WISH.com SCAM! Part 2, Testing Chinese Body Armor...

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WISH.com and SCAM are redundant words.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/kire545 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't know I think some of that stuff might stop airsoft.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/voiderest 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

There are a lot of things you can cut corners on in life. Trash bags, sponges, low use furniture for example. Are people are so stupid to think cheap knockoff costume props are valid self defense gear??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Wish" are well known to be asshole scammers who sell fucking bullshit. Avoid them.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Empty-Tumbleweed-754 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh man i'm cold nice to meet you code my name is kevin my friends call me the canster yeah all right uh so do you fix computers okay yeah um my computer's frozen do you want a little snowman yeah i'm just kidding i'm just kidding let me see if i warm this up [Laughter] all right yeah yeah i think i think it just has like a bug or something oh bug what kind like a grasshopper or like a scorpion does it have pictures [Laughter] all right honestly man i think i probably should just go somewhere else i'm sorry i'm sorry i can troubleshoot this i'm sorry okay all right all right yeah okay great great [Laughter] ah welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and a while back we made a video with armor body armor and helmets from wish.com because their descriptions are ridiculous and it says it can stop all kinds of crazy stuff and when you actually get it it's very cheap poor excuses for body armor it wasn't exactly what they said in fact it was exactly the opposite of what they said they've come out with some new stuff so i ordered it all we're gonna start with this helmet and this vest let me just show you the ad for this vest first off it is titled bulletproof vest got it can withstand 24 joules of kinetic energy we have no way of measuring that claim but i i'm just going to believe him on that one i do like the picture of the guy on the side that's doing this like the action shot like hey guys stand like this i said we'll sell this one and then if you look uh not only is he getting stabbed which we will have to test that he's also getting shot uh there's a bullet hitting it and it shows the entire cartridge it has a bullet it has the case and it is hitting him with an explosion too so somehow they figured out over in china how to fire the entire cartridge at this and it still withstand it i'm going to read the description this is a 2020 new anti-riot durable bulletproof vest body armor best tactical military gear level 3 protection makes me want to buy it uh so level 3 will actually stop at 30 odd 6. i doubt it i seriously doubt it let's just try it let's try a knife okay okay okay all right uh let's try a gun let's see how much protection wow that was this is dirty too let's see how much protection an 87 wish body armor vest will actually get you entry [Music] [Laughter] but it said it was durable body armor riot gear 2020 level three it is not not even close we're gonna rip this thing open and see what it's actually made of and see why they're claiming it could stop all that stuff went straight through him into the back it did stop in the back one though you know what we were just thinking it said 2020 and it is no longer 2020 so it's just expired like if it still was 20 20 probably it'd still work i want to see what's in here here's our kevlar i have a feeling sounds like there's legos in here i don't know what we're gonna find in this that is just straight up styrofoam what there's like dragon skin in here so there used to be this stuff called dragon skin where they had a bunch of ceramic plates and they're all hooked together like this so they could bend wow so this thing is like a stab proof only blocked the knife blade really good but as you can see a 22 went straight through it man that's actually super cool it totally would stop bullets if it was not the thickest little piece of tin you'd ever seen all right uh wish armor is a fail on that one it definitely does not stop speeding bullets even though it said hot next to it on the ad we should do the helmet now next up is a professional tactical bulletproof helmet with super quality safe and comfort it does look very comfort let me see how safe and comfort this feels actually is very comfort like i'm i feel the comfort in it wow it's real leather too super comfort so this uh all it is metal it's a metal bowl and it has leather that actually holds your head and a leather strap which is interesting because that's not what the ad says like i don't they didn't send us this like this is pictured but this is not what they sent us get a hold of yourself man this is a 2020 new bolt list very clearly our bolts but you could say that's not the one they sent us but if you look at the picture there's definitely a bolt in the one that's pictured next to it too new boltless m88 pass gt nij 3a which nij 3a means it will stop up to a 44 magnum actually might it's it's metal kevlar ballistic bulletproof helmet not there's not a piece of kevlar in this thing buy alloy steel lightweight i mean that's ally steel lightweight i don't know what that sentence doesn't make sense though military army riot and bulletproof training helmet so they're saying it's a level 3a kevlar helmet training helmet training helmet means it's not it means it's like a fake helmet but then it's that you wouldn't say all the kevlar stuff let's just shoot it this doesn't make any sense all right 22 long rifle going at the helmet turns out safety works it did stop it completely but 44 magnum they're not going to stop let's go up in caliber we're going to give another shot this is a 357 i don't know colt python 357 magnum is the 44 magnum's little brother so we're giving it a chance but i don't think it's going to matter [Applause] that's the creepiest thing i've ever seen oh that's how it fell his his brain fragments are in here look oh the bullets in here wow it's really hot it's really hot dude that is gnarly and definitely not bulletproof where did it go on the other side did it hit the other wall oh yeah so it went straight through his skull and bounced right there how do we catch the bullet in here that's crazy weird turns out this one is not what it says it is either strange we bought a bunch more i need to make a little adjustment to what i said earlier i thought i mean i ordered that black helmet i thought