Justin Wilson Looking Back Series. Seafood Master

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hello Dale I'm Justin Wilson boss shrimps is as much a tradition in south Louisiana had boiled crawfish or chicken jambalaya the secret to delicious ball shrimp lies in how it's boiled and what kind of dressing you dip it in if it's really boil ripe and shrimp don't need on sauce at all no I'll guarantee they'll have plenty of good flavor from a limo all inhale on your and the garlic and the wine or a wonderful season that go into the boiling pot people in south Louisiana are always follow to get the enjoy out of eating boiled shrimp or crawfish come to think of it all they got to do is spread some news people over table put our roll of paper out there and papers out and keep them shrimp coming while everybody's eating them the best dressing for boiled shrimp has a ketchup and horseradish base with lots of other stuff thrown in you see how I do it when you watch this show that were made 25 years ago on Mississippi educational TV now have you enjoys SOT there and wine that needs just a little bit of salt you guys didn't hit that critter yet oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yes Oh looking good guarantee that you find lon oh boy oh I'm glad you to see me I'd guarantee win that a beauty we got a beautiful red sample fill out a boy in that a beautiful red snapper I'm guaranteed as he fine worn it all and that will forgot I got a couple of friends with went fishing down in the Gulf of Mexico from growingdeer that's Grand Isle to you and one of them were told all about that they say you know me and my friend go out there and we kind of caught some fish I mean he hang one who with the fish caught a fish I guarantee I said no loss he said I ain't going lossing don't you were some not at all any about that i'ma hold on with him he said but I'm hang on something and I don't want to I said you just hold on we're gonna get him and shumai dive over there and followed him lying on down and you know somebody doesn't park an automobile right down the bottom them Gulf of Mexico down there and I get down there and looking there and he got a red snapper OOP it's about this big with 26 pound and I can toll that but a still you got on him you know and I reaching out see where he got himself hang up and I go to reaching him window on tangle him line and every time I did that that red snapper roll in wind up Gerald whoo man I'll tell you let me put him over yard away fine-looking boy you know I'm a a big fella but some of my very best friend a little shrimp and I got some right chimp note that pretty now in this pot right here I got full quart of water I don't put on and I'm going to add a limb on what I don't cut in half got to watch yourself and put them on that fast eat a lemon cut in half tree own y'all caught it up got tree onion quartered up there man and some garlic it's not it's not missed it just chopped up that's all put that only about two part of that and I'm going to put one leaf one stock why ask a friend wants to bring me his talk was there and he brought me the whole bush put that on now put some lien perĂ³n Worcestershire sauce about dum 2 tablespoon full sure 1/2 tablespoon full then I'm gonna put gesturing something to give it a flavor or a rear of level three cup of salt turn wine you use this white wine it does not discolor them shrimps - you know that's real good and then I'm gonna put 2 tbsp for a red pepper 2 tbsp full warm I'll measure that careful 1 tbsp - 10 yeah we go I want to get every bit of that on that I don't want to loss none of that I can get her on teeth now what you do you salt this until it's briny put themselves on there like this I'm going to put 9 tbsp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 put 9 tbsp on that and that the let that kind of stir it around a little bit to be sure she's all in there that's right and we let that seen in cooking that water just need a little bit now you use the same recipe for crab or crawfish you don't made some different but you you want to add a little more salt for crab and for crawfish because they take a little more salt and other crud or shellfish what you might cook and you want salt because salt is the secret of all shellfish to make them taste good I'll guarantee now you know talk about this these are fish and crawfish and crab I've got a couple of friends that went fishing I got the toll this on them they get one need wide 5 a 4 foot wide bateau boat not a pirogue know about oh that's the flat bottom boat and you get out there in the river and they all off in fish and fish and fish and they got some beer with them and they got some old master whisky about 350 lat in they don't caught no fish in about the laws to discourage you what I'm saying look let's do lost I discourage whoo let's make a little bet job bet you $5 catch more fish can you not only say you on I'll guarantee near each on his pocket and put it fire out then and his first one reaching in and finally get some fire dollar bill you got to put it back in when he's putting it back on his pocket there he slipped and soon he falls overboard when he came up and spit half damn meat river out but he don't swallow his friends say all better off I ain't gon bet with you if you're gonna start diving after my guarantee now I'm going to add five pound of raw shrimp this right chill I can get them all in this pot I'm gonna come close and it smells good already and I'm gonna let this cook about twenty minute put it over here like this during this par all wipe my hand just at ease a little bit now I got this pot right here I'm gonna put over here mm-hmm turn them fire off right there put this on war I'm going to show that with you see them another half now let me get one hundred have a latte and show you what I'm talking about see them holes stand away from that oh yeah yeah they standing Raven it it's ten away them to meat right there that's hot yep ten women there that's how you can tell if they're down and they float to that another reason why you know they'd on to a guarantee and another good thing you did it to taste them at the boil for about the 20 or 15 minute then you know whether they done or not out there on D now let me tell you I'm gonna have to go took these these shrimp right here and pull this water all red quick to be sure they don't cook some more but I let them steam