Elon Musk Won’t Pay His Taxes & Joe Rogan Hates Paternity Leave - Leftovers #6

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I live for the "that's right"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darksider123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What are we gonna do without any men?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 165 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChewieDecimalSystem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As an adult male who weight lifts frequently, boxes for athleticism, trained a bit in pankration / BJJ, and has a massive beard - I have to say, I am so tired of online personalities, influencers, and more attempting to tell me what it takes to be a man.

I also bake, chef, take care of nieces and nephews, cry at films (almost too easily - looking at you Simon Birch), paint, do crafts, and more. All of these are manly activities because I am a man, and I do them.

Honestly, what I should say, is that none of them dictate one way or another if a person is manly, feminine, or whatever. Like, can we just fuck off with this mentality and people defending it? Do what you like or need to do without associating one's masculinity or anything else wrapped up on it.

I'm a man because I'm a man. I set and define what it means to be what I am, and the fact that these folks have to constantly barrage us with this idea that you're not manly if you take care of children, or take time off from work to caretake... it's fucking sickening.

I really appreciate Ethan's point of view on that portion of the conversation. We need more positive male role models who don't give a flying fuck what others think, rather than doubling down on this "well clearly you're not a man if you want to take time off to bond with your child."

Especially sickening coming from a dude who probably has more spare time than the average worker.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 135 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StamosLives πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

the boys had great synergy today, it's probably their best episode yet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Long_John_and_sons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loving their ever-evolving right wing patriot cosplays

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_ardnassac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a German it was so fucking weird when Joe shat on the german system. Like it is the most normal thing to me to have all the basic things like paid sick leave, paternity leave, min.25 days paid vacation (by law), daycare and after school care and so on and so on.

I have learned a lot in the past 10+ years about america and it blew my mind every time. The first time I heard they have no paid sick leave I couldn't believe it. Like wtf is wrong with your country.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Orsonius2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I quite like the show now but it does at times stray toward them repeating the same points over and over at times.

It feels like there's a lot more potential to provide greater legs to the show, no clue what that'd be though. Ethan already made a bit of a moment when he dunked on Crowder with Sam Seder previously, there's gotta be something they can do to spice things up, guests/debate segments perhaps.

Though maybe they don't want to draw quite that much heat to the podcast, that wouldn't benefit anyone with how nuts some of these people are.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ouroboros27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

ethan’s jordan peterson voices makes me cry laughing 😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iamadamintheAM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want Hasan and Ethan to plan more because they could really be taking the right to task on all their bullshit. They seem to be getting better at it but it still feels too loose.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/o0flatCircle0o πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome everybody to the 10 trillion dollar national we could pay i could have paid off the national debt 100 i chose to build this nuclear fallout shelter we're billionaires baby that's right and and also reason to celebrate the billionaire attacks is off the table thank god which means that me and you will be sitting pretty in our bunker and our back suits i was a little worried at first i was like oh no is this gonna happen and then i started posting on twitter immediately like hey you know once they start taxing us they'll tax you as well just kidding that wasn't me that was elon musk where is that where would this country be without billionaires being slightly less rich you know they're truly oppressed marginalized community everybody talks about minorities but the biggest minority of all 700 billionaires that we're about to get taxed yeah i mean that's it's basically an apartheid state we're living in yeah no literally of of you know but like the reverse of that right yeah um we've got so much to talk about today oh so hassan just a little in the show note hassan is out of town next week yeah i'm doing a twitch rivals where this is like the first ever one that they're doing uh since kovid and uh i'm gonna be engaging in athletic endeavors really yeah there's like wild that we're supposed to be doing you should be doing pretty good i think then we'll see i mean i got uh i can't reveal who my teammate is yet but like we'll see there's some really there's some really athletic dudes involved like cipher pk some twitch streamers are like weirdly fit well yeah because they like it it depends on how little they stream if they stream like four hours like once every couple days and then they have a lot of time to themselves to work out like tifu and i mean in a death match you would probably win yeah it was like a free-for-all death match well maybe maybe tyler won i there's a couple there's a couple of streamers that i i was pretty yacked no not t food tyler won tyler one oh yeah he's scared he's insane like he's he's the type of dude who could just like he's short but he's he's got any crazy energy he i think he hit like a like a literal deadlift uh uh record or something really yeah no he's a studio i i really respect him i respect everyone that works out doesn't matter what their background is doesn't wonder what they believe in because like you know that it takes a lot of dedication so i just i respect them unconditionally thank you yeah thanks for saying that about me so much to get to today uh the infrastructure bill that was uh you know meant to be the greatest legislation since fdr's new deal uh meant to uplift the uh working-class people of this country in a way that we've never seen before is pretty much dying before we get into kind of more details about that we do have some right wing cringe comp i want to go over for example so this one comes to you from rumble which you know is good rumble the right wing basically the twitter for um you know pedophiles and nazis or youtubers more youtubers so denise d'souza who's like a bag the only man to go to prison for uh for for campaign finance violations in a country like america where it's literally legal to bribe elected officials with contributions this dumbass did like straw donations and like actually went to jail for it yeah and people love him too but you know with spicy takes like this who could it so during the during the right after the election he says next time someone asks for proof of voter fraud show them that before you start fun fact about dinesh d'souza used to date laurie ingram really i think so or was it ann coulter they're i'm being you know that's a big difference and i hate to say that but i feel like no no i know for a fact that laura ingram worked with dinesh d'souza in the college paper when they were both in colombia i'm just saying ann coulter and laura ingram big difference yeah no i know big difference well i think it was laura ingram though uh no it looks like it was ann coulter unless he dated both and coulter makes sense she dated uh conservative writer dinesh d'souza according to her wikipedia oh no they dated nope he dated both did he really dated vogue this guy is the controversial playboy what a legend this guy is this guy is red pill he lays pipe he lays pogba you can see oh gosh so anyway here oh shredder you're here hi shredder hello welcome the revolution is starting now shredder anyway so here is the great thinker next time someone asks for proof of voter fraud show them this so let's watch this now one of those cases involve a woman who died in 2017 the itunes david charns looking into that and david you talked to this woman's husband kirk cartel's wife rose marie who passed away three years ago she is one of two cases of somebody who died on clark county's voter rolls they were sent a mail in ballot and that ballot was returned the question now is though who voted for her it was uh disbelief just it made no sense to me kurt cartel said he was surprised when he found out his wife who died in 2017 had sent in a mail-in ballot i was surprised because she passed away three years ago i was surprised to even get that rosemary hartle died at 52 from breast cancer her name is still on clark county's voter worms horrific somebody cast a ballot and since everyone in those roles got a ballot one was sent to rose marie but kirk says a ballot never got to his house that is pretty sickening to me to be honest with you according to balatrax the mail-in ballot was sent october 9 and returned the day before election day clark county officials say rosemarie's signature is a match to what's on their records registrar for elections joe gloria says any illegal activity will be flagged now this is disgusting so what happened actually so what happened because like there's no shot this is where the story ends so what happened was that uh it was him he's the one that voted for his wife and he's got arrested let's go yeah brave so what do you mean brother he had to do it was apparently he voted for his dead wife and so far this is what i believe the only case of uh voter fraud basically in nevada yeah in nevada this is the one case that everybody was hyped about saying like proof of voter fraud yeah he voted for his dead wife and now he was arrested uh let's see you know what's funny last week the state's democratic attorney general working with nevada's republican secretary of state announced that investigators had cracked the case the man himself was charged with two counts of fraud voting more than once in the same election voting using another person's name he forged his late wife's signature to cast the ballot she'd been sent and he's uh been charged for of felonies each punishable by a prison term of four years and a fine of five thousand so you know summary you know he's gonna have like a coveted lawyer you know one of those like q and on lawyers like come in and they'll go fund me like a million yeah yeah yeah he's he was falsely accused i love that i love that he could have just like he could have gotten away with it very likely if he just like shut the up about it but he had to go to the local news and be like who's doing this the best part the best part read this title again by denise the great thinker next time someone asks for proof for voter fraud show them this how true it is yeah so how true it is so there is i don't know if you if you know this or not but like there is no empirical evidence that shows that voter fraud is rampant numerous investigations have been conducted by both republicans yeah democrats bipartisan think tanks the only like fat study that was ever conducted that like republicans love showing which is the american enterprise institute's like 30-year track of like voter fraud actually disproves that there is rampant voter fraud because they only found 1200 instances out of billions of ballots cast over the course of 30 years of election well yeah i i and and the thing is you know all these claims of voter fraud and them wanting to audit the systems and claims of hacking and all this weird going on on the computer most of these elections are backed up with paper ballots yeah like it's easy to check one-to-one and see that the software is one is working like 99.9 accurate yeah it's complete and by the way it's not unique to donald trump people like to always say like oh donald trump did this donald trump do this like no every republican in perpetuity has always run on elections are fraudulent illegals are voting that's why we need to make sure that like you know we have extra voter security um and that's why they do like signature matching that's why they do uh you know voter id yeah it just gives numerous other things this gives them space to throw out ballots and exclude people exactly and and their goal is to minimize and that my friends is what a hog is yeah uh you probably saw this clip i love this one yeah so this is um my uh mike or no cam so mike is uh apparently a prominent right-wing pundit in the uk um who looks like a hog yeah and then he's calling he's my michael graham from the independent republic yes so cameron from this um organization insulate britain calls in to discuss climate change with him and it's the most flawless victory i've ever seen and what makes it even more flawless is that the hog himself posted the he posted his own cringe yeah no he he thought he really did something here i'm gonna tie this back to the previous thing with dinesh d'souza for conservatives it does not matter if they get owned or not it literally doesn't matter because cognitive dissonance and like team sports mentality is so like permanently wired to their dome that they see someone going up against like someone who's a leftist so obviously a communist uh and they think oh yeah my guy is winning no matter what yeah i guess they i could see how they could write this off but you you watch and tell me uh here we go good morning mike hello i want you glued to cameron uh just your screen unfortunately unfortunately what do you do for a living cameron i'm a carpenter a carpenter right so how safe is that for the climate well i work with timber which is a much more sustainable material rather than concrete i also work with trees that have been cut down then don't you it's a sustainable building practice how is it sustainable if you're killing trees because it's regenerative you can grow trees right well you can you can grow all sorts of things can you well you can't grow concrete you can see cameron cheerio that was cameron uh he grows trees and then cuts them down and then makes things from them brilliant i mean only in england guard