Early Spring Canoe Camp With My Dog

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what is that monty what is that thing monty i need you i need your protection [Music] what does that mean what do you go find out for us [Music] what the heck is that [Music] meat [Music] look he's got a big so come on come on come on well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with first mate pee poops mctoots and once again it's canoe season we are into boat and i've got a line already set and i'm trolling and uh we're doing some fishing oh here's a duck there's a duck over there on the shore it's a little bit breezier than i thought it was gonna be but uh yeah we've got we had a hair bit of a late start today uh we've got three hours until sunset a little little less than three hours till sunset the sun will be set and it'll be starting to be dark in three hours what i mean um and uh yeah we're spending the night out here hopefully we catch a fish i don't i would say i've got a 50 50 chance if i do catch one fish most of it's gonna go to the old mountain stinky back here and i'll eat some but uh other than that you know we catch two which we're getting crazy and thinking that's gonna happen uh well we'll eat some one but uh it's it's a little bit breezier than i thought it was gonna be i picked today because yesterday was super windy and oh there's a fish oh dang that was a nice bite dang it that happened quick that was a good bite oh i thought i had a good one all right so that's what we're using right now this little teeny tiny rapala we're just going to keep trolling and chatting for a minute here because i haven't taken a cashier that was the first the first line in the water and that was that was that was a nice bite okay we're going to switch sides on the camera so we can see it if so the only problem is when i'm fishing for trout i use a four pound test and this is the first ultra light rod i've bought and i actually don't like ultra rod or ultra light rods that much anymore they're just too too uh what's just just like that like it that fish bit and it was going like you know it bent in half and i think if it had a little bit more if it was my like my light rod it probably would have set the hook but when it's so light they can just pull on it it doesn't like give any fight back that gummy they got me really fired up fish of the year yeah so we're gonna do some casting in a minute here i just want to paddle and get to where the wind's coming from and then we're gonna blow back and cast that's what we're gonna do so like i said this is the first uh first time in the boat for the year first time fishing for the year we got an early spring this year um normally i don't even think last year i got to put the boat in the water this early i might have but i don't think the fishing would have been as good as it is now it's just been warm we got a really warm spell in early spring now it's kind of tapered back out and it's just an average spring temperatures but all the snow has gone everywhere pretty early this year so uh i think now that that happened i'm kind of confident that we'll catch a fish as long as we keep trolling i'll troll two lines if i have to uh now that that happened before i was like yeah well we'll just go out we'll see if we catch a fish now i'm just like we're gonna catch fish we want it we gotta have it um so once we get to the end of the lake here i'm gonna keep trolling and then we're gonna start casting but we gotta have a big old monty update last time i talked to everyone uh monty's lymph has returned and we need to discuss that so let's just get out of the wind because i'm sure the camera's picking up the wind a little bit oh i'm excited we get our first fish of the year our first snag of the year our first catch and cook of the year our first maybe we can get an owl tonight hear an owl maybe we'll see a turtle maybe a beaver an otter a harry otta okay we're at the end of the lake now we're gonna do some casting trolling and chatting another one's blowing around this way it's just way windier so you're gonna have to deal with the uh wind noise anyways i'm using the old meps aglia zero chartreuse and orange okay so if we get if we get a fish or a bite i'm gonna interrupt what i'm chatting about with monty other than that we're just gonna keep on trucking through so the monty um if anybody asks how monty's doing for the next long while i'm going to reference them to this point we did one of these videos on the beginning of winter and now it's the beginning of spring and we've had you know some updates with how monty's the whole situation and we're gonna start from the beginning give a quick up to speed and just go over the monty update right now that's the last time i'm gonna keep saying stuff like that so bringing everyone up to speed uh last summer at some point monty contracted lyme's disease he got bit by a tick or something uh maybe he got bit by funk probably a tick but he got lyme disease and uh we didn't know about it we were with a certain vet and uh you know he he started to get like a light limp and they we just asked and did all tests and like nothing so um you know that went on for a while and the limp just didn't go away and then just yeah you know just rest rest rest rest rest blah blah blah limp didn't go away so we're just like just didn't like it we wanted a second opinion so we talked to another vet and this vet did a different test and we found out that monty actually had lyme's disease and had gone on for a little while so with the lyme disease we had to give them antibiotics and it's it's it's not usually for most dogs it's not really that serious the lyme's disease usually just goes away and it's it's just not too crazy so we got him the the uh antibiotics and we gave him to him and you know we were thinking that the lie was gonna be under control it's gonna control the limp and he was still limping and it was we couldn't really tell which leg and blah blah blah blah so we thought it was an injury on top of the uh limes so it was just rest no going crazy rest rest rest blah blah blah blah and uh he got some anti-inflammatories yadda yadda limp was still there we were going crazy we were about ready to take him to a specialist and then all of a sudden the limp kind of just went away uh middle of winter there and we thought monty was a-okay 100 fine fast forward to easter where we did the easter egg hunt and he went crazy after frodo after that and that was like a week or two ago um he was limping pretty hardcore and it was def it's definitely his right so we're like okay what the heck like is