dry pop now I just leave them right down that dim steam in a dry pot let them cool a little bit before we eat you know what I find in that fun that's the finished shrimps wrap down then you talk about good that's good I'll guarantee with that on wall now these are a real farm I'm on peel one of that because it's cool and see it IATI look there and it looks so good they don't even need some seeding own eaten in 400 you say it up that's fine I guarantee but you know I better make a little sauce a little dressing I just be that neat there because it is real good you know I'm just in this so appealing I'm their own D now some people like SRIA bra which we're going to do in just a minute but dump now can't we need them but you might want a little sauce and we gonna fix them up right now for you in this that's men is a mine it depends on why you from put it in there we beat that constantly and we pour a little olive oil on that and keep beating it all the time just keep beating that all the time and we bring that right back to where it's as far as it was if we beat that long enough you know nothing to it come right on back down and then I'm gonna put two teaspoons full of hot sauce man two teaspoons sound like a lot but not to teeth and I'll put a teaspoon full of salt teaspoon full of salt I'm gonna stir that up a little bit then I'm gonna put a 16-ounce bottle of ketchup on that whole doggone bottle going there now there we go we gonna make some sauce yeah ah yeah now I'm gonna put a tablespoon full of Worcestershire sauce on that and stir it up real good got to be stirred up I think some good note tablespoon um imagine this real careful to put that on now and I take a little lemon juice what I already got you and I pull in this catch a bottle because I want to get all of that and I shook that up see down see I take the ketchup out of that then we pull the rest of this ketchup ain't that fine who did not waste a drop no we stir that up and then we put a level tablespoon full of creamed horseradish now you can put more than that if you like you can add whatever you want it don't make some good but I want you to notice now you you don't cook this salt I just noticed in my own cookbook they said to boil for 30 minutes that's a misprint I didn't know I never used my cookbook to make it I just get after doing the cookbook of wrong that is there's you sauce you want that pretty that is good to guarantee that good will put over out of my way right oh he trip oh just put them here to bottom oh wait now I got some more raw shrimp here in fact I've got three pound to be exact with you and I'm gonna haul off there you know that sauce and shrimp it pretty good if I don't do something with all these little undressed shrimp this sure will be x-rated out there on thief now down yeah I got a pan that I got a quarter of a cup of olive oil in there and I don't chip up in this pan or stick of butter one stick of butter and I don't put it in the oven and melt it down the well they run around real good and I'm gonna fix that in just a minute but I had to do something to remind myself that that remind me of a story I want to told you about to friend with me what went to fish in Fall River that's about 35 miles from Baton Rouge and they really boat one of them named Amy thought of a name out seed and Amy and him catch them fish just especially Chuck in the water they pull a brim out and put it on the boat out she'd say Amy you know it's a shame we can't walk this place hi Amy said don't you worry I'm gonna mark this place and right now I'll see how you go and did that well he reached in his pocket and he get his knife he not decided to vote he say I got this place mark now we brought ourselves back any time we won't when he fish until it's just about sink the boat and they start back to where he read them boat and out she say you know Amy you smart who I'll guarantee but just see poor we don't get them same boat next time how we gonna find this place huh and this right here I'm going to add about two teaspoons full of Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and if you don't if you're not used to doing it you better measure it but I'm not I know just about what two teaspoon full is that's about right and I'm going to put one teaspoon full of Louisiana red hot sauce now this is not the bus go this is Cayenne hot sauce one teaspoon 1 1 1 1 1 teaspoon right you put it on there and we stir this up real good we mix it up good we don't want all that hot stuff to be on one strip no that ain't marrying good no now that mix up real good you and I put these shrimp in here one lamp and I salt and pepper if I get them all in there with salt and red pepper cayenne pepper ooh that smell good already nade him cook No mmm that's for sure come on shrimps get them on that pan we better come out even he's like the dickens to eat some raw shrimp mm-hmm that's smelling good can't tell which I'm smelling these shrimp that I'm fixing the broad those shrimp what I'm balling over there I know I smell shrimps well yeah that's just fine come out Cheers boom it means just wrapped in French okay not a shrimp left over cook every one of them dog going trip ah there we go now I'm going to hold off down and put some red pepper and salt on that you know this will make you sneeze you like black pepper if you don't look I kind of need you ready to the black that's all oh man at 40m hmm now we put some salt on that and remember this fish take a lot of salt shrimp particularly take a lot now I got a cup of Sauternes here but I don't think it'll take that much what you what you have to do is with this is you put enough so turn wine to bring it up to about halfway up the side of the shrimp you know but put it all over there because I don't want one trip to have more than his share now go ain't that pretty I guarantee that's pretty that's for sure put it down you out of my way now you put the ordinary in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes but I'm just gonna put these on here for right now I've already got one in the oven it's been in there about 20 minutes I will show them to you right now ooh-wee they're pretty yeah whoo look at that don't that pretty huh now I'm gonna put this on broad and let him broth for just a little while oh man we let them draw until they're ready and we're gonna eat them raw shrimp when you broad flip you want to add them just as