Justin Wilson's Lookin' Back Episode 14: A Cajun Breakfast!

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Sauternes wine that needs just a little bit of salt you got to be it that pretty yet oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yeah hello there I'm Justin Wilson and I love eggs I cooked them 39 different ways one day Travis Nobel had an egg form and we decided to see how many different ways we could do that we took muffin tins and we put Cointreau and one brandy and one rise and all kinds of things it's not hard to get to the nine ways when you're a damn fool and we have fun doing it you can cook eggs many ways but I'll bet you haven't cooked him to wake his friend of mine and I did we were walking along the street near the old Biltmore Hotel in Oklahoma City and it was 114 degrees he said you know Justin it's hot enough to fry it on the sidewalk so I said go get a couple of eggs in minutes see I'll crack those two eggs on that Sidewalk sunny-side up of course any fried just as pretty as any eggs I ever saw on this show that were made for Mississippi educational TV more than 20 years ago I showed how to have fun cooking eggs of guarantee hi y'all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee and I'm ready to cook something for you right now - a lot of times those kids work hard all day we'd like to work hard and play hard all night and then we go to sleep when we wake up that playing hard and working on and running and playing then caught up with us yeah guaranteed and we're hungry so we cook up a cajun breakfast fast and that's what we're going to do today we're going to cook up a biscuits in armlet and big eggs and speaking of Higgs I got a friend named orbital applause got a store down it said Gabriel Louisiana and one day a little boy came in there and say mrs. applause you got some he named obviously he got hit a duck egg sweetie I don't want the duck I want some head you got some he said oh yeah got some of them good low bail for me but boss see how much they are Mitchell applause he say 75 cent a dozen 15 cent if they cracked little boys they will crack me a dirty little applause will you please gonna make them biscuit I like to make biscuit it'll make them they're often enough but I really get a kick out of making them I'm gonna take two cup of flour more or less mostly about the real mayor two cup of flour and I'm gonna put them right here on this sifting that one of them and we say in French come out of that flour that's closing up to two that's two cups and I'm gonna spread someone out here where I'm gonna put those biscuits but I don't want them sticking to anything particularly me put some more hanger than just in case I need it now I'm gonna put with this flour mix all my dry ingredients first if I possible can you know I can did that I got me a little measuring spoon here yeah I'm gonna put three teaspoons full of baking powder not heaping know about my level maybe a little bit better than level put that on here like this do tree put the lid back on this thing is I don't want it to to get away from it anima put a ba-dum a half a teaspoonful of soda now the reason I'm gonna put a half a teaspoonful of soda it because I'm going to use buttermilk needs a buttermilk biscuit what I'm gonna make and whenever whenever I used buttermilk when I used but I'm up to make them biscuit I always put two pinch of soda and that's a half a teaspoon my pinch that is I don't know your pinch maybe a little bigger a little smaller ain't no telling then I got to put about dump a half a teaspoon full of salt on that half a teaspoon full of salt if I'm still measure good better can there's a half a teaspoon see if I got it right man you know I want to be ashamed of myself I got that devil right that time now that's all the dry ingredients gonna go in there and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna sift this down mix it up good and it get ready to get this thing going out here so I roll them on now I got a this is a wonderful little gate for cutting your shortening into your your dry mixture and you got to do that is you're gonna have good biscuit I got a little show that over here I'm gonna put a bot dump or two tablespoon full maybe a little more but I I donned it and died if I'm gonna put more than that maybe depend on hottest look when I'm put it on there did you warn level to level in just a little shade more how could I like my biscuit to have me kind of like shortening bread you know I like that very much now what I'm gonna do and we'll cut that into this dough with this little gadget here call it dough cutter or blender whatever you want to call it I don't know what you call it but it works that's the main thing it fixed there real good a little flower that's to show but making biscuits you know you got to do things like that shutting the flower out down people know what you're doing and I got some buttermilk yeah know anything about this buttermilk it