Jordan Peterson REDEMPTION ARC?! - Leftovers #10

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Can someone with more brain cells than me explain the green screen setup on this podcast?? I'm convinced it's non Euclidean after seeing Ethan walk around with that vest on. Is there a practical reason for it or am I just not realizing the joke?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maycontainknots πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Learning that Hasan has a paper towel roll next to his bed to jizz into truly has sent me πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 194 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peachpantherxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hasan looking like a concerned mom while Ethan walks around in the weight vest πŸ’€ another fuego episode πŸ”₯

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 122 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Reimymouse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the things that has brought me such joy from this episode is getting to see how Hasan interacts with the crew. I absolutely love how he was gassing AB's head up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hotdiggitydog72 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The crack when Ethan had the vest on was a legendary moment. Glad he was fine though lmao.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/diakyu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Leftovers just keeps getting better every week. I laugh consistently more and the comedic and conversational chemistry between Ethan and Hasan is continually getting better!! Love it!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 136 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kabukigrl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i've been procrastinating my booster shot but the conversation with dr. ding made me schedule mine for tuesday, it was the kick in the ass i needed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gushersoup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would have loved to have heard Hassan's view of divorce court, especially because I imagine from Ethan all his knowledge comes from headlines and anecdotes while Hassan would actually be able to bring up relevant points.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lllIII_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked this episode, it was entertaining and interesting. However the interview with the doctor Ding was kinda awkward, not because of the content but Ethan, and sometimes Hasan, kept interrupting the Dr with insides jokes. I mean, zoom calls are already hard to handle, there is always this tiny delay that makes you stop and wait when you're not sure you understood something. It's not too bad but I just wish Ethan and Hasan would just let him speak and not try to say "with AK-47" when the doc says "you should try to defend yourself". Obviously the doc has a sense of humour but it's just the zoom call context that makes it hard to watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Calicoe-Jack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] let's ride i said let's ride that's right maybe i'll my thing will be let's ride okay i like that that's right that's right let's ride welcome everybody to leftovers episode 10. the civil war is inevitable we are here to aggregate we want to um accelerate the civil war yeah yeah this is this is the tim pool broadcast ladies and gentlemen we are here to talk about the civil war it's inevitable why are the liberals avoiding it donald trump won every state donald trump won 52 states actually there's extra states now and donald trump won them you know what's awesome bro is that not only do we know tim bull tim pool is a sexless uh unlovable like i don't know if he's a virgin but there's a chance let's say you know but some somehow being like unlevel unloved by women turned you into like a civil war craving lunatic i guess we knew that yeah i think i think that's there's like two there's two pathways towards radicalization and both of them involve women because women are the problem here okay uh and one is that being like uh unlikable unlovable uh person that women don't want to be around and like refusing to change your behavior or even like you know fix things about yourself and instead blaming feminism and then the other is divorce court well and so i just hear well okay first of all divorce court is the number one pipeline to radicalization you know what they're the you say that jokingly but divorce court is kind of [ __ ] up for dudes there's certainly some issues with uh divorce sport now you got me [ __ ] men's right red pill let's do it let's do it dude come on let's do it ethan klein mra i'm about to [ __ ] be sexless over here yeah ela's gonna see me talk about divorce card stop touching my dick forever that's how you become a conservative and then all of a sudden i'm not blowing up schools yeah oh jesus okay well anyway you know we knew that temple was a sexless uh virgin but there's this other guy and i know this is coming right at the top but it's so good nick fuentes i just i don't even like giving this dude any [ __ ] exposure to be honest he's he's a nazi yeah is he oh straight just straight up no he just like does like he there's a lot of those going around these days just asks questions about what the hell this is so good no this is funny because like it kind of shows you it proves that these young republicans are they're just the way they are because they can't get laid bro they can't it's not that they can't even get laid it's like women won't even talk to them because they're so repulsive like watch nick fuentes uh even republican women and this is like this lady here is already like a repulsive human yeah even though she's like you're disgusting even to me yeah that's that's how you know you've lost it like if if like you know the dollar store version of uh what's-her-face lauren chen or uh i guess these people are just like trying to do their own like laura ingram universe you know what i mean if that person don't if that person doesn't want anything to do with you you are [ __ ] you're done well just watch this guys i mean this is awesome i find it interesting though that you've only ever lived in the united states i just i i just you can only do so much reading before practical experience actually should take you know some sort of precedence and i mean i say the same thing about women too i mean i dare say from my understanding of many of your viewpoints you also promote like the way of interacting with women and i go have you been in a relationship with a woman no so how are you telling other people how to behave towards when were you yourself the actual physical you know interaction with them in a romantic capacity or in fact in any capacity where you you know uphold them in a way that treats them with respect i mean if you're out here arguing that women are basically half the value of well yeah i'm not gonna put words in your mouth in fact cause that's not right but you know if you are looking to some other regimes around the world that do think that women are half the value of a man i have to question what kind of a person who's had no experience with women is in a position to to you know basically promote these ideas well i'm having an experience with a woman right now sorry i netted already by the way yeah exactly i just screamed my pants lady too late it counts i love that i just love that i'm having an experience with a woman right now uh yeah and do you say he's like and i've hang out i have lunch with my mom on the weekends it's not a good one you're having an experience not a good one yeah that's what he's saying they're all bad yeah when you're you they're all bad and i've had lots of experiences with women in my life not not romantically per se but you know i've talked to enough women i've been you know i've known enough women to know sort of what's going on i don't get a man who is observant enough and honestly you know like i said we could go back to great geniuses we could go back to people that have been in relationships like a perfect example is like the pickup artists you know have you ever noticed a pickup artist who have the most no nobody watched pick-up artists i've watched pokemons all the time you know how pick-up art is you watch pick-up artists too what do you mean yeah forget for good but like i think you know the most the most like he's talking to a woman by the way you know pick-up artist i think we all like intentionally avoid that you know you know she's horned up she's ready to [ __ ] he's like i i get it he's like his presence and everything he represents is already like just a mood killer total vibe killer in general i feel like but once he starts talking about like i know women and uh i watch pick-up artists all the time i know what's going on and it's like you're just you're never gonna you're never gonna he's like an anti-aphrodisiac i think nick fuentes is the ultimate uh sex killer he is the the dryer the everywhere everyone's over the blow dryer everyone's ovaries dried the [ __ ] up no periods for everybody he's like birth control ovulation stops yeah men become infertile around him he's like the great replacement uh it's like dude yeah why don't you [ __ ] replace your attitude i'll tell you who i'll tell you i'll tell you what's gonna be replaced all the pop i mean all the people of the world without his offspring because he ain't getting laid that's true that's right sorry you know i don't i mean dude your last name is fuentes you're hispanic and you're a nazi that's just it's a walking contradiction most relationships with women and the most sex they what they say is that really with women it's the same bag of tricks uh to seduce a woman or whatever and i think that kind of tells you something about the nature of women that you know you go from woman to woman oh my god okay okay he he literally went from i know women i've talked to plenty i'm talking to one right now and also i watch a lot of pickup artists and you know they always run the same bag of tricks it's like this dude watch 40 year old virgin and thinks that's how you're supposed to like you know date dude nick if it's so easy if picking up chicks is so [ __ ] easy why are you a virgin bro well he's he's celibate before mary is she is he you think he's uh he's in uh involuntary celeb celibacy isn't that insane though yeah yeah well that's what i'm always wondering it's like why aren't you reproducing like you should be living in a [ __ ] commune and and like making as many well you're hispanic maybe that's why because he's a self-hating uh hispanic nazi so he's just like well i can't technically have people i can't technically have offspring because i would also be diluting the racial right i'm working on getting myself deported like little tricks little things you could say or whatever so do it hack them and whatever and i think that kind of says it all about their names it says it all it says it all when you think [ __ ] pickup artists and like watching pickup artists is a is a great way to accurately and adequately assess how women are like i mean it says more about uh the i mean pickup artistry is one of the lowest forms of uh male expression it is just just a total creep show you're you're literally the you are like the the documentarian yeah koji documentarian of pickup artistry dude bro i've been studying these guys there's they are hold on i want to show you andrew's video on pickup artists just to see who he's talking about these [ __ ] guys are the girl well probably this is the guy he's talking about ultimately we think it's the girls we think it's the time i met that guy i love these guys this guy has the world record for the most people he's made out with five thousand that's cool making her sick yeah especially with the with that that's why he's got the he's got the lip guard yeah you see that do you think that keeps like the way yeah it's like it's like it's like a bumper for you know how the cop cars have that because they're supposed to bump into people that's why he has that he like he deflects uh he deflects women that desire him with the bumpers like no i will not be kissing you well there is just a really interesting parallel between these nazi creeps and just not being able to uh have female companionship and uh i think it's something that we need to study and be aware of yeah well that's what is like so frustrating about someone like jordan peterson for example which is like they go from a lot of these dudes are suffering for sure okay i'm not gonna sit here and just be like you're not not nick frances i'm talking about like the average you know pasty frail white kid on the internet uh who thinks you know who who doesn't have future prospects lined up recognizes deep down inside that like our our their future is not going to be the same as like their parents right it's gonna be much harder for them to get a house meaningful fulfilling employment things of that nature and that that is constantly eating away at them and then on top of that they're like constantly on the internet feeling extra alienated but then they hyper focus on these communities that tell them like hey we'll help you out and it's actually the system that's the fault like but not capitalism or not anything like that but the system is uh at fault because of feminism and if you went to a trad cath lifestyle then you would be able to you know have a good trad cath wife who will cook for you and you know you'll have like your own version of an arranged marriage or whatever what they fail to recognize is the pareto principle the 20 percent of men get 80 of women burrito principle right a lot of these uh pua people use still applies in a nazi utopia dystopia utopia yeah but like hans is gonna [ __ ] all the trad cath ladies i'm just saying like even if