Shooting Nitrous w/ Cleetus McFarland!!!

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Just saw that vid lol lucky its auto grade

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/juicyllamas ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is the dumbest shit i've ever seen. They shoot these tanks, and then go and inspect them and touch the dents? LMAO they are like asking for it to explode in their face? I mean seriously how retarded do you need to be. All I can say is they are INCREDIBLY lucky.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/typing ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

hotbox that shit mayne

edit: but seriously, not auto grade.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Cruel_Mistrego ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I saw this and thought Iโ€™d cry watching it. Didnโ€™t watch it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jonh2424 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mj_summers ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello sir welcome to demo bistro so have you ever driven one of these before uh yeah my grandma had the same car this is a 2009 toyota camry le with the gold package well as long as it's not stick shift i can drive it okay just take it easy if i find one scratch on this i will have your job i know the manager here he's close friends with me and i can get you fired for sure absolutely i know two high school boys do with these things don't let her get a scratch you better not [Music] he'll never know this nice kid welcome to demolition ranch today i'm joined by a couple florida man mans men's florida men hell yeah brother this is uh cletus mcfarland and james you've probably seen him on the youtube channel cletus mcfarland and james we did some car stuff uh on the off ranch channel and also on cletus's channel uh you should go check it out it's already on youtube and it's pretty pretty legit if you like el caminos and you like america they brought some they brought some toys to put in the el camino did some burnouts ls baldwin a lot of freedom we broke my factory a little bit so we thought hit the building i did i did well tap my own building so we thought what would be better than a demolition ranch but you can't come all the way to texas and not do a demolition ranch video no that was part of the deal is we got to shoot some guns so i was like what can we do that that brings our two channels together and a while back james jordan came and he brought scuba tanks and we shot scuba tanks and so these fools brought freaking nitrous tanks and they're full and that's cold so chilly all right so we have how big are these little bottles those are 10 pounders they weigh 24 and a half pounds full doesn't make sense to nitrous that means they should be 24 pounders cool good stuff so we got we got us some nitrous and then how big is a big one it's a 15 pound bottle holds 15 pounds of gas weighs about 32 pounds full okay so we run ios bottles and all our cars james particularly loves nitrous so i think he's extra excited about this video i always wanted to shoot one of them y'all have never shot one never shot i've never seen anyone shoot one i've never done it so this is going to be good the the scuba tanks were remarkably stout like i hit them with a 50 ae a desert eagle and it dinted it and didn't pop it really so these are steel bottles too right yep okay so we'll see then these were pumped up to much higher pressure so i assume the walls are probably thicker than these yeah so i bet these won't take a as big of a bullet but there's only one way to find out and then we'll shoot the nitrous bottles and they'll explode but that's actually kind of dangerous so we we're going to get back pretty far i'm a little nervous about this like i was worried about those two times it's gonna be a little sketch but we'll get back behind some stuff so we're fairly safe and we'll just start small and work your way up first up cletus is shooting a 22 long rifle this is made by christiansen we got a vortex scope on the top you think it's going through or no a little carbon feedback oh yeah it's got some carbon fiber on it nice yeah i don't think this will go through i don't either i think it's going to bounce we're going to go ahead and kind of be back here behind the truck bed though just in case it's a bulletproof truck bed dude went right off it oh look at that beautiful hit scooped her so a little like divot in it yeah yeah tiny oh yeah time i mean it really just knocked the paint off is there a dent no wow no dent nice dude holding up good yeah this piece of cake so next we're gonna have to shoot something bigger next up we got the cmmg 45 acp with a suppressor on it we actually have a nine millimeter out here too we're shooting at 45 because it's slower and heavier which i think means the nine i'll have a better chance of penetrating so we're going 45 first just off to the right off to the right i think it's probably not sighted in look i'm gonna i'm gonna blame that on me i'll move over left that's still gonna hit right but it