the uk could you i mean this is fantastic it's great but the i mean the total silence of uh our dear cameron there was so endearing so fantastic but he get he actually gets commit so committed to trying to prove that he's right he does a pull is it possible to go grow concrete i don't know what the that means i mean who's so no obviously i loved it he tried to put it out there for himself like well metaphorically yes right come on chaps right vote on this so he i mean he got some support there for sure metaphorically uh but then he goes oh no what i meant oh he had another guest on to like defend his idea or something yeah you can actually grow concrete doesn't it oh my gosh you're going no no what i meant was this super sustainable cutting edge concrete growing rocks and turning it into something that nobody's doing is is like highly experimental he was referring to that well yes if you can grow stone you can effectively turn carbon dioxide into a variety of growth stone like materials by feeding it in different ways using a variety of different processes it's not necessarily fast are you talking about um because he said gr planting a tree i think we all know what that means yeah that's pretty uh i mean everyone knows that concrete grows on trees of course which you don't plant it's a it's a finite resource dude these guys are awesome so british conservatives are psychotic okay a lot of people in america don't know this like they think like you know prediction servers are great because like you know andrew neal who's like literally a vulture uh owned ben shapiro famously one time yeah but like they're all insane dude first of all they still have lords so much inbreeding won't get into that but like they're they are just as hog-like as our uh hogs but they also have like funny accents and really in a weird way are just like absolutely obsessed pathologically with the age of consent laws and whatnot i mean they have oh for real yes it's a pedophile island over there well the age you can say in england it's like 15 or 16 right so they're they're all turfs and they're all mission accomplished yeah and that's why we did brexit no they have great funny outfits too english uh yeah english show me some other funny outfits would you please 16. just just funny generally funny well they have these secret societies where they were they yeah like david cameron the pig allegedly allegedly allegedly in minecraft yeah get at me we got parody laws up in this in the united states of america freedom of speech have you heard of it yeah i don't guess what i don't think that's incurring any lawsuits i hope not yeah it's not necess necessarily being done at scale right well that's what i meant i meant uh cutting edge experiment we're growing concrete yeah no i just i love in the fundamentals of the process you are correct yes thank you very much thank you very much it's gonna be quite a long time before you can uh get a big enough tree to cut down to make into a house hey you can plant trees ahead of time they like what the bro yeah he took such an l he's like doing a whole also we are not even having a conversation about like insulation which is like insulate britain is uh i looked into this after the interview so i guess it did work oh yeah so shouts out to mike over here um insulate britain simply uh wants to uh reintegrate like insulation so that uh like revamp the way that uh british houses which are all really old for the most part uh so that it's like way more energy efficient when you heat them and that's it it's like a good idea overall uh the only reason why you'd be against this is if you're just like straight up like no the climate change is not real it's not a real problem you know additionally ironics they're in a island but hey you know yeah so this this i don't know joe rogan's been on such a l streak lately and this one really pissed me off as a father with another one on the way i showed this to ela too she was disgusted joe rogan is going on the paternity leave is for beta uh and americans should be working especially the men also a little tinge of homophobia too he's talking about how beat pete booty judge uh shouldn't be on paternity leave and only the person who gave birth should be on paternity leave which is odd considering they're both fathers um and i don't know what's going on with joe rogan he was just singing praises to tucker this is basically like a breitbart talking point and it's honestly disgusting freak show going on over there i mean you're a you're a fan of joe rogan so are you do you hope maintain that uh position or i used to be i used to be a gigantic fan of joe rogan i mean i've hung out with him he used to be like a big uh young turks fan he's come on the show yeah yeah yeah and then there was like a breakdown because of uh sam harris who had like a different position on islam like a very antagonistic position against islam and then jank who's also like otherwise like a very annoying atheist type for the most part was a pro like defending you know muslims rights in this country of course against like racial discrimination and whatnot and that was there was like a big debate that was like three hours long and basically after that i think like joe rogan really just like sided with sam harris and since then he like you know was a play a fundamental role in the idw the intellectual dark web and all that sort of stuff and he's like truly moved away from that but i still watch him so everyone in texas it's like his brain is just totally rotting yeah yeah there was i mean he's very malleable he's very impressionable i think like that's what makes him great for a lot of people like he's a he's a guy's guy you know he's just like me uh but also uh you know a hundred millionaire and and has like it commands an incredible audience that he uh truly doesn't and i think like care about misinforming and which is a really which sucks well this take is just horrible here it is what's crazy is that pete buddha judge during this whole time is on paternity leave and you just want to go listen man i understand it's hard to raise a child but um isn't that supposed to be for the person who gave birth okay so stop right there no two fathers so neither so pete and his husband uh adopted a child from a surrogate mother who basically gave birth and according to joe if you're a gay couple you are not entitled to any uh paternity leave your child should you should never real men don't basically real men don't care about their kids everybody knows that everyone knows that if you are a gay couple and you adopted you can literally just leave your child and like you know just leave like you know little cups of water maybe a sandwich right not even that actually you know if you have like a like a three-year-old or a two-year-old or whatever the at home just leave the things that you can make a sandwich for and make the baby figure it out like a baby deer well this is day one right so day one is like just leave the formula and the water and they'll take care of the uh joe rogan you know clearly i feel like this is proof that this was not uh very involved with uh raising his kids at a young birth uh young age he probably when you think about joe rogan's probably a good thing though what it's probably a good thing he wasn't very involved in raising his daughters i'm just saying yeah we'll see about that i don't know generally speaking i think uh kids like having their dads around surprising uh kids need their parents surprising and there's this whole theory in in america still that these people are pushing is that dads should be going out and bringing home the ba it's weird because they're like on one hand men's rights wins right man what like the jordan peterson what would we be without men yeah you saw that he's crying where would i be without men building her up but on the other hand they go men don't need to spend time with their families it's their newborn baby and gay men don't even literally like this is literally a labor rights issue and and also a men's rights issue as well yeah and they're just completely missing not a men's rights issue well anyway here they go on yeah yes men can take paternity leave yeah paternity leave is what men take joe rogan brain rot rogan as opposed to maternity leave which is what mothers take 100 000 containers are waiting off shore there's a hundred thousand containers waiting offshore we got men taking paternity leave yeah and it's like they're they're like upset that pete buddhist is just taking paternity only pete would have not taken time off to spend with his first born uh yeah child i mean i just i dislike pete buddha judge i'm not a fan okay cia pete buddha judge but uh you know well regardless of if you like him you're not the man yeah exactly like he he can take paternity leave i think it's a bigger issue is that it's funny again it's just so ironic this is a men's right thing men deserve the chance to bond with their newborn baby and guess what kids need their daddies too man there's research on it too there uh take men who take paternity leave are less likely to get divorced which is a big problem for joe rogan he's he's missed their divorce court like that's what jordan peterson mink people are getting divorced it's ruining our society yeah the real dragon of chaos is actually divorce court activist judges working in divorce court working for communist ideals yeah like alimony there's no consistency in their in their thoughts yeah um here is by the way a little refresher what was this the crying video yeah yeah did you i love this so much what the hell are we gonna do without men what are we gonna do with you look around the city here you see all these buildings what the with the monitor bro it's like going crazy are you seeing it there these men they're doing impossible things they're under the streets that's just the video oh it is it's like a filter okay my bad that's a sick filter bro no i love the unironic like red pill knowledge account that's like posting which is just basically a dude crying what are we gonna do without men yeah no it's it's uh you know anyone else that cries they're lame they're whack jordan peterson cries brave uh also you're you're engaging in what is known as toxic masculinity if you make fun of me for being emotional when i think about the hard bodies of men working in a hot sauce yeah what are we men with their beautiful bodies it's freaking getting chiseled it's like i care about men i do uh and that's why i am an advocate for not only paternity leave but like better wages you know better workplace missions yeah better workplaces and time higher salaries what are we going to do without men yeah it's like anyway he loves when men are exploited that's why he's crying he just wants them to be you know exploited further i cry every time a man a man stays home with his newborn baby he needs to be out there building roads building skyscrapers from what i understand canada's roads are dog so maybe they should be taking this between uh we're only 19 seconds into this rodeo but he was saying this like this negative feedback loop that is rapidly cycling out of control that if it continues on a bait it will destroy the global economy i'm like that's a nice one to just slide in there yeah um so it's complicated but i do know the trucking stuff has something to do with it too because there was already problems with truckers they kind of abandoned california what does it look like two years ago oh my god what a like why why do you just like say like a half truth there's a problem with trucking first of all truckers are hella unionized in california and they make bank like truckers and teamsters incredibly powerful union a little bit of corruption there too but whatever they're working through it but like truckers they're incredibly they're they have a good union um you know unionized drugs make a lot of money they get good benefits it's great it's a great way to make a living the problem with the trucking industry currently is that uh there is a there's an item necessary for trucks to operate that because of the microchip shortage is simply not available so a lot of the trucks are in a state of disrepair as a consequence of that and it has nothing to do with truckers being like yeah i'm going to austin like shut the up i don't know anything you just like made that up you're literally that's the whole circle jerk in that room is that california's and everybody's coming to texas i just i hate it when they do this like when they just take like a half truth that they heard from someone and then add their own seasoning and spin to it it's like shut the up i feel like okay all that happens there these days like the data they use so we're watching trucks this is a couple of seconds just a couple ships this is 2019 last week why are there so many because they're all i mean this is wow that's why pretty complicated space to come into there to go wait and they can kind of get in there like you said if there's only seven out of hundreds of cranes emptying them then they're waiting it's nuts it's nuts and that's why you can't buy toys and it's also affecting small businesses yeah you know it's just forget about that definitely feels like that's what we're talking about but who's responsible is this like people are blaming people yeah because the fact that he's on paternity leave yeah yeah if he wasn't on paternity leave none of this would happen he would be unloading the uh he'd be going to the long beach port and unloading personally was not being a deadbeat beta males caring about his kid he would have fixed the he would have made the port be able to hold more containers overnight something that would usually take 10 15 20 years he would have got the microchips for the trucks he would have um no p pete's got pete's forklift certified he could do it um yeah no these guys are longshoremen uh stevedores uh teamsters these guys are they are literally like there is an actual labor shortage right now going on uh there's there's a tight labor market they have so much power if it were up to me listen if any of you guys are listening to the leftovers podcast dude now is your time it is better than ever for you to just be like that benefits package that you were looking for that's a little bit better it you can ask for it you could literally functionally stop the entirety of the united states economy like straight up well we're almost there at this point but yeah and also the demand is up it's a very complicated uh issue but like it's just amazing it's incredible to me we're in an asset bubble demand is up everybody's got money in their pockets and they want to purchase uh and they are purchasing and then there's also issues where china was locked the down because of kova they're still having problems