How To Own Your MAGA Family This Thanksgiving - Leftovers #8

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i really wish ethan did that segment shirtless

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/cucu_freedom 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

one thing i learned from this ep is that tai lopez and gary vee are different people

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/gamechangerjosie 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

“just eat your damn mash potatoes and shut up” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/onemorecasey 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hassan’s Jordan Peterson impression is really good holy shit

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/JustineIsADream 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know why the members version is like 25min longer? Usually the non-members version is longer due to ads being placed, but not this time.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/ultimatetwat- 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan topless playing the uncle Hank character is top tier hilarious

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/williams-sj96 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fucking Hasan sounds exactly like JBP

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/JustShhhhhh 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

That’s right

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/Spongekelp 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

OMG I can actually explain the Chapel Veils! Brethren and Mennonite churches require women to cover their heads in church, so most women wear those lace doily type things. The idea is that a woman's hair is her glory, so in order to preserve her modesty she covers it at church.

I was a rebel and rocked bandanas 😮

Honestly, it's a bunch of Purity Culture bs, blaming men's thoughts on women's bodies.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/SomethingInAirwaves 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] two welcome welcome it's the leftovers that's right we're back yeah hassan got some complaints last week they didn't drop a less right yeah i heard that some people thought i was saying let's let's ride oh what no i'm just saying that's right let's ride let's ride i guess i guess but that's good because today we're talking about alex jones oh yeah my favorite so there's some cot alex jones memes it's nice to see him back we are here from the three million dollar bunker of course with newly installed sam systems surface-to-air missiles we have some kind of laser um security systems like it automatically targets poor people that walk in in between it like when they walk through it's like oh it figures out what your what your income is and your network it analyzes like the thread count of your pants oh yeah yeah they get immediately vaporized thank you today to our sponsors harry's honey and we got a special episode today because next week is thanksgiving we will be off next week for the holidays but we want to arm you guys to the teeth um not just with surface-to-air missiles but with uh knowledge it's still it's old what happened guys what's he doing he's doing some nfd [ __ ] right he's got uh [ __ ] of course ty lopez is doing an nft he's got to be in my garage yeah so ty lopez he fell off kind of hard oh yeah i think he's he bought this is so weird plus ratio he bought plus ratio he bought like one of these going bankrupt during the pandemic chains like marshalls or something no or what it was one of these so yeah you're right yeah google that dan yeah they got pier one pier one he bought pier one and he's like dude i get to have stores imagine brick and mortar stores all over the country he bought pier one for like 30 million dollars and that's the last started from i don't know why the [ __ ] you did that how can a guy who made like he made who made his like bread and butter on the internet turn around and be like brick and mortar is the future what i think that was a horrible investment that he's probably regretting it's like purchasing buggies right before ford motors like figures it out you know these buggies they're going to be fire next year here this is just from gosh what to say yesterday yeah i'm blessing 20 people with 10 000 in bitcoin in the next 24 hours 20 winners get 500 each there's a total of our fees [ __ ] posts to enter all you have to do is follow and retweet like my comments uh um you know subscribe to my get rich quick scheme follow me on instagram follow me on tick tock i believe crypto will give wealth to the people not just make us rich guys richer yeah okay first of all is he even a rich guy still it's always ever been like a real rich guy it's always been a mystery to me how much money this guy's worth or what i'm he has a pretty prolific like e e commerce business i think he's but it's all super shady like schemey stuff i mean his entire i remember like back when people were doing deep dives in the tai lopez i remember looking into it a little bit and it was all about like getting young people to be able to dupe like old people that have like small businesses like he would just teach you how to like scam old people like restaurants which is a huge business yeah you know yeah oh yeah they do digital marketing for you know your mom and pop shop and you know you just don't really need to do anything well he's one of these guys that gets rich teaching people how to get rich yeah which is a weird irony yeah i've always said like look are you are you gonna teach me how you're scamming me right now is that like are you because otherwise like that's not how you made your money you didn't make your money doing ads you made your money by telling people like uh you know the entrepreneurs of the world how they're gonna get rich yeah the final step of his of his uh seminar should be and starting your own get rich seminar yeah the only the only person um that is like that at least has like some legitimacy like that has done some work is uh i would say garyvee and a lot of people are ripping i'm an anti-garyvee no no i bro have you seen his nfts we ripped into him so [ __ ] hard of course of course i'm just saying he's better than tyler in a field yeah but in a field of like scammers he's the one scammer that at least has like you know it has some some uh experience i'll agree with that outside of just in the land of the blind the one-eyed v is king oh yeah for sure yeah i'll agree with that he's managed to like market himself as someone who who is a serious person which surprised me but he's like yeah he he's done the typical like angel investor scam scammer guy he's like a big vc angel investor type um and i i think all of that is a scam as well but at least like that's different scam investing angel investing um it's gambling uh for the most part it's just like you go and you wait for a wave why is that a scam it's not a scam i'm just saying like presenting yourself as someone who's like a successful angel investor that knows what they're doing because they're looking at the fundamentals is oftentimes the scammier part of this because you're literally pumping 10k to 50k to 60k to these startups non-stop you're funneling cash for a decent chunk of equity uh in a lot of these companies with the hope that one becomes a whale yeah and when you hit one whale it doesn't matter and if you have capital you can do that permanently you're saying there these guys have this mystique like there's these incredible businessmen but it's not that they're just yeah i have money and it's easy to put money yeah yeah i agree with you there i don't think it's anything slick to be a quote angel investor by the way we found this last year talking about gary you saw this you know about this i do know about this are you serious well we thought this was such an underground find okay well how did you know about this i think i know about this because of the show okay i saw it and also because i tracked closely uh you know people that kiss their fathers on the list you think i'm joking i'm not joking bill belichick kisses his adult daughter on the lips tom brady tom brady father and his sons on the lips that one i like the time i'm a firm believer that white people get a lot of power from kissing their parents on the lips that's just the tom brady one was pretty interesting to me like that that one was a little disturbing and i love uh you know i love my ch my son um but like and and i don't get it and by the way like pecking your parents on the i'm not one for it personally but like i don't have a problem with pecking your parents on the lips tom brady is like he made out with his son yeah he's like get back here yeah he's like yo yo where are you going i didn't oh stop that's just get that off the screen no it's just like that's not even no i think that's not even i'm serious take that off i'm just saying that kid gonna be an incredible quarterback one day like it's just like that's where he's getting his power from it's the secret that they don't want you to know yeah put some tongue in there here's garyvee anyway also powerful i mean he this is how he made let's watch the clip this is how he made his father's three million dollar wine company into a 60 million dollar wine company okay by kissing by tongue kissing him wait he made out with his dad after someone said should i focus on youtube or facebook right yeah and that's uh yeah all right all right let's go let's go it's so much lip and even a little wait what the [ __ ] wait wait what prompted that uh pure love for for for your father what else come here daddy all right what's up all right let's go let's go yeah yeah yeah that's crazy and it's like kind of open mouth yeah that's i mean that's nowhere near on the tom brady scale that's like well pull up the tom brady one since we're doing tom brady would be like tom brady would be like let's do that again let's run that back but the tom brady one was i didn't i didn't feel anything in that one the thing about tom brady's too is that like not only did he say yo son get in here and give me a kiss on the lips before you do that it was on camera yeah so i'm assuming it's just like a full tongue getting everything off camera i just i don't want to know that was like a peck the second kiss shared by father and son prompted tweets from viewers using words like very disturbing and uncomfortable yeah yeah he says that was just a pet come back here and give me a deeper kiss give me a good one yeah it's a lot it's just like that's why you don't you don't have what it takes to to be a varsity athlete okay i'll just say it i'm gonna have kids i'm gonna kiss him all the time come here the thought of that and again my son is you know two and a half and i'm just not in the business of kissing him on the mountain you better not very affectionately if you want if you want him if you want him to start you know playing basketball or football or anything you better be a comedian he will become a comedian if you kiss him in the mouth a lot when he's a child yeah [ __ ] him up good yeah exactly by the way did i thank our sponsors you did i think yes you did okay thank you to them so today we as we were saying before we went down the dad's making out with their sons rabbit hole that next week is thanksgiving and we're thinking here on the leftovers it's all about you know uh war it's all-out war here yeah and what what other front is there in this war than dinner at thanksgiving oh yeah 100 you always have the weirdest [ __ ] french people from your family coming out living living in the weird s like desert towns of middle california never heard of where like people just tweak all day and you don't know what they do out there and somehow i know yeah yeah yeah well this year is going to be a little different probably because like half of them are dead you know what i'm saying that's interesting like you know the the dinner table is going to be a lot lighter that's interesting a lot a lot of uncles passed away this past year might be some leftover turkey yeah exactly but you know the ones that did make it the ones that are the true believers that you know somehow made it through the covet thing uh you know get ready and we're we're gonna give you the tools we're gonna give you the ammunition yeah so are able to fight back today we're gonna be basically doing all of the main things you're gonna hear from your conservative uh brainwashed family members and the tools you need to disarm them that's coming up a little bit later but this is huge guys you're not going to miss this one in the meantime let's enjoy some i asked my community one thing i'll say is i ask my community about this like what should like what are we missing here you know question-wise and like i should have never asked them they're like oh the the conflict in ethiopia i'm like no no no like random republican uncle is gonna be like what's going on in ethiopia like yeah i'm is there is a conflict in ethiopia yes there's oh no conflict going on my family won't be discussing that i think yeah with peace and love of course you know uh but here i'll give you a preview we've got critical race theory you know white people are the most discriminated against it today in society also bonus karen is racist against white women you'd be surprised how often i hear that really yes and i've even been hearing tucker doing that like oh what she's a karen like they're writing it off like it's some kind of a you know white woman hate there are only two genders covet is just the flu there's a lot about covert obviously you know i'm it's so hard for me not to immediately get unlocked and like don't don't do it now trump won the election you know why are they always canceling things like mr potato head and jeremiah i mean in short canceled culture is ruining society uh forced diversity affirmative action young people don't know how to work hard anymore that's