Do Things React Differently When Shot Underwater???

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oh you found my gun i've been looking everywhere for it no this is my gun i specifically placed it here a couple weeks ago you're telling me you put that gun on the ground there a couple weeks ago dude finders keepers what are y'all arguing about here he's trying to take my gun i found it it's mine now boys i think we need to settle this with a foot race whoever's fastest keeps the gun [Music] first one to that tree wins on my count three [Music] two one binders keepers welcome to demolition ranch now we've all seen coconuts and random things shot with firearms before so we're gonna do the exact same thing today but way better today we're gonna first shoot them with a firearm as you see here but that's our control test what i wanna know today is what happens if you shoot them underwater so after we blow up one in the air we're gonna put one in the water and shoot it and i want to see what happens when the bullet travels through like a foot and a half of water and then when it hits it does it explode as violently does it explode at all does it not go in because the water slowed it down there's only one way to know today demolition ranch is all about science because i'm trying to be monetized yes it's for learning okay we are live we are ready to fire we're gonna go back here we have a pulley system rigged up this gopro won't go here just realized because of our pulley system we have a pulley system we're getting fancy today demolition we have steel braided cable usually we've got stretchy string really bad for pulling and a pulley system so our friction going around these corners is gonna be a lot better this is gonna be great here's the deal shot coconut super boring so we're not even gonna test the coconut anymore we're gonna go straight to the watermelon because coconut was i thought it was gonna do more cool stuff than it did uh we're gonna go ahead and shoot this watermelon out in the air and then we'll switch to underwater and see how they react yeah she gone okay there you can see totally busted open the nine millimeter passed straight through and did a bit of damage so whenever it hits it it makes it like a gooey mess it like breaks all the cells up makes it very nasty now let's see if it does the same thing but under water the tricky part here is i need the watermelon to stay in the right spot so i actually hit it it floats i think i got it in a pretty good spot right there we're gonna go ahead and back up and send it firing underwater i don't even see water leaking out oh it went really high and sealed itself somehow this is an inch under water and just totally sealed itself so that bullet went in here out the top i don't know how it missed this thing though because this was floating in the back yeah i just must have barely gone over it okay we're gonna aim lower and try it again firing all right safety on here oh got on my foot trying to figure out which way it went in and out but either way much different let's go compare to the other side over here there's watermelon number one here's watermelon number two cracked went in one side and out the other inside looks fairly similar but it just didn't have the explosive power this is a mess this is a this is about to get really muddy yeah bad idea matt bad idea next up to be festive a little pumpkin spice glade air freshener uh whoa so with the watermelon we put it outside because watermelon's so big that when this thing was underwater the watermelon was like right up next to it and so i was like it's not even going through any water but now these are all smaller i think we can put this thing in the water we had initially built this thing to go under water uh but then with the watermelon we realized it wasn't gonna work so i'll shoot this thing point blank right here then we'll put the whole contraption in the water and do another one this is full this range is about to smell the best it will ever smell giddy up partners firing it's gonna smell terrible it's probably gonna eat the paint off my truck oh there it is floating through the air that was actually way less dramatic than it taught me and it all settled really fast oh wow that's what it looks like okay this whole table is gonna smell like pumpkin spice for a while in and out okay let's try one underwater and see what happens we have the contraption underwater we've got the pumpkin spice to where it can't move and we're going to shoot it we got about about six inches away let's do it fire and hole oh it's so quiet underwater that was awesome i made a suppressor that might be illegal it filled it up with we can't even see the gun anymore still went in let's compare let's compare holes you want to this is the first one there's your entry there's your exit second one looks about the same entry is more cracked which is weird and then exit okay fairly similar now i've got this giant nasty tub of pumpkin spice water which i'm selling linked in the description below we're going to do a 12-ounce soda can this time they generally explode throw shrapnel everywhere and there's a big piece of metal when they're all done so i want to see well first i'll show you what it does and then i want to see if it does the exact same thing that's underwater only time will tell we'll find out in just a second firing soda can our soda can got blowed up oh still some that's good stuff i think went in there and out there but very blowed up now let's see what happens underwater okay we have the big red underwater take safety off we'll go get behind cover and fire all right we ready my hands smell like pumpkin spice and big red and i'm a fan of that firing so quiet and awesome i love it oh that one we got a bit of a waterfall so actually did explode less this is our how is there still big red in that when it exploded underwater it exploded less i think that's our entry and that's our exit whereas this one was much more now is that because it was underwater or is it because it went through a few inches of water before it hit it i don't know but we're seeing a difference so we have actually done science today you're welcome internet uh we're doing shaving cream this time look the bees love