this a new injury is this the same one as before we're just getting sick and tired of this dang limp and what's going on so like we're going back to the vet we're going to get some more x-rays and we're going to figure out what the heck's going on so we're first when we first brought him to the vet i didn't really mention it but we got a bunch of x-rays like all paws and shoulders and stuff we didn't end up x-raying his spine and i don't know am i getting a bite we didn't x-ray his spine and i can't remember if it was just like something we didn't think about or just like ah snag oh dang it dang it there's our first snag there it is okay got the snag so we got an x-ray of this spine this time and we found something so what we can see right now is that there is some bone spurs growing between uh a couple of vertebrae in the center of his back and we think that that is the reason he has got the limp is because uh you know it can get a little painful when these bone spurs are growing now we don't know the reason for the bone spurs growing um it's some kind of degeneration and we are working to find that out what we're doing is uh we're taking him to a specialist it's gonna get pricey we don't care there will be no expense spared to take care of the monty and make sure he lives a long healthy life now um what it's called what it's the technical thing i'm pretty sure that the the vet says it looks like spondylosis deformance bear with me it's basically like arthritis in his spine now we're not sure if it was caused by some kind of like crazy thing or if it's just from the lyme's disease and i'm thinking it's from the lyme's disease so what that means for the old mon stinky here is that exercise exercise is gonna be good but only very very light exercise that means just casual walks absolutely no bouncy bunny um can't be hopping at all um he's got to maintain a pretty s he can't get fat so he's going to have to get less dog food he's got to just stay skinny because that helps a lot so the old month stinky back there i'm still gonna give him you know treats and stuff we're just gonna have to give him less kibble to make up for like if he eats fish and stuff blah blah blah we're gonna have to have modified sleeping pad battles um and i also don't know how a spring trip is gonna go um i'm pretty soon here i'm gonna go on a solo trip and there's gonna be two options i'm either gonna go with monty and do a very casual portage fishing trip or go with ruger and do my main thing what i'm leaning to right now is doing a uh fishing style trip where there's barely any portaging we just go on bigger lakes because he can sit in this boat all day like this is fine this is actually good for him and i think for his mind i mean he loves it in this boat i just uh i don't want to have to keep making him not go on walks and stuff because he goes crazy when we when we have it so he's not going on walks and he's not doing much the second he you get him excited he goes nuts he uh what did he do the other day i took him on a leashed walk and i let him off the leash for a split second i was like all right monty just go poop because he doesn't like to he likes to go off and poop wherever he needs to do his thing i was like go poop instantaneously he ears went back and he just lunged at me so excitedly just like bounced at me and just bounced twice i was like ah like dang it and he was limping pretty good after that it's like just just because he gets so cooped up so he's got to go do something and i think the canoe is his best bet yeah we're talking about you monty he just looks so at peace right now he's so happy so back getting back to the whole mind discussion anyways um with this whole spondylosis deformance it's look right now we can't see very well with what the the x-rays that the vet had that's why we need to go to a specialist and as soon as we can get to a specialist is sometime in july that's absolute soonest and uh yeah which sucks it really does suck i mean we'd love to give them in tomorrow i i want to get them in as soon as possible but there's nothing i can do so we're waiting till july and uh with the whole what we saw he uh it looks like his uh two of the vertebrae in his spine are like connecting they're making a bridge and connecting with the bone spur and it looks like it's not on both sides yet but one side does look like it's connected which is not the best thing but uh there's not much you can do you know we don't know what caused in blah blah blah it's some kind of degeneration whether it's the lyme disease or something else going on we're not gonna know much and we're pretty much not gonna find out anything till we go see the specialist in july so um yeah i'm not gonna have any new information about this whole monty shift jeez monty i'm not gonna have any new information until we go to the specialist in july so it's gonna be months um we're just gonna be taking it easy and uh doing our best now as far as camping goes i'm obviously gonna keep taking monty out uh because he just he just hasn't been getting a lot of camping in this whole winter it's just been a just a crappy just since we found out he had limes as far as camping and limping and just injured stinky old monty goes it's just been crappy it's been doubt he just and he just doesn't know what's going on you know it's not like he's in pain he is still just monty 100 monty and that makes it even harder if he knew he was in pain he'd probably take it easy a bit more but he just doesn't he's just going as crazy as ever so what i'm trying to say is that for the most part we're going to be doing car camping if monty's is with me i am not making him walk too far from the car to get where we're going um like i said he can do light walks uh so usually when it's just me and him he doesn't go too crazy he kind of just follows me and walks around if ruger's with and he's not on a leash uh he just gets just this look in his eye and just out of nowhere he just starts attacking ruger and bouncy bunny and going crazy so if ruger's around he's gonna be on a leash which means he's probably not gonna go camping with ruger here until we figure out and he gets healed up uh cause i don't like to have him on leashes when i'm camping and dealing with stuff so yeah i'm not gonna let him and ruger be off leash and i turn my back and monty's just like making his injury worse so yeah i mean that's all i really gotta say about it i mean we're just you know hoping that there's no underlying issues that it's just uh is what it is we're gonna do everything in our power to stop it give it anti-inflammatories and whatever we can