Easy Cookin EP#5 Boiled Chicken Gizzards

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hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee come with pieces jambalaya just go here on and cook we haven't thought of shaking it our life turtle stew for me boys this is going to be to our charity talk to it like you know what I'm talking about I like this good I believe in easy cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and today we're gonna cook some things that I like and I hope you liked them too we'll make a chicken casserole with wild rice and she's gentleman bought some chicken gizzards I love chicken gizzards excuse me I've got hay fever gotten him mixed up last night I'm gonna tell you some stories but right now I'm gonna get this chicken casserole fixed up so we can put it in the oven and cook it and give you all the taste that's the meanest thing I've got two cups of cubed chicken that I've boiled and seasoned water I'm gonna put this in here get out of there well that's how come I got this little deal you don't know it but I'm kind of rough on things back treat me like that now get over there the brake just kick it up a little bit got chilly and that was pretty rare there we cooked there last night you know under this I'm gonna cook to 2 cups of wild rice the wild rice cooks a little different than our regular rice you know but it tastes good believe me dirt and goes good with the chicken in this fashion all we're gonna put together and I think you're gonna like it hope y'all put it over there get it out and stir it together whenever you're making when you're cooking something always every time you add something stir then I got to tell your cute little story that happened it happened in new courthouse in Livingston five years ago and I was sitting in her tit there was a man being tried for his best small ones big crime smaller and he gave the judge more hair than you can stand and final judge says look I'm gonna have to find you for contempt of court he said go ahead on judging find me I don't kill my dad go ahead he said well I fine you $25 for contempt of court look to him but that's all right it was worth every damn penny of it I'll guarantee all right chicken just get broke up a little bit there never door beeps are in little words then into this I'm gonna put down some cheddar cheese has been grated about eight ounces right that's a cup you know there's a cup where I come from oh I came out of there real nice stir some old get that chicken who knows what an act like that has been few pretty it's gonna be good yeah and I'm gonna put some other stuff in there over here I've got a little casserole dish that I've already put on them on the end to make it deep so it won't stick and won't burn won't stick this was a good part about it now into this right here now I'm gonna put a cup of steak sauce mmm that smells so good a cup of steak sauce and try to get it much of it our day as you can come on now let's mix up pretty room will be acting over me like that that most readily going now guarantee I now I want you to know when I cooked the wild rice I put some onion powder and garlic powder and salt in it you know and then I topped it with a lot of oil poured it over to keep it from boiling over and also add to the flavor and uh people asked me one time how can we put it out old as he could I like olive oil I know it's good for you it is good for you now I'm going to put this in here we get ready to put that in the oven as being preheated to 350 degrees for 30 minutes see everything already cooked it look good then that smells good already well I tell you one thing he's rough to have hay fever when it ain't hay fever time you just you know put cheddar cheese sliced cheddar cheese on the top of on his even little still in there which is going dude I'll guarantee you that then I said but kind of boy we gotta make it in a stainless steel it's the best mix things in because it makes enough nor to know you get something done we're trying to get all this off of the camera that's about all the way to be able to get out of there but I'll use my tasting spoon to get this out of here see here's my spoon I used to taste with him it smelled good enough to eat right this minute now I'm gonna top that with some cheddar cheese it's been sliced sliced cheddar cheese I love cheese fact I don't know anything I don't like some food I'll tell you that for food well here's my cheese come in the day let's get you on your way you belong she had a cheese slice real nice and you covered with the shuttle cheese that'll be enough in here to cover I'm gonna chop my hands off if I don't do better they didn't put that there like that now you're going share the cheese I tell you one thing I love cheese and they don't like much milk but I love cheese I do drink a little milk in my cereal every morning no I just started that again I didn't don't know why but I got hungry for cereal in the morning that's terrible used to pork chops and all that kind of stuff not dieting don't misunderstand me I don't ever died I just got a primo weight don't get too high that's my dog no he's think I'm not gonna put that down it right down the middle I'll show him I done the minute that have nice ignite and I don't be fighting and carrying on there you go shadow cheese and I'm gonna put this in his preheated oven in just one minute or two after I get this cheese like I would like to have it that decorate you know you know how it is you can't put too much cheese because it's gonna melt in and you'll never know it's in there but you know cheese was put