it's not uh a brown dude like you that's the thing about the the incels they also want like they demand and require ten out of tens only they only want the most beautiful women in the world but let me tell you something jordan peterson had a extremely based take recently oh yeah yeah dude and you know we're critical of our boy jordan so i want to give him a fair shake on the show today he [ __ ] called out in cells recently and it was very epic okay um it's kind of quiet here dan has no desire for the average male and that because of things like social media okay that dude on the left definitely sells crypto that's that's right i see dudes like this all the time on the internet i'm like that's that's a crypto maximalist you know what i mean that's what he does for sure on the side jordan peterson's calling in some interesting shows though the roommates look up see if you can confirm if that means crypto dude you should have him back on but with me it doesn't look that good either oh i that would be awesome i don't think he would come and talk to you that's the thing no i don't think because jordan's always like i i'm i'm i'm only i'm only described as right-wing because they're the only ones that will talk to me but i would love to see you debate him i would i would love to have a comment i think he hates my guts now though with dr peterson i would i would yeah we need to have jordan peterson on and then we both do his voice the entire time while we're talking to him like listen doctor i've watched so many of your videos and that's why i talk like this is true is literally why i i have the jordan peterson voice like it's a pure purely out of love and dedication to you doctor [Laughter] all right here we go watch this bass to ask peterson along those lines as well as just some of the female empowerment where a lot of women have a some this is what they say an elevated sense of self that that that now they feel like they're above a lot of these average men um i would say to young men who are irritated at women is if you're irritated at women you know as a class of creature there's something wrong with you because they're right you're wrong they're right oh to not pick you if they're not picking you it's because they're right now what do you expect from women if you got pregnant because you had sex you'd be pretty damn choosy too so you know clue in a bit that's a great [ __ ] that's a base tank he's like if you're gonna get pregnant from one of these dead beats you'd be picky too [ __ ] you red-pilled [ __ ] it's it's like a very so it's it's still a very interestingly like biology yeah it's still not that well because technically the reason the real reason why like uh you know women are picky is because everyone's picky people always say this yeah i was literally talking about this yesterday on my stream last night uh when i was looking at my favorite pickup artist of course because that's what i do i love pick-up artists oh oh yeah specific wine uh fresh and fit was what we were diving into uh fresh and fit yeah he probably [ __ ] with the name like that yeah there's two two of them and there was one and then like ran into their [ __ ] studio apparently it happens regularly because dj academics was there anyway wait is one fresh and one fit i think so oh i don't know which one's fresh and fit though which one's fake because like they both look not very fresh but they both look pretty fit okay um so i was watching that and you know of course in the chat as there always is there were some [ __ ] people that were like like you know you can't talk on this like women only want to [ __ ] you you are a desirable man and it's like i was thinking i was like okay well do you want to [ __ ] undesirable women like have you ever been like oh yeah i really want to have someone i really want sex with someone who i find to be unattractive beauty is subjective okay it can be physical and it can come from within but it's like impossible you're not the one to be delivering this message okay you say yeah yeah okay okay let's stop with the beauty of subjective [ __ ] when everyone's scrapping your ass okay okay my point is this though my point is this it's like of course uh women are going to want to be with people that they find desirable yes you want to be men it's ironic men are way are pickier than women women [ __ ] settle down look at me dude women settle all day and we love them for that women are the ultimate settlers men aren't said i just saw kyle i just saw kyle rittenhouse on tucker being like i need a girl with the tiny waist and big titties kyle you're famous for killing people bro what are you [ __ ] talking about yeah you're not ella you're what is eligible about you you literally just kill people yeah he's um that's so like he's gonna find it he's gonna you know you're right guys he likes butts i like big books i like butt [Laughter] yeah kyle rittenhouse tucker goes what kind of lady are you in are you single i was like guys this guy just killed people and that's why he's famous let's just let's not make a hero out of him but you know what there's probably a lot of not tucker by the way oh that was wrong yeah he was on top he was on tucker too yeah crowder right anyway here's here's jordan kind of i would say can you red pillow he's blue pilling a red pill i like that yeah oh [ __ ] they find you attractive well maybe you're not maybe you're okay cannot be angry at women it's stupid women it's like that's it's like women being angry at men it's a sign of psychological trouble that i like that i'm not saying that this is easy but i'm saying that it's a useful reaction what else are you gonna do what else are you gonna do complain about women you have to particularize your problem why can't men find women to date that's not your problem because you're you're fat love everybody who can't work at mcdonald's the woman you want and you you have to assume that's your problem because otherwise you have to assume that it's the women's problem and really they're all wrong and you're right really this is brilliant to you exactly i saw this on tick tock and i was like making a turn is that is the oil money drying up or something what's that it was real interesting because like the incels are his bread and butter like desperate young men that these are who these are who he served so when i saw this i was like [ __ ] base jordan yeah he's on the left over his pockets he's like the left is actually rising up we should seize the means of production i've always been fascinated with ussr iconography for a reason because lenin was based uh by the way this uh gentleman i i can't find any evidence that he sells crypto i'm afraid what does he do he's gonna have self-help or something yeah you nailed it okay okay masculinity 10 steps to healthy manhood well dude um for only 20 bucks let's just talk to jordan pay in full or for free interest installments you can order between 50 and 3 000 what the [ __ ] you selling dude the truth that's what can we buy this for 20 bucks and just look at it dude the problem is like every man wants to be successful but not every man is willing to put in the work and sacrifice by signing up for 10 steps to healthy manhood along with masculinity course you'll also become part of an elite one percent of men who take tangible steps to achieve their dreams one percent where do you get that this course will walk you through and provide you the foundation it will give you the tools and you will be able to physically and metaphorically um restrain women against their will well so the thing though that jordan peterson is absolutely correct on and that i can't believe i'm agreeing with ivan 100 is that like yeah i do i do believe that self-improvement goes a long way i always joke about this but it's like every guy can be a seven okay as a starting point i hate like the rating system obviously but you know what i mean right locally understanding yeah actually understanding like everyone could be a seven figure out what kind of hair works on the top of your head maybe that's bald okay maybe that's fully shaved maybe that's a jason statham style you know buzz um by the way it's funny i'm saying this because i don't think my hair looks good right now but it's fine uh think about what kind of like beard works for you every guy can be a seven i think every guy can be a seven if they figure out those things groom themselves adequately okay and that includes of course taking a [ __ ] shower daily you think every day hit the weights yeah what about this guy what are you gonna what are you gonna show me [ __ ] hat and jersey in the pool bro this guy's a seven i think he could be a seven i think i i mean it i think this guy i think that man i mean he would have to like dramatically change his personality because like you know and and shave that like that's the pro oh my god and shave that fake beard that he has on that looks like it's it's pixelated the problem with well nick fuentes seems like in decent shape and he's not like a terrible looking dude it's just his personality his dog [ __ ] yeah like he's just so repulsive um and you know who else do you think every guy can be a seven look at this pig vomit okay you can't show harvey weinstein again on the broadcast dude you've been doing that yeah look at this you've been [ __ ] guy wait that's not harvey weinstein wait a minute kavanagh wait a minute dude i'm going to call him pig [ __ ] it's a howard stern thing but you know why i call him pig [ __ ] why because he looks like a pig and he makes me want to [ __ ] okay that's good he looks kind of beefy there yeah almost like 70. okay yeah and look rich so but that's the point is [ __ ] the point is that like you definitely can take steps to improve yourself and through that uh journey of improving yourself you will get more confident like i've gone through a similar process in my life as well where i was very overweight and like terrified and had a lot of social anxiety and all that sort of thing this just showed up on google images every time i think of ryan kevin i think his business partner alleging he was involved in a ponzi scheme i didn't say that you did i'm just reading your tweet man what are you doing are you just trying to get me out of this lawsuit yeah what a [ __ ] i'm a cav head okay i went to a party last night at the at the dog pound gym and there's some tic tac boys there and one of them was wearing a trailer jacket was gonna take a photo of it and send it off i can't believe people actually wrapped trailer well they pay a lot of people i don't know how their pockets are so deep man this is directly yeah his earnings his earnings from all the lawsuits well he didn't earn anything yet he spent a lot he's milking those wikipedia editors dry dude there's some dude in his mouth bro for all that [ __ ] anyway um i totally agree you know i totally agree um everything else is outside your control which is what jordan's saying and that's what's that's what's the important thing you can only do what you can do which is be healthy get a good [ __ ] job educate yourself be kind if you're not funny if you're not charming at least be kind that's it that's that's all yeah that's it that's all you can do be kind and don't be entitled because a lot of people are like they just genuinely feel like well i'm a good guy i'm a nice guy why aren't these [ __ ] into me and then it's like well you're not a nice guy then but it's kind of like jordan said if you really believe that i feel like it is a symptom of like a serious mental uh yeah there's some there's something going on that's not right but yeah i mean it's it's not hard and you know listen it's gonna be fine bro you're gonna you're gonna be fine you don't need to shoot up to school okay wow wise words from ethan klein but you know the two if a kid's shooting up at school it's definitely their parents fault i mean how do you must be [ __ ] your kid up bro oh yeah if a high school kid wants to shoot up at school it's the parents fall a hundred percent of the time yeah he's getting [ __ ] by his parents i agree for sure um yeah like the the michigan one is like directly the [ __ ] well i've never heard that in all the school shootings is that we've lived through it where the parents just bail they're like uh yeah this is all right that was not like it's our fault we're bailing yeah they like they don't well they bought him a gun two days before for his birthday and he's like thank you mommy and daddy well they bought him a gun tuesday uh two days before the shooting on black friday they got him a six hour oh they got my black friday deal yeah hell yeah nice you know good good for them you know i'm a deal seeker myself um i wonder if the bullets were on discount too well that's the actually interesting part that like he was looking for bullets at school he was like okay reported that he was looking for ammunition at school and the teachers heard that and teachers reported that to the principal and the principal like obviously you know called his parents and told him about it and the mom's text message from the mom is like i'm not mad just don't get caught next time it's kind of hard to get not get caught when you kill yeah five people at your school yeah and she's like oh [ __ ] time to not get caught we're bouncing down they like bailed they bailed so quick they went to like some [ __ ] they got caught in like some warehouse in detroit it's awesome like some army it's terrible but you know yeah [ __ ] amazing how they knew they were so [ __ ] guilty but anyway back to base jordan peterson you are you're an undiscovered gem of some sort probably not level in a communal level but fundamentally it's like and you do so so much less harm if you look to yourself first as the problem beth and believe me you're plenty of problem for you that's you're all the problem you need for you that's for sure i think it's important where'd you come from oh there's a little uh editorial eyes out