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hello oh hey man yeah yeah what that's today oh yeah yeah no no no i know this today yeah i'm i am hello i'm i'm in the car i'm driving now yep oh it's it's the traffic the traffic uh yeah there's people honking everywhere i am i'm no babe i would not rather be anywhere else in the world today is all about you and i am so excited for it yeah i know i dress nice yeah i got i got a collared shirt on of course i did my hair yeah yeah no i i look great like i i you don't know how excited i am about this day all right i'll see you in a minute gotta get there gotta get there hold on someone's texting me apache rifle works matt the new surbu rifle is here at the shop [Applause] welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and today i have a very interesting episode planned for you but before we go any further i want to say thanks to our sponsor this video is sponsored by raid shadow legends awesome champions check tough bosses check millions of players check years of content regular updates check and check there are millions of players every month over one hundred thousand members on their discord thousands of videos every week and almost 40 000 members on reddit rate shadow license has been downloaded over 25 million times there have been over 2 billion pvp live player battle spots so far and there's tons of resources online if you're looking for help on getting started checking out the champions or learning how to defeat bosses on channels such as youtube twitch and discord pretty cool to just scroll through all the factions and check out all of their different champions you can really tell the detail they put into all of them and they went above and beyond to make all of them unique make them different from each other even though there's tons of them they all have different abilities different skills and different looks which is mayor ray's always releasing new updates and the biggest update ever is in development right now the doom tower it's 120 floors of super hard levels and even harder bosses the frost spider the magma dragon the tomb crab they all look awesome you'll need to build special teams and strategies beat them and i can't wait to dive in and start playing you can find me in the game under the nickname doctor demolition and if you're fast enough you can even join my clan so what are you waiting for go to the video description click on the special link and if you're a new player you'll get a hundred thousand silver plus one free epic champion slasher who's super awesome if you click within the next 30 days all this treasure will be waiting for you here good luck and i'll see you there we acquired a door don't ask questions just say great job man find that door it is an airplane door one of the regular ones that you see on a giant airplane this is off the emergency exit row so this is a door that we don't normally see open because you don't normally see emergencies it's very thick as you can see and as you'd imagine on an airplane it's a good five inches thick we're gonna do two different things on this first we're gonna shoot through the glass because as you guys know there's a lot of thick glass to keep you safe from going really fast so we are going to shoot glass first to see if we can make it through hit our target and we're going to work our way up in caliber and then i think we'll try the side i assume that's going to be better so i have no idea what this thing is made of right here you can tell it's made of some kind of composite it has metal in it but i think it's mostly composite weighs 41 pounds 19 kilos throw hatch out of aircraft okay we will chunk this hatch out of the aircraft you also could open it from the outside all right you guys are safe i saved you i left it up so forcibly first up 22 long rifle i am a little bit uh worried about ricochet so here we go i'm going straight at the glass oh this is the one with the wobbly sight and get my excuses in early if it misses turns out gotta take the safety off perfect shot okay if that went through it totally hit him in the head i think it stopped actually man it did a lot more damage than i thought it was gonna do yeah nothing went through here should put his shade down give him a little more extra protection there i don't know where the bullet is i guess that must be that's pieces of glass there oh that is that is the bullet i thought that was a piece of glass so the bullet hit in there and then busted in a bunch of pieces that's glass mixed with lead right there okay well we successfully stopped switching long rifle i'm impressed let's move up to another tiny baby caliber because i think anything real is going to go through this the powerhouse a 380 acp oh man i can already feel this power coming through firing it seems solid it seemed real solid ouch yeah that's new man okay so that's pretty thin honestly it has a bunch of sheets little sheets of plasticky glass none of its actual glass and uh yeah we shattered it they keep you from touching it with this thin piece here which i cannot get out i should have left that down should have known okay uh sorry mr golden head that didn't work at all did not even protect against the 380. remember that one time we made the glove video and it was terrible i'm so glad we're not about to do that again back to the 22 long rifle i love these videos and we have to go back down we are shooting at the actual door now down low that made a much bigger hole than i thought it would make oh it didn't make a hole that is metal i really thought this was not metal framed but it's it's definitely got aluminum that's great yeah this thing only weighs 41 pounds and for as big as it is i thought it was probably all kind of composite plastic that's really really really really good for the sake of you in this video back to the 380. place your comments down below your predictions down below do you think a 380 is gonna go through it pause the video right here and then come back i think a 380 is not going through i think it's stopping on the front here oh it went through yeah that's it that's a good good hole right there through our thin piece of aluminum and i don't see daylight coming through yeah yeah it went it went right through 380. the 380 goes through the glass and the door i really thought when the 22 just made that little tiny dent there that we had something but that aluminum that thin aluminum panel was the only thing that was actually stopping the bullets i think there's a bunch of fibers in there but they are not kevlar and the bullet just tumbled straight through them and right out the back there yeah just little fibers doors aren't even bulletproof yeah hello oh hey youtube oh not only are my videos going to be demonetized they're also just not going to be allowed to upload why is it because of the guns oh it's the poor content i totally understand i decided that since the gun content wasn't very good i would just do other things to entertain