to make it so it doesn't grow larger and connect the top and bottom of the spine and uh we're just gonna wait and see till we get uh to the vet or the specialist and we're just gonna take it easy he's gonna continue to go outside just light amounts of this and that and walking and yeah so if we learn anything new or you know something else comes up i will let you guys know but other than that you guys are gonna have to wait just as long as me to find out if monty's what's going on we have to wait till july and i will definitely bring it up so let's just get back to normalcy and uh enjoy this first day of canoe camping right monty yeah that's what you think oh oh me too okay let's catch a fish okay you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do one round around the lake of trolling i just because we had a bite already and i would really just like to catch a fish my first day out i just i just i need to catch a fish so i didn't really plan on trolling so i've only got one of these lures otherwise i would use two so what we're gonna do is put this on my good pole and i'm gonna put a little mini spoon on the other pole and we're gonna troll one round around the lake and then we're probably gonna set up camp and we can do an evening fish so i'm gonna get both my lines in the water and we're just gonna do a nice relaxing paddle around the lake trolling a fish just jumped right in front of the boat so we're gonna run our lines right over it come on come on dang it that was 100 bite dang it dang it you saw it i think you did maybe you didn't dang it that was another bite we're getting to the corner here turn dang it oh this one oh we got one oh we got one oh it was on the spoon oh is it still on i think we still got it oh come on baby yes [Music] over the boat over the net yes yes all right awesome first fish of the year awesome oh that's great okay so what happened just now was complete and utter chaos complete and utter chaos so i got my one fish off and my battery died oh god come here dang it i was bringing my other lanks i had to get a new battery and i got one so i got two beautiful little rainbows this one's a lot more beautiful than this but this is perfect for what we want tonight with our food um just absolutely perfect i mean look at this guy yes so um yeah i was just bringing my battery died and i was bringing in the the trolling lure and just bam and i could tell it was a nicer fish so we're going to get these guys on the stringer asap and i don't think we're going to do any more trolling we're just going to do casting because usually i do trolling if i want a fish dinner like i'll go a little crazier but now we can just cast so we got one on the little spoon this just went way better than expected way better than expected a lot of fish slam in the boat but that doesn't matter a ton dinner has been secured oh yes that feels so good that i can't even tell you how good that feels i feel so good monty you're getting a full fish to yourself bud oh my gosh i'm getting so lucky with the timing like the wind is calming down and they're jumping like crazy right in this area so i'm gonna fish for another hour before we set up camp now i was just gonna maybe go set up camp but they're jumping so what i've got what i caught the first one on was this i didn't it's a little teeny eighth ounce cleo chartreuse and green i didn't have any hits on my spinner so we're going to try this out oh i just cast a near one oh man this fires me up oh i love catching fish you can hear him jumping all over sounds like they're out yeah they're on like the middle come on come on fishy oh right in front of us right in front of us come on right there they're jumping all over the place they're jumping all over the place i always have more luck with my spinner when they're jumping like that or my yeah my spinner i think i'm gonna have to switch back [Music] there we go yes [Music] now with trout um when i'm not keeping what i'm keeping them i don't care about putting them in my net but when i'm gonna let them go i try not to touch them as much as possible and if i do i make sure to wet my hand i'm just gonna loosely shake the hook out he's barely hooked oh there he goes just gonna let him go i am like a kid in a candy store right now that's two on the uh spoon i think that's that's gonna be the winning lure right now i think that's the that's the in color because that that rapala i got is blue and chartreuse with a little orange so it's at chartreuse right now and at least in this lake at this time oh man i don't know how i'm gonna stop fishing we might be setting up in the dark if they keep biting so the meal i planned i actually didn't plan on catching fish so i kind of got it it'll work with fish we're still going to eat fish and it's going to be delish fish but it would have been okay if i didn't have any fish if i was going to be like this i would have planned something else it's okay we might be coming back here very soon oh man once you get your hand wet it's a little chilly a little bit chilly on my hand i mean it's it's like 40s upper 40s right now oh next one if we catch another one we're going to try to do a fish release cam i don't really do those with trout very often oh there's a good boy monty monty's groaning i'm having this internal struggle battle right now um i know trout fishing always gets better towards dusk and if they're biting good right now i think it's gonna be even better towards dusk so part of me wants to just go set up real quick get some wood and then just come fish the evening let monty stretch his leg a little bit monty's passing out oh breeze is picking up all right we're just gonna take like 10 more casts and then uh we're gonna go set up camp or one more fish but if i catch a fish and cast one or two i'm definitely gonna finish off the rest of those casts oh that breeze it's actually kind of cold i think i need to reiterate how exciting this is for me normally fishing like this uh for trout and stuff it doesn't happen for like almost another month i mean i can't keep bass pike or walleye for another month bass not even a month and a half like that's that's pretty far out and normally i like the trout fishing is pretty good like first couple weeks of may is when it starts but this year it started like almost a a month earlier to where it's it's good because i i mean it's it's good don't don't get me wrong i don't i'm not an expert fisherman so uh you know people as soon as ice out happens people just that that know what they're doing with trial just slam but for me i normally don't catch them like this for almost i just saw