a good one you know global warming is a hoax and uh joe biden bosch to afghanistan so these are just a good baseline to be prepared you know and the the goal is to make your relative cry yes you your goal is to make them feel that the only solution is uh a civil war and uh secession from the the united states as we know it two-nation solution yeah um look debates are in my opinion uh something that is mostly for entertainment it gives you the talking points uh for your side again and it helps you recognize the other side's talking points i'm not a firm believer that uh you know this is the aristocratic uh or the socratic method or whatever aristocratic um the socratic method where you are you know arriving at the truth by debating someone no it's just like a guy who's very good rhetorically a rhetorically gifted person blurting out talking points and trying to rationalize uh logical fallacies as quickly as possible right against another guy who's doing the same yeah and by the way rarely in any debate do the people actually know what the [ __ ] they're talking about uh yeah it's usually yeah ben shapiro is not like this this brilliant scientist that has a full-blown understanding of uh climate historian uh climatology exactly they literally it's just an appeal to emotions he knows what plays great on the emotion and sounds good yeah and when and also like there are numerous different methods of making yourself come across like the the winner to the onlookers ultimately um you know there's 40 percent of uh one side that's going to remain there 40 of the other side that's going to remain there and you're basically fighting for the 20 in the middle and they can potentially sway depending on how rhetorically uh superior one side looks you're feeling pre you're pretty optimistic you think that we can be changing minds at the thanksgiving there's always people well not at the thanksgiving tip i'm just saying in general if you're like doing a public debate and it's on youtube 20 people you could persuade i feel like it's like five in the margins there's always people that are just like onlookers that don't really have like a super strong well-established position still the overwhelming majority of either side is going to stay you know yeah unless there's like a thorough uh just uh deconstruction and full-blown humiliation of the other side if you just like rip them yeah i don't think so yeah i mean ultimately it's entertainment though and it can be very entertaining but um you're like if your goal is to like change the minds of your relatives especially ones that watch like you know hours and hours and hours of fox news like that's not gonna happen well anyway you should know just be ready okay it's happening wars coming this thanksgiving and we must be ready to fight i'm seeing the headlines already ethan kline and hassan biker want to destroy the nuclear family they hate families and that's why they're telling you to let's fight back it's the new civil war i'm just following what tim poole told me to do families against families brothers against brothers you know yeah that's right covet nation versus no nation i'll tell you which army's gonna last longer in the trenches the one that's vaccinated yeah it's a war of attrition yeah well you know that's uh we're sterile now though we don't have uh we can't have babies our immune systems are dead we got too much okay let's get on with it okay [ __ ] joe biden is destroying my own tv we got some memes at the top of the show you know about it oh yeah so you guys know about this [ __ ] joe biden thing i don't know if we've talked have we talked about it i don't know if i've ever explained this weird phenomenon we briefly brought it up when it was first popping off and then it turned into let's go brandon and remember donald trump jr tried to take credit for it and be like i made this i made this believe me he's like no you didn't no you okay yeah so i guess the back story with let's go brandon is that some reporter people were chanting [ __ ] joe biden in the stands and a reporter misheard them and said they're saying let's go brandon yeah and so now they they thought that was hilarious so now they all say let's go brandon which is code word for the very naughty naughty uh yeah [ __ ] joe biden yeah and i feel terrible for brandon brown you know it was like a beautiful moment for him in talladega he wins he's like elated he's excited and now the only thing that people remember is like nobody was saying let's go brandon you know and that's like the big conservative thing i feel bad uh but yeah no this was like a big conspiracy that like the media is just hiding the truth about how people are at talladega you hear that they're saying let's go brandon oh they're not saying that they're saying folks about it i've we could one day look at i've done this already on my stream but uh there are many rap songs that have come out oh there's there's maga rap with the dude of course dude this entire thing is like there's a grift economy oh i've seen that one mega raft rapper but are they are they going with the let's go brandon there are like three or four songs that is just let's go brandon that's that are titled let's go right now they were popping off on itunes charts too am i getting yeah like number one and number two something beautiful about like conservatives hijacking hip-hop to turn it into some pseudo-white nationalist movement yeah the jews are black though or except for except for forgiato blow josh who is uh ethnically ambiguous i don't know what the [ __ ] i mean he's more of a creature anyway but uh the other two dudes are the the two uh black rappers is like the black maga rapper and then there's another guy who's like trying to pop off well anyway this guy's so pissed off he uh oh no what's he gonna do no i'm so owned dude he [ __ ] owned me don't don't show it again don't do it oh no he's owning the libs by smashing his own tv and this is basically a good comparison to not getting vaccinated to own the libs you basically just put a year and the people around you like dude dude he he owned me so hard i don't know how you're able to sit there it hurts and joe biden will never recover either yeah i mean joe biden's ratings are [ __ ] pretty terrible right now so but you know but i mean if people are smashing their tvs that's good for the economy they're gonna have to buy new ones well you know there's uh you know there's a supply chain problem right now there's inflation i mean my man is cooking himself a little bit you know i just love that i mean these people are dumb as it gets destroying their own property yeah to show how [ __ ] badass the nikes remember the colin kaepernick thing yeah that's so awesome there's a long history they broke down their keurigs uh when keurig pulled their sponsor from sean hannity i think they've they've done this forever this is like a classic thing i remember the the colin kaepernick they were literally burning their own [ __ ] js yeah all their nike [ __ ] it's like cool you already bought it bro well they you already bought it you you're not supporting you already paid for it the other thing is uh they i mean they do the let's go brandon thing in a different way forever you know what i mean like when donald trump first became president and like owning globes was super hot hotter than it ever has been i was feeling so owned all the time i'm not even a liberal but god damn i was owned um and what they would do is they would go to starbucks and be like [Laughter] i'm gonna get a cup and i'm going to name myself mega you know what i mean right like they do that this is like they're fun it's just little baby-brained idiots it's awesome i love it well this guy milo yiannopoulos he was really kind of a prominent right-wing figure for a while yeah you know he was making the rounds he was on breitbart everyone went full libertarian that's what happened well people thought he was real interesting ruben report had like a huge thing on him he was a total piece of [ __ ] i mean a total psychotic freak show and it culminated when he went on joe rogan's podcast and uh told some story about how he uh like was attracted to children yeah he talked about like he basically like i said he went full libertarian never go full libertarian you can't do that once you start talking about the arbitrary uh nature age of consent laws it's like is that a libertarian talking plant rothbard famously discussed the you know child marketplace the marketplace of children no way i mean when you when you go full when you go full and cap when you go full right libertarian you're inevitably going to arrive at the conclusion that like your child is your property and you could technically sell your child which is what rothbard argued which would make it a famous libertarian thinker so his his theory was if we take this all the way to one of many we'll take this all the way to the logical conclusion there is a workplace uh commerce place for children in terms of like labor sexual objects are we talking sex slavery he argued that parents have the right to put a child out for adoption or sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract and what roth bart suggests will be a flourishing free market in children holy [ __ ] in order to improve child welfare free market for the child exchange yeah he said that the free market of children would create a better child welfare because the parents that really want to have a child will buy it have a child has this guy ever been psychoanalyzed that's one of the weirdest sickest things i've ever heard the free market of children well milo was definitely interested in the free market of children if you know what i mean yeah he went real he went real french philosopher with it he went real right libertarian with it and of course americans were like even american like funders and a lot of these guys have like one billionaire that loves them and i think milo's case was mercer uh they were like okay that's too much there's a bridge too far from actually can you pull that clip up because it was so it was just an iconic moment and i it's just because being on joe rogan show is a big deal right so the this is one of the best conservative fall from graces i've ever seen yeah um what you see here he's obviously openly gay he talks about he's not anymore that i was getting yeah he's he's converted he's joined what's called the church it's so so this is the christians the christian army which is well i'm looking at that like very well i'm looking at that lady she's giving me real [ __ ] che guevara vibes like she's the she's the captain yeah but i love the idea of the cr the church uh religious militaries are a good idea yeah totally i mean yeah she's she looks like a revolutionary you know well he has renounced homosexuality he's successfully converted despite still being the gayest looking and sounding man on the planet yeah i don't i don't believe that he he converted that success i mean dude i'm sorry but you cannot rock that haircut on the christ and pre and and say that you're still straight yeah he he's a he's a horrible monster in every way i mean he he made a living like literally going to college campuses like outing trans people in front of like the young uh college republicans that like invited them there he was a big troll and uh he was also like the main guy that uh utilized the whole like ha ha we're just joking why are you upset except it's not jokes like it's actually very serious like he would try to insert nazi rhetoric into breitbart articles you know breitbart which had famously a black crime section titled black crime until until 2017. that's awesome when ben shapiro used to work there uh by the way so you know all these guys are [ __ ] demons but well so he was like trying to red pill people exactly openly which is weird it's he's obviously has a fair bit of self-loathing because he aligns himself with people with actually just hate gay people like he's continually just surrounding himself with people that hate who he is very interesting here he is selling virgin mary statues so this is how far it goes so it's eleven and three-quarter inches tall i think it's if you're thinking no no i'm saying like he's fall from grace's hat but it's awesome to your shrine or maybe even a bedside table i know sometimes people like to wake up and say good morning to their favorites uh you know people and saints and whatnot it's available in bronze and pewter it's never so satisfying we're not yet set up for two easy payments despite our this is the best [ __ ] thing this is like the best poetic justice that's ever happened uh we're not set up for two payments yet are we well we're working on that all things are possible with god am i right it's great church militant dot shop she's just under 12 inches tall she's available in this i know what he was thinking there just under 12 inches back in the day no he's converted when i was like conversion he's he's converted he's a straight man now this this virgin mary is the perfect size two different um they call them accent finishes we've got statues in the shop here that are um fully painted right and we'll see some of those later yes but the thing i like about this is this this wonderful burnished bronzy aged uh color that she's got and that wonderful the face on this is to make sure that she's got right just so passionate she's so loving about it on the other hand as you can see you know the thing is milo could have been a a very entertaining character if he wasn't also just like a straight-up psychopath he could have just been like a regular republican who was gay and flamboyant and you know dressed in an interesting way and kept triggering the libs because he had the capacity to do so well he flew too close to the sun yeah i mean and he just like literally organized alongside nazis and stuff and when you do that you're going to get got eventually okay and you're going to get de-platformed very successfully and when that happens