Right Wing Cringe, QAnon, Big Bird Is Commie Scum - Leftovers #7

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When hasan made the 5% joke 😂😭

👍︎︎ 161 👤︎︎ u/AlextheTHOT 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

My gramma (b 1915) told me how she used to get smacked at school by the teachers for writing w her left hand

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/pecan76 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I want to comment on HGH (human growth hormone), since Hasan said it makes you taller.

It does in fact NOT make you taller.

HGH can only increase the length of bones while you're developing. If you're older than 24, HGH will NOT make you taller.

Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiphyseal_plate

Source: I'm a doctor

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/LeMads 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

The joke about creating hila from his rib has me dying.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/I_Am_Justin_Tyler 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Saw Hasan saying that the H3 sub hates him, so wanted to send him a little love!! This sub has over half a mill people in it - a lot aren’t even fans and just like to hate. Most of us are really enjoying the show!

👍︎︎ 187 👤︎︎ u/Reimymouse 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

BEST EP SO FAR! Ethan and Azan are really getting their flow down. Can’t wait for next episode so I can debate my family lmao

👍︎︎ 122 👤︎︎ u/ek695 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't think I've ever been more mad at a video than watching that couple attack the shop owner.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/I_Am_Justin_Tyler 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm mere 6 mins in, but I think this is what show has been lacking. They don't need to only talk politics, they can just talk about whatever and it's more evident that Hasan is enjoying when he doesn't have to be giving political take on every thing.

I hope they continue on that outlook moving forward. It's absolutely right thing to do to cover the twitch rivals thing for a bit. Hasan isn't just going for work once a week to do this ep, at least it shouldn't feel that way. So I think having some non-political talk per ep should be right thing to make this feel more light hearted.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/mael0004 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great episode! Also wanted to say that I like Hasan! Heard of him before leftovers, never took the extra effort to watch his content, but he's grown on me being on leftovers with Ethan. I was so politically burned the hell out after last year on politics but this show has been a nice ease back into it all after a break.

