How Strong is a $2000 Lock???

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so so so so [Music] so wait what welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt merry christmas and this christmas my granny asked me matt what do you want for christmas i said granny all i want is a lock and she said a lot i said just a little padlock that's all i need she said i'll get that for you that sounds reasonable and i sent her the link it was this it's like a 2 000 lock sorry granny i love you thank you for the present it came in it's great this is actually the most expensive lock that i could find online because i wanted to up it last time we did a lock videos like three years ago we had a 900 lock super secure it was great we busted it open this one doubled the price a little more and it's because it has a key fob it looks like just a little futuristic lock but come in close come here come here guys come here ready listen i'm gonna click this you hear that that means it's unlocked wait no that means you can turn it and unlock it and that's how you get in it's got a little key fob so if you don't have the key fob you can't get in lock it back got it so it's locked so very futuristic looking i don't know if it necessarily is much stronger it says it's super strong we're gonna put it up with all these other locks and see what we can do and see how a 2 000 lock stands up against these locks you know we got our cheapest of the cheap up here this is one of those that you put on like your luggage costs like a dollar then you get up these little more expensive you know they're nice they're big they're beefy this one's two thousand dollars though it's for you to militia we always started at 22 and we're doing the exact same thing today it is a 22 but it's not a 22 long rifle like normal this is a 22 magnum but that's actually not what we're shooting either we're gonna shoot this the 22 hornet so 22s are usually rimfires that is a center fire and it's shot out of this really long barrelled raging hornet i'm gonna try to shoot that little bitty lock i don't really know why it opened i hit just the bottom half of it it shows you these things are not strong it's just like jarred enough that it opened i hit right there that one does not even survive at 22. weak shoot this one 22 hornet going at our number two lock actually more damage than i thought it would do but not enough to open the lock so we probably should shoot something heavier oh this is cool it put little stripes in the wood back there where it bashes against it so it'll probably do it even more with bigger rounds if you're cold cause it's winter you should get one of these hoodies they're really hot in texas but where you are it'd be great we're going nine millimeter which i think this is going to do less than the 22 hornet i would guess because that thing's going fast like a little over 3000 feet per second let's see if this red dot's on nope looks like it's about an inch low let me bring it up direct hit bullets sunk in it so that is the back end of the bullet totally went in there and is still stuck in there and bulging out the sides a little bit let's shoot it one more time i don't think it's gonna do anything because i think we need a lot more energy but let's try it yeah so same deal the other one fell out that's our new one nothing let's let's move it up the next step up from nine millimeter millimeters 40 caliber but that's dumb so we're gonna shoot a 50 ae out of this desert eagle ah let's see oh man gotta figure out how i can hold this thing okay 50 ae see if i can hit it that went way high 50 80 round two now we're in the same spot i was aiming here first one went there and then so i brought it down and i went there we did run over this desert eagle with a tank okay i'm gonna aim here this time 50 ae this is it for the big money that's a hit there it is ow seemingly still locked in here though yeah i mean it spread all these little plates out a lot it looks like this side is the side that comes up i'm just kidding we did run over a tank but like i don't want to mess up okay a little just a little hit hold on ready okay nope it's not coming off 12 gauge shotgun slug this is just a one ounce slug this should make quick work of it if i can hit it that was a hit a little low though jeez it's still locked i need to hit up here i mean like that literally could not have been a more perfect shot somehow still locked we still are not going to get through this gate come on ow sharp who knew and hot [Music] so yep shotgun open it right up we're going for the master block now with the shotgun slugs okay oh i should aim better this jeez that third one was solid yeah so we're doing a little crime scene investigation here that got hit but didn't really do much damage to that ring that took one straight through the middle there but that's just the outer shell i think that's a piece of it oh yeah here's another piece that's the back side going all the way through and bent the backside that much i don't know where like the meat of it is this is literally all i could find of it like even the stanley thermos is more bulletproof in this lock but we got more locks we're gonna step it up to the second to last lock not the really expensive one but the pretty expensive one it's also a master lock like the last one so we'll see if it can hang against the gold ak 762 by 39 the way to get through stuff like metal is by shooting fast bullets these are going pretty fast they're pretty powerful let's see what they can do i don't know how accurate it'll be at this