Ultimate Colt Python Torture Test

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ah it's good to be home [Applause] welcome to demolition ranch i'm joined by kentucky ballistics we actually got word recently that brandon herrera the ak guy who we were not happy with was in texas and so i got him to come down here and help me in we caught him boys and we duct taped him to this prison toilet where he's been for two days to serve in six days and i'm really hungry six days well now you know i feel like he's served his time and we can be on good terms again he's not going to start any more beef no more drama right right can i can i get off now yeah you want to help us make a video yeah sure all right let's go giddy up partners so today we're doing something extra special this is my colt python with an eight inch barrel eight inches you know what i mean and what that's not eight inches and i thought it'd be really cool to do a torture test but unfortunately this colt python is like 30 years old this is one of the older ones uh actually it's older it's almost 40 years old kind of like you hey you're right right i'm sorry i'm sorry there's a reason he can't have a gun yet he's not there yet uh but i decided that i wanted to torture test the python everybody's been raving about the new 2020 colt pythons this is nice so i went out and bought a brand new 357 magnum colt python made in the year 2020 and we're going to destroy it it's symbolic of just getting rid of this year all together so this is safe ish yeah we decided to be good for torture testing if he dropped it down into the things we're gonna test first up is the soda test it's the obvious one everyone wants to know if you dropped your gun in soda if it will still fire so we are here to find out today demolition ranch is all about answers what about this deer oh don't don't move him don't move it he's actually he's structural if you move him the whole thing comes down uh-oh should we mix big red and yeah okay not gonna lie it's pretty sketch okay you think you can hit the bucket from there i definitely can i don't know about me catching the gun though afterwards i can if try deer wasn't here i'd be okay do you want to take the deer down kinda okay i warned you we have a little bit of root beer mixed with big red which i i kind of want to taste this is gonna be a viral video dude on his head okay that you feel better i do okay i've got more room up here do you want me to move this bucket anywhere i think i'm good okay for you guys at home this is a unloaded colt python it's been actually never been loaded before i bet he misses i mean well it is covered in soda i mean mission accomplished okay i'm gonna send it back up to you ready it's gonna knock me out and then i'm gonna fall oh that was beautiful you got ammo up there i do not oh i didn't think about that coming up all right damn so you think it's gonna explode scott no i've actually never shot this gun before i bought it brand new yesterday it did just hit the ground and then it hit the ground and got covered in sticky soda also my hands are very sticky are you ready i'm ready fire one ready here we go uh the cylinder turns the other way i'm used to sniffing wessons here it comes you just shot right into that tree [Laughter] next up i want to do something a little thicker extra thick this is mrs buttersworth original syrup why didn't i just take the lid off that's what i should do oh yeah what do you think brandon i think it's kind of funny our tests so far have really just been testing to see if the cult python is diabetic ready send it oh yeah what a great shot amazing we wanted the the pressure of it flying down just to really make sure it gets all up in there okay we are going to not fire this one for the hand because it's getting a little less safe so we're gonna go hook this one up to a stand and get back pull it with a string thank you nope okay she is nice and covered in syrup yeah oh beautiful beautiful oh it's hard open cylinders all full you can't even hear it click so it's so gummy okay so now i'm gonna go over here hook it down to this with some zip ties and a string and then we will fire it from behind cover okay we have a round loaded in the chamber are you drinking that how was it that's pretty bad we got some more we're going to dump it over because some of it dripped off as we got it all hooked down here oh my god oh goodness oh yeah that's good stuff that's bad oh it's poor python i know i know i know what you guys are thinking it was brandon's idea all right i am cocking this thing we have a string on the trigger we're gonna go back behind cover and pull send it syrup firing yeah buddy everything looks good everything works she's good to go uh steel carry waffle house scenario you're good smells so good uh we're going to just actually leave it here because it was a lot of time to put it in the bucket and everything and we're just gonna start doing the torture test right here next up glitter you never know when you might drop your gun and a bunch of glitter it's sapphire colored okay i'm just gonna give a little a little sprinkling i have a round in here as you can see wow that really sticks to syrup well that looks great yeah demo ranch customizations next oh look at that if you guys want me to start uh bedazzling your guns let me know okay i'm gonna get some in the cylinders get some in that barrel how's it look it looks great it makes me want to start singing christmas carols you know what i want you to load it up will it close we're in our round is right there should kick it right into the right spot right here dang it is it not no it's not locked in got to go further cylinders not in all the way it's hitting something we got some gummy glitter in there or something dude this is a mistake like big time i regret my life's decisions right now oh we have gloves i forgot about that this is like one of those scenarios where you're covered in syrup and glitter and you have to figure out how to get your gun to unjam which we've all been in those scenarios high five ak guy yeah oh [Laughter] we're in we're in oh all right back it up boys it's go time syrup glitter test number one wait it's not gonna be that loud [Music] ah dang it oh we're not gonna be able to cause it's gonna rotate it over yep i moved it over all right let's just keep it moving come on come on get there get there uh the glitter has totally screwed it up i thought more glitter would come off i think it was the syrup glitter combo it makes the superest glue you've ever seen i mean it's really gunky but i think it'll fire now i think we got it going i'm just gonna fire by hand cause it's pretty cleaned out now should be fine i feel good this one we're going to cover it in lard what kind of lard is this snow cap water i didn't know snow was made of lard yup now we know that's what i always wonder what's made out of don't have much snow here in texas hands are gonna smell so bad okay um oh gosh that was awful this actually could lube up the gun and just fix the problems all the glitter brought on like you're supposed to oil guns right and that's that's what we're doing i think that looks pretty good so we can [ __ ] it it did not rotate the cylinder at all yeah the trigger does nothing now yeah this video's the worst update uh i dropped the hammer finally got to drop i pulled the