Really been digging the H3 podcast since "they who shall not be named" departed.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/SociereMaudite 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
two here we are my friends the three million dollar nuclear bunker where we bring you the leftovers hell yeah baby the only podcast on the left that brings the heat back to the right culture warfare and we will win we took some we took some time off last week because we were we were building additional units like more turrets outside we got some spam damn surface-to-air missiles yeah exactly some surface-to-air missiles installed you know just in case because these these it's an arms race out there oh yeah you know we gotta get in on it we're gonna teddy fresh manufacturing weapons now we are yes we were we were working on our own custom ar-15 with bump stock uh optional add-on yeah yeah but you know looks like a plushie toy for kids to be able to play with yeah it's actually a collaboration with hello kitty so it appeals to all ages hell yeah yeah but you know the conservatives it's arms race uh people are walking around in tanks and bazookas so you know gotta be ready you did the ar-15 is is the weapon of li like yesterday what we need is is rpgs some rocket-propelled grenades we have those yeah i mean those aren't great for like straight you know one-on-one combat no they're great for home defense though home defense is great because that way you know it doesn't go through the wall and hurt your neighbor it just just blows up your whole [ __ ] house yeah everyone in it like if i can't have my house no one can yeah oh i'm a socialist or you don't like that i bought a house that's this is the normal thing to do i think today's episode is sponsored by harry's raycon and expressvpn thank you thank you how are you doing hassan it's been a week how's everything been i'm doing pretty good uh we went to vegas last week that's the reason why we were uh unable to uh record leftovers i i did twitch rivals and there was like a physical event and of course i thought like oh my god i'm going to cook these fools like these gamers like oh wait hold on you guys got to pull up the clip of a song peeking between his partner's legs oh you have that oh no that [ __ ] was funny dude i put extra effort in that okay so that's my as my best friend will uh he also streams on twitch and we were we were partnered up and of course they like set the game so it was really fun it was a lot of fun we did like a lot of cool activities and stuff but they set the games up in a way where like it was universal so like everyone can play and a lot of gamers are like frail they're you know 100 pounds max right soaking wet so what they did not factor in was if you're like a big boy like me you know 260 pounds then like most of the competitions are you have a significant disadvantage there's like a relay race and stuff so like when you're really heavy it just like makes it way harder for you to hit like a certain speed or when you there was like a big drop off into like a pool of foam and when you fall into the pool of foam if you're a big boy all of a sudden you're sinking in it's much harder to get out so these are like timed competitions i'm like damn i mean we we got cooked you got slammed huh we got like well this was almost last well i don't i don't know how you lost with techniques like this this this was high level let's switch over to well yeah by the way play that charlie kirk sound bite wait why is it lagging we that's right um charlie's right dude we're sucking and we're the biggest generation yeah gays hell by the way who who put that on because like it was obviously a big twitch dude oh they actually they uh they hadn't had they had not done any rivals for uh years obviously it was a culvert so they were like really excited to do like a big event yeah they really went i mean it looked great the sets and everything yeah it was sick they they work with like a bunch of professional people like the guy who like was the head of like all the events was like an american ninja warrior dude you know what i mean like it was legit like they had like tv producers and stuff it was cool you know what's interesting i weigh almost as much as you isn't that crazy how much do you wear last it last i weighed in like 245 okay 245 was like i would be really happy to get back down to 242 i'm 260 right now yeah but you're like 10 feet taller than me and like 10 feet wider yeah i am very dense boy i'm very wide um not as dense as me apparently yeah i uh i'm like tungsten i when i was 230 pounds i had like a straight six back 230. so that's one that's pretty light down to 2 30. okay good luck best luck to you yeah well we got to help you steroids this is have you ever done steroids no but i would like to i'm just why why what's hot stopping you um i have a really addictive personality so i i just worry that i'm gonna turn into a ninja turtle you know what i mean also it to make you like angry and unhinged that seems bad i'm also like i'm already an angry dude so i don't need i don't need any more i don't need any more testosterone also doesn't it shrink your your balls and whatever that's an extra inch on your dick then you know an inch off your balls is an inch on your dick i don't think that's how it works i don't think it makes it look bigger i think that's all a nice uh well as your muscles get bigger your your dicks definitely look smaller bro i'm already a big boy it doesn't matter yeah he's already it's already a little [ __ ] well i don't know but yeah the fatter i get the smaller my dick looks that's for sure yeah this is thicker i kept i keep getting bigger but my dick stays the same size yeah well that's that's how it works usually um unless you do hgh a human growth hormone that one that one helps out down there that literally grows everything it grows really yeah it grows your heart that's a bad yeah you don't want to grow your heart but i but i uh suspect that a lot of like you know allegedly hollywood actors are probably doing that yeah yeah you know you just you get like [ __ ] taller and [ __ ] your body is actually yeah you get taller your head grows your [ __ ] everything grows human growth hormone it's literally what you have in your body it's like what causes you to be a certain size that'd be kind of cool if we all did that for like a year just to see like see what happens a podcast experiment but that should be illegal right that's what happens oh yeah yeah okay allegedly okay so you don't think this was a natty gains because this guy looked like i mean this guy was like a tiny nerd before the marvel training yeah i mean i love that okay shouts out to show me the before shout out to all the the brown boys out there [ __ ] oh yeah look here look two years later he looks scary bro look at this he's dr he's gotten out of his truck his wife beat her doesn't fit him yeah the thing that i uh uh the other reason why i don't want to do steroids because like i'm worried that my hairline will [ __ ] evaporate you don't need to do steroids come on man you're already jacked i mean i probably will eventually i'll probably do like three rt when i well yeah when i hit like 35 36 and my testosterone level starts declining i'll probably do a little bit trt interesting yeah little joe rogan treatment little joe rogan they won the nobel prize yeah just a little bit a little trt side of ivor mexton you know just in case because you never know i mean ivor mexton did win a novel uh nobel prize that's true so yeah those are the facts it's undeniable well hold on anything else other than that hold on um is it illegal to do steroids you have to get it on the black market um trt you can get it like you know approved by a doctor uh for sure a lot of steroids you can get approved by you go to like a uh uh there's probably like uh physical therapy doctors or whatever that will give you that with they're like oh your testosterone levels seem to be declining it seems okay like the doctors on the border that like oh you definitely need oxycodone yeah kind of like that for that uh toe that ingrown toenail yeah so you know there is like medical uses for it and they and that's like probably healthier than just like [ __ ] doing it off the street you know what the [ __ ] in it well you know what whatever you got to do hassan i don't think you should do it i want you to be a healthy boy you're already jacked but you do what you ever got to do i know that there's you're like a kind of a you exercise so much you're so dedicated that so i know that you guys you guys who are into that whole world have a different uh yeah no i love i love i love working out it's great it's fun it's a it's like meditation i wish i loved working out i'm jealous of people like you i mean i didn't like i wasn't born loving working out i [ __ ] hated it really it's just like it's all a matter of um pushing yourself out doing it yeah no like it's literally it's it's both incredibly hard but also incredibly simple at the same time it's literally a matter of of um structuring your life in a way where you're just like i'm just gonna do this like it sucks but i'm gonna do it and i'm not gonna see any [ __ ] results for like the first month maybe even the first two months but the moment you start seeing those results you're like oh [ __ ] this is the greatest feeling of all time like my my weight loss i used to be 320 pounds really yeah and i went all the way down to 220 in a matter of basically like a year and a half and b and i always wanted to do two things when i was younger i wanted to have a six-pack and i wanted to be able to dunk and being able to achieve both of those things allowed me to be like oh [ __ ] like if i worked super [ __ ] hard you wanted to dunk that was one of your motivators yeah okay and can you dunk to this day now i can't not right now too i haven't played yeah i'm too heavy and i haven't played basketball in like a while i'm gonna i'm gonna start doing it again though all right so we've got a bunch of good stuff to get to the conservative sphere is losing its mind as always and there's just so much to cover dude sometimes you know over the past week i've just been losing faith i just i feel like this country's lost and i i mean this like and if i really just think we're talk we're lost to idiocracy the more i look at uh the more i cover politics like lately the more i feel sad about it yeah so you just gotta take your [ __ ] uh victories wherever you can people constantly come to me and they're like there's nothing feels good nothing feels good climate and i just think we're losing we're just losing our country to you know um the people who are uneducated who are buying the propaganda of people like this are i was just listening you know to the daily on the way over she this woman got a phd and [ __ ] she is an expert in the field and she was in a small town in kansas she would have worked there lived their whole life serving the public everyone trusted her everyone loved her when it come to covet all of a sudden people started turning on her sending her death threats that she had to get escorted out people are accusing her of being a fascist like this was a this was a good respectable member of the community that everyone loved and when it come to her trying to enforce the the government's health policies people wanted a [ __ ] killer the same people um yeah but that's there's just hordes of these people um it's it's deliberate i mean yeah we know there's empirical evidence to show and not that the democrats are like uh all that better but they are at least better on this area right when it comes to you know at least uh offering lip service to the science right and admitting the truths the scientific truths a huge difference no there's a gigantic difference for sure um i do still think that the democratic party's inaction creates this system where we have to battle out on like whatever wedge issues that republicans decide is like something that we should be angry at because like if the democratic party legitimately was like no [ __ ] this like we're going to give you health care that's all we're gonna do i'm gonna give you healthcare no matter what and if they fought as hard as the republicans fight for whatever kind of [ __ ] psychotic new thing that they've created for themselves if they fought as hard for that then they could be known as the party for health care yeah i agree and then and then you'd be like do you want health care shut the [ __ ] up and vote democrat yeah but they claim that they want it and then they never act out on those desires because they kind of don't well like anyway here let's just watch this every political ad is exactly the same so here's these these guys trying to sell themselves as a good old salt of the amer of the earth americans it's all conservatives obviously yeah including joe mansion in the bottom left there's that i mean he's a conservative yeah he is america has some big problems this motherfucker's holding a pig in his hand i love that dude i love that that dude is walking with a piggy come on now here down here i can't get over this dude holding a piggy big dan roddenberry for congress i'm about to eat this big hole boy yeah that's [ __ ] awesome that's a cute-ass pig though dudes pigs are so cute when they're little babies and they become like giant monsters i'm sure you've seen it paid for by washington special interest i'm marjorie green and i approve this ad i'm michelle fiore and i'm running for governor i got a big truck wait wait oh both i'll vote for him that boy's got a big old truck big big brian camp look what it says deport criminal illegals i got a big truck and i can fit lots of illegals in it um wait this music is the same in every ad it's insane yes a twangy country uh slide guitar yeah that's that's that's what the that's what the workers of the united states love okay twangy country guitar wow track shots of my pickup truck that i rented out for the day that i got on a high tech drone special interest i'm marjorie green and i approve this ad i'm michelle fiore and i'm running for governor it's actually the same truck control over our economy yep i just said that i'm ready for congress to put an end to this hogwarts to strip power from the federal government and that ain't going to happen i own guns to defend your rights at politics as usual [Music] socialism it's time to fight back [Applause] yeah so this this is what we're up against here no substance just a couple of yee has a gooey in the arms some guns and some trucks well like what are they gonna run on they're not gonna run on like i'm brian kemp and i wanna i mean he's running for governor right but like you know you're not gonna have them run on like i wanna make sure that we deregulate the fossil fuel industry so that uh you know the corporate executives make the a ten percent uh year-over-year profit like i'm entering congress to ensure that we can never negotiate the prices of uh pharmaceutical drugs yeah exactly it's like that's not gonna play well so you gotta like shift the attention away it works we are so [ __ ] bro the pickup trucks work we have no we have no institutional like we have no institutions we have no organizational tools that is completely withered away no union power whatsoever absolutely decimated in this country yeah trump power so when that happens the people can't make demands for material change uh effectively and the people that are voting are you know relatively uh in a better situation overall than the average american worker or the people that don't even work and you know their demands are being met obviously uh to a certain degree that's why you got the salt deduction in the in the build back better [ __ ] bipartisan legislation what is the salt deduction salt deduction uh there was a cap that was introduced to the salt deduction in the trump air tax cuts that what does salt mean so it's a state and local tax deduction right okay and what happens is like you're