there for us to share our opinions and interpretation girl i have no idea what your involvement on this video is but we love you for that um actually actually good video from uh jordan uh this is like his basics he's back to doing like the self-help stuff which he's he he was undeniably decent at at least or very good yeah he's good and and for me i feel like that's all it's a template it's a basic template that they're following you know fix yourself up with small steps clean your room bucko um but it is helpful get it get a [ __ ] penis stretcher for christ's sake it'll add three inches is that true i don't know [Applause] actually i think what a well like a get a penis pump bucko that little [ __ ] ain't getting you anywhere they can't get into that stage they gotta they like i said yeah that's the final stage yeah clean yourself work out it'll it'll give you advantage of your body and health your mind if you manage to get a girl back at your apartment take 10 minutes in the bathroom and get pumping buckle rub one out before you go don't ever don't don't ever go out with a loaded gun right it'll mess up your mind you got to get that poison out of your system but i feel like jordan peterson would be a semi-retention guy like i i feel like i mean i don't know if he's ever talked about no fat but i could see it yeah you gotta retain your semen yeah these ladies they want your cummies you gotta keep the [ __ ] to yourself yeah you gotta make em earn it bucko once a year that's how often i come oh my god jordan peterson does have no fap uh come on no way on dave rubin of all places i love that this guy ripped it and then just put logic view because that's not on the tv right it's a watermark it's not even the name of the channel yeah no he's just he's just like we're like yeah i'm the one who logicview is the one who ripped this video i gotta hear him on nofap but see this is 2018. this was when he was down the meme hole so far i think he's you know he's had his apple cider scare and he's crawling back yeah i don't know where where this fits on the benzo timeline but you know he's there was a moment uh where he was just like always sweaty like he always looked like he was sweating and i suspect it was the meat sweats right i swear when he was on our show dan he wasn't that bad he wasn't like so lost in the sauce um yeah i mean like we talked about last week uh it it wasn't until pretty deep into the interview that he started veering off into the cultural marxism stuff that i even raised an eyebrow at him because i wasn't familiar at all and yeah like hassan was saying he was just a a self-help guy it was my perspective he's telling ghost stories and [ __ ] he was talking about like he leaves him ghosts he hit the mega vape yeah he hit the mega vape all right let's watch i want to see what no fat keep that semen in bucko free and widely available pornography is having on young people especially it's like treasure island we're all turning into donkeys well i think it it's like treasure island in in pinocchio it's all pleasure with no responsibility that's deadening it's it's it's parasitical in a sense and i don't mean that i'm not making a value judgment i mean it's no wonder the young guys are caught up in this because it's an unbelievably powerful technology it it drew up the development of the internet let's not forget right so it taps into one viciously primordial motivation and so these guys are being blasted you know just cause it you know jordan peterson watches porn all [ __ ] day these guys who are like porn is evil they sit and jerk off all day they got socks crustier than the damn [ __ ] than my mom's pie crust you nut in socks is that you're you're a sock nutter i've never i mean it's happened but it's not something i'm proud of or that i do regularly i have a paper towel by my like a roll paper towel by my bedside you've nut into a paper towel yeah how many rolls how many paper towels just rip one of the part one at a time it's very it's very effective what's your load is like [ __ ] it's like a squirt gun i mean how do you keep that on one paper towel it's hard but perfection i hate by the way from a thousand hours yeah yeah yeah it's called mastery mastering the master debate you know i just the thing about the paper towel or the tissue whatever is that i hate when i get it on my hands because then the cleanup process is just waves you just wash it yeah i just get weird because then i touch stuff and i feel bad about like someone else is going to touch this and touch my jizz now by proxy and i feel weird about it who's like is someone picking up your like if you have a cleaning person in your house like are they just going into your trash isn't it just like in a trash bag no for example let's say let's say for example that um i'm getting this i've gone off i'm just yeah it's okay i'm just thinking let's say i jerk off into a tissue in the morning or a paper towel and you know it gets all over my hands and then i go get ready for work okay and i start and you know i guess you wash your hands and stuff but i feel like my hands are still a little nutty after i wash them you got that you know you got that you got that viscous no it's just i know it was there and it's so vile that i don't want anyone have to ever touch it even if they don't know that you know and so like i got a little knot on your hands and then well maybe before you go wash your hands you you got to bring take your dirty clothes and put it in the hamper okay you are thinking wow and then maybe you're not thinking enough you got to be more considerate of what what jerking off into a paper towel interacting with that [ __ ] you know what i mean dog is like probably smelling [ __ ] on a regular basis but you've seen how dogs get like interested in nut it's disgusting they do like they do if you put a tissue like if you're not in a tissue and put it on the counter your dog's gonna want to eat that and that i can't live with no you can't do that yeah yeah no i can't live with that yeah that's why you don't leave him on the counter ethan well not like overnight what are you doing like okay let's say this you've not where do you put the tissue you get up immediately and throw it out no i no it's not just a nut bin i'm a fatty i like to eat in bed you don't eat in bed no i got like little treats that i haven't been again you're living that single life bro so imagine that there's a biological stimulus that has an effect on you and then you can magnify it and the the typical porn actress not the amateurs but the professionals right riley reed for example is my favorite he's a man of fight i do not watch the amateur stuff i think the lighting is not good enough for me to come what are you doing half the time i'm thinking to myself i do not want to see the male's anus this camera angle is not conducive when i see a man's hairy anus and his balls slapping it just doesn't do it for me buckle buckle yeah i don't want to see a man's anus that is not good pornography purchase a ring light bucko that's why i watch the professional stuff with lisa and all right i actually i don't think he actually addressed nofap but i think he's just talking about how porn is bad and then all these incels just made a clip of it yeah kind of fun though go ahead kind of physical elements exaggerated and so men are very visual in terms of their sexual processing um and so you know the guys are pulled into it and they're pulled into it also by curiosity but i think that ethically it's a it's a it's it's not good it's not good it's it's an easy out that's the other thing you know what you should be doing is going out and finding someone to have a relationship with and if you can gratify yourself with no transformation but let's say you can't find someone well then you might say that's an indication you should change it is in fact an indication that you should change because what better indication are you going to get than that no one wants to be intimate with you it's the ultimate rejection and i understand that um dave rubin's brain is a [ __ ] is as empty as outer the deepest regions of space so yeah it sounds pretty good right right he's just like in his mind he's just thinking like i think a lot of people will watch this it's great awesome yeah all right [ __ ] this they're not doing no foul yeah i mean you want to do let's talk about liver king [ __ ] all this hell yes the real doctor so we talked live right finally that primal medicine yeah we talked last week about the liver king who by the way we're in contact with to come on the show this guy of course he's he's he's on that he's on that primal grind and he says we got in touch with ian who we get in touch with his publicist or something publicist yes everyone's got a publicist i love that yeah and he's too busy he only checks emails once a week or something you know when he comes out of the woods after a successful hunt yeah i just liver king here just in my successful um simulated hunt and uh talking to my my pr guy ian anyway so once we are once once uh once uh liver king comes out of the woods puts his head out we're gonna try to get a hold of him get him but look at him the funniest thing is like how nice his neighborhood is like you could tell he's just like living in like this fancy ain't no problem texas neighborhood with the king rancher out front ain't nothing primal about his neighbors probably love him they probably think he's so funny he's like constantly walking around back looks [ __ ] insane sometimes he takes 120 pounds what he looks like a christmas ham yeah sexy christmas ham liver king is he's hot okay i'll say it you think so he's not my type he's i mean i i love if you have ever stepped foot in a gym and have like dedicated your a part of your life at the very least bodybuilding you respect that you're gonna respect that and you're gonna find that attractive because that's like you wanna [ __ ] liver okay that's the main uh no no you guys could build pecs to packs yeah we're just gonna rub our we're going to shoulders and yeah liver king here i want him to carry me like i'm his simulated easily bro yeah she weight i'm 260. that's pretty thick i'm a big boy too city i wonder how much i wonder how tall he is because he kind of struck me as short king no i don't think so i think he might be tall i think he's a short king that's why he's so obsessed with this he's in his early 40s this is a puffy you wrote this p you wrote this liver king don't [ __ ] lie you know what i mean how rich is he wait let's see that light the light zone the height zone and there's no height yeah what the [ __ ] heights on what in the height zone is this go back is there height on there can you control that height yeah that's what that's how i found the height zone uh what is his height well you tell me that nobody has his height he stands taller than his peers from his photos oh come on that's you can't do that height zone no journalistic integrity here you can't just like drop that into or he's short well i mean look at like uh one where he is here oh dude that's minimum he's on he's on the assault bike and it's literally in the lowest yeah yeah no okay that that looks he might be short we go up to um go up to the one where he jumps up to do like the the muscle ups that one to the third one yeah let's see oh he starts at the top that's weird that's strange he's he's careful he's like wait wait wait wait wait but like let him he'll drop down i want to see wait it was just a picture no no he he does most no but i know i've seen the video obviously where have i this is just a photo i think it was on tick tock yo what the [ __ ] it's always real wait maybe look at his abs bro that looks crazy awesome it just it doesn't look natural to me it's awesome really it's awesome yes um i mean you can kind of tell from oh here is an i and a pool of ice yeah look how pensive he is you know ice isn't expensive but when you have to dump a whole [ __ ] bathtub full of ice that's that's ice privilege yeah he's so icy um let's uh go up to the one where he is i think the video is like a little bit above this uh go up no no scroll up scroll up scroll up scroll up scroll up that third one i mean the first one on this lineup here i think that's the muscle up video maybe liver king here i just want to see like him around household objects i feel like that's one way to figure it out maybe i got no [ __ ] audio yep because there's music oh i mean i haven't used how tall no i think yeah i think he's like yeah i think he's tall he could be i don't think he's five three no shot no he's definitely like six foot above six foot no he's not yeah he is all right well anyway you know i'm not impressed by liver king i am and by his chain walking you know what i mean uh i i know you brought your vest we talked about it last time we were talking about how much does this chain weigh you were saying how much does chain weigh like 80 pounds you were thinking um i'm gonna brought his his vest for me and this is about a hundred pounds you'd say um i thought originally that it was only 80 but i feel like maybe it's a hundred like it depends on what the small yeah well depends on how much those small things weigh we can weigh it after i couldn't put one of them in hold on i'll show you just say they're all in dude come on you say they're all in and it weighs 100. we're not lying here liver king might see this okay hold on here so wait this you're in front of me this is i believe this is like either two and a half pounds or five pounds okay this right here five i think it might not be five might be two and a half ten okay this is a very very heavy weight versus can they hear us from here over here you got i mean they can hear you about that you get closer yeah okay what i what i have on in my on my belly here what uh a weight vest that i purchased uh during the the beginning of the pandemic the bay endemic where i wanted to work out with weights and i couldn't go to the