uh because they're they keep it so tight unlike america if there's like a small outbreak they shut the whole port down and so shit's backed up there at the export show it's about it's it's kind of a global issue there's a container shortage too there's another but the truth of the matter is is that yeah there's a container shortage is that pete booty judge uh if you wouldn't just not spend time with his newborn child than we would be saying he's the secretary of transportation does that make any sense um i'm not sure i mean that that was a weird one because i never know in those stories it's like uh is this just like a partisan thing where you just want to like yell at the guy because but it is kind of crazy it's not it is the craziest thing to me was the picture of them in the hospital bed yeah that's where i was like like you didn't you weren't in a hospital i mean yeah so they went and got their kid from the hospital from the surrogate mom and now their thing is two gay men in a hospital bed would you would you that baby out it's like just you're not allowed in there why can't they just like have fun i don't understand why can't they just be normal parents i mean i've done this too everybody it's it's a little bit of homophobia like the underlying component that person might not be homophobic at all like that but you know what i mean it's like it's it's without meaning to be homophobic it's like one of those things where you're just like being homophobic and then also misogyny too like the rock when he had a child yeah um one thing that you do is you hold your baby and you want to do skin-to-skin contact uh with your child i think it's like important uh i forget why but i did not know that either so when i saw the rock post about like his uh you know newborn baby that he was holding i was like man what did you give birth to the child like what the why did you do this photo shoot and it turns out it's like actually an important thing and that's misogyny it's like that's where that comes from or like fathers are not supposed to be uh you know taking an active role in the development of their child in the early stages or whatever the that's like the underlying reason for that i feel like that caused more harm like societally than many things is that dads are meant to feel that they should be cold and unavailable and unemotional and not invested in a child's life especially a young child's life which is absolutely to the family dynamic and to men's psychological welfare who just want to love their kids and their kids just want to be loved by their dad um it's it's it is toxic as and it's horrific you know if you want to talk about men and we care about men and we don't want divorce like you said i mean that's it and it's like conservatives the other thing is like people dunking on people judge uh a lot of them are conservative and they're making this joke about like how they adopted a child they didn't actually give birth to it whatever and it's wild to me because like well i thought you guys were pro-life you know not joe rogan but like a lot of these conservatives probably life oh but not kidding but yeah but like you know we don't want gay people i'd rather that kid oh i wish that kid was aborted i didn't know he's going to a gay parent yeah what the it's like yeah not like that no we don't we don't want to we don't want to let the gays adopt they're like okay if if you were if your kid was born of incest or we'll give them to the gays normal babies go to heterosexuals um i don't know if they were there for the you know surgery for the birth maybe the the the you know surrogate was but it wasn't they were in the house they really think they went to like a hospital for a photo shoot and got into bed like it's just psychotic we're on the bed but i think they were doing that i'm talking about i haven't even seen the photo but yeah exactly but that is the reason why fathers do that um yeah i mean it's called exactly they they the doctors tell you to do it basically right after the kid's born and they charge you a lot of money for it as a matter of fact there's nothing wrong with this photo guys you know what i'll tell you what it is you go into a room the surrogate's probably right next to them in another bed and they're sleeping in that bed that's what it was when elo gave birth you get your private room and that's what it is so there you have oh they got twins um yeah and they all right they also lied and said that like he um he had like a breastfeeding thing uh there's like a digitally altered image of people who just wearing a breastfeeding device um by the way people do that too there's honestly nothing wrong with it especially if you're you know two dads like that i've seen i i mean i've seen it where dudes can get abreast yeah exactly it's a real product oh that's such a shitty photoshop too yeah but again like is there what is the criticism here even if it's real you know this is the man pete gets paternity leave in a time of like you know a supply chain crisis or whatever but like the democrats are not advocating for paid uh uh family leave uh for for the american worker the criticism of the fake tit breastfeeding oh oh that's not a beta yeah i don't know yeah no who cares yeah exactly no i don't care birthing table yeah yeah that is that's what's weird i would love that i would love the breastfeeding thing for one of my but here's the thing i would want one of my homies to have that so i could suck along their breasts uh you know take tequila shots directly oh yeah that's my home express you know what i'm saying like that's you know fun stuff you could do with that a lot of utility for next week if you'd like a little yeah i will i will let you drip feed i'll do it just to show that men can be sensitive loving people put some cold brew in there it's early in the morning i'll just it'll be a men's rights moment yeah this will be a roomba this will be our red pilled moment can you get that dan yeah we'll see if i can i will suckle on your breasts it's called the red-pilled moment yeah one of you should do that one of you should take care of the children like this idea that both parents should get maternity and paternity leave at the same time it's a little weird i don't think so i don't only because his guest keeps pushing back and he he doesn't let up i have a german cousin and they get the i mean they get like a full year for the woman and nine months for the husband that's great you want to live in germany because in america you got to work like here's the thing if you have a small business that's such a up thing to say like yo it's not like germany's by the way germany is last time i checked is a pretty affluent uh country and those people are not known for slacking off either by the way yeah no they're they're they're dying out there they're not like america a very productive country with like the only viable industry being weapons of war manufacturing so people didn't choose to come to america and not get paternity leave you want to live in america you better work that's so dumb it's such a silly thing for like a hundred millionaire podcast owner to say yeah because you could afford to take any time off you want get all the help in the world you clearly never like spent time with your newborn kids based on this take he probably has 20 nannies the thing i used to love about joe rogan is that despite like his affluent uh situation now the fact that he like grew up in in poverty in i think newark if i'm not mistaken or in jersey city the fact that he grew up in a situation like that really motivated him to understand the perspective of other people who have been in shitty situations like that and he could apply that to like even you know uh black people and and numerous other like uh intersections of marginalization and the more he's in texts the more he like hangs out with ben shabibo and all these other dildos he's the further he moves away from that it's so strange to see it's like dude i just wish you would have more left uh left-leaning people chelsea gabbard it's just it's annoying because i would like to watch him engage in a conversation with somebody that you know actually knows these issues yeah i mean he he'll have abby martin on every now and then liberals um he'll have evan martin on every now and then he has kyle kalinski on every now and then david pacquiao when's the last time he had any of those guys on i don't think i liked him it was actually relatively recently who which one abby martin i think i saw yeah abby martin was a reason um there are some like leftist or left adjacent people that he has on that he likes personally but even then like it's rarely ever contentious because well one he's again he's a chameleon that's what makes him really good he'll literally adopt to your position and like become a champion of it with the exception of covid uh misinfo that he spreads and like ivermectin and stuff but other than that he usually is like yeah that's right yeah you know what i see yeah we must seize the means of production actually it seems like a good idea and then next week he's like yeah workers should get if by the way just for reference joe uh if you want to live in america you got to work rogan time off for kids across 41 wealthy countries in the eu the amount of paid leave for mothers and fathers varies substantially estonia crushing it where does this even go this is 70 to 80 days here's the united states by the way those are weirdos no these are weeks yes sir yeah look at this even in japan these guys literally work themselves to death people are killing well there's a reason for that because they are uh not very pro-immigration and their country is dying like they're so old and they they work so much that they weren't having kids the population in japan they wanted they want to improve yeah they want to improve birth rates but yeah look at all these countries in a state of disarray like economic meltdown happening in finland people you know chile poland dude even poland you know greece turkey when you're getting lapsed by turkey israel by the way which is not a working-class utopia mexico uh and then here we are joe joe we care about men we native men yeah in america you give birth a mother give birth and if you haven't seen the process it's horrif it's traumatic it's hard on the body you're straddled with a newborn baby the most like precious and uh uh fragile thing you can imagine two weeks by the way this is yet another argument for uh pro-lifers too like if you have maternity leave and paternity leave you're significantly more likely to carry that right maybe the term because now you're not going to suffer the economic repercussions of like back to work having a child beta male 1 figure it out yeah yeah just give birth on your lunch break and then come back two basically two weeks you get most country you get two weeks to be with your newborn baby and then your ass is back to work wow that's just yeah that's cool states rights you know and that's another problem like obviously a lot of states have like maternity leave or california even if it's not enforced like a lot of uh you know a lot of of um companies offer it but clearly it's not like you know if that was the case then it should be regulated to the federal level at the very least it's a massive quality of life improvement it there are numer like there's not a single study that's like maternity leave and paternity leave is bad it's ruining you know yeah there's that's never happened and it never will happen and we already have an incredibly productive labor force that uh it works it's so annoying yeah and also like who joe rogan basically says you live in america get back to work i mean he's basically just simping for billionaires uh company owners you know who yeah who uh yeah at one point he says what do you do if you're a company owner and then all of a sudden one of your workers needs to take you know six months off yeah jamie like what if jamie has uh you know what if jamie has a child you know you're not gonna let jamie hang out with his child no it's up joe let jamie do that pull it get someone else to pull that it's like your workers are not your property they're not their life is not defined by serving you i mean there's things in life more important than work i think it's time that we acknowledge that in some small measure yeah that's how little that's a little benefits like american the american labor force has though like that this is like a matter of discussion that is like beyond the scope of comprehension where people are like what paternity leave that's crazy we don't even have maternity leave in this country and it's like yeah that's an issue like that's a major problem right and who does that benefit jeff bezos and elon musk who are worth 200 billion yeah and i mean small business owners as well if they're small business tyrants well you know the problem is the government is to subsidize you know uh this like obviously do do can can all small businesses afford to float somebody for six months while they don't work obviously not that's why the government subsidizes yeah well don't worry the government's not subsidizing no no no leave no vacation time joe rogan wins again yeah get back to work bud yeah matt walsh by the way uh my favorite matt walsh has become basically my favorite uh psychopathic conservative i follow him on twitter and it's like a daily occurrence this is the guy who said the um inquisition was more justified than woke culture yeah yeah yeah it was a brilliant insightful analysis and true so here's another tweet came out recently uh on the 22nd a listener wrote to ask if it's a red flag that his fiancee doesn't want to take his last name no it's not just a red flag it's a deal breaker men don't marry women who won't take your name that's a wall of separation she wants to keep between you it will it won't be the only one so matt here is saying dumper dump that beach bro if you're a matt walsh if you're a matt walsh fan and a woman agreed to be around you let alone have sex with you that's a keeper okay yeah you don't get to make you don't get to make demands all right you're not like oh my god you're not gonna take my last name like what the you listen to matt walsh dude yeah i mean basically on the first date you should be asking if we get married will you take my last name because it's a deal breaker if you want to do any of this hyphenated beta yeah exactly but this is what so shout out but this is what sticks like look at that 1 900 retweets like that's what conservatives want to talk about more than the fact that like paid family leave was completely taken off the infrastructure bill get back that hurts them no but there's people it's crazy that people are openly saying get back to work it's america