allowed if you're allowed to deduct certain things from your state and local taxes if you're making certain expenditures right and it's uh and there was a cap that was introduced in the trump bill because they wanted to like reorganize the revenue structure and it's actually only good for like salt is only good for people living in high state taxes wait are you talking about like the california state income tax that used to be fully deductible and now it's max are like very low number yeah exactly so that's precisely what it is i pay double tax now on all my state tax yeah it's awesome so trump passed that [ __ ] just to [ __ ] over blue states like i feel like yeah that and also because it was like a good funding mechanism to like just you know to make up for all the other areas where they were lowering taxes drastically you know what i mean it was basically a wash against the new tax deduction that trump passed so my taxes stayed about the same but if both of them were removed i'd be at like 60 probably effective yeah yeah so you know uh what 20 times more than elon most effective tax rate okay shout out king yeah so he did he did three percent um the truck driving hog yielding uh people running for office here's a little snippet here's marger and taylor green she was driving a humvee in her ad but it looks like she's in a luxury sedan or sedans four-door right yeah yeah just a nice luxury stand that's not definitely not a humvee so whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where's the humvee yeah she doesn't drive that and then you've got the uh the hog toten wrestler i'm just a good old yihab boy i grew up i work our cowboy hats no [ __ ] you grow up in new jersey shut the [ __ ] up rockaway new jersey and attended seton hall prep school like come on [ __ ] up douchebag hey he played football at usf so then after that he's like that's right i'm a southern boy now i'm playing football give me that hog yeah this is dan sullivan my favorite is like the peter thiel guys now like jd vance is one of them and another dude is uh [ __ ] what's that other guy i think he's in arizona from shark tank right no no no no no jd vance is like the guy who wrote the hillbilly elegy that like liberals [ __ ] loved because he really like mystified the white working class because he's from [ __ ] kentucky and ohio and [ __ ] so it's like but he's just like he's a piece of [ __ ] he went to yale like josh hawley talking about [ __ ] masculinity all the time like oh yeah we need to save men i need to save these young boys it's like dog you literally went to stanford and you kiss your wife like you're grossed out by her and also you kiss your wife like god's watching and also on top of that like you got caught yeah that's what that's how this beacon of masculinity kisses his wife dude and she's cute too goddamn josh holly's wife hit me up wait hold on can we get yeah she she she looks like yeah i hate to say it but quartering cover your ears she looks like brie larson here yeah i mean he he's a good-looking dude too he's like he works out he's jack you think so yeah i've seen him i've seen the photo of him at [ __ ] whole foods at 3 30 buying wine at whole foods like oh i'm not 330. yeah he's like i'm a missouri i'm i'm a real missouri boy i'm josh hawley like i love missouri and i love you know i'm going to protect your rights racism what these guys create these rigid like masculine uh norms that they themselves do not abide by of course yeah 2 30 on a week oh in the middle of the [ __ ] day injections dude oh yeah he's got some pecs boy damn how you got time to work out like that he's just such a dildo that like it's not gonna like the the whole concept is just like it falls apart he's just pete buddha judge but for the republican party you know what i mean so but any these guys are just pretending to be like uh you know white trash but they're not they're actually just rich city slickers who would do the same elite universities of people they say they hate they're literally wolf in sheep's clothes and they're lying to you this guy sullivan let's see he graduated mega [ __ ] laude from [ __ ] harvard my dudes yeah ted cruz also harvard dan crenshaw also harvard harvard is like the epitome of established [ __ ] coastal elitism upper exclusive upper classmanship yeah it is and also they are hyper neoliberal so that is from where i'm standing that's like a very conservative world view it's not an accident that a lot of these [ __ ] war criminals come out of yale and harvard and they have like a direct talent pool into the cia um but this one's my favorite brian camp net worth four million broken brian camp i have a big old truck broke boy dude only 4 million that's true these other guys put him to shame yeah what a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that's why he has to like do all the [ __ ] weird financial [ __ ] joe manchin of course assault of the earth good old boy drives a [ __ ] maserati i saw a video of him being blocked blocked by climate uh activists yeah he was driving a maserati what's like a 300 000 car i mean i know he's rich but damn i don't think it's actually that much but still really yeah huh it's still a maserati i mean how much is it look it up what's it msrp at maserati their their cars are not exactly known as super prestige anymore they'll stop yes they are how much is that car though oh damn they're right it's like 72 grand msrp 80 grand what it's not astronomical oh okay yeah i mean it's still not a [ __ ] picture no it's not i'm saying that's that's obviously expensive but i always thought maseratis were like they fell off i mean 80 grand for about 80 grand for a luxury suv like yeah i thought that it was gonna be like 200 grand yeah i thought they fell off [ __ ] ratio yeah plus you're white um this [ __ ] who is out here this guy greg gianforte yeah it made 220 million dollars over 10 years puts brian kemp to shame yeah brian camp is a broke boy so is joe biden by the way that's like one of the funniest things is like bro you've been in senate for like 700 years how the [ __ ] are you like like i don't know if you know this but joe biden couldn't pay his son's medical bills and barack obama had to like give him money this is like a famous story and this [ __ ] is still dedicated to like nuking any sort of like socialized uh social spending for healthcare is he really that broke i guess well i'm usually these guys like like obama became super rich after presidency just wrote a book did the oprah tour or joe biden's net worth went way up after he was vice president yeah but oh dead yeah i mean before that i believe speaking fees and all that kind of stuff how's this how much is joe biden worth as recently that ain't no poor boy bro are you kidding me as a as a previous uh vp like he literally as recently as november 2009 his net worth was less than 30 grand wait when was that when he like the first year of his vp his net worth was 30 grand so that's like the funniest part about joe biden is that like i mean he's obviously bad finance right there dude that it's shocking that joe biden who has worked who's sided with banks and his sides with like capital and he's not even he's not even benefiting from them for nothing exactly if you're going to at least at least get the bag i mean yeah joe manchin's i mean these guys are worth hundreds of millions like damn yeah by the way in other news you guys probably all heard about what we talked about on the show the q anon conspiracy theorists have basically fringed out they no longer need a leader they no longer need q and they all met on uh on the grassy knoll where jfk was assassinated awaiting his son jfk junior who's been dead 20 years to that's what you think liberal right that's what that's what the narrative is that's sheep wake up ethan yeah sorry i didn't mean to say he's i'm just saying that's what the official narrative is they know he's alive they've been waiting for him to come back they were all there thousands of people very disturbing um well he didn't come back but the good news is that they're still holding there's a big group of them are still waiting for the return on the grassy knoll this is um one week after he failed to return from the dead they're still waiting for him they're still waiting they're still waiting my friend this is a cult i don't know what to say if you're still yeah i mean it's it's there's a lot of people in this call too yeah well they got a lot of guns this is what happens when you're like i i feel like things are not great okay people keep telling me things are great but i feel like things are not great and no one is actually actively telling me why things are not great except for [ __ ] q anon which is packaging this in like a very murder mystery style conspiracy so i'm gonna follow along on these forums and uh i'm going to dedicate my entire life to it like this is there this is providing purpose for ultimately a group of you know i know you could group individuals you could make that that that claim for any cult but the fact that they're willing to believe people use the problem is they're these it's like a cult blown in the wind and the conservatives use them to further their agenda that's really dangerous conservatives are brilliant at doing that because like they're overall this is us by the way we're gonna run for office together and all of a sudden we're gonna i mean we're we got more money than [ __ ] brian camp especially combined we could destroy him brian kemp yeah well outside him easy put a little subtext here richer than brian kemp yeah exactly broadcast [ __ ] loser yeah but uh we were talking about the republican party but like they're they're just so good at like yeah finding whatever thing is like motivating the base because ultimately like their desires are morally bankrupt i think you're not going to motivate people by being like we're going to cut social spending we're going to social security is not going to motivate people to turn out the vote i think the the what what benefits the republicans is just they actually are have no scruples they don't give a [ __ ] they'll say and do anything at any price for power and that's how you win yeah and the democratic party's like basic uh uh way of trying to win elections is like is to allow republicans to win so they can point at them and be like look how bad they are come on dude you don't want this to happen again and republicans are so morally bankrupt they will go to the next level and do like horrifying [ __ ] i mean dude just look at the discourse about critical race theory i just my eyes are rolling into the back of my [ __ ] head every time i see a d and this is like not this is mainstream [ __ ] this isn't fringe stuff our kids are learning about critical race theory and kindergarten a fringe [ __ ] racial theory that's taught in like graduate studies for only law school grads yeah is being taught to our children it's not happening it's literally [ __ ] so dumb so i just it's it's just it's maddening i can't yeah beautiful part about that of course is that created that line is directly created by christopher ruffo of the manhattan institute and it's not like even hidden he openly way back in the day like uh you know when he when he first got on tucker carlson's broadcast was like yeah we created critical race theory as a concept as a talking point so that we could you know make all of the things that the democratic party represents fall under that umbrella and we toxify the brand of critical race theory which now everyone gets upset about which is like not even a thing the people you've done like i've seen so many videos you go up to a random conservative out of protest and say what is critical race there and they they go i don't like the good life i don't yeah i don't know what it is but i don't like it it's like i don't like it you could reduce that to almost every anxiety that conservatives have it's like what is what's antifa doing i don't know they're beating people it's like all right we're gonna we're gonna go to a quick break just so we can inch up on that on that douchebag what was his name the broke boy brian kemp yeah brian camp we're coming for you during this ad break republicans don't even like him anymore because they think like he didn't cheat enough right so you don't even got republicans protecting you bro we're coming for you ad break we'll be right back time to take a short break we're men who need razors that's right i do i need a razor damn it actually i like using the razor on my neck get that nice clean shave you know yeah i have a beard like that you like to have that nice smooth neck yeah smooth neck so people can see my waddle it's important i like to get this part here though you know there's certain parts you need to hit the razor you know what i use the razor for the back of my neck huh cause you got that long hair you can't see but my back my neck is all hairy so i use that razor yeah no i feel that i like doing that yeah yeah i manscaped with a razor no yeah i was like i'm wrong i'll say that because we're doing a razor right well no you don't have to you don't have to say you razer blade your genitals that's psychotic i would not do that yeah no not right really that's yeah don't do that guys i mean if you want i think people do it though women do it yeah but i mean there's less the more smooth areas there's too much like cracks and movements and i don't know i mean i think we don't know women women know they're slick down there they've got like weird blade skills yeah anyway have you looked in the mirror recently like really looked that beard you grow out over the last year was a hot new thing but wait guys it's getting hot outside it's time to tame that bad boys and harry's is here to help if you don't know harry's it's time you do harry's was created to be different from other shaving companies harry's crafts high quality long lasting blades and durable weight weighty handles that make a close comfortable shave quick and dare we say even enjoyable absolutely i enjoy shaving a lot i dare i say it yeah i don't dare and because harry's insists that you shouldn't have to choose between a great shave and a fair price they just give you both you refill blades start as low as two bucks so that's an easy decision and you know what's even easier new harry's customers get their starter set which includes a five blade razor weighted handle foaming shave gel with aloe and a travel cover it's 13 value for just three bucks they're loop practically losing money at that point yeah they're they must be out of their [ __ ] minds it's crazy plus harry's offers a whole range of amazing face and body care products for men all delivered right to your door uh yeah i've used harry's the razor is awesome you know there's no point to get it anywhere else honestly with that crazy that hardy blade those good you got that weight it's a weighty handle boy you could [ __ ] knock 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pull those up yeah it's uh called when a woman isn't in the mood no way let's go dennis now no woman's ever in the mood looking at this guy when a woman isn't in the mood part one what part one my boy yeah once again a reminder this is not a fringe guy this is a darling of the right this is a guy you will see on every mainstream show he is considered a great thinker and he has more in common with isis apparently than uh oh yeah then uh a average american one hundred percent um what the hell [ __ ] chicago about how like you know you can call them the show and be like dennis i listened to your i listened to your advice and now i'm going to jail my wife wasn't in the mood okay wait when first told this about men women generally you got to pull out some good nuggies in here okay a woman wait go up go up first women need to recognize how a man understands a wife's refusal to have sex with him a husband knows that his wife loves him first and foremost by her okay dude just by her willingness to give her body to oh wow i stopped