in there to fight in the first and second place all right listen we'll put this in the oven and the stove right now and and come back in and fix these chicken gizzard like I like the big hole steal that stove for 30 minutes that's gonna cook for 30 minutes and it's being gonna be done I've got one little smart aleck timer clocks that I used to think like that and when that bell rang you buy the house jumps up around town you know there we go and let me get this out of my way we're dishing that and this and that just movies over there that I may want to eat some of that she's not a bit of ten but I'm gonna put this over here out of my weave now chicken gizzard this pot has nothing in it but right now I'm gonna put some water in it get my recipe no way to remember all the recipes but I'm a creative cook and I just love to to pull to put things together then taste them and see how they come out you know now in today I'm gonna put two cups of water right now and I'm going to turn the fire on so that's what the two cups of water in do cup of water turn the fire and put it on high that medium that's high I'm gonna put a cup of wine white wine this is a Chablis and if you want to drink it you could go down cooking with a wine that I I wouldn't drink I never cook with cooking wine because it got all kind of stuff and you don't wanna order and taste like and I have to know what it's gonna taste like you know put salt in that salt to taste it says well that's easy to do I know I'm gonna get it or not so know how much salt I got to put it got to put two teaspoons you don't believe there's a teaspoon I don't either but I do about that we're gonna marry that to show you that I do know what a teaspoon of salt II is come on stay in there let's do this right he that's all another one just like it in there that's like betting upon it uses it and I mister that salt in there good so that ought that's wrong I don't want to go anywhere at all no the enema put some onion powder I use onion powder and garlic powder and it works works real well that's for true I guarantee that is about oh I think we'll put about two teaspoons full that's just about a teaspoon full I'd bet money on now I got to put a little garlic powder in there about a half a teaspoon full of garlic powder that's kind of hard to get and in quite a half a teaspoon come on that is half a teaspoon for the garlic powder and so whenever you add two things turn a good smell good already now I'd like to put a little Worcestershire sauce and then we'll put two up tablespoon full of Worcester sauce I tried to get that move it on it will work I tell you the truth there we go a little bit more do you put a Worcester sauce and stir cayenne pepper to taste that this is made with cayenne pepper cayenne pepper and it's not real hot it says to taste it's just about right tasting do you know you gotta cook those these are right there you know I love these are and they make a wonderful pot a put that in it that food processor comes out real nice and I mix it with a little screen like whatever you want to olive oil may later whatever you have it makes a wonderful party we did let me see if I got out that garlic party in there I've got a cayenne pepper in there onion powder and dry white wine and watch the sauce in water now got to put the keys are more yeah that's good and I'm gonna taste this there's going that real nice now girls and boys this is I love them just like the all when it cooked I don't like the world don't like I'm rare either then I can eat this whole to town drive back here if I wanted to without looking back I'm gonna put this thing down and put a color on this cover the pot you know milord a fire a little bit because it's gonna burn and burn the pearl that's what they say in New Orleans I think you you know I've got everything in it just covers that these are just right get all that salt and garlic powder and onion powder down in there like it's supposed to put the lid on this thing red now I want to tell you a true story it happened in Plaquemine Louisiana many years ago there was a lawyer down I'm not going to tell you the name because I think he's still alive and he may kill me for telling the story so another 10 years names he was trying to mind it was a man lawyer and every time he was murdered somebody a brutal murder and he was worried about doing something about it trying to keep his man from going through the hot squat you know like they had the electric chair back there in so he'll get I've just got to do something what I'm gonna do he said it snapped it says yeah I know I got a friend out in the country they won't call him there for jury duty and he'll do most anything for me that unknown so they went out in the country and he found his friend with him and say man I want you to be on the jury he see from what Keith and he told me see oh or go to the electric chair he should go to the electric chair of guarantees you in just a minute I want you to build a giraffe glad to hear that I'll get on that jury out put him in a lady said no I don't want you to do that all I want you to did when you go in that jury room confessed damn it it's not murder you were manslaughter so manslaughter he's had a murder no manslaughter and I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you five hundred dollars - did $500 yeah he said we'll give you 250 of it now and when he come back with that view that jury says his manslaughter you get another 250 well that make it different I'll do what I can on just sticking there for manslaughter says what you got to ditch sticking there for manslaughter