Backpacking and Outdoor Cooking

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[Music] [Music] doing hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with my two stinkers and we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods it is so muggy right now it's cooler than it wasn't my last backpacking adventure but it is very sticky and muggy and I am sweating I'm just dripping sweat all over the place I'm not gonna go into too many details but everywhere okay cool it doesn't help that I've got my ultralight backpack on you know super ultralight today I got the 15 liter or sorry 115 liter dry bag so definitely qualifies ultralight backpacking I think you know it's like 60 70 80 pounds somewhere in that range but anywho it's been off and on rain all day I hear a thunder rumbling the sun's out now it wasn't for a long time it's fresh too so we got some we're gonna if we make a fire tonight's gonna be a little wet have to find some dry wood but I did bring my stove just in case we're gonna hook up some delicious food tonight try to get these guys to a lake because you know how much he loves water but we've got a ways to go and I gotta set up the tarp back because it's supposed to rain possibly thunder storm and I sure hope it does so let's get going all right boys whoo I am hustling right now we got a late start again and nothing I can do about it but we've got a few couple few miles to go I'm pretty much gonna go until I've got like an hour to set up till dark but I am hustling with the stickiness it doesn't help the sweating it is just wet wetness [Applause] man Ruger netting on my camera again little stinker you stay you stay away [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yeah a little bit of a breezy spot but there's a fire ring nice open area it's gonna be a good spot so I've got like an hour hour and a half of sunlight I am just drenched with sweat right now who's got a big ol stick huh so I've gotta get set up a little bit I'm definitely going to need the tarp tonight in case it does thunderstorm like instead it was going to while I'm cooking dinner I might need to set it up right here over the fire pit so that in case it's raining I'll be fine anyways I'm gonna get set up now get some crap out maybe take a swim in depending on how I feel I kind of want to but we'll see so yeah we're gonna get set up and maybe do some swimming right boys I'm on to you poor thing okay so I think I'm gonna set up my tarp actually over there and if it starts to downpour I'll I'll just cook over my stove maybe the tent over here very purpose [Music] I might actually have to make a little wind block with this tarp here so that I can cook and have a fire because the winds blasting from that way probably what I should do hey it's my rat's nest remember all those great suggestions you guys have given me about how to take care of it well hard to change old habits just you just do a little bit of this and you know you just pull here just like that do a little bit of apps and [Music] it's done taken care of here's how to add 30 minutes to your camp setup just leave all your paracord dangling never take care of it [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I dinked around a little bit near the lake with the tarp and it's just a little too windy the trees aren't perfect so I looked up in inland further and there's a nice spot right here so I'm gonna take this as a sign but I should be having my my little [Music] go around this big tree right here oh yeah that's what we're gonna do roots seek a busboy [Music] but you do in Vegas what to do it so the wind's blowing from this way and I just I pretty much tied it like this just to start so what I'm actually going to do now is since the winds just barreling from this way I'm going to lower this rope and then I run a rope through the top loops to pull it up and pull this lower so that if it starts raining hard I can kind of sit in here and I'll be just fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right and now I'm looking at it I'm just going to undo this rope and stake down the backside because that'll be even better right freaking [Music] it is so windy [Music] okay now we've got pretty decent protection from the rain wind so I can just sit here I might have a small I'm probably gonna have my fire up here that concerns down porn I don't get dumped on but it's a windy one so now I'm going to set up my tent and we'll throw the stick for the dogs a few times and then we're to get some firewood because we're running out of time got a late start today I've never done that before never a late start always crack it on will you hear that thunder oh yeah I'm excited for a storm [Music] [Music] we're good boys [Music] [Music] [Music] I just feel like a storms coming it just it just it looks that way the winds getting crazy it's gonna start right when I settle down with all my firewood back on wood I hope that's what it does the only reason I'm said done by ten right here is because there's no flat spots really in there that the spot where my tarp is is rooks everywhere this is the best spot actually [Music] I'm gonna do it right here because it's a slight slant and this is pretty low lying and if you've ever set up your tent when it's going to downpour and you got a little spot you get it's like you're just on a waterbed [Music] yeah [Music] go boys [Music] who's got that stick you want to know what one of Monty's least favorite things in the world is it's when you point stuff at them in an aggressive manner Monty hey hey it's okay it's okay sir I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry [Music] okay all right all right my bad my bad Monty I'm sorry yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yeah