her a husband knows that his wife loves him first and foremost by her willingness to give her body to him dude you have sick you're sick in the head bro yeah that's how you know it's like it's not about like mutual respect and a partnership give her but also not even like having it's about submission yeah it's submission in every step it's it's not like you know the union of uh like two people having sex together no it's giving your body to him to be a [ __ ] toy yeah whatever he wants that's why he's had seven divorces i i joke about this double back up i want to finish that i do this a lot but like this is rarely the case for women few women know their husbands love them because he gives her his body that is therefore usually a revelation to women many women think men's natures are similar to theirs yeah well this is like 2008 uh he is he's i don't know which divorce he was going through at this point but um you know it i like to learn about how to treat my wife from dennis prager like i i want to go to his you know html [ __ ] website in 2008 to learn more about how to treat my wife yeah i like to do i like to get my that's like getting your human resource uh human resources training from jeffrey dahmer yeah how to treat uh how to interact with other humans in a way a sustainable way wow seven divorces so yeah anyway we're leading quite a lead up to this guy because he really is a piece of [ __ ] i mean he really is uh consistently the worst so here he is talking about how people who are unvaccinated are peris of society with one interesting comparison but somebody in her party has a magic wand the reason we're paying so much is because the magic wand of the democratic president was to destroy the the energy independence of the united states of america with one magic wand the man ruined our economy ruined the ability of the of the lower and middle class to pay their energy bills as in germany by the way this is not just unique to the united states anywhere that you have people who are governed by fear of global warming uh a idiotic irrational sick fear of some extinction of the of the the global warming uh global climate change denial just a little bonus um i wonder why dennis prager has such a such a profound view on global warming that completely contradicts of course scientific consensus for many many years that has only increased actually went from like 97 to like 99.9 at this point perhaps it has something to do with his who funds prageru depends on donations to produce its content much of prageru's early funding came from hydraulic fracturing uh billionaires dan and ferris wilkes that's awesome yeah um you want to know more about ferris wilkes who is also a pastor of the assembly of yahweh seventh-day church near yahweh yeah a conservative messianic israelite church that was founded by his parents in 1947 the church takes a literal approach of the bible that's when you know shit's popping like when you take a literal approach of the [ __ ] bible uh considering it historically and scientifically accurate okay so much so that in fact they think homosexuality and abortion including in cases of rape and incest should be convictable crimes well that's not that different than what's going on in texas like on a white scale but what's interesting about a scientific i mean what's really interesting about looking at the bible from a purely factional interpretation is that i see people you know ripping off their ribs and spawning women from them regularly yeah that happens frequently that's how i created ela that's why we have such a good relationship uh here so here he's getting to the point here okay let's get to the big vaccinated who who are back a little bit whether whether it is of of the non-vaccinated who who are the pariahs of america as i have not seen in my lifetime any pariah group like like this during the aids crisis can you imagine if if gay men and intravenous drug users who were the vast majority of people with aids had they been a pariahs the way the non-vaccinated are can you imagine that can you imagine saying that that would be so crazy if that could happen it's like [ __ ] you're not you're not 17 years old you were alive and a prominent conservative voice back then so i looked it up i was like there's gotta be some [ __ ] that he absolutely [ __ ] said yeah and i thought to myself like i wonder what dennis prager had to say in the 80s right about uh you know gay men and the oh you got some good [ __ ] yeah no way he aids uh uh you know the aids crisis considering that he did that i just want to read one quote from him from uh just guess what time period it comes from the great majority of american indians understandably just don't care like heterosexual aids and so many other crises this has been entirely manufactured by the left dennis prager does not believe that aids can be contracted by uh by heterosexual people so almost make he is in a way you could say treating gays during the aids uh during endemic like during in the in the nineteen years but no this was in 2014 then he's like he's like yeah it would be crazy if people were treating gay men like pariah is there by the way [ __ ] during that crisis gay men were like extremely [ __ ] uh targeted by hate they were not taken seriously they were not treated people wouldn't even touch them do you understand people treat him like they had leprosy i mean for him to even make that comparison and and and sit in a serious way is [ __ ] disturbing me in 1985 the vast majority of americans said it was probably true that most people with aids were homosexual men and more importantly than that among americans who reported knowing a gay person in the 80s more than one in five 21 percent said they had become less comfortable around that person since learning about aids so this notion that like gay people were not treated as pariahs during the [ __ ] aids pandemic epidemic is silly it's psychotic it's so well documented that was just a horrible horrible time to be a gay person and with or without aids you know what i'm saying yeah and uh for him to compare unvacs guess what dennis i can get from kovid i can get it from standing next to your dumb fat [ __ ] unvaccinated greasy he didn't own kova though he's not dead unfortunately right he did he got joe rogan hooked him up yeah in two separate polls in 1987 roughly half of americans agreed that it was people's own fault if they got aids and that most people with aids had only themselves to blame between 43 and 44 of americans in 1987 and 88 believe that aids might be god's punishment for immoral sexual behavior not prize how can you be a pariah if you brought it on yourself yeah exactly yeah i mean what a [ __ ] psychotic freak that is still like a raging homophobic freak and also just so desperate to be the victim of not being vaccinated yeah weird they love conservatives love looking for you know victimhood narratives and this is a mainstream guy i mean i have to really emphasize this this is a prominent well-respected figure on the right who is openly homophobic who is openly anti-science um wants to say the word he is open to raping your spouse apparently which you didn't know yeah oh yeah sure pull up the n-word one because that was pretty good too yeah just needs to say it he's like why can't i say the n-word i mean these are these are important uh cultural flash points for the conservative movement so it's not a surprise that dennis prager is a champion for all of these causes you know being able to say the n-word is a profoundly important part of uh the conservative free speech debate 700 000 people have died of aids uh hiv in the u.s since the beginning of the pandemic more people have died of covid now yes maybe yeah yeah i just saw that stat and was that's kind of that's eye widening and the seriousness of the current crisis that we're in because i think everybody understands how serious aids is more people have died of coven in such a shorter period of time yeah in just a few years you have that one of him being like why can't i say the n word i'm looking for it right now yeah love him dennis prager ladies and gentlemen while we're waiting on that charlie kirk another great thinker to the right small face big brain that's what they say is it a surprise that like all of these [ __ ] uh sexless weirdos are uh you know all funded by billionaires and would not be able to launch a project if it were uh grassroots funded in any meaningful capacity yeah it's awesome propaganda by the billionaires i mean they're getting their money's worth easy it's not really a great market not not not necessarily look at the whole country there charlie kirk they're definitely not with dennis prager they might be giving it's not giving them that much him a [ __ ] they give him a lot of money but he bills himself as like a guy who is the understander of the youth which will make this uh conversation all the more funny but in charlie kirk is just in terms of the it's not tragic it's having on culture though it's it is profound well charlie kirk is not changing the youth's mind though that's what i was trying to say he's just he makes it seem like he is but if you look at this like facebook ads for turning point usa they're all targeting like 75 plus yeah you know now here's a young man that gets it yeah exactly here's dennis what year is this from dan uh last year last year let's go yeah jews and blacks in the united states i was talking about private anti-semitic and anti-black language used by presidents truman and nixon yeah when was that yes yes that's that's correct my mistake excuse me um but you mentioned that president truman used to use the n-word all the time and then two seconds later you followed it up with the word type so why didn't i say why didn't you say like the k word because uh because the left has made it impossible to say the n word that's disgusting it's a false it's the only word that you can't say in the english language that's disgusting that he said it's disgusting you can say it dennis say it go for it yeah nobody nobody has a device no the the left has made it impossible go ahead keep playing it then go ahead say it dennis say the k word because the left doesn't give a damn about that word i don't want you because that that's why this is not even the left runs the country in the culture can't say that either the also isn't dennis prager jewish yeah so he's i [ __ ] hate these guys he's got the k word pass yeah he gets the k-pop that's the that's the irony is that like he should just yeah yeah yeah i'm jewish you know it's true it's a nasty word though yeah go ahead then yeah the republicans have the senate and the presidency and that's very important but we still don't have the end pass and the more the left controls the more totalitarian it is that is not an attack it's a statement of fact like two plus two equals four yeah it's idiotic that you cannot say the n word idiotic of course you should never call anybody the n word that's despicable it's just you can't even say that the word is despicable you have to say the n word you have to say it say it dennis that's the answer say it say it dennis you know you know after the show's over he's saying it he's screaming it he just has to get it out of his system but he's saying i love that he goes the fact that we can't say the n word is going to be the end of society we as we know it's all falling apart around us the radical left has stopped me from saying the n word which i love to say and should be able to say i just can't say it say it dennis you can say it it perfectly shows that the entire argument is built around this like you know [ __ ] uh reason the free speech argument in and of itself is like all about just being able to say hate speech you can say it without consequences exactly say that word dennis you're on your own network nobody's stopping you yeah come on baby let's do it yeah i i shouldn't say it i'm going to say something i don't i i probably shouldn't say oh joe oh no now joe has said it before when quoting uh something joe said like some white people don't say the more but they say everything but the n-word yeah you know what i mean yeah and joe has definitely done that like yeah have you ever listened to him defend his crime bill which was horrifying for the uh black community in this country that you know supercharged the racist criminal justice system paired up with the war on drugs which joe joe biden also was a big advocate for um there's that famous video of him on the senate floor describing like why we need the crime bill and he's just like these super predators they're going to come jack and they're going to they're going to rape your wife they're going to mallet on your son and your daughters like that's why we need to put him in jail forever like and it's like dude at that point you might as well say the n word you know what i mean like you're you're literally saying everything but no no i probably best i don't damn we got joe in the studio many of you don't know this but we have him in the studio we brought his hyperbaric chamber here he's pumped he has a huge budget we're being funded by uh actually secretly we were being funded by fracking trillionaires uh from from saudi arabia to bring take down the u.s government speaking of well i mean saudi arabia they don't need frack they're they're upset new intercept reported a new intercept report by uh my good friend ken shows that mbs is very upset at joe biden oh no yeah and that's why they're like uh i guess we have to do everything to keep mbs happy of course such a good guy which by the way we're like still selling him like garillions of dollars with a weapon so they can continue the genocide in yemen but we're we're also you know wagging the finger at them and going hey no you're you're doing bad stuff in yemen don't don't do that you remember when mbs did this whole press tour when he ascended to power about what a great [ __ ] horse he did like a 60 minutes sometimes 60 minutes really [ __ ] up like i like that show but sometimes they just miss the point so hard you know they they operate as a uh you know propaganda arm for the state department and that's precisely what they did the atlantic like all of these like supposedly liberal institutions so hard on the mbs story yeah and then like one month later he literally killed uh a a reporter what's his name jose uh kashuk yeah jeremiah in the turkey they literally murdered him with a [ __ ] saw axe and left the embassy in his clothes psycho yeah only because he he moderately criticized the government and and joe biden moderately criticized mbs for that because he's like the wolf guy right well well yeah i mean our critics get drone strike so that's true that is guess what so now he's like uh they're like manufacturing a shortage as this suspicion um which like the american state department is considering to be kind of like uh like a tara for almost where that's part of the reason why the gas prices are so high oh but they always do that yeah yeah they're watching their power you know in the middle east in israel the gas prices because you know there's they don't like israel i think they have to secure different uh ways of getting oil or but the prices of oil are so [ __ ] expensive there and a lot of other parts of the world probably also taxed out that i think so but for example it's four times as much four times because like in turkey and in many other countries in europe like oil is i mean gas is very expensive super america is one of the countries where gas is actually people don't realize like five dollars people are losing their mind in israel it's like 20 a gallon i'm not [ __ ] kidding yeah yeah for sure yeah yeah it's it's absolutely it's absolutely incredibly expensive it's basically free here by comparison yeah especially if you're in like texas or something that's right baby oh yeah and in the middle of the country where they're complaining it's like still 250 you know in california it's taxed to hell but the problem is like well