Crazy New Gun, Crazy New Caliber, Insane Performance!!!

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Not gonna lie though that new 7.5 looks slick as hell

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gun-nut0508 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
i think i'm coming all right i'm at the y i think you said go right at the y it looks like no one's driven down that road in years okay i'm going it looks pretty good rush hold on rain's really picking up all right let's do this yeah i i made it through the y this this does not seem right i think i'm driving through a dried up river like i'm hitting every literally everything keep coming okay i don't feel like road's getting really narrow like super narrow in here i don't know i don't know if this is right i'm pouring it i'm still flooring it come on yeah bro i got stuck i don't think this is right what do you mean go till i stop yeah i'm stopped like no i'm not here there's no way this is here it's stuck now i'm just spinning dang it dang it what the heck man hey you found it before we go further into the video i'd like to say thanks to our sponsor raid shadow legends you've probably heard about rage shadow legends by now in terms of gameplay it's the deepest and most complex mobile 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nickname doctor demolition and if you're quick enough you can even join my clan so what are you waiting for go to the video description click the special link and if you're a new player you will get 50 000 silver plus 50 gems plus one energy refill plus one clan boss key plus five mystery shards plus one day xp booster plus one free epic champion the executioner who is super awesome if you click within the next 30 days all this treasure will be waiting for you here good luck and i'll see you there back to the show welcome to demolition ranch i was going to give you the full tour on old big red today but she is actually stuck uh you can see we are digging a big hole there so i have to wait till we pull her out yeah she's stuck she's great though and the ac actually works let's go on to the video though this is the brand new gun this is actually i'm not sure how to say this company's name fk bruno brno fkbrno i'm going to call it the fk bruno because that makes it easier for me to say not sure if that's how you say it this gun is called the psd it is the size of a normal handgun maybe a little bit bigger but it is chambered in a totally new round it's chambered in the 7.5 fk that is a nine millimeter this is the 7.5 fk you can see it's a lot bigger not only is it bigger around than the nine millimeter it also is taller the case is taller and then you can see this bullet sticks out and it has a smaller bullet so what this is is about a 10 millimeter size case i think it's a 10 mm neck down to 7.5 millimeter so nine millimeter 7.5 fk that is a 7.5 millimeter bullet coming out of a very large case why why why why why because sometimes there are situations where a regular nine millimeter pistol is either not powerful enough or won't shoot the distance you needed to shoot and so normally in that situation you would grab a rifle you'd get an ar-15 m4 and then you can hit those longer distances with more power but there are some situations where you don't have room to carry that say you're a pilot in the cockpit of a plane you are only going to have something that can fit on your hip or say your border patrol and you need something quick at the ready as you're driving your truck because you can be in dangerous situations there but you want more power because sometimes those guys are wearing bulletproof vests and you would like to have a rifle but it's gonna take you longer so you can have this gun at your hip at the ready just in case or maybe you're not military or police but you're just hiking out in the woods and you want more protection from big cats or other dangerous animals that might be coming at you it might be good to have something more powerful than a nine millimeter that you can take down a big animal if the situation arises where you need to do that they also sent a extra barrel this is a 10 millimeter barrel you can see this thing fits perfectly in there it's not made to shoot this but that shows me that that thing is probably just a neck down 10 millimeter but like i said that case is a lot bigger than 9 millimeters case but you can see that bullet is very narrow that thing is a fast moving very powerful round sights are actually pretty interesting on this too because they're really tight so they're made to be more accurate at long ranges they want this thing to be a gun that is capable of shooting at 50 to 150 yards so they have very narrow iron sights you can get a very accurate shot off with it okay controls are all similar to regular guns they have a slide release here there's a safety there there's your hammer there mag release here we're gonna go ahead and shoot it it's a it's a large mag but the gun doesn't feel too large in your hand it's heavier than a normal gun they made this cartridge just fit all of their specifications they wanted a very powerful very long range cartridge that was small and made for a pistol but then there was no gun that could handle it so they specifically built this gun around the cartridge because it's beefier and handles recoil really well is what i've been told this is actually the first time i've ever shot it never fired around before and uh not many people in the u.s have fired this this is one of the first tin that has become available in the u.s so uh i'm just gonna pop some targets and see how she feels okay i like it full mag this is a 16 round mag so the gun is 16 plus one oh yeah the fireball's pretty crazy out of this thing okay we have completed the first stress test the torture test of running two mags through it two mags through zero failures very impressive very impressive now we'll move on to the next test a much more demolition ranch test now we know the gun fires now let's actually try out that round and see how it does this uh actually all these plus some other stuff we're going to shoot was all sent to me by you guys the demolition i appreciate it uh some