Easy Cookin EP#11 Mashed Garlic - Irish Potatao Casserole

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hi Olaf I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee from the pieces jambalaya just go here and cook we have all the shaking in our life turns to come aboard this is going to be true our charity talk to it like you know what I'm talking about I like this good I believe in easy cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music] how y'all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee and we're gonna bake a chicken today and I'm gonna have to tell a story I've told before because it fits this so well I'm gonna get the chicken going first and then I'll tell the story we're going to first of all salt and pepper the chicken with cayenne pepper and salt we'll put in this raise deal in this little roaster we have here and we're gonna put in that 350 degree baked chicken I love big shakin so what I got to do right now is get this chicken salted and peppered where it'll taste good and all I put around in there don't put it on and put around it a glass half water and half white wine and you don't mind drinking if you don't have any more in the other kind particular I personally like red wine better cuz I'd see it easier you know and salt I'm putting it I got to get salt inside too I'm gonna raise up there baby nice fat chicken now this is PI n pepper that looks like I've got a lot but it's not all that much I put on my hands you know I'm gonna get it off somehow but the reason I'm up there baby now you gotta turn this shaking over and I'll put it in here and finish it salt and pepper in the other side little salt down this you go down in here like you suppose salt you good it looked like a lot of salt but it's not those a fine greens middle I'd rather measure it but I can't do this right cayenne pepper good play believe me now I've got to wipe my hands the way I can put that pull that little juice around it and put it in the oven I may tell that story posters I never forgot there was a fellow wrote in a little town in south Louisiana and his automobile even rode down there and the speed limit were 25 mile per hour not 26 no 25 mile per hour and he's going 25 mile out he looked in front of his automobile and there's a chicken we're going right in front of his car he looked again he said whom that chicken got relay I got to see this and he looked around in a cenote O'Leary so he picked up the 35 mile per hour the oshika did the same thing all three legs going with it you know his man and this is wonderful but I've got to see this and he got out on the highway speed limit was 55 mile four hours so the shaking 55 mop out or clearly going sugar I know the District Attorney hide and get out of a ticket I'm gonna see this three legged so he picked up all the way to the floor aceleration 75 mile per hour hello she knows the holy one also knows she can't turn down a dirt road my friend pass it by already put the bro code gggggg put it in high gear reverse went down a little dirt road to it in that room was a nice little Cajun house the man his wife said no in the front post rocking himself back and forth back and forth he stopping that out of course look I don't mean to bother you no but the other one thought happened to see it clearly a chicken come by here hi the man stood up says yes we read tree like a chicken my friend said the hell do you do you say that's right he says what can you tell me what it tastes like he said I don't know we never could catch one of the damn thing now we'll put this in the oven 350 degree oven for me lower this thing and just slip it in there gently oh man that's hot I can tell come here baby let's go on one side of that earlier I got some medicine to put in there we jammed the wild yeah we go come on up then home and just cook up a storm that's good okay then we'll move this out of my way and put it right over here for the time being and I got to match those taters and I know how to do that my mama taught me how that's one of the things she let me start doing when I started learning the cooking didn't know I was learning when I was eight years old let's do some minute easy maybe they've gotten a little cold I think that makes it a little harder them to mash but we'll national put a little weight on it everything in mmm-hmm get with the program now you're looking good this these are potatoes were boiled in garlic we bought it with some garlic and he moved this recipe out of the way that's clean I don't need you read now I'll put you over there we match we match with man garlic garlic flour is what's the way we cooked them so we'd have a little taste of garlic I can't smell the garlic that takes you just enough garlic's good for you didn't see a lot of that on television he's gone to a good play I've been doing that I've been eating it all my life garlic sandwiches they good guarantee they good click spilling that man that too good to spill on there we got to eat it we're going to eat it know what I'm gonna do put this over here where I've got a little casserole dish and I'm gonna put this in there you think mash is wrong I am I'd like to have a bigger bowl next time I have to do this though he'd pick up the stuff put it back in there even though this is a clean counter I don't like to do that though then you stay down there like that this is a clean casserole dish I put a little olive oil in there to greet it so it won't stick to the bottom I got to put a little cayenne pepper on that him I don't think it needs more taste it just writers name this is about oh I'd say not even a tablespoon full out of order we got to fix it like that so it won't stick to the bottom I don't hate things do I