we i mean i voted for the ballot provision to make it higher like because that would yeah infrastructure spending me too you know i'm in favor of it i'm just saying people outside of america don't realize how cheap it is yeah but uh the thing is like that also impacts other parts of the economy that impacts everything obviously that's part of the reason why like everything is so cheap consumer goods commodities for the most part are is so cheap in america because like gas is what powers everything right uh you know the the the travel accommodations the logistics the supply chain in its entirety is dependent on oil and when gas prices are cheap then goods are cheaper but when it's more expensive everything becomes more expensive there you therefore you have inflation uh which people [ __ ] freak out over yeah well the good news is you know there was a slight slight drop yesterday in the stock market but the good news is for you hassan i was waiting for you to be here today that we're back in the green baby up uh a fifth of a percent today surprised that the american stock market the stock market stocks go up stocks are always are you praying for a stock market crash no no because i've seen what happens in the recovery efforts like it's not like uh a stock market collapse is good for the working class it's just still bad because the losses are socialized and the gains are privatized so um for the most part when it when it falls apart as it inevitably does because the system is is insane like the design is insane um you have [ __ ] like tesla massively overvalued um do you think a crash is coming i think i mean crashes are inevitable right no matter what happens baked into the system yeah because the gains lately and the like apparently were having all these financial issues but the gains the stock market has been it uh nauseatingly uh trending upwards just nauseating since the pandemic yeah there was that one crash for like a day yeah and then they printed like seven trillion dollars yeah and immediately it picked back up it's just it's been nauseating i mean honestly to be fair like uh donald trump or rather the american government did take a lot of initiative in recovery efforts with both um like directly funding the airline industry uh in a way where in a way where like that did uh that did keep them afloat and and most of these industries did not suffer like gigantic losses uh during coven because we printed money and we directly handed it to corporations so um that was uh at the end that wasn't like the worst thing and also obviously we experienced some of the lowest uh some of the lowest poverty numbers ever in the beginning of covet because of direct cash infusions of the working class too right so you know redistributive policies they [ __ ] work it does uh it just depends on who's getting the money interesting yeah um but well anyway let's watch uh charlie this is the generator i was i was literally thinking like how do we segue this to charlie let's just do it this entire time the country being an american 15 of millennials say they are proud to be an american 15 percent say they are proud to be so mad wait can you pause the video why is hat fit so i was just about to say that dude like a giant dome he's like he's just like this is a person who's never worn a hat before he's the person and he's the person in the ad in the truck right now yeah i'm gonna wear a hat with american flag so they know i'm on their side but it's like it's like what the [ __ ] like what it just like looks so uncomfortable on your head what is happening how do you fail to wear a [ __ ] hat dog well you could tell he's never worn this before yeah he's got a big noggin dude he's got a monster potato head yeah he's one of the strangest looking dudes i've ever seen in my life oh really like i don't think i've ever seen anyone else that looks like him the the last buckle on that on that bad boy is just holding on for dear life you know looking like michelle fiori's [ __ ] gun holster about to [ __ ] pop out and like take someone's eye out you know what i mean big big boy big head the country being an american fifteen percent of millennials say they are proud to be an american fifteen percent so angry why say they are proud to be an american as i mentioned one-third of millennials describe themselves as being lgbtq 39 there's more people being gay than being proud of american yeah those are those are of course you know separate we need less gays more pride yeah americans are more proud of being gay than they are of being american it's like make that make sense don't worry the barb's army the barb's army's got you covered they got they're both gay and also proud to be american now so you're fine 39 it's three times the proportion identified among the combined older adults in a generation this is the gayest generation in american history and that's not a slur by the way it's not a slanderer it's just the way it is i love this part because he's like oh that's that's a pejorative he look look look how happy generation american history it's what the study says he's like a kid dude he's like this is the gay generation he's in his 20s he's like a child well no he's he's my age he's like i think he's like 28 or something or 29 uh but 28. he's 28 yep oh okay he's like so happy he's like who's the gayest generation you can't get mad at me you know you can't get mad at me i just mean like literally not a pejorative i just love how it compares it to pride uh yeah uh being proud of the uh of being an american versus being gay yeah i wonder i wonder why uh just uh you know more people in the younger generation are open about their sexuality than you know prior well here let me show you an interesting study this is a history of left-handedness back in the 1900s if you were left-handed there was a movement to force you to go right-handed you were not allowed to be openly left-handed openly left hand you couldn't you had to close with that [ __ ] and then suddenly you're jerking off with your left hand like cut that [ __ ] out you better not be jerking off in there with your left no left yeah don't make me take out the belt so you know around the 1920s they said you know what it's okay to be left-handed you gotta love how [ __ ] up our world is we're like you gotta segment everybody left hand these are are satanists but i'm sure there was like a like a commodity production element to it because like everything is geared towards all the right-handed people so they were just like trying to left handy scissors and [ __ ] yeah but anyway so they said okay you know what it's okay to be lefty left and proud and then all of a sudden we have the most left-handed people this is the most left-handed generation in american history that's crazy in 1960. this is wrongest generation in america there's more people left-handed than there are proud being proud of america we need to stop the [ __ ] immediately we need to go back to the 1900s yeah so obviously the conclusion is pretty obvious here it's about not people actually not being afraid to come out as gay or trans or lgbt or bi or whatever yeah uh whatever it is uh because you know but let's say back here people uh well prob well people might kill you for being gay yeah or trans especially trans forget about it left power yeah shout out uh i was about to say ned flanders literally is single-handedly the reason for why it happened coincidence and there's coincidence i think now no absolutely insiders insider's leftist hero yeah he was jacked and had a fat hog too did he have a fat hog it's implied several times yeah is it really yeah i know i remember him being jacked he pipes that's awesome he's a man of christ what do you expect exactly um bless them sovereign this is a great video let's just let it run you know what let's take the let it run challenge actually no this one's long this one's four minutes there's no there's five minutes there's no shot over here you probably want to skip to the end after the uh encounter in the store i'll tell you when wait i want to watch this whole thing bro it's that good how much time we got i mean we have time it's like four minutes long i'll try to minimize positives let me set it up for you guys i already paused it these are sovereign possible difficulties sovereign citizen anti-masters trespass into a private business attack the business owner steal her stuff and then call the cops and then get arrested by the cops so i guess they're coming in her shop to prove that we don't need to wear masks they're filming from the onset which i think means they know they're being provocative they probably have a history with this woman oh yeah don't you offer your services to the public yes but the safe requires that you need to be masked in order to come anywhere inside you can't you can't deny public services for federal laws don't matter 18 you can you can't deny public service i need my cookies and crohn's i don't know what that is but that's it's a federal law you're a public accommodation you just said you're open to the public you [Music] i don't want to sell gay cakes i don't want to sell gay couple cakes but you got to sell meat cakes even though it's during a pandemic and i'm not wearing a mask it's like they got they got the pamphlets ready too there's ugly ass pamphlets on the right corner you can see it you are now frustrated that's not that's all right don't touch me don't [Applause] yeah the lady was being super fine the lady pusher oh we got the bat oh that's awesome get out hit him right now hit him in the face get the [ __ ] out get up that's why you need a gun they take the bat oh they took the bath from her yeah because the guy stepped in and she never had a chance i don't know what these people these people are just like grown up bullies psycho freak oh he's still filming he got the bat and he's filming it so there is a scuffle ensues the dog fights wow he just he's just like all right i'm out why do they think filming this was good well wait they please show up and they show them the video and get arrested for it oh [ __ ] yeah that's awesome that's glorious [Music] dude this is her husband just casually watching this what a champ what a [ __ ] champion you don't get to [ __ ] assault people and run a business dude you just watched your wife get it yeah we'll be calling the cops on you don't worry yeah so they're gonna these [ __ ] dumbasses dude they're so entitled with pause you have positives i'm gonna die if i don't pause this video go ahead okay first of all this is the exact same kind of entitlement that these [ __ ] had on january 6 when they were like yeah i'm here in the capitol [ __ ] you and like that's precisely why like they do not live in the real world where they think like i'm a red-blooded conservative american and i can go into the [ __ ] cookie store and like [ __ ] [ __ ] up and then the cops will side with me of course because i'm a red-blooded american it's my goddamn right and it's like no the [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] you can't do it again there was a whole culture war you guys may remember years ago about a gay couple wanted a cake and the baker refused to make it for the couple so it's like and they were like the baker has a right to refuse service to anyone they want and then on the other hand it's like you gotta let me in because i don't it's like you can't they're on both sides of the argument there's no consistency yeah at all of course not yeah i have a right to come into your business and beat you up and film you get your ass keep your weapon after you assault someone with it you assault his own oh hear the police surprises they're wearing masks yeah i know dude look at how much of a hog the one on the right is i mean that's a lady hog too but god damn dude yeah most surprised by big fatty cops with peace and love like nothing against fat people obviously i'm one of them but i don't think cops should be fat dude like it's a it's a physically demanding job you're literally advocating to abolish the police with that rhetoric but how can you have a fat cop it doesn't make sense like firefighters aren't fat ever those guys are fake well there's some volunteer firefighters can be kind of fat i'm just saying there needs to be a quota we need to abolish fat cops don't don't you sound like a doctor right now this is like the same kind of this is the same energy that like doctors have health care professionals have but um but for real how do you how can you be a good cop and be fat you can't [ __ ] you can't do your job because their job does not revolve around they just get out there that's the point their job literally does not revolve around doing anything they make it seem like they're chasing down criminals and no no stop absolutely not well when's the last time you saw a foot chase those cops do not fare well they feed foot chases my friend yeah no of course not uh it's just like this is what this is what it is for the most part this is the most action that they're gonna get other than that they got quotas they get to write tickets and [ __ ] you know what i mean and that's it barely you just get out of your car that's why so many of the on the job like on the line fatalities revolve around heart disease and oh yeah and getting a heart attack as you like tried to exert yourself for the first time in your goddamn life and you're like i'm dying boom yeah they charged the guy running with murder yeah thin blue line not so thin that blue line it actually well it depends what you're talking about you're talking about the artery or they're physical because the arteries are getting very thin but there's like it's just there is there literally is a like archetypical cop body type like it's just i can spot a cop from a mile away even if they're not in their gear i'm like that's a cop interesting so anyway here this is a good so let me go back a little bit so you can see so the people who went in her shop and assaulted her showed the cops the video they're the ones that showed the cops the video that's like delusional you are literally psychotic if you think that like that makes you look good but they are psychotic it's the same kind of insanity that caused them to go into a cookie shop and be like i'm gonna [ __ ] your [ __ ] up that is also causing them to believe that they are in the right here already interviewed you guys would you mind if i talk to you separately you hang out with him never a good sign sure yeah never when when when you're when you're being detained or when you're being stopped by a cop and they say we need to separate you that means they're going to try to find conflicting uh testimony because you are now under the suspicion of committing a crime uh yeah right g rapidly we actually got it so tell me what your guys's goals [Music] we heard a reputation about them oh reputation and that they've assaulted other people so that what that means is they have a reputation is that there's basically a facebook group dedicating to harassing small business owners that actually want people to wear a mask in their shop psychos absolute psychos i i hope they go to jail uh i'm not pretty sure they do see if we could get a coffee and before we even could tell her that we wanted to buy anything she was already done before before we could even tell her that we wanted to buy anything she was already coming at us trying to remove us you literally showed her the video you took that proves that that happened i don't know why they were arresting her exactly when she was attacked yes yes i was just about to say is there a moment of realization oh yeah oh okay let me go back so they separate them arrested i think she's separating because she wanted to start arresting him this is one of the rare instances where you see the justice happen in the same video they showed the video to the police they're being it's just it's like it's wow that feels good just hang on she didn't want her to see i just wanted to get the rest of your story i don't know why they're