The Cheapest Gun You Can Buy!!! and why it's not horrible...

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This... Would actually be really neat. You could actually simulate the trigger having to slap forward at a high enough speed. And pop cartridges without the barrel attached

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TrucksAndCigars 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
Lincoln I think you're finally ready for some more responsibility so today I got you your first pistol it's a sig p320 X carry oh do you do you not like the color oh did you want the 40 you wanna joke to you Oh what I wanted a Desert Eagle bro you're only five you can't smell 50 Cal without five who are you Eagle this episode is brought to you by war face war face is a popular first-person tactical shooter that is completely free to download and available on PC Xbox one Playstation 4 and Nintendo switch with over 80 million registered players it's been completely updated for consoles it runs at 60 frames per second in 4k Ultra HD quality with HDR enabled on PlayStation 4 pro and xbox 1x more face on Nintendo switch is the first cry engine powered game on the switch there are five playable classes in war face rifleman medic engineer sniper and synthetically engineered double which is coming with the new Titan update on war face each of the classes comes with its own outfit set of skills and tools to achieve victories so they each have their own unique play style war face really does have a lot of options for customization in the game the game's arsenal may be considered an encyclopedia of modern guns and ammunition Warface contains hundreds of unique types of weapons more than 400 real existing weapons and attachments for them warface is free it's fun and there is a link down the description below where you can download it for free thanks for sponsoring demolition ranch two of these are not actually real guns if you thought that's not a real gun that's a hairdryer you were correct if you thought that's not a real gun that's a hot glue gun you were correct if oh wait oh wait no this is this is we're good this is all of it welcome to demolition race my name is Matt and if you've ever watched this channel before you know that I like the biggest and baddest guns and today we have just that it's the brand-new bear it's the Beast of all sniper rifles it's 75 BMG integrally suppress 400 rounds in ghost gun oh wait no it's not that at all it's the opposite actually it's a 9-millimeter single-shot pistol what the owl tour pistol it is a 9-millimeter single-shot pistol but why Wow what what what yeah Wow the reason this pistol is even worth talking about is because it is the cheapest 9-millimeter that you can buy brand-new it is cheaper than the cheapest Glock it is cheaper than the cheapest Taurus it is even cheaper than the cheap I just started thinking about it I can't even think about that almost vomiting it's cheaper than the cheapest hi hi sorry okay so back to the gun the outdoor is a very interesting design also it is like I said single shot so you can see in this hand all this is is a barrel it is one piece of metal that's it this thing is the five other pieces of this gun it has that part where the actual case slides in and then it has a trigger and the the sights are all just built in to the frame here very interesting so what you do I actually don't know if you load your I guess yeah you have to load it in here so you load your round in here stick your barrel on and you're ready to fire now what's really interesting about this is the trigger so this trigger it also is how you release the barrel so that's how you reload is you have to pull the trigger back a hair that unlocks the barrel and comes apart but the trigger does not lock back the trigger as you can see oh my Safety's on so it does have a safety right there you can see the red pop out right there when you're ready to fire the trigger never locks back so to fire it you just pull the trigger back and let it go so the trigger flies forward and the trigger has the firing pin on it so it has a piece in here when you pull that trigger back it pulls the firing pin back against the spring when you let it go it flies forward hitting your primer setting off your round and sending your round downrange the barrel is rifled probably up I don't know one and a half inch barrel it's tiny has a tiny rifled barrel shoots one shot so what is the point of this they're not trying to compete with 1911 manufacturers they're not trying to compete with Glock they're just trying to make the cheapest simplest gun that will reliably go boom so this is for people who maybe are backpacking and they don't expect to need a gun but they want one just in case the need arises it's for farmers who may need to go put down an animal on the ranch maybe you're the kind of guy that gets attacked by ninjas quite often so you need a gun in a bunch of areas of your house but you don't have enough money to buy ten eight hundred dollar guns so instead you buy ten $100 guns put them all around in secret locations of your house for the ninja attacks nine millimeter Full Metal Jacket oh uh this thing would totally fire without the barrel on and I'm pretty sure okay we are ready to fire safety is on I'm turning the safety off I don't really know how you hold it either I'm gonna try that you can see there's one little finger groove there I'm gonna try putting my middle finger there and pulling this trigger back okay just pull it back like a normal gun you have to slip your finger off the trigger to get it to fly forward hit that big oh that was a dead sinner heart shot on our Pig cool check that up okay definitely not a comfortable pistol to shoot which obviously is not something they were going for but it's super light and you're holding it with a very weird grip so it kind of hurts let's see what else we can hit you actually see right here how the trigger is connected to that firing pin so when I pull it down firing pin goes down and you let it go forward the firing pin flies up hitting that primer I'm gonna actually go for shooting this thing fast when try for two in a row okay reload reload so that was a hit on her Pig right above the last one ah and that was the head also straight through okay that was probably yeah that's probably a little more 13 yards ish and I hit that thing right in the center let's shoot that green target that's probably I don't know 18 yards see if we