so they went to trial then the man that lawyer didn't have anything except a grief he said some people need you slide at people in and out of that grief he's like you knew what he was doing and the Jewish stayed out for three days finally came in and the verdict was manslaughter well the crowd raised him but nobody said anything in leading that night my friend Laurie Wheaton Igor my mr. Cajuns house knock knock knock all those he brought yourself in you he's a man I tell you right now you don't good boy shadow no nor drunk manslaughter said that's right well he's your the $250 it must have been real hard man you you don't know how hard but I held out for manslaughter the rest of them want to turn him loose I'd like to check monkeys hard and they're cooking like a poet a little bit burning man and we're ready to fire I'm gonna look at that fire real good it all gets too hot because this good stole can get hot here we go now then it got the ball and they got the boy you know I looked out and I see my bottle of hot sauce and I couldn't help but take about that little boy whose family invited the preacher to dinner one day something we used to call it invite him in there for supper and he came there and he brought a bottle of hot sauce with him then he put some on his food and he passed it through this little boy's father and his father took some he puts on his food and he passed it to him mama he took some of that put somebody on her on her food and he packed a little Barney he puts her on his food and he took a bite of that stuff he said preacher I know that in the church for a B'nai you preach Hellfire and damnation but you're the only T preach I ever saw in my life that took some samples of it with him I gather now I have over here or dish that I finished earlier me see if it's hot not too hot up let it cool down a little bit I'm gonna put it over here this is that dish chicken casserole with wild rice then I'm gonna get my plate and put some with this on it I'm bring my plate over here cheating taking that over there guarantee boom sitting right there some guitars and we'll have to sample after I fix me a sample of dishes pretty good I think they kind of trial didn't love it yes come over there I seen it do you cut that with your spoon know about it you know I talk to it like ignore the one I'm talking about got it Oh put that right there put this we are spill some on the stove and I hate to do things like that let me wipe it up with my butt move got it mmm good it is not hard hmm no I got another story when David first of all I'm gonna get myself set it down after I checked monkey saw I think they put it a little too fast and how I can hear him and you don't like that they said turn the fire down you Stan turn the fire down I see all right we'll do that is what I thought too hot someone put that down you want to cook till there's tenders or usually will get you don't get into all the way but I'm gonna put this on a low low fire no cookies are to go ahead and cook I don't care I got a friend in south Louisiana would love to hunt in one day years ago I was fishing with him and I asked him oh you like to hunt squirrel doll hell yeah I say you got a good score though no but I've got a good rabbit dog who I mean a good rabid dog he's real good he I want to tell you something you stand that's the best rabid dog in the country you know to weigh about that well I'll say I'm glad to hear that what kind of dog is he how old it's a hon dog the old man and man I'm glad you got a good rabbit oh how good is he huh he see the very best he is the very best ain't no question about that when you see the very best what do you mean I asked him he said it's only something huge that that dog when he start chasing a rabbit you got to cover up one no to keep him from chasing two rabbits at the same time I've got to open it one of you and get me a little wine now with this chicken you're supposed to have white wine if you like white wine I don't think your stomach is know anything about color so I like red wine I like a merlot wine and that's what this is I drink one glass of that every night before I go to bed then when I'm doing this right now I may drink more than one glass just a little bit more than that but right here is some geese hard I got to taste them and see if they come out all right mm-hmm they don't need a thing on the eating like that but when you look as I said earlier you put that in a food processor makes her beautiful a very beautiful but a good Cajun word for the GOP we're here but you're very good my just worked on own I put your napping on me little monster building get it all but I don't build that cat a little bit and drink another line to help that good go down you see how it is here that is good you have to chew this rice number code it's wild ride and I did the same it all the way but nearly a little bit of that cheese with it it's gonna be good and when now bet I bet money gonna be the put that gear on without bet it goes good oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may share for more information in a complete line of fine justin wilson products visit w-w-w dot justin wilson calm or you may call two two eight two zero seven five three seven nine Mischa beste justin wilson fine products justin wilson calm that is good [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 29,916
Rating: 4.8985505 out of 5
Keywords: wild rice, chicken, gizzard, cajun, food, cooking, boil, justin wilson
Id: wXKgNUmox-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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