arresting her exactly when she was the one that was attacked guess who's going to jail tonight [ __ ] you get a coffee and you didn't really get a chance she's like don't look there don't look there right we raised constitutional and statutory grounds for our defense to be there constitutional and statutory [ __ ] up [ __ ] uh she brought out the bat and started pushing pushing and shoving amy in the stomach with it and amy defended herself and she started trying to swing the bat so i if they had not shown the video they could have gotten away with this oh yeah if they had not shown the video if they not filmed the entire process and shown the video they probably would have gotten away with it likely pretty amazing i just i love that dude these are well these guys have every reason to believe the cops are the allies and they probably have been up until this point yeah because they've just been harassing black people before this yeah and not small business owners but um the thing is one of the one of the elements of this is that uh there's a lot of like libertarian guys that do stuff like this right and one thing that i always love is that like they so if you're a libertarian you're like supposed to be like oh i don't like the nanny state they are the most like annoying rule breakers that know all of the rules but have like this distorted perspective on like the rules only applying to whoever the [ __ ] they're like combating in the marketplace of ideas they just want to like it's just so [ __ ] annoying it's like nuclear cringe i just i want you to go to jail just for that reason alone you're just like stop well let's see here his girl got arrested i know this isn't the outcome that you guys want to trigger well this is definitely an unlawful outcome which is furthering your unlawful racketeering activity but you know you guys can just keep doing what you want so here's where we're at uh ricky you're also under arrest okay so yeah i don't want to you know that is illegal not under the top not for a sovereign citizen yeah i'm a sovereign citizen yeah so from so the whole journey of this video is uh a fantastic one and i saw in a follow-up that uh they were charged with both assault and burglary because he took the baseball bat oh that's awesome yeah that's so good i love that they stole the baby like they could have literally gotten away with it too it's just like that it's so perfect that rarely ever happens no it's a it's a perfect video yeah wow congratulations shout out to the sovereign citizens for this excellent scoop here today we love our sovereign citizens don't we folks it straight up stems from their their entitlement like they just do not live in a world where they're like anything i just did here is wrong like of course i'm going to show the cop a video of me assaulting a [ __ ] small business owner because she did something that was like law abiding actually what do you think about terry crews the scab oh my wait are there union is there unionization stuff going on in amazon or no uh in bessemer alabama in the distribution facility there was a big unionization effort which amazon squashed very successfully well there's been a lot of uh propaganda of them trying to get their their reputation back because there's been a lot of stories about people [ __ ] in bags unsafe work environments not having time to pee they have little they have the arm the amazon warehouse workers have to wear bracelets they get them back to work so they don't take long breaks yeah time off task is a huge point of contention yeah yeah hell yes they're human robots essentially yeah they want humans to be robots and they will replace you soon as they can by the way yeah but terry crews got paid to basically this is just basically propaganda i mean 100 he he role plays as a working class uh warehouse worker yeah did we have a a a title for this one or no that's the go sorry no yeah yeah okay love ghost sorry by the way anyway let's watch this no pause challenge okay 30 seconds i heard amazon was hiring a billion people and thought i'd take a look for myself do you have to go with the arrow up the arrow up so amazon does pay for tuition yep so what do you think my major should be [Applause] hi savannah tuition and flexible hours they're hiring everywhere so check it out for yourself we're here so here is a man who has sold his soul to bezos what's going on what's happening does he have like big gambling debt or something i don't know he's always been a bootstrap kind of guy like people used to love him and then he came out on some weird uh maggot [ __ ] oh yeah no he was like a all lives matter guy exactly that's what it was yeah he was all lives matter guy he's like big on anti-porn he said he had a porn addiction so he's like super anti-sex work so maybe some of my dissenters are going to be like oh yeah good guy terry crews well no it's interesting the evolution of terry crews there was a cruise crew subreddit where there's people like i love him he's a great guy and then all of a sudden i think it was the all lives matter [ __ ] people like ooh this guy's maybe not that good yeah he he uh he suggested that black lives matter could morph into black lives better yeah love that great take bro yeah um you know but uh he he cared about the optics of that but uh turns out he does not care about the optics of [ __ ] you know doing an ad for amazon like um so the thing is amazon starbucks does this too they're currently actively uh fighting against unionization efforts in buffalo by the way shouts out to the starbucks union uh unionization efforts in buffalo by the way i couldn't even really make this look fun i'm sorry to interrupt you but i'm looking at he tried to make it look funny it's really bro you try to make look like a forklift i mean that's supposed to be a fun anyway sorry go ahead so the thing is these are notoriously horrible workplace conditions they don't obviously show that they're like strapped up to a machine that [ __ ] literally shows them with time off task every single person that's in that video is technically time off task right now okay they are not on task they are not working um thank you so much so they're they're you know they're you need to get forklift certified so they're not letting you [ __ ] drive that thing without the certification or if they are then you're gonna injure someone by the way this is pure fantasy a break yeah right dude yeah exactly um i love that the little ways in which they also uh show like liberal inclusivity measures like that person is in a wheelchair like they're doing that on purpose obviously to be like yeah we are inclusive like you know we're it's like yeah they're they're not okay like i don't know what the uh what the situation is in certain amazon facilities but i do know that um like amazon famously would rather i believe this was in the uk would rather place ambulances outside of their distribution facilities hell yeah instead of [ __ ] pay for ac because they were like yeah people are going to get heat exhaustion and they're going to go to awesome let's and oh we got you queued up guys don't worry if you faint from heat stroke and exhaustion we have ambulances outside waiting so keep up that productivity exactly well actually straight evil like insanely evil [ __ ] so it's it's super weird that a guy whose net worth is like 25 million dollars is like yeah i need to get this amazon ad money like what are you doing well actually we have um that that video is actually highly edited oh no this is the unedited version no way yeah here it is you guys made this that's awesome no this is the um we discovered it all right 30 seconds no pause let's just enjoy this our amazon was hiring a billion people and thought i'd take a look for myself do you have to go with the arrow up the arrow up so amazon does pay for tuition yep so what do you think my major should be benefits tuition and flexible hours they're hiring everywhere so check it out for yourself there you go guys let's get in line baby yeah we have and and best of all we've got ambulances waiting outside yeah oh you guys will pay for my college tuition if i like do you think my major if i'm not clapped up in the insane uh uh overturn that they have for for employees yeah don't they they the the average um if i make it through like one year on average well that's that's deliberate as well yeah they if you stay in the distribution facility for long enough you're going to start being like what the [ __ ] like we should unionize this is crazy boom much harder we're hiring a bajillion people yeah we just rotated through another goodyear bajillion exactly much harder to unionize when you can't express solidarity with your fellow uh assembly line and workers in the distribution facility because you don't know who the [ __ ] they are because you know everyone else got fired um in june of this year uh it was reported that they have an annual turnover rate of warehouse employees of a hundred and fifty percent meaning every week about three percent of their total workforce is quitting or being fired wait how can you have a hundred fifty percent because more people more people are fired per year at an amazon warehouse than there even are total employees working at the warehouse meaning they're downsizing too yeah they're downsizing so yeah here's the thing about that 15 an hour shouts out to bernie sanders for bullying jeff bezos into doing that is now a marketing position for amazon i see it all the time i get ads from amazon distribution facilities i don't know why the [ __ ] they're wasting their time and money on me but whatever um and it's 15 an hour flat that's their minimum wage right for the distribution facilities and that is if you live in a place like bessemer alabama that's a really good [ __ ] gig especially if you compare it to the 725 you would otherwise get if you're working in any other comparable you know fast food industry type job right so that's how they hook you but i tracked the bessemer alabama unionization efforts closely and what i found out was that yeah it's higher when you compare it to other jobs in the fast food industry and whatnot but it's lower than other distribution facilities in that same region why because there are distribution facilities in that same region that are unionized so the unionized distribution facilities have better benefits and on top of that they're getting 22 dollars an hour at the minimum so that's how they that's how they get you they'll be like well 15 an hour sounds great you you start the job and you're like this is back breaking yeah ruling labor i mean i mean i mean warehouse work is it's not really and i mean it can be entry level but it's a specialized job it's not easy work if i were to uh you know if i wasn't doing agitated propaganda or if i was watching this right now and i truly wanted to uh create labor momentum in this country i would salt in amazon distribution facilities because the reality is salting is when you uh are you take a job you get a job at a you at a non-unionized place as someone who is like a representative of the uh of the union uh that you know you go and you take a job and you start you know prodding people like hey maybe you should [ __ ] unionize right this is [ __ ] up this is that's a secret agent jesus would kill you if you did that probably i think he i think he would launch your body into space probably yeah blue origin baby blue origins baby yeah when you're in space nobody finds you yeah they put you right at the tip of that [ __ ] dick right through your body out like a [ __ ] [ __ ] load yeah so um and the reason why i say that though is because right now um we are once again seeing how much power uh people that work on the supply chain on the logistics side on the delivery sides and also on the distribution side have but they are super disorganized but in areas where they are organized like dude they could literally shut the economy down because um we we are not a productive labor force unfortunately anymore manufacturing has been uh outsourced uh uh to to you know china and even though now china's uh economic situation has improved so now they are also double outsourcing it to like other places you know bangladesh and whatnot um but because of that we can't really do like a general strike or anything like that and completely shut down uh manufacturing but there's always going to be a need for delivery so unions in the longshoreman side the stevedores and and truck drivers and people that work in distribution facilities they're always going to be necessary labor because even if you buy the package you have to get it right you have to have it delivered to you you have to have that taken off the shipping container and whatnot and that's precisely why like if i were to uh try to reignite like labor momentum class consciousness and whatnot and show the rest of the working class that like no you do have a profound amount of power that is the one area that is like definitely ripe for for labor action even militancy um i do think that like it could be militancy labor militancy like uh strikes uh pushing back making sure that scabs can't get into the facilities and whatnot i mean it's a it's it's really it's a scary thing because you directly put yourself in contention with the federal government at that point and historically you people that have done so have gone to jail eugene debs is a famous example of this um and uh you know cops will break through that picket line and crush your skull to bring in those gabs but um you know it is it is one thing that uh unions are the minute those uh those daddy bezos delivery fees go up the americans will turn on the unions bezos can [ __ ] he can make it happen he gets rid of that free shipping on prime crush the unions um i think that you're you're you are correct but that's why you would also have to effectively communicate the desires appropriately and show the world like the human side of it no way i i agree with you i'm just saying that in the end it doesn't matter because if they were to accept if they are able to effectively push back then uh it's more of a war of attrition at that point it doesn't matter if the [ __ ] media is like you guys are pieces of [ __ ] uh because every single moment that you are uh engaging it does matter in a way because people people scabbing out of uh a false sense of uh justice or like [ __ ] y'all i'm going in there because it working for jeff bezos is the right thing to do to make sure free shipping stays free yeah i mean you you see it in like the the non-artificial the like very legitimate uh supply shortage of labor right now there's a tight labor market in in places like canada there's like old restaurant owners that are literally working for free at other restaurants because they're like god forbid we increase wages and make sure that there's like actual people that come in and work at the restaurants themselves but instead they're like we'll just do it for free but you can't do that forever you know what i mean that's why i said it's a war of attrition and also the teamsters and stuff i mean teamsters are so [ __ ] loaded like they have incredible strike funds uh so they could they could hold out for a very long i hope i'm wrong by the way you know for some reason but daddy basil shouldn't be paying people more but they teamsters themselves also have internal struggle currently uh they're trying to restructure away from the old you know mafia adjacent governance uh so you know they are also going through their own internal politics at the moment so it's a complicated situation i'm just simply saying that this is like a this is like a good area well they have a lot of such a crazy labor shortage too it's going to be a lot harder to find scabs it's not like people are you for work yup nobody wants to work well until until the government until the chamber of commerce is like we need to start [ __ ] using the national guard to like literally force people to go to work or use the national