of it just random stuff that you had this was actually from a shop teacher and these are a bunch of just face shields and he was like yeah they might want to shoot him and see how many uh takes stop a bullet so we have a bunch we're gonna shoot at nine millimeter and the 7.5 we're gonna compare the two because the nine millimeter is the most common standard round here for police and military so we're gonna compare it to the 7.5 and see if the 7.5 has a lot more penetrating power or a lot more knock down power we should be able to tell with the variety of targets we have today this one's going to be kind of weird because we're going through a bunch of layers of this stuff it's just thin plastic so it will you know a bullet to go straight through there but i don't know how many it will take to stop a bullet we also have these these are all homemade body armor that you guys have made these are all sent to me from different people and we've been collecting these for a few months so i've lost the notes so you know who you are if you sent these thank you you're awesome thanks for taking the time to make this i think this is like cast material right here which is pretty crazy or maybe it's just fiberglass either way it's like fiberglass and resin or the stuff you make cast which is similar very hard this is just little sheets of steel and you can see they're separated there by air same deal with this one and then he also has like a hard layer on one side to catch the bullets we'll put that in the back probably i don't know what this is it's light it's duct tape on the outside this one yeah i don't know either there's something hard we're gonna shoot all of them and see we also have these they're french presses for coffee weird but i got a whole box of them someone sent them thank you you're awesome and uh they're all damaged so they're not brand i mean they're all brand new but they were all like the ones that had dents and scratches and stuff so they just sent me a box of all the damaged ones to shoot okay we're first gonna shoot the glock 17l this is the terran tactical glock 17. shooting a 9 millimeter straight at the face shields and i actually think the 9 millimeter may do better in this test because it's heavier we're shooting 115 grain full metal jacket nine millimeters and these are 95 grain 7.5 hollow points so that's gonna make it less likely to penetrate but it's faster and more powerful one let's see right there so two three four five oh yeah six seven eight nine that's busted i see a bullet so i think our nine millimeter went through nine oh no one through ten oh and eleven okay we're still going i thought we were done here nine millimeter went through 11 face shields now how about the 7.5 so that is a hollow point and it's going faster which means it usually has more chance of getting through the first thing but then it starts breaking at least in rifles so we'll see if this is similar um i don't know we'll find out about how a point starts opening up 7.5 going at the face shields one two three four five six seven these are all new ones we move the other ones to the back eight nine ten 12 13 14 15. how's it uh right there so that's the 16th that it bounced off of and this is the 17th that it also you can kind of see indented that so this one bent enough to dent that one it stopped after going through 15 of them i don't see a bullet anywhere so i think it hit that last one and then just redirected lost enough velocity that didn't go through anymore we're gonna shoot these now i just stacked them on top they're a little different this one has a few more of the rubber in the back i think it actually that might be like roofing shingles no no they're rubber i'm not sure what it is but we'll shoot both of them nine millimeter nine millimeter seven point five seven point five nine mil did i make it through top one stopped and bottom one stopped so the bullet should both be down there uh there's pieces of them where's that piece of the metal it's just like punched out pieces of the metal you can see the bullet in there that's the butt of the bullet so it just punched out little holes just like a paper hole punch as it went through the metal but it did stop yeah right there so it went through one two looks like it stopped on the third this one did the same went through one went through two stopped did not make it through that third piece of metal so now can the 7.5 fk make it through everything voting no but it'll make it through more 7.5 let's see if we have similar results shot that one a little close down there didn't go through but it did hit the back wall you can see that big dent there definitely more power oh wow actually about the same size hole that's our nine millimeter you can still see the bullet in there this is our seven five about the same size hole that it's punching through even with a smaller bullet but you can see the difference here that nine millimeter is bending that metal up whereas the 7.5 is bending it but it's just doing a much better job that's the one that stopped it right there the nine millimeter the 7.5 went straight through that one and then into this plate and then into this plate so it hit two more plates plus all of this and still bent that back plate the lower one is a little more dramatic you can see that dent in the back plate same deal hit two extra metal plates bending that last one a lot more power there a lot more power i'm gonna shoot that one uh i don't think it's even a stop at nine it seems too lightweight yeah it looks like it went through straight through and on through the cinder block that one's no good all right uh this one with the silver duck tape i don't know what it is uh i think it'll stop at nine it did you can feel it bulging it was trying to come through but a bullet did not go through so whatever that is good job buddy you stopped at nine millimeter but check out my seven five i don't think it stopped it so didn't stop it uh this one is made out of wood and it looks like aluminum uh he's got some sheets of metal two sheets of metal in there i wonder if we're shooting it the wrong way let's try the other way because usually harder goes first and then the softer stuff will