This is the Largest Gun... Let's Fire it!

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oh hey quarterly reports are in Nice what is this this is San and my teenage demographic the views have dropped by like thirty percent over last quarter what's that about dude you got to keep up with the trends you got to do stuff that resonates with 13 year olds how the heck am I supposed to know what resonates with 13 year olds I got you bro there's this new app that makes you look 40 years older than you actually are all the 13 year olds are doing it the Internet is going crazy over you just gonna do that it's just an app that makes you look old that's what 13 year olds want to see yeah totally already have the app use my phone no need what are you what are you doing [Applause] did I nail it I mean honestly yeah bring on the 13 year old boys nice uh no I meant mm don't tell me welcome to demolition ranch I'm here with the how ridiculous boys hey hey looky good we got Derrick we got Scott right we got Brett and we're out here it drive tanks at the Ox ranch and we're about to fire this Sherman tank into a refrigerator these first couple Clips I'm going to show you are just part of their bigger video and so I'm not going to show you all of it we have something building for you guys for this video at the end but for now when you do a couple warm-up shots now we're lining up tin fridges to see if the tank round will blow through all tin but we got to get them in more of a line we got the tin fridges lined up we got the tank loaded we're gonna send it full send actually everybody got ears I've got definitely got two ears I hope I still got an office right there we go really pull it this time all right go it hot - the first fridge nice small hole second fridge blew the door off you can sell this one third fridge it's already going sideways it's upside down which is crazy and then it makes a huge mess there totally knocks off both doors on this one now that's going sideways a different direction here so this thing is just tumbling tumbling through huge mess there's shrapnel around the - explodes out the back of this those shrapnel everywhere still going sideways another direction here that's pretty straight then it blows off both doors on this one and goes all the way through the side we actually missed the 10th fridge because it was deviating so much to the right now we're shooting a tank at 3 hables normally you shoot like a bow and arrow at hey Belle we're gonna up the ante little bit with a tank round first - hey bells the bets are will it go through all three I'm betting yes Matt did you just say we're gonna up the ante a little bit yeah you should see what happens we up the ante a lot a bit that was so cool so we can hear it spinning through the air flipping through the air and then it hit that mountain right there first day of a second hey Belle third hey Bo look at the hole someone needs to crawl in there you're gonna be very itchy though it's not worth it it's not worth it it's words that do it it's worth I would I would not do it it would be terrible my arm was itchy after sticking my arm in there oh you could totally fit in there though the whole reason that we ever even talked to these jokers it's because of this sword in America that's the term of endearment we got this sword we dropped it from high up and everyone started saying that we needed to call the how ridiculous boys y'all are much better than we are good day and they say things I'm trying to learn the Australian language I say things I don't understand but we're not actually dropping it today we're gonna we're gonna take the drop idea but drop something laterally from over there straighten yeah yeah we're gonna shoot something at this which is one-inch air 500 steel and it's a 25 millimeter I'll show you the round in a minute but did you guys you guys saw it do you think it's gonna go through it can you explain what's happened to you that was a 308 I think I can't remember yeah those two things this was this was a 50 BMG armor-piercing incendiary I think those were as well and that was just a straight-up black tip armor-piercing 50 BMG did not make it through what's this this is a 25 millimeter I don't actually know but it's it looks mean let me how how wide it is diameter I think it's going through so we got definitely going through definitely stopping non-commital definitely stopping he said blue shark definitely stopping I'm pretty much on top of you I like it I am here with Riley what's up man going good can you tell us what this is so it was built in 1937 when it's actually designed this one was built in 1940 but she did actually fight in France in 1940 where she was captured by the Germans so Germany basically once they capture him France pitch elated stuff they captured him and renamed him the pack 113 and then used him for a short time to kind of bolster their anti-tank defenses really four times she was an effective gun 25 millimeter high velocity it could punch there easily 30 40 millimeters of armor which was what most of your tanks were at the time [Music] standing around 1935 yeah that's crazy okay so we just load her in and we've we bore sighter door right there it's hard for you guys to see that so how confident you we can nail this thing pretty confident I've shot this thing quite a bit and I've got and get it for nice nice let's do it Riley all my money is on Riley right now she looks pretty good for an eighty-year-old that was scary it was not as loud as the tank but it was very loud still crazy so 20 foot you were right I'm sorry I take it all back everything I've said about you actually take back 25 putto not good enough oh it's cuz it's French no wonder exactly exactly it exploded and went this way we are gonna shoot the Sherman