one swipe at it for almost like a another three weeks and now i'm gonna get a whole month of catching these trout like this there's so many spots i'm going to try i'm just like my brain's just like oh i know this like this like this like we're going to all of them we're probably going to come back here i invited captain teenytrout to this for today and you know he uh he didn't answer me so he missed out and i am definitely gonna rub it in so we just need to catch like 10 more fish so i can just just what what's better than this right now i got the old mon stinky blue squies well they're not really blue supplies back there but there's there's blue skies up ahead no bugs zero bugs and the fish are biting it doesn't get better than that the no bugs thing while fisher biting is it's not something i'm used to oh we had a bite so we're gonna pretend it got it got injured do it bite the lure i find this lack of fish to stabbing they're jumping over there too all right we're gonna go set up we are definitely gonna troll our way to camp but we're gonna go set up or maybe i won't troll we'll just take a couple cast moments that'll be better okay all right okay all right you talking into a monty that's a nice stick you just simmer down mister you be careful so i did not know this i didn't know that this existed but there is a fire ring here i did not know that this existed this is a great spot this is awesome it's perfect it's perfect so this is we're gonna set up now the wind is kind of coming off the lake it's pretty breezy so uh yeah it's not the most ideal situation [Music] because i want it the only there's not really much room to set up a tent here uh that's not close to this fire i mean there's plenty of room to set up the tent but but if the wind's blowing i don't want to set up my tent and have the fire while embers all over my tent it's set up right here it's kind of a way it's just really close hmm this is going to have to do right here old man stinky yeah because right here's this is the best spot right where the this fire ring's in a poor spot i don't know if this is just some this looks like something that just someone just put here there's no time for if we burn a few amber holes who cares we might we might catch another fish all right monty right right okay i agree i agree let's not worry about it i know what you want i know what you want what you're thinking it can't happen like that right now we gotta be safe we gotta be safe okay please [Music] please so another thing we got to do because monty's uh you know can't be bounced around we've got to do modified battles never mind no battles no my my bad my bad monkey come here you can't bounce like that don't bounce like that can't we just can we just have to come here can we just have something like that like this okay all right mr berkey i get it i get it okay you win geez i made you bounce and there's no going back it's too late it happened you bounced and now i look like a big jerk yeah that was like a big jerk see he's not limping right now it's i think a lot of it has to do with stiffness um so he uh he gets a little more stiff because of the whole spine thing in the bone spur i wouldn't say he's in as much pain i think his limp is caused more by stiffness another thing i want to say is that um normally when there's no bugs i do not camp in a tent i use a tarp the reason being is i like to be able to see the woods when i'm out you know tense you go you tuck yourself in and you just can't see like the twilight hours if the stars are out well looks like it's just getting cloudy tonight but anyways you just you just can't see as much when in a tent but when the bugs are out i ain't going to be caught without a tent but i could go today without a tent except for that i'd like to just test everything out make sure everything's good to go you know you always just got to use everything especially because i'm going to be doing an extended trip coming up here i haven't really thought of much about where i'm going exactly and you know how long i'm going and the path i've got a small idea but i know if i take monty i'm gonna have to do small portages and not a lot of them and for me i'm gonna need good fishing so i'm gonna find the perfect uh spot i'll probably end up visiting spots i've or loops that i've done before that's more than likely what's going to happen if i'm taking the old man stinky which let's be honest i want to take him the only way i'm not going to take him is if i know it's like just a hundred percent bad for him if that's the case if it's just gonna like cause permanent damage then we're not taking the monty but if i can make it safe for him he's coming we're also going to be trying out some new stuff uh new sleeping pads because uh you guys you know if you follow the channel for long enough you know we've popped a pad or two like i was saying he's oh no what could have caused a hole yeah i don't know [Music] and i just because of the whole thing going on i couldn't send in my my damaged pads to get repaired so i had like six of them and uh sent them all in one couldn't be repaired this one that i'm using they repaired and then the rest of them they the one that couldn't be repaired they sent me a coupon for a new one to like get 30 off or something and the rest of them they sent me these new ones so three i think it was three of these they sent these new ones and i blew one up and i just do not like them this is the first pad by therm-a-rest where i am just disappointed it's called a toppo lux and it's just it's like it's so thick and narrow that i feel like i just roll off it and but that's that's just the first impression i had when i blew it up in my house it's like oh i gotta just check it out um we're gonna try it out tonight and i'm gonna see if i like it or not you know you'd think that it's so thick that it'd be super comfy and you know that's normally the case i think it just needs to be a little bit wider it's just too too skinny and it's almost like a it's like you're laying on a water bottle i don't know we're gonna find out tonight if i have a terrible night's sleep i don't know what to do because i got sent three brand new ones i wish they would have just sent the same one because i'm pretty sure they just make these i don't know why they i think it's just like they're like oh let's just have them try the new one you know rather than repair this one we can just send them the new one he'll he'll appreciate that more and i would simmer down monty he he is so happy to be out right now with all the spring smells and stuff dang it monty he's just running around he's he