Trying The Cheapest Amazon Gun Accessories

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gotta get there gonna be late late come on man let's go let's go let's go hope i do not get fired today should be there oh no you better hurry man do not pull out in front of me and go slow come on come on hey oh he just break checked me oh no he just he get out get out of here get out of the way oh he just do something that's it let's turn on two lasers for this one you're going down sucker [Music] i can't see i can't see anything welcome to demolition ranch christmas is coming up soon and if you want to look the best at christmas dinner this year we got you covered we have brand new demolition ranch christmas sweaters five ton truck five tons of christmas we got it from the front and we got it from the back that sounds weird but we got them linked description below if you want to get a christmas sweater and you might be thinking matt like me and my bro both want to get christmas sweaters but we're going to the same party and we don't want to be wearing the same thing i got you bro we got other ones these are actually last year's christmas sweater we still have a few of these left so while we have them these are also linked description below and you can look good with the 2019 christmas sweaters as well and these are all actual knit sweaters look how good they look out of focus look at that they're real sweaters and they're real awesome get them now welcome to demolition ranch oh that's your problem right there i was just recently saying this is the best car we've ever had on demolition ranch took out that tree though look at that golly well the el chromino strikes again i got a cool video for you guys you want to come hang out let's go to the range so you guys remember this little gun this is the altor 9 millimeter it's a very simple very inexpensive gun it's not super accurate though so i decided we'd put a picatinny rail on the top so we can mount red dots and scopes and stuff and we did this once before but the glue we used fell off and the red dot fell off so we scored it this time put some better glue on there i think the rail will have a better chance of holding now and i thought you know what's more accurate than a red dot is scope but i don't want to put like a really nice scope on here so we decided we'd go to amazon to do a little testing and i uh ordered a cheap scope really cheap off amazon and then i got into it i was like i kind of want to order a bunch of cheap stuff off amazon just to see if the cheaper stuff is actually lesser in quality so i ordered a ton of really cheap stuff to test off amazon and when i got it all in i realized it all hooks together like they all picked any rails on top of scopes on top of flashlights and it all just mounts together and then i thought i got a picatinny rail on this what if i just oh yeah we put it all together and now we have a lot of stuff and then i was like man it's just not ready so we reached out to altor and i was like hey you know be cool if y'all made this same barrel but you threaded it now i have the ultimate in zombie hunting self-defense let me walk you through some of its quirks and features where to start where to start well for one most military guns like berettas they had a lanyard so we wanted to make sure to incorporate a lanyard in this so that it could be considered for the military trials you have to have some way to hold your gun so let's get to let's get to the exciting stuff up here you might be like matt is that a green laser why yes it is check that out and you might be like matt is that another green laser very astute my friend but have you ever wanted to get two targets with one shot well this won't do that but it would scare them if there's two bad guys they wouldn't know which one you're gonna get not really here's the real deal guys so this laser right here you can see on that target that is sighted in for our short range at 400 yards and then this laser that's up higher is sighted in for our long range at 4 000 yards you might be like matt why is one off to the right of the other that's because this one is actually computer controlled too and it knows that 4 000 yards down there's a crosswind going this way so it compensates for that to bring it to bring it back so perfect shot every time one thing that i never liked with regular ars and guns that have red dots in them is like you only have one red dot and you have two eyes why are you limiting yourself and only aiming with half of your visibility i'm gonna take this barrel off so it's safe and i can point it at you guys so i have two red dots on here so i can aim like this with both eyes a hundred percent of my visibility is going toward aiming which means i am 100 more accurate than you are with your single sight and you might have thought this wasn't well thought out but this scope right here is also a cheek rest it doubles as a cheek rest so i get the perfect visibility and then it's like oh no that guy's 40 000 yards out better go back to my scope turn it up to 100 power got it now i've got a line on him we'll take the shot you might be wondering matt that's a nice flashlight and why do you have two of them think about it think it over it's just because i actually leave my flashlights on a lot and i don't want to run out of battery so if i run out i have it it's just back the the second flashlight just just a backup in case matt why did you need a suppressor i'm not even gonna go