what are you two doing what are you two doing [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] steady [Music] so if I was setting up and it was already raining it would not be going like this I wouldn't be farting around taking my time [Music] it'd be a heck of a lot different but lucky for me it hasn't started yet [Music] so I get to be as pokey as I please right doggies spooky as I want you pokey puppies okay puppies hi Regas so this very well may be Ruger's last hurrah this year we're not a hundred percent sure still but basically his vaccinations expired you - are you trying to help your brother don't do that don't do that his vaccinations expired a couple days ago but I'm riding the assumption that it's not like an exact date [Music] more like a guideline [Music] [Music] I'm gonna throw away my crap real quick or not throw it away put it away I can't tell but I think I might see rain coming across the lake that's the case we're gonna switch the GoPro well we're gonna get a little bit of firewood and start relax a little bit after I clean up [Music] okay so what I've decided since it's getting dark real fast and you know everything's a little damp anyways I'm not on the little fire pit it's down by the lake windy as heck I'm just gonna use my stove tonight to cook up my food and it's it's getting dark pretty fast so while it's still light and I know rugers gonna want to go in the water anyways I'm gonna throw them a stick a few times and since I'm using the stove I don't kind of prepare anything really other than laying her up and garden geek cooking so you guys really get the stick you guys want to get wet go fetch go fetch all right let's play around a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh roots why he acted like you can't swim he's so weird he'll fetch it one day like a monster and then the next day he's like okay it's okay you better not bark you do not bark no barking you promise no barking you promise I get marked stinker what a stinker [Music] good boys good stinky boys Monty did you get it I can see it Monty now I gotta throw rocks to Monty so you can find it but I don't want a hit up get him out he's right there get her Monty go pull it [Music] I always got it again oh so the reason I'm just gonna I'm just you know let them swim not worrying about it I brought two towels today and after last time I know that they're just going to get wet so I'm just giving in letting them get it out of their system as much as possible and then I'm gonna dry them off and work we're gonna spend the rest of the evening up there so we had a little bit of a scare with Ruger yesterday last night actually technically today at about 3:00 3:30 in the morning I had to get up to go potty and normally rugers at the foot of the bed laying on dirty laundry or whatever whatever is there on the ground always there pretty much 100% of the time poor ease on the bed and I didn't see him so they go that's weird why is there no roof so I kind of looked around his other spots that he might be and I'm sorry Monty he's taking it from you but I didn't see him anywhere so I was like alright it's a little bit of worrying so I checked the entire house no Ruger and then I see that the front door is open and I start to panic I wake up Funke I'm just like Ruger's gone I go outside around the yard I'm yelling for him I'm whistling at 3:30 in the morning completely dark and nothing so I get funk up I take a bike she gets in her car and we started just going around block after block and like she's going one way if we keep running into each other we're searching for him and yelling for him we do that for a good half hour and nothing and we're starting to get real worried at that point like man I just super worried so I'm just like I'm gonna head home and just hope that he's there is he taking away your stay Monty get it mind anyway so I head home and I'm just like yeah hope that he's there and I get home on the bike and I call for hour and whistle and I see the little white fuzzy ruger way off in the corner crossed a couple other people's yards near some trees and stuff and he isn't moving and I just like get over here and he just comes running super excited to see us now just like I was so worried I don't panic or get adrenaline rushes like that often but man was I worked up but he was all well and he was super happy to see us and situation avoided and I called up funk right away and she came home we were super glad that happened I what it turns out is the front door it didn't latch I kept doing it so we I fixed that up real quick because I wasn't about to go to bed and have that happen again so now the front door latches alright see this is what I thought was gonna happen rumors a little monster now and Monte so now we're gonna need two sticks at all times get in my face I'm gonna always need two six now Kruger's a little fetching monster and Monty's not doing his thing poor guy it's pretty dark now it's Suns definitely set I'm on the less windy side of this little Peninsula we're on but I'm just gonna throw the stick put a little bit more let it get darker and then we're gonna get to cooking relaxin can we uh we just sit and eat now and relax guys like it's it's pretty dark and starting to get hard to see so yeah let's just let's go make food come on come on let's go let's go yes yo dark it isn't here yeah it was a good you showed us your balls good job rooks kid some water filtered let's see if we can get roof snack this over hey rooks Ruger where is he Bunsen we're roof hrubes they are here you little monster see I've had a lot of nice days this summer it's been a lot of nice days and I just I missed the crazy winds and thunderstorms I'm really hoping that I would take it right now I would love