Dominate Baldur's Gate 3: Ultimate Thief Build

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today we take a look at the ultimate Thief build for Boulders Gate 3 Let's get to it are you sick and tired of gold as a concept in the land of fyon are you just over the whole idea of spell slots in general do you wish that when you were in combat your enemies just stood there and let you beat them senseless if you've answered yes to any of these questions then I have the perfect build for you I have spent days optimizing and going through multiple iterations of this build in order to come up with what is the ultimate thief in Boulders Gate 3 Let's Kick things off with how to level if you are starting a fresh character you want to make sure you pick the background urchin that is going to give you proficiency and slight of hand and stealth this is pretty important but if you're just respecing a character you can still make this work and I'll tell you how in a minute you're going to choose Bard as your base class for your cantrips you want vicious mockery and minor illusion for your starting spells you want to pick long Strider disguise self and featherfall for your last spell I suggest dissonant Whispers however you can pick whatever you want here make your attributes look like this eight in strength 16 in dexterity 14 into Constitution eight into intelligence 10 into wisdom and 17 into Charisma I know you're looking at that and going 17 into Charisma that's weird but it'll make sense in a minute next you want to click your skill proficiencies move performance to perception leave deception and intimidation alone if you did not pick urchins you will need to move two of your points to slight of hand and stealth but if you picked Urchin from the start you should already have plus five and slight of hand and plus five into stealth starting off you won't be quite as good at manipulating people but we'll fix this later on at level two you get to pick another level one spell doesn't really matter what you pick here because we're going to end up swapping it out I do suggest Thunder Wave though because it's a pretty handy spell early on at level three the first thing we're going to do is jump down to the skills and we get to choose our expertise into two skills it is super important that you do not miss this step and you swap those two points into expertise and slight of hand and stealth this should put you at plus seven in each of those skills next we get to choose our subass we're going to choose College of Swords we get to choose another spell you're going to select hold person then you're going to go to replace Place spell and swap out Thunder Wave for invisibility next you're going to choose your fighting style for our fighting style we're going to select dueling now early on we're going to be dual wielding weapons and we won't get the benefit from dueling but this is to save us a resp later so we're just going to go ahead and choose it now because later on we're going to be carrying a shield and a single weapon at level four we get to choose another C trip I would go with Mage hand here we rely on Shadows so you don't really want anything here that's going to cast light so having Mage hand is going to be your better option for spells we're going to select knock we should nail every single lock that we ever try to pick but just in case you run into a stubborn one knock is a super handy spell to have from a role playing standpoint it just makes us a better Thief then we get to choose our first feet and for our first feet we are going to choose ability improvements and we are going to dump both of those points into dexterity at level five we are going to pick up our first level of Rogue then we are going to pop over to our abilities so if you started off as an urchin this is super simple you're going to drop drop down to persuasion and deception and you are going to put your expertise in Persuasion and deception by default your normal proficiency should just go into acrobatics giving you plus 6 to acrobatics if it did not make sure that you make it do so the reason we choose all that acrobatics is so that it makes it extremely difficult for enemies to shove us now if you did not start urchin this is your chance to gain expertise in at least one of these skills you have to sacrifice acrobatics but you will become a master at either persuasion or deception then you move your other expertise Point into perception at level six we are going to stick with Rogue and at this point this is when you become an absolute monster you're tough to deal with up until this point but at this point you are a force to be reckoned with because we get the ability to bonus action hide this allows us to attack and in most cases we will be able to hide right in an enemy's cone of vision at level seven we head back to Bard at this point we get to choose another spell for this spell I suggest Glyph of warding at level eight we get to pick another spell for this one one I suggest speak with dead you could also go with speak with animals here if you prefer that over speaking with dead people these are two really good utilitarian ritual spells that will save us from having to use a spell slot but Fire spark what about all of my damaging spells don't you worry your pretty little head about it I'll explain in a minute at level 9 we get our ultimate spell our spell that makes us absolutely broken and that is greater invisibility at level 10 we continue sticking with Bard and we get to pick another spell I suggest freedom of movement it pairs very nicely with long Strider we also get to pick another feat at this point and for this one I suggest going with Sharpshooter as it will give us a big boost to our damage at level 11 we are going to go back to Rogue and we get to pick our Rogue subclass for that subass we're going to choose Thief this gives us two bonus actions and finally at level 12 we stick with Rogue and we get to pick our third and final feat for this one you want to choose