cuz I like the grotto a lot of things here we go like potatoes are boiled and I'm gonna put you all in there but first of all I've got to be sure that my olive oil gets all over this thing and it'll do it I don't want to get any on the floor so I hope oh man that looks so good got a jitter at guaranty now I got to get this in here without spitting it anywhere on the floor and I'm not gonna you like you were used and put mashed taters it makes you very good but that'll be good it'll be alright it's made to know you're until I've done this before neither yes beauty to get everything out of there that I need to be getting that's all of it and then spread it around a little nail and put some grated cheese on top of it we get all over the can that's all of it now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put these two cups of grated cheese we're not gonna put that in there we eat it good whip this out nice would it look pretty it's gonna taste good no we're gonna look good just like it is but we're gonna make it pretty even prettier when we put that pretty american cheese on there you did like that take that up hand clean just wash them come here cheese and have two cups of grated cheese cheddar cheese this is a good American cheddar cheese we have to cover the top and it's gonna taste good I'll guarantee you that like you let's just be nicer to be sticking together like that that's not nice no mmm that tells told me there's a feel one coming over and you know it is already and you know we could have wanted to cover it gonna be covered with this grated cheese to cuff dozens of job I don't know how in the world I did that when I cook this dish the first time but it came out just like coming out now that's it's supposed to just spread it out it'll melt but I like to spread it out the way and melt all over I'm gonna put this over here I'm gonna put this back over here out of my way but this in there I'm a hand a little bit I'm gonna put this in this 350 degree oven until the cheese melts real good takes about 15 minutes for it to melt right and go go through the potatoes and not all that most ever stays on top and it's beautiful put this in that oven to sand there's a hold of it spread out the world now you got it hold me to my oven with this right alongside that chicken close that oven then pick this up it got fixed already didn't put it over where I can to serve myself some of that you know - just a little I'm not gonna take too much but over here like this while I'm doing that I'm gonna go get that and see if I haven't got something else here they don't want and it not too hot Oh shaken up what do you know about chicken I don't found write down what I got to do with that he's cut a little bit of that all you know I'm gonna do that on right here I've got a knife Jill could write you in the drawer come here to me baby yeah I think I'll put the plate in between those two things so they won't get mad you cut a little that chicken for me move there now mmm-hmm looks pretty doughnut well I hate like the devil to do this to you honey but I got to getting the part of the chicken in our life second joy while someone to meet all of it in there you think I'm gonna throw that scared away I'm not I'm gonna be on healthy I like this gym that's where all the flavor you didn't shoot in the baby let's go Oh a little smoke in that terrible I got to get that that's hot that's hot man not too hot just put that down a little over there let's get a little over there all right should take the whole leg but I'm not I'm not gonna be a hall I just want to taste over there now you know there we go cover this chicken back up I'm gonna be warm it's warm not hot hot but warm but that right now and come here baby let's get some of them cheese and put that on here this is a very easy casserole to fix it really is what I'm gonna do is put that right there then I'm gonna get a little more this because I like it much take a little more that but right then I'm gonna tell y'all a story this is a true story that happened in World War twice when I enlisted and that's what is in and one of the camp Beauregard in nearly regretted in Louisiana I would net with a bunch of Cajun from down home pile of food some of them spoke no English at all I once spoke pretty good though he spoke pretty good French cage break and they put all of us out there we wouldn't civilian clothes and most of them was scared to death never been out of the way from the Bayou and his little kid was staying there and here come up top so you asked your name you told him me name they come to be anything what's your name uh says Justin Wilson sir what's your middle name us is just Annie Wilson sir he walked next to me in a little cage and they're standing there in the answer is what is your name he just looked at it he didn't understand a word he said he said I asked you a question what do you name the okay to look to me I said Kelly know what you need he says broussard he say say so he said sir Broussard our gallery deal made himself a knight right then in there you don't tell these stories I can't happen wouldn't when I tell that when it made me think of another one there was a boy who was getting his lessons one night don't in French country and he what doing his is a written with dick and his daddy was sitting there he said bye-bye he said what did his son he said I want to ask you a question I want you to help me with this with just math doesn't read but take him do excuse me got hay fever in them he said what the question he says can you can you help me I got 12 I got 12 problem here and they want me to find the common denominator there's Papa saying are they still looking for that thing they were looking