like dude who are you advocating for who are you advocating for when you say that no you're you're a bootlicker cook and that's why i always ask when people come in and they're like oh well what the like you know you're wrong actually workers need to uh do more for their bosses or whatever i'm like listen dude show me the d deer factory you claim to be a capitalist yet you have no deed to the factory that's not what your company can do for you ask how you can earn your company more money with no more wages and no benefits this is scary bro this actually scares me no i'm tucker carlson is stoking the flames of civil war they love this um he's made a documentary on the january 6 you know capital riots and it's in full spin he's made a full documentary about how it was a false flag and basically there was no conservatives there it was all antifa it was a friendly tour yeah i can't wait to watch this masterpiece i'm gonna be honest it's gonna be good content for you yeah i it's it's uh it terrifies me it actually scares me yeah no it's wild at fox news is doing what they did to bill o'reilly which is like they made bill really the face of the network yeah and now tucker carlson is the new face of the network and unfortunately that face of the network literally is just like i am a populist proto-fascist or full-blown fashion as a matter of fact i'm a wasp nationalist and i don't give a i will do a straight up infowars style documentary on the january 6 uh insurrection yeah you got to watch this it's terrifying what you're about to see is part of our soon to be released three-part series for tucker carlson originals it's called patriot purge it debuts november 1st already off to a great start the drums of war baby are we pogba's again straight up this woman being killed yeah in the trailer i love that you know how there was like riot shields in the cops in the beginning that was not happening on january 6th okay they opened the floodgates brother yeah i wish that i wish that that was there yeah that had all been avoided that woman would not have been killed yeah exactly if only that was the true case this documentary wouldn't even exist [Music] yeah this is isn't this like revolutionary war uh drum beat like yeah walking drum beats marching drum beats yeah that's well you know the other war that he's uh more fond of the civil war he can't really openly side with you know he's trying his best man yeah he's like he's trying yeah why do we not talk about the northern aggression against southern states that simply wanted states rights yeah what's the was the civil war a mistake uh should we have gone our separate ways back in uh 1860 and is it too late the domestic war on terror is here is coming after the patriot birds of the country no come in oh yes oh yes yeah you know oh no yeah but you know lots of people watches so everyone's like you know this is this is so dangerous the worst part about it is like there are things that i do agree with that like i do think that the fbi has like taken a more like liberal turn with respect to like doing i talked about this i think even here um like with what happened with governor whitmer's kidnapping uh plot that they foiled that was straight out of post uh 911 fbi antics like the the way that they like agitated a bunch of hogs to like you know and then show them where the tannerite was you know i mean it's like come on i just don't what are they trying to do they do that for propaganda justify inflating budgets and uh whip people up in a frenzy so you can continue the surveillance they probably think it's fun yeah i mean they did that with like autistic teenage muslim boys back in the day and like they would that's a good dub for the fbi you know what i mean like oh we did it we stopped another terror plot and it's like no you literally started a terror plot and then stopped it like this dude would have not done this like you just you gave them the tools you gave them the radicalization so you're saying you agree with the premise so i do think civil war was a mistake well yeah i agree with tucker carlson completely okay no no no i spencer ackerman friend of the show uh he's a brilliant natsec reporter he actually wrote a book literally on this talking about and he covered the entire uh you know throughout the duration like 2001 onward he was he was always on wired and and you know new republican and plenty other outlets where he was uh agitational against the iraq war and against the surveillance state and against the patriot act for understandable reasons and he makes this comparison about white supremacist militias and white supremacist terror um he literally starts off his book reign by talking about timothy mcveigh and uh how different the way that we as a society analyze acts of of white terror uh when it comes to domestic terror versus what we consider foreign entities uh like in 911 and there are similarities in the way that like the fbi is operating but ultimately uh the reality is white supremacy is baked into all of our institutions including the fbi holy uh great kind of the whole history of the fbi are getting a critical race there now yeah so it's not like they're never going to prosecute like three percenters and oath keepers and and like white anti-government extremist militias and whatnot in the same fervor that they uh uh persecute and prosecute and go after you know uh other groups like even 70 year old like greenpeace activist you know what i mean like you you just it's not it's not going to happen because it goes a long way isn't that what they did with the governor and the guys who try to kidnap the governor they did that that was like a one-off for the most part though like they're the thing is like the january six insurrection was insane like that was an insane thing that happened it's not normal the fact that we act like that's like a totally normal thing and we've moved well no it's not it's even worse he's whitewashing it and making it turn into it was actually the liberals that stormed the capitol yeah no i love that actually crazy no i i i love that let's go let's let it ride i i have a take on that it looks so funny let's watch the whole thing here's have left afghanistan and now they've landed here at home i'm sorry it's so hard not to pause yeah the troops have left afghanistan and they've arrived here at home the helicopters he's like such a spin master yeah i mean the the the police are the ones being militarized against protesters not yeah the police are not targeting conservatives they are conservatives yeah members have left afghanistan and now they've landed here at home on the left is hunting the right sticking them in guantanamo bay for american citizens leaving them there to rot we are dealing with an insurgency they couldn't find a white guy that they could waterboard for that one they still ended up putting like a brown dude that's being waterboarded that's awesome but yeah white guy dude come on right yeah favorite well are you saying black time for american citizens leaving them there to rot we are dealing with an insurgency in the united states terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to homelessness yeah why are you guys so worried about why did they show the kkk rallies again because he go exactly he goes white supremacy is the biggest terrorist group in the united states and then tucker's like excuse me white supremacists are good people like i don't understand i know i don't understand why he showed the kkk rally what's that supposed to mean theory is that they're trying to paint all god loving patriots as uh white supremacists and therefore they're coming for half of america there's a lot of them for sure but i mean if you're worried that someone's going to call you a white nationalist you probably probably may want to second guess your their insurgency in the united states terrorism from white supremacy is the most legal threat to homelessness i've been told that i'm a white nationalist me i mean that's ali uh whatever the yeah i mean he kind of is right yeah he he'd like i mean you don't have i mean yeah you can you can be like a brown dude i mean first of all he's got hella white supremacist uh jeans at the very least he's got the habsburg jaw going and like he's got that that's like straight white people okay uh you know centuries of inbreeding causes white people to to some white people in the royal family to have like their very own uh habsburg jaw genetic disorder so that he does have that have you seen that motherfucker's chin no yeah he's wild yeah yeah you uh bro come on yeah me there he is yeah god god damn dude my mother yo my dude looks like a royal dude he looks like he's rolling the austria hungry he's got that royal inbreeding dude nice good for him false flags have happened in this country what's the name of the guy who made the transformer movies michael bay yeah he really thinks he's making a michael bay movie here i love that it may have been january 6. this is disturbing yeah this is i mean this is straight in fours the thing i was gonna say is at the end it's like well you know what a false flag is like this is one of those it's like okay here's the thing if you admit that then you're basically stating that what happened on january 6 was not a bunch of patriots that were just simply exercising their right to like their freedom of assembly okay so you're saying they did bad so if the dudes that did bad were like maggot up you know what i mean and they were they got hell of mega on uh then you're saying that they were here's what a false flag looks like yeah yeah look at all those antifa brother that's right me and the boys we we went to the capitol actually i you know mm-hmm yeah and weirdly all the people being arrested are like yeah it's coming out they're all sp dude they've been so deep uncovered they've been spending uh uh writing maga conspiracy q anon conspiracies on facebook for like years there was a new study that just came out that showed well it wasn't even a study it was like leaked documents that showed like eighteen thousand uh three percent are like oath keeper uh militia members uh where they originally found out about the oath keepers that joined one of these like groups and i think like the top the top thing was facebook and then um and then like uh youtube like these are the places where they got radicalized in the joining like you know these sorts of anti-government militias right-wing anti-government militias next one civil war watch comes from charlie clark i mean this this ties perfectly into you know the previous thing that we were looking at exactly and you know this guy's obviously uh a deep undercover antifa as well no he's a brave patriot he showed up to a charlie curt and again this is well here i'll just play this this ties in perfectly you ready you're brave you're brave for what you said and the fact that you stand up there and say it and i appreciate it yeah he's so brave dude i'm confused um no no this is good it's perfect appreciate it actually because there's not a lot of people that have the balls to do it but i want to ask you something a little bit out of the ordinary no no one has the balls to say so brad yourself at this point we're living under corporate and medical fascism this is tyranny when do we get to use the guns no and i i'm not that's not a joke i'm not saying it like that i mean literally where's the line how many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people so yeah i love that let me clarify no no no let me clarify when do i get to start killing libs yeah yeah um he's right we do live under corporate and medical tyranny and fascism but always of course as the case with like right-wing commentary it's them his anger is literally misdirected and focused on perfectly misdirected the wrong things like we do have corporate fascism or or medical fascism but it's not because like everyone can get a vaccine or it's not because like facebook you know abandonment profile when i said you know i'm going to go out and kill people like no that's not corporate fascism dumb ass corporate fascism is like you not getting benefits you being a more productive worker as a consequence of technological improvements and and yet not seeing any not realizing any of the profits that you generate for the company that you work for one of the things he cites is that how many elections are going to steal and it's all of course the republicans who are uh putting every effort into limiting voting and trying to definitely overturn a stolen election like the most like hard proof of a stolen election in contemporary american society is the 2000 election in florida the brooks brothers riots like that was literally a stolen election jeb bush george w bush's brother uh the governor and the right-wing slanted supreme court basically allowed after revolts occurred uh for florida to not do a recount and they successfully stole that and george w bush became president one of the worst presidents if not probably the worst president of all time um that happened they did steal an election they straight up stole it and and the other side of it like voter fraud individuals like on their own volition going out on like you know doing electoral fraud or voter fraud in a systemic capacity has never happened there's no proof for it the only proof is the exact opposite that it literally does not happen because it's insane to get that many people to coordinate with one another like who the cares about the government that much they're like i really dude i really really need to make sure kirsten gillibrand is a senator you know what i mean like i'm gonna go do illegal voting for them well ted liu like that's the reason why i you know brought up all of my undocumented friends together and we uh stole ballots from the uh from the from the old folks home well the the problem is is like charlie kirk and and tucker carlson a lot of these guys they have basically told people for so long that the election has been stolen that these people are evil uh that you're living in tyranny uh fascism it's like if everything they said was true then violence would be justified yeah so then all of a sudden for sure charlie kirk is confronted with the result of his of his propaganda now watch how he reacts but like if you believe what they're saying then you know it's justified what he's saying and that's what's so up no hold on no stop hold on now i'm going to denounce that and tell you why why you're playing into all their plans and they're trying to make you do this that's okay just hear me out they're trying to make you start with the compliments so at least it's like i'm saying he's back guys like no you're trying to make me do this yeah you're the one who told me that they're stealing the elections why are you back here