alert as this will help to ensure that we always get to go first when combat starts now that you know how to level the build let's talk about kiding it out with all of the best items we're going to cover all of the items that we're going to get from act one which is most of our set and then we'll talk about the items that we need from act two going into act two this build should be pretty much complete you should be level six an absolute monster and you should have almost all of your gear starting with our head slot we want the diadem of Arcane Synergy it states that when we inflict a condition which we will do often we gain two turns of Arcane Synergy Arcane Synergy allows us to add our spell casting modifier onto our damage when this build is all set done you will add your spell casting modifier to your damage your strength to your damage and your dexterity modifier to your damage you can find this item inside the inquisitor's chamber in the gith Yankee crash next the graceful cloth this is one of our most important items this thing is absolutely insane for this build this will put your dexterity at 20 this also gives you permanent cats Grace which is insane because that means anything you roll aside from saving throws that is related to dexterity is rolled with Advantage this means all of your stealth rolls and all of your slight of handle rolls automatically get Advantage you also get Nimble as a cat which states that you gain plus one bonus to your dexterity saving throws and it also increases your jump Distance by 1.5 M it's sold by Lady Esther at the rosy Mo Monastery Trail just after taking the mountain path next you want the gloves of archery the gloves of archery are very important if you did not pick a race that has Proficiency in Long bows there's only one of those so if you're not playing an elf you need these gloves even if you are playing an elf these gloves still give a flat plus two damage to your ranged attacks which makes them super handy but later on they can be replaced with something that does more damage but I designed this build to work with any race that you want to play so if you're not playing an elf make sure you grab these gloves you can buy them from the goblin Trader in the goblin camp in act one next we have the gloves of power the gloves of power give you the absolute Bane we're going to talk about that here in a minute but the main thing that we want from these gloves are the plus one to slight of hand these gloves are pretty much a guaranteed pickup because the first time you go to the Druid Grove and you get in that first battle there's a goblin there that will drop them his name is zy or however you pronounce that you can see it on the screen anyway let's talk about these gloves in the absolute Spain because there's an issue here so it doesn't state it but you need to be branded in order for these gloves to work you have to get the absolutes brand and from what I can tell the only people that can get the brand or the only people that the brand works on are people who are infected with a parasite you can tell you have the ability and that the brand actually worked on you if you have the tag branded which you can see here if you are playing an elf as your main character this build is your main character build and you get the absolute brand which you should just get it there's no real negative side effect to getting it other than some slight disapproval these will be the only gloves that you need and they are perfect for the build because they have a chance to inflict Bane on a Target which is a condition and we have some synergies with inflicting conditions on targets so these will be the only gloves that you need to equip any other class that we play won't have Proficiency in Long bows so we will need to rely on our gloves of archery to give us that proficiency and our boost to damage when we are in any combat situation ideally you will just leave your gloves of archery on all the time unless you plan to steal things then you will swap over to the gloves of power to give us a plus one bonus to our slight of hand moving on to our boots we want the boots of Stormy clamor These Boots state that when the wearer inflicts a condition on a hostile Target they inflict two turns of reverberation reverberation makes it more difficult for targets that have this debuff on them to make their strength dexterity and Constitution saving throws when they have a total of five stacks of this debuff they take 1 D4 Thunder damage and they have to make a dc10 constitution saving throw or fall prone but remember they will also have a penalty to that Constitution saving throw you can purchase these boots from a vendor in the underd dark after you complete the quest help omom or however you pronounce that name investigate the parasite our next item is the smuggers ring this gives us plus two to St plus two to slight a hand and a negative 1 to Charisma which is why we chose 17 in Charisma this bumps us down to 16 where we set comfortably at an even number that actually matters The Smuggler's ring can be looted from a skeleton hidden in a bush on the lower path following the river near the broken bridge section at the Risen Road our next ring is a damage bonus ring which is the strange conduit ring this ring states that when we are concentrating on a spell the wearer's weapon attacks deal an additional 1 D4 psychic damage and now explain how the whole constantly concentrating on a spell thing is going to work without expending all of our spell slots here in a second but you can get this ring inside The Inquisitor Chambers and the GI Yan crash now the next ring that we need can be picked up really early on in act one and that is the shape shifters Boon ring this states that while we are in Wild shape or disguise self we gain one D4 bonus to all of our ability checks this means that we will get a 1 D4 bonus to all of our stealth checks and our slide of hand checks and any other checks that we need to make you can get this ring from