depends on I'm gonna put about a cup in and see how it reacts and then if I need more I'll put it but I can't take it out that's one thing about it I'm gonna have to add some flour and I want to do that too you notice I've got that cut in there pretty good all cut real good now to put the buttermilk on that make a little hole pour it in there I didn't put that full cup because it may be enough I doubt it but it may be enough and we want to be sure we got enough but not too much getting mixed up in that though you can't get out of it you got it too soft you don't cut it does a good job too I'm mixing up them buttermilk with the flour they ain't know if you see I'm gonna push them all now tell you what do I got some more here just in case anything up to but I think that's enough right now we're gonna see mix this up real good yeah I think I'll button got it they're gonna take this over here and put away I've got that flour spread out there to keep for more sticking to everything they're gonna put a little more flour on my hands to put it out here I'm gonna get a rolling pin just like old Maggie used on jig ya got that right they're gonna be just right just exactly right that dough cutter will cut you if you don't look out you notice how carefully I handle out put a little flour on my hand you know on this dough so I roll it out with a rolling pin wrap there you see them rolling pins a little flour on that little more flour spring around so we'll be sure that we don't stick up too much oh yeah that's gonna be putting out the best you ever put on you Mountain [Music] guarantee you just try to stick them up rolling pin jeez I'm not gonna let it do it little more flour there right there like that now we got it learning I rolled them thin because I don't like real thick biscuit I like biscuit to the 10 now I got a biscuit cutter here somewhere but before I cut them let me get me a pan I'm gonna spray that with Pam I don't know what we did what I did kind of like the invention of sliced bread you know it it really is something get that real good on that now but this here get this out of my way in my way right now put it over there where I can get at it you know they're you yes sorry you see them biscuit coming out they got them color working guarantee full to the alley I've got my oven preheating over there right now at 475 degrees that's hot guarantee that hot coming out of that just boom come on that biscuit won't you stick there try it I'm not good let it do it give me some flour on my finger that's right you know you got to work fast with these because they got a minor to own here start rising himself up before you know it before you wanted to did that get them on now that's what you call cutting up rolling in the dough guaranteed get on there now get off my finger now you're going get let alone fly all my fingers we gonna we got it medium I just get these biscuit tag right ain't going there boy good use this hand this time now thank goodness I'm ambidextrous that means I'm left-handed both hands yeah you know what I'm gonna do and just make me a couple of put it to put there to look kind of funny the taste good though hey wait to me are you going those are ones I'll eat I won't give them didn't y'all I guarantee now I'm gonna go put them on the oven that's a big bit but first one I'm gonna wash my hands cuz I can't stood this I got didn't get it off my hand for anything yeah now that's a pure sign I'm a good cook and clean cook could I get everything done just right I'll guarantee now we're going to the oven put this on the oven I won't waste that I offer you something putting it on something put it up here 475 degrees pre haughty now turn ladder gutter to the tower not digging turn up anyone ever did yet I guarantee in there nice huh boy just wanted a minute I got the white muck counter off I can't just do that and I can do like some people I know all right you know what I did didn't remind me of a story I got a friend in living new road that's about 35 mile from Baton Rouge in one day my friend would walk down the main street of new road but the times-picayune people roll up under his arm you know he would look for that smart kid in what every town got one out that if it's a cage in town if it ain't came down to smart something else you know he finally finally say I'm glad for you to see me change I'm glad you see me too what you want to know is how you know I oughta know Sam he said you would not look for me unless you want to know something go ahead and ask me I'm bound to know CCR and I would like for you to tell me where female woman's yet is located the smart can say what you said these I ask yourself a question and I want a silver answer I would like for you to tell me where female woman's yet there's a locate that's mark in say a female women don't got it yet oh you say yes yeah or no oh yeah big or no held oh hell yeah or no yet well that's martini and realized ebrill I didn't get some play dog