if it just started under storming right now I think it's fun I mean I'd have to probably get out the GoPro to record or something but I wouldn't mind it'd be fun be lots of fun okay so I've got a whole mess of stuff [Music] spot sell oh there we go Monte I don't know how that's gonna work that ropes whipping so what we're having for dinner tonight is bacon cheeseburgers it's gonna be delicious I'm excited the last time I made these was winter camping and I dropped it in the fire a few times I'm hoping I don't drop them this time because they got no fire and it'd be a gas alcohol burning stove I wouldn't taste so good but we got to prepare some stuff the dogs are gonna have a little sweet potatoes and hamburger for dinner and I brought out a beer an all-day IPA session ale nineteen point two ounces of joy so we're gonna sip on that as a very prepared dinner but uh-oh I'm also gonna have some diced up potatoes so with the way dinner is gonna be tonight it's gonna be a little weird without a fire cuz I can't cook everything at once I was planning and charring up my burgers over the fire that's not gonna happen so I'm gonna I'm gonna cook up the bacon first let that get a little cold because that that doesn't matter and then I think I'm gonna cook up my burgers along with their stuff and then I'll eat those cook up my potatoes it'll be a process we'll get everything prepared and then we'll start cooking now that this is covered in dirt from the dogs right doggies yeah you stinker stick all my water fell over No Ruger got my cute little grill trusty thing good doggies this time I went with I got I got the burgers pre-made up so that'll be a little bit easier got a couple of thick slices of cheese it's American but it's from the deli oh it's gonna be good it's gonna be good but it is gonna be a slow process of cooking because each thing needs to be cooked on separate things stuffing things you know maybe I won't even cook up my burgers if it takes too long and I'll just eat bacon cheeseburgers that sounds kind of good to be honest now that we're out of the window we're getting a little mosquito action watch a truce move your move your head watch out watch out buddy nope nope back up get back get back back up back up Right Said sit suit sit down later join that stick are you oh you can chew on that stick either okay there's gonna be so much wind noise in this video this dogs they're gonna get a sweet potato sweet potato and beef let me boil up I need a little water that's actually no no no no I guess it doesn't matter here Brooks you want you want a bowl of water yeah this is the one over here no no this one this one roofs right there Kruger's that one's for your treat you can't have that one no this one right here good boy that's a good boy mati get back watch our Monty watch out Monty guys are such stinkers well sweet potatoes are so tough or break my Flay knife there we go there we go [Music] mighty you're but it's in the wave aunty vigorous it was like I can't see bruger burger I can't see rooks rooks please please please Rose please wait Ruger Ruger did you do it brogre did you do it did you look or did you did you do this broker did you do this did you do this did you do it did you did you do it all right good enough boiled sweet potatoes they're gonna enjoy that okay watch out rose yeah that's bacon Ruger I'm gonna probably give him a little bacon we're gonna just these are gonna be the most bacon he-hey bruger back up back up get back get back back up back up Ruger back up get back get back get back get back get back good boy these are gonna be like I just said the most bacon bacon cheeseburgers ever I'm gonna cook up 12 this is 12 ounces of bacon that's way too much that is weight actually you know what it's never too much bacon is it isn't that the saying it's never too much bacon well we're gonna go for a heart attack tonight ladies and gentlement not good for my health all right let's start cooking yeah this is gonna be these drivers are gonna get a little bacon [Music] okay [Music] you start that off start this off alright let's uh let's secure this thing it's pretty good that's not bad we'll take that so for anybody that's you know when you're watching me cook tonight and you're watching up me portion this stuff to the dogs and you think I'm being unfair well they don't get as much as me for a couple of reasons and the main one is that they will get a stinky poopy butt mess and I don't want that in the tent so I just give them light amounts of treats so they're gonna get like a piece of bacon and you know us a splint of a quarter-pound patties between with the sweet potato and that's enough you know Monty's got more of an iron gullet than Ruger does we will be pooping everywhere but I don't want to poop into the tent because that would be a nightmare let's get a little closer but a planar thunder oh yeah you know take some time to cook but the the Bacon's gonna end up being a little cold but I don't care honestly when I'm out here and I've got a lukewarm beer and if I have a cold burger it's all gonna be delicious delicious okay Ruger come here Ruger what are you doing on my tarp ropes tariffs Ruger come here a little monster what you're doing back there what you guys lay down next to me see how this this puppy dog tastes [Music] pretty good well this is not gonna be the straightest bacon it's not gonna be straight flat bacon it's gonna be like curly crispy crunchy bacon that's okay I don't mind Oh bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon but he doesn't he doesn't get it he doesn't understand you know he's just he's got a year to go one more practice brogre I don't like when I can't see what he's doing because I don't know if he's down on the lake or if he's