can hit it's a it's a man-sized actually it's a 2/3 man-sized target at about two and a half times the distance they say you're supposed to shoot it and I hit it straight the chest yeah man all right I think I might have also hit the rock you guys are standing on sorry about that reload so you always want to shoot the top ones because then it will spin less we're going man we're going I should have been timing this I'll just put a timer up on the screen oh dang it come on dang it and even when you're shooting a semi-automatic pistol or shotgun and you miss one on the Texas Star makes you so mad because you wasted a shot you wasted that time it's really bad when you have a single-shot pistol though and you missed three in a row because it's so much work to reload oh come on all right slow it down slow it down slow it down this trigger tricky to master I think I think I'm also flinching all right let's just go for the bottom one there we go so that was good because that wouldn't want make it move too much because it's balanced at the bottom all right the next one I hit should make it move dang it I think I'm shooting low yeah oh no don't I'll have two more I don't have another one I can't finish the Texas Star okay if you were to bury guns in certain locations this might be a good option it's just plastic polymer and stainless steel so it should last as long as you put it in you know a good container in the ground and it's cheap like you could take me free for a thousand bucks get ten of these buried ten guns wherever you want not that I've done that or anything or I'm thinking about it or probably gonna buy ten more to do that with but it's just an option I'm gonna try some different ammo now this is a subsonic bullet which this is not suppressed so it should still be loud I'm gonna fire it into the dirt up there oh come on yeah it's still very loud sound exactly the same to me and this is the opposite of subsonic this is actually one of the superfast nine millimeters it's a civil defense 9 millimeter Plus P I'm going at like 2,000 feet per second so it should be very fast I'm just gonna shoot it see if it makes any difference or if it kicks more or less it's a light bullet but it's flying way louder and kick less another possible use for a single shot 9 is using something like rat shot is what it's called you can see it has a bunch of little bb's in there so that's a 9 millimeter but it's called the rat shot round tiny little bb's they're good for like snakes or rats and so it would be good for a farmer who's out on the farm to fire as his snake gun cuz theoretically you only need one shot you know and you're gonna be up pretty close you would not shoot these out of a normal semiotic gun because they do not cycle either because the rat shot is just a weird shape so it gets jammed up or it doesn't have enough power to knock the slide all the way back to load in the next round so a single shot application is pretty good for rat shot let's see how this works so that was at 5 yards and we've got probably a 10 inch spread here the bulk of the BBS were probably in a little 6-inch pattern here so at 5 yards you can pretty much you can imagine kill any snake or rat as long as your aim is good which that's where I was aiming and it all hit right there that was pretty cool and I was squatted down talking and this was in my back pocket and then it fell out on the ground and just fell on these rocks right here and theoretically this thing should not break like what is there to break right like what if anything could break on it like literally probably nothing could break on it it looks good about 15 yards it's the next day and because this video is sponsored by Warface link in description below go check them out please Thank You Warface for sponsoring this video I wanted to make it extra good for you and so what I did was find a way to hook this thing down to a post in a pretty secure manner and remote-fire it we're gonna just set a nine millimeter off all willy nilly out in the open like this it's a good idea right we probably will not be able to find the bullet because it's gonna fire it on that way but two things I do want to see or one house shredded is the case so regular nine millimeter let's set it in right like that and to will it push this thing back in II we just have it clamped in but I want to know if there's a medium force going back most of the force I would guess is gonna spread out very quickly and please do not try this at home we are in a controlled environment where at the range is pointed downrange I'm gonna be way way back over here so it's always weird is to stretch any string you have a whole lot further than you think I also want to see if it's loud oh here we go we're stretching quieter than a regular nine millimeter it did fire bummer I thought I was still gonna be there so I'm looking around the ground I found some 9 millimeters but I don't think these are them I thought I mean it could be I don't know I was hoping I'd see like an exploded shell but yes sweet okay that is I'm not focused so dang it just blew it out okay now back to yesterday's video where yesterday's mat has no idea that I was gonna interrupt him like this so he's gonna well he won't act like anything cuz he has no idea it's coming the alt or nine-millimeter single-shot pistol is it a good gun for farmer John to have Casey sees a rattler yeah is it a good gun for Rancher Joe to have in case he needs to euthanize some livestock yeah is it a good gun for crazy bill to have when he wants to bury some things in the ground in case of a poop at the fan scenario as long as it's very responsibly where kids can't get to it yeah is it the best gun for home defense no is it a good backup to your home defense gun is it a good backup to your backup yeah is it worse than a hi-point no nothing's worse than I oh okay thank you guys for watching this video thanks for checking out this very unique very interesting gun yeah we'll have big guns coming back up later I like it for certain purposes I think it's really good I think it's tough too you could smack someone with it and oh that's gonna suck to go over there and get that touched by a new one hey description below Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,365,919
Rating: 4.8979592 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., cheapest, cheap
Id: F7291bGZEXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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