the strange Ox in the Druid grovee it's a little tricky to get I will explain how to get it once we're done covering all the items next is our amulet we're going to grab the silver pendant this gives us the guidance cantrip this is our cantrip to ensure that we always have a way to be concentrating on something it also gives us the ability to cast guidance on oursel which gives us another 1 D4 bonus on all of our ability checks so with the shape shifters Boon and guidance we get an additional 2 to eight bonus on all of our ability checks the silver paint can be looted from a skeleton on the Harbor Outpost Southwest of the Druid Grove the next item that we're going to go after is the club of Hill giant strength this sets our strength to 19 between this and our chest piece we are insanely versatile with maxed out dexterity and almost maxed out strength the club of Hill giant strength can be found in the Arcane Tower in the underdog now for our main weapon the most absolutely insane bow in the game and that is the Titan string bow this thing is nuts and I'm going to explain to you why but first let's talk about where you can get it you can get it in act one from brim the traiter in The zarum Hideout or however you pronounce that after completing the quest find the missing shipment but don't open the box she's going to tell you not to open the box listen to her because afterwards you will get to trade with Brim and get his special stash which will contain this bow now let me explain to you why this bow is insane this bow has the ability that it adds your strength modifier to all of the damage dealt with this weapon however it is possibly bugged or this is the way it's intended to work I'm not sure it Stacks that strength damage with other damage additions so for example if you use a special Arrow you will get the damage added to your base attack then you will also get that damage modifier added to the arrows damage on top of that so it will give you a total of eight additional damage because you're going to have the club of Hill giant strength equipped which means your strength will effectively be 18 which gives you plus4 on on top of that if you set your sneak attack to automatic and you don't use the sneak attack for some reason it doesn't work if you click the sneak attack button to do the sneak attack but if you allow the sneak attack to happen automatically when it can happen you will get a bonus plus4 damage to your sneak attack damage as well as plus4 bonus to your base damage now early on in act one I also suggest purchasing a hunter's dagger these daggers because you can buy more than one have the ability that on a hit the target must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become ruptured ruptured deals damage to them if they move I recommend putting the club of Hill giant strength in your offand and the Hunter's dagger in your main hand you can purchase one of these daggers from rowa Moonglow in the shattered sanctum now let's cover our act two items the first item that you want to grab in act two is the cloak of cunning broom it can be purchased from Mattis at the last lights in and it adds the ability that when we disengage we create a fog Cloud that we can then use to block block enemy line of sight or hide in once we get our second bonus action we can bonus action disengage then bonus action hide inside of the fog Cloud if we need to the other item that you want to grab in act two is the Gloom strand Shield this gives us plus one to stealth once you get this Shield you will unequip the Hunter's dagger and equip the club of Hill giant strength in your main hand and this in your off hand this can be found in a chest south of the Toll House in the ruined battlefield of Act 2 before we talk about how the build plays and the strategy behind it I want to cover how to get the shape shifters Boon ring because it's a little tricky I advise holding off on attempting to do this until you have invisibility once you have invisibility getting it becomes super easy to do there are some ox hanging out in the Druid Grove there is one that is called the strange Ox you need to kill that Ox I highly advise casting minor illusion to draw everybody's attention over out of the way this ensures that they don't get into combat when you kill this ax then you want to put out all the Torches just in case you need to hide or do any other Shenanigans but you should be able to kill it in a single shot and just cast invisibility on yourself on your next turn use a special Arrow like a fire arrow is what I suggest to use but any other high damaging special Arrow should work and you should be able to do 15 damage to this thing in a single hit once it's dead it will explode probably kill some of the other ox and hopefully you can get away without a bunch of aggro but if you do take a bunch of aggro just let them come to you and take the hits on that first round on the second round when it comes around to your turn cast invisibility on yourself and then just walk out of the Grove that's it that's all you have well you want to loot your ring and then walk out of the Grove that's all you have to do it's super easy to get all right now that you know how to level the build and you know all of the items that you need to get a hold of let's talk about how the build plays because this build is insane and it's probably one of my more stronger builds you want to steal every single scroll from every vendor that you can steal this is going to give you an an absolutely insane range of magic magic that is all based off of your charisma which you have plenty of to do pretty much anything that you want to do magic related with whatever scroll you can get your hands on by stealing you also want to steal every single special Arrow or anything else that is combat related so if there's grenades or vials of stuff poisons healing pots all of that clean every vendor you run into out of everything that they have that is useful in a combat scenario you can easily stock up on this