you guys so like let's let's break a cinder block ready can't even break a cinder block it's fall now let's make it fall [Music] that was cool you got him that was cool [Music] i missed it i just hit the ground dude perfect but with guns nope uh dude perfect but with guns dude perfect bow with guns dude perfect but with guns oh that was so close dude perfect both gone dude perfect but missed everyone i've got it okay so a couple weeks ago we filmed a video where we shot kevlar gloves hoping to see how bulletproof they are turned out they were not bulletproof at all they weren't even cut proof like they were supposed to be it was the worst video i've ever made and so i thought you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna buy gloves that are bulletproof and so we did i bought these these are cut gloves but they have metal fibers wrapped all around them they're awesome and i was like this could be bulletproof and then they also come with this so these are cut gloves right so you'd think you wouldn't be able to cut them but if you go chop chop chop that one actually didn't cut chop chop chop slices it right open probably not gonna stop a bullet either i got these was really pumped that we found some bulletproof gloves and then i tried cutting them and it just it just chops it i mean it's steel those are steel fibers but they're probably not gonna stop bullets so i was thinking what if we get all of our bulletproof gloves and we line them up in front of the window and see if it'll stop a bullet and protect our passenger video saved maybe we should just talk about how uh 380 is like super powerful so that people don't know will think like like oh this is like a really powerful round that made it through not like a really weak round okay so yeah i'll do that all right guys we got the super powerful 380. we're going through it made it through the door because it's so powerful but will it make it through like five pairs of shark proof gloves sounds just like building it all up so it seems more epic you know so we get more views all right here we go fire egg uh direct hit and it sunk pretty deep in those gloves but stopped didn't even go through the door definitely dented the door what did we hit it cut it on the back side oh there it is that is our 380 smashed flat against that door i think this this plastic strap is what actually stopped it sweet well i mean like this is about as powerful of a gun as you can get but we have one that's a little bit more powerful because like it's they're both just they're both extreme we'll just go a little bit higher now that worked great that was awesome okay we got the old maxim nine we are shooting the ultra powerful nine millimeter cartridge pretty much goes through everything firing that seemed really solid i don't have a good feeling about this dang you actually even cracked the glass amazing um like like basically video saved subscribers aren't leaving my life couldn't be any better right now what's funny is these things are all still going through the gloves and the gloves are slowing them down enough that they are not going through that first layer of aluminum this is the old cabot 45 acp a big ol heavy bullet this is a full metal jacket so it should have fairly good penetrating capabilities just like me oh i mean back to the video firing yeah i i don't know that might have stopped i'm not sure dang stopped big old dent but nothing going through let's move this over a little bit basically these plain doors are just amazing like just super strong and bulletproof i don't think it has a whole lot to do with the gloves at all but everything is just going straight through the gloves slowing down enough then they stop on that the next round though boom all the way through that's my bet today we're shooting nine millimeter out of this shotgun just kidding it that's not that's i'm actually going there uh it's double that buck 12 gauge there's two things here it may go through it also may spread enough that it misses our gloves and goes around it and then also will go straight through that's the only one they know firing oh yeah oh firing again everything hit right here there's our wad just smashed through our glove here now the real question oh no yeah there's some pieces right there that's that's a buckshot pellet there's another one right there and then i think a lot of them went through let's see what the inside looks like whoa nothing all right all right all right all right yep we really figured this out so i would uh advise if you're on a plane sit in the door that has the uh gloves on the outside then you're protected one more round this one's going all the way through i will bet the ranch on it and i'll edit it if i'm wrong 50 beowulf that's a 50 cal big ol round firing out of a regular sized ar it uh it's gonna go straight through no doubt firing oh yeah and boom straight hole through real question yeah you can see what's in there it's just a bunch of layers of this fiber that's woven together which is what i suspected and the reason why we thought it might be bulletproof because that's what kevlar is too but turns out not super bulletproof unless you put a bunch of gloves in front of it which which i do every time i fly better safe than sorry you like to protect your hands right me too everyone does and you should do it with these gloves and you can purchase these gloves for five easy payments a week but wait there's more we're also including shotgun shelves with everyone that's not even legal but we're doing it for you you want a shotgun shelf there you go you want a shotgun shell you know what two for you buddy not legal in most states we don't care cause we love you don't like white gloves we got you [Laughter] we got red too like america god bless it what's that we've never done that before if you buy right now you get this and this and this you get a free can of spray paint you get earplugs they're for you hit me the eyeball i've actually been sort of depressed after the last couple videos that have been just sort of bad they've just ended poorly i thought they'd go better and they didn't so just i'm just low right now i'm at a low point in my life i'm just feeling down and it would really help me if you guys talked bad about someone else in the comments below to lift my spirits so in the comments below will you guys tell me everything you don't like about donut operators videos i would love to just just be the bully and laugh at his worst video to make myself feel better and for a limited time only i'll pick a few commenters i'll ask your address and i'll send you one of these buckshot shot up gloves to your house thanks for watching demolition ranch i promise you the next video is gonna be better i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,979,220
Rating: 4.8911223 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: wxn1a5dKZ7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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