Man vs Wife Challenge

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man I hope we find a bear dude we'll find your bear buddy don't worry I wanna kill bears so bad I want you to get a bear so bad man thanks for being here with me today means a lot I never told you this but you're my best friend I Love You Man horse buddy I love you too man man I really really love you I really really love you the most whoa oh that another hunter I didn't notice any hunters out here today that's crazy black Cletus hold on buddy right but he got shot oh no but I would call nine-one-one right now go yeah yeah this merchant my buddy got shot or is he dead right now in the ground I am cold I'm cold I'm cold okay yes sir okay yes sir make sure just it make sure he's dead yep now what welcome to demolition ranch I'm really glad you're here also welcome Meredith my wife I'm very glad you're here as well are you glad that you're here Meredith and I are going to have a gun competition this is a challenge type video you've seen me I'm a professional three gunner just kidding I've done two competitions both of which I did not finish in the top half you look bored already Meredith will be shooting an ar-15 the demolition ranch custom f1 firearms ar-15 it's good-looking gun right and I will be shooting a Henry lever-action for ten for ten as in a shotgun shooting slugs out of it not saying this is a bad gun but this is not a great gun for a shoot fast competition I'm downrange Meredith let me show you what we need to do you need to hit the black target the white target the white one back there will also paint these they look nicer and then shoot the pieces of 4x4 that are sitting up also I forgot one target also you have to shoot lieutenant dan I'm gonna say four times Bam Bam Bam Bam okay and then you run this way out to this table right here so you'll sit in the chair or stand whatever you want to do there are four cinder blocks lined up there and one target hanging from the tree you'll shoot all those and then there are two targets down there they're at about 75 yards it's because they're lined up so you'll shoot one it'll fall down you'll shoot the other it'll fall down so you're not done until both those targets are knocked down and then we'll time it and see who wins Meredith is going to be shooting an air 15 that she will not have to reload I'm gonna have to reload yeah I have an after reload probably twice and it has that tube you just pull at the top and those are not made for speed so I'm gonna be better at shooting I think actually I don't know that's a pretty far shot for a 410 shotgun 75 yards I may not even go hit that we'll see I'll be able to hit all these no problem but the reloads gonna be hard for me are you ready we probably should let you practice first how many times have you shot an ar-15 once once yeah okay so this might be interesting so you hit that button on the top there to close the bolt let me do it the big paddle yeah push it in yes you got it that thing's ready to fire so safety is not on so pull it up higher pusher you're like arching your back way backwards there you go killed it try shooting that fire target the one on the ground over there okay safety on can you see those targets through there just a real slow squeeze got the back one killed it okay feel good I think I might be you killed those really fast heads I go first tails you go first tails you go first okay here you go forty rounder so you shouldn't have to reload ever we have a total of four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 you could do this in 18 shots I have a stopwatch huh all right yeah we can go ahead let's just say let's go ahead and chamber around so you don't have to worry about that and put safety on all righty shooter ready give me a nod when you're ready that's what they always say all right on your mark get set go [Music] hit hit hit hit sorry I thought those would fall over yes Oh runnin and gunnin alright you don't have to be sitting but you have to you can behind it oh my gosh okay that's gonna be really hard to beat 54 seconds I don't know if you guys can see this geez mayor that was really good oh I really thought you would like missed some targets every once in a while I thought you were missing these at first but I think your bullets are going straight through them yeah let's see yeah you hit this one three times did you hit this one though I never saw you hit this guy you missed this one yeah but I'll call it even since you hit that one three times so we'll say you hit everything but you hit it three times instead of two so I couldn't tell I mean obviously I couldn't tell when you're hitting those things okay my turn are you being serious cuz we don't know it might be really close or I might smoke you you know what stinks though is like in a normal three gun competition or any competition when you're loading a gun you have all your ammo like ready and like they have like holders so you grab your ammo and you throw it in your shotgun or whatever mines ol just in my pocket all loose like I don't know how I'm gonna be able to reloading is gonna be key for me and I'm bringing thirty rounds total and