guard itself but you see it all the time like these are a lot of these jobs are not super easy to fulfill especially maybe a distribution facility is a little bit uh you know a little less um uh a little easier to train and you know uh and fulfill but you see this example with the john deere strikes that are currently going on where they bring in scabs and people just start dying yeah you bring a [ __ ] yeah immediately the next morning you got 911 911 calls like because they're [ __ ] breaking the [ __ ] they don't know how to they don't know how you use like this heavy machinery you mean they don't take care of you no do you see that uh oh here here's one of my favorite elected officials i've been following his career since before he got elected because i i don't know if you've seen his whole family came together to knock on him yeah and even before he got elected i was like this guy must be a big piece of [ __ ] for his whole [ __ ] family and he has not let me down he is one of the shittiest most psychotic freaks in congress right now uh just for reference here i don't know how anybody wins office after this but watch this doing anything to help rural america paul's absolutely not working for his district if they care about health care they care about their children's health they would hold him to account if they care about jobs they would hold him to account if he actually cared about people in rural arizona i bet he'd be fighting for social security for better access to health care i better he i bet he would be researching what is the most insightful water policy to help the environment of arizona sustain itself and be successful he's not listening to you and he doesn't have your interests at heart my name is tim gosar david gosar grace gosar joan gosar gaston gosar jennifer gosar paul gosar's my brother my brother and i endorse dr grill dr bill wholeheartedly endorsed dr david brill for congress he's no longer david he got destroyed by the ghost star his whole family came together and said [ __ ] this guy we hate him he sucks and he's still one man yup yeah we actually called it getting go-sarted when you get totally [ __ ] by by your family members but i get it at first i was like wow how could they do this to him but i get it now yeah i mean look it my man is out there doing the most of the people arizona i'm just like looking through his bills right now of like what he is uh look at this 70 landslide yeah he just [ __ ] crushed it people arizona and district four were like this is our guy this is our guy i'm gonna like this guy yeah the whole family hates him but uh which by the way that's a very marketable position because a lot of conservatives unironically have that exact same problem yeah it's like oh yeah my family hates me too because i'm a truth teller just like paul gosar well gosar is even more he's like straight like q and on conspiracy theory oh yeah he was uh it's been speculated that he had stuff to do with the january 6th he's one of the congressmen that's understood he has fundraised uh i believe for uh a nazi whose name i will not say um i don't even want to give him clout but like he's he's appeared on events uh with like actual [ __ ] white nationalists and [ __ ] yeah he he's like he's the base he's the base like chad griper nationalist like it's like these these [ __ ] dildos on the internet like these [ __ ] moronic like uh neck bearded in-cell losers he's just a weird facebook boomer and they think he's based because he's openly racist yeah and it's like yeah first of all did it better okay like yeah you already had steve king dawg okay you had one of those and they didn't consider him based because he didn't know he didn't have a [ __ ] intern that was like producing anime um you know music videos for him but but also like at the end like if you're one of these like 12 [ __ ] weirdos on the internet these like turbo cucks who think like my representative is gonna do based nationalism okay it's gonna be sick white ethno state like if you're one of those guys like first of all those guys don't even [ __ ] vote so it doesn't matter um because they can't leave their house they all have agoraphobia but secondly bracelets i thought you were gonna say yeah well that too but uh secondly like if you're one of those [ __ ] weirdos like wait you think paul gosar is gonna [ __ ] do the fourth reich he's not gonna do it he's not gonna do [ __ ] he's gonna [ __ ] sponsor like a couple wildlife protection bills okay he's gonna [ __ ] name a couple post offices and then in the end he's gonna be like uh i don't know deregulate uh methane uh uh emissions production so that like what like [ __ ] you can frack better yeah and pollute the planet better and he makes he makes off and and tax cuts for corporations so you're not you don't have like the the chad white nationalist based guy that you just think liberal tears we'd love that but here here's what he tweeted out he actually erased the door i think twitter erased it for inciting violence maybe ugh coward this is the attack on titan actually i take it back twitter is awesome for deleting anime and i say this is an anime fan representative paul gosar is the freedom fighting by the way this edit is horrible oh yeah so here he is at the capitol it's just a still photo uh these are immigrants yeah we want to kill apparently blood splatters blood splatters on immigrants breaking dangerous crossings bro what the [ __ ] and then the the brave men and women of the customs and border patrol hold the [ __ ] phone immigrants with blood splatters over them this is psychotic yeah yeah it is the thing is that like it doesn't matter if this anime video gets made or not like the joe biden administration is the one that's ultimately still doing the very same [ __ ] that the trump administration did in the exact same ways by the way we just don't get a lot of coverage on the media because the media does not give a [ __ ] about immigrants just messaging wise though this is a bad this is not a good uh image no no i don't want vigilantes going and killing immigrants which is kind of what well we got the cpp doing it anyway so here they are this is our glorious uh border patrol standing in attention heroes murderer what was so ironic about attack on titan is that they're walled in trying to get out i don't know i i mean i watched it the the analogy is weird but okay maybe they didn't think about it too much some people say that it's like uh fascist some people say it's like actually leftist um it does get spicier it does get really funny in a second let's keep going uh this is a titan you got violence uh oh horseback left on horseback okay and then you have like what is what and then you [ __ ] no you know marjorie titan green is a [ __ ] titan she definitely is some of those homies spoiler alert but like some of those homies are titans so i think that's what he's seen oh man did you not know that dan no i'm just kidding yeah okay yeah i mean yeah i i haven't watched the fourth season yesterday and i didn't know four seasons i'm trying to just get a close look at this because it happened so fast that's disturbing that is so disturbing how it just shows that close-up of her face so fast yeah yeah she's definitely a titan like she's like oh my god aoc but they say like aoc is the actual titan and once again so aoc is a titan and they're x they're killing her yeah yeah it's awesome why do white nationalists love anime like all these did you have you noticed that like all these [ __ ] nazis online do you want to know that well because they they sent the japanese who are like the super wraith race ethnos that but also they're so [ __ ] stupid that they think that like anime is devoid of like western liberal pc culture that like the jews created in the frankfurt school oh for real and it's like no it's because they [ __ ] love lolly [ __ ] they're pedophiles and and i see this like there's a lot of [ __ ] weird pedophilia [ __ ] that happens in anime yeah okay they like that they think falsely that the world's largest [ __ ] amirabu population which are the japanese who are incredibly influenced by american culture are creating art that is is somehow devoid of like uh you know american culture for some reason it's not even true but they have no way of like analyzing subtext or context or art in any meaningful capacities that's why they look at like that's why they like homelander for example when they watch the boys and they're like oh homelander that's a great guy he looks no it's like dog he's the villain he's definitely the you're he's you he's the bad guy yeah yeah there anyway here we go let's see so they've killed aoc they've killing the immigrants they're killing joe biden that's gosar killing joe biden why didn't they show that cowards they should have shown it like the cutting cutting the neck of joe biden the titan post out and oh god they're dropping and on parachutes to kill immigrants seems over the top or are they saying that the immigrants are parachuting in i'm confused by that no that's no they're saying they're they're dropping it yeah they're dropping in the kill oh so what a legend we love him don't we yeah my take on this is that like i mean aoc tweeted about this and like there are very real threats to her safety obviously yeah but like this isn't like i just well you know what she goes she she makes a good point she i think she said a creepy member i work with who fundraises for neo-nazi groups shared a fantasy video of him killing me and he'll face no consequences because gop leaders cheer him on with excuses yeah i mean look i i i don't think he's actually threatening her life but this kind of [ __ ] is not helpful for her so i mean and sure dude people actually want to kill her like there's no 100 dude people want to kill me so like yeah people want to kill me like um i i understand why she would complain i mean it's it's weird you what if like [ __ ] uh what no it's weird i agree with no they did that they did that for donald trump remember like people [ __ ] lost their minds when uh what's her face kathy griffin was like here is a simulated donald trump murder uh video i thought hers was pretty tasteless too but obviously yeah but they were like oh my god like what the [ __ ] like yeah what if aaron sees this like it's like a dude no it's just i personally think that this is like this is nothing like you should just clown on it and i think like uh i think this is one of those things where you're like dude you are such a [ __ ] weirdo loser to like put this together if any if go star ever mentioned me i would just show that clip of his whole family denouncing him in an ad for one of his opponents i didn't care that makes him more powerful these guys have these guys have humiliation fetishes like you know he's like he's got his nipple clamps probably stomps his [ __ ] real hard with a stiletto end yeah yeah there's just like he's gonna get off on that he's like yeah my family hates me huh so hot well how much time we got down because our main story is coming up big bird is a communist yeah uh not very much so we'll just have to slam through it uh relatively quickly all right we have one more here we'll set up this big bird as a communist uh as you guys know sesame street has been doing propaganda for decades they are slowly assimilating this greater graphics so far this great capitalist commercie into a uh [ __ ] communist socialist uh dystopian [ __ ] why is that um well let me show you the tweet that set the whole thing off big bird went on to twitter and tweeted the following big bird the fictional character from sesame street i got the kova 19 vaccine today my wing is feeling a little sore but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy that's right so we found out that's it you know how he was dressed when he uh tweeted that [Laughter] oh well that makes sense yeah oh that makes sense that's why they're all turned big expose the hassan obvi head that that makes sense okay oh i didn't see that photo before yeah yeah cam actually if you could re-edit that and shrink his head a little bit oh actually yeah i do want to see that yeah i actually do want to see that yeah i have a perfectly sized head okay these are all lies look how normal it looks with the rest of my body okay lens distortion well yeah we have a special lens to enlarge your head size and keep your body yeah anyways it's a three garillion dollar studio this is what the most of the budget goes through that's making my head look normal size we do a whole post graphic editing we have a whole we have like a 10 man special effects team just grinding out that's where the five percent went yeah so zach you love that chuck you never get tired of that love you for that yeah so this is the culture war of the week is that sesame street is communist because big bird says he got the vaccine shot and uh he's fine now why would big bird tweet out um this propaganda i got the covet vaccine today my wing is feeling a little sore but it'll give my body extra protection well sesame street is a is a show for kids and it seems to me that you know you should not be advertising public safety measures to kids right i agree that's communism i mean they should not be um let's see i have a lot i used to have a lot of anxiety over needles so let's see big bird is trying to con uh console and encourage and make kids feel better and comfortable about uh uncomfy things they might have to do that's communism somehow um and he's talking directly the kids with challenges that they might have they're probably afraid of covet 19 they might be afraid of catching kova 19 and killing their family um so you know this seems right up uh big bird's alley but um apparently this is communism let me play some clubs here yeah communism is when you have a mass vaccination campaign obviously everybody knows this just everything that people don't everything that conservatives have decided is not uh good is is communism government propaganda for five-year-olds ted cruz it's just big bird trying to [ __ ] make kids feel better about getting shots you absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] stain of a vile human being you know you know he's vaccinating his children yeah of course you know that's like they're they're also like minecraft stands i know for a fact so these kids his kids like uh probably are aware that like their father is a [ __ ] villain like also government propaganda it's like bro last i checked you work for the government yeah yeah well that's the conservative there's the conservative rhetoric harvard graduate ted cruz by the way didn't go to harvard i think also i think he's harvard wendy rogers from arizona that's where all the great grades come big bird is a communist i don't understand the whole com this is the thread you guys will see how is um consoling children's about the fear of getting uh a shot communistic that i don't get i don't get it that's what that's what was written in das capital most people don't read it but like it's really important oh sorry the critique of the go with the program actually where uh where karl marx famously wrote you know shots mass inoculation for the working class for the proletariat is is a profoundly important value it's the most important thing yeah uh sanjay gupta he's a doctor that works on cnn yeah who's basically like uh pushing drugs in parentheses vaccine the kids on sesame street is now the cringey's most shameful thing i've ever seen why are they lying to us it's like you've seen psycho sick [ __ ] freak show dude this is not the most shameful thing you've ever seen let's be real you have no shame they're not pushing drugs on kids they all have been vaccinated like stop this insanity you sick freak [ __ ] no it's awesome fictional character played by man in bird suit giving medical advice says sebastian gorka uh who you know is uh is also kind of a fictional character played by a man a lizard in a human suit who is this person i have no idea who the [ __ ] laverne spicer is