was just moping and he just saw me and came running what are we gonna do monty oh and one other thing i want to bring up i'm doing a lot of blabbing today okay this is the first canoe camp of the year i caught three fish i'm excited monty's out we're excited first canoe it's so exciting and there's so much i gotta talk about you know going into a new season there's a lot of blabbing in this one but anyways what i'm trying to say is back into monty's injury swimming is good for it so he is going to be retaining his monty phelps title and he's going to be swimming like a madman it's a little bit too cold right now he doesn't like going in the water when it's cold like this and the water's really cold but pretty soon here on warm days we're going to have him swimming even when he doesn't want to get in he's going to swim for 10 15 minutes because that'll strengthen up his muscles his back it's good for joints and uh i just want him to be just like a beefcake like the monty phelps as strong as he can be and that's the only way to do it we can't have him going and running hard and stuff don't you dare talk to me like that dude okay okay [Music] okay we've laughed enough we've shown enough of this i'm gonna finish setting up getting all this crap in here then we're gonna get some firewood and he's bouncing too much just dang it monty you're making it not look so good for our week-long trip dang it if he bounces if you you bounce too much it's not going to be a good idea monty so please just contain the urge and the excitement right now fish out there we gotta catch [Music] okay that made me way warmer than it needed to be or than i need it to be [Music] geez he's like rearing up on his back legs oh monty he's crazy he is uh well he's excited to be alive and be out here right now uh yeah he is pumped he's been waiting for this moment so um in an hour and 22 minutes it'll definitely be darkish it's not gonna be like we'll still have light in the sky but definitely uh hour 22 we've got firewood we're all set up pretty much not everything's set up perfectly but uh set up good enough to where we can go do some evening fishing which is what i want to do i'm very warm right now like i said it's like upper 40s just bringing these few pieces of wood i'm sweating but i know i'm gonna get chilly once we sit out there oh there's a fish jumping we gotta go we gotta go now okay we're gonna get some layers and bring it all out with us we're gonna fish go fishing okay so they're biting on the spoon we know that so i set up my other pole with my blue fox super vibrax one orange and chartreuse i always like the orange and chartreuse best so we're gonna try this out and uh see if we can get a bite on this one because let's be honest we know the uh the spoon's working and yes we could probably catch more with the spoon but i want to see if they're going to bite this one and i've got a couple black flies that are floating around me and they're not they're not bugging me at all but the second they do i've got a special weapon for black flies we're trying this year that i think is gonna work but we won't know until it happens but i'm not gonna bust it out until they get nasty the time i didn't cast a lot with the spinner butt is that a jumper over here but uh for for how well these fish are jumping and biting from what i saw they should be or i would have got a hit on that spinner normally so maybe it's just the action maybe they like the spoon action right now the and the lure is kind of there's a little more action moving side to side more this is kind of stagnant spinning it doesn't you know it's not aggressive looking and for those of you that did watch my 45 second video on sunday where i was hula hooping uh obviously today is sunday i recorded that and this the same day um i used to just not really go camping on sundays like if the best day of the week was a sunday i would just go a different day but i think i'm gonna just you know if i got a sacrifice you know a day or so to release because i want to go camping on sunday because like the best weather day i'm just gonna do so going forward because there's definitely been some nice sundays i'm just like ah you know because i release on sundays so i'm not gonna wait till sunday i'm gonna go you know friday or saturday sometimes but we're doing it we're doing it today was the nicest day as far as wind sun and temperature goes and it was a huge success we caught three fish nothing more needs to be said about it i think if i trolled they'd still go crazy oh yep one's underneath that tree right there right near where i just cast are we no one's there so now let's try blackfly let's try this lure let's see if we can get a bite oh there's you must be stealthy oh we definitely just had a bite dang it wasn't an otter i think we see an otter we're gonna switch to a spoon but we're gonna go say hello to the otter hello hariata oh he's making a noise don't mind us monty it's okay it's just not her don't worry about it monty he's just hanging out you're a swimmer harry ariata [Music] hey you're following us i'm not following you okay oh don't make that noise towards me you're fine we're not causing a ruckus well they're still jumping they're still jumping they're still jumping they're still jumping a little chill in my arms i'm gonna have to put on this jacket here soon but not yet but to commemorate the beginning of a new season we're going to crack open ember that's what we're going to do oh my gosh mr otter is following us so for any of you out there that think i'm following this otter no he's actually trying to catch up to us now i think he thinks this is his like it probably is his lake and he doesn't want us fishing on it all right i got a line trolling just like i said i wouldn't do because i have an addiction to catching fish that's that's that's the truth let's be honest so now that it's slowed down i'd like to catch one more i mean i don't think i'm it's it's not gonna be the best setup because it's just going to be slow moving while i'm casting but there's still a chance pretty just pretty sure i just heard our otter friend you can see the glow in the sky sun's getting close to setting i always have the worst just fisherman's emotions uh like earlier i was like oh i caught three i don't even care we don't need to catch any more fish and then all of a sudden i'm just like oh you know it'd be nice to catch one more fish and then all of a sudden i'm just like i really want to catch another fish like what the heck oh i'm not gonna i'm not gonna troll no i'm good i'm good no no wait you know i'll troll why not i mean i could