this is what they sent in place of that they also said this in a different package which i didn't think we had ordered but then i took this off and realized that's actually the boltless helmet that they're talking about even though there's bolts in it so i don't know what this is we don't need this five for five five for one so this is what we actually ordered that's what was pictured this is the boltless one that has four bolts in it says kevlar pretty sure it's still metal uh so we're gonna shoot this thing let's try this one what is that for the chin strap it block no i think it okay it goes like this ah that's super comfort okay we're gonna put it on and try it and place the other one because i think this is the one that was in that ad actually 22 long rifle going at the super comfort helmet over there like why would it say level 3a and a 22 just walks right through it it's gone 22 right through it hit him in the head right there his name is ken i just found out we have more body armor from wish so let me show you what we got up next is this where face that's weird this is the wear face of it which i think goes toward the body this is a lightweight soft armor plate level 3a 28 layers of aramid bulletproof fibers okay that off actually makes sense it like sounds like it's legit and not sounding like it was put through google translate let's see what the description says one piece of 10 inch by 12 inch shooters cut soft ballistic panel body armor safety plate aramid kevlar tuaron core bulletproof vest plate panels that sounds like it hit like all the keywords at once nij level 3a 3a and this one is the most we spent it's a hundred and twenty dollars marked down from 500 so we really got a good deal on it it does not feel like kevlar i mean it's something soft some kind of soft body armor but kevlar feels like more like cloth this feels like it's full of paper paper is though a bunch of fibers so maybe maybe it's good we're gonna put it right here on him see if he survives wait wait yeah the wear face i think where face goes toward the body should be good to go let's see if it works 22 log rifle versus the armor plate i think it i think it went through i hope it stopped right there and stopped it entry no exit hit right there all right there you go there's pieces of bullet fragment right there so it is yellow fibers much like kevlar they're really fine maybe over at wish.com they know something we don't know and the finer fibers work better we are going to step it up once again coat python baby did that even do that it just ejected it so i can check it out easier let's see oh it stopped it wow okay that is the inside oh it's hot i can feel heat coming out of this there it is right there you can see the copper underneath that bullet is completely stopped in here in our plate which means we need to go up again i'm impressed this one actually is body armor this one should do uh about what the 357 mag did this is a 45 acp a lot of power but bigger slower moving projectile i love that it just injects it out to me over here where did we hit here oh it's over here i can feel the bullet moving around i'm going to push it out this hole there it is yep warm hot all right 45 acp also stopped which means we got to go faster rifle round this time but it's out of a pistol short barrel and it's a 300 blackout subsonic so definitely moving and heavy but it's subsonic so not going too fast maybe we'll stop this is the best game ever definitely stopped where did it go in though oh it hit right there yeah i can i can feel it i'd open this up that's the 357 magnum you can see how it kind of flowered out right there let's go ahead and pull that thing out and it took me forever to figure out where the 300 blackout is because it was right under it right here so there's our 300 blackout not hot anymore but went in like that and then smashed all sideways completely stopped did not go through with our subsonic 300 blackout so we need something supersonic probably next we are going to shoot 762 by 39 out of this little maxim this is super sonic round out of a short barrel though so not going full speed right there looks like it's going in oh yeah definitely through straight through okay uh here's the deal though it didn't say it could stop a rifle it said it's level 3a and it did stop level 3a stuff it did not stop anything faster like a by 39 so the next one we ordered is not at all what we got we ordered i don't know which one to read like the picture or the giant jumble of words i'll read the picture we order nij4 bulletproof plate ceramic plus kevlar composite kevlar and ceramic don't ring like that this is definitely just a piece of metal they like to like have a nice curve with them usually so they fit on your chest they just bent this one in the middle like there's only a bend right here and it's straight and straight but i mean we only paid 30 for it so i guess you get what you pay for let me just tell you a little bit about this it has comprehensive protection against ak-47s ar-15s deer rifles dragon offs grenades and knives you have a grenade problem you can wear this 30 will save your life 3.5 millimeter nij level 4 military bulletproof plate high technology yeah ceramic plus kevlar composite safety gear armor police bulletproof panel for assault rifle sniper knife fragmentation grenade they even say it's for a frag grenade okay the problem is it is not ceramic definitely not level four level four i think stops a black tip 30.6 so like an armor penetrating 30 odd six yeah i'm gonna call bs on that one we're gonna go ahead and set it in here shoot it at 22 which i think it will stop for 22 and then i bet it will not stop anything else 22 long rifle at the level four plate what do you think place your bets in the comments below stopped it barely though barely barely look at that pretty big bulge we are gonna do 45 acp now and i'm betting to go straight through oh and i was betting wrong look at that crazy let's step it up we're i think we're going 3d7 now 387 moves faster it's smaller more lightweight but it goes faster so i think that was close to penetrating i think 357 is going right through what a beauty this gun is smoking hole yeah he's dead all right this is not even level 3a which is two levels under the level they are claiming it to be level four so yeah they lied again we ordered five things and we're like we're trying to figure out which one is which because this one looks exactly like the other one but it's it's different it's got a spongier layer on it's got something else around the metal plate and the metal plate is thicker the ad shows size medium strike face on it which ours obviously only has strike face written on