wait he's behind me I could see so he's a sneaky little devil this guy's he's easy to pick out Monty is super easy to television he's either laying down or he's laying down somewhere Murray Monty Monty knows how to chill my god it's a picker it's a picker Monty I got it I got its a picker good boy first glorious glorious bacon oh hi mighty I know you should know that bacon you have work Monty and we're Pickers on you all right we're gonna add one of the dogs burgers all right so we need to get this nasty I'm just gonna add the beef right into their water it's gonna boil up I got lean beef so it's not not a ton of grease in there which is better for them yeah you guys this might be too much for you guys although if I trust you guys to not poop in my tent I don't know if you're trustworthy oh so yeah like whoops [Music] so yeah head just some raw beef on my hands there and I just I just rub it in grit and dirt and stuff and that's good enough I don't really need to put on hand sanitizer but like you just rub your hands it's sounds weird rubbing your hands and dirt to make them clean but you know the pine needles and the leaves they all absorb if you don't want hand sanitizer that probably tastes disgusting you know they absorb all that raw meat and all it you don't want this trust me how are you licking my hands it's cut stance and its eyes are on look at these make it a weird he's going that can't taste good now I can't taste good I'm sinking well you have it cleans your hands you know they might not be super clean from all germs but good enough for me I got a strong immune system don't matter to me Bunty you're blocking my light [Music] you guys are gonna be spoiled tonight it's just a pot of beef and potatoes my Bacon's just sizzling yeah that's some bloody potato water Monti oh yeah oh yeah we're anymore fuel whoops yeah it's it's gonna take a few times of uh it's gonna take a few refills of this fuel because even with this wind blocker and if the wind reflector right here I can still see the flame just like blowin in the cooker so it's it's not it's not the most ideal like I could have went further in but we're on like a little Peninsula right now we're at the top of it if you go that way it's right to the water where my tent is and the lakes just down a hill over there and down a hill over here so we're like up up on a little flat spot and that's that for the little that was thunder I think that was thunder so I'm about 99.9% sure that's heard a big it wasn't like a rumble of thunder is one of those like boom short and sweet so I grabbed my rain gear my GoPro if it does happen to rain we're gonna be switching to GoPro and I'm gonna put the DSLR away or I'm gonna set the camera up right here kind of kind of under this and maybe I'll start cooking a little creatively just for you guys you always got to think of the camera when you're cooking or when you're recording what you're cooking you know you're never doing things normally I'm always you know I'm always setting up things so that I can record sitting uncomfortably so I can record it takes me a lot longer to cook when you're recording that's for sure where's our truce watch out well it's that darn rat's nest again it's that darn rat's nest again boys I said what you do with that brats this there boy you know I'm calling it right now there's gonna be a day it'll be the day I learned my lesson about this tangle of paracord I'm gonna need to set up the tarp really quickly and it's gonna be a big mess of nuts and if I ever get to that point I am recording I'm gonna reference this Hey leave my stuff alone I'm gonna reference this little clip right here and that's gonna be that I hope it doesn't come to that but I think it's gonna happen oh I know what you're probably thinking is why don't I just pop my knife and cut it no no no no yeah we're not doing that we want to keep it long just in case because we're stubborn right Monty you're stubborn you know how it is the best thing about bacon is it's one of the more fragrant fragrant how do you say that one here we go again fragrant fragrant fragrant sounds right 132 fragrant right it's one of the more fragrant meats to cook so if I happen to want to save a couple pieces of bacon for the morning with this this nice stream of wind you know it'll be good for the Bears to smell and locate one of the good things about it [Music] Ramon - whoo - it just gives me moment I'll take all the big bugger get out of the rest just give me the bacon Ted give it to me palm your panties lay down you'll get bacon lay down yeah sons let dogs that's some good dogs where to storm at artists torment Oh rumor he's ripping his little Pickers out guess who didn't bring the brush again this guy my bad dogs bloody beef potatoes look at that beef bone Oh so appetizing yummy delicious why do you think so Marty thinks it looks delicious right Monty hi Monty put your little eyes [Music] I'm getting hungry now I might regret not cooking up the potatoes but we'll see I think two big fat bacon cheeseburgers gonna be plenty I'm glad there's noise out right now just the wind I can't say it enough I love weather any kinda like silence you're not like just silent woods it's not like it creeps me out it just doesn't relax me it's pretty much what it is it doesn't like just silence there's just nothing relaxing about it I like to hear the wind going between the trees or the waves crashing on the shore or the pitter-patter of rain on my tent or my tarp rumbles a thunder anything but silence you know you can be at home in a room and it's silent I think that's that's what it is that's how it is you know you can be at home in a room and it's silent and then when it's out in the woods it's just like that bugs any any noise