gym so i bought this and i did train in this a lot actually what are you doing that to train just normal body weight stuff that you would do becomes much more complicated and much harder because you just you're doing your your normal routine kind of i would just do like push-ups i would do push-ups in that thing with all the weights squats with all the weights yeah i would just instead of doing like regular squats i would put this 80 pound vest on and do it like that abe try to pick that up just to show him how heavy that is i really want it well abs i'm sorry he's in beast mode right you think he's going to have a hard time i mean he's wearing my hair athletic gear right now i just want him to vow has a headband on this dude is going to carry this like it's nothing yeah look at that it'll be embarrassing all right he's mad at him ready to fight get the [ __ ] out of here just cut that out he's not he's not come put it on me what yeah he's not the average uh human beings he's got super strength okay so ethan you've completely vanished like you're you're just gone you're in the dead there it is yeah there we go so this is the back part this is the front all right here i'm gonna put this over your head you got it you need help oh my god oh [ __ ] it's like the thing you get when you get an x-ray but yeah it's gonna feel a little hold on let me stand up oh [ __ ] can you stand up yeah i got it okay here make sure you push your butt forward you don't want to [ __ ] your back up no no push why'd you say that what do you mean push your butt yeah there you go athletic stance you ain't stretch my hands yes squeeze your butt athletic stance you know what's crazy squeeze your butt oh god it hurts my shoulders you know what's crazy is the ice extreme wearing that like just for the for the exercise yeah you know what's crazy is like for like 20 minutes i put on 100 pounds that's so much weight bro if i i could like yeah that's a lot of weight to be a fatty dude oh my knee my knee almost buckled no i'm okay oh my god maybe we should take it off this is terrifying uh i think that's 80 pounds for the record okay 100 pounds what do you want let me see amazon i want to make sure that we get it right like i want to make sure that we get the donkey oh here it is yeah it's it's 80 pounds 100 okay it's 100 pounds i mean you're handling it you're walking around you're strutting yeah no problem it's 80 huh i think so yeah the chain way that liver king's got 120 pounds that's 120 yeah he's the liver king for a reason yeah i mean that's like hey you're doing you're doing all right hit me with a take your take your little birkenstock uh stocks off and and do a do a quick squat can you do it i'll try i don't wanna i don't wanna i'm gonna keep my ass knocked up okay so first of all proper squat positioning okay we're just getting up at this well i'm getting i'm getting tired so it's time to have the essence here i can do a squat okay okay yeah that was a terrible point oh come on bro oh look watch when you go when you squat when you squat plant it on like bro plant it on your heels plant it on your heels you're going too forward you're when you get up oh my god but i did the squat you did do a squat what else you want me to do it's dangerous can you do a push-up with that [ __ ] no no no okay you're you're liver king ended up right yeah stop a bullet yes 100 that would stop a bullet there's like awful plates in there oh [ __ ] it's hard to crack every time you do that i heard it on the mic dude let's take it off let's take it off yeah i'm worried unless you want to keep taking off me take it off quick it's just it hurts my shoulders yeah yeah after a while that was awesome you did it good congratulations ethan see you soon liver king's not that impressive bro i that's why i told you that you could do that like i i told you that you could easily do that that was a lot for me maybe i should get like a 20 pounder when i do my treadmill you can take this off like you can take the weights off of it make it lighter that's cool it's a [ __ ] though to take off and on dude i felt like my knee was about to break sideways your jacket from in front of me on the top match your jacket you move it no it's your move it okay so that's pretty good i mean i like the idea of like exercising without having to do anything but just wear it that's kind of dope i mean it's still you can't you can't have it on too long like it will because like i said it compresses you and you're like it gets it hurts your shoulders yeah it makes it a lot harder to just like do normal activities obviously but the reason why i love it is because just like you immediately noticed it's a perfect demonstration of what adding extra weight to your body when you gain weight crazy bro you don't realize yeah but you know what's interesting like if let's say i put on let's say i'm at like 240 now and i used to weigh let's say i put on easily 60 pounds okay so pretty close to that am i getting jacked by being fat think about that yes you have more muscle mass my legs got to be [ __ ] like powerful yeah it's awesome yeah so if i lose a bunch of weight real fast i'll be i'll have like [ __ ] sick calves yeah but the weight loss process will also you know the weight loss process will also probably you know take my muscles take some of your muscles out depending on how you do it so fat people are the strongest amongst us well not necessarily but that's what you said well your body does need more muscle to be able to walk around and do your regular activities and you are kind of like walking around with a weight vest on a huge one at all times so yes you are stronger as a consequence of that you build more muscle as a consequence of that and then ultimately because of that because you have more lean muscle mass you then can eat more as well which is why it's easier for someone who is overweight to lose weight because their resting metabolic metabolic rate is higher because they have more muscle oh interesting how about [ __ ] that huh you think my legs are stronger than yours no you weigh more than me yeah like 20 pounds i i weigh more than you i've been working out for a lot longer than no shot but i don't work out at all um the liver kingdom look at the discord oh yeah i threw it up two alphas right there why you gotta make me look short though cam i know he's like five nine bro i would just measure me i'm almost six feet tall yeah i heard you guys did zach dirty i didn't do zach nothing i feel like that was that was a fake tape measure so zach came in at 6-1 by the way and when we stand up next to each other i came in at almost six feet which surprised me so i'm almost as tall as zack wait really yeah okay he does present like a large man like a very happy his tall stolen valor i guess i don't know people always think i'm like 510. and then they meet me in person they're like what the [ __ ] nobody thinks that about you no i swear every time i do like i went to the offline tv pop-up this weekend and like everyone was shocked they were like wow you're so much bigger than i thought you would be i'm like what did you think i was yeah do you think back in the day you would have been like a turkish warrior or something because you got like that big is there a lot of big dudes in turkey no so you have that rare gene where's your blood you must have like warrior bloodline or some [ __ ] no i don't know i don't know anything yeah because there's like big jews too like jews are generally like look like me but there's some like big warrior jews too that were probably like you know king david's [ __ ] kingsguard or whatever i'm just saying there's war you got that warrior gene your primal is what i'm trying to say you know yeah all right like liver king that's why i eat a healthy diet of jujitsu yeah very funny cameron no this cam didn't make this that yeah but i know mm-hmm but that's not a that's not a jewish uh warlord he appears to be a warrior and he appears to be jewish so he's looking like he's dressed up like a black israelite so he's got the drip down so you guys want to talk about uh we've got okay here tell me which one you want to talk about uh tucker says covet is making people more feminine love that we have maga rap about kyle yeah i'm gonna written house you i don't know what that is but both of those look like fire we have steven crowder talks to interviews no that one's boring let's not do it is it that cause that one's cringe as hell it's just like steven crowder just straight up sucking off kyle right now i just like barely get over the fact it's like even if you think kyle rittenhouse should have been acquitted right you think it was self-defense whatever i just don't understand the whole thing of like turning him into a celebrity yeah when you when you celebrate his actions killing people when you celebrate his actions you're giving the game away that it wasn't about like yeah you know the justice system working like it was just about just the justice of work in your favor where you can like get away with clapping you know people who you thought were black lives matter protesters yeah it was like what the [ __ ] what is this deification of kyle rittenhouse he's just some it's gross he's just some teenager who shot people straight up gross okay so we have uh the armed christmas photos which are fantastic too so so let's do let's do this okay i want to see i want to see how we are becoming more forcibly feminized yeah it's it's awesome um here let's put it on sorry liver king but liver king has some ideas on that too i would love to talk to him about masculinity is that liver cancer yeah he's liver king he's still with us he's so dominant he's still walking dominated many say he's walking to this day he never stops he never stops walking with that chain on [Music] all right here's why we want to do it and we invite him quality yes we're going to go and climb that hill and here's why we want to do it and we invite you to hold on hold on hold on he didn't even say anything it doesn't matter how you are ready you can't be british and be like masculinity it's like dude you're a fancy lad okay automatically if you're british and like a toilet i don't think he brought it up i think it's tough all i'm saying is if you're british okay and you're a tory or you're toriya jason or worse you're nigel farage you can't talk about masculinity you're you're a fancy lad it's it's tough just but the best will in the world doesn't have that and we've seen more u-turns in policy from the johnson government than i've seen in any government in my lifetime and uh in a very embarrassing way oh some of it's been shocking so somebody who knows him told me and i i was initially getting your take on this that getting kovid emasculated him it changed him it we it feminized him and weakened him as a man do you think that's well i think by the way so his analogy is that getting sick is inherently feminine jealous is feminine fellas is it sus to get covered wait is he trying to stop the dudes from getting covered i guess i mean that's cool like his audience like not me i'll never get covered i'm getting boosted now brother joe rogan well joe rogan got covered so yeah and he's mr man one of the things we have learned from covid is people who are 50 60 70 80 pounds overweight tend to have fed very badly sure now we didn't talk about it by the way he he totally ignores his psychotic point about kovitt feminizing and he goes yeah no fat people get really sick from kovid entirely just not acknowledging the psychobabble of tucker i'm going back so we can play on he was very seriously ill for sure he was i think i mean one of the things we have learned from kaiser is people who are emasculated him it changed him it we it feminized him and weakened him as a man wait wait feminizing is and weakening him is the same i think one of the things we have learned from covert is people who are 50 yeah but the virus itself this is true does tend to take away the life force in some people he's trying to get back to it he's like come on let's talk about that and he says it even worse here yeah just tend to take away the life force in some people i know this i mean it does feminize people taking away the life force feminization is taking away the life force of someone being crazy awesome what are you saying tucker it's like just you know imagine hating women that much holy [ __ ] it really it is so interesting to see them talking about they really want gilead they want the that hand the handmaidens tale in real life like well they this banning abortion i think they want ancient greece they want to they want to butt [ __ ] the homies uh and and be like yeah it's not gay whatever brother you know we're [ __ ] alpha warriors which by the way is cool like you know i'm on board with it good job but tucker carlson would consider that the greek hate women in the way or not it's not even hate it's just like sub it's like sub class it's like they are they are inferior they have this biological function that we need but other than that you know whatever you know that's it it's just there's a lot i see this a lot um on tick tock and numerous other places where like i feel like men some men have taken like hating women to such a degree that like they just i feel like they just literally despise women so i always say like look man um not saying that like all misogyny and all of that comes from like uh underlying uh repressed uh homosexuality or whatever but like you should try some dick you might like it you might like dick and that's there's nothing wrong with that you might explore dick i think i i people make fun of me for this because they think like oh stupid ethan always thinks i think people who hate gay people definitely are vicarious like people who hate gay people so much are definitely bi-curious it's not i mean there's definitely sought about it there's definitely that just straight are homophobic right like they just [ __ ] despise and hate