Justin Wilson Easy Cookin' Episode 13: Picnic Potato Salad and BBQ Roast Beef

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hi Olaf I'm glad for you to see me a guarantee from a paces jungle a please just go ahead on and cook get the partner shakin in our life turtle stew for me boss this is going to be - I'll talk to it like a know what I'm talking about I like this good I believe in easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi hola I'm glad for you to see me our guarantee and we've got a beautiful route we're gonna cook for you today and we're gonna make a picnic potato salad if I finally get this root in that oven there in this is a barbecued roast the way we're gonna cook this we started off at 350 degrees for 1 hour and then we turn it off and turn it down to 200 degrees for 8 hours cook it overnight if you want to cook it until this afternoon but 8 hours and it comes out just like this barbecue and I'll show you why in just a few minutes and I first got to stuff that devil with garlic the garlic is so good and I love it I'll make a garlic sandwich every now and then it's pretty good no stuffing with garlic green onion and cayenne peppers and I want you to know this never gets too hot I cooked all that hot out none of it in your left in there first of all I take this knife and make a little hole right here enough for me to hold for that hole to hold one little clove of garlic put that down in there real good a green on y'all put it in there like that come here to midnight cut it all right down and stuff this other side where the garlic is with this pepper going on in and hey homeboy man that smells good already obvious guaranteed let me put another one right in here tell me nice clove of garlic the garlic smells good you know what you put the rest of this green on your down in there you did garlic are do we get out the wave Oh Johnny boy and this all the way to look pretty come over there now to put this recipes in this hot pepper right down in here with them would be close to where his brother is on this other one get on in there oh nice going we just cut the top off it's all wood in here toughest pepper I ever saw put another one right here and I deep over there nice smelly smell like garlic idiot God if you better smell like green on y'all I mean even it go all the way down there you know yeah there's other people that things to do this dude not a pepper oh they have peppers he thought I'm not gonna put it in him and I'm not you go don't let them tell you that not all right and this is a 20 pound road my friend when I say tour the pond I mean just exactly 20 pound dog he would that switch over a half a pound there once come on garlic might just will give up I'm gonna put you down in and you kind of small so I put too get down in there boom green on y'all right by the side of there darling cutter all make it look pretty come here you thought you're gonna be lost but you not know get on in there yeah right here let's cut a dish away this time mm-hmm garlic put it down in there yeah hey green on y'all down in the hole decide you know anything quit all of you go in there hot pepper what is just put in here hot pepper just leave you for the last holding we're putting this little rope it's just 20 pound put that there like that I mean garlic kind of small so I put two and there just to be sure didn't didn't miss anything now on y'all go down in there all the way put it a little gone this whole hot pepper down in there make him feel good go down in there real good now not that done but this would feel like this what my hand or my little dish towel that I carry in my anger ease now in here you either put peanut oil or olive oil I like olive oil and I know it's good for you and I'm gonna put olive oil in there just enough to keep it from burning and if it doesn't take a great deal you don't measure this you just put out into you got enough sense to stop in other words you cover the bottom of your pot but the olive oil of peanut all that actually is about I would say two tablespoons sort of for the while ago that's about all I'll hear you laugh but that screw you now under this I got to put some salt and red pepper we know how to do that salt imagine that very carefully with my eyeball and put a good at that party now I don't rub it in our pat-a-cake pat-a-cake Baker's man it should be enough no oil nothing so for that and then cayenne pepper well Pat that too and the whole Meyer don't eat it had looked like a lot of cayenne pepper it is but it's not too much believe me good stuff the cayenne pepper is good for you black purple is would believe did you know that that's true would and I don't use black pepper to cook with I love the taste of it I just don't use it to cook with because I noticed indigestible I got to wipe that off and I hate to put it on here but and I'm gonna put it on this dish towel right here I won't be having it on mom down and forgetting put it up on my balls that's bad come over there got you moved up here now now I'm going to put this in here so that I won't be bothered with this being in my way I like to a little fork that I use the thing like this little fellas you know go down them down and what we want to do just pick you up really easy to do with my hand but don't want to be in sanitary you know no such word is its own sample what are you doing in there boy wrong plate now let's just go in this pot like a little gentleman you know that's heavy come out of that thank you I'll put these right here on this be difficult I'm gonna move what I'm gonna do though Mike I'm not gonna throw there's a particle way I'm just gonna put it down in there I'm gonna put a little juice in there make it taste a little more better you know no question about that get these peppers out of my way he's on you're out of my way and this thing right here I'm gonna put it over somewhere out of my way I've got to the man in the world on hate like the devil to drop that with some old you know take me on my feet my pole feets you know boom you got it now I'm gonna mix a little something in here this is two cups of dry white wine tasting white wine I'll tell you that don't ever cook with a wine that you won't drink and this is liquid smoke this is Hickory hickory smoke will put a teaspoonful in this don't want to putting them on there because look this stuff is strong no oh boy get out of my way let's move this so I'm reading be sure I got everything you got a pound yep yep yep now everything's in they accept this and I'm going to stir that with my tasting spoon I'm not gonna pour it on that rose no I'm on pour it around it that teachers going to teach that a little later myself it's gonna be good get all this out of my way put this little knob over oh I won't cut myself but I'm gonna put this in a 350 degree oven for one hour and this this is easy quick and easy barbecue it's a lot cooler in here it is outside I can tell you that let me see how much you weigh you don't wait too much I'm gonna put you in it her up and rat now here we go an oven trilling 50 degrees I tell you that for truth only a boy let's go over here and put this in their oven like you know what you're doing whether you do or not please now cook good they're born because you look