crickets anything I love it all except for silence nature's not quiet generally mother nature's got a lot to say she's got a lot to say right now she says my bacon smells good and she's jealous maybe I'll give you a little bacon grease mother nature maybe we can share hey the day is coming ladies and gentlemen [Music] it's coming very soon we're going to visit the doctors one day and they're gonna be like you know you can't just go out in the woods by yourself I need 12 ounces of bacon anymore just not cutting it out it's gonna come but for now what the heck let's eat some bacon oh man that's life Monty that's life that's you don't get so don't get so greedy with your eyes mister I can see clearly you are eyeballing that bacon you're clearly eyeballing that you're not even you're not even denying it [Music] the bacons getting done soon and then we're going to put it off to the side I might munch on a piece or two won't deny it but never to start our burgers I'm not gonna toast my buns if someone could clarify for me I'm not I'm my estimation is that you cannot the the the flame from this gas alcohol burning stove it's not good I know it burns clean but I don't think would be good to toast your buns or cook like a steak with that flame I think there's got to be some kind of residue but I don't know a hundred percent so if someone does know let me know but I'm assuming that there's you know some / some low percentage of something in that that would leave some sort of nasty residue on your food that you wouldn't want to be eating that's a guess I think my batteries are getting a little low on my light what do you think Tracy what is he Westeros what is it it's nothing what is it okay your let's mess of them what is that was it you said what was it okay oh my gig is up okay dear all right let's change some batteries we're gonna do one more little quick bacon zoom and then we're talking burgers that my friends is glorious crispy bacon bacon [Music] all right let's see here this [Music] no dirt here pretty sure this was one of the dogs bowls at some point but you know I don't think a little dog slobber is gonna kill me hey guys what do you think [Music] I don't think it's gonna kill me so we're gonna store all our bacon in there [Music] and our plane went out again all right so we're gonna get this bacon do a couple little hey get back oh man it's so crispy and delicious looking oh it's gonna be so good [Music] so I know what some of you guys are thinking right now is he gonna fry his burgers in that bacon grease and I'm gonna say partially because I don't want to just have my burger absorb all that grease and just taste like bacon cuz that's that's what the Bacon's there for so I'll use a little grease for you know lube on the bottom but I don't I don't want my burger and my bacon tasting like bacon you want to have different flavors there I'm gonna put a little Montreal on my burger and then you know you got the bacon the flavor of the bacon the flavor of the burger and yeah so let's just take a little just a little [Music] and or full bub forgot my thing where hmm mm-hmm all right I'm gonna bury a little bit of my grease and then we're gonna hooking up some burgers see I had to do something a little bit risky I had to bring him with me to dump the grease and bury it brogre you get back here right now come here that's what I'm talkin about I had to take him with me so they know where that grease is because I didn't want to eat my bacon but now I can't let them run off on their own because they're not they're not dumb dogs and they have good sniffers they know exactly where that Bacon's at or that bacon grease is that though they will go off and they will eat the dirt and all the poopy butt mess that I'm trying to avoid if they get that bacon grease it's game over it's game over that'll be pardon my my saying but they'll be paying out their butts right yeah it'd be pretty gross I mean dealing with that that's a night tonight is about relaxing being out outside not cleaning up dog but okay I like to share with you guys I just don't like cleaning up your butts when you're gross okay yeah I bet you guys want this all right this chair is sinking I can't do this for the time being [Music] all right so we're going to take our burgers I'm gonna have to get my hand a little messy here [Music] and I'm gonna sprinkle on a little bit of Montreal [Music] press that in with my thumb just like that and then sprinkle a little bit more on the other side now you can have your butt your burgers you know just plain but you can also have you taste like Montreal I rarely use Montreal to be honest barely ever barely ever every time I cook something pretty much now what I'm gonna try to do with these burgers because I'm not cooking them up over a fire I'm just cooking them up in the pan I'm gonna try to not let there be much liquid so that there's a nice char on them and they're pan-seared if you have too much liquid whether it's grease or whatever they'll kind of you know they won't just char on the outside and have that nice charred flavor so we're that's what we're going for Oh burgers falling apart this is gonna be tough to make three patties that stay together in this little pan okay okay now I'm going to use more dirt leaves and grit clean my hands again maybe a little more hand sanitizer Oh so for those of you that have clicked on this video and this is the first video of mine that you're watching I know you thought that it was gonna be like this backpacking camping video but it's actually just an outdoor cooking show that's all we do out here you know we get out of the woods bring my dogs what are you eating hey what was that what did you do what did you do hmm what did you do what did you do are you sorry