who's laverne spicer let's look it up and ju sebastian gordon the politician apparently well porka was a adviser to trump and oh no no i know who gorka is of course goku she is a politician from she ran for the election of the united states uh house uh she's sitted right now to represent florida's 24th congressional district and she lost in the general election all right so that's it there's all she yeah there's all she who's the [ __ ] doctor johnny uh a doctor obviously i so you can't lie on the internet dan don't don't [ __ ] don't because i saw that and i immediately had the same thought of like yeah right this guy's a doctor i looked it up but you know what he is communist he's a chiropractor uh yeah the only honest doctor by the way he goes the ones trolling aaron rodgers a super bowl mvp athlete are the same ones taking medical advice from burglary you mean this name [ __ ] who's taking medical advice from joe rogan yeah yeah also you're a [ __ ] chiropractor shut the [ __ ] up yeah chiropractors piss me off dude i don't know what you guys talking about they are the real doctors everyone else is fake i only get my medical advice from from chiropractors i get my medical advice from the guy who's like famous on take talk for like snapping people's necks you know i love tick-tock chiropractors there's this one guy been following i think they're in russia they take a mallet they put a stick and they slam their back with a mouth it's the most awesome [ __ ] up [ __ ] i've ever seen if one of you guys can pull that up i like it yeah so those are the tweets um here is uh on newsmax of course they did a little nice little piece there uh newsmax host uh continues his war on the muppets in fact he goes listen i was right [ __ ] back even in 2011 i called kermit that cute little green monster commie just this week so this guy get fired from fox news for dick pics or something for sexual harassment what's his name i'll look into it right now didn't he write like a manifesto about raping your wife no okay eric bowling yeah yeah yeah wait hold on i'm almost certain that i basically remember that story i did not connect it to this guy though yeah yeah sex pictures they they fired him at fox news over sex pictures uh which is of course like if you get fired from fox news for doing sexual harassment it's like really our tv you must have been devious okay because like that's kind of how you get promoted they're like oh wow eric you did a really good job the numbers this month eric yeah you're uh we're looking at your quarterly dick pic report and uh honestly you haven't been sexually harassing one thing i can guarantee is nobody wants to see your dick bro just stop yeah nobody i kind of want to see his dick i would like to like i consent to seeing her if you're watching uh we'll get you a song's number i i want to know it's probably gross yeah definitely curiosity morbid curiosity so anyway uh newsmax is basically the gutter of fox news and here is the piece they did on baby big bird from sesame street indoctrinating our five-year-olds yes and i've scheduled an appointment for my grandson we're leaving in a few minutes now i just need to get one last thing before we go to your appointment big bird okay i'll be right back all right wait there's like a granny bird what i have here is what we needed for your teddy bear five-year-old get vaccinated yes it's time to go big bird all right anyway then the giant pigeon took to twitter to announce to everyone how it felt about getting the shot not the first time these little felt communists have tried to infect the minds of our youngest and most vulnerable children decade ago way back in 2011 i called out kermit that cute little green monster commie the green monster comedy dude he's like he's a hipster he's like i was doing about worse we were poor we were dead broke in fact that my parents would see someone wealthy driving by be like see that guy he started a business he worked hard you can be like that someday not pointing the finger at text rich man and saying he's a bad guy well here's what happened the muppets were blaming the oil bearing for closing down like literally weird [ __ ] they play the rock there dude totally irrelevant oh that's cute you little oppressive muppets they didn't even try to hide their disdain for an impressive muppet by naming the guy texts richmond but i took them to task what a guy he took him to tat yeah so um back then in 2011 he was allegedly uh also uh you know he was he was uh allegedly coercing um into sexual relationships female commentators for guest spots on his show i guarantee he didn't learn that from the muppets no i don't think the muppets [ __ ] yeah kermit is just you know smashing miss piggy hermit smash oh yeah he claps those cheeks for sure clapping those cheeks uh that's why he was mad did you know i want to clap miss piggy's cheeks do you know ben shapiro wrote a book about uh sesame street being communism he is a child brained person so that's not surprising ben shapiro has been on the sesame street communism beat for a while he wrote a book in 2011 called prime time propaganda about leftist propaganda in the media the tv series friends undermines family values he said sesame street taught ethnic minorities about civil disobedience what yeah i did not know that i love that brilliant they're so creative with their like i mean that's just like they probably did a segment about how great like martin luther king jr is yeah like if you remove yourself for a brief moment and like look at it from a top down point of view like that's just schizophrenic like no disrespect to people who are schizophrenic like you know i hope you're getting the help you need but like that is just like that's like a that's a crazy thing to think sesame street taught ethnic minorities about civil disobedience yeah it's true that's what ben shapiro wrote that's right count dracula i mean that's just that's like that's like basically close to like slavery uh values yeah like don't teach those blacks how to protest safe uh i wanna know how to protest uh peacefully i to know what like the extent of like i wish i knew what the problem was like what what were they doing here i have more info sesame street tried to tackle divorce tackle peaceful conflict resolution in the aftermath of 9 11 and had gay actors neil patrick harris on the show playing the subtly named fairy shoe person right shapiro and since 95 percent of americans have watched the show by the time to three years old well the levels of brainwashing must be astronomical he wrote that's insane so one of his criticism is that a gay person was on the show as well that is just like i just oh god that's that's so wild dude it's so wild i don't know i i don't know what to say about that other than like like that's if that is your concern if that's your like big concern the then i don't know what to tell you like that is not salvageable at all no and again this is why it's so dis that's why it's so concerning because ben shapiro again titan of the right bro it's literally the right dude this is the same energy as being like you know all the all the child's books all the children's books that like uh teach the okay i hear i'll i'll do it right now you know this is a ben shapiro this is bench bureau rhetoric are you ready for this it's like saying um in a lot of our schools they're teaching that uh they're teaching this new morally irresponsible idea that guess what folks sharing is caring that's right communism one of the one of the main tenets of orthodox marxist principles is sharing his character when in fact it's actually what should be taught in our schools is uh the hijacking understand the hayek understanding of the [ __ ] you know and right greed is good and that you need to look after your self-interest sharing is for beta communist who uh sharing is literally going to be the downfall of society it's just it's so it's so insane like well yeah we need to teach our children that you shouldn't share yeah because he goes uh he's sesame street is teaching kids about divorce which is an unfortunate truth of society and it's very traumatic for kids that's why it's on sesame street it's for the kids my dude it's a beautiful thing they're trying to teach kids they're trying to comfort and teach kids who don't have other resources like what the [ __ ] could possibly be wrong with that you callous evil satanic [ __ ] freak of nature yeah like how dare we try to console kids going through a traumatic divorce tackling peaceful conflict resolution and the aftermath of 9 11. god forbid they teach us peaceful conflict resolution that's communism that's right it's communism peaceful conflict resolution also communism is a violent ideology yeah yeah of course and then this one's just openly like i hate gay people and had gay actor neil patrick harris on the show playing uh the fairy shoe person so that's a big problem i'm inside your walls ben yeah seriously ben shapiro is actually just he's like mentally ill he's like i don't know what to say yeah it's like i learned about peaceful conflict resolution by watching sesame street and also that sharing is a good value and now i'm a communist well the truth is oh here's the updated one uh sorry to do this to you but if you look on the tv screen there oh god damn yeah oh wait i'm sorry oh this is still the wrong one there we go oh my okay dude oh jesus christ actually um [Applause] it's actually ironic because big bird has been helping kids be comfortable with vaccinating since the beginning it's kind of a terrifying image if i saw that i'd be like i'm not getting [ __ ] vaccinated that is very scary i agree but this i'm five years old i'm like [ __ ] that dude whatever that is i don't want it big bird sesame street child immunization campaign yeah because you know yeah they've been commenting from the jump this is further exposed once again in 1972 big bird gets uh vaccinated so i love how they're turning it's like oh my god big bird is all of a sudden getting involved in politics this is from 1972. something's going on down at the store that's i wonder what's it's kind of funny i mean it's strange i mean it's well there's all kinds of people and they're all in a line and they don't look like they're buying candy and there's a sign that says don't wait vaccinate you don't say terrifying and yes there goes a boy with a balloon coming out of the store hey what's going on here nazi death camp yeah this is literally you should have put a trigger warning before this sorry i'm i'm so triggered so that's that's one thing i want to point out before we before we end this is like don't you find it funny that so many of these people that were like liberals are so sensitive like oh they get triggered by the most innocuous [ __ ] like now they literally do the exact same well they haven't really stopped they were doing it back yeah too and it's the exact same [ __ ] where they're like frothing out of the mouth big bird big bird telling kids that like you should get vaccinated so you don't have like [ __ ] measles yeah i mean they have always been the most fragile offendable people even ever since the social justice warrior craze that you know they are the most fresh they are snowflakes yeah but that's just they have the best marketing though because it's always like whatever i am you are and i convince everyone of that yeah that's why people um assume that like the left is so censorious meanwhile like 80 of the books that are banned in in uh colleges and in high schools greg abbott actually recently said we don't we can't have pornographic materials in our public schools what was the pornographic material lgbt books wow yeah like that and 80 of the books that are canceled or or uh that are not allowed for kids to be kids to read are literally uh backed by right-wing cause texas is literally becoming um what's that one hulu show the [ __ ] oh hand manning's tail yeah it's literally the handmaiden style it's the new the new state of gilead well they're because they're desperate they see that like with an influx of immigration and also uh with uh with like a lot of people coming from out of state into like places like austin and whatnot texas is demographic they want to follow everything and they they want to try to like mobilize as many right-wing psychos in the state as they possibly can but that's what you know progress is inevitable everything's gonna progress yeah unless you do fascism like literally that's what i understand about the whole conservative regressive movement it's like you will lose you will always lose you are wrong you are in the way of progress progress is always the way it always has been since the [ __ ] inception of you know humanity um i don't understand how you can even be part of a regressive movement it literally makes no sense well it's all about like i said marketing yourself as like doing something first creating a problem like creating a demand for something and then simultaneously like looking like a champion of that cause when the overwhelming majority of americans don't even give a [ __ ] or are in opposition to those like morally bankrupt values but what matters is on the one hand you're stopping people from going out to vote making as difficult as possible you know uh you know it's not a national holiday you got all these like restrictions that's deliberate that's by design yeah you can stop the working class from voting yeah and then uh and simultaneously trying to activate the most deranged base of voters evangelical white evangelical protestants uh and and the like to go out and actually vote yeah they have my game that's how they win but yeah and then and then they ultimately end up winning and the other side needs to effectively communicate year round in the same way that republicans do their values and then actually follow through on said values but they don't do that can't believe big bird was caught yeah oh omar no people in nature before prophets communist party so they were right we got to cut the whole segment now guys yep he is no he is a communist right yeah exactly no big bird famously he's like we we must seize the means of uh production that's what you the sesame street is has a communal aspect to it that is very concerning yeah communism you know they're all friendly with one another instead of uh i've seen them in experience you know i've seen them having a peaceful conflict resolution and dracula teaching kids about math which is also communist although there was one episode where elmo dropped the [ __ ] uh drone strike on big bird's house that was sick yeah yeah finally that was the kind of conflict resolution i like to see yeah well that's that's bad only when barack obama does it but when donald trump does it it's very good based elmo yeah all right we have to wrap it up we're out of time thank you everybody thank you son welcome back yeah it's good to be back you want to tease what we have in mind for uh next week's uh episode we were discussing ethan oh i don't know if i told you about this idea no we want to do a special episode next week because it's the last app before thanksgiving where we can do like faux debates to to cue everyone up with the talking points to own their conservative families on thanksgiving dinner ooh love that sounds fun right yeah yeah i i yeah i do that uh already as i'm totally oh you do so yeah so um we got a lot to look for today uh next week owning your family your conservative psycho family members on thanksgiving we will arm you to the teeth for for peaceful conflict resolution or not let's just go full out violence thanksgiving dinner baby that's right this is the generation patriots signing out [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 966,309
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, leftovers, hasan piker, hasanabi
Id: Gzl1Px4_ndg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 52sec (7612 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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