The Body Shield, Does it Work???

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OP must not have played during the FBI recruit days

👍︎︎ 99 👤︎︎ u/Jancappa 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

We have already had a two speed shield op. It was FBI recruit shield and it reigned as an omen to defenders that their time was up, every time.

No seriously it was unholy strong and had to be removed from the game.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/NobleSixSir 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Demolition Ranch is the titties!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/HeavyMetalMonkey 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've suggested a something very similar to this but I didn't get any feed back Thinking back on it, it wouldn't be that great unless the operator had an amazing weapon or gadget to use with it

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Cthulu019 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

The problem here is knowing what role this Operator fills. Monty is already a support shield, Fuze is a distraction, and Blitz is the point man.

There wouldn't be much reason to choose a faster shield operator, because if you need speed, you're likely to pick an operator with more firepower as well.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Certified_GSD 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'd be down with that if he had an auto pistol

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Arktos22 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Only if he has something like the bearing 9 or the smg 11

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/the_normal_person 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

You watch Demolition Ranch. Did we just become best friends?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

he will be easy to kill tho

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Requ3GGe 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
sorry hey welcome to demolition ranch so some of you guys who are new I would even say new you won't know this guy they haven't seen you like you left like over a million subscribers ago and so there's over a million people who may have not gone back in the archives and may have never seen your face they might think you're brand new and really he used to be on all the time let me I'm just gonna say one thing over here it was great having him out there you know help me do the videos and stuff but he's just been gone for a while so everyone meet cooter he goes my creepy cooter but this is COO he used to have his own merchandise it's not not something I would personally wear but you know to each his own for those who did not watch the channel back in the old days you won't know that that coot and I had we had our ups and downs can I kind of show me tap this'll this is kind of gonna explain it so he he first you loved me I mean let's be honest like maybe not in like that kind of way but like he he loved me he got a tattoo that said Matt's best friend with a heart above it [Music] I didn't I didn't really it was weird it was uncomfortable when you got that tattoo I'll be honest then we went through a bit of a falling out so he actually got an ex tattooed through that and he got another tattoo matt's worst nightmare there was a time when you tried to kill me for several months and and the feeling was mutual I was kind of doing the same thing but we got through it we settled our differences so we actually got that tattoo tattooed over the necks as well and they got this one which which pretty much sums up where we're at now and we decided for a while just go our own ways and do our own thing but I need it I needed you today just not just for the just purely for videos I need someone to hold the shield let me shake the shield this is the hardcore defense alpha shield so what you'll notice is it has a nice little handle back here with a pad on it I'll says another pad right here for your elbow has a cutout right here for your gun so if you hear a bump in the night you pick up your should pick up your gun and you can go through and clear your house and you're protected this is made out of metal so this is actually not a r500 steel which most shields and body armor are made out of it apparently is harder than air 500 steel with the same ductility as a or 500 steel and so once things start getting harder they usually get more brittle this thing is just as brittle or just as not brittle as the air 500 but it's harder and so they can make it actually thinner so most people when you think of armor you think of traditional wearing a vest body armor goes around here and it can be soft they can make it out of steel as well and so there's a lot of pros and cons to both ways I think let's explore that so one huge pro of the shield is it's actually huge like it covers a giant part of my body whereas worn body armor goes from about right here to right here and here and here like cover your heart your lungs not even the outside of your lungs just like the inside of your heart and lungs a little bit of your liver that's pretty much it this thing has about double the area that it covers so I mean it pretty much covers my entire torso and plus it's actually a little bit down in my hip so it's it's big another Pro is its movable it's not static so like if I'm walking through and all of a sudden someone starts shooting at me I can duck behind this thing totally covering my head or I can squat down on the ground and cover most of my body with this legs included you can't do that with body armor one pro to worn body armor is it's always on you though you don't have to think about it like you put it on and it's there you don't have to be like gotta put it in front of me and gotta hold it and you also have both arms to use too whereas this you kind of lose one arm not really I guess cuz you I mean you still can hit with this you still can swing this thing and you could definitely kill somebody killing this at them you can throw it you can also just drop it at any time and not use it but you know you do have to kind of think about you're losing one arm to being your shield arm so this is actually a level 3a in I J so level 3a means it stops up to a 44 Magnum so this will stop all your normal pistol rounds nine-millimeter 4045 up to a 44 Magnum which is pretty impressive and not many threats I wouldn't think are gonna be bigger than that especially in a home invasion people gonna bust him with a 9-millimeter with a 38 special with a 45 maybe this thing will stop all of those well it should but maybe we should find out and that is why I called cooter hopefully I don't regret calling him but I needed someone to hold the shield and Meredith wouldn't do it now that coots holding it you can see that like it blocks a huge part of his body I mean from collarbone to mid hip probably is totally protected that's pretty good oh by the way before we get started if you're interested in getting this awesome hat or this awesome shirt it says if you don't know what this is you're an amateur and we can't be friends and it has a picture of muzzle break because like a lot of people don't know what that is I don't know I think it's kind of funny but anyway we have a special is going on our website link in description and you can get the combo the hat and the shirt together for a little discount so this is a 22 long rifle this is my Henry I think it's called a AR 7 survival rifle 22 long rifle this thing should have no problem stopping that but you know what I want to start at the beginning and just make sure nary a scratch we have a 9 millimeter and this is a little plus P round out of my cz scorpion this is not the coolest looking gun you've ever seen this plate this armor this shield should have no