if you're living in a fascist country he he has a valid point right he believes you charlie so so tell him when does he get to use starting no the guns that is the logical conclusion yeah exactly he's right charlie he's just listening to you and you know and again they're all about the first amendment it's like okay so we got the guns second amendment sorry we've got the guns when do we use them yeah you know that's why we have them right charlie they are trying to provoke you and everyone here they are trying to make you do something that will be violent that will justify a takeover of your freedoms and liberties the likes of which we have never seen we are close to have hold on we are close to have momentum to be able to get this country back on a trajectory using the peaceful means that we have at us seriously yeah no if you re-elect a oran hatch that's how you're gonna win the the war against like uh uh the new patriot act against whites you know what i mean this is what really makes me think charlie kirk is a straight-up grifter that doesn't even believe the he says because if he did he would they would all be guns in hand overthrowing the government because the elections are illegitimate yeah that's right what do you do when the elections are illegitimate you get your gun and you you know go to war the difference between that guy and charlie kirk is that like that guy at least thought the arguments through exactly and that's the logical conclusion of that one-on-one together and charlie's like no no that's not what i meant charlie on the other hand you can see him like reboot every time this happens he's like going up the dialogue tree like a npc's like what do i have for violent uh agitated propaganda yeah you should vote extra harder uh you should vote extra hard uh next time i think that's how we win uh the the the yeah he doesn't he's just in it for the grift he doesn't want the revolution he doesn't want the violence he just wants to keep making money well like what violence like they already control everything like that's the reason you know what i mean they control everything conservatives and reactionary politicians they control the court system damn near in its entirety even the liberals themselves are like feckless capitalists uh who will defend nestle's rights to you know have slaves and steal indigenous uh land and water supply like there's nothing so that's why when you keep agitating when you're already the dominant power that's how you get to like straight up brown shirt militia you know what i mean because there's nothing to fight against yeah well and notice how he doesn't say well that's psychotic we don't want to go murder people uh it's illegal and uh psychotic he goes no no no no we're not there yet just vote means that we have at us so to answer your question and i just think it's you know overly blunt it's a little it's just it's overly blunt when do we get to kill people the aesthetics of what you're so blunt it's not very civil it's just a little blunt um your your bloodthirsty the violent rage is not very civil right now um i don't like it it's just time if you would have perhaps said uh when do we get to uh you know start a civil war then that would be fine but just less specific please ones that do not play into the violent aims and ambitions of the other side they fear they're violent let me say this you got a goo dude in your audience saying when do i get to kill people you psyched even then it's the fault of the dems it's the libs that you know you want to own the liptards is so hard that like ultimately it's still the lip tars that are responsible for this guy being like no i want to kill you they're violet it's depressing and it's terrifying i mean these people are are dangerous and psychotic and i think it's time to kill them i'm just kidding no jesus i'm just trying a little blunt i'm sorry just a little blunt back it up i don't even i'm not yeah i'm not even a second amendment guys very clearly they fear us holding the line with self-control no i hear you with a gun no no that's way scarier no i think liberals fear guys like that yeah by the way i'm gonna murder i'm gonna do a murderer and by the way at fbi please uh background check this yeah no i'm definitely scared of that's the off-duty cop so yeah you know what i mean in board meetings to use federal force against us and i know that people get fired up we are living under fascism we are living under this tears fired up this city wants to kill people damn but if you think for a second that they're not wanting you to all of a sudden get that next level where they're going to say okay we need patriarch 2.0 if you think that you know waco is bad what do you say his argument it doesn't even it's not even logical what's this whole second amendment guns right about if it there's no point to use it he's saying no no no we never use our guns it's just we're living in a society where the election is stolen every year nothing is legitimate and everybody's lying to you also does charlie kirk not support the patriot act yeah that's the wonderful part about that is that like uh these guys are now like they're libertarian right even though you know they're they're not they're obviously not libertarian because like he's like anti-weed anti-uh you know anti-choice uh so he's not libertarian at all but they love to adopt the aesthetics of like uh you know civil war paranism and he's like oh the surveillance state it's just yeah he's talking about when it targets white dudes yeah specifically see what they want to do next what i'm saying is that we have a very fragile balance right now at our current time where we must exhaust every single peaceful mean possible i will say this then we shoot like what next day like what more do you want though like do you like what what is what does that guy want that someone else hasn't told him is the reason why he should be mad you know what i mean like from a political point of view if you're like a republican voter like you're getting pretty much everything i mean i guess like you just want to deny freedom uh and civil liberties to like marginalize people that's the issue i i suspect where it's like yeah i don't like that you know black people get to you know drink from the same water fountain as me but like other than that it's like the guys that you're voting for they get their agenda passed all the time right fat tax cuts more war in the middle of their life still suck and they don't understand why yeah their lives suck they're not growing girls man they're broke they're wage slaves they don't they can't afford health care they can't afford insulin for their parents who are not medical fascism though the medical fascism is when you get free vaccine for so you don't die in a hospital that is what they're talking about ironically yeah it's insane uh by the way the tour is called exposing critical racism tour so there you have it yeah well he did expose and exercise the peaceful means of state sovereignty against the federal government not even close i'll give you five things idaho could do right now the governor of idaho could sign an executive order that says there are no vaccine mandates for private for public for anyone it's not going to happen he could do that right now i just can't get over the fact that these guys are ready to kill people over a vaccine mandate like i just can't i can't number two the governor of idaho could come out and he could say okay blm bureau of land management epa you're out we're governing our own lands we're in control of our own this is why you want to go to civil war over epa i mean no it does make sense it does make sense because that is the real goal of the dudes who's paying him you know what i mean but these people the epa has already gutted his so they want to they want to gut it further i guess so here here here's what's keeping us between the civil war so far vaccine mandates environmental regulations these are all things that greatly affect the working classes you know three idaho could now could pick and choose through the state legislature which one of the federal laws they think actually applies to the idaho constitution these things i don't think that's how federal law works what the does that mean pick and choose which federal law applies to them what the does that even mean bro will push back against the tyranny you're talking about a mistake would all of a sudden be getting into physical vibrant confrontation you think that this regime has all of a sudden sprung into action wait until they get what they want wait pause for a second so like the voting rights act is completely gutted right so so and and a new newer version of that it got yeted in in the senate because 41 republican senators was like no we're not going to vote black people allowing we're not going to vote to allow our whole that's our whole strategy it's not even just black people it's literally like you know making it a national holiday federal holiday to be able to vote like that's in the provision they even added voter id into it you know what i mean the democrats are so cowardly that they were like yeah sure we'll put voter id in there it who cares and even then republicans were like nope we're not doing that and so so what federal law was charlie even talking about with respect to like elections being stolen like what you just want like uh idaho uh what like i i just i don't get it like what more could they they want is just the republican state legislatures should be able to overturn democratic results if they don't go the way of the republicans like that's what he's i guess that's that's kind of what they're doing they're kind of doing that in texas like they're allowing the liberty to stay for uh you know republican legislatures to be able to do that so i guess they that's what they want maybe i don't know well don junior has the answers uh shout out to don junior a favorite forever and always put out a to the friends of the show shout out good luck with all of that leftovers thank you don guns don't kill people alec baldwin kills people um classy as ever don jr ladies and gentlemen it can be yours for 28 dollars wild you know it's crazy how this alec baldwin made fun of of trump and they're literally celebrating a poor woman who was accidentally murdered on or killed on on set uh it's it's insane it's actually literally insane there's a whole bunch of them yeah no it's like mass shootings happen and you know republicans are like oh it's fine it's whatever alec baldwin accidentally shoots someone and it's like yeah hey they saying karma like that woman deserved to die because alcohol would make fun of his dad that look when an anti-gun nut kills more people with a gun than your extensive firearm collection ever has yeah fact check true that's donald trump dude he's such a he's such an epic poster dude epic meme sauce man it's great absolutely how do we stay in english for i guess that's a joke about how she pretended to be uh spanish or something let's all watch alec baldwin blame the gun i mean quite literally this is an instance where like the gun is responsible for it well it was i think it was the um it ended up being what you said dan the pro or the second director or whatever up the 80 up in the in the armor who apparently was like a 24 year old girl who only got the job because of nepotism because her dad is like a legendary armor in hollywood oh yeah and this was her second movie ever and apparently now it's coming out that even on her first movie she like fired off a gun without any warning uh and almost blew out uh nicholas cage's eardrum as a result that's awesome she got a job after that yeah well what i what i read who's the guy who the second director or whatever the first assistant it was the the ad first ad so the first ad uh is supposed to look at the chamber spin it yeah inspect it but they didn't do that and they hadn't it off the gun and said it was uh all clear and i also read there was 500 uh live ammunition on set which is pretty psychotic yeah yeah i mean there should just never be live ammunition yeah especially when blanks look so similar to like regular ammo yeah it just doesn't have the the projectile anyway let's look but but like this woman is the victim and so it's just pretty know the difference big pharma big parma what like parmesan cheese i don't get it no way yeah it must hurt donald trump jr like hunter so much if he's got a big old hog he's got a big hog he did you've seen his i saw the picture how did i not see that it was all over the internet yeah he he he is a fat uh he has sex with sex workers he wants them to unionize well donald trump has sex with uh he he does he has a weird shaped cog he does the proletarian cocaine none of that highbrow he does crack okay right and yeah most importantly his dad loves him like his dad literally joe biden loves hunter biden okay that's what hurts the most yeah donald trump does not love donald trump jr hold on know the difference big pharma big parma still not understanding that one big karma i mean again karma would insinuate that he died unfortunately you're ignoring the fact that a woman tragically lost her life with a family like two days earlier yeah they don't give a it's crazy wow lots of lots of big dad memes guns don't kill people alec baldwin kills can you imagine wearing that get yours today how just imagine wearing that this is a pathetic he's like a pathetic person i don't know how he's like sad he's such a sad pathetic loser and every moment of his life is pain you know what i mean [Laughter] i mean seriously every moment of that dude uh some breaking news i figured you guys would want to hear about uh the the announcement is in oh no facebook's rebrand the new facebook the metaverse is meta it's met as announced 20 minutes ago they're trying to distance themselves as much as possible it's still called facebook though isn't that just like the parent company i guess yeah they're it's like the alphabet yeah the alphabet google shoes exactly meta yes because they want to really lean into the whole uh augmented reality thing it's not happening yeah sorry zach the new meta would be nobody using facebook that's my perfect that's a new meta yeah that'd be a great meta hate facebook and everything it is yeah that's um it's disappointing they should have they should have gone they should lean into the patriotism oh jesus patriot book i mean at this point it's really just a right-wing grounds anyway yeah patriot book all right let's get to the main story build back better is falling apart hit me with that um hit me with that regular smegula here we go could be better bill nice um pretty good biden announced uh you know we've been working on this 3.5 trillion package that would revolutionize uh american working life