there that's a dumb question but on the end of the suppressor i've got a bipod for the extra stable accurate shots when i'm really reaching out to touch something this is our first time to fire it in its current configuration so that is how you load it like so and we are ready to fire we've never fired it with these sights we've never fired a laser we've never fired it with this barrel that is threaded and suppressed i'm going to aim just with the right green laser right at our biggest target to see where it's going i don't think it hit that was nice and quiet all right no more ears trying again i'm trying to figure out where this thing's going i look like it went really low oh i was using the 4 000 yard laser let's switch that actually that one might work all right here we go oh yeah we got a hit hit right there so a little bit low maybe the red dots will be on oh yeah this this red looks good one sec all right i'm gonna try to hit dead center in that pink now okay i know where to aim now i got it i'll figure this out we're getting close center plate here we come that is unfortunate you know this video started out as being like a testing amazon part um ah it wasn't going to be a good video anyway so it's actually it's a blessing in disguise that this thing fell off i'm better than iron sights anyway so i'll just go straight to the irons oh we ground the irons off so we could glue that on there i'm more of like a just shooting by feel kind of guy anyway so it's fine you know what i don't think we're gonna need that either yeah we'll just we'll just shoot by feel and see how she goes let's see if i can hit a target now without aiming without sights like i was thinking i mean i built this gun to be like a bed stand gun for like self-defense in the middle of night but it was a little too heavy anyway that's fine i just this is why we test things you know we test things so that we know what their limits are and we we found it and apparently i'm more accurate without sights anyway so a blessing in disguise a just a blessing guys another reason we're doing this video is because i wanted to test this this was made by one of you guys and unfortunately i lost the note it's been sitting in the barn for a little while i lost the note um to tell me how he made this but very thick material it feels like cast material honestly and it's fairly light feels like there could be some kind of ceramic component to it i don't know i'm not sure what's in it but he put this awesome sticker on there nij rating question mark that guy's awesome meme face to be determined by demo ranch we're not actually going to determine it too much today because all i have is a nine millimeter with a barrel that's this long so we'll see if it is a level three a or if it is not can i hit it though that's the question all right nine millimeter at the homemade demolition made body armor there he knows a solid hit look how good i am with this gun and not even a dent okay we'll uh have to do some further testing with this on a later episode but guy who sent this demolition member whose name i have forgotten and whose note i lost i'm sorry thank you for your service in building this and we'll see it again where we'll actually find out the rating it is probably 3a at least need more content in this video because i planned on doing a lot more testing with this but it broke so uh i'll just try to shoot the star i'll see if i can clear the star with this thing here we go easy easy if you're good like me and don't even need sights on your three inch barreled gun not a problem we got this let's see what we can do wow i missed out by like three feet up star star is not that's dumb that's that's dumb let's actually go bowling let's do a little bowling over here see what i can do with those bowling pins here we go bowling's a stupid sport no one wants that's not even not even a real sport it's a dumb sport but it's not real i missed the amazon stuff so i decided to bring it back but we don't have any glue or time to wait so i just taped it to my arm so now we've got lasers and lights and scopes and it's all perfectly in line with me firing i mean like look how good this is right look aiming here know exactly where it's going to fire this actually in my opinion is revolutionary we were actually going to unveil this at shot show 2021 but they just canceled it so you guys will have to wait till shot show 22 for this to be available to the market okay if i can actually get this to work i'm going to be rich firing [Laughter] let's see how accurate i can be with this thing i'm a bad man i'm a bad man with this thing god you guys want to start having guns built by me just let me know i'll probably start a company where i um make bionic arm guns it's probably the future most most likely is the future it's definitely the future totally forgot didn't have my bipod on so a lot of you guys are asking how i do like my 4 000 yard shots pretty simple i get my bipod arm just lay down get a comfy position hit that laser out and take the shot easy as that next episode i'll show you how i can hit 4 000 yards with my bionic arm until then thanks for watching demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time sorry if i just got the lace in your [Music] the eyes bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 4,154,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 0A4hgMinkQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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