might be skimming it and going right go a little more left that was a hit and no penetration james didn't get any penetration today [Music] oh look at that hit no dip a little bit same thing pretty much that's how you did if you look from the side there is a dent a little dent a little heavier of a hit oh yeah yeah you can feel the dent okay so now we're gonna do nine millimeter which is a faster smaller round better at penetrating maybe will work dude i'm so surprised though it's crazy how tough they are right yeah that is crazy this is a full auto um and it's an open bolt gun so you see how it locks open right here yeah so when you pull the trigger it starts it drives it forward and starts firing so you're on full auto i would squat down yeah dude what the hell this is insane my god they were shooting like 10 feet above and 10 feet below that all right i need a shot with a full magazine all right so he's gonna just aim not down the gun just by looking where the bullets are going i think because he's so big that this oozes hard america oh you hit it you hit it for sure [Laughter] dude nice one solid hit oh you hit up here hit the knob look at the nozzle the handle wow so looking right it broke the handle that actually could have been a kill shot if that would have hit right so you hit there too barely a scratch yeah man not even a dent tougher than i thought i gotta admit all right james gonna give her a rip we've already seen what the nine mil will do but we're just gonna see if maybe he's more powerful than cletus [Applause] you were real close to it what a unit that's awesome everyone for sure came this video hoping that james would say what a unit somewhere in the video we're doing the comrade 12 it's an ak-47 shotgun 12 gauge with one ounce slugs in it it's gonna be actually really hard to hit from here um but if he hits it it could be bad oh my gosh that's a ripper just to the right i don't know or maybe just just low aim at the top of it i look just high you're good and really close does your shoulder hurt yet no the mag keeps hitting the truck oh dang it [Applause] knocked it over but it didn't explode killed it [Music] dude direct hit knocked her down seemed solid where'd we hit dude that was oh my gosh oh wait you hit it twice no that that's oozy no i think you might a rickshaw oh that is a slug yeah you hit it twice in that one dude this thing's about to blow yeah shoot dawg wow dude what a dent that could not be any closer to exploding let's get out of here all right um we are going to have to step it up to rifle rounds which i'm not surprised that's what we had to do on the big tanks too on the scuba tanks so once you rifle around it's for sure going through oh boy five five six uh you're gonna hit on the first shot on this one you only need one but there's some more in there this is a 556 kel-tec survival rifle it's pretty sweet and i gave he goes can you give me one of the biggest stock and i said no smallest stock for you buddy this one's probably gonna explode i'm actually getting down i'm a little nervous ready yep just to the right right fireball hello dude definitely got the gopro no it's still standing that's still standing hell yeah your ground to make a lot of combustion right now if we have spark plugs in the fuel we're just hit all right so that looks like out right no that's in that's in it's still in there you can hear it it went in didn't come out oh that's freezing what a souvenir stick your tongue to that oh wow that's cold it's cold look at the hole it dug right here that's crazy like how fresh the ground is around it yeah it pushed all the leaves away oh yeah i dug a hole here there's literally a hole right there too sweet well demolition you're in luck because we have two more and we have two more guns they want to make this one take off like a rocket so we're gonna try to shoot it right in the bottom there james gonna be shooting the gold-plated ak-47 i figured that was his style yeah you ever shot an ak before yes you ever shot a gold ak before in for a treat this is actually gonna be a little tricky iron sights but it's a pretty accurate gun so we should be good to go i'm ducking again just in case anything flies this way thinking hitting the bottom i'm gonna try i'm gonna start low so i can work into it cool i didn't see it that looks high well i'm pointing at the ground like a foot below it okay let's go see what's happening i hit the one behind it [Music] holy that's really about to explode right there oh my gosh dude that's so deep okay um i think just keep peppering it with that egg okay and see what happens but this is we need to go lower look at this thing it's just icing over she's chilling yeah it's uh it's about to explode i'm getting out of here faster faster shoot it nailed it it's dead wow sweet you know i think we forgot to mention that nitrous oxide is not flammable it just helps combustion for sure because you get more air in the cylinders so more fuel but it's not flammable so i think a lot of people are probably expecting you to just go wow in a big fireball yeah this isn't the fastest