problem stopping this little guy a dent but it is slight 45 ACP so you can see this being a bullet it is a full metal jacket so it will have the best chance of making all the way through something a splatter as much as a hollow-point would this thing still should stop it with no problem a comparable dent to the nine-millimeter I have something else at my sleeve let's step it up you saw this gun earlier so you knew it was coming this is the FN five-seven shoots the 5.7 by 28 this round is crazy it's a tiny little super fast moving bullet and I know I say this every time but I think it's really interesting the gun and the ammo they considered banning them because they're so good at penetrating body armor and a normal body armor vests that can stop the 9-millimeter can't stop this so there's a really good chance that we'll go through this this plate is not rated to stop a57 I think of it I think it'll go through this thing is it's so fast we'll find out would you lookie there a dent similar to the 45 and the 9-millimeter very impressive I know what you're thinking Matt is that like a Elif a gun or something no it's a 22 this is a 22 Hornet so it's called the raging Hornet I only bought this gun because I thought it looked ridiculously awesome I don't even think they make it anymore because it didn't sell very good because it shoots a 22 Hornet which is a weird tiny little caliber but it's it's more powerful than a 22 Magnum has a larger case same everything's doing the exact well it's zoomed in hello that's better everything's doing the same let's go big everyone's heard of 44 Magnum because it's one of the most powerful handguns in the world this thing says he can stop it love it that was an all copper bullet and I picked it because it goes really fast and I wanted to try to beat this and so it looks a lot different from where all these lead bullets hit so the LED hit and splatters it's copper hit right here and there's really no splatter just went bunk and that was it but stop it I mean there's a good dent there okay we officially are about to move out of the realm of things this thing says it can stop you know what makes a 44 Magnum look really cute a 50 Cal Desert Eagle I kind of think it's gonna stop it I know it's not rated 2 but I kind of think it will stop the 51 ounce high brass shotgun slug even though that's tons of power the chance of stopping is actually increased because the shotgun slug is so big around but it's definitely gonna hit harder than anything is hit so far she's you can see right there were even bent out that foam on the back of it hit really hard but stopped it 100% you guys know these kind of tests go like I just shoot until something makes it through it and then the test is over because we know that everything that's bigger than what ever made it through it is also gonna make it through it so there's no reason and so like I was like I mean I've got the five-seven I've got the 22 Hornet I got a 12-gauge shotgun slug I won't actually get to this gun I'm just gonna take it long just in case but don't worry Matt you're not gonna actually have to shoot it this is the 500 Magnum it's it's 102 my least favorite gun you know what it's it actually may be the only gun I have that I do not like I like all the others but this thing is no fun it hurts every time I pull the trigger I flinch because I know it's it's gonna hurt me so let's see place your bets are you good there can you see you seal coot over there yeah looks good to me place your bets I I think this one's gonna go through I know I've said that before but I just have a feeling that this is gonna go straight through that arm okay yeah hate this gun so you can see a tiny little crack down there huge dent look at that it knocked the paint off the back side look at that crack you can see like coming through there but didn't hurt him like the shirts not even ripped underneath it crazy that was as close as we can come to making it through it without actually going through it oh good good job buddy next up is a caliber that there's no way that thing will stop it this is a 45 70 government but before that I do want to thank our channel sponsor audible so I've use audible for a really long time you guys know that and if you've never used them I would urge you to give them a shot so basically audible has the biggest audiobook library on the internet it is unmatched so many books and they read them to you right now I'm listening one called 12 rules to life by Jordan Peterson very interesting he is a psychologist and he kind of delves into emotional traits and like how this person is different from this person why this person is different from this person kind of opens your eyes to a lot of things you did not think about on the psychological side of things and the best part about it is you guys can go to slash demo ranch right here and you get a free 30-day trial you can download this book or any other book you also it's even easier if you just want to text you can text demo ranch de mo are a NCH - 500 - 500 or go to slash to my ranch all that information is in the description below I appreciate it because it helps us out on the channel and it will help you it's a great service and it will benefit you in your daily life so 4570 government this is my Henry 4570 government for those who do not know that 4570 is a giant round it's huge this round has been used a lot to hunt elephants now I do not condone the hunting of elephants I'm just stating that so you get an appreciation of how powerful this is lots of elephants have been shot and killed with 4570 this round it's serious it means business this bullet will go clean through that shield there's no doubt in my mind there's just absolutely no way it'll stop but there's only one way to really know what will happen [Music] cooter hey okay huh well that's something jeez so big dent no hole I have an idea Matt that's the same gun you just shot yeah I know but this won't be the same this is a 4570 extreme penetrator bullet I like the sound of that you know what I mean because like shooting targets and stuff it's all brass it has an interesting design and it is going super fast fire will come out of this gun and you might think well that's that doesn't look that impressive until you see how big the bullet actually is so that is how big it is it is giant goes way down in this case and this thing is moving what 100 percent I know this is like the third time I said this but 100 percent this is going through and yeah it won't stop it good yeah ready buddy this one's gonna hurt okay are you good you good bro hey might need a little a little surgery there and then um I think you're I think you fine bro it's just up still that's not that bad so as long as no one comes into your house with a forty five seventy loaded with the extreme penetrators you should be fine I mean unless they bring that I mean maybe after watching this video the bad guys are gonna start carrying that loaded with extreme penetrators but assuming they're not this might be a good option I think shields are cool especially because it held up way better than I thought it was going to it held up better than its rated to hold up to so anyway maybe I'll start caring a little more what do you think good hey coop what are you doing taking a nap er hello he must just be taking it at me so cute when he gets all sleepy you worked hard today buddy so you sleep as long as you want [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,390,801
Rating: 4.9118204 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., shield, armor, vest, ballistic, bullet proof, bullet, proof, bulletproof, shoot, shooting, shot, shots, shoots, gun, guns, firearm, firearms, experiment, plate, level
Id: iRsvs4qTaNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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