gay people um but there is there's certainly they hate gay people internalized homophobia certainly does exist internalized transphobia also no they hate gay people because they hate their own urges for [ __ ] no it's not a 100 though like there's that i don't think it's 100 there's definitely there are definitely not about it they've probably browsed the gay section at least once i mean this goes back to like sexuality being fluid right it's on a spectrum it's fluid uh so because of that like you know everyone is everyone can be a little bi-curious sure um like i've never i've never kissed a dude or i've never been like i want to [ __ ] kiss that dude you know what i mean maybe curtis connor but like i've never i've never been like i want to kiss that dude but i wouldn't rule it out i don't give a [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] kiss a dude kiss a dude in the mouth dude would you suck a would you think about sucking a penis because that's probably more of a test than the kissing the dude would you take or yeah okay so i mean i mean like i said for the right person for the right or the right thing i'm not gonna rule it out what if there's a suckable ass penis dude what are you gonna do how do you get into that situation you suck off the liver king would you would i suck no no what's his [ __ ] look like probably all [ __ ] terrible probably yeah those that many roids looking like looking like a tire it's just a tire it's just what like uncirculated vascularity on his [ __ ] bicep no but it sucks all the life out of your penis and delivers it to your mouth i don't know why you keep saying that i think it doesn't triple hgh if liver king is taking hgh by the way let me know this affects the testes no hgh makes everything larger like even the [ __ ] it makes your heart larger so i suspect it probably makes your [ __ ] larger too interesting yeah all of a sudden yeah heath is like i think i might uh look into this hgh business a little bit of a little bit of and you say it makes my heart bigger better circulation does it make my brain bigger no making your heart bigger is not better circulation oh okay making your heart bigger is like literally directly shaving like 10 years off of your okay i thought it was like i was just thinking that bigger heart would also pump more blood into my penis no no no that's not no no hgh is actually very dangerous uh and that's why you know you said it makes [ __ ] bigger though dude you're gonna gamble on that you're gonna all right let's [ __ ] finish one clip what the [ __ ] is itself this is true does tend to take away the life force in some people i know this i mean it doesn't feminize people i don't ever say that but it's true i i love when he says like no it's not you can't just [ __ ] say something psychotic and then like and then attach you know people are afraid of saying this but it's true i don't even it's such an abstract weird psychotic [ __ ] word solid freak show that even this ultra conservative doesn't know how to respond to it like watch but it's true i look i think the virus did affect him but i think let's be honest about it it's it's the new wife isn't it i mean it's you know carrie johnson or as she's now [ __ ] the new wife was a new one which the historians like dude look in the mirror very facial expression very strong woman uh is he's showing carrie johnson he yeah just he did get married uh this year is she hot can i see boris johnson may or may not have had sex with gallane maxwell in college by the way actually there's a very high likelihood damn she kind of hot though boris is charming i mean he's a [ __ ] weirdo i mean he's charming he is i mean that's like that's funny who boris yes he's got ottoman blood yeah you don't know what that means but oh he's ottoman right he's good he doesn't look like it yes you don't understand it's just the turkish blood we're doing we're doing fifth column in in the uk we're taking over it's going i mean islamic caliphate very soon lane isn't a bad looking lady especially back in her day i can't acknowledge that she's attractive because no you're right she's a you know a prolific groomer and and i mean people say are kelly's attractive like i eat breakfast well yeah you're saying like no sexism like no sexism if you're going to say that like male 1 she's attracted sexual abusers are hot then you should say females you used to be hot do you see the photo where she's giving a foot rub to jeffrey epstein on the airplane that just came out yeah matt like it's so gnarly to see i don't know why i find it she so she's also in the footrope gang like that's his thing well jeffy like rubs he he liked massages he liked like full body massages and he liked very young girls giving him those full body massages by the way trigger warning i mean obviously we're talking about pedophilia sex trafficking all that sort of stuff but yeah he's uh yeah he was oh my god from two angles why we have so many angles of this it came out during the trial right these are yeah yeah yeah why did why do they have two angles like he's he's a he's a freak for obvious reasons but he also loved like doc oh my god there's so many photos everywhere yeah he had photos all around his house he also had cameras all around the house too i wonder why no wait so i'm so suspicious that he had cameras all around the house wait she definitely like putting her his foot on her boob like this is not a yeah they were they were dating so there's an ongoing trial for the gillian maxwell uh a court case at the moment where they're like trying to oh there's someone next to him what the hell wait who is this probably chris tucker wait there's a guy sitting next to him who is this guy i don't know some [ __ ] billionaire probably do we know who this is dude oh man that's like if you're on the lolita express you're either bill clinton okay kevin spacey or you're like a harvard professor you know that's just like wait are you sure are you trying to throw ding under the bus no no no but pinker definitely um famous harvard professor stephen pinker uh we know what you did yeah you sick [ __ ] yeah yeah so one last thing a merry christmas from the macy family know what this reminds me of dude like when you see like isis or whatever or like terrorist training camps with kids and we all look on and hoard like oh my god dude you know who just sent me that you know who apache is he's like a famous uh dj he's dope either you better run shouts out to apoche friend of the show he literally just sent me exactly what you're talking about i'll put it in the discord group right now here take a look like right as we were talking about oh yeah it's a picture of like a child training that's crazy that just said that to me yeah it's a picture of of kids at an isis training camp holding guns i'll put it i'll put in a discord that was pretty good that was horrible wow that was slick i don't know if you guys saw it you guys can't tell but i mean it's the old phone anyway yeah um this is a psychotic you know i don't care that you're american and christian you're isis bro you have kids you all cater you have guns and you're in front of a christmas tree you know jesus was all about uh deadly weapons and uh [Music] you guys are uh [ __ ] in the head you're uh absolutely deranged you have brain rot this is this is in her family i wonder why both not there uh is he in jail for showing exposing himself to minors oh okay because he did do that he did do that at a bowling alley lauren bobert actually as a matter of fact and then laura robert was like i love your dick tattoo let's get married and here's isis training camp and then here's loan beaubert at christmas yep the only difference is they're white really yeah have a nice house yeah i mean they're not i mean doesn't look like great conditions at least they have a reason at least they're like yo we are [ __ ] our conditions are horrible yeah and we have a reason to be radicalized not that i agree with them you know but like yeah but like poverty and and horrible conditions these [ __ ] got no reason they just hateful [ __ ] psychos i mean not the kids they're just victims bobert is absolutely [ __ ] deranged yeah uh but but you see what i'm saying like you got no reason to be that angry look at this beautiful home you're in yeah nice rustic decor jesus would have wanted us to have these rifles it's just as jesus famously said we gotta kill that we gotta kill the arabs and the mexicans um i i the things like i like shooting guns i'm a fan right hell yeah brother and that's not even a joke like i think guns are i i i i own a gun a semi-automatic shotgun bro for home defense i don't even have to pump it damn just nice eight rounds semi-automatic it clears that out real quick somebody oh yeah don't [ __ ] i'll tell you what bae yeah exactly put eight big eight melon sized holes in your body i prefer not to own a gun but i'm but i'm scared of psychopaths in the world yeah yeah for sure i i totally understand yeah so i'm armed um so the thing is like i like i i like shooting guns i've shot automatic weapons semi-automatic weapons i've done like many streams at the gun range i go to the oak tree gun club which i enjoy um i even get sometimes annoyed by like some of the uh restrictions that they put on to uh weapons in california for example because they're stupid they're not like they're not actually preventing it like what like for example there's a butt stock uh there's like a butt stock provision where like like the stocks that they have like the handle that they have currently on those ar-15s is um is one that you can grip right like it's like a i guess what is it called like a pistol grip or something i don't know the full terminology so all the gun weirdos are going to get mad at me for even talking about this right now they're really it's not an automatic rifle 1588 anyway but it's annoying because like the way to get around the the uh like pistol uh the pistol grip on an ar-15 they just like make these uh they make these like weird grips uh attached to the buttstock where it is impossible to hold on to so you have to hold on to it like this with your hand like this and oh jesus you know go ahead sorry the shoe fits yeah exactly yeah but you know that sort of sounds like kind of annoying um but i do think that like guns should be heavily regulated regardless and not in a way where there's like these weird loopholes where you can just like still i went to a gun show and bought myself a cannon yeah there's no regulations that gun shows by the way notice that she's the only one without a gun which means she's like all right kids you got to take this photo for me now yeah put on the guy i don't want to mommy i'm scared shut the [ __ ] up and hold the gun [ __ ] [ __ ] tits she calls her eight-year-old [ __ ] tits do you believe that wait what's up with the there's like poor trigger discipline on green bay packers here not him he's got good well this kid's ready to shoot he's not he's not um green bay packers is like white knuckling he's just he's not he's not but it's still like he's he has anger he has white anger uh i i don't know i can't speak on that but the one on the right the one all the way on the right is also uh not maintaining like uh you have to always you know aim your rifle wait either on the ground you're holding it up like this oh you can't hold it up no of course nothing's okay oh because if he goes off in the air that's a danger i mean yeah you always like this is the problem with americans is that like they guns are fun to shoot but they're also you know murder dildos so you're you have to recognize that you're holding on to a thing that can literally end life immediately so waving it around like it's a toy is per pocket wait let me check the the trigger to split on the macy's trigger discipline oh they're all got up well they're i'm assuming they're not loaded but these guys that's isis that's what i'm saying well they're they're actually i don't think they have magazines so they're you know smart that they like took it off even then it's it's good to why does she have a uzi bro and this guy's got a straight up like you got an m60 yeah and uzi you know what's weird about this family is like i would think these are otherwise nice normal people like this [ __ ] is out there i mean what the [ __ ] bro what in the bible study is this face what the god damn sunday school but why don't they have any optics like i don't understand there's like now i'm surprised because like normally when i look at guns like there's like real tactical right there's like really terrible builds where they'll put like a handle on top of a handle before we put like a scope on it or whatever what the [ __ ] it's tactical baby yeah i don't know america is uh diseased it is sick it is cancered it is uh i don't know what to say i mean you're these people are absolutely [ __ ] in the head that is an automatic handgun that she's holding in the middle the m60 and that means that they have like a special kind of license that usually like certain gun stores have to be able to both purchase and also you know keep uh weapons like that because that the m60 is you know you can say it's like it's like difficult to to use but that's a that's a uzi that's an automatic uzi like what are you doing i love this this is a christmas card best wishes christmas greetings bro this is literally like come rob us and take our guns like that's what this photo says like we're we're just like i i get the feeling this kid probably sent this to all of his classmates yeah that's the red flag he's like don't come to school tomorrow jesus christ even though definitely some some red flags there don't come to school on christmas um mom's got the thompson which i respect that's a it's an old classic never shot one of those yeah this is like the worst western movie ever like the start of the worst western movie are kind of messed up but uh you guys first i mean let's let's be honest i don't