catch another fish i'm like i haven't had a bite in a while i kind of need to catch a fish now and then i get to like super desperate i'm just like okay we're gonna start trolling i like i haven't caught a fish i haven't had a bite like something's wrong it's like a play-by-play what's going on right now oh yeah that's how that's how it goes i'm also gonna do so i'm gonna try to do something this summer that's a little crazy and if you're a fellow fisherman you might know what i'm talking about but i am going to attempt to not spend that much money on new lures this year i've got so many lures so many variations so many things but i have an addiction to just you see something you're just like oh my gosh that could catch a fish i think that could catch fish you get it and then yeah sometimes you use it sometimes you don't you see something else you're like oh that could catch a fish that right there catch a fish yeah i have that problem but i'm gonna try to just use what i got this year because i've got more than i need if i had a smaller selection and i was you know forced to use that to catch fish i'd have no problem but now i've just got too many options do you want a tree do you want to go for the dog park do you want to be a couple white you're the best boy monty there's a goodies boy why are you so cute monty why you think you want to squish your face why do i want to switch your face why there's a good boy oh yes we're gonna get treats later dang it the sounds of spring are here did i think i was gonna go swimming today no i did not monty i tried to step on this log here to go pee and the log rolled pretty good and i stepped and the ground is soft so my balls have shrunk significantly because it's quite cold and uh well i'm soaked dang it [Applause] there's just not what you can do about this one everything is soaked down below so uh well monty could you look less calm could you just sympathize with me for a minute yeah okay why monty oh that is a big leech there's a big leech there's a big old leaf chair monty okay so now that i'm soaking wet we are going to just i think we're done [Applause] that was fun i mean monty you could just sympathize with me a little bit here now my seat's gonna get soaked it just happened in slow motion and it was just the worst i was on the log and i had i was holding the boat and i was i had i was on the log and i was pressing on the ground but the log just started to roll and i couldn't stop it from rolling forward it was just like an irreversible slow roll and i just slipped off and stepped in and from there i sunk in never mind we're going back to camp [Music] i don't know any of that was reporting just a second ago but i just spilled my just fell in the water all that and i was going back to camp and i was like you know what i'm gonna troll because i don't care and putting my hand that's a beautiful rainbow trout that's that's one of the biggest rainbow trouts i've caught in a while that's a 20 22 inch rainbow right there look at that baby oh yeah now if i had oh he was barely hooked i wetted my hands don't worry he's fine okay we're gonna let this guy go i wish i had gopro [Music] all right he's free now we're getting back to camp and i'm gonna change my pants okay okay monty [Music] i think i'm a genius i think i'm a genius monty come here you fuzzy oh don't go between my legs that's not a good idea right now okay oh so you know it's uh we're pretty much car camping but what could go wrong well i don't know what it recorded but up to here i went in the water so everything is completely and utterly soaked hey check this out oh that's good that's what you want oh my gosh yep we got a little bit of wet and i got my waterproof socks on but the thing with waterproof socks is i'm only saying they're waterproof if you don't get the water past there you go past there i mean they're gonna fill with water which is exactly what they did so you know it's getting into the 30s and we just went in the water so what we're gonna do here is uh yeah i'm going to change into my dry clothes which i don't i didn't bring dry pants because what could go wrong if you're just going out of the lake i got my thermal layers so i'm going to put on my thermal layers i'm going to be walking around in uh long johns in my cracks and this right here i've got thermal layers but i kind of want to dry this out because a hoodie is comfy so i'm going to wear this even though it's a little wet i'm definitely going to want to dry this out because it's not fully soaked it's just soaked up to here so i could just put my thermal layers on my jacket but i'm going to keep this on and let my body heat yeah this is fun okay so i'll check back in with you guys when i'm all situated and then we're gonna spark up a fire oh jeez [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah oh boy yes oh my gosh yeah so uh i'm in my long johns you can see totally fine totally warm i've got a little wet waist because i'm just drying out my sweatshirt um my waterproof socks definitely it just leaked in my pants are just totally soaked i don't got another pair of pants so i'm just gonna be wearing long johns the rest of the trip which is fine it's it's fine it really doesn't matter like do i need to wear pants no uh my wallet's soaked my phone soaked uh months you're getting embers on you i don't know if you should be sitting that close monty why don't you come over here monty over here right here come runty come here yes i didn't want the tent really right there because these embers it's only going to be this initial burn once it it burns down and the other thing is the ground is soaking wet um it's not dry out right now it's the ground is very wet underneath these leaves so it looks like you know there's leaves everywhere and dead sticks but the ground's soaking wet so you don't have to worry um so yeah i am going to set out the stuff my wallet i'm going to hang my pants and my socks and all my good stuff and we're just gonna relax and then we're gonna start preparing dinner here i just i just need to get situated i wasn't expecting that it's a little chilly out i know what you're thinking wow look at him long johns crocs what's sexier than that [Laughter] oh the answer is not much for being if i'm being quite honest so we're trying out a new saw today this was sent to me back it's actually it's kind of poetic the last video i gave a monty update when we did the whole thing where i referenced everything uh i tried out a new saw it was the borel 24 and they also sent me the boreal 21 or no the boreal 15 which is what this little guy is it's more for uh you know