two years of free community college paid family leave prescription drug price control universal non means tested child care plus tax credit at this point you're reading everything that's taken off the bill yeah i know yeah this is what the good stuff that we were all looking forward to and of course the billionaire attacks remember when everybody was like joe joe biden's going to be the next fdr like is joe biden in the next episode is he better and then on the republican side they were like joe biden's a communist he's a communist he's doing chat comp and it's like yeah no it was so obvious that it was never gonna happen he tried unfortunately no he could have done weight i mean what could he have done okay because you have gel mansion and kristen cinema and there's and it's like these are not moving an inch first of all they set an unfortunate or a ridiculous expectation that the bill was going to pay for itself it was gonna be a net zero bill um but they had some good provisions in there to be able to do that one of them was uh pharmaceutical price negotiations medicare was going to be allowed to negotiate with big pharma when they're doing mass purchases of pharmaceuticals and that would greatly reduce the cost and allow the government to keep like hundreds of billions of dollars over the course of 10 years but of course you know immediately kirsten cinema and also secretly bob menendez uh decided against that and there's plenty of other senators that were also against it too because they're in the pocket of pharma prescription the government cannot negotiate the price of prescription drugs that it buys millions we're the only country imagine how cocked we are in any private sector any public sector you can negotiate bulk prices you can negotiate the prices for strawberries on the side of the road if you buy enough you know what i'm saying like the window is open but somehow we are so and also we have the highest so and you know no prescription drug companies knowing that we can't negotiate prices in bulk we have the most expensive prices in the world too yeah we are absolutely cocked we allowed the va to do that recently only like only recently in the past like five years is the va allowed to even negotiate and um that was fought against as well like they didn't i would like to know the rationale i understand that there's lobbyists and they get you know all these nice treats from them how do they justify publicly voting against that stephen crowder does videos on this like what's his rationale so the rationale behind the reactionary people to get their talking points from the american enterprise institute numerous other think tanks is that uh america is subsidizing the rest of the world's uh uh you know lower pharma prices like we're actually taking a fat l so that you know we can be as innovative as possible it's all okay a lot of that they're saying we need massive money to fund research otherwise nobody we a lot of that is just a publicly funded or recently pathetic that they purchase that like big pharma literally purchases the patents on and the the novel chemical compounds when you look at that because that's what you need to that's at the heart of the matter novel chemical compound creation right um when you look at novel chemical compounds the united states of america of course makes the most but that's because it's one of the largest countries on the planet right uh and if you look at it per capita when it comes to like new novel chemical compound creation united states is not number one in medical innovation at all per in a per capita conversation it barely cracks the top ten and that's considering the reality that like the reason why we have this to begin with was because uh we're paying 10x the price for insulin uh in comparison to canada it's a disgusting freak show that crowder can actually people like him can actually go out and argue that and then people believe it i mean it's it's sick and the problem is these people are gonna distab they're gonna destabilize society we just can't keep operating like this where people are be like these pharma executives are probably making what billions of dollars a year and like joe manchin's daughter who got a 600 raise after she uh she cranked up the prices of epipen when she was at milan uh cranked up the prices of epipen by 400 percent that's why she got a 600 raised dude genius i i who could have thought of that i want to jail all of these people democrat republican doesn't matter i want their children to go to jail i want them to go to jail one of them to be under the jail it makes me so angry so you agree with the guy it's time to use our guns like obviously not uh it's not time to use our guns uh but violence is a constant in any political uh you know violence is literally the distribution or the distribution of violence is literally at the heart of politics so people that say that like violence is never occurring or you can have like a truly non-violent movement or that violence is uh non-existent in like western democracies are delusional every time a cop bashes a protester's skull in that's state violence okay you just are conditioned into thinking that that's normal um when someone kicks uh when someone throws a tear gas canister at protesters when cops do that that's not violence when you use a leaf blower to blow back that tear gas at the cops that's considered violence yeah one side doesn't get prosecuted for it the other side does but that's a it's like different it's just competition it's just it's just it's just sad bro you know like we just want to negotiate the price so that we're not spending over over spending hundreds of billions of dollars into literally just to enrich like a few handful of rich executives yeah well it's not just if you have rich executives they're all publicly traded uh stocks so a lot of these companies are like enriching the top 10 percent of wealth in the united states 95 of the stock market is owned by like the top uh half a percent of people that's what i was talking about no not 95 but the top 10 of wealth in the united states of america own 85 of the stock market so they realize all of the benefits of the stock market other people have like you know a 401k if at that yeah and they go what about your 401k it's like yeah i mean that's it you make a lot more money just from having good benefits and social security and as always when the stock market is doing well it does not trickle downward it's uh it's just only trickling upwards it's it's centralized at the top yeah but if it does poorly then you're because the losses are always socialized whereas the those guys always get out too yeah guys at top you know who are savvy you know what the they're doing insider trading and it's disgusting and and you know there's so many different parts of this there's so many different components of this infrastructure bill it's bad politically to like uh have this like super long and convoluted process similar thing happened uh in the aca negotiations under obamacare under obama where obama had 60 democrats in the senate and even then there was some people that were spoiling it you know what i mean and that's why we couldn't get the public option and they negotiated basically against themselves for no reason whatsoever and watered down the aca which is originally a heritage uh foundation uh uh policy that was first implemented by mitt romney in massachusetts so like you know even the program that they brought forward as obamacare which helped a lot of people certainly and had really popular provisions in it uh like the pre-existing condition coverage and all that um that was still a right-wing answer to socialized medicine that you know 10 years later 20 years later democrats were championing that republicans immediately were against so it's really up and the exact same thing is happening here with the infrastructure bill uh we're selling it as infrastructure this is not really infrastructure it's human infrastructure that's what they're calling it so because they want to market it to the hogs and it's necessary stuff medicare eligibility lowered to 55 not happening you know all of these all these provisions for child care child care tax credits incredibly popular seventy percent of the country wants it dude it would pull 50 of poverty-stricken children out of poverty yeah immediately and that number is like 12 million if i'm not mistaken it's horrific and um you know commit free community college which would be just an incredible boon for especially you know poor working-class people so once you do two years of community college you can get into a university pretty easily and um as we talked about before paid family leave which joe rogan uh uh only betas want that so that's not yeah that was that was supposed to be that was supposed to be uh 12 weeks originally that was negotiated down to four weeks and then now it's an opt-in program that workers have to pay for out of pocket if they want to even do it what's the point so like it's not even coming out of the government budget there's no subsidies offered to it so yeah now we've said no paid family leave no tuition free community college no meaningful climate provisions because that was immediately the climate permission was really interesting by the way it was really cool they were incentivizing companies uh power companies to convert to green energy which they're doing already by the way they're doing it about two percent a year they wanted them to do it at four percent a year and if they were able to hit the four percent goal they were going to pay them a bunch of money but the interesting part was that they were going to punish companies that didn't make that change by charging them money uh it seemed like a fantastic program that uh was completely struck and down no no carbon tax even like which is like the market no most neoliberal uh uh argument for for climate change is just like you can't even do that it's crazy so they're saying that no vision hearing dental prescriptions no vision hearing dental for medicare no medicare eligibility lowered uh again 90 90 approval rating for lowering the medicare eligibility down to 55. okay we're not talking about medicare for all we're just improving the pool of people that are covered by medicare which which ultimately is less costly for the government in the long term you think so because that's really expensive medicare to lower it from 65 to 55. yeah it's it well well so how do you pay for that you pay for it by taxing people um we don't believe in that here exactly and and um no vision hearing dental coverage again incredibly popular these are voters by the way these are voters voters want this the people that actually vote are old people i would love that vision and dental is not considered necessary medical for old people vision hearing and mental illness yeah awesome um vision and dental and hearing is not what is what the is now they have means-tested child care it's not universal anymore so now if you uh instead of making 60 000 if you make like 65 000 in in new jersey or in a place that's like a more expensive you're no longer eligible for child care that sucks that's such that means tested programs like that also develop a lot of anxiety and a lot of frustration among the working class because then they're like well i'm paying for it i think oh my god but i'm not getting any of that well they're getting it what the yeah and i mean if you know how expensive child care is like a thousand dollars a month you know for one kid that's like a reasonable price that's not a super expensive one so yeah you know if you have two kids you're looking at twenty thousand dollars a year easily if you're making sixty thousand sixty five thousand dollars uh you're basically yeah i think the progressive should uh vote no for this like i think the progressive should destroy this bill yeah 100 because this bill sucks well what's the benefit of destroying the bill when you say no when you actually ever say no and progressives unfortunately are too kind and too like like they they actually operate from a morality point of view and if you're like thinking about this from a morality point of view obviously the best thing to do is harm reduction no matter what you can get right so um so knowing that uh and also knowing the reality that like if you do stand against this bill you will get destroyed by the media in a way that joe manchin and kirsten cinema or the rotating villain as they call it in the democratic party will never get destroyed um they're they're fearful of like standing against it and truly saying i don't want this bill now about what is it what's the benefit of just saying this no like who does that because next time around when there's another negotiation your side which has more numbers by the way technically supposedly the progressive caucus is much larger than the six congress persons or six representatives and that works against it oh i mean when it doesn't will there be a next time well there's always the next time they have to pass legislation so but like the next time it's going to be stacked republican after the midterm and probably even the president well even this passes this passes still stacked republican this doesn't pass still stacked republican the only way that we don't the only way that there's like a serious recovery for the biden administration is if he like either federalizes or decriminalizes marijuana at the federal level or just does a massive buy executive action and he has the legal uh uh he has a legal uh circumstances to do this like he has the legal power to do this uh abolish a student loan debt like something major before the midterms other than that he's dude we are yeah republicans are coming no matter what like no matter who's passing or doesn't pass yeah so the the one of my favorite things besides so basically the two is more up in my opinion prescription drug prices the fact that we can't all agree to these douche evil pieces of and negotiate down life-saving drugs like insulin the other one is the billionaire tax shut down by joe manchin attacks on 700 people who are basically paying zero percent these people pay zero percent tax on their money uh for the record for those of you who don't understand this concept um they billionaires and and millionaires um ceos especially like they don't make their money off of income in the same way that like the average citizen does or even people like myself do like i get paid off amazon and that's my yearly income that gets taxed by the government at the end of the year these guys actually get stocks so they get paid in like stock options and what that means is you can park your assets and your wealth in its entirety in the stock market and you can even show losses as a matter