What happens to a LIVE Grenade in a Microwave?!?!

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Ah, it’s always Matt from demo ranch

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pay for licensed professionals to let you come out and blow up their hand grenades is not cheap and as of late certain video hosting sites are not the best at supporting their firearms channels I'm not naming any names though fortunately though we have some great sponsors who are the best at supporting their firearms channels and this episode is sponsored by Nord bpn noir VPN provides secure access to remote computer over the internet through encryption it's used to protect against hackers to get around certain filters and a number of other important things for instance certain sites are now allowed in certain countries when I was in the American Republic I realized that I could not stream music from Pandora because I was into minikin republic but if I use Nord VPN I could remote into a server in the US and then I can listen to all the music that I want this probably hits close to home for a lot of you international viewers in the EU they just passed article 13 which will hold websites responsible for the content that's on them which will probably make these websites be a lot more restrictive on the content that they have which means that it actually could be hard for you to watch demolition ranch in certain places if it gets bad enough or you could just not deal with all that use nor VPN and you can remote in to a us-based server or another country that allows demolition ranch oh yeah and then you can watch all the demo ranch that you want Nord has thousands of servers in over 61 countries and they have iOS and Android apps to secure your mobile browsing session so go to North BPM comm slash demo ranch you will get 75% off a three-year plan which comes out to a subscription of $2.99 per month and if you'd like to get an extra month for free use code demo ranch again north VPN comm slash demo ranch they help support the channel so that we can book hand grenades you guys want to go do that don't put them in your microwave in the kitchen just weird advice welcome to demolition ranch I'm joined by Sean Sean knows a lot about explosives and that's what we have here today right we do what do you got first well we got all kinds of party favors we're gonna start off here with a thermite incendiary grenade I've actually been wondering forever and you guys been coming but what would happen you put a grenade in a microwave so we have a microwave out on the range today and we are going to put these grenades in a microwave we called Shawn and asked him if we could do this and he was like this is the weirdest thing ever yeah but yeah I'm in so this is our incendiary grenade this is one of the old rotary dial microwave so we're gonna it's already on we're gonna close the door but there's no power running to it we have a generator behind that hill over there we will go over there plug it in and this thing will turn on as soon as it plugged in when we are safely behind covers we're gonna get far away let the GoPros film it and see what happens with an incendiary grenade in a microwave walk in back now got GoPro set up close we are going to power the microwave and see finally see if a hand grenade will go off inside a microwave we let it run for about 15 minutes did nothing so we cut the power and we let it cool down for a long time so now we're walking up we're gonna go take it easy see what happened but looks like nothing happened there's our thermite in city or these burns on it before No so it it sort of did something but not much yeah not enough to set anything off which thermite you have to get it super hot for it to go off this right here is what you use often times like police for riot control and whatnot you always see it hey everyone if the protesters and whatnot go away hippie go away and I think for it so normally pull the pin and throw it out there and it'll give you about 30 seconds or so of cloud of CS gas which is - your gas yeah fun stuff so try that next see what happens in a microwave did nothing totally nothing sat there for 10 minutes in the microwave nothing happened we have more stuff up our sleeve though all right Shawn what do you got now alright so we've tried the thermite grenade didn't go off which was kind of disappointing I was hoping that one would we also tried the CS tear gas grenade that one didn't go off so next we're gonna try what's a multi bang flashbang these right here letting off of flash powder so hopefully what happens is it gets hot enough for it to go off this flash powder is just extremely sensitive for I expected to destroy the microwave it's got a pretty powerful bang to it it's not going to be a catastrophic explosion like you get with some of the high explosives we're gonna set off later on but it still should be pretty interesting make a nice thump okay now we plug her in and hopefully something happens this time we were starting to lose hope that something was actually gonna happen here like we've had two weeks so far that hadn't anything and this one waited about five minutes before finally blew but it definitely looks like it exploded our microwave in a million pieces it is like gone yeah here is what is this yeah that's the door it's a piece of the door there's there's some more of it we're still pretty far away it's smoking still yeah that's the shell of the microwave on top of the box it blew out the front and the back here is the microwave totally gone so the side of it is over there the door was over there and the back of it's way over there but yeah the microwave totally smashed totally broken apart there's gonna be me when she here so they did our microwave but don't worry we have more microwaves and we have more grenades this right here is a sting ball grenade what it's designed it's kind of like a flashbang but what it does has a bunch of little rubber balls in there so it's a less than lethal kind of thing and it's designed for typically like corrections used for hey you got a prison riot throw it out there get people to change their ways and become model citizens and so for like riot control in like a urban environment you also use it sometimes like SWAT teams we use it for an entry to throw it in there and like a flashbang with a little bit of an extra bonus on it nothing happened with the fing ball grenade we let it cool down for a while just came and open it totally surprised by that name yeah so left to amp it up get something bigger and badder yeah we can't let this microwave just get away with this okay you got c4 now this right here is about a pound and a half of detasheet plastic explosives you can burn it you can throw it you run over it shoot it do whatever it doesn't go off unless you hit it with enough energy for like a blasting class you're thinking there's no way this is gonna know it looks awesome yeah like it's like play-doh and it's like yeah what is plato's like it would blow a wall off a