catch it we'll shoot two through it this way and see if it stops the answer is no it we're just gonna shoot one there's two okay this guy put a note on here that says shoot this side which is nice thank you uh and this is the fiberglass cast padding resin stuff not sure what it is but it looks like it will stop a bullet firing oh maybe not did not wow so that actually looks very similar to kevlar all those fibers in there so i would have thought i mean obviously i thought it would but there's a piece of the bullet there that's metal so we put some pieces of metal in there that's i guess that's why this side is more discolored let's try shooting it the other way because usually you want metal in the front i interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast because we found a seven five i think this one fell out of the metal though but it is just mangled that's the side that hit the metal it didn't fall out of this one but that hit the metal squished totally flat i mean that shows you why that hole looked about the size of a nine millimeter because this thing opens up so big a lot of speed will really make the bullet malleable and open up pretty cool nine millimeter through the other side nope that went through too i saw the cinder block move sorry buddy it's no good we're gonna go ahead and shoot this anyway just because i want to see if it makes a bigger hole in it jeez this is nine millimeter going in this is nine millimeter coming out this is 7.5 coming out a lot of damage there crazy yep uh 7.5 definitely more powerful than a nine okay we have 14 french presses these are all metal they have all the parts in them to make some fine coffee in a very simple way and we're going to destroy them in a not simple way okay demolition we're betting how many do you think it'll go through actually just to make it easier which one will it stop on if you think it'll go through five and stop on the sixth say six and if you win i'm gonna give you 400 worth of respect nine millimeter going at the french presses i think it's gonna go through six stop uh on the seventh maybe these things are tougher than i thought oh dang it went through one stopped on the second samsonite it was way off if you know what movie that's from comment below all right 7.5 i think it's gonna go through six and stop on the seventh no that's probably not i think it's gonna go through three of them and not touch the fourth [Music] jeez okay we put a brand new one here oh that probably slowed it down a little bit maybe we should shoot again straight through the first one into the second stopped in the sec you're getting a bullet oh gosh it's pieces this is going through two walls of metal just to get into the middle because it's an insulated mug uh let's try it again without these things in the way because i think that probably took a lot of our energy when it hit dead on that center one it's because my shooting is so good i think it will go into the third now and stop before touching the fourth oh that moved a lot of them well there it is right there why would it be in there though because there's a hole of it coming out wild so first one one two straight out the second one so it looks like it went in busted out that back wall enough to dent this dude this must have bounced off the third one and came back in here because i have the bullet right there that is our 7.5 fk round all smashed didn't touch the fourth wrong again so far all we've done is prove the 7.5 is more powerful does have more knock-down power more penetrating power but we haven't shut it at long range which is also what it was built for so we have a man-sized target at 50 yards here and we smoked it dead center right in the chest let's back it up this is 75 yards on our man-sized turret sorry we haven't painted green it's probably hard for you guys to see that is a hit looks like the first one i hit here the second one i hit here let's back it up again 100 yards uh so far i've not missed those first two shots were hits we'll see if i can get this on the first shot as well that is a hit i can't see where it hit but that was a hit uh back it up more 125 yards see if we can nail it nope i'm not sure if i'm going which way actually uh also earl is right over there i'm trying not to hit earl if i move like an inch to the left i'll nail my truck okay i figured it out i was just aiming too high i think i can do that again oh okay that is 125 yards which yeah you can do that with a regular pistol you get a nine millimeter with a 45 they will hit at 125 yards the beauty of this and what they designed it for is that it still has a lot of power and a lot of speed and so you have knock down power at 125 yards in a package that can accurately deliver a bullet at 125 yards i wasn't aiming this is the fk brno psd that was a lot of letters we're gonna call it the fk bruno psd uh brand new pistol coming to a gun store near you i would imagine pretty cool no problems with it shot really great does not kick a lot for how powerful that round is and as you can see very accurate at long range so anyway we probably ought to put this thing through some more tests and see how it compares to other calibers that uh maybe are kind of similar like 5.7 is a smaller caliber that's faster this thing's a lot bigger than a 5.7 though but we also have a 10 millimeter barrel for it so more videos to come on the fk bruno also more to come on old big red who is also still up in the trees so all we need to do before we can start doing things to big red is go get it which it's like a half mile in the woods over there so we're gonna have to get a chainsaw and just so we can get a truck in there to drag it out because i don't think anything else is going to fit in there let me know what you guys like to see with big red it won't replace goldie nothing could ever replace goldie but we can dang sure try thanks for watching demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,592,132
Rating: 4.9368668 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., 7.5, 7.5 brno, brno, fk, 7.5 fk, fk brno, psd, fk brno psd
Id: fnE50OU9R78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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