it but this is the one because on the packaging this one said 2.3 millimeter which this is the only ad that says 2.3 millimeter on it the others were 3.5 and 1.5 it's so confusing i don't even know how to say this this says bulletproof steel plate nij roman numeral iv which means four and then five the regular number five nij45 this is nij45 okay it says ceramic pe steel can be used with body armor but like we're buying it for body armor it says buy it and protect yourself right there but then it says use it with body armor i don't know but i really like the bullets down below that are all still complete cartridges that are hitting this and they're like little rockets they've got fire shooting out of the back at the back of them this makes zero sense at all all right let's read this one nij iv five 2.4 house is 2.4 millimeter over here it says 2.3 millimeter 2.4 millimeter bulletproof steel plate high technology safety gear armor military police stand alone even though it says standalone it also says can be used with body armor standalone bulletproof panel for m14 m4 m16 qbz i think that's a that's a duramax thing anyway 36 was 58 but we marked it down it's american flag so obviously this is totally an american-made product over here right let's see if this level 45 stops anything but wait there's more than what i realized in here it has this picture which shows the uh the bullets flying in they look like nine millimeter cartridges full cartridges all flying in and hitting what looks like a blue force field around it so i didn't realize that but if this has a force field it probably will stop a lot more than i expected so we're gonna shoot the force field level 45 plate sounded solid i think we got it oh my gosh i ripped a lot totally stopped though that one didn't dent at all this is a much harder plate than the last one all right this one actually could work let's shoot it with something bigger the cabinet 45 acp that totally stopped it again dang okay a tiny little dent in the back and there's our 45 acp busting through there's where it hit right there so the 45 actually kind of went up here under the r that's the bullet there's where it hit not even close to coming through yet nice this is where the other one failed the 357 magnum but i think this one is going to be fine 22 through 7 magnum completely stopped a very small bulge you guys know what i'm talking about 300 blackout hit down low nothing even close to going through seven six two five thirty nine oh that's a big fireball dang that is as close as you can get coming through it's cracked on the back side you can see that little piece of metal wobbling there that actually could be lead not sure yeah for sure is lead so there's a piece of the bullet on this side and a little tiny bit of lead was squeezing through right there but the bullet did not go through which would make it about a level three a level three is either a 308 or a 30.6 it will stop i think it's a 308 which a 308 and 386 are both faster than a 762 by 39 which means the 308 would go straight through this which means this thing is level 3a but not level 3 and it set as level 4 to five which i think there's not even a level five i don't think that's a thing this is my gold 500 magnum everyone's like matt shoot the 500 and i'm like no okay uh this is gonna be going slower than last round but way more energy so i just kind of wanted to see what it would do geez i mean it's fine felt really good i wish i could shoot a million of those you know they're so fun to shoot it did not stop the 500 magnum that was a 350 grain that thing was moving and went straight through you okay there bud yeah he did again so the last one said it was level four or maybe level five but maybe it meant if you add all of them up together they are level five so we're going to shoot a 50 bmg through all of them we've stacked all the plates we got the dragon skin we got the helmet we got the other helmet we are going to fire a 50 bmg straight through the level 5 body armor bam bam bam bam will it go all the way through i want to say yes we're shooting tons of armor like 200 worth of armor right now we're gonna see how it works this is a 50 bmg this is a barrett m82 it has a big old bullet which does a lot of damage and i think it's gonna go through everything he hit the deck so fast we had to duct tape his legs together it turned out to just look like a little mini skirt we didn't really think that one through let's see i think this helmet was on the outside yup i'm gonna call that a pass through this one as well that as well 50 cal went straight through there that was our 500 magnum i think no that was the 762.50 right through that whoo that's 50 cal this was the 500 magnum jeez look at that mama jamma oh whoa did we catch it or is it stuck in his body nope we did not catch it it went through everything wait there's a dragon skin on the back i don't think we caught it i think it went through uh hey wish all of your armor terrible and none of it is level four or level five just so you know even when you stack it all together still not and my friend is dead because of your mistakes here's the deal then militia i will shout out your business your youtube channel your mom whatever you want if someone makes me some real dragon skin either ceramic or ar500 steel that's like level three that'd be super cool i don't really know if i want to test it because it's me a ton of work you decide if you want me to test it i will if you just want me to keep it so i can wear it in the apocalypse i think that'd be cool too but this this got me all excited about dragon skin i haven't thought of it a long time and they made some out of this like coke can body armor it didn't work at all but it's really cool so if someone wants me to shout out something let me know send me an email say you're going to make some of it well don't say you're going to say you made some i want to know thanks for watching this episode of demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor hey you stayed till the end thank you we're going to start doing a little bit extra at the end for everyone who actually makes it to the end you guys want to see what happened to the laptop i shot in the first part i hit it pretty good actually we're not aiming not bad and here's what's under that piece this is just the back of the screen make sure to not touch the white tape it's a sensitive area i always touch sensitive areas
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 9,992,873
Rating: 4.8995218 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: BN_M1ik1G34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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