hammer back and it rotated our live round pointing on the barrel now so we are going to fire this is going to blow lard everywhere and i'm all about it we're gonna back up get behind cover pull this string lard test firing oh that lard went everywhere i just heard some hit so when you fire revolvers a lot of fire comes out of the front of the cylinder which it did that was covered in lard as you can see it's all blown open now it looks like it works which means we have to clean the lard off and do that we got a another round in the chamber the next test is flour we're just gonna dump flour all over the lard mess that we already have here i feel like i should oops oh gross yeah dude that's going to be pretty sweet looking if that fires with all the ingredients here it's like we're baking a python it's a cauldron and we're going to make a magic spell with this giddy up partners all right well now i feel like i'm going to be the one that breaks it do it all right let's go okay go check it out hammer did drop but there's too much flour in the way yeah we should have known that that's not it that's not effective you look like you're having a good time over there scott that actually was a thing is it is it good i mean it's not good but let me see that screw here yeah we actually we were kind of dumb and didn't think that this little channel needs to be completely clear or it will stop the hammer which is exactly what happened hey scott will you come blow my gun one more time absolutely come on baby alrighty take two all right cleared out all around the cylinder again love it dude it just doesn't even operate that cylinder right now oh there's still like lard and flour oh this is a cooking set demo ranch cooking with demo you know the problem is it's lard and it's not gonna come off in water yeah we should have got water soluble things this is going to be covered in lard forever while we did not get all the lard off uh it does work fine now from what i can tell actually lubed up pretty good so am i i was gonna do the next test which would be peanut butter but i'm so why did that just open i was trying to open it early it wouldn't open because my hands are all greasy oh you gotta finesse it if you go easy i should have known sometimes you have to be gentle here wait i had to try it oh that's safe gosh awesome that's good that's fresh so we're actually gonna do the grand finale here we're gonna put three things together first we have a bucket of white paint and then we're gonna dump on top of that it's gonna be like a seven layer dip with three layers um so it'd be like a three layer dip so we're gonna dump white paint and then we're gonna dump peanut i thought butter be easier though let that in there oh yeah that's great oh gross commitment oh really really i'm gonna get dirty oh so you're leaving it to a smaller youtubers to do it right yeah i you the only reason he embodied this you can work your way to the top boys you might be wondering what the third layer is flex seal spray okay get a nice coating in there and then we're going to do the 15 foot drop straight in i mean one hand that's covered in peanut butter [Applause] extreme youtube what i'm actually trying to do is kill off the smaller gun channels before they catch me hey what was that no no no no okay all right watch out that's going to splash white paint give you a partner fam perfect one of us has to go get that oh my god where'd it go oh i feel it it sunk to the very bottom of the peanut butter oh my gosh that's a big old hunk of peanut butter stuck on it there dude this is never gonna fire it is so thick look that's pretty cool paint job though like tiger stripe with black and white and brown uh just after preliminary dusting off it does fire the hammer does drop the hammer hard and it spins the cylinder i think we might be able to fire all right i got it all zip tied in i did it by myself no one else helped me just kidding nailed it um we are ready to rock i think and uh fire the peanut butter paint flex seal colt final test to see if this whole python will survive here we go it looks good i just don't want to touch it my hands are the cleanest they've been all episode so i was thinking this gun did survive every test we put it through all right i gotta i gotta pull the hammer back just your hands are already dirty pull the hammer back see if it rotates cylinder it did not whatever just needs a good rinsing or if it's done add a little bit of help there yep okay so from all the testing we've done i think this thing still works fine the problem is once you do bad things to a gun they can tend to explode more um sometimes than they usually would so i think we are gonna go ahead and finish this gun off um and they brought just the guns to do it okay kentucky you got a big uh rifle what's the 308 or something yeah it's 308. this is a 458 lot jeez and this is my cz elephant gun that is an elephant rifle i shot it earlier today on his channel and it was bananas what do you got i have crank aks74 you hooked it up with this is 545 but this is and six which is armor piercing but i think we're about to find out if it's python piercing sweet you got the bakelite mag got the little shorty and that one has fulato eh it does it does have that mysterious third row so these guys are both just gonna rip this python up are you going first are you shooting multiple or one i put two in my pocket all right here you go you can probably get your second shot off by the time i finish with this why don't you let me hit it one like after i pull the trigger then you you release all your please finish that yeah what's he gonna say all right boys destroy my python please ready ready well there it went yeah it's gone it gone i can still see it hold on is it down there i mean you smacked it hard and then you smacked it a lot so let's go see what hard a lot does oh yep man they really just build these new 20 20 pythons like poop i mean just it actually cleaned all the paint off of it though so that's good i wonder if you took this back to cult what they would say said what is your return policy you gotta be shooting some bubba's pissing hot reloads parts are falling out late i mean you can see where bullets just ripped it yeah so that was the elephant gun that just went and just bent it in half and then you can see where ak bullets were just smashing into it yep those little things are mean that gun is wild get you a hole right through it dang well you guys owe me a new python because it was still working before that part you versus the guy she told you not to worry about how's going to the meme thing you guys go check out ak guy and kentucky ballistics i will link them both in the description below thanks for coming guys and we're going to be doing some more stuff over the next few days how to drive tanks oh man should we put out this gun yeah i'll put it out here we go okay yeah thanks guys oh maybe spray more on there you need to you need to suffocate it you should probably get that checked out from a doctor thanks for watching demolition ranch i'm sorry we destroyed a gun but it had to happen i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor ish
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,521,420
Rating: 4.9002705 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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