there's only 18 targets right there's 18 necessary shots so I'm gonna have to reload at least twice maybe more hopefully just twice if I get two table with a full gun and I don't miss I won't have to reload again so that'll be only two reloads once one while I'm walking yeah but I have those four targets with a smoothbore shotgun shooting slugs so that's gonna be hard I really expected I have like two minutes to do this and you gave me 54 seconds well you're not a shooter okay let me get my gun ready shooter ready ready okay start [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's my time uh 124 [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think that was like double my time or something I could do it mayor destroyed me okay let's get all the way mares the best but I moved those targets closer because I I didn't think I could hit him with the smoothbore shotgun for 10 there were two hits on it real low so I was hitting with the slugs just low and wasn't knocking you down but I shot like four or five shots that I only hit it twice so we moved him closer to make it we're trying to make this more even because apparently you were right and we were gonna have to make this easier for me and harder for you so to make it more even we'd move those closer because I definitely struggled on that but still even if I would hit those she would have smoked me so now Meredith is only gonna have ten rounds in her first magazine and it's going to have to do a magazine reload so to do that you hit that button right there yep and so when you run out it'll lock the bolt back so the bolt is locked back right now it'll do that so you drop the mag just like that you put a new one in and you push the button and that's all you have to do it'll be ready to fire so it's gonna be pretty quick you probably wanna put the other mag in your back pocket yep so you look like super tactical otherwise rules stay the same four hits there I'm gonna call hits on the wood since apparently five five six will not knock it over and then we'll go on go ahead and chamber around why because if you beat me this time what we made it easier for me alright remember it's on safe so you have to flick it off as soon as you get shooter are you ready on your mark get set go [Music] [Applause] it miss miss hit hit hit hit you out okay she needs more ammo I got some more miss you got a two-for-one good job Oh time shoot I ran the camera back and timed it and watched it Mary got a 52 so you're actually faster the second time by two seconds even with a reload in the middle of that you're missing your fear yeah but you got a twofer at the end yeah that's pretty nice all right so yeah we'll just I'll just put up one there that I need a head to make it make it fair make it's not gonna be fair you're gonna smoke me again all right so the only advantage I have this time is now I should be able to hit that far one with one shot and I'm a little bit better at running the gun maybe but I have a lot of time to make up so I'm gonna get ready I'm a little my gun I am putting my shells on the table now because I was just pulling out of handful shells and they're all mixed around so they're in on the table and on that table I didn't know if I was cheating or not but I looked in the demolition range competition handbook and it says it's fine so I'm ready I have to be 52 I'm feeling I'll be losing okay tell me when shooter ready ready uh start [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah this is where all you'd be done by now [Music] no no plan [Music] [Applause] we do 55 good game sorry dude good game I loaded an extra shell in there for nothing I thought I needed one more I thought was gonna beat you too you were in that thing like a champ more of the story for ten lever action shotguns are not ideal for competition but that was pretty cool good hey I'm pretty good I mean I I rocked it but definitely really close the demolition ranch ar-15 I made a video about it not too long ago and then I used it in 3-gun competition f1 is selling the demo version the demo ranch version and in my opinion it's the best gun for three gun it's the best pretty much the best AR that we could make I kind of picked parts that I thought would make the supreme gun and so it's an amazing gun the coolest part about it is the little kitty right there but great gun I'll put a link description below if you're interested in checking it out and possibly buying it you won't be sad I mean it is it will make you happy this gun will make you happy also can't complain about this gun that was a nice shoot I never shot a 410 shotgun I've always wanted one and I was like I want to get something kind of unique like not just a regular 410 shotgun so saw that Henry had a lever-action [ __ ] this is the one for me thank you for being here today and making me look like an idiot okay thank you for you guys being here I really appreciate it you guys Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,432,976
Rating: 4.9272413 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: -TlM86ZOwac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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