back there's a little broke nuttin take the top over this gobo ha and that looks good yeah we gotta put Nicole what I call her some people call this and leader that's a dipper to me I kind of start at around a little bit be done in there give me little rabbit put it on my right with it feeling you know so see side of the sausage don't need but one of you got to get some Jews though because some Jews could that little girl smells good to put the lid back on it or to make people yeah yeah yeah let's go sit this down right here on this plate like I got down and I'm gonna just sip that like I should tell me either once pull another sip you know she must know down and foremost help just a little taste of wine you know I believe with this I'm supposed to have a white wine I caught some there but I pour for red wine so we use red wine for a little bit in there auntie a little sip maybe maybe two to three two more a little bit down you know go this is good this is a merlot wine after sip enough boy still me and a napkin don't worry daddy don't worry about to you these again you know but you're tearing talking in my belt so all the way now oh look here no no it is [Music] guaranteed and he had Nora Tatum dude all that breaking it covered me did like yeah alright ten little teachers of the bongo gumbo daddy come over here [Music] that is good out guarantee come here rabbit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine Mischa beste justin wilson fine products justin wilson calm that is good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 36,671
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Justinwilson, cajuncooking, cajun, cooking, cookingshow, justin, wilson
Id: -Omu5jvRZY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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