yeah bet you're sorry get back get back get back back anyways yeah it's just an outdoor cooking show glorified outdoor cooking show we eat good no just kidding some nights are like this where I get out late and you know when I get out late it's gonna focus a lot more on the cooking and I did a hustle to get in here I didn't go as far as I wanted but time ran out I wanted to relax it got dark quick you know you know how it is but I'm still outside and loving it having a grand old time and rooms is having some fun Monte Monte just getting prepared seein he doesn't even know what's coming but there's there's a good ole adventure coming soon maybe the grandest adventure so far Monte just might be it just might be all right let's turn these Ruger Ruger hey-oh [Music] boom stinky stinker he was going for that grease oh I just get caught up talking oh he knew he knew he is doing something wrong soon as I started running he I know he heard me coming and monsters Monty knows better Monty knows that there's bacon right here [Music] and he knows he's gonna get some because we've done it so many times he knows he knows no love you wait motivated to be debited to Teta potato potato potato all right let's give these burgers a little flip here so they're not they're still not gonna have that nice char oh oh no no no no no no no no unless I can get rid of this as a juice yeah they might not have the most beautiful char on them but you know what it's gonna taste amazing I'll just I'm gonna I might overcook them a little bit just so I can boil out that that water and get them to be just delicious tasting get that char this is still you know we're gonna get rid of some of this juice hairy cow I had to hear into some of that juice I want that char to come through too much liquid like I said it'll just they'll just be like like like brown beef it won't be any char there you go Monty that's the spirit let's get right in the way what's gonna be so good it is going to be so good these sweet potatoes are just not getting that soft don't use sweet potatoes most of the moisture spoil or burned out not quite but there they're forming pretty good oh yeah we got a little char in there whoops well they're gonna get a little charred up these two more [Applause] [Music] much you want to treat you want to go further the dog park Monty what are your little eyes say what do you think what do you think about life who put the bop and the boppity-bop doo-wop who put the bomb in the Shamel I'm a ding dong hmm hmm who did it do on the street Joe this tree you want to go for the dark dark dark part look at your little eyes they're half colored all right it's time for things to happen it is time for things to happen so first things first we are going to pylon let's see oh that's good that's good they're just gonna lay on some bacon here it's gonna be kind of a ridiculous amount but am I getting a complaint about it probably not just put some there some there this one's gonna have to be a double it's just gonna have to be I mean I didn't really want it to be just kidding but you know you got to do what you got to do it's a dog piece of bacon so I'm just going to put some more over here there's a nice flat piece and I can go right there this can go here there mmm all right and just keep that one on now um mm-hmm no we're gonna do just take this cheese oh yeah and we're gonna let this get a little bit melty hold all our bacon on there oh-ho-ho he's gonna be so good all right now we need to get the dogs the dogs they can't have that much bacon that's plenty hey dog food little dog food it's a little too much dog food for this one a little too much okay burgers are gonna have to go off to the side for just a second I don't hey back up back up back up back up back up okay [Music] I'm only gonna say this once these dogs puke from this large portion they're never getting another large portion again that's that's a lot right there that's some good dog I got to mix that we're gonna let this cool off to the side my cheese is still got a melt a little bit boy and then we're gonna burn them up I got my little bun protector you want you want nice big fluffy buns put them in a hard waterproof case with the compass on it it helps if there's a compass we're gonna try a little trick see if we can get this cheese to melt a little better so what we're gonna do we're not put we're gonna get these really close to each other little steam see if we can get that cheese to melt a little quicker I'm gonna get out my buns okay watch out Monty come over here over here all right let's see oh no oh that's a cheesy goodness okay that is ready to go all my burgers we're done we're ready to eat man oh oh that looks right just bruger get back get you get back some new you may like this some of you may not but I love mustard so I brought a couple packets of mustard and I'm going to smother that on there that one is done squish it down just a little bit [Music] I didn't sound like thunder spread all mustard around okay I think we're ready to eat whoo I'm so hungry [Music] let's eat make sure I'm settled I saved a little beer for this moment I know you guys did all that hard work are you guys ready wait for me this is gonna be glorious go ahead [Music] sometimes a meal just truly hits the spot and you don't need to say much [Music] this is hitting the spot right now race [Music] this is so good now I know like a lot of people like May on their bacon cheeseburgers but I always prefer mustard that's a personal thing males great I love male but if I had to choose between ketchup mustard or mayo always mustard and then mustard and mayo and then mustard mayo and ketchup did you I saw how full those balls were look at this guy yeah he's got the nerve after eating