you're done when you're shut off from your main think you know what's interesting this is proof that d platforming works he was banned on every platform and now this [ __ ] is selling virgin mary's yeah christian what the [ __ ] do they sell at church military so church militant and i'm looking into it right now it's actually like an ultra conservative uh uh orthodox catholic group that like they're catholic but they really hate this pope and they hate any oh yeah basically a liberal is commissioned this pope is yeah he's right he's a gay community what the [ __ ] is a catholic me too other than people who are raped by priests i have no idea i don't know but the church store is selling if you scroll down they're selling what is known as a chapel veil let me go to the shop and i have no idea what that is but i'm into it wait a chapel veil hey that looks like me bro like a good that's a good catholic man oh well that's baby jesus i'm assuming because he's got the extra little swag it is halo you know more about this than i do i don't know i don't know anything about christianity what do i know um but yeah they're selling chapel veils too which i guess you wear purpleville i christian militant um the crusade is back guys pope is praising journalism yo these guys got sweat look at that swag bro yeah they look like dark souls bosses dude i mean straight up yeah they do for sure i mean there's there's literally a dark souls boss that's like that that's a fat scythe like that's a good probably a good weapon the deacon of the deep that's literally yeah that's like i think that's probably a dex weapon not a striker no no no that's plus 10 mage like uh magic damage faith so faith build sorry faith he's a faith builder it's true um where's the [ __ ] i want to see the damn i mean i'm on the church militant dot shop oh no i'm on the website and i'm seeing like if you scroll down yeah what is this but it's a different page than what you're looking at for some weird reason come on church militant shot oh yeah here here just keep going keep going keep going they got fbi i don't know what that is fbi dvd's fbi and then right underneath it you have chapel veils okay chapel veils what the [ __ ] i mean it's kind of hot yeah good for role playing i'm kind of i'm i'm into it is that a marriage thing or just like when you go to church you got to be modest thing no [ __ ] they've got it in merlot that's kind of a sexy name i don't know if you want to invoke yeah imagine putting lingerie on your head ladies what's up what's going on you know you're like oh i'm going to be super catholic so i'm going to wear lingerie on my head when i go to church i'm going to [ __ ] turn on god what is this well you know god sees everything that's exactly that veiling height and [ __ ] um i'm kind of curious breeding poor leader it's all about just [ __ ] talking to church actually yeah i feel like these guys are the church's number one haters instead of you know seems not very catholic okay here's an interesting one the bishop is silent on the homosexual crisis fellas is it gay to hold your friend's face this is a crisis that's what they're saying we need to stop this here are are they actually here or they just oh well they have a video this is awesome as the successors of the apostles and you know what's the gathering that's a high budget this is a high budget uh set how's this look at that how how are they keeping this alive dude those virgin mary's i just don't understand how like something like this which is because there's so many competitors like i get why there's a lot of money man those like psycho evangelical passes like i get why they make money because like they're kind of charismatic they're telegenic like they say insane [ __ ] that you want to hear well like you know those guys who will make crazy money they're basically just get rich quick christ memes because they go pay us and you make more money yeah yeah you know they do the prosperity gospel a lot of them so i kind of get where they're coming they're like nfts kind of like jesus nfts yeah yo but milo's in this doing a a gay man okay doing a show about bishop silent on homosexual crisis this is a gay man speaking on the homosexual crisis yeah successors of the apostles in the u.s gather today here in baltimore one pink elephant is following them up into the conference room church militants paul murano exposes the central problem of the sex abuse almost 20 years after the boston globe shined its spotlight on clergy sexual abuse bishops are still dogging the key issue of homosexuality in the priesthood i want to be his compassionate mercy is the problem not pedophilia yeah what the [ __ ] i thought the problem was like pedophilia not homosexuality well in the eyes of in the eyes of like super christian people they see it as like one and the same ironic that milo yiannopoulos is right there too [Applause] didn't he get abused by his priest or something yes yeah wait hold on hold on play this clip from joe rogan where he says he's attracted to children i can't told you it wasn't a pedophilia i wasn't sure i was in my teens 14. i was in my teens or something like that that's what you said i don't know how they rock it and i was very old england i was in my teens over here in my country and where you are right now you've never seen a 15 year old girl at any point in your life however old you were you've never seen a 15 year old you thought yeah when i was 15. no when you [ __ ] dude when you were 25 when you were 30 you would have seen girls about 15 you thought well i thought they were little kids no you didn't i thought she's gonna be hot but i didn't want to [ __ ] her [ __ ] you can't tell me what i was born into i think if you're fortunate born like this beautiful in this world he's literally like what are you saying right now do you know that like people are gonna hear this and they're gonna see this one of the great one of the moments where i do appreciate joe rogan he absolutely bodied him yeah he's just like no because i'm not a freak yeah he goes on to say that you know he was a teenager his priest had sex with them and he liked it you know he cherished it pretty interesting obviously he was the victim in that situation yeah criticize him for that [ __ ] him up but now he's on a [ __ ] the church military talking about homosexuality is the problem and not pedophilia incredibly the 2002 dallas charter in the 2004 john jay report commissioned by the bishops focused only on the abuse of minors yes with the help of the luciferian media that's the [ __ ] problem is i can't believe they've all they would only focus on pedophilia oh what they would only focus on the smaller issue of the two yeah miners it's not a big deal that's like a bonus prize that you get when you're a priest i don't understand sex is with kids is one thing but homosexuality consenting adults having sex with one another oh that that's where i draw the line holy [ __ ] absolutely not madness pedophilia thousands of priests were abusing children priests abusing children more than 10 000 children were reportedly sexually abused by catholic priests the report found almost 80 percent of minors victimized between 1950 and 2002 were post-pubescence and of those 85 percent were male in the 1980s most of that guy's a [ __ ] rapist [Laughter] allegedly i don't know bro i get buried in minecraft he does he does have those [ __ ] cult leader glasses no no no no no no he's got them waco fours dude look at those uh that's good eyewear i have some of those too you like us i love those i mean i wear them when i want to look like a [ __ ] pastor like when is that bro all the time i love larping dude i i'm i'm a conservative brother i'm a real i'm a real red blooded american you know you might as well dress up as jimmy savelle while you're at it yeah damn yeah um of all the places and all the things in the world that we criticize he does looks us the one thing me as a parent i would never [ __ ] leave my kid with the catholic church under any circumstance bro i'm telling you do not put your kids in the church for any reason you can go to church with them go sunday don't leave them there by themselves never never no shock please god never never holy [ __ ] i mean look that's that's the priest dude that's what i'm saying this man is gonna be holding your child you hand you you leave your you leave your young boy at the church what do you what do you do this guy shows up this guy's a phd apparently of uh he's looking like a boyle brother from always sunny you know what i mean he's just not good [ __ ] vibes okay i'm sorry no disrespect maybe he's like a really nice dude but he's just he's looking he's looking to type in a certain type of way people are gonna get so mad at us let's throw to a break 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jackasses that you [ __ ] up because of january 6th now in the meantime i might talk to him about some other things so i'd agree with him more but my opinion doesn't mean [ __ ] you gotta love this character my lawyer dog i'm going to jail for three and a half years senator that's awesome bro look at my lawyer dog i got a few [ __ ] words for that [ __ ] guy yeah no but even then he's like still sucking off to trump he's like oh dude we'd agree on a lot of things though you know it's like yeah we get it bro you're a conservative trial lawyer like that's clear love it classy all the way george peterson uh where would we be without men jordan peterson this i thought was a photoshop no um i saw this and i said this isn't real jordan peterson quote tweeted himself which is awesome and he said to himself come say that to my face and we'll see who needs a benzo bucko you bendy around words like racist to smear people without consequence for you or so you presume as you naively presume i defy you to find one phrase i ever uttered that is racist you sanctimonious slandering arrogant careless little prick yeah all the it was just but what's interesting is it's just some random twitter account yeah you just said jb getting triggered and going full race prick sounds like somebody needs a benzo oh that's pretty good though yeah that's pretty good but welcome to twitter jordan i mean i want to tell you you can't lose your mind on over every stupid twitter comment yeah dude but then he quote tweets himself you know i think he was like trying to quote tweet him again but he's like too much of a boomer to [ __ ] do that yeah he's just like come and say that to my face so come say that to my face you [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just like weird that he also like admits that he was you know addicted to the benzos there too like and you know it's just like an odd thing what would him do well it was just a great piece of media where would we be without benzos men they're doing impossible things we're doing impossible things we're getting in fights on twitter they're taking the five benzo pills at a time sometimes sometimes ten women can't take that much bentos their body can't handle it yeah they're going to they're going to to to russia for experimental treatment and almost dying because they go cold turkey there and then their daughters are almost killing them in serbia because she wanted to go to a nightclub that's the dragon of chaos where would we be yeah these these postmodernist neo-marxists don't want you to know about the dragon of chaos daughters toxic masculinity uh that's that i'm moving along i'm going on to paul gossard oh yeah the guy whose whole family made a campaign ad saying don't vote for him yeah anime anime titty paul gosar uh is being censured and is being removed from his committee positions because the american government is expressly anti-anime and i think that's uh understandable that's a reasonable i'm not anti-anime i'm just anti-anime i'm anti-weebs and i myself am an anime fan but weebs are [ __ ] they're annoying okay let's get on to this basically we've got the tim cass legion of doom this was huge tim apparently does a podcast out of his trailer and somehow joe rogan uh and alex jones all popped in at the same time they got the vibes so perfect in that [ __ ] trailer like it just looks so like the filter that they applied or the lighting makes it look so much smellier than it actually then it i mean it's perfectly smelly like the way it is the way it's supposed to be yeah so we made a super it was three hours long but we made a super cut of our favorite moments here so let's take it one bit at a time that's right so joe rogan in the house alex jones ladies and gentlemen right about basically everybody by the way sorry i'm already pausing but you can really appreciate what a goblin joe is in that that setting you know yeah yeah he's uh it's kind of funny because it's like everyone is so excited to be around him like this is their guy this is like i i think he he's like a cow you know what i mean a beautiful cow running through the field ripe and ready to be suckled on the teats of and all these little baby cells or little baby cows are like running up to him like joe give me give me a little bit give me a little bit of your titty i need to utter joe yeah and that's that's basically the vibes of the entire [ __ ] two hour three hour or whatever yeah he's gonna become their idol for sure thing finally it's all coming down the truth is coming out so thomas jefferson was in the illuminati bunch of demons joe rogan is the 46th president of the united states oh my god people are just giving us money yeah so that that was awesome yeah i i saw the super chats it's like five hundred dollars five hundred dollars five hundred dollars and you know nothing perfectly shows the grift someone said some people made 10k i think like there's like data you can track you make 10k from the two hour podcast from the donations alone that's pretty incredible and that that's the grift right that that's it right there yeah you tell people what they want to hear you make them feel smart you make them feel privileged