close range okay i need to go a little higher i think i just tipped the bottom there let's see what we got wow so that was my first shot right there i brought it up a little bit hit dead center and it did nothing like really solid that's some thick metal there i'm gonna hit it one more time with an ak i'm impressed i'm gonna aim up here this time so i should hit dead center okay that sucked so whenever you see a target looks like this where it goes in and then makes a big crater like that it means it fired all the metal that was in there and the bullet directly back at us so we all got hit pretty hard i got one little piece hit me around on the forehead um but uh definitely didn't open it the lock looks structurally exactly the same besides the hole in the front that's a solid lock so we went rifle round and [Music] it's intense and it threw stuff back at us so i was going to do bigger rifle around now but i was like i don't really want to get stuff thrown back at me so i need to scoot back further but i want to be accurate so i decided we just scoot back with this string here pulling this 50. this is a surbu rn50 and uh shoots 50 bmg big ol round and as you can see we have it aimed right at the heart of that lock so let's go back and pull the string that's the good thing about only having one round in that gun is it's pointing directly at us right now 50 bmg will open your lock that's for sure i don't know where the rest of it is this used to be a straight eye hook it is not anymore i honestly don't see the rest of it but here's where it was on that 4x4 4x4 is gone and the lock is totally cut in half dang that's why that lock did so good though it is literally solid metal in there i'm impressed oh look we got one fancy lock left hey uh meanwhile sorry we're gonna smash your two thousand dollar lock well maybe we're gonna shoot uh star 22 again 22 hornet and see what happens when we slowly work up the calibers and bust this lock what if the 22 hornet just bust open a really nice lock shrugged it off like nothing okay it was a little bit off to the left but it still hit it solid and didn't hardly make a dent so we're gonna go ahead and go up to nine millimeter now nine millimeter probably will do nothing okay that's impressive nothing hit right there not even a dent that's that's lead from the bullet stuck on there it still beeps still opens still locks closed desert eagle 50 a.e jeez i think i might have missed it it's moving but not much oh no it smacked it i didn't see anything so i thought i missed it hit it right there go what is this thing made out of this is insane okay nothing hmm it didn't do it at first i thought maybe we jarred it so much it wasn't gonna work okay the lock still works that's insane let's see what old 12-gauge slug does right there that was kind of a glancing blow see though that has the most energy out of everything oh we missed that i even realized where's the bottom half of it it's not clicking anymore yeah enjoy the half of that lock hmm be right back we could not find the bottom part of that lock but it is still really locked like really good so we're gonna do a little ak back behind this thing so i hope they don't get peppered too much if it bounces back i'm gonna shoot a couple more times see we got i mean that's an ak round right there there's i think yeah one one of these two of these maybe but that's new and that is as solid of the hit as you can get with that ak and it's still really locked there's only one thing left to do the 50 bmg exploded our other really good lock which here you can see where it was right here because the 50 bmg pressed it into that wood wow look at that piece of metal there a little piece of jacket there's pc50 so we're going to line up the 50 again directly on this 2 000 lock and pull the trigger rip we zip tied a really short 50 bmg to a cinder block it's good youtube this is fine uh it says as long as you're at a range we're at a range and everything's done in a pretty safe manner so no need to de-monetize this video love you look how safe we are youtube could not be any better so just fully monetize this please all right see we've got a ejection system set up for the gun so when it fires it throws the gun back toward us in a safe manner oh here it is whoa cracked it interesting so kind of wonder if this thing's made out of tungsten we should look it up because steel usually doesn't crack like this i mean it could be just harden which i mean i'm sure it is hardened steel if anything but it has a crack here a giant crack going all the way through there and little cracks through here right where that bullet went in i mean like that bullet did not keep going it stopped the bullet but it opened up this case enough that it was no longer holding on greasy no longer holding on there and fell out totally open okay 50 bmg we have not found a lock it can stand up against a 50 bmg yet impressive it for sure is impressive but i want something better if you know of a fancier lock a cooler lock a stronger lock let me know because this one's not good enough so let me know if there's a more expensive better lock i want it comment below so i can figure out what it is i'm also going to sign that one i'm going to put it in our storefront at bunker branding we're right off interstate 10 near san antonio in the middle of texas come see us hope you guys have a merry christmas thanks for watching demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,364,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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