you like they say look you so smart you come and ask me damn fool question how you know a female women got a yet he said I didn't ought you to ever actually return in an arm got that didn't do all the on Times Picayune paper hold it up on the front page he say cashew I write you rob you I've on the front page of did paper it's a wrap bail that if he may wouldn't been shot with a 38 special than the bullet it in her yeah [Applause] don't that hoodie I'm me he not guarantee that put it right now I'm going to make some eggs now you most probably don't know much about Big Dig but you're gonna learn right now we like eggs all kind of ways let me spray this with a little Pam go ahead and get them out when I'll get them did and then I'm gonna put ajust a drop or two of olive oil and each one indeed a little pan muffin tin just a drop or two and there's a good reason for putting that on there too it's because I like olive oil they're going we put them on their jazz bones just real good that was a little bit much in there but I'll eat that one no we got them out of all on there now I got a cup what I'm gonna broke my egg oh that's Jason Kidd that ain't all it's supposed to be you know if you ain't all it's supposed to be and you put it in it pain you got divorce you hold muffin tin but like this all you got did the idiot just put the egg on then if it ain't good you just chuck it out and get another cup and go ahead on Ned Warren be careful don't broke the yellow alright dad - that's a tougher roll shaking that guarantee see that's what you got to watch or he was alright three we go cook a half a dozen and then we'll ever get I acted that lady and in Birmingham Alabama once I said give me six pour takes that water for but never had water six before and told everybody going back to the kitchen embarrass me but I ate them sick porteƱo were none all the eggs good so far yeah we tough stuff a lot of artists share them chicken make them Oh she'll tough like that how come that what defeat them artists here for you know that don't you no let me tell you bake these first we're gonna put two with just a couple of drop up in a dick teen there'd be egg Benedictine baked who now the alcohol cook off in about ten seconds then they smell Google never got corn troll if you like to earn you're gonna like this right here Quinn troll baked egg I got in both of them but I'm try it again yeah you can smell the orange blossom now guarantee now this is creme de menthe green cream them on you can use the white if you don't want to color your egg but we can do them this way like that now we're gonna put them in a preheated 325 degree oven and let them bake how about that it's gonna be put it to guarantee ya know biscuit looking real good now I'm gonna make your armlet put it on high to get it warmed up look ahead and I'm gonna make you a rice a rice omelet but before I do that you know I'm talking to my dead I got a police radio in my car and I went down and start newsletter not long ago and I heard this dispatch of weed on deep south Louisiana said it's a kick take three seven three three calling car three car three come in and said this is car three go ahead with you message he said look what you 1020 that means where you locate he said I'm on the Express we're heading east he will turn yourself around and go back West cuz there's a dead horse traveling west on the expressway now I'm going to put on this omelet you you know it's not that dough minute told me that story his name is jean-pierre mild bruise close friend yeah I got a friend and then mama five years ago was 92 year old and we went to see her and told we had to leave because we want to go see the men go land on the moon geez we got to go we got to go see the men land on that moon she said who and she meant that she was as serious as she could be I hope that moon full when them boys try to land up there guarantee now we gonna make a little omelet you I put a little bacon drippings in there because I like the taste of it in my arm and you can put bottle I love all anything you or don't made some difference and I'll whoop this up just to these a little bit and then I'm gonna put them on here but I tell you what I've got some onion green on y'all how you coffee a lot you know I got some rice right here now I'm not gonna make that and we'll put it on there well make one of them put them on y'all but they're doing there like that then I'm gonna put the rice on top when I get it in there now we got the cutting this down that it's too hot we pour this in down real good gotta mix it got a mixin there we go that sound good don't hit guarantee now we're gonna put them Rice's scatter them around my hand just clean it just made biscuit wash my hand this is what the kitchens called jambalaya they call this an egg jambalaya to and that's something yeah that's fine now that's cooking real good we gotta let it cook a little bit before I put the lid on it but I'm gonna put the lid on