of fact if you would like to um and if you ever need money well you have endless amounts of leverage because you they look at like how what your stock portfolio looks like and you're a multi-billionaire you can literally go to a bank and be like i want to borrow against my endless amount of leverage and they even give you like super low interest rates awesome super low interest rate loans and you buy borrow die that's what they end up paying the bank more at interest by far than they pay the government yeah taxes so the banks are essentially collecting any small amount of tax that the government should be getting yeah yeah so i mean and this is not even a loophole i would say this is literally the way that the system is designed so going against that and saying like no actually you should be forced to liquidate some of your assets if you can't pay a certain percentage of your like year over year uh uh like net revenue gain or your wealth gain um and people were very frustrated by there were so many people in my uh in my replies being like uh well these are unrealized at like these are yeah you know this is unrealized wealth in the stock market like that sets a really scary present it's like no it doesn't it literally does not you're psycho first of all you're not in the top 700 people of wealth so this does not concern you shut the up but secondly uh you do that already like you have a house okay if you have a house if you have bought a house there are people that come look at the property value of your house and they tax you on it not in california by the way but most states have uh appreciation yeah facts but like but here's the thing they do that they could have like quants and mathematicians like standing at the irs and literally uh looking at like calculating what your what your gains look like in the stuff that happens i was reading about p a lot of people like in washington where the real estate prices are going up because you know the property value's going up a lot and people who've been living in their house for 30 40 years are basically being forced to sell their home because they can't afford the property tax because it goes up every year and so if that person's got to deal with it here's the thing also there was a provision in the billionaire income tax that allows you to write off losses as well so there is a mechanism that's that you know because it's it's kind of up to be like okay let's say elon musk is worth 200 billion dollars because the stock market had a crazy year so he's got to pay what like 20 billion dollars in tax or something and then the next year the tr the stock goes to half and now he's only worth a hundred billion dollars i hope you're praying for the downfall dude i should be you just want bad things to happen to him oh my god it's not even bad things i just want like it's not a normal stock market anyway go on yeah so so if the next year his company's worth 100 billion and like that does happen especially with a company like tesla uh then it's there is a strange area there where it's like all of a sudden he paid 20 billion dollars in tax and now his company is worth a hundred billion or now he's worth a hundred billion it's it is it is a strange kind of inexplicable gray zone there but if you can write it off i guess that gives you some leeway yeah not only that but also what is deeply frustrating about this concept is that we have regressive taxes right we have plenty of regressive taxes sales tax is a great example of this a regressive tax uh taxes the working poor or the working class more than it taxes wealthy people like it hits them harder right you never have like a tv show this is what david dane was saying from the american prospect you never have like a news show where we're talking about like a new sales tax where it's like up next we're going to hear from the janitor uh that is gonna talk about how this uh new sales tax is hurting his productivity and like because the reason why we don't hear about that is because like one we understand that like of course taxes are necessary to you know build roads and whatnot and infrastructure and the other reason is because we don't hear from the janitor because the janitor doesn't own the media company the people who own the media company on the other hand are the ones who are like yeah no we are not doing this and i don't know if you pulled up the mitt romney video but yeah i really love this like counter argument that mitt romney put forward so just a little background though so for example jeff bezos salaries eighty thousand dollars so he takes out loans on a stock and he essentially pays no income tax the the law would apply to people earning over a hundred million dollars a year yeah or households that are worth one billion dollars in assets for three years reply to about 700 people it works by taxing unrealized gains for example if jeff bezos has 10 billion in amazon stock over a year and it becomes 11 billion the 11 billion dollar would be taxed at around 20 so even by that it's even less it if it was 10 billion and it raised to 11 billion it would be a one billion dollar gain and yeah so that gain is what would be tax yeah that's what i yeah i thought i wrote 11. right so so right so 1 billion would be taxed at 20 which by the way i pay 50 income tax that's the thing that's like really way less already than most people are paying yeah that's the thing is really frustrating it's not just you either like when you look at like i mean look hi it wasn't that long ago when i was making you know 60 000 a year in the state of california and like when you're doing that the percentage of like your your revenue that you have generated your net revenue that you've generated over the year without like thinking about your you know things that you're paying for like your housing and all this stuff like the percentage of the entire genera uh revenue that you've generated that is taxed is gigantic in comparison to a billionaire when you look at that that's like billionaires are paying like 0.001 percent whereas most people like most average americans are paying like a larger chunk of their like overall these people so for example just uh the 10 billionaire the 10 richest billionaires alone if this tax was applied to them would generate nearly 300 billion dollars per year 10 10 people yeah would generate 300 you know what you could do with 300 billion dollars a year and that's just 10 you know we're talking about 700 percentage of our military budget i mean holy yeah and so you know more guns that's like at least 10 uh f-14s yeah well yeah depending on yeah yeah not a f-35 though them shits are expensive oh maybe two of those yeah yeah that makes a difference i'm telling you um there was a billionaire that was very upset about this and and very publicly so yeah so elon musk wait yeah you want to segue into that though elon musk has been uh vocal against this poor billionaires uh let me see here uh this uh economist projected that musk would owe up to 50 billion in taxes during the first five-year stretch and daddy bezos would owe 44 billion elon musk is not happy about this and he'd still be the richest man in america by the way well of course who else i mean in the world sorry not in america daddy daddy elon but having a good run yeah so here this guy says for u.s citizens opposed to the unrealized capital gains tax proposal by senator ron wyden here's an example of a tactful and diplomatic letter template i made you can use it to by the way he tags them cc daddy bezos and elon musk please please daddy yeah so these boot licking sims i mean he's like he is a ceo himself so he's at least a little bit closer to becoming a billionaire maybe than than others so so imagine these guys want working-class people to lobby their congress members to not raise taxes on 700 billionaires listen to this i expect you to oppose a widens proposal to tax unrealized capital gains although the proposal targets billionaires and not myself the government of elected representatives have a track record of scope creep i don't know if that's actually a thing i mean i know what he means he's saying a fancy way of saying slippery slope which is a fallacy but uh so a scope creep when writing new taxes he's like he's like you guys are not doing taxes for me but like you know maybe you could and that's scary you could be taxing my unreal the working class unrealized gains yeah dude totally well that they do they do it's called the capital gains tax they already do that because the working class cannot park all of their hold on capital gains is when you sell the stock though exactly but that's what i'm saying that's not unrealized gains not but like you know what i mean they already tax the working classes yeah we pay fully you pay money when you try to take that money out these don't ever take it out in fact yeah the whole idea is to die with the debt so that they're even then their inheritors don't ever have to pay buy borrow die that's how it works but the reason why i said that is because like the working class already does get taxed on the stock market movements like they already do that because they don't have the well my endless sea of the joke being that uh the fact that this guy thinks that first they came for the 700 billionaires and then next they came for my for your untap it's like dude no i anticipate that any new unrealized capital gains tax will slowly make their way down to the middle class retirement investments uh over the next several years it will start with the billionaires and then it's always like they came for the jews first and they didn't say anything yeah then they came for the blacks and they didn't say anything next they came for me and there was no billionaires left to speak for me and eventually millionaires then the modest investments will get hit possibly within a decade although principal residents and holdings in 401k plans apparently will be excluded the wyden proposal takes new tax hikes a step closer to imposing unrealized capital gains tax on average investors like shut the up that's not what's going on yeah exactly i hate this i hate this jail this person throw him in jail i mean get the guns you post like this you throw them in jail okay i sort of you know it's like sure you can you can have any fantasy you want it's like uh you know dude dude i mean this is the argument and it works this is not a real argument that's not what's happening i know this law is literally about taxing billionaires you know it's like oh it's it's insane i mean it's it really strikes at that uh very common uh mark twain quote is that every american uh just sees themselves as time temporarily it was steinbeck are you sure yeah uh and even then it wasn't actually steinbeck it was just like misattributed to steinbeck most famously yeah it's uh socialism will never work in the united states of america because the working class do not see themselves as an exploited proletariat but temporarily embarrassed millionaires yeah exactly which is such a cliche but i mean you see it every day yeah and like this and another and like how were you not pissed the off that working class people like okay i'm rich right i pay 50 taxes if these these 700 guys were paying 50 taxes on their income and we'd be all good yeah well not income technically you don't understand these are not liquid right these are just simply assets you're punishing someone for being 100 million they don't have 100 billion dollars in the bank account what do you understand it's just that's how taxes work i just i hate that like the concept itself literally is like different for billionaires like we act like if you if you could not pay your taxes right now okay you get hit with a bill at the end of the year okay you would have to liquidate some of your assets to pay your taxes okay but when it's uh yeah liquidate some of your stocks exactly billionaires i spent all that yeah it's like the irs being like are you always a million dollars like sorry bro i bought a bunch of cars yeah it's like dude um what are we gonna do oh no they want to get cars and pay your tax yeah listen i i may not be a smart man but i know that billionaires should be paying more than like literally zero elon musk in like 2008 paid zero dollars anyway here's elon musk's uh response to this beaut this guy's literally boot licking him yeah i mean first of all it is kind of cool that he was able to write with an entire boot down his throat like i don't know how he's breathing let alone typing that letter to a congressperson but elon uh saw the simp signal and responded exactly eventually they run out of other people's money and then they come for you let's worry about that after we get your money why are they why are they running out of money maybe it's because they're subsidizing your company that makes exploding vehicles that's what it makes me so mad about elon musk is it like he literally would not be a person without the government teat okay which i don't even have a problem with especially if you're subsidizing like green energy initiatives and whatnot but like elon musk has always taken advantage of ev credits he's always taken advantage of of of uh like spacex itself is literally a uh otherwise publicly funded uh publicly funded institution this argument that that is now privatized by elon musk it doesn't make sense listen to this he says when they run out of other people's money then they come for you that implies that we have any of your money we have none of your money the government gets none of your money and then we literally subsidizing his business we are as taxpayers subsidizing his um monzi team allegedly uh we're short on time dan no i was going to say it's not literally zero percent it's it's three percent well that that was in the last year but there was a year in 2018. in 2018 he paid zero federal income tax and but between 2014 and 18 uh his true tax rate was 3.2 yeah i paid 50 yep yeah uh here's more uh elon musk is such a douchebag man and not only this you know he really pissed me off with the kovid he was on twitter telling people not to worry about it yeah he says he'll be done by april well he was real quiet now seven hundred thousand americans uh dead no he i mean don't don't go to him he'll he won't shut the up he will he will start talking again because like there's no accountability he has a army of stains like you know whole ass adults that like think you know we're going to the moon every time we post something it's like sheba ela on elon you know my my sheba is i mean i don't know how to describe it it's like this is your oppressor anyway he says uh this is my favorite according so brilliant by the way here's another elon one the u.s federal debt gdp was 56 and 2000 now it's 126 and climb what was why were we spending