know why they i can't like mom's dying quick in a home invasion scenario i mean just in a civil war what's he gonna do put the belt up like you know what i mean you're using m60 you need to [ __ ] mount that you can't shoot this at the top of the stairs yeah what are you going to do in a home evasion scenario you're going to be the most dead they're all [ __ ] no even she's [ __ ] that's the automatic you're going to you're going to empty out your entire you're going to run out of uh bullets in a matter of like 10 seconds there'll be some friendly fire too one of them is for sure a few of the other ones none of them have like where are the pistols i don't understand where is the shotgun so who are you more scared of in a civil war hitting reaching him on the battlefield the macy's or the bow birds i mean in a home invasion scenario they're all of them are [ __ ] because i don't see a single pistol there i don't see a single shotgun there they don't have good weapons for home uh like for home defense um and they're these guys are totally [ __ ] look at the long scopes they have on there like what are you gonna do i'm more scared of the macy's i mean these guys probably put on camo they get their duck they got like duck calls and [ __ ] you know what i mean yeah they got like survival kits i bet these guys [ __ ] are a rough rider shot these guys heartbeat she's a all right dancing we're out of time yeah arming yourself to this degree comes from a place of cowardice for sure i don't think you're like i mean i mean that the other family is definitely collectors for sure because you can't get that kind of arsenal okay yeah maybe they just love guns yeah i mean clearly they do even though they are being kind of uh you know irresponsible not as irresponsible as the boberts though for sure at least they took the magazines out like that's are there's really magazines in this yeah what in the [ __ ] hell it's probably empty but even then it's like wait let's look at the dust cover on the raiders which one this one dust cover on the on the what the [ __ ] oh the raiders they all like you can i can't tell yeah this kid is not wanting to be involved yeah he's like what the [ __ ] mom you gotta stop pulling me into this [ __ ] i just wanna watch minecraft content creators all right enough of that let's go talk to friend of the show dr ding to talk about omicron ombicrombie and finch you're you nailed it twice and be cramby yeah three times now speaking of which um we got a photo of their whole family together and uh here it is uh before we move on yeah that's the whole family wow yep that's nice look at them they have a lot yeah they figured they have more in common with isis than you know typical americans so yeah they're starting uh yeah they want it they want to establish the islamic caliphate or will they want to establish the christian caliphate the yeah what's the difference at the end the pope is fake we're here to we're here to bring the new pope all right uh thank you let's get ding on the phone with us today is a air dr eric ding friend of the show you can follow him on dr eric ding at dr eric ding on twitter uh he is a prolific tweeter a great resource for covid and uh health related stuff hey doctor nice to see you again wow you guys got a fancy studio now oh yeah the three million dollars we've come a long way since our last uh conversation kovit's been good to us my god i see last time i showed up in my underwear and this year yeah you weren't wearing pants right i was he was wearing a suit top and i caught him without pants on oh my god i know i know we're just we're just that close yeah we're good friends after that after that well it's like it's cove everyone was doing that you know absolutely well it's just funny because you hear people talking about it and then i just caught a little glimpse of you know boxers crossing my legs yeah yeah and i had i had to call you out doctor i had you got you slacking all right it's all right all right so i was gonna wear a suit for you but then you know what i thought we're so laid back that i'm still wearing my leather jacket absolutely um dan are we good are we going yeah uh we're rolling okay so let's just let's just all right so uh welcome dr ding friend of the show this is your third time calling in i believe right yeah it's been i've lost track time space time doesn't exist during this pandemic but happy to be back happy to have you back this is my co-host hassan what's going on insane pecker you could call it i'm a brave truth-teller and i think covet is fake and uh you know doctor i'm here to ask you some hard questions today that's all right doesn't really rot jive with your bernie shirt but that's all right no i'm wearing this ironically he's a communist all right so um dr ding is of course the soothsayer the covet soothsayer he was sounding the alarms on kovid when everyone was saying it was fear-mongering and he was right he's always been right he's dr ding and so i want to know what the [ __ ] is going on with omikrom omicrom what the hell are we gonna do oh my god you know i would say first of all that uh saying it right it's pomegranate omicron top battle you know you gotta know the name of your enemy here look we know it is gonna be bad we know that it is about three to five x faster transmission than delta some i actually read another expert that said it's 6x faster than delta and delta is twice as fast as the original so let that sink in um and some people say well oh it's it's mild it's milder but you know what the delta was 50 to double more severe than wuhan so if it's milder we're just back at wuhan you know it's not that mild because you know the people who say mild they don't know anything about epidemiology first of all it's younger people getting infected and younger people obviously hospitalize less so they didn't just for age uh we're more vaccinated now than before didn't adjust for that you know more people are vaccinated this is just for more people have been previously infected and yet yet despite all these things hospitalizations are still shooting up and there's like well it's not shooting up any faster yeah but it's younger people and it's vaccinated and a whole a lot of people got infected before and also deaths trail by a couple weeks so you can't say that it's milder that's nonsense that's there's there's this hopium it's like a drug it's a opium of hope oh what about copium yeah we call it yeah copy the left yeah some people call it copium but it's but you know like good news is look i'm not a female like i'm i don't drift anything like i don't have a youtube channel i don't have uh any you know widgets to sell i'm not you know telling you just buy my vitamins like are you selling ivermectin doctor that we can buy some dr dean branded he's sponsored by pfizer i know it you brought this man on ethan i've never taken any pharma money in my entire life you know i buy every mechanism from you 15 years ago i was uh i was a whistleblower against merck and pharma companies hate me so i'm it's it's a well-known thing dr ding's the real deal and also you are you have tenure at harvard as an epidemiologist no no no no no no no i never was ten right but you're you're i did a whole bunch of different things yeah i got my doctrine epidemiology and then a separate one in nutrition so people did you get your doctor from harvard yeah both of mine epidemiology fake news that's right we're on the same page on this right a doctorate from harvard you guys have no [ __ ] footing to question the ding yeah guess what i got my doctor from the medicine of bahamas and and uh yeah my dog's a 300 mexican university yeah it's a 300 course we'll drop out guys i am a med school dropout so let's get that i did fail on some things in life all right don't stop being modest go ahead okay no but end of the day um you know you can make a like a really good media career out of that you could just be like i left med school because it was fake and not because i failed i left it because i couldn't take the sjw rhetoric that's a good spin yeah yeah boom i should i should be the next alex jones and and hux and vitamins right sure um no i actually became a faculty at harvard medical school and then i had to drop out of medical school it just [ __ ] just got way too weird and you know life is short you have to choose especially and it's shorter than usual with a covert yeah yeah especially and it's also making everyone you know more peace actually yesterday they found a study that says the virus infects fat cells so it actually worsens covid because it also doesn't just infect your lungs but also infects fast cells and then it causes greater response to sends you to more hospital and so like we're actually creating a vicious cycle right covet is making us all you know a little bit bigger and it's actually creating this vicious negative cycle people not vaccinating is creating more omicron um and people we're not vaccinating africa and this is like our karma for ignoring africa and this is what we we deserve this it's a it's a pandemic of a virus but it's also pandemic of failed leadership so let me let me ask you uh some specific questions so in your by your estimate it seems like a lot of people don't know how to react to the omicron uh threat people are downplaying it people are not understanding it it's very it's too early to really even tell you know i remember when we first started hearing delta it was like ah who cares you know and then all of a sudden it's a big deal is that what you see happening with omicron is in like a a month or two months or everyone's like oh yeah yeah it's it's bad like i cannot i feel like this deja vu feeling where you know people said in january february march of 2020 that oh you're fear-mongering it's not going to be that bad we're in denial again we still have people you know on fox news saying oh this is nature's vaccine it's perfect it's mild and contagious and soon nature will immunize us all that's the biggest bull crap i've ever heard because it's dangerous you know this is faster this is like we're faster on transmission than ever before delta twice delta was twice as original this is like three to five times more transmissible than delta and so we're talking about like on a scale of infectiousness that you know the wuhan can just original strain can just go home compared to this right and we're heavily immunized we're heavily either previously infected and yet it's blowing through vaccines um with two shots three shots it's good get boosters please oh okay that's comforting no no but you know most people haven't because like they think oh pandemic is over oh or like i'm i'm infected before i recovered i got a positive antibody test i'm good to go no the reinfection rates are really high reinfection is basically a kinder breakthrough it's really high it's it's it's you're not going to get the protection that you think you have and also you know i hate to say it there's for those who previously got infected there's something called dead men tell no tales as in if you were vulnerable you had already died last year and so that's why you think that uh you the people who are got natural infection has it better but no you're not because the reinfection is gonna hit you really hard we're talking about omicron has three times the reinfection rate of delta so that's that basically means your previous delta efficacy just dropped like three quarters right there and the antibody the antibodies are uh are are inconsistent right like the antibody development after uh like a natural infection is inconsistent exactly because it's highly bearable you could have a tiny dose or have a big dose and it's not stable and they estimate that one in five people don't even have any antibody response after a previous infection they actually found them and and so basically you're diluting yourself if you think that oh you know i got previously infected and i'm okay no i don't think you're okay it's and and again the boosters a vaccine booster is better than two shots and an infection so two shots in infection versus three shots that your booster three shots is way stronger and they've just shown last week that's good to know i know so go get boosted like seriously until they come out with the omicron adapted uh variant nobody's taking that you know you know nobody's taking the omicron vaccine because at that point yeah everybody's convinced that it's just a griff no matter what nobody's taking that no i don't you're 100 right i think maybe you'll get but you know for example i want to say something like everyone who smokes cigarettes because we have a lot of experience in epidemiology cigarette smoking everyone who smells cigarettes knows that cigarettes kill you they still do it but the moment that changes their mind and they quit is when a loved one dies and we are living in a society and we don't see it we don't believe it until we see it for ourselves yeah all right well i don't know about what that happened because neighbor has to die or my family has to die before i take it seriously a lot of us have this mentality and it's dangerous and also the fact that i think we have to relabel fully vaccinated as three shots if we don't people feel more invulnerable it's kind of like when when we first installed um airbags and seat belts people grow faster because they felt invulnerable when we had hiv cocktails people started becoming more promiscuous because they feel invulnerable and when we had vaccines great but then they dropped all their guard ventilation masks testing distancing contact and they forgot them all and it was like one vaccinated let's go party nightclubs and that actually worsens it because you could drop all your guard on everything else and that's why we have such huge numbers of outbreaks at christmas parties and and and comic con uh anime convention i remember the comments yeah yeah last year yep that was awesome i mean that was crazy there was dr