compact lightweight so we're gonna test it out now i like the boreal i like everything you know what we're just gonna we're just gonna saw like this [Music] it's just smaller than the other ones and i'm gonna see that small size makes it not as enjoyable to use oh that's not so bad [Laughter] oh yeah there we go okay so yeah i'm just gonna swap some firewood here i'm not gonna saw crazy pieces this uh fire pit needs to be dug out we're just gonna make these a little bit smaller here and then we're going to prepare some dinners food i planned on not catching fish so i brought out a piece of venison and some brussels sprouts and i was going to bring some potatoes to make up you know just grilled potatoes but our bag of potatoes we had apparently we haven't eaten potatoes in a while because we had spuds or this they had the little uh the growth you know when you pretty much plant them in the ground they had roots or whatever like that long they were kind of gross they're all soft so i was like yeah we'll go without that so we're having brussels venison and freshly caught rainbow trout so we're having an up north surf and turf yeah and it's gonna be delicious monty's gonna get that entire other fish he's getting a whole fish because he's a good boy because he's trying to watch his figure so he gets the whole fish i'll get a whole fish and then he's gonna get venison which venison is good it's very lean it's not fatty at all especially the flat steaks there's like no fat like some of the leanest meat you can get i swears good boy monty oh did you go did you good boy look at that overbite look at that overbite monty it is time to prepare some dinner so we've got some brussels sprouts these are gonna be the most difficult thing to cook because sometimes brussels can take a while so we're just going to add these to the pot we've got quite a few brussels here now i wasn't going to bring out so many brussels except that our potatoes were gross as i mentioned before so we're going heavy on the brussels and fish and steak so i'm gonna finish doing this up quick oh jesus ah [Music] auntie's rainbow trout and my rainbow trout okay it's our good buddy steve hey steve oh steve don't put your arms out like you're you're gonna attack me don't do that steve don't stephen stephen don't you dare that was out steve steve wait isn't your mouth on this end oh i'm gonna tickle your particular chin oh oh oh oh steve steve oh it's been so long it's good to see ya for cooking why would anybody ever want anything other than ye old great great and not just one great great i'm talking maximum stability double great great uh well for some reason this firing was not meant for double great great that's just not working hmm it's just we're gonna have to go with this [Music] so we're gonna have our great grades like just strange is this even work [Music] how's this gonna work [Music] there we go [Music] we're just gonna this end in like that okay now the hardest thing is going to be to cook these gosh darn brussels because there's so many of them so we're going to do is put those on first and wait till these are getting close to cooked but what we need for these is a teeny tiny teeny tiny little healthy portion of butter in there [Music] little healthy nice little healthy portion of butter in there just a teeny weeny teeny tiny portion about it oh that pan is hot okay cute little healthy portion of butter so healthy and teeny i just want to make sure it's healthy enough that doesn't seem healthy enough all right there we go i don't want to really burn in right now let me get our butter down there okay to these we're gonna add a little black pepper [Music] there we go we had a little salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt okay now these got to cook a little bit before we do anything else so we're just waiting on the brussels to cook down a bit we need to get cooking the rest of this stuff i'm gonna get monty's on here monty is just gonna get his trout boiled let's see if we can oh that is a hot fire all right monty's just gonna go like that all right we're gonna throw this steak on here and of course on my portion of steak let's see which portion are we giving monty we'll give monty the end i'm gonna put montreal on mine okay oh it's a hot fire oh geez that's gonna cook decently fast there got one more montreal in there okay all right that's cooking we've got two knives here so i don't think i'm using the raw one with the other one and we've got our fish there we're going to cook that a little bit slower but we're going to add a little montreal on the outside montreal on the inside little montreal here oh like that all right okay oh everything is cooking our northern surf and turf is going oh yeah this is going to be soda okay oh oh oh geez oh now that is cooking a little bit faster than i wanted to these are the kind faster than i thought they were everything is coming together [Music] oh oh what was that fight to the pain there we go look at that got every scrap off of there monty's is right there okay we're gonna mix in some of his doggy food and then we're gonna slice in some steak and monte's is ready it is time to eat okay i'm gonna have my fish in there all we've got to do is take out oh yeah look at that oh yeah perfect all of it delicious well we've just gotta add more tea is gonna get his share of unseasoned venison gotta make sure to cut it up small for the monty [Music] i'm just gonna slice it up because oh yeah oh that right there that is a hefty bowl of glory for me um i know it's a little unnecessary but there's a little butter in this pan from uh cooking might as well just drizzle it on there oh yeah add the fork of approval and uh mix up montes here he's got a whole trout nice chunk of venison okay it is time to feast look at your little tubes do you think you get a treat with your tooths okay you get treat with your tooth you're really good as boy look at you oh that droop that drool is mighty don't drool oh stop it it's like dad listen i don't get upset about much but if you made me wait any longer i would get real upset with you [Music] you've been such a good boy go ahead he's so excited to eat it i am so excited to eat it i mean these thighs don't lie oh all right um [Music] um [Music] so [Music] hmm oh this is definitely not that first beer by the way so [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] auntie are you are you begging [Music] are you begging [Music] i didn't i didn't ask you to lay down i was just wondering if you're begging [Music] anyways folks um i've almost crushed all this food and it's more filling than i thought