a full bowl of food probably two cups worth you got the nerve to stand on my face and ask for my bacon cheeseburger hmm here's just a map I'm over 200 pounds you're 70 so I weigh about three times as much as you do and you're eating about the same as me in weight okay something's wrong there does not that's not right look at me look at me what I'm talking to you and I'm scolding you I'm schooling you right now you didn't want to look me in the eyes look he doesn't wanna look me in the eyes till I hold this then he wants to look me right in the burger I'm zero shame in not giving you more absolutely zero high-five high-five Monty great meal high-five come on high-five sit pretty twirl twirl twirl twirl yes twirl you guys know twirl you're not getting any more Monty no begging go lay down it's a good boy no begging though [Music] he doesn't know where to go here's know what to do with himself I created this monster there's me okay so we've got a big ol mess to clean up Monte let's do it well that was delicious I am now going to clean up my mess probably get moving into the tent because it's a little bit late there's a little late but I'll leave in the tarp up tonight because it said it was supposed to thunder storm and rain all night it hasn't happened yet but if it is in the morning I'm gonna have to drag my stuff out of the tent probably put it under this tarp so that I can put down the tent and everything but uh yeah let's get cleaned up boys and then get in the tent we're getting too dry you out on top of that let's get to it okay with the stinkiest doggie come forth to be told you're the stinkiest are you sure are you sure you're the stinkiest as Monty's pretty dang stinky but I think he's gonna let you win this time I think he's gonna let you win because he's just chillin andum stay there give me at the lazy one Monty come here let these basses your head Monty come on as fast as you can that's pretty fast at the top that'll count that will count all right let's turn you around oh yes I'm pecker in their chest order oh hi Monty big ball yeah there now at least Ruger won't be ripping him out in the middle of the night like last time burgers done so much better than this trip it's like he's used to it again he's used to camping already he hasn't been wounded for the stick he's just been relaxed and he's still energetic he's never as chill as Monty here but he's done much better all he needed was that one time to get back in the swing and things right Monty and these guys are actually both much drier than last time as well because I wasn't cooking on the beach [Music] okay okay boys you ready to go to bed all right we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for sleepy time don't go on my sleeping pad you dogs are forbidden I'm going on my sleeping pad Hey No Oh rogues where's you getting those Pickers were they're just grooming themselves kind of not really paying attention to me see even dirty dogs know when to clean up mooks I'm gonna help groom Monte oh did you still precious clean them up yeah that's a good boy did you get all these Pickers out I see some I got him I got him yeah I'm just gonna put him on side to ten yeah you have to worry about those pimples no more oh great joke on Pickers oh geez that's no good anyways guys that was a delicious meal we got out pretty late but we still got to spend the night out in the woods I don't know if that rains coming or when it's coming it's coming at all but uh I sure hope it does at some point I would prefer if it's not in the morning when I'm trying to pack and go home that would be better if it was not then but if it's then then so be it you know I'll deal with it I'll be fine I will be fine so on that's note Ruger is going to block my camera I'm at roots anyways I'm gonna get head into bed so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody festival day yeah balls [Music] and you terrible - this Monte still just sleeping like a baby burgers burgers a little uneasy it's okay it's okay this is what we wanted morning Monty Monty don't mind watching more routes well you saved again oh no breakfast this morning just um some granola bars I'm gonna pack up my wet stuff and we're gonna hike out of here hey rooks you have fun on your second camping of the year do you want to do this forever gross don't do that all right time to get a little debt get backed up let's do it know where this fog is coming from it's not on my lens that means it needs to be on the inside that's not good could be from when I dropped my camera in the water oh it's a muggy one this morning we're gonna be sweating on the way our roots that's for sure all right well now let's just head back up it's not raining yet so go get the tarp take your thing down we're gonna get moving let's do it watch our roots to this just kind of make a square out of it I don't really fold this one up very pretty just kind of make a makeshift square put all my rope I'm a big old rats and that's right in the middle call it good it seems that the camera lens cleared up a bit there and I'm thinking that means the heat from it being on has cleared it up which tells me that there's a little bit of moisture in there which is not good so that means when I get home my camera is going straight back into the rice bath I've been giving it I've been putting it in pretty much been sitting in rice because yeah I dunked it Ruger's dunked it you saw in that last one he he had that stick in his mouth and you could see the vibration it hit it it hit the camera and knocked it over you could see him carrying his little stick what I'm doing right now with my rain gear since it's not raining I don't need to bring out myself under the tarp the grounds wet so I'm just gonna lay my stuff on the