ding was tweeting about how uh comic-con was about to go down in like seattle of all places where there was like the first outbreak in america and keemstar was like kim started a story about how i was like being karen trying to shut down comic-con i literally went to pax east in massachusetts in i think like the end of january or maybe in the beginning of february i went to the bernie sanders rally and i remember like then there was a sense of unease where i was like i feel like we shouldn't be doing this like i had an obligation at that point to do it it was my job you know and i was trailing bernie on the campaign trail but i i did feel like we probably should not be doing this right now and then after that everything's shut down anyway like i came back from massachusetts and i was like everything started shutting down yeah it was crazy it was crazy we took a lot of heat for that one let me ask you this it sounds like omicron is so infect and so infectious i keep hearing delta so like so infectious even the rich the alpha one was so infectious how infectious are we talking about here now that we're on the omicron stage how does this compare to other uh normal illnesses in terms of infectiousness well first of all like alpha was only like 30 percent more infectious 50 percent more effective delta is like 2x more infections than the wuhan word um but you know delta they say it's more contagious than than smallpox um you know but you know basically delta had an r naught r naught is like the virgin r if you're like not doing any mitigation like if you were completely caught off guard you know delta has like six to nine are not which means three to five just for the layman that's how many people a typical person would infect right like basically one person if if it's three one person infects three three each of the three infects three more each of the three in fact three more the original wuhan we think is like between three and five three and four delta we think is between six and nine uh but if this is like let's just say three times worse than delta or four times worse than delta we're talking about like 24 to 30. like it's that seems insane like what is there anything comparable to that no it's like first of all i think it's it's a combination of the art it's also like reinfection because there's you can in terms of contagiousness um it's it's a higher viral load so every breath you take every breath you give i'll be watching you you give out way more viruses and every breath you inhale a smaller amount will do its job when previously you needed a bigger amount so a bigger dose so it's all these kind of things that adds up and there's actually something that they think actually might survive in the air longer because it's more polar like basically the mutations are so many mutations that the molecule becomes more positively charged um and because of that it actually it's instead of like when floating these droplets it could easily get evaporated out if it hits the wall of the droplet and then but if it's more polar basically stays on the inside and survives longer in these aerosols and droplets and that's why it stays longer more stable airborne that's one of the theories but is there any is there any contagious diseases that are this infectious i guess is what i'm asking like measles is in the teens okay um so if if if it's really truly three times more you know contagious than delta this is gonna definitely set one of the world records um and i think i think again we're lulled into complacency we're right now in this denial no way we've never seen something so contagious before we're evasive against the vaccine so quickly before no way but you know what we've been saying no way since last year everyone says you know after the you know the spring wave and the summer waves like oh we're done we're herd immunity it's not coming back boom winter weight and then after the winter last year it's like oh we're hurting immunity is not coming back boom delta right and then like basically everyone who said to where i heard of me anywhere heard of me they've been wrong every time like this sucker just keeps adapting it's a race it you know it's racing to survive and the more warm bodies that you give it the more practice it has to evade and adapt and if you give it billions of people who've been infected already then yeah the virus is going to find a way remember jurassic park you know life finds a way like the virus will find a way it's i got to stop you there don't they say viruses aren't even living well yeah but i'm saying adaptation you got them you got them good i just no but it's you know it's called an analogy yeah right apologies you're right i don't know stop using your two dollar words harvard doctor so are we ever gonna exemplify for you are we ever gonna get rid of this thing because it seems like we're headed down a path of uh covet world forever no i don't think we're doomed or anything like that you know some people call me dr feigl doom i'm not i'm a very positive guy you know i i find the good things in life but you know i don't i'm also a realist i don't ignore the bad signals and i think the thing is like people need to get over that you cannot just rely on the single like layer like if you have a castle you can't just rely on your moat to protect you you can't just rely on your outer wall you have to like multi-layer yeah ar-15s for the whole family what i'm really trying to say is we've relied on single-layer protection for way too much right passwords are you need now two-factor authentication we need like two-layer uh like protection against cobit you need a mask and you can't wear flimsy cloth nuts you need to wear the n95 or can 95 ffp2 i'll be honest i've never worn that then 95. i don't i don't think i've ever worn an n95 really i have like one my brother got one for me like in the in like the middle of the pandemic and it's still getting way better you you wear n95 masks when you go out yeah straight up well they're not that crazy it's just a cloth mask with like extra layers it's not like kind of insane face masks it's the k 95 i recommend yeah kn95 but by the way uh if you wear a beard it leaks so both of you you got to shoot even this you think is leaky yeah like there's actually a [ __ ] i'm going to die of it i'm not shaving see how bad i look you know how bad i look without facial hair i know what you're talking about i think you look like a babe i'm trying to be nice because you're you're you're right you're you're getting married you wanna look sexy with a beard come on man i'd rather die than shave this beard off doctor that's right brother that's right come to the right side it ain't happening no but you see okay uh the beard is uh is only a microcosm of what i kind of want to talk about with respect to like political uh action that needs to be taken uh and uh more importantly like uh genuine changes that people still need to live with in their lives do you feel like and the resistance to that do you feel like we will ever get back to a point where there is legitimately there are legitimately like shutdowns in an effort to like uh you know prevent a wave i feel like that's impossible at this point it's like politically impossible there's no motivation for it we're not australia we're in a communist country like australia or new zealand yeah so you know those communist bastions of australia yeah that's right okay um so first of all i think we have choice to make do we value lives or do we value the economy yeah easy easy answer done yeah capitalism baby that's right yeah yeah because like here's the thing like we you know so many people starve to death so many people um have no health care and die literally because of no health insurance or their health insurance or corrosive crappy it won't cover their medicines you know do we let people do that all the time it's horrible in this country and like we have these really weird values that somehow you know people's lives are meaningless in the face of you know of of some the show most go on which still by the way broadway they have outbreaks all the time i i think look we need at some point obviously you know you have to take personal responsibility please get vaccinated if you're not vaccinated please get tests please get wear masks please don't you know spew your aerosols indoors at parties without any mitigation but if you're gonna do all that and we tell you all these things it's kind of like you know smoking is bad but we try to raise the taxes on cigarettes so we try to prevent minors from buying it but in the end if you're still gonna do it after we know it's gonna kill you you know in our society i don't know if we're going to be able to ban cigarettes you know or ban even bacon i don't think so but do you want to ban bacon well i'm out it causes diabetes heart disease and strokes and colon cancer i'm out pancreatic cancer gout like you want to keep going kidney damage like i can go on of all the things that bacon can cause but i know that if i say don't eat bacon or ban bacon your audience is going to lose lose their crap i'm losing i'm i'm holding it in right now but i'm there actually there was the hamburger band remember that whole talking point from a while ago oh the green noodles are alexander wants you to stop eating hamburgers you heard it dr dink says no more bacon you just switched to more vegan vegetarian or alternative protein sources he wants us to eat soy you heard it here first all right it seems to me a doctor it seems to me like what we're facing down is a like the way things are going you know new york california blue states where people believe in science and support the government to do more to prevent uh kovid is gonna be better off and florida and texas and you know mississippi whatever the [ __ ] were they the governors are like you can't even kids can't wear not only the governor straight up are like you can't wear a mask in school we are banning masks in school yeah they're banning mandates right but yeah but but what we're heading towards basically you know a lot of uh of uh conservative deaths right yeah we're having a burn through and we've seen the huge differences in biden voting versus trump voting counties 3x right it's it's more than 3x it's sometimes 4x 5x depending on how extreme of the tails so is this good do you think maybe it's good for like is this a good kind of for the the democrats is like yeah let's keep doing that let's just kill no no no no no see i don't like that i hear a lot of shot and freudia comments all the time i don't like that because first of all there's dem there's lots of democrats who live in texas and there's people that you know i have relatives and friends who are of both parties and with the difference in this and smoking is that smoking you kill yourself but well secondhand smoking is not vaccinating you actually are are are killing others around you and also smoking yes you all secondhand smoke you kill your neighbors and your family members who are near you as well and that's why secondhand smoking is banned in restaurant we ban secondhand smoking in restaurants and many other places because the aerosols and the cigarettes kill others around you but somehow you know by not vaccinating that's when america went down and not protection you know oh aerosols kill other people around you is somehow okay but secondhand smoking is not like um but ultimately it's so work ultimately it's what it is so let's just you know no it doesn't work that way regardless because republicans don't care about republicans don't win elections uh by virtue of having more people vote for them in a democratic process they win elections by stopping people from voting regardless so they are already in the minority in within the voter base those margins are razor thin bro no but it but it doesn't matter it still doesn't matter because they will increase the amount of stress as they have through republican legislatures all around the country as they have to basically limit who can actually vote and they'll still end up winning winning and not only that but they also have like provisions that they're passing in certain republican states i think texas is one of them actually where they can by uh by the legislature completely uh deny the will of the majority even if uh god forbid a demon rat communist wins uh a position they can overturn it in the courts like and and this is this is what they're going to keep doing so the idea that like republicans dying is like good for the democratic party let alone like is the democratic party even good it's not it's not happening like that's not a real real thing right i agree first of all i think that you know gerrymandering voter suppression actually suppresses way more votes so i don't think it's i think it's a negligible strategy so doctor what's the prediction for the next six months what's just be brutal be brutal about it give me that [ __ ] that you used to give me on twitter that got everyone angry just give me the prognosis doctor i'm not trying to anger anyone but i think we're gonna have a really really bad burn through like a burn through that we have not seen before and by burn through i mean like you know like hospitals overwhelmed most people infected with omicron by by the next six months or a year and you know it's gonna be like are you boosted if you're not you're extremely vulnerable and if basically you know you know how like if you know a flood is coming and you're telling everyone to go to high ground and everyone who ignores you basically are going to be caught in the flood right now i think everyone who's boosted is going to be on high ground and wearing masks n95 masks and shave so that their masks actually work pretty well um basically that is the equivalent of going to high ground like getting the premium masks protecting yourself with boosters ventilating buying hepa filters um for your home and or uv uh disinfection for your home's hvac