SMALLEST 500 MAGNUM vs $900 Bullet Proof Pants!!!

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hello mr. Jerry Miculek my name is Matt character and I would like to apply to be on your professional shooting team but first let me just show you a few things that I can do here are some things I can do let me just show you a few things that I can do some something here are some here are some things that I can do here are there are things that I can do here I can do some things here are some things that I can do don't editor don't show all the misses because I want to look good just put the ones that I hit it in there okay and speed this next section out to make it look like a really fast Thanks some men are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them and then some men have all three welcome to demolition ranch this episode is sponsored by our good friends raid shadow legends not ever a boutique it has to be cartoony and cutesy rage shadow legends take you into the world of dark fantasy and realism build your best squads within each specific faction and then fight in faction wars there are many different factions Vandor lords high elves orcs skin walkers undead hordes but by far and large my favorite is the demon spawn you can't spell demon spawn without demo without without demo but I also love them because look at this craziness we're all unique in their own way different abilities different skills different whoa hey you come here often or pick a champion let's go check out the reviews and you can see that most people love this guy so he's probably pretty good challenge yourself to the edge in the ongoing arena tournaments compete against the entire raid community while fighting the spiders Den ice columns peak the almighty fire night or the notorious Dragon in order to win awesome rewards and rare artifacts raid is awesome the graphics are amazing and the gameplay is super fun whether you're just battling in the campaign or battling other live players Rey it is free to play and is available on mobile and PC there are links in description below so you can download raid yourself you can find me in the game under the name dr. demolition and if you're quick enough you can even join my clan so what are you waiting for go to the video description click on my special link and if you are new player you'll get a hundred thousand silver plus one free epic champion Jota who is super badass if you click within the next 30 days good luck and I will see you there you guys are on the range today I'll let slide this time welcome to demolition rant today we are testing out some bulletproof pants the column will pre pant they're basically like chaps editor cut that out these are level 3a which means they will stop up to a 44 Magnum so we have some guns here to test to try it out we actually bought these pants spent a lot of money they're quite expensive but I have no affiliation with the company I paid my own money for them and we are going to put them through the test today before we get to the test with the guns we're going to do a few other rigorous tests on these just to make sure they are what they say they are they work really good as intended they are very hot so yep got that sweat going okay we're gonna go set them up okay back to the show Lieutenant Dan good to see you old friend I have a question for you would you be interested in starring in a demolition ranch episode today all you would need to do is put on some bulletproof pants and let me fight you oh you ain't got no legs uh-oh this is awkward I am I am so sorry but I got you bro we also have this guy who has no top so - you together match made in heaven everyone's happy win-win-win you're still here just being cute look at you you are so cute we always start small this thing's rated for a lot bigger than 22 long-rifle but you know I want to give it a fair shake so we'll start at the bottom 22 long-rifle shoot him in the leg we got a hit right there mid thigh no hole on the inside and I can feel a bullet right there still there did not penetrate let's try a nine-millimeter this is the little khlestakov nine-millimeter what it does to the pants huge holes in it it actually just spun around that could be a design flaw I mean I did shoot it a bunch of times looks like we got one here on the edge that'll be interesting to see if that one made it through let's see where's the velcro oh wow did this one come from the inside I think one hitting the leg here and went out the back okay so yep there's definitely a hole in his knee but it came in this way and then went through and it caught it I feel it yeah there's definitely a bullet right there in that bulge really hard to tell what's going on here definitely put three bullets through his leg I don't know I think it was when it was spun around backwards though I probably should have done a more controlled test-fired one at a time and looked at it one more controlled shot at his left leg 9-millimeter right there definitely bunched everything up in here see it went through the pants negative no penetration 45 ACP the Lords caliber out of the cabinet oh what a beautiful 1911 all right we're going to that same left thigh there's our entry hole and again no exit you know it's cooler than a single barrel shotgun a double-barrel shotgun you know what's cooler than a double-barrel shotgun a quadruple barrel shotgun but we don't have one of those we don't have a triple barrel and it's also a little bit better this is the Charles Daly triple threat we're gonna just love a birdshot I kind of wanted to see after I tore open that right leg the one on our left with the nine-millimeter if I just kept peppering as birdshot if it would also tear it open doesn't look like anything happened and in fact nothing happened what about 357 Magnum lots of energy lots of speed should make it hostage forgot that bad guy that was a kneecap shot there's a kneecap feeling bro I feel like even if this bullet stopped being punched in the leg by a 357 Magnum probably would still drop you I bet you would not walk after that for a little while but do we have a penetration no it did cut the fabric on the back but none of the kevlar underneath it is ripped so that stopped it but that's what happened to his kneecap so that is not a hole from a bullet going through that is just he was punched so hard this thing punched him so hard it