they give you money it's awesome yeah and uh oh god alex jones is wanting a piece of that after his ass just got served uh he's gonna alex jones about to be bankrupt uh yeah yeah he's got i don't know what kind of insurance you have to protect yourself from situations like that where you lie about a [ __ ] mass shooting uh happening i don't think alex jones is insurable first of all yeah yeah and by the way i just do you find it a little [ __ ] that joe rogan who tries to maintain himself as kind of like a you know open-minded middle road guy is happy to associate with someone like alex jones who now has been found guilty at least by default anyway uh enough though of harassing the parents of children who were murdered in sandy hook uh alex jones is a [ __ ] vile psychotic conspiracy theorists he's entertaining and lovable i mean look at his face he's a [ __ ] he looks like psychotic uh you know santa claus i i'm fascinated with alex jones we've talked about this before when i when i came on your podcast ones like i i wish that we were at a point in our uh society where everyone is educated enough to like appreciate alex jones in the same way that i read where you just see him as like an entertaining figure in the same way that like for example link later saw him originally and like literally put him in like a bunch of movies because alex jones was in a bunch of movies scanner darkly like he played himself or a conspiracy theorist and like wasn't that link later yeah it is yeah richard linklater put him in a lot of movies famously like um playing like the role of a conspiracy theorist you know firebrand whatever and i love like i love how entertaining he can be but also i understand how damaging it is when like so many people are brain diseased and think he's being honest way too dangerous he's he's just he's i don't think you can honestly like i don't joe co-signs him i mean he really does and no he was not okay he would be the greatest entertainer like one of the greatest entertainers if uh he was not such a [ __ ] horrible monster and his followers did not actually believe everything he was saying yeah well joe rogan costumes that he the new meme now is like he's been right about everything he keeps saying [ __ ] like that yeah which comedian by the way it's one of my favorite memes it's like it's so you are hear me you're such a [ __ ] boomer like jesus christ he went from like being a comic that i appreciated and like you know people have always said like his comedy is mid but i mean i like some of his specials to like hey look at this facebook meme i found that my you know that my children sent me take a look here i'll send it to you hahaha it's like ugh come on right now make that larger make that meme larger look at that [ __ ] hold on your tv is buying a new check elite cabal of sex traffickers check are we uh not jack they're turning the frogs gay it's like it's from africa right yeah yeah so bohemian grove checks what is bohemian we know bohemian groves yeah yeah so here's the thing okay this is something that like alex jones gets a lot of credit for for some [ __ ] weird reason i'm a huge conspiracy uh lover i love conspiracy theories um your tv spying on you is correct elite cabal of sex traffickers you could absolutely say existing form of like you know uh jeffrey epstein and and whatnot um certainly right uh whether it's like you know cia compromise there is there is legitimacy to a certain degree not in the way that like alex jones is portraying it they're turning the frogs gay is not like they're not turning the frogs gay but like pesticide is actually changing their uh hormones and and um you know turning frogs into uh i think they're trending as far as trans kind of hermaphrodites uh hermaphrodites bohemian grove is a [ __ ] club that is well documented i know people that have literally worked there in the past as well it's uh it's just a place for like conservative rich men to get away from their wives and like you know express their desires to be theater kids yes alongside celebrities richard nixon famously said like the f word when talking about it he's like a bunch of you know it's everywhere it's turning into the bohemian grove a bunch of f-wordy uh you know rich people dancing around in the woods frolicking into the woods and that is what they do so it's not as like severe because the elites when they get together they're not getting together at the [ __ ] bohemian grove to like figure out what they're doing they're getting together in sun valley idaho okay it's sun valley idaho they do this once a year that's where jeff bezos decided to purchase washington post it's it's in front of your eyes they get together at the davos summits they get together the aspen ideas festival they don't have to go to the [ __ ] they don't need in the cold ritual to [ __ ] yeah yeah the whole thing is is silly silver iodide is [ __ ] turns you blue rich people using baby blood true literally true blood boys peter thiel has blood boys uh so there is not baby blood but you know wait what the [ __ ] are you talking about so uh blood boys is a very real thing blood boys yes okay so peter thiel uh and other people conservative yeah oh yeah he's a huge libertarian and do they did are they thinking of him when they give the chapman up here no they're just like using this to okay what does he do tell me about the blood boys so blood boys is when you get um like a young a young lad how young women give you like 17 18 whatever like younger uh person to uh do a blood transfusion with okay and they believe that it has like potential healing properties and also like you know peter thiel does that yeah for sure yeah i mean it's just a blood silicon valley made fun of it but it is literally real so they do just an unnecessary blood transfusion yeah tech crunch no peter thiel is not harvesting himself with the blood of the young like it's not they're not bathing in virgin blood or anything like that but they do actually do blood transfusions in a similar way that like uh what's the the guy with the one ball uh michael the the biker oh uh lance lance lance yeah like lace armstrong not mine lance armstrong did that like people that want to cheat in the olympics do the same the same exact thing really yeah so they get that young blood in there by the way there's literally a [ __ ] company by the way theo has been interested in cheating death for several years told businesses either back in 2012 death is a problem that can be solved the company is called ambrosia which got uh which takes donated teen blood and pumps it into anyone age 35 or older for eight thousand dollars a pop well that is interesting and a little creepy but i don't know if that would say that's rich people using baby blood no no that's what i'm saying they take something this is something that conspiracy theories do because you guys do regularly they take something that's like real that's insane okay but instead of just being like that's real and it's insane they turn it into something that is surreal and psychotic and well their theory was that they they used the blood of babies there's some magic in it what was it called migrocro to clone or some [ __ ] like that adrenal chrome yeah yeah so but anyway here silver iodide not really sure i'm not really sure people using baby blood i'm not that's true no it's happening down in mexico right now is you are here human monkey chimeras which he predicted a long time ago where is that where is that where's the wait you're saying the elves aren't real that's no no that's next well the elves are real of course they're real they're coming and then i talked to a lot of people that were uh the second amendment advocates they were saying before the election they were going back into their instagrams and their facebooks and finding posts from eight nine years briefly look at that for those people imagine it's one thing for a an orthodoxy to take over and make you comply but to punish you before it took over is thought crime before i mean this is mind control this is this is this is like in science fiction this was never drinking i don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about people they're talking about people getting banned they're talking about people getting banned from facebook because like at the end at the end of the day like there's a bunch of [ __ ] boomers like saying the government's censoring us or private corporations of them with guns and then they i don't even believe that that's a real story for the record he's a [ __ ] anecdote at best and not only a thought crime they're going back in time and punishing us for for old photos to come to our house and 90 of the time like when you it's so hard to get banned from [ __ ] facebook and twitter and [ __ ] like i have literal psycho stalkers and [ __ ] that i like report regularly and they still pop up with like stock accounts and stuff so it's just like it's total [ __ ] that you know it's these guys are getting banned so easily for being conservative it's like no they probably were like literally being like i'm gonna murder you and that's why they got [ __ ] banned not because they have photos of guns yeah teamed up where you're punished for behavior before the new orthodoxy comes in so you don't just submit in the current state you're going to pay for not adopting it you really get that this isn't science fiction this is what they did in the soviet union where if you were on the wrong side before it took over you were executed with your family but this has historical presence i love that i i yeah no the the soviet union they would uh throw you in the gulag yeah and that's the same as like you getting banned off [ __ ] fights mark zuckerberg is coming to uh to uh disappear you in the middle of the night meanwhile they're having this conversation about facebook and that's the most insane part of this because it is literally by far the most heavily right-wing slang [ __ ] website out of all the major social medias that like if you look at the top 10 posts top 10 uh best performing posts on facebook every week and kevin rose of the new york times like closely tracks up here um breitbart like yeah it's literally always like far right news like what do you want what more do you want well that's why they get facebook they they turn they're just turning into a right wing conspiracy stomping ground because they're pushing and pushing them pushing them they got all these boomers using it it's turned into their bread and butter and america at least is just a white angry christian conspiracy theorist and uh that's that's their dollar that's their market point would you start red pilling your kids or do you that's [ __ ] awesome dude i love the idea of red pilling your kids oh you know what after joe leaves you i'm i'm gonna block pill i did not watch the rest of this but like i watched the first hour when joe was there and that dude in the middle is like a quote-unquote journalist he's like one of those like [ __ ] andy no types right and he was used as a witness on the trial in the kenosha trial uh that's why he's there and he was just blurting the entire time in the first hour he's just blurting right-wing talking points like sean hannity and you can see joe rogan is so annoyed he's like why the [ __ ] is this loser that's sitting behind me even having a say in this conversation i mean he's in a trailer with [ __ ] tim paul his credentials aren't that much more interesting yeah i mean i'm just i'm saying that he was very obvious that he [ __ ] hated this dude i've left my children alone and i've got four children so one's like 19 117 one's 13 one's four but i always think please stop having kids alex jones that's what he's just four or five because i mean damn the other one and i'm it's not an accident that alex jones is sitting next to conservative trans commentator blair white for the record we do know he's the chaser okay oh that's true he left the browser open mm-hmm alex is into the transport and apparently like uh apparently i don't know if blair talks about it in this one but apparently he like was alex jones that reached out to her when she had like ten thousand positioned her ten thousand when she had ten thousand followers like like when she was first starting off like you positioned her for say i think it was alex jones let's go i don't want to slander alex jones but we know for a fact that he's a chaser because we saw him slander alice we saw his uh you know we saw his we got the documents we got a here's the ariel yep here's a aerial view of alex jones phone where you can see he's looking at uh you know transport right there naughty t babe marissa that's the dude that was the best flip up of all time he's like it's like dude if it's on your phone too like how desperate are you like yeah he left i used my fap top you know he he's like he's like i really need to get this one out well he left the browser open that means that he just he nutted was in like post nut you know obviously your browser left the browser open that's so good yeah that's the best thing ever yeah i mean good for you alex get it like that's why i feel guilty so like she knows how to run like i don't know how to turn the tv on so i don't watch a lot of it it's like all these she says i'm gonna put music on i want my brother that she's like and all of a sudden sanjay gupta and i'm like shrilling a steak i'm like i'm like really eating it i'm like huh and then like goop does do so i go turn it off i'm telling you my daughter is is like like a demon conjuring sanjay gupta so this is his daughter we got a [ __ ] red pill here quick we gotta exercise you don't got kids don't look at me are you just like jesus the best part was tim's here you guys remember he famously was like i'm single and it's not my fault it's the whole world's fault so here is a little sad uh important kids don't look at me are you just like nobody was looking at you bro nobody was looking it's because he goes on dates and he's still wearing the