like all these things them being super precautious but those who don't who go to nightclubs and who do all the dangerous things i'm not saying they'll all die but they'll get a lot of them will get super sick and long covet we know has again long covet has effects of dropping your iq points seven points if you're what i see you yeah drop you get dumber if you get covered i mean that means you're getting brain damage right yeah exactly like wow you're hospitalized but not ice you lose like four points in ice you get like slew seven points equivalent but even if you never got hospitalized you lose about anywhere from two to three iqb yeah that's what we needed republicans to be dumber even dumber than they are that's good that's dangerous but for reference like a kid's lead poisoning you know lead poisoning kids we don't accept that in society right no lead points have you have you seen pittsburgh or or even you know flint michigan i i know i know i'm saying theoretically for the most part yeah no we definitely accept lead poisoning children but lead poisoning children is two points that's it let's party people say lead tastes good yeah i'm i'm sucking down lead extra hard like if you shift the average you know the bell curve two points you know previously you had like what two and a half percent of people over uh iq of 130 um and similarly basically if you shift it by two points that number drops to almost like zero and similarly you know in our society if long covet if if long covert burns through so many people and everyone suffers like on average like even half a point or one point iq drop that's there's a huge amount of like you know mental health issues and lots of organ damage and you know also we're going to be paying for this for years like we're really screwed even if there isn't a huge number of deaths the long-coded effects are going to be with us for years and so this is what i'm saying everyone please dude that's scary though the the brain damn you're gonna get brain damage and got covered ian do you feel dumber absolutely [ __ ] in all right all right i didn't want to say it but i look i just um i don't think i don't think like we're gonna take the systemic precautions so what you're hyping up basically is like individually protecting yourself and your loved ones which you know strikes at the core that americans understand we're very selfish country we're very selfish individuals everyone's an individualistic person yeah so that's a good attitude to have i guess um i totally do see that uh you know people who are uh people who kept up with the latest uh you know in what's going on and with the covert world uh definitely feeling fatigued and and uh being a lot more skeptical every time there's a new variant it certainly doesn't help that uh there are so many media outlets uh especially on the right and in independent media that are saying like oh they're just making up fake strains now they're making up fake variants to like keep the coveted market going ironically that is what they themselves are doing which is you know spreading misinformation and you mentioned cigarettes right we have a lot of restrictions on what you can and can't show with respect to cigarettes in mainstream media obviously back in the day we had you know five out of ten doctors recommend camel like that was that we had doctors promoting cigarettes billboards yeah we had billboards all that sort of stuff um the reason why uh the secret analogy is actually a really interesting one from my point of view the reason why this is so much worse is because like you have it's like you have an entire 50 of media uh both independent and also major media that is promoting the benefits of second-hand smoking and saying that like smoking doesn't kill and everyone that is saying smoking kills is a [ __ ] and a liar and a communist they're saying that the second-hand smoke is actually good for your lungs yeah yeah exactly so yeah so it's it's significantly worse uh and somehow believing that cigarettes are bad uh is and accepting that cigarettes is really really dangerous for you is apparently weakness right like the analogy today in fact uh you know smoking doesn't even cause cancer that's just big chemo yeah well that's big chemo um and stuff man yeah that's that's crazy out there but honking doesn't cause cancer is big chemo that's why we need to go to another big pharma uh manufacturer to do the vapes instead that's the real cure but i think i think what you guys are touching on is important at this point all we can do is protect ourselves and people around us hasson you got to get boosted yeah i know you want to get that boost before the amy cram lowers your iq by the way aim at cream and b crayons no that's cool i i give myself a brain run every day i have stream on twitch so you know i'm i'm actively hurting my brain okay all right well then if you don't you know no what's another five points yeah you're right i just haven't had time between friends what's another five points yeah yeah the ambiguity and finch man that's it's a slippery slope to who whatever like you know i believe in a lot of individual freedoms but at the same time i do not for the record really during a pandemic on that people everyone just like needs to like drop their egos and just work together and theoretically kumbaya to work together but we know that there's so many sabotaging governors and legislatures that's going to prevent that in bad media do you uh have a reckoning when this thing is over of how many people they honestly killed no shot there will be no reckoning those people are going to run the country and they're going to continue running the country i doubt that greg abbott or ron death santas ever get any sort of like punishment oh and i'm sure i'm [ __ ] sure as hell that trump's going to win the the republic is dying like yeah um so yeah no i i think the future does look bleak uh so yeah protect yourself protect your loved ones get boosted i i will get boosted as well dr dink do you think asking people to wear masks is equivalent to tyranny uh probably not i'm gonna take a hard no on that how would you compare wearing masks to putting uh minorities into death camps well death camps is an extermination mass doesn't exterminate you okay mastercard as a liar why'd you bring them all in that's not what they're saying on the right this guy's a liar no it's yeah it's the the holocaust is holocaust was bad because you know uh everyone was uh inoculated and immunized that's that was the bad part denied exactly exactly george washington technically mandated everyone get inoculated against the smallpox for his first year he was a coward yeah that's why i'm a british monarchist actually yeah we still we were i'm so conservative the queen yeah yeah the the yeah the george washington and the uh you know the american reaction area yeah that's real i mean there are people like that but you can you know they don't actually you can't criticize george washington on the right you know like that's their patriot like yeah george washington they don't care there's like they they literally will never talk about that or avoid it it doesn't matter it's like saying you're a originalist or constitutionalist it's like no you're just a reactionary you're just uh couching that under like some sort of intellectual analysis like the thing about it during wartime right a national emergency the republicans support the draft the draft is taking away your freedom you must go to war you can't do what you want you are drafted go to war and in certain ways we're we're kind of conscripting people to to really save other people's lives that's a good analogy i like that we're drafting you to put a [ __ ] mask on your face yeah like we're it's a national emergency and to protect this the sanctity of this country and this health and wellness of this country and economic vitality of this country wear a mask like like you know they believe in patriotism and so in many ways it's patriotic to serve your country patriotic to sign up don't be a dodge or draft dodger remember it's like be a patriot don't be a like to serve your country once upon a time on the right that was like a good thing but like now how come being patriotic and protecting your neighbors is a bad thing uh because patriotism is defined by whoever uh is the most like reactionary or nationalistic uh aesthetically it has nothing to do with like true patriotism or i don't know like the german kind of patriotism or even the chinese patriotism of like uplifting uh and and trying to make the entire country prosper uh it's not about that at all it's just whatever reactionary politicians have decided is patriotic which is owning a gun wearing snakeskin leather boots and a big belt buckle and saying even though you have a [ __ ] mba from harvard and you know or a law degree you know that's like that's the reason why ted cruz who is is not even remotely close to the working class can act like he's more working class and more patriotic and more american than alexandria ocasio-cortez because she's brown and she's from you know new york doctor my friend is trying to radicalize you i'm just no i mean that's not going to happen he's do you think the heart you have something to say because he goes to harvard well i don't think i'll be able to radicalize someone who is like a a figure in mainstream media who has like well-established positions can we radicalize you dr dane is there a chance radical okay let's test it i mean he did he did he did specify that he's are you for medicare for all oh yeah of course okay keep testing him see how radically he is okay good we're gonna give him a rad test okay i mean i don't know what the brad test okay doctor dink and the you know the sunrise movement pledge for you know green green energy and everything how do you know about unions okay what do you what do you think about unions i'm pro-union of every sort other than police unions okay oh pretty good dr ding a radical i want to live in a world of of star trek where you know like okay that's communism straight up communism where you know money you know the pursuit uh to better ourselves is a pursuit of humanity rather than a pursuit of acute accumulation of wealth yeah would you say you would like to live in a stateless classless moneyless society i believe we should live in a world where everyone can better themselves without having to worry about a lot of the he said he said that hold people back i don't like things that hold people back thank you as always watch out for that omicron protect yourself get those boosters and uh let the bodies hit the floor oh god yeah yeah i wanna i wanna be able to come back and i wanna be able to see you still healthy and not slurring your speech because of some covet infection okay absolutely please please everyone stay safe please shave so your mask works even better all right wow okay all right dr dink thank you as much as always and uh you stay stay uh keep doing your thing okay keep keep writing the good word out there all right thank you to the ding i call him affectionately uh you know good guy great guy highly educated very credible at dr eric ding on twitter here i'll save his prospects uh he doesn't agree with me on anything don't worry oh yeah he disavows everything he disavows everything about me he told us off the show he said guys we i disavow it all yeah it's all i'm a capitalist safe he's safe now i'm a capitalist through and through i do not deviate well that's show good one a lot of fun it's the we lived we learned eyes had some lows we lived we learned we laughed and we loved we did love yeah a lot of love live laugh learn love did you say learn yeah you did um when are we off when are we off like when do we not have an episode dan next week we have we should probably mention that right yeah uh we mentioned on one of the other shows but we should mention it here too we're going on hiatus for uh the break in a couple weeks from now so there will be uh two more episodes no wait just one more episode before the break oh my god so next week will be the last episode and then we'll be on uh break and then we come back and what january something uh yes end of january this is communist by the way communism is when you take long breaks that's right and the longer the more communist it is yeah we're off uh until um the whole show is dark until the 16th of january so the whole show is dark that's interesting we're going into stealth mode that's right that's right this is what's right this is when you do the steroids just come back all year [ __ ] peeled all right i'm down three weeks you think i can make a transformation in three weeks i mean i'd have to stop eating straight up no food no fap no food yeah never drug off semen retention like our good doctor jordan peterson demands um you know that was crazy how dr ding was like keep all your semen he's like yeah that was weird that he was known fab too i guess you know i was like wow maybe he's a truth teller after all i was i misunderstood it was just totally out of pocket for epidemiologists but yeah he was saying keep every drop harvard approved nofap all right so we'll be back next week and uh well we'll tell you goodbye next week and we'll get all sappy about it but until then we're still here for now unstoppable indomitable impregnable that's right real patriots boosted except hassan doesn't isn't it boosted are you boosted i'm boosted i'm about to get boosted get boosted boys we can't lose any of you yeah none of you should die dakota no no we need every [ __ ] viewer we don't want you turning republican by losing iq points right [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,168,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, leftovers, hasan, hasan piker, hasanabi
Id: X_IAposyoTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 46sec (7126 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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