there in a minute and let it get cooked better leave this up here to put my omelet on when it's dead put this down out of my way oh I got to check my biscuit - I don't want them to burn no hold yourself still oh that's the best ever me ha guarantee that the best I ever made I got to have a little hot pad here just in case I need this right oh yeah man you talk about good she's cooking up a storm just get after it there but on medium-high no I'm gonna close to the dad on this you didn't spill a drop I usually spill a drop or two every time I do that I'm just off keep things clean but these are the way now let me tell you right now you're gonna have biscuit we're gonna have cup a okay you ain't got to have a little cough let me see if I can't put it on my cup rat now gotta let demomen it cook a little bit me see about those egg they coming along geez mom when I raise it up in a little bit it's not quite hot enough put it at 350 and she get going I guarantee Louisiana coffee I want you to know that they know there's ain't no Mississippi coffee nor does Louisiana coffee right yeah yeah that's fine - I'll put that down no I got stuck I'm not gonna look at the momment yet you know I just can't hardly wait to you know it let me see if I don't look at it just a little bit ha yeah you come on there you rascal you that's cooking pretty huh guarantee who just get after that you stay cook up a storm oh man I tell you right now nothing better than a good omelet and made with anything we make comments out of every t bronze wrong now imagine a Cajun with a name like bronze wrong we do that we make we put that in our omelet G we also get shrimp dried shrimps we put in a blender make a powder out of that make on with that that's a shrimp arm and it's better than the one chopped up it really is all con army we make that and enjoy doing it - looking good I guarantee I got to turn it over I wonder how much I'm gonna spare this time I'm just Engel spilling on didn't spill a drop in that good I guarantee I'm proud of myself no I got the cash mine oh I don't believe I'll even show this to y'all it looks so good no believe you can stood it now there you read now this is fine look at that can you see that with the cameras note that pretty I'll guarantee that pretty I gotta let it cook get to the least a little bit more then I'm gonna take it off just like that oh it's cooked not cooked enough you know you got to cook the inside of you maybe don't cook them inside the run although everything I don't want that to happen you know that's bad the rice had already cooked remember how you cook rice I didn't use rice it wasn't cooked - y'all I guarantee I'm gonna eat it what took this over to the table oh boy I'm gonna have to get the picture ooh that's right now for me to even oh ho ho you kid yeah my big days aren't quite done but I knew that might happen so I just happened to have some more that I fix just at least a little bit earlier and I'm gonna haul off there and eat one of these is it a little green tint to it that's creme de menthe a creme de menthe egg got to be good guarantee is going to be good whoo-whee you know there's rice for this omelette came from the best rice country Ron that's in south Louisiana and I want to tell you something a real Cajun is a person what can walk by a 500-acre feel arise it estimate to the teaspoonful how much gravy to take to cover the whole damn thing and that's a real cake [Applause] now my Tony's got masks to put her salt on his egg then we eat them but I want to tell you about mom my good friend just had a Sunday School class and she was teaching her cheering all about Noah and the big flood it been raining you know she said no we're told or get take to Anam you love every con and put it on hark any bill him hark on a high hill so when the rain come in rainfall today and far tonight you couldn't see the Mississippi River to buy you and nothing else everything covered with water well it quit raining at the for today and for tonight then they got to find some land soon because the food getting low and so Lord sent out of dove that dove come back he don't got nothing teach y'all what does that show teacher say I don't know where are you wait about a couple of days you seen another dog art and that does come back with a olive branch on his mark he said T show you bonding or would that mean yeah I don't know Marie would about oh that mean that he don't fine land because olive don't grow on no water grow on land she said that's rad in a couple more days he sent another dog out in that dub did not come back do you know what that showed TJ I know I know I know she wouldn't that show T show she said that show the dog sees no no I'm up in south Louisiana I Geron these [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 73,870
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Id: 6gNPPBNkoLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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