soon as you possible can because I want to tell you they better that way if you you got the problem just write the kind of tricky you don't want to brown them too long no and not too fast and they'll be good if you did that way one time I never will forgot I slip up and brought him to dog gone long whoo they did not taste good but they sure didn't make some real nice hash souls for some shoot I had I'll guarantee you that now I'm going to start you put this over here and keep it cooking let me put my up there I'm going to cook some fish for you now I caught the snapper there but it didn't caught but warm what I got was some real good redfish they kind of halfway kin you know got some redfish we going to bake that for you we're going to make that for you first of all we got to sautee some green on you on what we got shell two and a half cup put that on you let me turn it up a little bit yeah let's get into saute in red quick then we put some Sarah one leaf or chopped celery then I'm going to put on this should i get to stir around just a little bit 2:13 arts can of mushroom stem and pieces there they are no no how come at 13 but that's what the recipe called for when I first stumbled on it - can we that's good enough to eat right there aren t mmm let me good now we can let this saute just a little bit while I'm getting something else done over here I'm going to put a little olive oil on this pan right here that to keep them flesh from sticking that's all that's fall put it on there now we got a we took a Gill out and we took them deal out of that fish you don't ever want to cook a fish with the Gill in it no sorry I'll guarantee and you want to cut them eye out because they look back at you if you don't did that you know you don't want to looking back at you know you're almost salt-and-pepper DS with red pepper and salt so the inside - don't forgot that the red pepper just to do them then we put this on the pan I'll get the other side and just omit it it popping inside that I want them taught about it put this right chill it in salt put on now mmm-hmm put that in there too we put him in here let him face his cut just like that put some old salt on this side you got salt both side put some salt on there like that and get my red couple put some of that on the inside - pepper both of them just like that hmm and you talk about fine fine our gear on teeth get rid of them a gill now this has been sauteing over here we put that in the in the pan on top of them fish we're gonna spread this rat now mmm get up you're close boy now you're going spread it on them fish all over who you talk about fine I don't want to waste any of that no that's real good I'm gonna rinse this out but some of this thought turned wine to be sure I don't where's that we now I'm going to put a little Ian parent on that because we got that have something that done Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon full this will do for menu today one tablespoon Oh and I'm going to pull that all over this right chill it smell good hmm now you thought I forgot this letter so turn but you roll put that on there like that mmm mmm that smell good I got to put a little up wine vinegar on them now Oh - and - I just put it on now I'm gonna sprinkle a little chopped parsley now the parsley is beautiful stuff to look at but I want to tell you something ladies and gentlemen it's a fine seasoning to us kitchens found that out a long time ago and we use it to season a lot of things that most people don't let me put this out of the way right chill now in that fine now I'm going to put this in the oven what the it's already set at 375 degrees and you got to cook that about 1 hour you get it over and open it the best thing for me to did right now it's on 375 I've preheated it and it's ready to go now you cook this about an hour or until the vegetables are done a tender and you can stick you fog in you fish all the way down to the bone and it's tender to the tenant now I'm going to get these the shrimp's out of you oh they smell good when they dawn - to just wrap just exactly right turn it move it all of them broil and I'm going to put some on the plate and go over to this table and show you how to eat some of that are there auntie ain't that fine mmm and while I'm here I might just well get a little of this fish that I fixed a little early so I'd be sure I had some in that fine for myself a little wine yeah let me get a little wine hmm I got a little garlic bread to go with this in a nice green salad and I want to told you all a story before I take one bite even I got a friend it was rode down the Bayou bank when they looking for some cattle to what he had and he saw the Bayou with real swole up from from reading what they had you let us wear them buy you a pretty good you'd like a river and he saw a Cajun sit on the side to bank and fish Danny rode up to me say my friend do you know a shallow place where I can witness this horse but I got she was riding horseback that I'd ride this horse across and I won't get myself wet huh this kimchi yeah yeah how come you want to go cross he I got some cattle on the other side and I want to round them up and I need to get across that's how come he say ok right down there by him stomping shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow you see alright so he rode down there and company when we jump his horse off and horse man and all go out of sight just his hat left float on top of the water up there and Marigny came up spitting that Bayou out anything how come you two told me that lie this kids yeah I did not lie he said oh yes you did oh no I did not he said just for them to rely on clam dish by you and beat you come move all the way to that I'll guarantee ok see I did not lie see I'm on this just doesn't get out of here he said I swear I did not lie just before you brought yourself in ask me do you know a shallow place where I can wade my horse across this Bayou just before you brought yourself a little bitty duck with leg just about two and a half or two inch long weighed all the way across right there but it's tough you
Views: 371,630
Rating: 4.8966002 out of 5
Keywords: Justin Wilson (Chef), Cajun cooking show, cajun red snapper, Justin Wilson Looking Back, old cooking shows, cajun in the city
Id: xI4Ra-jxdrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 07 2014
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