beanie dude just take the beanie off and one of these [ __ ] dates dog i swear to god like it's gotta be worse we're gonna get some [ __ ] homie we're under there has got to be worse than 34 and i have no family because my dad had two kids by the time he was 27 yeah and i'm like man you know what you know the problem is though it's definitely not me i think it's everybody else yeah i love that video because it's like it's literally the meme like he he doesn't even realize like it's not me it's everyone else don't look at me [Laughter] poor guy or tim he's not like terrible looking well just take we got to see what's going on under the beanie yeah i mean there is a photo from when he was like posting on 4chan we put put a shoe on his head and stuff like the thing is it's definitely a personality thing i'm sorry to say no he's fine looking yeah he's looking he's like a decent looking dude he's rich i don't know what the [ __ ] going on maybe his rv smells bad but you know other than that it's like are you just like you want to come back to my rv yeah joe broken and alex jones were here you can still smell them on the scene oh that's not that bad here's a photo of him under the beanie it's really not that bad he's got typical male pattern i mean it's a definitely deep pattern yeah i mean you can't speak on this okay i can i take propecia you can't speak on the hairline king this is like me dunking on like whatever you got every [ __ ] thing you got everything look at this look at this i don't give a [ __ ] about your hair bro you're like tall and jacked i mean i'm fine right now thanks thanks to [ __ ] i hope you go balls how about that i [ __ ] because you have everything else you deserve to go bald it's all guys like me have is the pr is the hope of prayer the guy's like you follow it peter is mad that's why i don't have it that's why i don't have it out and about right now but how dare you yeah you know what [ __ ] you it's like that's what you get for being 6'4 yeah male pattern baldness um but it's he actually looks totally fine actually i think he looks better without the beanie because he wears it so deep too you know why doesn't he just go full bald i don't understand just like gave it off embrace it man you know and people praise dan he he wears the dome with pride and people love it yeah you know yeah white pride i'm just kidding wow there's a lot of tim pool memes just popped up but uh let's not go there i think we're getting short we got to be we gotta keep cruising we're burning time here yeah we're getting only got two hours wow okay let's just watch it like this that's my discord oh that's no that's you that's my that's my discord pfp it's not real i just like they [ __ ] with your teeth or something yeah they put like the uh the smile filter on it i think okay yeah something not done not looking right there yeah it looks like they're watching my discord pfp in the in the second screen they're like you know i i don't i want to say i respect my children i do but it's weird it's like i can't like tell a four-year-old how things work they see it so i'm just like we're turning sanjay off now and she's throwing a fit and she doesn't know why your four-year-old is not watching sanja and throwing a fit bro that never happened why is she not like i don't know watching baby shark or some [ __ ] no don't turn off sanjay gupta is my favorite show telling my daughters alex next time i gotta turn this off this is this is scary nobody's literally being like alex your four-year-old doesn't watch sanjay gupta yeah that's really weird it's a lie that's what you tell her yeah it's very scary well children are a lot more conscious a lot more aware they actually have a lot more dmt going through their brain up until a certain age so they're in touch with my favorite guy i love that he goes tell your child this is very scary we want them to be scared of things lots of things this is a good healthy child psyche be scared this is you'd be scary he's a brown man on the television okay this is a hulk yeah yeah we're in a cult yeah this information is not based on reality this is a left-wing cult and they're they're pumping stuff out and then they're confirming this belief they're they're all getting together and they're ignoring contrary evidence yes they're ignoring any narrative that challenges their belief about what happened and they're not looking at it realistically they're only looking at it like you would look at it if you're in a [ __ ] cult sounds like a legendary sounds like joe rogan talking about ivory mix yeah exactly yeah i'm assuming they're talking about kovid which is so [ __ ] ironic because this man has gotten pretty much everything wrong he ignores all this do i have a health czar bro he better watch it you know yeah aaron rodgers doctor bro he turned into this figurehead on the right yeah aaron rodgers people are calling him for health advice sorry can you suck your own [ __ ] yeah that's right joe rogan can allegedly so that was a big story i'm gonna get my i'm gonna get my health information from that guy yeah that's what i'm going to do his dick at the at the rate he takes i ever met him he basically his his [ __ ] is 50 ivermectim at this point so he's on a permanent drip just deworming deworming that's awesome and yep you know beard left well cult is a religion that's just like it's just older now about it though cult doesn't let you ask questions so keep going but a cult is made by a guy and that guy knows it's a cult in a religion that guy's dead that's the difference like religions are just cultures he's like doing reddit atheism memes and i like i don't even disagree with him all that much he's just saying that like and economic and and even uh but moral i'm talking about his old bit about how like the difference between scientology and and like catholic what is he talking about he's talking about [ __ ] he's talking about covid treatments yeah he well he's talking about uh i i don't remember if this was about kenosha or is he's talking about mainstream media though he's talking about liberal bias in mainstream media and how cult-like it is right and um obviously it doesn't stick there but if he's making a comparison between religion and uh like other cults that are newer than that i understand what he's saying and that's what he's like he's using that to expand upon his criticism of mainstream media sure it's like they actually benefit society like some some cults they're based on rituals or things that people learn and they realize this is a better way to live their life and but some of them are just based on the present moment of gathering the most amount of whether it is uh influence or finances or what what power whatever the [ __ ] it is that's what this is you know what i totally agree the reason the reason the reason i called is joe rogan by the way i totally agree with you joe you're so smart and billion you're also six foot four and you're super rich by the way and powerful it's kind of sad seeing alex jones like suck joe's boots so hard though like they all are doing it but it's like alex you're a [ __ ] full-grown like adult well alex is basically lost without joe i mean joe is the only reason he has any relevance left today nobody we were watching that show if it wasn't for joe having him on yeah and then revitalizing him you know and now that he just got these these uh verdicts against him this [ __ ] is gonna be uh [ __ ] deep on joe this is his only chance well okay let's get on with it we're coming to the end we got to do these serving w's at dinner um this is the big this is the big show here i see what happened there must've been a mistake because i have such a large dome all right here's the premise i'm gonna be playing the uh the uh you know the dumbass which is not far from the truth no okay i'll be cosplaying as basically myself and you're gonna wanna be hassan okay so we're gonna we're gonna role play this i'm the haas and i'll be headed thanksgiving all right you guys ready i wish i had like overalls and a piece of hay in my mouth i was gonna bring my trump hat today i forgot well hold on can i at least get some like uh maggot [ __ ] to put on yeah you got all the mega [ __ ] there he's just he's just grabbing oh my god yeah i've got the bomb oh oh no i got the box of maggots falling apart brother let's see i got to pick right for this segment we've got the i mean this is a favorite white straight conservative how it's going to offend you today we've got the uh this is unrelated [Music] we've got the yellow line tow truck lives matter [Music] yeah that one's not good we've got the um [Music] let's see here when i die don't let me vote democrat that's good that's good i love that with the punisher let's do that one okay with the punisher decal straight ripping it how about just shirtless that's actually pretty funny as long as as long as you wear like one of those conservative hats and shirtless like yeah whatever [ __ ] ah it's my house damn it this is my house this is my dinner table damn it and i won't wear no shirt if i want to uncle hank this is not your house it's not yeah now that i'm no longer a whiskey now that i'm no longer uns now that i'm no longer shackled by deborah who left me [Music] i can i can drop trout if i want to it's my freedom it's my right you cannot tell me to wear a shirt that's against my god-given right i mean it's the same energy as the mask no mess 100 you know right so then hat wise we've got oh there you go that's such a high quality photo i love that it's like like mike did a photo shoot like that he might even be eating thanksgiving dinner it looks like resolution is really hot you can see all the individual uh body hair he is one of those guys who would order like thanksgiving dinner at a diner you know yeah it's sad but you know another brave victim of divorce court all right i'm in character when i die don't let me vote democrat ooh and the nra hat okay i'm in character okay let's let's hear what you got for me all right so i'm gonna be at the dinner table i tell you what that critical race theory is ruining our schools they're teaching our kids that they's born racist okay so one of the immediate things that you got to ask is for them to define what critical race theory is i don't know critical race theory it means that we're racist this ain't no racist country we got rid of slavery black people can vote i ain't no racists around here okay so conservatives consider everything to be critical race theory everything that like revolves around race to be critical race theory so you gotta figure out what brand of like critical race theory your relative is talking about if they're talking about like uh you know anything that mentions uh black people as like human beings even in the like pre-abolition world in the pre-reconstructed era and that's critical race theory you're talking to someone who's like you know lost in the sauce in which case you should just like thoroughly embarrass them by uh you know mentioning that slavery is immoral and wrong and uh slavery's been gone for a hundred years what you talk about slavery except ain't no slaves around here boy exactly except the intergenerational consequences of you know shadow slavery ripping people away from their families raping them and selling them obviously that still remains that was 200 years ago you tell me them blacks ain't got time to get their [ __ ] together [ __ ] my family moved here but after slavery and we we're doing great here exactly no problem because your family had rights and liberties that were not afforded the black people so much so that even after abolition uh even after the abolition of slavery racist people the democrats okay the demon rat uh you know the demons were trying to keep that alive they keep that separation alive through enforcing uh jim crow laws and segregating black people and not offering them the same opportunities so much so that every single uh uh african descendant of slave slaves here in the united states right now is still one and a half generations removed from abject poverty from complete poverty that was systematically enforced upon them that they were you know forced into i just don't think that our kids need to go to school and learn that they're born racist that don't make no kind of sense what is born raises you just learn racism in uh through stereotypical imagery and and through your sound system you sound like call me skim that's right i don't believe none of that so yeah so one thing that you can do is basically talk about like listen this is not happening once you identify what kind of critical race theory they're operating on what they're talking about one thing that you can talk about is obviously how whitewashed the uh historical perspective historical narrative is and that um if anything you know a true understanding of history so that everyone can understand and and you know be better equipped is by teaching people honestly teaching kids honestly about america's history with racism there's nothing wrong with like learning about this process and one thing that i do hear regularly when i was in school i heard that they're separating my white kids and saying you're black now and you got to pretend like you're discriminated against now what kind of crazy [ __ ] is that i heard that there's kids in school they get separated and they say you're the slaves and then the other kids say you're you're the oppressor my kid ain't no oppressor and he ain't no black either so so the thing is like well this is a common thing that i hear a lot where people say they're teaching our kids that they're villains in this story and no you're not you you should not feel white guilt for what your ancestors did however you should be guilty and feel guilty if you're still defending it now okay so that's the big problem here and the big disconnect i think is that like learning about uh america's history doesn't automatically make you a villain continuously defending it in 2021 i ain't