it was going to be i got all the fish down most of the steak is brussels so i'm gonna finish all this food clean up tidy up and then we're gonna get in that tent and get ready for bed because the whole pain on the log and going up waist deep has just wasted a little bit more time than i thought it took like an extra hour [Music] wow [Music] how do you go first go ahead go ahead [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] what is that monty what is that thing monty i need you i need your protection [Music] find out for us what the heck is that [Music] what is that monty go into your royal palace go ahead ahead hunty oh come on auntie come on crap in your tail okay monty come on oh yeah it's a good boy you guys are good boy look at this good plane okay so we messed around with the owls i'm gonna scoot your butt okay don't be upset see see how much better that is now you're more situated on the pad yeah okay so yeah we messed around with the owls there for a minute well they got pretty dang close uh we ate some delicious food i haven't seen monty limp once but that doesn't matter i know i know the whole injury is still there and the the issue's still there so it's just you might see monty limp you might see him not limp it doesn't mean anything's better or worse it means he's just keeping on he's keep on keeping on as long as his spirits are high that's all that matters right monty did you get enough treats did you get enough treats today [Music] don't you dare you're we're sleeping in here monty okay anyways oh the light is freaking out all of a sudden okay wow uh i don't know what's going on maybe there's a forest spirit that just entered the light in the camera but it's like things are flashing things are getting weird anyways we're gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody come back come back here oh where are you there you are oh yeah oh yes there's a big teddy bear yeah just a big teddy bear there's a big mine tea bear hey look at overbite look at that you can't close your mouth why can't you close your mouth hmm this is comfy looks kind of comfy hey wait wait little teddy bear hey teddy bear yes so i slept decent last night uh so this air pad i had to let out like half the air it was just like with there being so much air in there uh it caused a lot of like pressure points so it's it works it's not my favorite but it's not the worst it'll do but like right now if i sit up like and definitely just sitting on the ground when i sit up i have to be laying down oh the camera's all tilted anyways um it rained for a good four or five hours and since my clothes were soaked i had them hanging on trees i was like who cares they're already wet so everything's wet and now it's sunny out but anyways it's time to get out and pack up and stuff so let's do it buddy let's get up and do it yes you got no ears mandy oh don't kiss me i can kiss you with your stinky breath well hi my tea hi oh look at the crap on your tail oh yes oh yes we got a stick come here hi oh hi [Music] oh my god [Music] oh peace a beautiful day the wind has completely switched directions it was going this way blown this way now it's blowing this way it's this this this that [Music] auntie i can't throw the stick for you buddy we're not there yet we will get there this got wet yeah i was just like and normally if i'm on like an extended trip or i've got some foraging to do i'm not going to want a bunch of heavy stuff but i'm essentially car camping the the car is like a hundred feet away from where you put in the lake so i guess it's a tiny portage but uh it doesn't really count so i didn't care it didn't get too crazy oh auntie i ain't got no pants they ain't got no pants [Music] some num nums [Music] here you go oh boy [Music] yeah it's dry very dry cable let's see if he'll eat it go for it he's doing it he's doing it oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hunty okay so i've just got to pack up that dslr in this here bag and then we're going to get in the water and get to paddling and i guess portagen and probably fishing for a little bit okay all right okay oh there we go okay yeah and we kinda ah here we go you're settling monty good boy now i do got to get home and edit this up you know that's why we're not having any breakfast and stuff but does that mean that i'm not going to spend a good half hour to maybe even an hour trying to catch a fish that does not mean that this sacrifice i make for me the sun's out it was just snowing a minute ago it's definitely colder than it was yesterday all right the other thing is uh with having no pants on my paddle when it lands on my thermals here it's just they're going to get soaked quick these absorb water quite well they don't uh resistant in any way so we're just going to troll now to this end of the lake and i'll take some casts out of the wind i'll take maybe 10 maybe 20 maybe 30 or just a few 50. who knows friends might get a bite if i get a bite troll and then yeah we're going to cast more than 10. no bites trolling let's see about casting oh one other thing i wanted to mention from yesterday right before i dunked myself um i saw a big old trout right right at like six inches of water so it was pretty shallow so i'm assuming other trout will be shallow as well okay so uh we're right near where i get out a little lunch and uh yeah i gotta get home and get editing and i'm not sure if this is going to be live today or tomorrow probably most likely tomorrow um i'll probably get it added up most of the day today and then get it produced tonight and start uploading it in the early morning but um yeah i'm just going to keep casting here and just for another few minutes if i catch something i'll show you guys if i don't it's just gonna fade to black so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] so [Music] my [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 126,786
Rating: 4.9477425 out of 5
Keywords: camping, spring camping, canoe camping, canoe, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, catch and cook, dog, camping dog, dog training, spring, how to camp, wild camp, wilderness, wilderness area, fishing, fish, cooking, cooking fish, fire cooking, gourmet, gourmet cooking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wild, adventure, outdoors, outdoorsman, nature, sounds of nature, lizards, reptiles, frogs, spring animals, sounds of spring, canoeing, lake, trout, trout fishing, overnight
Id: DV_4Q9BukKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 57sec (5997 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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