so much money what what happened since 2000 numerous times well there was another 2008 too this is so stupid we control the entire planet's uh uh currency dude yeah now here he's complaining about keep going out here just send me the link so i can navigate or here it is i've got it here dude i love that he starts talking about the national debt it's like dude first of all your entire business relies on the government subsidized hold on let's go in order here according to their own estimate this tax only covers 10 of the 3.5 trillion spending bill where does the other 90 come from the answer is you okay well even if not true let's first of all let's just say it's true i still want the government like i want the 350 billion who cares yeah it's fair let's say it's true the answer is you okay fine i still want your 350 billion i mean it's it's again it's fair dude i don't understand they live here they use the infrastructure we make their incredible businesses possible do these guys really think they're entitled to pay zero taxes they pay nothing nothing yeah i mean they do think that they're entitled to pay zero taxes because they're productive and they're job creators and you should be grateful every single day that elon musk is here and a lot of people unironically believe that i'm gonna be honest with you okay and i this is like a way that i explain the concept to my friends it's like elon musk jeff bezos these people these billionaires they are like demigods they're kings right and in prior uh ways that uh organized society we had theocratic monarchies and the peasant class justified the existence of the theocratic monarch because they said well god put him in that position of power when it's obviously not the case now under capitalism these people have exactly the same level of power okay they have the exact same level of power there's the exact same wealth disparity that exists between the peasant class and you know the monarchs right and now our justification for it is meritocracy this lie that we've told people that like under a capitalist organization of the economy if you're elon musk that's not because you like enough people to get to the top in the way that elon musk did but actually because he deserves to be there because he's the hardest worker and he works you know three billion times harder than the average american and and uh you know he he he deserves it he deserves all of that listen i'm not opposed to the whole notion of meritocracy but that doesn't exclude someone from having to pay taxes no look hard work is important but like probability is still a major factor in the way that these people become the as successful as they are so in a situation where uh there is no true equality of opportunity there is none in america there is no equality of opportunity especially true if you look at it universally especially true if you look at it worldwide there's no equality of opportunity if you're born in bangladesh you know what i mean like where's the equality opportunity there it doesn't exist so because there's so much probability i think governments internationally should provide at least a base level of material support as best as they can to ensure that like you at least get education shelter if you need it food if you need it you know what i mean clothes on your back and an opportunity true opportunity to have a meaningful existence where you maximize your productivity creativity elon can tell himself whatever the you want i'm just saying he needs to pay his taxes this piece of all right yeah going down u.s national debt is uh 29 billion or uh 230 000 per taxpayer even if taxing all billionaires at 100 would make only a small dent in that number so obviously the mess the rest must come from the general public this is basic math how does a ceo who engages in buy borrow die not understand the concept of debt and and like how nobody's saying pay off the whole history of the net of the national debt we just want you to pay some taxes bro yeah and that's it the the national debt the percentage that is like uh you know chinese owned is like four percent yeah it's all owned by america yeah it's still owned by americans so like you shut the up this doesn't who gives a also you want to know you want to know how you tackle the debt by taxi billionaires yeah by taxing people who don't pay taxes you know why because it's dude this is so by the way he's linking this is so stupid bro what are you doing about the debt you're saying that me giving you all my money would make a small dent so i'm not even going to give you uh any of my money no i love that i love all of these you know what's funny about all of these uh websites the us debt clock or like you know these debt watch uh budget hawks these deficit hawks they rarely ever talk about defense spending like they'll put it in there this is a nightmare they'll put it in there but they're like yeah you know that's like discretionary spending it's not a big deal come on let's not talk about that this is where he linked there's a mobile app dude if you wanna if you want to be a pathetic loser mobile app yeah and i mean the whole notion of of debt is like such a stupid concept because again like you said that these know about that debt isn't such a bad thing all the time because sometimes you can get money buy and make more money with that money like when you invest in infrastructure and jobs and like that right when you wasted bombing uh yeah civilians in iraq yeah it's probably a not a good investment back in 2015 uh la times wrote an article about elon musk's growing empire being fueled by 4.9 billion in government subsidies so that's where the government is spending their uh money on elon so what the are you talking about the only reason why you have a business is the american government holy so that's that's one aspect of this that's like additionally hypocritical and hilarious uh and then also the other side of it is just like how laughably unaware he is or i guess he's being deliberately obtuse here yeah where he talks about like the us national debt and like paying off of it in its entirety and not only that but also like um you know uh refusing to refusing to examine that like taxes are a necessity is he like zero is he like a zero tax guy is he a libertarian yeah it's pathetic it's like that he's trying to drum up fear of working-class people having to pay taxes it's pathetic dude yeah i used to like this guy man it's just straight reactionary this is a republican so in 2015 uh elon paid 68 000 in federal income tax in 2017 he paid 65 000. 2018 he paid zero dollars in federal income tax between 2014 and 18 he had a true tax rate of 3.27 percent so yeah spending is the real problem yeah we should just cut all the subsidies hey guys guys it wouldn't make that big of a difference if i was paying taxes come on yeah and also yeah but you're right is he saying nobody paid taxes because uh that might be a problem for you buddy yeah exactly joe manchin who shot down the billionaire tax gave this rationale i know we're short on time but uh this is all good stuff here guys um this is the democrat i don't like it i i don't like the connotation that we're targeting different people there's people that basically i don't like solving different unless they're iraqis with a dome strike well he doesn't like targeting different people it's like dog that's how taxes work yeah exactly what the they're just describing the concept of taxes and being like this is a scary thing it's like no you target people who are avoiding taxes okay targeting the people i like to just have i just like to throw out there and see what happens zero constituents of joe manchin are billionaires by the way no millionaires in west virginia 30 of west virginians actually uh uh are on welfare that's just what i don't get i just don't understand it's just it's such a fraud this whole thing is such a fraud our elected officials are representing 700 people while the rest while the rest of the vast majority of the rest of america can't pay for child care can't pay full health insurance is very poor and it's just such a it's nice there's people that basically they've contributed to society and create a lot of jobs they don't have to pay taxes yeah sure yeah that's another way to you know do some nice little tax avoidance uh by by using a 501c3 you know bill gates like good guy you know he uses all of his put all of his assets in philanthropy his net worth grew uh from 30 billion to 100 billion by the way yeah elon musk recently on the same day he made that tweet made the most money in a single day of 35 and the history of humanity made 35 billion dollars in one day after hertz decided to buy a bunch of teslas and the stock jumped up yeah on the same day normal stock market by the way normal stock market where 35 billion in one day yeah you you you're a single person's uh wealth grows by 35 billion dollars and the same day he went to twitter to about taxes yeah here by the way covet hit us pretty hard right hit most was pretty hard mark zuckerberg uh looks like he double or quadrupled his net value bill gates uh this doesn't even work anymore he's been retired yeah he's philanthropy all that's going to flame yeah thank god for a philanthropist that dude makes a lot of money yeah again he went from 33 billion he i think he had like 33 billion when he decided to launch the bill and melinda gates foundation and now he has 124 billion that's crazy he's not giving out money fast enough yeah he needs to give money out fast he gets to give money away faster he's making too much money man 150 million dollar spending is pretty wow such a good guy what have you done nothing right exactly 150 million dollars is point four percent of how much he made in one day from that hurt sale people would say well 150 is better than nothing a lot of people would say yeah why are you on a donation shaming donation yeah because it's not about the donation charity and philanthropy demonstrably has not solved all the problems that we currently experience in the current organization of the economy you're saying instead it's crazy how elon musk can buy like a good headline for 150 million when technically he should be owing the government like 50 billion dollars in taxes yes but because we're all so we all sim for elon like he's such a good guy he gave 150 million no he ripped us all off and then he and then they turn around and they're like how much have you donated what the you have a lot more per capita than him yeah but it doesn't even matter a lot more per capita than him because that doesn't solve the problem the problem is literally tax avoidance is built into the tax code for billionaires and millionaires and corporation owners to be able to just avoid and skirt all of these uh all of the same percentage of taxes that like most normal people pay yeah so uh here's everyone here's how all these guys did in kovit elon musk crushed it was like at times five bezos crushed it you know so all these guys are having the time of their life um most of these billionaires actually 50 or more net uh increased their net worth in uh the last year it's just fair dude that's that's the only way to look at this is like it's it's unfair that they uh are not subjected to the same uh same like percentages of like true taxing bro listen i'm not opposed to raising taxes on myself i pay 50 tax i think that's a lot if if we decide i need more i need more but until these are paying what i'm paying then i don't know why like what what are we doing raising taxes on people like me and the middle class well whatever i i can afford to pay more taxes but it just it's like you're avoiding the real problem me paying more taxes is not gonna do anything when you can be making three hundred billion dollars a year getting twenty percent from ten people that's one number is from ten people yeah from ten people insane doesn't make any sense it's it's so gross and so insane i don't have a problem with like raising the tops i don't give a top marginal tax rate i uh but i but it blows my mind it blows my mind at like this level of wealth disparity is literally manufactured and yet people don't get upset at it well some do but they don't get upset at it enough and then they forget about it and then they get mad at like other people they're like oh well you i'm sure there'll be plenty of comments saying you're not gonna be mad through rich guys talking about more rich people paying taxes it's like i don't care you can tax me more too okay uh i'm i'm an advocate for that tax them the same as me and then raise all of our taxes well if they tax them the same as you then there'd be no jobs left there would be no problem that's what i'm saying everybody if these guys paid 50 percent then i'll cut we'd be living in a utopia our flights would be our cars will be flying and uh the thing that the thing i've had i've had robot uh vr sex machines yeah the thing that is like also something that people forget is that like the top marginal tax rate was higher before donald trump and the very same people like kirsten and cinema have literally voted against that when they weren't in a position of power but when she is actually in a seat of power she's like no no of course i'm not going to weirdo increase the corporate tax rate that would destroy the economy yeah the economy is going to go up and destroyed we're way over time i could talk about this for seven hours this is like um it's gonna ruin our country it might even happen it might even ruin civilization as well it has already that's why there's so much and it's like we have this chance now tax the billionaires and it's self-defeating these billionaires are not gonna they're not gonna unless it ends up like a fallout situation where they have their own you know secret organizations and stuff it might be like that i don't know i got thoughts on that too someone's gotta run the bunker you know what i'm saying it's not going to be jeffrey's wiping it 100 billion toilets 100 billion dollars ain't going to mean and uh when there's 20 people living underground in bunker that's true i mean paper money you listen even in fallout they use they use uh bottle caps as currency that currency you wipe your ass with tunnel snakes are coming for you jeff bezos that's right rad roaches baby all right thanks for watching everybody the war the civil war starts now and remember that's we have that second amendment for a reason boys that's right [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,094,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, leftovers, left overs, hasan, hasanabi, hasan piker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 19sec (7339 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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