defending it it's just that ain't no systemic racism here ain't no laws against black people y'all you all just want yo just social justice work even in the jim crow south right when they had segregation which you admit is racist right jim crow south i don't know what that is you need a little bit of critical race there in your life then but uh yeah critical race theory obviously the the complex legal theory that you know no kids are learning about but like once you identify what it is you can talk about that and um one of the things that they used to do in the jim crow south and this happened in the north as well obviously through redlining but one of the things they used to do in the south is um they would never expressly say black people are not allowed to vote in certain areas in order to avoid the uh the the scrutiny uh from you know these uh progressive folk these commies so what they would do is uh they would institute grandfather laws and what that means is if your grandfather was not allowed to vote then you would be subjected to a test like these these voter tests or or you'd be subjected to a poll tax for example in order to be able to vote so that way they didn't say black people can't vote they just simply stated if your grandfather who was a slave could not vote then you can't vote without these additional restrictions to stop you from what's wrong with having you know what's wrong with showing an id at the poll we just want to make sure that the people that vote are the people they say they vote if you if you think that's a problem then you cheating so a lot of countries already have voter id laws but the main difference between those countries and ours is that it is incredibly exceptionally difficult you hate the dmv i suspect you don't want to go there obviously i hate the deal yeah it's communist yeah it's under funding next thing you're going to tell me i need a license to use my damn toaster [Music] yeah that's right it's coming so what's racist about that so voter id laws because of how inaccessible dmvs are especially if you're working every single day uh are are created so that um you know they're oftentimes even created in areas where there's no dmvs in poor neighborhoods uh in predominantly black and black and white neighborhoods um they're they're created as a way to ensure that less people vote right it's yet another problem it's it's uh it's portrayed as a solution to a non-existent issue what i mean by that is there have been numerous studies conducted on this and list that he's conducted on this by republican think tanks right wing think tanks liberal think tanks bipartisan commissions have been launched george w bush had a commission on this donald trump had a commission on this and every single investigation has concluded that voter fraud is not happening voter fraud happens at such marginal levels that it will never be able to move the needle on an election or an electoral outcome so it's basically another way to stop people from voting in a country where literally the plurality doesn't even vote to begin with if anything we should be making it easier for people to vote um so that you know poor people have a harder time going out and voting and don't end up voting at all that's all it is one of the i'm a great character here one of the best and easiest ways i've understand and explained systemic racism and it's more like a cl a class this thing too but basically property taxes fund local schools boom done rich communities get better education they make more money uh they have more generational wealth poor poor communities you know and and and communities of uh minor majority minorities are gonna have worse education as a result less funding and therefore you know less accumulation of wealth and you and you multiply that uh through generations yeah it just gets worse never catch up and of course that is uh and one way to effectively shut people out of that even in the north was through redlining what re ain't no heard no damn red line the only red line i believe in is live alongside white people in white neighborhoods even if they had the money to do so i think white should stick to whites and blacks to should stick to black what's racist about that that's quite definitionally it is racist okay commie it's literally segregation you know what you're advocating for yeah well they want to stay with themselves and we want to stick with ourselves we ain't no problem with that no there is there is definitely especially when people consensually want to live alongside one another that is there is a problem with me pushing back against that okay well if you ask me why people are the most discriminated against in today's society you look at me i can't even express myself i can't even say the n word no more yeah that's outrageous good thing it's outrageous it's it's an affront on my freedoms so um this is a really this is a really common one too obviously uh white people are discriminated against certainly but not on the virtue of being white white people can be oppressed in today's society and often are as a consequence of being poor now race in that situation is uh plays another role on top of class this isn't the mean that like obviously oprah winfrey as a black woman is in a worse position overall than someone like yourself uh uncle hank uh you know living in a trailer uh she is in a better situation she's more privileged than you from a class position right but um but that actually only plays out that discrimination only plays out for white people at least on the basis of class never on the basis of race because white people have never been discriminated against simply because they're white on the virtue of the color of their well actually i can't say a damn thing these days i tell you what the woke army out there i can't say a damn thing i can't share my opinion they say you're white you're a man you're straight have i offended you today you know i can't even say a damn thing because i'm quiet um i think i don't know how to respond come on now bud you know i'm right yeah you're owning me dude yeah you know how i'm why when you're when you're i'm white and when you're accustomed to a lifetime of privilege equality feels like oppression uh not being able to put down black people on the virtue of the color of their skin is not actually oppressing you okay it's just allowing other black people to thrive alongside yourself um they have the exact same goals that we do okay black people have the same goals that we uh in the hype community do okay everyone just wants uh to put a meal on their table to have a roof over their own heads and uh and and the average black person has the exact same issues and the exact same goals that the average white person has all of those things they want safety or security there's more crime in black neighborhoods now if i don't want to live near black people why shouldn't i be able to say that they bring the crime they bring the drugs and i just want them part of that thing white people and black people consume drugs at a similar rate especially when it comes to marijuana for example except black people are heavily persecuted and prosecuted for the same exact defenses and get way longer prison sentences because the criminal justice system is is absolutely uh heavily geared towards uh further oppressing black people well i smoke a little meth but i never do ain't no do no crime yes exactly well that is that is a crime right well i guess technically that is a crime but it's my freedom to do meth all right now send me down there you a rab i thought i was white too and this is yours this man's an a-rab how do you get at this dinner table yeah they brought me over i'm getting sick of this caring i hear people talk about them karen's man them karen's that's just a racist term for a white woman it's oppressive and it's anti-white and i won't have it so karen is like cracker okay there's a difference between being able to say cracker and uh saying the n-word right you literally can't say it you just say the n-word um why don't you call it the k word then karen's offensive to me i don't ever want to hear that word again karen this triggers me by the way that's the fork is trembling that's a that's one of the beautiful parts about this where it's like um the very same people that argue in the same breath that they should be able to say the n-word will then turn around and show how triggered and and upset they are and it's like why are you so true how dare you call me a carrot yeah my wife got called a carrying the other day yeah your wife left you so that's why we're here i miss her that's why i drink yeah um karen is just another way for like people who are have historically been marginalized to blow off steam it's it's inconsequential it's not tacked along with like any sort of significant history of of of uh marginalization have women been marginalized throughout the society of course they absolutely but not on the basis of being white women uh again especially when they are pitted against uh black folk so it just means you're behaving like a karen there's just a hordes of people walking around cameras filming white women waiting for white women to have an explosion it ain't right i'll tell you what in a lot of instances it's actually the cairns themselves that are filming themselves because they think that what they're doing is righteous but you know it turns out it's not so well i'll tell you the other problem i'm having these days man talking about genders talk about two genders talk about trans whatever that is you know there's two genders that's it i don't know what all the z's and x y z about [ __ ] i'm talking about there's a penis and a vagina you know that's biology so um gender is a social construct it's basically like what you put on top of what most people consider now to be biological gender but even that is not um even that's not a binary because they're intersex people uh and and obviously gender is uh super fluid it's just how you express yourself and how you identify yourself i went never letting one of them trans in a bathroom with my kid how would you know that when someone is trans what are you going to do look at their penis vagina yeah like me i ain't no gay pull up someone like buck angel for example like if you pull up buck angel uh a photo of buck angel look him up he sounds like a tough dude i like this bucket yeah he is a tough dude that's right who's this buck angel we talk there you go now that's a cool dude i like to get a beer with him maybe yeah so pass around the map if tyra is not if gender is not a social construct wait you tell that's a man how would you point out this person in a crowd if you want to get your bag and that's the man what's your problem with buck angel exactly well there's no problem with buck angel buck angel does happen to be a trans woman yeah and that man of trance that's the devil's work i ain't let no man in the bathroom like that so if you would want you would want this big burly man to be peeing in the women's restroom then yeah we hell yeah you would want this big burly man to be peeing in the women's restaurant that man should be you that man should be playing out in the woods you ain't got no place in no battle that's ultimately what it comes down to is that most transphobic people just want trans people to not exist yes all right and that is an issue so i say you know let people pee wherever the [ __ ] they want to and if the uh common retort is like oh they're doing it to like do indecent sexual acts or or anything like that well that's still illegal you know you can't it's not legal magically when you're a trans person what happened what happens if i'm peeing next to this buck angel there and i start to feel a certain type of way then you know it's a beautiful expression of your love what do i do with that you should engage in it would probably treat you better than brenda did that scares me hessen yeah hussein pecker yeah that's right i don't like this buck angel he makes me uncomfy get that off my screen damn it yeah he's i mean he scares me [Music] you would never point to book and be like can you get my bag uh from next to her like you would never use the her she her gender pronouns when you're when you're referencing black angel wow i just feel like if someone asked me to tell say their damn pronoun if that's there's a man who wants me to call her or she it just ain't happening now having said that passability is not the only metric for uh whether or not you should respect someone's pronouns or their gender identity or their gender expression um i am of the mindset that you should just be polite to people if if someone tells you their name is you know uh bojangles you don't say no your name is not bojangles your name is actually uh you know henry no it's bojangles so just uh you know that sounds like treat people uh with kindness and respect i think i'll tell you what man all these people worried about kovitz shutting down the damn government shutting down our schools this cover ain't nothing but just the flu man it's crazy obviously it's not just the flu the flu the common flu is still pretty deadly kills around thirty thousand to forty thousand people a year yeah we shut down the government for the damn flu every year well don't do that because uh you know that would that would be a real big economic stressor however covet on the other hand has killed almost 800 000 people here in the united states since it started so man you believe that [ __ ] i i do why do i believe that well because there's uh you know around 800 to a million additional deaths that occurred throughout covid i tell you they mark anything as covert these days people be dying a heart attacks and all kinds of crazy [ __ ] and they just go covered because they get you know even if that was the case right then uh and this is one way to analyze uh the rate of deaths in any given time is by looking at prior years right so what would happen is if that was the case then you