tank down there now we're at pretty far now it's gonna be quite a shot but they didn't want to shoot it up close for obvious reasons it's a big piece of armoured steel if anything breaks if they're round which is actually softer than the steel flies into much pieces they could hurt people so we're way back far shooting a Sherman tank round at our sword which is one-inch ar500 steel and I would love it if we could really hurt that sword we missed it they're going down to investigate where we missed I don't have any part in aiming so I'm taking none of the blame for this miss so don't get mad at me it was it was Scott it was it was epic though so we're gonna try I think we're gonna take a test you're gonna hit in fingers crossed we can make it happen round two with the tank we're ready we missed again it's too far for us to have an accurate shot and we don't want to get closer because it's not that it's not the safest thing we've ever done so I've come up with something else because we don't really want to get closer to it and we don't know if we're gonna hit it we these things are expensive to keep shooting they have a much bigger gun and with this gun we're gonna pile up a bunch of junk all the stuff from our previous videos and see if it goes through everything here's our sword totally unscathed and it looks like we put one round over there a lot of them are going like right through here so we're missing it about three feet but we also put one on the other side of it too so it's just hard to dial in so I think we're actually not gonna kill the sword today the sword lives on again but we're gonna kill a lot of other things we've lined up all ten of how ridiculous is refrigerators thank you for letting me use your fridges it's gonna be great oh what's that noise over here oh that's my Chrysler with a flat very very flat tire she's looking good she's looking good yeah coming in hot coming in Hana sounds like a tank with that wheel whoa let me tell you about this thing but first a word from our sponsor this episode is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club and we love sponsors like Dollar Shave but because they allow us to make awesome videos now I use Dollar Shave Club you might be saying Matt with that really thick forest of a beard there's no way you shake well I actually can grow a pretty awesome neck beard so I used Dollar Shave Club razors for shaving my neck Dollar Shave Club has everything you need to look feel and smell your best from shower care oral care hair care skin care and of course shaving products and butt wipes my favorite I have their starter set here in front of me this is an executive razor handle and they also come and it Cosette with four razor blades one tube of dr. Carver's shave butter one two before why in ginger face cleanser I like the feel of this because it's metal and it's got a nice weight to it like it's not just a cheap plastic razor metal with rubber on it feels good feels good shaving with this stuff Dollar Shave Club makes it easy to find the right products and they're shipped directly to your door join the club today by getting the starter set for only $5 after that the restock boxes ship regular sized products at regular prices get this exclusive deal at slash demo ranch there's also a link in the description to that it goes how about what we do here and it's an awesome product that you will get and I stand behind now let's go make a video with my favorite Australians this gun is called a d20 it is giant as you can tell you can see straight through the breach is open it fires this is a dummy run here that's actually there on we'll be firing it fires this it is a hundred and fifty two millimeter about a little over six inches we're going to launch it here this actually is the largest gun that you can actually shoot that is available for the public to shoot and we're about to fire it straight over there at all the refrigerators and the Chrysler that we lined up oh that's crazy she's gonna I'm just gonna step back this way I'm gonna go right back over here hey you guys are back really far give this video a thumbs up please I'd greatly appreciate it it went straight through everything and hit the mountain [Laughter] nice oh yeah love that smell look at that goodness I just hope that I can get the body work fixed up on that Chrysler that was my mom's car oh wait sideways look that is the biggest keyhole you will ever see that is so cool oh man we scratch the paint I'll just drive this out there I'm gonna take a first spin this was a mistake always glass my but there's for sure glass in the button my head's hitting the ceiling we're gonna go down there and check out the typical find that project on the mountain okay yeah there's for sure Glassman but oh yeah that is what I was sitting on that was a mistake buuuut doesn't sound very good that is it for demolition ranch and how ridiculous today hey good day today boys go check out these guys I will link them in the description below they have quite a channel they drop some amazing things on some other amazing things and they get some amazing slow-mo footage of it that's that's pretty much it though otherwise your channels real boring also go check out drive tanks on Instagram a link that description as well and they're doing a special little tank giveaway well that sounds like they're giving away they're giving away a tank experience and that is all we have for you today thanks for watching [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 5,920,720
Rating: 4.9491668 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., tank, tanks, largest, huge, how ridiculous, how, ridiculous, howridiculous
Id: CPxmGrgVfeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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