outside of my rain here the inside of my rain gear doesn't get wet going into my pack already get this crap all out take down this here pant we're gonna do some more walking boys do some more walking you know back when I got my first dry bag for canoe camping or kayak camping or whatever I always used to just dread having to repack it because there's no it's not like a normal backpack where there's compartments for this or that it's just one big compartment and I always used to be like oh you're gonna pack this thing again but with time I've got a system down so this this big this all this crap right here it looks like oh my gosh you got to fit all that in there but now I know exactly where things pretty much go I do it the same way pretty much every time and it's very easy and actually now I prefer it this way over the other bag I struggle with the older type backpacks with the compartments and stuff because but this backpack I can I can stuff things in and scoot it until the whole thing's filled the other backpacks I feel like I don't have that big round wide circle where I can just keep stuffing things so you know you change if I was going out for multiple nights or something I'd opt to uh probably put this wet rain fly and anything that's super wet in a separate garbage bag inside of my bag so that it doesn't soak in other things I also have waterproof stuff sex at home I just don't like them honestly the first time I used them one time one of these videos and I can hear it tearing these these stuff sacks right here these are the Alps they're they're pretty cheap they seem like they're they weren't too expensive maybe 15 bucks at the most ten bucks I don't know something over there I don't know because it's been like five years since I've had to rebuy them I pull on those things as hard as I can and I've never had one tear or break these stuff sacks but those I've never even heard a tear it's a nice nice so but those waterproof ones I think they're like sea2summit or something like that those I heard and tearing on the first time so I'm not even gonna bother with those unless I need them and I don't have to stuff them very very much but if I have to stuff something really hard I use those Alps I like him I like him a lot but it'd be a real bummer to be on a trip and need to compress your stuff to fit it into your bag and your stuff sack rip and then you can't compress that would that would not be fun maybe you'd have a tough time getting your pack put together I don't use I'm gonna use down sleeping gear never have except for my big green bag those compressed but or I don't use that because they're expensive I have not invested in a nice down sleeping bag yet maybe I'll do it one day but I've said this before I always always find myself rather investing in like a new water filter or something like that I can deal with a bulky sleeping bag but I ain't paying $500 to have a a more compressed sleeping bag it's maybe a little bit warmer I just use these sleeping liners takes care of that problem hey Monty we do just find all seasons finally out rain down rain last night it's been raining kind of this week that's good that's good it's been pretty dry I know a lot of places have fire bans right now so this is probably I don't know if they're getting any rain I hope they are I hope every single one of you get your fire bans removed yeah with the stick with the stick yeah we're gonna get a little wet walking out today boys we had a little moisture get under the tents no no I don't want that I don't want this do you want this buddy okay boys Oh see Monty does not bark like this at all when he's by himself he'll bark a little bit here there may be feces a moose he does not bark bark bark less he's got his brother with them or another dog to play with little monsters [Music] can't forget last but not least don't forget your Crocs are well starting to rain I'm gonna have to pack away this DSLR and Paul my GoPro I'm not risking this thing getting any more moisture in it well we almost made it the whole trip using the GoPro it's not grainy already but I actually mean the DSLR not the GoPro but I don't want to risk it we've got to hike aways out of here and it's better than packed away in my bag that's waterproof and I've got my rain gear right near the top of my bag gate source of downpour but anyways good little overnighter had some deliciousness last night nah yeah I got to enjoy my thunderstorm finally in the middle of the night I stayed up like 45 minutes listening to it it was a pretty good one Ruger was a little intimidated mines has just passed out but that's gonna do it for today's video so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys the next video our voice let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] I hear the Thunder rumbling not yet Thunder come on hold out a little bit longer thunders okay no rain not pouring rain yet please please woohoo when we get back to the car it starts raining pretty hard good timing I'd say good timing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 67,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, backpack, wilderness, wilderness area, backcountry backpacking, wild, wild camping, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, outdoors, outdoorsman, funny, hilarious, dog, dogs, camping dog, survival, campfire, campfire cooking, outdoors cooking, wilderness camping, how to camp, outdoor skills, severe weather, shelter setup, camp set up, summer camping, thunderstorm, camping in a thunderstorm, gourmet, delicious, food, cooking
Id: nH4L43DPDSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 48sec (5868 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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