would have a similar number of deaths that are occurring uh in 2020 and in 2021 but that is not what has happened we've had additional deaths if you look at the cdc data that's readily available yeah you believe that that will work i do believe this dr falchi uh i i managed himself i mean i'm not like a super big fan of dr fauci myself but it doesn't matter i believe in the science sciences and you trust the cdc i i do trust the the yes the disease control is your problem i don't trust the city i don't trust no government agency okay um well that's categorically false it's impossible for you to survive in society without trusting any government agencies i don't trust nobody but my own two hands except for facebook and buck angel over there who i can't stop thinking about i tell you what though man i don't know i ain't getting the vaccine because my immune system's strong i ain't been sick in five years your immune system is not strong you are uh i mean not you in particular what do you mean my immune system son i'm just saying first of all you literally had a problem with your you talked about an allergic reaction not that long ago yeah well that means my immune system is strong it reacted right is the virus coming out of your body but um hassan i'm not the character didn't have a uh okay well i was i was imagining like a like a way fatter diabetic uncle yeah 50 of americans have uh or more than that actually six percent of americans have a coleman you're just calling me fat and unhealthy now no no which is true i'm not saying that i'm just saying i don't need no damn vaccine i ain't been sick in years um so i don't trust it even if you have a fine immune system uh covet can still be very deadly as a matter of fact uh for the past two months in well in september and october uh covid was the number one uh reason for fatalities in the united states of america for men over the age of uh 30 uh 35 i think or no 45 so that's it's still incredibly deadly uh depending on who you're talking to that person is probably going to be over the age of 45 and uh it it is still a super super deadly issue if you're not vaccinated because guess what at the end of the day you can look at all of these numbers you can look at the numbers uh and and claim like oh well people that don't have the vaccine are still getting covered like what what difference does it make well that's right they're not going to have the damn virus so what's the point they're not going to the hospitals y'all said i would have immunity and now you're saying i can catch the virus that won't you make sense well that's fine that's normal uh vaccine normal yes vaccines don't uh don't always eradicate the likelihood of you getting uh the disease especially when it's something like covid uh it's not happening in this case and people have never said that it would 100 percent uh stop you from getting covered well what's right if i catch covid it just stops you from going to the hospital it's not going to the hospital i ain't going no hospital ain't got health insurance know how exactly i can't afford that [ __ ] it's not a bad it's it's i'm just going to die you definitely need to buy that's why you definitely need the vaccine because it's free well i just catch covet anyway and the natural immunity is more effective than the damn covert anyway so i don't need that [ __ ] it's not true natural immunity is not more effective than covet especially because the data is incredibly inconsistent with natural immunity your body might not have the uh your body might not have developed enough antibodies and as a matter of fact i believe in the latest studies conducted it was like 30 percent of people uh create the necessary amount of antibodies to have like natural immunity over an extended period of time whereas with the vaccine at least in the first six month window when you get both shots you are still reliably covered from the worst aspects of man i didn't understand a word you just said boy vaccines are good for you they're better than natural immunity one because you don't get coveted in the process okay when you get the vaccine and you don't have to deal with like getting coveted which can be deadly and is in a lot of instances um but also on top of that uh vaccines offer more reliable and long-term coverage i just don't trust this new vaccine they enter they they alter in my perfect beautiful genome they're not doing that that's not a real thing the mrna vaccine technology has been around for quite a long time since 1985 they've been working on it but there's also the johnson and johnson vaccine which is yeah but that's giving them strokes to people also not true the johnson johnson vaccine was stopped for a brief moment when exactly when the fda wanted to ensure that it was as safe as possible and it was safe it was safe enough for the fda to restart that [ __ ] i'll tell you what i will take get some of that damn ivermectin it been one a damn nobel peace prize it's one of the hell yeah causing peace in this planet what yeah nobody and i'll tell you what else lobotomies also got a nobel prize but you know they're they're discontinued as a medical practice uh and as far as ivermectin goes yes it is a dewormer it is most commonly used on livestock and animals but uh covet is not a worm uh the testing done on ivermectin uh showed no conclusive reliability said he said he had this guy brett weinstein on there he said man if we all just took ivermectin this virus begone and i'll tell you what it's just a big conspiracy these damn big vaccine making so much money selling this [ __ ] we don't need no vaccine we just need our company well ivermectin is also made by a big pharmaceutical corporation it's made by merck who's that merck is a big pharma corporation very similar to pfizer and they are the ones who make ivermectin and even surprisingly they were the ones who were first out of the gates to say ivermectin is not a reliable cure for covet is not a reliable treatment for covet we will keep monitoring today though because they stand to gain the most out of this right they said that they would keep monitoring the data to see if there was actually any sort of treatment because everybody ultimately wants to get away from this [ __ ] uh you know from this pandemic business nobody wants to stay indoors trapped in homes people want to go back to to their normal lives i personally hate going to the gym and wearing a mask i want to never wear a mask you wear a mask you [ __ ] you shape you wear that face diaper on your face boy even vouchy himself say it don't do nothing then he changes mine he say it do something man that felt you can't keep one thing straight well mask wearing especially paired up with social distancing is a very effective way at combating this issue well if it didn't do [ __ ] then we would have seen uh similar rates of covet in countries that actually had some serious uh protocols like social distancing isolating quarantining and also mass squaring in public uh like china uh south korea singapore character you can't keep it straight you go you gotta wear the mask says you gotta not wear the mask then he says you gotta wear the mask inside he says you gotta wear the mask inside now we need a booster shot this man is full of lies and he's satan himself well originally people thought the earth was flat or at least some people thought the earth was flat and then we found out that that was not the earth isn't flat no what did you say and get this devil out my house and that's how science works where you get new data and you change your mind right like when you learn yeah well the earth is 6 000 years old and you ain't changing my mind on that okay well okay so you're telling me he changed the data as the science changed no that new data came out um well specifically in the case of fouchy with masks i do agree that like there was some [ __ ] going on there originally i think like the part of the reason why they didn't want uh people to go out and like you know bum rush masks because of our shitty supplies they lied to us was yeah and and you know that is really terrifying how can i even really scare you the man lied to me i can never trust him again but the reason why they originally said that was because they wanted to make sure that all of the healthcare professionals people that desperately needed uh ppe protective gear at a time in the beginning of the covet uh pandemic would get that so that they wouldn't uh run into shortages just tell me one thing do i need to keep sending death threats to his kids or not definitely don't do that okay very illegal because i'm on a facebook group called harass fauci that's and we send spam death threats to his kids and to his wife it's a good time for us boy that's my favorite time of the week me and the boys get together i have a few whiskeys a couple birds and we sent death threats and even dick pics i'll be honest with you i think i think what you should that's highly illegal you're sending your own nothing legally america it's that's uh you're exposing yourself to minors so that's that's definitely why his kids ain't no miners boy that man like 90 years old okay well then you know you're still sending uh your your [ __ ] too yeah it's america it's freedom it's my freedom to send my penis you know freedom whatever i want boy your freedoms stop when other people's freedoms begin i think there's like a barrier and you sound like isis well you wouldn't want okay would you want isis to send you dick pics all day i'll come for them they send me [ __ ] yeah that's what i'm saying they could terrorize your mailbox with dick pics all day every day he wouldn't like that right that's scary yeah don't do anything that you know you wouldn't want done to you um i think that's a pretty healthy attitude well what you should you should find new hobbies i think i'll work on that maybe i'll start throwing [ __ ] from the overpass that was fun back when i was doing that definitely that's also illegal highly illegal you sound a lot like you definitely fun at all man yeah you sound a lot like antifa to me that's a man that ain't no [ __ ] oh man this guy no [ __ ] fun yo let me tell you man i got some kids about in middle school these kids and they coming out into school they say you ain't no way no masking school boy you kids ain't coming here i say damn my kids ain't getting no educate my kids [ __ ] go to school i ain't got tom watch their dumb beat ass so uh yeah no it's you know they should go to school your kids they they gotta wear the mask and i say ain't no wear goddamn mask on their face they got to see them smile they got to see the teachers got to see them smile you don't can't see no face ain't no damn education i'll tell you just control me there's there is a dress code at schools too your kids can't really wear whatever they want to and masks are a public safety measure at least for the time being and uh once uh all the kids are vaccinated and have a level of old man it's all about control um technically every kind of regulatory mechanism is about control it's about controlling the population so that you know people that don't want to do things that would harm others can't do those things so that we can live in a civilized society together obviously all laws are technically discriminatory towards people that want to do people that want to break those laws like for example let's say someone wants to do a murder well the law is discriminating against them and they don't want it well not you but i would never do that other people want to do murders right my [ __ ] ex-wife i tell you that [ __ ] gotta come and i'll tell you what man and you ain't never gonna find that party boy margaret has a cove to death brother oh yeah you could hide anybody in this day and age but but one cover death so i tell you though so it's not a way to control people as evidenced by the fact that the moment that uh you know there was a brief period of time when we started first getting vaccines and whatnot we immediately released the the control mechanisms of wearing masks and whatnot and and really relaxed on that which actually led to a spike in covet but but that's because people just want to go back to their regular lies no one wants to like wear masks all the time no one wants to uh have to socially distance all the time and the most effective way of doing that is reaching herd immunity which is becoming more and more unfair and they don't hurt you and your friends we wanted to reach her to muni we just let this virus go boy no mass no vaccine we just get over it like the good old days back into 1920 we had some kind of flu some spanish flu yeah that was no spanish flu now yeah because you know there were there were control mechanisms back then as well even though science was not as advanced and medical technology was not as advanced back then as it is now and then we have the we did not have the deep understanding that we do of like how these diseases spread but uh ultimately letting it rip letting the spanish flu rip uh caused many fatalities even after uh you know enforcing certain like masked rules and whatnot during that era as well well millions and millions of people dying which we are reaching uh level 9. i'll tell you what man if trump if they didn't steal the election from trump like they did we won't be even having these problems you know man trump won that damn election i never vote for democrat demon crap yeah um no trump did not win the election uh how do you explain them [ __ ] down in arizona they did that recount boy yeah i'm telling you they're funny stuff with their machines yeah uh we had people voting something right we have one of the most secure processes because we still use paper ballots and those are fairly hard to uh cheat on because there's no like hacking you just straight up well my cousin my cousin down in georgia he used one of them digital ones ain't no paper ballot in that and he does not do that there's still there's still paper ballots in america what about