so nice now I'm gonna make a potato salad with all this stuff here I've got to get my pot that ought to put that in right shield oh yeah put this over here out of my way cookie favor over here out of my way got to keep amazing food I may need him to measure some salt something like that you know but these over here out of my way along with that I don't need this recipe and more days I'm through messing with that meat I stand barbecuing it inside with nice and cool no it's just pig meat potato salad I've got five pound of boiled potatoes there and I chopped up we'll put it in this pot to mix all this other stuff with that except that and I'm going to beat that up and make a dressing it's 5 pounds of taters are taters you then go to wait through their meal but get right down in stir somebody missed that to me more probably trying to chop them up don't want to chop them too fine I like to have a whole mouthful why we can get good potato salad that's whom does a good job good enough look good enough to me and I'm the one I got to please and that was good mmm into this I'm going to put four will put six hard-boiled egg gonna decide I like egg and salad they're cold then I mix it mix it up and stir you still on the more we do this mm-hmm you know that the secret of cooking every time you add some stuff it keeps the flavor you spread the flavor more evenly like that believe me and that I'll put that I put a cup of chopped celery come in one cup of chopped celery right boy mix up going into that brother to that I put one and a quarter cup of chopped on y'all dance and it wasn't down without ano to me I tell you the truth not that I like onion but make it taste a little better it really does me I got to tell the story without weeds I ain't ready yet got chopped these tails right God and me and it is I put a couple of chopped dill pickles are chopping built it about it's not doing Rhenish these are dill pickles with the juice I'm on my hand to clean I get in there and stir no just a little it just to know you're mixing and we'll put 1/4 cup of chopped sweet pickle this is sweet relish we use it and it's good stuff there's enough me to you without guarantee who gonna need to mix you in bed then I'm gonna put up a cup of meta stuff out it's chopped got it throw that around a little bit there and I'm gonna put a cup of chopped black olives all this adds to the flavour believe me it does now think about everything in there on falling into it I'm gonna mix it a little bit and we'll make a dressing for this and the dressing is dope on goods we need it on cereal even it tastes so good now push your side and get a little bowl I got over here to do a little mixing with don't looks a little to me who Danny Boy now we going no nothing at all you think I'm not about to knock it off partner okay you answered myself this is mayonnaise and this recipe called let me move that damn things my haul to the man is a two cups of mayonnaise and we use I live on in this too and I'll show you what I do with it first of all I want to get all this in here all of the to cup down the other my waiting in line to get the really dip in it I'm using a spatula a rubber spatula get it out of here but much of it as I possibly can and that nearly all of it no people like pamita leavel didn't like when my mommy used to make cakes I'd eat that the dough that she had leftover you know always that looks good enough to me so I'm gonna put this back over here and into this I have two tablespoons full of a horseradish sauce and it goes good in this believe it or not and you find it out when you taste it two tablespoons full of horseradish salt and about hard for additional horseradish sauce but you right I bet you get all that all the code it's needed and I'm gonna beat the daylights out of it in just a minute it mixes right here with a little olive oil and we do that to make it taste more better a little olive oil here's go marriage it very carefully just about to and we take this whiskey and we get with it and beat this where it comes right back to the consistency of that man is it was a mine there's me in there whatever you want to call it down I caught it boat not on bad words to and I spilled some on me now into this I'm gonna put a little salt you got to have a little salt I'll put about a teaspoon for the salt and that's a teaspoon for better and that's a half teaspoon and I must stir that in there good too with this wish but I've got here in my hand I think its emotionalism and this is mild piccata sauce and this is easy cooking it's easy cooking got to taste that it's mild enough makes it good then I'm gonna pour it over this potato salad you can got the motion you ain't got just wing I'll tell you that that two things aha that looks good we've got to see how that ain't no that's all it is to it and put it on this let's sit on top while I go sit down and eat myself some it is I got a friend there was a guy we had a bad habit of drinking too much anyway I didn't man out no no punch him talking shop we're losing and he got drunk me he got drunk drunk drunk imma leave this here like that close hollyball up gonna go sit down cuz I got some stuff I knock on the old I cooked it ahead of time and fixed it then we go taste it see what it tastes like she was 15 if it is you'll all get a taste and my nose is just athletic running all the time I said myself down here like I know what I'm doing broke my chair but not where it's needed neither where I said and I've got some potato salad there's what I mean I won't finish tell you that story too got taste this so it looks good it looks good hmm hmm then when I met and he got into blind and that that God pounded him man he took out there to hunt dim duck had some good Cajun whiskey made of them tend to see how he called job Danielle he'd grab that bottle and tipping and he got drunk on drugs he had a single mouth shotgun me me pulling a wine that's always so good have a little wine when you want to eat this good food that's just that's just a swirl of this I have a swallow make that take a little sip of that bottom think about it mm I mean the duck kept coming over and wine tastes good enough for another sweater and that man was just wearing out his shotgun shooting at him and he told he God had come he'd been shooting him and shooting them and shooting them how come you ain't shot his young waiting to get a good shoot me but after a while here come one single Malecha flapping his wings and passing by there and that that girl Cajun raised up bloom heal that duck did me pal the fella took one said that was a damn good shot I'll guarantee that God says I don't think it was so good I should have got 12 1112 ulema martyr that monster flew Gerald dear let me taste it rope his brooch has got to be good looks good [Music] it is good I'm gonna do you that huh not just a moment you knew that Taylor said I loved his had enough to make it I love to make it even without potatoes and I do that too he's good I guarantee come in get out of that [Applause]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 20,577
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Id: KiOSvfW_q8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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