Looks Like a Phone... BUT IT'S DEFINITELY NOT A PHONE!!! Cellphone Gun

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oh good highway 20 of a crush how are you you want money you want money got you oh I left my wallet at home oh I have things I think whole whole half the lip balm that's it's like a buck yes oh yeah FN five-seven mag that's worth like 60 bucks hold on it empty shotgun shell you don't like that I got a bolt gradate that's pretty good yeah 50 BMG black ship so it's like 12 bucks apiece okay hold on key just one sec my mama's gone and she's real sick I'm so sorry this is embarrassing I just gotta take this yeah I wasn't my mom calling it's not a phone that is a gun my mom actually is calling though one second yeah mama yeah everything's good normal day what do you have to you know I got plenty of times [Music] welcome to demolition wrench my name is Matt and I'm glad that you are here today to join me on this adventure we are checking out a very interesting firearm this is the ideal concealed and it has a lot of similarities with the old life card 22 this is my cell phone just so you can kind of get an idea of the size of these guns this thing is it's basically the exact size of a cell phone it's a little bit thicker but it is actually smaller than my cell phone this one is kind of the size of a credit card except for the width and you can tell it does have a barrel right there let's check out this one first so this is the life card and it has a little little cute little crazy holster right here it's the size of credit card with the height and length but the width is obviously a little bit wider than a credit card and it folds out as you can tell right here has a little trigger there is our hammer I guess and then the barrel does well you have a drop hammer first the barrel folds up and you put your 22 long-rifle in there load it down [ __ ] it you're ready to fire and then when you're done you fold it back up and you put it back in your wallet with the rest of your credit cards and we had a video on this while back because it was a very interesting little pistol this one is very similar in the way it works but made by a completely different company and it is a different mechanism as well but it folds out from a square black shape that does not look like a firearm into something that looks more like a firearm but before we take a closer look at it I want to thank our sponsor simply safe simply safe is awesome it's super effective super reliable and it's very intuitive to set up and use in your home simply say protects I'm Pro a 24/7 professional monitoring if there is a break in the security specialists can notify police if the intruder is in the house if they are armed and what they are doing which results in 3.5 times faster police dispatch and more crimes stopped simply save his modern comprehensive which means it protects your home inside and out they have sensors and devices to make sure that every aspect of your home is covered and say did you know that simply safe is the number one expert recommended home security system over 3 million people 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there that will lock into place and that locks your grip down and you can see it also exposes your trigger and to close that you just press that detent and close it so this has two barrels that open up kind of like a break open shotgun kind of like a over/under double-barrel shotgun and this is chambered in 380 it does have a rifled barrel not sure if you'll be able to appreciate the rifling there but the barrels are rifled probably actually done the specs but I would say two inch long barrel after the chamber they're little sliding gate to unlock and lock your barrel this part looks like they later are thinking about putting some kind of a flashlight laser or something down there otherwise that's pretty much it our little lever here to open the barrel does have a groove down the middle and there is a tiny front post there that is your sights very rudimentary this thing is made for Bam Bam up close that's it no aiming long shots sniper shots with this thing let's see if it works well for those not familiar with the 380 it's very similar to a 9-millimeter but just a bit shorter so I'm gonna go ahead and load this thing we just drop them down in here this is the last reload I'll show you because it's not fast and not very exciting okay this thing is made to be an up-close self-defense gun we're gonna work it out though I want to see how accurate this thing is how reliable it is you know because I might make it my new everyday carry probably not you never know let's go ahead and shoot for the Sunkist right here I this is the first time I fired it aiming down the sights I think I shot high let me aim lower yeah I shot over the first time forgot to show you guys this thing does have a little manual extractor here so you just kind of push up like that and it will pull those shells up so that you can reload yeah I'm shooting high I need to aim lower with this thing I think okay okay I'm getting it not the most comfortable thing because this thing is eating my fingers but that's the sacrifice you make for ultimate concealed ability hello yeah now just talking my phone definitely not talking on my gun right now yeah babe no I'm not at the gun store I'm at the library getting books for our children getting faster speed is good but accuracy is better oh my gosh this trigger is really long okay can I do too narrow all right that thing's probably it 15 to 20 yards I'm getting the hang of it just so you can see that trigger that I'm talking about you have to pull it all the way back really hard and it clicks at the very end so it's just really long so when I'm going for those accuracy shots it just seems like it takes forever before it finally clicks which makes sense because this thing does not have a safety so your safety is I mean you can carry this thing loaded and that thing covers your trigger and that triggers never going to go off because nothing can pull it so even if you drop it or you know it gets some g-forces it's not even enough to pull that trigger that far back and it's completely shielded with that pistol grip around it look that's scary so I barely missed that way [Music] [Music] guys I have a confession to make I told you this was a gun it's actually not a gun it's actually the brand new iPhone 12 you were really excited about you two three lenses this thing's got a couple lenses to that'll shoot bad guys and you know every always makes on the flip phones they went back to flip phones flip phone gun thought you guys might want to look at my crotch but I have a cell phone in one pocket and I have a pistol in the other pocket is that a pistol in my pocket I mean I just happy to see you which is which the ideas no they look they both just look like cellphones so it prints like a cell phone does which every man has in their pocket just so you know some people are gonna wonder okay best gun in the world no worst gun in the world the rhoda didn't take all the high points did it hmm not the worst not the worst gun in the world it's actually interesting it's also not the most comfortable to shoot but it is unbeatable in terms of concealability that is it for the ideal conceal 380 little foldable pistol it's very interesting that's a great idea Bobby [Music] I'm a doctor yes got you figure out how to answer [Laughter]
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,936,647
Rating: 4.9120693 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., cellphone, phone, cell, cellular, gun, cellphone gun, double barrel, barrel, double, folding, fold, folder, .380, 380, 380 acp, lifecard, ideal conceal
Id: JatsYPqpCGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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