in arizona also paper ballot what about in damn like florida there's the paper ballots everywhere around the country florida the machines got hacked that's what the president trump said the machines were hacked by cuban socialist agents yeah no that did not happen i i'm afraid and also trump won florida so yeah wouldn't that favor him well you know what there's a reason why in georgia for example when people criticize the georgia election electoral outcomes even if it's like someone like marjorie taylor green doing so she's not you know she's not criticizing the same ballot that she was on her election was not uh you know that is interesting i got to say because she won yeah it's on the same team don't make no kind of sense i tell you what though man if they were able to uh cheat their way into uh electoral victories why would they create a system where like uh you know it hangs in the balance of like a 50 50 split uh senate why wouldn't they just uh create a super majority in the senate so they can pass bills you know terrifying bills like uh like health care like expansion i tell you man you know where i live it's all trump signs it's trump everyone i know was trump he's the greatest man that ever lived ain't no one i even know vote for damn joe biden well that's normal you're around like-minded individuals in a red state for sure it just does not mean that it's stolen just like if you go to california if you go to like west hollywood in california there's you know biden signing well what happened in arizona with them recounts they found that to be conclusive that that joe biden had won the election it sounds like we knew the recount occurred over and over and over again recounted again spending a lot of money some of those recounts actually found more votes for joe biden than prior and uh ultimately yes that the the despite countless uh recounts and millions of dollars being wasted for donald trump's very own personal you know uh uh initiative or his personal narrative he's a good christian man he's not a good man he's not a good christian man he's a funny man there ain't nothing more christian than donald trump he brings back good christian values i tell you what boy i mean donald trump is is definitely he's definitely interesting charismatic i understand why people enjoy listening to him drone on about the tv man and about liberals but uh i would not say that he is a good wholesome honest uh christian person come on i think other christians also recognize that they just think that you know he's a good christian man because he's like anti-abortion even though he wasn't originally well he loves his family yeah he has sex with his own daughter he only loves everyone we love that around here the only person that donald trump loves in his family is ivanka that's why you don't ever hear about tiffany who's tiffany i've never heard of her that's trump's other daughter what and he absolutely pretty like ivanka she got big titties like ivanka i'm not going to say anything about that but ultimately uh you know he he did i guess i don't know [Music] i think she got some big ones there but you know i like that because i'm straight yeah yeah and not fantasizing ain't no gay man not fantasizing about buck angel that buck angel got good biceps i'll tell you okay i'll tell you what though give me give me more what else you got settle down hussain i'm just i'm excited this affirmative action this force diversities a bunch of [ __ ] because the best man should get the job you going down these universities it's all a bunch of jews and chinese all this [ __ ] you ain't seen no why people left there boy literally untrue as a matter of fact um the real affirmative action that no one actually talks about is legacy admissions you don't want them rich boys legacy admissions you want them rich city boys than buy coastal elites getting into colleges even though don't have them yeah exactly like jared kushner whose dad paid for a new wing in the library i don't like that jew boy oh oh geez okay well you know well he he is a legacy admission there was a new study that actually was conducted that showed that 43 of harvard's uh white uh student body uh actually was uh not qualified for uh by the same metrics they got in because they got scholarships they were on a dean's list specifically uh or um or they were legacy admissions or children of the stude of the staff well what about like i got this cousin's second cousin's best friend's wife's child's uh you know name is jim bogg mm-hmm jimmy he applied to harvard university he ain't getting no he didn't get uh admission but yeah he's a prisoner the black boy across the street did he got the same grace the black boy got into harvard how you explain that eh racism because uh a lot of these college campuses want to maintain uh a a diverse student body which they believe fosters a better educational environment which is understandable and also the applications aren't strictly on like scholastic aptitude but also about like your life experiences your your essays ultimately college the the college application process is like totally [ __ ] distorted and greatly benefits wealthy people um especially if they have legacy admissions like they have a parent or whatnot that has already gone into school there um and affirmative action is simply just a band-aid solution it's not uh it's not the right way to go about it but it's unfortunately the best we got at the moment it sounds samia like the poor whites getting the worst side of the stick there it seems like the poor whites are the damn most hated group most most race most racist against group in the country that's simply not true um but uh yes poor white people do get the short end of the stake from a class position because america is categorically opposed to a classist analysis uh in the in the same way that you know uh we don't we don't approach uh poor white people in a similar capacity that we do to at least some uh some racist injustices which i uh think we should we should look at and solve issues about material issues from a class point of view as well i'm right but ultimately remember if whenever there is a poor white kid there's also a poor black kid right next door and he has it worse off in that poor white kid because they're they're also black on top of it so it's a compounding factor in their discrimination and oppression i tell you what man we wouldn't be having none of those problems if young people weren't so damn lazy productivity is much much much higher now than it has ever been because of technology people are working 24 7. as a matter of fact in portugal and in france they implemented laws that your boss literally can't force you to work after 5 pm these are really good initiatives that protect workers and yet the real issue is despite our gigantic increase in productivity our wages have remained stagnant um back in the day you could work at the factory or the coal mine or wherever the [ __ ] you're working with jim bob and you'd be able to make enough pay you had unions that protected you that had your back and you could go home and you could buy a house you can't you know you man i when i was younger your age hussain i buy me a house a car my wife don't even work me and i tell you what these kids they just don't want to work i talk to them they don't want to work we got labor shortages people just don't want to work they lazy um the economy is nearly recovered back to the pre-pandemic levels but there's still a shortage of four million jobs according to the latest jobs report but the main problem in the service sector in the service industry is that uh the the wages are not improving to get to a level where uh people want to work in such uh horrible conditions and i i believe that businesses whether big or small should pay their workers a living wage a better wage i tell you what my cousin owned a restaurant he had to pay his workers another dollar an hour he'd go bankrupt he won't be existing that's not even true that's that is true if that was the case then you know mcdonald's for example in a place like denmark would not be able to pay 22 dollars an hour to their employees a lot of these big businesses absolutely have enough money and even small businesses have enough money you just have to restructure your profit margins and maybe make a get a little bit of a pay cut uh man you don't understand economics you pay people more the prices go up eight no difference well the prices if that was the case again then a big mac in denmark would be a hundred dollars when it is uh simply like 30 cents or 40 cents more expensive than a big mac here um so that's not even true um um but you some kind of when you some kind of econ i missed no not at all yeah i don't i don't believe in that uh that voodoo well i tell you this world would be way better off if we weren't buying into this global warming hoax we wasting so much money on these damn windmills killing birds we're not we should be um we we give billions and billions of dollars in subsidies to every sector from agriculture all the way to energy and uh 85 of the energy extraction subsidies go to the fossil fuel industry that's the reason why fracking and uh numerous other ways of of like generating energy uh are still seen as like viable solutions are still seen as like profitable sectors without the government actually funding those uh businesses and funding those sectors they would no longer be profitable what i simply suggest is moving that dial back to the green energy sector which has hundreds of thousands of new job openings it's a growing sector rather than a rather man like the earthquake warms up it cools how we even know that the man got anything to do with this [ __ ] well um the don't ask me i mean if you don't believe me believe exxon whose internal data showed all the way back in 1985 that global warming was happening because of uh their their carbon footprint and their carbon emissions uh so but instead of uh immediately informing the proper authorities they started creating a system in which uh people like you would turn around and believe their lies that they were not actually uh playing a significant role in in uh anthropogenic climate change i don't know man you've been here last winter it's cold as hell man yeah we're done global warming yeah climate change manifests in different ways it's not just about the world of the world warming okay even though temperatures are rising uh but it's also about uh erratic weather conditions things that normally uh would be like once in a lifetime tornadoes hurricanes uh happening uh way way way more frequently uh that's why we have uh these extreme weather conditions happen so much more frequently now which is also awful for our infrastructure another thing that we need to do is is basically you know shore up our defenses against uh you know hurricanes and whatnot i don't think you really got all that but i'll tell you what man the moon that shit's not it that's a government conspiracy how do you know the moon really exists uh that i can't give you any information have you been to the moon who's saying i have not but i haven't been to somalia either but i know it exists i don't have you been to i ain't been outside this town boy you know that do you think nebraska exists ain't not been no nebraska do you think donald trump exists you've never seen oh yeah donald trump is real as again i've never seen him in person jfk junior is coming back you wait okay i'll tell you one other thing man that joe biden he ain't no kind of president he he he defiled our good troops out there in afghanistan what a mess what a coward yeah um joe biden was simply acting uh on donald trump's negotiations donald trump was the one who uh donald trump's administration was the one who not only released uh barabar the number one you know barabar um he is uh the leader of the taliban the number one guy in the taliban he released him out of the pakistani prison that he was in to negotiate with him and totally sidelined the afghan government that they had installed as a puppet state that was already very unpopular and the uh conditional evacuation was always going to be troublesome no matter which way you put it but ultimately 75 percent of the country uh still considers evacuating afghanistan and stopping our endless wars there at the very least to be a good thing so i think joe biden did the right thing except you know the media including those dirty liberals at msnbc and cnn attacked him for doing the right thing the right thing that donald trump also wanted to do which was pull out of afghanistan so um if you're upset at the way joe biden botched quote-unquote afghanistan then you're basically criticizing the supreme leader donald trump because those were his terms that he had negotiated with the taliban all right you know what who's saying i won't talk no more with you just eat your damn mashed potatoes and shut up okay remember it's all about uh thoroughly i mean i i was i was much nicer but um you know because you can make leeway in certain circumstances one of the things you can do is find common ground uh and uh but if if the person is just like totally belligerent and delusional then you could just like ritualistically humiliate them and that'll make you feel good and that'll make them feel bad [Music] debate is about you feeling good and then feeling bad 100 yeah it's about it's literally about like making them look like buffoons all right well we gotta wrap it up i hope you guys thanksgiving is better than the one that just played out here but uh regardless happy thanksgiving we're going to war yep if it goes south you can come to our underground nuclear bunker uh we'll be having a safe haven for the liberals yeah we'll be we'll be defending we'll be defending ourselves from the conservatives all righty guys take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 16sec (7576 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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