this bees love the most ranch shoot days all right shaving cream this is gonna be a wreck but doing it for you guys okay safety off let's do it i just saw a branch covered in shaving cream fall from the tree above it yeah that was gross here we are straight pass through though oh gross okay this is in you can't see it there's still more shaving cream coming out of it that's in that's out um you can see it through shaving cream all around um this gopro got it pretty good and uh also that tree up above got hit with shaving cream the gun also at home look at this thing oh gun is disgustingly covered in shaving cream let's do it underwater yay we cleaned off the gun as much we could and we put it in the water and you can see that there's still shaving cream like coming out of the chamber here and out of the tip of the barrel there it must have just like shot straight back in there we probably have a barrel full of shaving cream safety's off we're gonna come back and find a huge mess in just a second let's do it guys this is the worst idea firing it's so quiet i love it oh yeah that's yucky went straight through and out the back as you can see we've got a hole i don't want to put my hand in there but it's it's oozing out right now the gun is so gross we'll be back in a minute once this is drained so you can it's just going to drain all the water down and slowly leave all of the shaving cream on top of the gun let's investigate and see what she looks like oh i'm just staying in a big muddy puddle yeah there it is let's go ahead and turn the safety on okay now it's safe yay that's the worst up next we're doing spray paint and you may be like matt you forgot to do it outside the water well it's because my truck was parked really close my beautiful black truck and i was worried that it would just throw up a big cloud of neon green spray paint that would cover the side of my truck which it still might do i put all this stuff on top of it to try to keep the exploding spray paint can underwater we'll see what happens safety is off and we are going to back up to fire this thing here we go [Music] oh okay the cloud went mostly this way oh that is really neon wow we have the can still in the bucket though that is good this ground is going to be very neon for a while oh no hmm hold on dang it that is really on there that that's bad okay oh no it's coming off it's coming off i'll be right back yeah oh that was my my eight that's a good gopro it is definitely gonna be neon the lens came clean though it's just definitely gonna be neon for a while as is my hands cool we should have just got like why did i not do black spray paint that would have made so much more sense everything we have out here is black neon green's pretty cool too though oh this is a mistake there she is in and out uh the gun definitely covered in green i regret my decisions today this though was my second worst idea are you guys ready for the first worst idea oh hey guys you're still here we're gonna put propane underwater thought about doing it out and thought nah let's just go straight to the action propane bottle totally full under water first worst idea i've ever had give it up partners dang it i'm nervous pull it you guys saying pull it okay i'm just like worried like what if a fireball just erupts or it shoots that thing straight in my truck okay let's go no more talking more action let's do it i'm alive dang that oh that's stinky that's some stinky stuff and somehow it's still in the bucket sweet i much preferred the pumpkin spice smell to this all right there you go good militia that's cold in and out we lost all of our propane that was cool i got one more idea i don't know where it ranks in the rankings but it's it's an idea so it's probably good i was thinking for our last shot we just throw a bunch of random things in there and then we'd shoot him with a 50 bmg we're gonna we're gonna get a little bit further away though because it's gonna there's propane right there uh the serbo rn50 we are firing off this super high-tech shooting platform i just ordered this it's from russia all right firing man how should i hold this okay i'm nervous did i go over the top i don't know what happened i don't know where it went i decided this thing in a few days ago and i don't think i flinched not that bad we'll try it one more time i'm not sure where that 50 bmg just went so in the last video i had this gun everyone's like edwin showed us how to do it it's with the that that's how you actually get to come back out so thanks edwin you're the man uh i did a little sighting in off camera and turns out it was way off so now i know where to aim where to hold this thing and we should be able to be much more accurate with it here we go ready demolition hopefully we see some fireworks this time i figure out how to hold this thing so i don't cut my hand off firing oh my gosh definitely had a propane tank i can smell it here's where i was aiming it was just our sight got way off somehow uh watermelon gone oh man um we also have a bunch of big reds looks like that one is leaking yeah that one's empty oh that one's that one opened itself up oh it's so gross around here yep now where the heck did the propane tank go that's the question there were two watermelons in here here's one that didn't get hit very well here's one that did they like just took all the inside and just scooped it out gross okay we're gonna go find the propane tank [Music] wow it's cold it's still pouring propane out of it and it's frosted over wow it's freezing cold you gotta admit pretty good hit listen ow shoot man that's freaking cold okay we got a lot of science done today thanks for watching devilish ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] bobby [Music] i'm a doctor yes thanks for watching demolition rich i love you i was gonna do that would be really cool i'll see you next time i feel like this is the ultimate walk of shame right now like i just got no shoes on my socks are soaked in big red i'm gonna walk in marriage can be like what happened i'd be like i don't want to talk about it
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,522,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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