by resetting your vendors your vendors should reset if you level a character or if you perform a long rest you can perform as many long rests as you need to because every time a vendor refreshes they will have food on them which is food that you can just steal once you have the graceful cloth you are guaranteed to steal pretty much anything without fail unless you somehow manage to roll two ones which is possible but it's very rare the other thing you can do to rapidly reset a Trader is level a character so you can by a hlink and level them up once steal everything from a Trader level them up again steal everything from a Trader level them up again if they are maxed out at this point you can just go to Withers and respect them this will also reset the Traders and then you can steal your gold back from Withers this will allow you to rapidly stock up on as much combat stuff as you could possibly need and an insane amount of Scrolls the other absolutely fantastic thing about this is there are often Scrolls that are higher than levels that you can actually cast current at whatever point of the game you are in and they're all essentially free to you and as many of them as you want when you go to steal something you want to ensure that you have the gloves of power equipped I just put the gloves of power and the gloves of archery on a custom hot bar and then I can just click them and easily swap between them for if I'm stealing or if I'm in combat the other thing that you want to do is every day after you have completed a long rest when you wake up you want to equip the shape shifter's Boon ring then you want to use disguise self to disguise disguise into whatever you want to disguise into then you can unequip The Shape Shifter spoon ring and put the strange conduit ring on in its place you will keep the buff that is essentially a permanent guidance buff as long as you continue to stay shape-shifted if you change your shape you will have to do this again or if your shape shifting breaks for whatever reason you will have to do this again and it absolutely Min Maxes the build and ensures that you are always able to successfully make your stealth checks as well as your slight of hand checks seriously with this setup your stealth is so high that you can in most cases and I say in most cases because if they have dark vision that is your one downfall is things that have dark vision can for some reason just instantly see you without having to make any roll but anything that doesn't have dark vision you can hide right in front of it like right in its cone of vision about an arms length away and successfully hide every time when it comes to combat before combat starts or right as combat starts I highly suggest casting guidance on yourself this ensures that you're concentrating on a spell and it's a spell that you don't really have to worry about because it's a can trip you can cast it as many times as you need to without worrying about expending any spell slots and it not only helps to ensure that we can make all of our stealth checks even better it also means that we are able to do an extra 1 D4 psychic damage on top of our normal damage win in combat you also want to ensure that you always dip your weapon in Poison it doesn't matter what poison you dip your weapon in as long as it is poison that adds an effect so you want an effect poison and not a damage poison this ensures that we are applying an effect to a Target which helps to stack reverberation on them which in a lot of cases is just going to cause them to take extra damage and fall over on top of that is also going to reduce their chance to save against future poisons and any spell Scrolls that you may use on them that requires them to make a strin constitution or dexterity saving throw later on in the game once you get the ability to bonus action hide you basically pop out a hide make an attack go back into hiding and then just rinse and repeat that later on after that once you get the cloak of cunning broom you can easily attack someone use your bonus action to disengage then your bonus action to hide to hide inside of a fog Cloud this makes you immune to anybody with dark vision then once it's your turn again you just step out of the fog Cloud attack and then rinse and repeat this build is not only broken it is insanely strong it is perfect for solo gameplay or gameplay with a group it's a little rough to start because you're starting as a Bard but once you start to collect a majority of your items in act one you will rapidly become absolutely insane because you will have an arsenal of stuff in your backpack to throw at the enemy and that is pretty much it it is a very simple build to play with an absolutely ridiculous amount of Versatility and the only real things you have to remember is to every morning equip the shape shifters Boon ring disguise into something and then swap back to the strange conduit ring if you are doing a bunch of stealing which you should only be doing on occasions because you should be just stocking up so you don't have to worry about it you want to equip the gloves of power unless you are an elf and then you can just leave the gloves of power on all the time and then when you're not stealing you swap back to your gloves of archery and then you just commence to running a mock on fyon all right that is going to be it for this one hopefully you found this build helpful and informational if you did please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you'll be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more balers gate content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos a sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 57,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3 thief build, baldur's gate 3 thief guide, baldur's gate 3 thief, baldur's gate 3 best thief build, Baldur's Gate 3 build, Baldur's Gate 3 build guide
Id: 1rckNTEWO0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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