house very angry play-doh okay just getting back to it after it's just melts your noble bit or something it definitely just melted it yeah but totally looks the same probably would still explode yeah so you can safely put your c4 in the microwave in your kitchen without any fears so this is a frag grenade yep live fully folks is like your classic Renee when you think of a grenade this is what you think yeah this right here is you know hey take it pull the pin throw the grenade hang for it so and this is a metal body yep so adi with a fuse yeah I think it'll go off I'm gonna bet that it doesn't dang it I want I want this one to go on the thermite grenade yeah it's got so much metal on there that's gonna protect the explosives on there and on the inside right it won't work so but I'm sure we will eventually be able to allow it to meet its its fate perfect a little bit worried that the c4 is still in here it won't allow this thing to spin plus I'm worried it'll absorb some heat so we're gonna actually not do the frag grenade next we're gonna do this stuff which is the same as dynamite they don't call it dynamite but it's a nitroglycerin paste one pound and a half sticks 0.46 if you want to be exact we're gonna put about a pound and a half dynamite in there on top of pound and a half of c4 how do you normally set that off with a fuse with a blasting cap but yeah a fuse into it and may or may not go up but you really need to hit it hard gotcha Joseph's are supposed to be hard to set off fairly safe yeah not like in the Old West movies where you know the things gonna magically blow up it shakes too much exactly the modern stuffs extremely safe and for if you were to let it sit around for 50 years maybe it would sit there and become dangerous up but it's not something where it's gonna magically explode oh cool all right let's do it we're gonna get back behind cover we do have fire something is on fire down there no explosion that I've heard but that fires it's going no clue what happened we're over here close to the microwave it's still on fire and the flames were coming out of that they were pretty big so I think something besides just microwave was burning but it doesn't make any sense because any fire that should have touched that should have ignited it and like the dynamite should have gone up so to take care of this problem we don't want to go in and look it's not safe so we're actually gonna put a secondary charge a high explosive charge on there and just send it and be done with that mess the c4 the dynamite and it'll all be gone we are going to go ahead and launch the microwave way over there yeah walking up to the site and I think our microwave was just gone and I thought I could see it flying that direction yeah but I mean it's totally gone there's a piece of the microwave right there that might be a piece over there this is where it was huh yeah that's where the Dynamo is sitting the microwave was like right over here so just what fire did that oh I see it I believe you got it yeah that's a confirmed kill Wow okay that is how you dispose of some explosives that you're not sure what happened with them you just put other explosive on top of them so now we're gonna do the frag grenade I know nothing about what's in it but I just in voting that it's gonna go off it's a metal grenade in a microwave that's yeah it's gotta go we'll see turn this thing up what do you want to put on about right there and that's it hi okay yeah let's do it we of course you're gonna get back behind cover start the timer we're just waiting now I really want this frag grenade to explode like I just wanted to go boom we're way off just sitting here in the distance watching to hopefully see a frag grenade explode but he doesn't think it's going to and he probably knows better than I do about it I just thought I just always thought if you put a hand grenade in a microwave it would definitely explode but I mean that's why we're here that's why you guys want to know that's why I want to find out for you that's what we're doing here on demolition ranch today is solving those mysteries that the world has wanted to know forever so the frag grenade did nothing no it did nothing sat in there for it went off we cooked it for about 15 minutes and everything yeah hopefully this right here goes off and finally get some real explosives yes we need something a long very hot day yeah you guys are seeing this all chopped up we are having to put something in there cook it for 15 minutes turn it off let it sit for 15 minutes and then walk up and didn't figure out we're gonna do now hopefully this one works we're backing up now there's TNT and a frag grenade in the microwave and nothing went off so we waited let it cool down for a while we gave up and nothing happens so never do another controlled detonation on that thing blow them up and I mean overall we've pretty much answered that microwaves are not very good at setting off grenades so if you're thinking about putting a grenade in your microwave tell your mom it's totally safe mom trust me I watched demolition ranch no dice yeah unfortunately the grenade and the TNT failed to go off you know like really don't know what's going on inside of there with the chemicals and whatnots that we're not gonna pick it up because it could have had an extremely high increase in sensitivity got right here is a section of a rigid linear shaped charge it's created it's right here has a copper coating on it with a little bit of high explosive but not a little bit quite a bit of high explosive on there and send the energy straight down and it will sympathetically detonate the TNT charge and also the grenade well hopefully hopefully that too well on my predictions so it's gonna make a big boom shape charge it's set so this is the same thing there's a wire running way back to where we are and we will detonate it with the push of a button three two here's where you can see there's just pieces of metal that look like this everywhere so you can see how fast it just ripped all that apart overall the microwave is gone just just these things left we are going to pile up all the broken microwave bits in one big pile and light a thermite grenade on it and that is actually going to be the last thing we do today like welding oh yeah that looks like it wouldn't feel good to get that on you okay now we know what grenades will and will not go off in a microwave so we answered your question you're welcome Internet let us know what else you want us to find out they can be equally stupid as will a grenade clock or microwave thanks for watching demolition rage that's a great idea Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 6,214,924
Rating: 4.9245167 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., grenade, microwave, grenades, frag, frags, incendiary, explosion, c4, plastic, explosive, tnt, dynamite, cook, flash, flashbang, bang, flash bang
Id: nWmcVaoKQe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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