for that when I was going to school so I'm gonna sit down here and if I think of a story of two immediate David I got to taste this food it looks good and they won't have tasted and this hay fever God makes me mad but they know nothing do about it except doing what I'm doing but everything in the stove is supposed to be in now I'm gonna pull myself just a little god I need my food swallow a swinger of wine that's a half of suami that's about right tastes good guaranteed but I want to taste that chicken I love good chicken I really do and I all I'm gonna tell y'all some oyster but I'm gonna taste this but put my napkin or like a gentleman try to be one move to the time yeah yeah go then wine me be in the weave you're seeing that so move it - that's it this is white wine it's supposed to go with but I prefer a merlot or a Pinot Noir or a company 700 or red wine and that's what I drink somebody ask you what kind of chicken and what kind of wine are you gonna have with that what kind of wine you won't and that's what you can have I'm gonna just cut this chicken and eat that that's good I'm guaranteed hmm oh boy I told ya I'm gonna save this and I am a weight that skin cuz that's where the flavor is in chicken then we have to throw it away because these people say it's not healthy don't daddy's good I'll tell you right now mm-hmm [Music] it must be fairly healthy because of chicken worked their whole lifetime don't you know guaranteed now I got to taste the good potato when we cook with garlic in it when did you say hey it's behind your pocket who came now got it for today's dish got it to an out hmm c'est bon guarantee up a sip of wine then make it taste even more better you know I got to tell y'all football because football season here at here upon us you know it and I love the game of football in fact ladies and gentlemen I coached at one year and I don't told you all I'm gonna tell you about that thing goes ain't gonna football I love to go to the games I'm a big fan of several several of football teams of course I went to hell us 5 years and I still be a freshman if we went back and only natural I'm a tiger fan for the LSU Tigers I'm on I'm like one of him they're not like coming to Mississippi team but I like Ole Miss and I like Mississippi State football team they could they got a good football team except when they pay player us I got to be fair us and I always was curious devil how do you coach you got these good football players like they did all over the country and I was bitten with a coatroom a college in Mississippi you're not active I would like to know how you get all these good football player and I know it takes a lot of time for y'all to get the board to the to the University where you can evaluate them and all that stuff in kaanum and design and I know what you doing nothing like a talk with so many mouths and I'm not polite but I would like you really to the oysters we go out in the country and we look we look all over with the car all we going to in the country where the Palmer route there have big boys fine-looking boy and we just finally when we see one looks pretty good who's plowing whom you were big plow turning plow next one's pretty good-sized he we finally stopped him and talked a little bored like that and we saw several I'm like that on his particular trip I'm thinking about it and finally we were riding along about another two mile and then we saw a great big boy round of mule with a big cloud of middle Buster that's really big as you can get him with milk and plow and we stopped and we asked him we don't want to find out something from you and you mentioned football oh yeah oh yeah would you like to go to this college way I'm coaching and I don't know about that what do you say what we want you to do is give us some directions what direction of that can you tell me when he named the town well it's like that town here huh he picked up that that cloud with one hand is imported down the road he said you go in that direction she turned to the right and you're gonna make it we booked him right now we took him one thing we had to be sure they could do we had some direction did point with a plow and he did that and I'm gonna take another bite it to this because it's good and that he know I hadn't had much pepper I'm gonna turn you in cut did she do it he'd and potatoes that's awful good job you see I'm am bigger now covered my right in even even my left he said what did here to him bigger no I don't know what he did but that what I am right I left hand don't make something difficult mean I just go ahead and eat come in shaken good I'm proud I got to tell you one more quick story the old man had a tamp down and head about in there whatever used to live in Livingston Parish with the cadence down there and but but a young funnel you just can't quite a bit it was just the one room can't they're small things and they appreciated what he did finally one of them said we'd like to paint oh you know we don't need paint it's always no we would like to paint it white on the inside would be very pretty and that ain't all he'll make it look much larger I guarantee when I'm doing all he said well go ahead on I could use a little more room I guarantee ain't he painted his wife may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine misha bested justin wilson fine products justin wilson calm that is good [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 35,528
Rating: 4.8921833 out of 5
Keywords: Mashed garlic, easy cookin, justin, wilson, Justin Wilson, Garlic, Casserole, Baked Chicken, Cajun, Creole, Southern
Id: mIreLQ2whEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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