stretched out the plastic of his knee and shattered his patella sorry about you bro this armor was made in the United States of America unlike all that wish armor that we ordered and did not hold up to what it said it would hold up to so this stuff is usually a lot more highly regulated and usually a lot higher quality and so we kind of expected it to stop all that stuff what I do not expect it to stop is this next gun this thing this is a gun made by Magnum research and I had them custom make it to be as silly as possible this is chambered in my favorite caliber the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum I actually already have two Magnum revolvers from Magnum research this one is chambered in 509 ball this one is chambered in 4570 government you can see they are both giant they have huge bores because huge bullets come out of those barrels they also have very long barrels they also have very big cylinders these are giant guns for size comparison here is a full sized 1911 you can see that the magnum research revolvers are much much bigger than that 1911 they make it look like a little baby mouse gun and this new one that I had - maid is a similarly sized gun all up until the barrel it is as small as possible to mount that sight on there I told them I wanted the biggest caliber biggest revolver that you can make with the tiniest barrel possible but Matt that's silly that's stupid that's downright dumb yeah you're watching demolition ranch bro we have a spray-painted gold minivan what's kind of hard to appreciate on camera is that is actually color case hardened steel so it's not just black you can see kind of the color differences in there really cool touch and I got to pick that out and then we got a little fiber-optic front sight up there okay this is a gun that I'm going to hate for sure like a hundred percent I hate my other 500 Magnum it's terrible to shoot and it's a much bigger a heavier gun and it's ported the barrel is ported so it's not as crazy I guess this one's ported to like instead of a barrel here it's just all porting on all directions everywhere okay Matt good talking just shoot it's just Matt just toughen up to moment like that let's just end it thanks for watching devil I'm just kidding okay let's do it yeah I'll do I used to like it to spend about a million rotations but nine hundred thousand fine okay there we go let me just take a break I want to think about it for a little bit yeah all right I can do it I'm brave I'm tough I'm king of the world I love guns they're awesome so good Wow okay so we hit him ripped his pants around the other direction a little bit did it go through Oh looks like we ripped it no I feel it it's hot it's right there it did not rip the Kevlar it tore this packing Kevlar is good and it I could feel a hard bulbs there be cooled in militia and it's hot stop stop do not write that in the comments back again do you want to shoot the gun cuz I I definitely don't know if you even you want to just give her a go sinful send okay I didn't really tell you guys everything that last bullet I shot was a 350 grain 500 Magnum it's very powerful super powerful shoots a huge fireball but it's not the most powerful ball that I have I actually have one that's sizably bigger this is a 700 grain bullet twice the weight this one actually for some reason though does not shoot as big of a fireball but it kicks so much harder it's like Newton's law for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction so like when there's a bigger projectile coming out there's more force back right that makes sense okay we're gonna shoot him in the leg with this and see if it goes through a lot of you guys been asking about the new range and like what kind of trees like this this is a Spanish oak really really nice tree your nice big solid one it's pretty tall this is a live oak over here live oaks or beautiful trees they're actually native to the Texas Hill Country which is where we are we do worry about oak wilt it's a fungus it's spread by beetles if you cut a tree you need to make sure to seal it so that the fungus doesn't into the trees it's something that every Texan with properties work ok fine I'll shoot it here we go here we go we're doing it I don't even know where I hit him I had my eyes closed the whole time it too did not go through I'm gonna rip all this inner liner away yeah that's what it looks like you can see no holes nothing came through pop these threads though it was ripping stuff but not ripping Kevlar and right on the other side it's just warm it's not hot dang look at that 700 grain projectile of solid lead and look how bent it is and all it hit was that guy's leg a thin plastic leg but because I have it Kevlar he transferred that much energy into the bullet and just smashed it just totally smashed that giant giant bullet crazy hey good job 3a this is definitely more than 3/8 it stops 2 500 Magnum slugs pretty much side by side two one hit there went it there the other one went must already fallen out militia what do you think about the new piece the newest addition to the demolition armory what should I do with this thing in the future should we use it sparingly kind of surprise you guys on upcoming episodes should we go plate it I do like gold or should we throw it in a river never to be seen again wouldn't hate that option either we also sell these shards for sale we are running low on these coins I found a few more rods out here we have a few hundred left so if you're interested we are giving away these coins instead of demotion ranch logo on them we're giving away one coin for every shirt you ordered check the last video you can kind of see what - those coins while supplies last as soon as those coins run out it's just a regular shirt also I realized that we did this shirt wrong the a K is ejecting out of the left on this didn't even notice that but your shirts will not none of the shirts we ship out will have the a cage acting on the left we flipped it I just still have the original shirt let me know what you would like to see happen with this really stupid revolver in the future thanks for watching [Music] Bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,804,191
Rating: 4.9396 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 10B_n6NAYvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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