yeah serious reality when you shoot when you shoot the nitrous it doesn't explode in a ball of waves we got a big tank left and a big gun left i think we're gonna end the video though thanks for watching nimble's ranch we'll see you next time cletus has never shot a 50 bmg and you're in luck because we have 50 b g front end first yeah and then push it in just like that you're in you did it okay thick this is uh very powerful but like you're not a man until you shoot this thing yeah like this is like the el chromino version of a gun except it actually looks good that's powerful that is powerful so we can paint this one for real what you're saying yeah i think we should i think we should paint everything chrome good luck uh put it hard against your shoulder don't put your don't put your eye close to that [Music] oh how'd that feel though right i felt so cool oh it's hot how hot where'd that go i don't know i was closing my eyes i got this for you it's a blue blue tip totally normal round yeah it's you're fine you're good you're good it's totally not a explosive round i can tell you guys aren't being sarcastic at all all right this should make a little flash sound range [Music] man that feels low squeeze oh my gosh did that blow up in the barrel the flash was right here what was that i don't know i aimed right on the center of it though that blew up totally in the barrel i've never seen that happen before we came up expecting to not see a hit dude freaking nailed her you freaking nailed it right where we were trying to and it didn't go through so the first shot was here in the dirt the second shot hit right here we were blinded by the flash at the muzzle break which i checked the barrel barrel's clear so it fired the bullet out it just the explosion happened in the barrel which is that we are slowed down the bullet i don't know but it hit right here and did not make a crazy huge dent james was saying the bottom of the barrel is the thickest part of the what the heck dude wow that thing's hanging on for dear life it's about to go all right we're gonna put uh if that explosion round didn't go in the barrel and went on this it might have worked yeah all right we are not gonna have problems penetrating anymore james didn't get penetration earlier i want him to get some penetration today so this is it we're doing it i feel like i'm on a special operations sniping team right now you are we're hunting nitrous how cool is that demo ranch sniper squad here okay we got armor penetrating that's basically the nitrous of the gun world wow holy did you see that spark whoa that was weird looking holy crap where'd this hat come from whoa it went in and exited it took the hole look this is the o-ring that seals the valve in here it broke the valve and shot the tube out somewhere is the valve that's what we call a perfect shot is still leaking that is super weird this is making nitrous bro this is the air conditioner i'm gonna put this in my bedroom at night it's so weird it's getting stronger too i'm gonna find them it's coming oh it's cause you put that tube back in there oh that's my stuff smells terrible it burns it burns so good what are you looking for the top look at this it snowed freeze over for a while crazy nitrous is somewhere i thought it was gonna be a fireball and turns out it was just a ice ball james came in with his big gun and he penetrated this thing and her top flew right off it was crazy demolition this has been going for like five minutes why what is what is happening how could this thing still be blowing cold air it's in a liquid form in there oh so it's liquid it's just boiling yeah and then there's no pressure right now because so it's got liquid not oh you're gonna pour it out you're gonna freeze your hand yeah so it's got liquid nitrogen that's just boiling in there oh yeah you're right comes out now it's done ruined all our fun okay oh yes that's crazy flashing out of there [Music] it's like muddy looking that's some dirty nitrous right there well there goes all your nitrous tanks for the el chromino oh wait we were gonna use dang it hey it's all right they make polish ones oh yeah i want a chrome i want a chrome nitrous tank for the chromino i think it's done that was it thanks to nos for the bottles i was actually supposed to use one for the el chromino but we just decided to shoot them all so we probably need to get another one and they're they weren't polished chrome enough so they have some chrome ones we can get you so we'll change them out i'll see that go check out cletus mcfarlane on youtube we got stuff over on his channel as well and i'm also going to be uh seeing you guys again in february i think yes sir thanks for watching demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor oh you guys waited to the end of the video i want to make it worth your while wide stance wide stance there you go
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 9,383,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: YGxnwU8_VMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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